Mirad Lexicon/Mirad-English-J
- ja = afore, ante, prior to
- ja- = ante-, fore-, pre-
- ja duhogla job = how long ago
- ja gla job = a long time ago
- ja glaj = a long time ago
- ja glo job = a short while ago, not long ago
- ja gloj = a short while ago, not long ago
- ja haj van = by the time
- ja hij = ago, before now
- ja his = before this, heretofore, prior to this
- ja huj = ago, before then
- ja hus = before that, prior to that, theretofore
- ja juab = before Monday, by Monday
- ja nuxen bi dobnix = pretax
- ja van = before
- ja yeb hiis = hereinbefore
- ja yogjob = a short while ago
- ja zemaj = AM, a.m., ante meridiem
- jaa = anterior, prior
- jaa juabi = on past Mondays
- jaaa = jaaa
- jaabdabea = predominant, predominating
- jaabdabean = predominance
- jaabdabeay = predominantly
- jaabdaben = predominance, predominating, predomination
- jaabdaber = to predominate
- jaabdabwa = predominated
- jaabdabway = predominately
- jaabektuna = preoperative
- jaabexwa = pre-worn, previously-worn
- jaabsun = pre-coat, primer
- jaabsunen = pre-coating, priming
- jaabsuner = to pre-coat, to prime
- jaabsunwa = pre-coated, primed
- jaafden = pre-authorization
- jaafder = to pre-authorize
- jaafdwa = pre-authorized
- jaagsea = pre-adolescent
- jaagseat = pre-adolescent
- jaagseatan = pre-adolescence, preadolescence
- jaajdin = prehistory
- jaajdina = prehistoric, prehistorical
- jaajdina sezgoblar = celt
- jaajdinay = prehistorically
- jaaloyjagat = preteen
- jaamaryopa = pre-dawn
- jaamxen = pre-heating
- jaamxer = to pre-heat, to preheat
- jaamxwa = pre-heated
- jaan = anteriority
- jaanyan = prequel
- jaaotyanxwa = pregrouped
- jaaxea = proactive
- jaaxean = proactivity
- jaaxeay = proactively
- jab = annum, twelvemonth, year
- jaba = annual, yearly
- jabay = annually, yearly
- jabdyes = almanac, yearbook
- jabektuna = premed, premedical
- jabelunaber = to preload
- jabelunabwa = preloaded
- jaben = preparation, preparing oneself
- jaber = to make ready, to pre-set, to prepare, to ready
- jabexen = booking, reservation, reserving
- jabexer = to book, to hold in advance, to reserve
- jabexun = booking, reservation
- jabexwa = booked in advance, reserved
- jabexwa sim = reserved seat
- jabiea = preempting
- jabien = occupation, pre-empting, pre-taking, preempting, preemption
- jabier = to occupy, to pre-empt, to pre-take, to preempt
- Jabij = New Year's
- Jabij Zomoj = New Year's Eve
- jabik = precaution
- jabika = precautionary, providential
- jabikay = providentially
- jabikea = precautionary, provident
- jabikien = taking precautions
- jabikier = to take precautions
- jabikuen = caution, cautioning
- jabikuer = to caution
- jabikuwa = cautioned
- jabikuyea = cautionary
- jabius = preemptor
- jabiut = preemptor
- jabiwa = occupied, pre-empted, pre-taken, preempted
- jabiyea = preemptive
- jabjea = year-long, yearlong
- jabjud = anniversary
- jabnas = annuity
- jabnasaxen = annuitization
- jabnasaxer = to annuitize
- jabnaxaxwa = annuitized
- jabnix = annuity, pension
- jabnixut = annuitant
- jabnuix = annual budget
- jabnux = annuity
- jabuafxen = preallocating
- jabuafxer = to preallocate
- jabuafxwa = preallocated
- jabuer = to ante up
- jabujdaz = prom
- jabuynnix = quarterage
- jabwa = pre-set, prepared, readied, ready
- jabwan = preparedness
- jabzyus = anniversary, annual cycle
- jad = prediction
- jadabden = preordaining, preordination
- jadabder = to preordain
- jadabdwa = preordained
- jadal = prolegomenon, prolog
- jadali = prolegomena
- jadea = predicting
- jadel = preamble
- jadeler = to pre-declare
- jaden = forecast, foretelling, predicting, prediction, prevision
- jadena = predictive
- jader = to bode, to forecast, to foretell, to predict
- jadezgon = prologue
- jadin = forward, preface, proem
- jadina = prefatory
- jadinea = prefacing
- jadinen = prefacing
- jadiner = to preface
- jadinwa = prefaced
- jadir = postulate
- jadiren = postulation
- jadirwa = postulated
- jadobnix = pretax
- jadodruren = prepublication
- jadovyayab = precode
- jadovyayabxen = precoding
- jadovyayabxer = to precode
- jadovyayabxwa = precoded
- jadozyadwas = prerelease
- jadras = preface
- jadrawa = programmed, scripted
- jadrayofwa = nonprogrammable
- jadref = slate
- jadrefwa = slated
- jadren = coding, programming, scripting
- jadrer = to program, to script
- jadreun = protocol
- jadropek = antebellum
- jadropeka = antebellum, prewar
- jadrun = program, script
- jadrunyan = set of programs
- jadrurun = preprint
- jadrut = coder, programmer
- jadun = foreword, preamble
- jadus = portent, predictor
- jadut = predictor
- jaduun = premise
- jadwa = forecast, foresaid, foretold, predicted
- jadyafwa = banal, predictable
- jadyafwan = banality, predictability
- jadyafway = predictably
- jadyea = portentous
- jadyeay = portentously
- jadyeen = preread
- jadyeer = to preread
- jadyewa = preread
- jadyeyafa = preliterate
- jadyofwa = flukey, fluky, unpredictable
- jadyofwan = unpredictability
- jadyofwas = something unpredictable
- jadyofway = unpredictably
- jadyunnadren = preregistration
- jadyunnadrer = to preregister
- jaeben = foiling, forestalling, preventing, prevention
- jaeber = to foil, to forestall, to prevent
- jaebus = preventative
- jaebwa = foiled, forestalled, prevented
- jaebyafwa = preventable
- jaebyafway = preventably
- jaebyea apyex = preemptive strike
- jaebyea = preventative, preventive
- jaek = prelude
- jaeka = prelusive
- jaembiea = prepossessing
- jaembien = preoccupation, prepossessing, prepossession
- jaembier = to preoccupy, to prepossess
- jaesea = preexisting
- jaesen = preexistence, preexisting
- jaeser = to preexist
- jaexdrawa = drafted, projected
- jaexdrawas = draft
- jaexdrer = to draft a plan
- jaexdrun = draft, project
- jaexdrut = drafter
- jaexlar = preprocessor
- jaexlawa = preprocessed
- jaexlen = preprocessing
- jafinyeken = pre-assessment, pre-testing
- jafinyeker = to pre-assess, to pre-test, to pretest
- jafinyekwa = pre-assessed, pre-tested
- jafivaden = preapproval
- jafivader = to preapprove
- jafivadwa = preapproved
- jafuujden = foredoom
- jafuujder = to foredoom
- jag = age
- jag- = arch-
- jaga = aged, elderly, old, year-old
- jaga otaduwayt = old maid
- jaga pur = jalopy
- jaga toyb = matron, old lady, old woman
- jaga twob = old man
- jaga utmempur = flivver
- jagan = elder status, old age, oldness, senescence, senility, seniority
- jagapet = jade
- jagapetyena = jadish
- jagas = oldie, oldy
- jagat = aged person, elder, elderly person, mature person, old man, old person, oldster, senior, weazen
- jagatam = elder care facility, old age home, old folks home
- jagatan = elderliness, old age, senility, seniority
- jagataxlea = old-acting
- jagatbek = geriatrics
- jagatbeka = geriatric
- jagatbekut = geriatrician
- jagatyan = elders
- jagatyuf = gerontophobia
- jagatyufa = gerontophobic
- jagatyufat = gerotophobe
- jagayt = female elder, old lady, old woman
- jagembesut = denizen
- jaghyasteat = whippersnapper
- jagin = ageism
- jagina = ageist
- jagonuen = pre-allocating
- jagonuer = to pre-allocate
- jagonuwa = pre-allocated
- jagoya = ageless
- jagoyan = agelessness
- jagsea = ageing, aging, getting old, maturing, senescent
- jagsen = ageing, aging, getting old, growing old, growth, maturation
- jagser = to age, to become old, to get old, to grow old, to mature
- jagsya = grown, mature
- jagsyat = grown-up, grownup
- jagteabbok = presbyopia
- jagtepan = dotage
- jagtepat = dotard
- jagtun = gerontology
- jagtuna = gerontological
- jagtut = gerontologist
- jaguka = ageless
- jagukan = agelessness
- jagukay = agelessly
- jagwat = elderly male, geezer, old man, whitebeard
- jagxen = aging
- jagxer = to age, to make old, to maturate
- jagxwa = aged, ragtag
- jagyen = senility
- jagyena = elderly, olden, senile
- jagyenaxlea = doting
- jagyenaxleay = dotingly
- jagyenaxler = to dote
- jagyenaxlut = doter
- jaif = forepleasure
- jaifek = foreplay, pre-game
- jaifeka = pre-game
- jaigper = to run ahead
- jaigteax = foreglimpse
- jaijaxen = preinitializing
- jaijaxer = to preinitialize
- jaijaxwa = preinitialized
- jaijnada = preliminary
- jaikben = prefilling
- jaizdea = foreboding, indicating in advance, portending
- jaizden = foreboding, portending
- jaizder = to bespeak, to forebode, to indicate in advance, to portend
- jaizdwa = bespoken, foreboded, portended, pre-indicated
- jajadrawa = pre-programmed
- jajibilena = premenstrual
- jajoupnadxer = to pre-sequence
- jajoupnadxwa = pre-sequenced
- jajudrawa = ante-dated, antedated, predated
- jajudren = ante-dating, predating
- jajudrer = to ante-date, to antedate, to predate
- jajweta = prepubescent
- jajwetan = prepubescence
- jajwetana = prepuberty
- jakader = to let the cat out of the bag, to pre-reveal
- jakebien = pre-selecting, pre-selection
- jakebier = to preselect
- jakebius = preselector
- jakebiut = preselector
- jakebiwa = preselected
- jakexen = reconnoitering
- jakexer = to reconnoiter
- jakextin = druidism
- jakextinut = druid
- jakexwa = reconnoitered
- jakix = proclivity
- jakixwa bu fyuxfan = anger-prone
- jakixwa = liable, predisposed, prone
- jakixwan = proneness
- jakyeojben = predestination
- jakyeojber = to predestinate, to predestine
- jakyeojbwa = predestined
- jakyeojder = to foreordain
- jakyeojdwa = foreordained
- jakyes = lead up, prior case
- jakyibalen = pre-stressing
- jakyisuen = preloading
- jakyisuer = to preload
- jakyisuwa = preloaded
- jalojudrer = to precancel
- jamageler = to precook
- jamagelwa = pre-cooked
- jamaysuen = pre-screeing
- jamaysuer = to pre-screen
- jamaysuwa = pre-screened
- jambalika = jambalika
- jamer = to planetesimal
- Jamim = Jamaica
- Jamima = Jamaican
- Jamimat = Jamaican, inhabitant of Jamaica
- jana = anterior, foregoing, last, previous, prior
janabxen -- jasanxer
- janabxen = prearrangement
- janabxer = to prearrange
- janabxwa = prearranged
- janan = anteriority
- janapa = last, previous, prior
- janapan = priority
- janapay = previously
- janapden = preordaining, preordination
- janapder = to prearrange, to preordain
- janapdwa = pre-arranged, preordained
- janapdwa tojben = hit job, pre-arranged killing
- janapxen = prearrangement, prioritization
- janapxer = to prearrange, to prioritize
- janapxwa = prioritized
- janas = grubstake
- janasyantina = precapitalist
- janasyantinut = precapitalist
- janay = anteriorly, previously
- janazvyaben = prevalidation
- jandarm = gendarme
- janelwa = booked in advance
- janixbuwa = pre-sold
- janux = prepayment
- januxbier = to pre-purchase
- januxen = prepaying
- januxer = to prepay
- januxwa = prepaid, upfront
- janyadren = prelisting
- janyadrer = to prelist
- janyexer = to prestore
- janyuen = preproduction
- janyuena = preproduction
- janyufber = to prepackage
- janyufbwa = prepackaged
- jao = before and after
- jaobdaba = precolonial
- jaoeben = forestallment
- jaofxen = debarment, preventing, prevention
- jaofxer = to debar, to prevent
- jaofxwa = prevented
- jaofxyafwa = preventable
- jaofxyafway = preventably
- jaofxyea = preventative, preventive
- jaovbeka = vaccine-related
- jaovbekien = getting vaccinated
- jaovbekier = to get vaccinated
- jaovbekil = vaccine
- jaovbekiut = vaccination recipient
- jaovbekuen = vaccination
- jaovbekuer = to vaccinate
- jaovbekul = vaccine
- jaovbekuut = vaccination-giver
- jaovbekuwa = vaccinated
- jaovbekyeyfa = due to be vaccinated
- jaovben = preventing, prevention
- jaovber = to avert, to prevent
- jaovbus = preventative
- jaovbwa = averted, prevented
- jaovbyafwa = preventable, preventative
- jaovbyafway = preventably
- jaovbyea = preventive
- jap = precedence, precedent
- japea = antecedent, preceding
- japen = antecedence
- japer = to antecede, to go before, to precede
- japoxen = forestalling, forestallment
- japoxer = to forestall
- japoxwa = forestalled
- japuea = arriving ahead of, beating, outstripping
- japuen = arriving ahead of, beating, forestalling, forestallment, outstripping
- japuer be igek = to beat in a race
- japuer = to arrive ahead of, to beat, to forestall, to get ahead of, to outstrip, to precede
- japuus = precedent
- japuwa = beaten, forestalled, outstripped
- japuyafwa = beatable
- japuyofwa = unbeatable
- jasagzyiuner = to predial
- jasan = forerunner, precursor, preform
- jasana = precursory
- jasanxer = to preform
jasaun -- jatexdrawa
- jasaun = pattern
- jasaunapxen = presorting
- jasaunapxer = to presort
- jasaunxen = patterning, prefiguring
- jasaunxer = to pattern, to prefigure, to pretypify
- jasaunxwa = patterned, prefigured
- jasaxen = prefabrication
- jasaxer = to prefabricate
- jasaxwa = precast, prefab, prefabricated
- jasaxwa tof = ready-made clothes
- jaser = to get prepared, to get ready
- jasexwa = pre-built
- jasiun bi dropek = harbinger of conflict
- jasiun = forerunner, harbinger
- jasiunser = to be a harbinger of
- jasiunxen = betokening
- jasiunxer = to betoken
- jasiunxwa = betokened
- jasumtil = nightcap
- jasyaagen = precomputing
- jasyaager = to precompute
- jasyaagwa = precomputed
- jatad = fiance, fiancé
- jatadek = courtship
- jatadiena = premarital
- jatadienxela = prenuptial
- jatadsen = engagement
- jatadser = to affiance, to become betrothed, to become engaged
- jatadxen = betrothal
- jatadxer = to affiance, to betroth
- jatadxwa = affianced, betrothed, engaged
- jataja = antenatal, fetal
- jatajat = fetus, pre-born baby
- jatajata = fetal
- jatajna = prenatal
- jatajnay = prenatally
- jatajof = caul
- jataptyenien = warm-up, warmup
- jataxdrawa duz = pre-recorded music
- jataxdrawa = pre-recorded, pre-taped, prerecorded
- jataxdren = prerecording
- jataxdrer = to pre-record, to pre-tape, to prerecord
- jatayd = fiancee, fiancée
- jatea = prescient
- jatean = prescience
- jateas = prevision
- jateat = foresight, preview, providence
- jateata = providential
- jateatay = providentially
- jateatea = clairvoyant, provident
- jateatean = clairvoyance
- jateateat = clairvoyant
- jateateay = clairvoyantly
- jateaten = forseeing, previewing
- jateater = to foresee, to preview
- jateatut = foreseer, previewer
- jateatwa = foreseen, previewed
- jateatyafwa = foreseeable
- jateax = preview
- jateaxen = previewing
- jateaxer = to preview
- jateaxut = previewer
- jateaxwa = previewed
- jateay = presciently, providently
- jated = forebear, forefather, forerunner, progenitor
- jatedyan = ancestry, forefathers
- jatedyana = ancestral
- jaten = foreboding, foreknowledge, foresight, prescience, prevision
- jatepeax = precaution
- jatepeaxea = precautious
- jatepeaxeay = precautiously
- jatepeaxier = to take precautions
- jateptijan = foreconscious, preconsciousness
- jater = to be prescient, to forebode, to have advance knowledge of, to have foreknowledge of, to know in advance, to presage
- jateux = foretaste
- jateuxen = pre-taste
- jateuxer = to pre-taste
- jateuxut = pre-taster
- jatex = forethought
- jatexdrawa = drafted, drawn up in advance
- jatexdren = blueprint, draft
- jatexdrenir = blueprinter
- jatexdrer = to draft
- jatexen = premeditation
- jatexer = to pre-think, to premeditate, to think ahead, to think of before
- jatexien = preconceiving, preconception
- jatexier = to preconceive
- jatexiun = preconception
- jatexiwa = preconceived
- jatexwa = deliberate, premeditated, prepense
- jatexwan = deliberateness
- jatexway = deliberately, with premeditation
- jatexyen = preopinion
- jatier = to find out in advance
- jatikabier = to predigest
- jatikabiwa = predigested
- jatil = aperitif
- jatistam = kindergarten, pre-school, preschool
- jatistamper = to attend kindergarten, to attend pre-school
- jatistamput = pre-schooler, preschooler
- jatistamut = kindergarten pupil, kindergartner, pre-schooler
- jatiun = preapprehension
- jatix = practice, pre-study, rehearsal
- jatixem = practice venue
- jatixen = drilling, practicing, rehearsing, shadowboxing
- jatixer = to drill, to practice, to rehearse, to shadowbox
- jatixim = rehearsal studio
- jatixut = rehearser
- jatixwa = drilled, practiced, rehearsed
- jatixyofwa = unrehearsable
- jatiyebil = pre-cum, pre-ejaculate, precum
- jatofwa = pre-worn, previously-worn
- jatoja = pre-death, pre-mortal
- jatoja ujtiex = death rattle
- jatojaa = pre-deceased
- jatojer = to pre-decease, to predecease
- jatojut = forebear, predecessor
- jatojutyan = forebears, predecessors
- jatos = presentiment
- jatrien = getting familiarized in advance, reconnaissance, scouting out
- jatrier = to get familiarized in advance, to reconnoiter, to scout out
- jatriut = reconnaissance officer, scout
- jatriwa = reconnoitered, scouted out
- jatruen = pre-familiarization
- jatruer = to pre-familiarize
- jatruwa = pre-familiarized
- jatuen = forecasting, prenotification, priming, prior notification, prognosis, prognostication
- jatuena = prognostic
- jatuer = to forecast, to give advance notice to notify in advance, to prenotify, to prime, to prognosticate, to tip off, to tip off in advance
- jatul = antipasto, appetizer, hors d'oeuvre
- jatul fil = aperitif
- jatuldras = appetizer menu
- jatuun = forecast
- jatuut = forecaster, prognosticator
- jatuwa = forecasted, notified in advance, prenotified, primed, tipped off, tipped off in advance
- jatuxen = drilling
- jatuxer = to drill
- jatuxut = driller, drillmaster
- jatuxwa = drilled
- jatwa = foreknown, known beforehand
- jatwed = forefather
- jatwedyan = forefathers
- jatwiyubil = pre-cum
- jatyafwa = wayward
- jatyenien = drilling, practicing, workup
- jatyenier = to drill, to practice
- jatyeniwa = drilled
- jatyenuen = drilling
- jatyenuer = to drill, to practice
- jatyenuut = driller, drillmaster
- jatyenuwa = drilled, practiced
- jatyenyana = preindustrial
- jatyunuen = foreshadowing
- jatyunuer = to foreshadow
- jatyunuwa = foreshadowed
- jaubkixer = to predispose
- jaubkixwa = predisposed
- jaubkixwan = predisposition
- jaujna = before last, penultimate
- jaupea = foregoing, preceding
- jaupean = precedence
- jaupen = precedence
- jauper = to come before, to precede
- jaupus = precedent
- jauput = one who precedes
- jaupya = foregone, preceded
- jaut = ascendant, predecessor
- jauta = ascendent
- jautan = ascendancy, ascendency
- javaden = pre-approval
- javader = to pre-approve
- javadwa = pre-approved
- javatexea = assuming
- javatexen = assumption, presuming, presumption
- javatexer = to assume, to presume
- javatexwa = assumed, presumed, presuming, presumptive
- javatexyea = presumptive
- javed = guess
- javedekun = guessing game
- javeden = guessing, surmising
- javeder = to guess, to surmise
- javedut = guesser
- javedwa = guessed, surmised
- javenson = precondition
- javensonxer = to precondition
- javensonxwa = preconditioned
- javisauna = pre-classical
- javlaa = precautious
- javlaan = precaution
- javladen = pre-certification
- javlader = to pre-certify
- javladrawa = pre-certified
- javlakaxea = predetermining
- javlakaxen = predetermination, predetermining
- javlakaxer = to predetermine
- javlakaxus = predeterminer
- javlakaxwa = predetermined
- javobekil buun = vaccine dose
- javodea = precluding
- javoden = precluding, preclusion
- javoder = to preclude, to rule out
- javodwa = precluded
- javodyea = preclusive
- javoktos = presentiment
- Javud = Javanese
- Javudaler = to speak Javanese
- Javudalut = Javanese speaker
- Javuder = to say in Javanese
- javyakyoxea = predefining
- javyakyoxen = pre-definition, predefinition, prespecification
- javyakyoxer = to pre-define, to pre-specify, to predefine
- javyakyoxwa = pre-defined, pre-specified, predefined
- javyatepa = prudent
- javyatepan = prudence
- javyatepay = prudently
- javyayek = advance checkup, advance test, pre-screening
- javyayeken = prevalidation
- javyayeker = to check out in advance, to pre-screen, to pre-test
- javyekyoxen = predefining
- javyixar = grooming device
- javyixen = grooming
- javyixer = to groom
- javyixut = groom, groomer
- javyixwa = groomed
- jaxaunxen = modeling
- jaxaunxwa = modeled
- jaxea = in preparation
- jaxen = preparation
- jaxena = preparative, preparatory
- jaxer = to prepare, to ready
- jaxwa = prepared, ready
- jaxwan = preparedness, readiness
- jaxwas = prelude
- jaxyea = preparative, preparatory
- jay = ago, already, beforehand, previously, upfront
- jay taduwa = already married
- jayagtexer = to premeditate
- jayagtexwa = premeditated
- jayakea = anticipating
- jayaken = anticipating, anticipation
- jayakena = anticipatory
- jayaker = to anticipate
- jayakwa = anticipated
- jayanmulx = premix
- jayanmulxer = to premix
- jayannapxen = precoordination
- jayannas = imprest
- jayanotina = pre-communist
- jayef = prerequisite
- jayefdyuea = preassigning
- jayefdyuen = preassigning
- jayefdyuer = to preassign
- jayefdyuwa = preassigned
- jayefxea = prebinding
- jayefxer = to prebind
- jayek = test
- jayekem = proving ground, testbed
- jayeken = testing
- jayeker = to test out
- jayekim = test lab
- jayekut = tester
- jayekwa = tested
- jayemayber = to pre-consign
- jayembuer = to predesignate
- jayepet = continental pointing dog
- jayevden = prejudgment, prejudice
- jayevder = to prejudge
- jayevdwa = prejudged
- jayevdyea = prejudicial
- jayevtexika = prejudiced
- jayexen = elaboration, frontwork, mapping out, plotting
- jayexer = to elaborate, to map out, to plot, to work out
- jayexut = mapper, plotter
- jayexwa = elaborated, mapped out, plotted, worked out
- jayga = oldish, somewhat old, stagnant
- jaygan = stagnancy
- jaygas = something stale
- jaygay = stagnantly
- jayima = antediluvian
- jayivob = paddy
- jayixwa = pre-used, secondhand, used
- jayovden = prior conviction
- jayovdwat = ex-con
- jayufson = menace, threat
- jayufsonuea = menacing, threatening
- jayufsonuen = menacing, threatening
- jayufsonuer = to menace, to threaten
- jayufsonuwa = menaced, threatened
- jayufsonuyea = menacingly
- JaZ. = a.m.
- jaZ = AM, a.m., ante meridiem
- jaz duz = jazz music
- jaz duzutyan = jazzband
- jaz = jazz
- jazdaz = jitterbug
- jazdazut = jitterbugger
- jazemaj = a.m., ante-meridian, forenoon, matinee
- jazemoj = before midnight
- jazojub = day before last, the day before yesterday
- jazyegxen = pre-punching
- jazyegxer = to pre-punch
- jazyegxwa = pre-punched
- jazyena = jazzy
- je bos = stilly
- je = during
- je ha jab = during the year
- je hajob ho = during the time when
- je his = during this, meanwhile
- je ho = during the time when
- je hujab = during that year
- je hujob = during that time
- je hus = during that, however, meanwhile, nevertheless, still, whereas, while that may be the case
- je ovay van = whereas
- je pap = midair
- je van = while, whilst
- jea = current, present
- jeab = spring, springtime
- jeaba = springtime, vernal
- jeabpon = spring break
- jeabyim = freshet
jeb obdren drurunes -- jeneralisimo
- jeb obdren drurunes = season ticket
- jeb = season
- jeba = seasonal
- jebay = seasonally
- jebexen = conservation, conserving
- jebexer azul = to conserve energy
- jebexer = to conserve
- jebexwa = conserved, secondhand
- jebexyea = conservative
- jebmaalyen = climate
- jebmaalyena = climatic
- jebmaalyenay = climatically
- jebmaalyentun = climatology
- jebmaalyentuna = climatological
- jebmaalyentut = climatologist
- jebmaalyenxen = acclimatization
- jebmaalyenxer = to acclimatize
- jebmaalyenxwa = acclimatized
- jebmamil = monsoon
- jebmamyenser = to acclimatize
- jebmamyenxer = to acclimatize
- jebmanyenxen = acclimatization
- jebmanyenxwa = acclimatized
- jebtam = lodge
- jebyuxut = seasoner
- jedal = blabber
- jedalen = blabbing
- jedaler = to blab
- jedalut = blabber-mouth
- jedulea = nagging
- jedulen = nagging
- jeduler = to nag
- jedulut = nagger
- jedulwa = nagged
- jeeb amaryibnod = summer solstice
- Jeeb Ifeki = Summer Games
- jeeb ifpopem = summer resort
- jeeb job = summertime
- Jeeb Olimpifeki = Summer Olympics
- jeeb = summer
- jeeb tistam = summer school
- jeeba = estival, summertime
- jeeba teaput = summer visitor
- jeeber = to estivate
- jeebfabyan = greenwood
- jeebtam = dacha, summer house
- jeebtof = summer clothes, summerdress
- jeebyena = summery
- jega = middle-aged
- jegasea = becoming middle-aged
- jegaser = to become middle-aged
- jegat = middle-aged person
- jeib = autumn, fall
- jeiba = autumnal
- jej = course
- jejoba = chronic
- jejoba deupyan ay blus = contemporary r & b
- jejoban = chronicity
- jejobay = chronically
- jejobdras = chronicle
- jejobdrawa = chronicled
- jejobdren = chronicling
- jejobdrer = to chronicle
- jejobdrut = chronicler
- jekea jestay = trying hard
- jekexea = soliciting
- jekexen = solicitation, soliciting, solicitude
- jekexer = to solicit
- jekexut = solicitor
- jekexwa = solicited
- jekexyea = solicitous
- jekexyean = solicitousness
- jekexyeay = solicitously
- jekyesea = current, in process, on-going
- jekyesi = news
- jemoja = overnight
- jemojas = overnighter
- jemojbesut = overnighter
- jemojkyes = overnighter
- jeneralisimo = generalissimo
jep -- Jeub Olimpifeki
- jep = process
- jepapa = inflight
- jepea = proceeding
- jepen = proceeding, procession
- jeper ha jeub = to overwinter
- jeper = to course, to go on, to proceed
- jepeyn = procedure
- jepeyna = procedural
- jes = course, current, run
- jesea = consistent, continual, continuing, current, durable, lasting, on-going, ongoing, permanent, persistent, running
- jesea dopek = running battle
- jesea kuden = running commentary
- jesea nyad = continuum
- jesea pyaon = continuous wave, perm
- jesea yikson = bugbear
- jesean = consistency, continuity, persistence
- jeseay = consistently, continually, continuously, lastingly, persistently
- jesen = consistence, continuation, continuing, duration, endurance, enduring, going on, keeping on, lasting, persistence
- jeser = to continue, to endure, to go on, to keep going, to keep on, to last, to persist, to run on
- jesilper = to run
- jeson = conjuncture
- jesona = conjunctural
- jesrea = perpetual
- jesreay = perpetually
- jesta = assiduous, constant, diligent, earnest, industrious, unremitting
- jesta yex = earnest work, hard work
- jestan = assiduity, assiduousness, constancy, diligence, earnestness, industriousness
- jestay akwa = hard-won
- jestay = assiduously, constantly, diligently, earnestly, hard, industriously, unremittingly
- jestyek = endeavor
- jestyekea = endeavoring
- jestyeken = endeavoring
- jestyeker = to endeavor
- jestyekwa = endeavored
- Jesu Krist = Jesus Christ
- Jesuinut = Jesuit
- jesun = continuation
- jesyaf = ability to last, endurance, lasting power, mettle
- jesyafa = able to last, durable, mettlesome
- jesyafer = to endure
- jesyafwa = durable
- jesyafwan = durability
- jesyea = continuous, enduring, lasting
- jesyean = endurance
- jesyof = deadlock
- jesyofa = deadlocked
- jeta = constant
- jetan = constancy
- jetay = constantly
- jeteax = observance, vigil, wake, watch
- jeteaxen = observation, observing, watching
- jeteaxena = observational
- jeteaxenay = observationally
- jeteaxer = to observe, to watch
- jeteaxum = observation post
- jeteaxut = bystander, observer, watcher
- jeteaxwa = watched over
- jeteaxyafwa = observable
- jeteaxyafway = observably
- jeteaxyea = observant, vigilant, watchful
- jeteaxyean = vigilance, watchfulness
- jeteaxyeay = observantly, watchfully
- jetejea = perseverant, persevering, surviving
- jetejer = to go on living, to persevere, to survive
- jetejut = surviver
- jetejya = survived
- jetmap = trade wind
- jetxea = persevering
- jetxean = perseverance
- jetxen = perseverance
- jetxer = to persevere
- jetxwa = persevered
- jeub amar = winter sun
- jeub amaryibnod = winter solstice
- jeub avob = winter wheat
- jeub fabyan = winter forest
- Jeub Ifeki = Winter Games
- jeub job = wintertime
- jeub maalyen = winter weather
- Jeub Olimpifeki = Winter Olympics
jeub tapifek -- jiga
- jeub tapifek = winter sport
- jeub tyez = winter magic
- jeub = winter
- jeuba = hibernal, wintry
- jeubdeym = conservatory, sun lounge
- jeubea = hibernating, wintering
- jeuben = hibernation, wintering
- jeuber = to hibernate, to overwinter, to winter
- jeubjob = wintertime
- jeubpon = winter break, winter vacation
- jeubtaf = winter coat
- jeubtof = winter clothes, winterdress
- jeubtuj = dormancy, hibernation, torpor, winter sleep
- jeubtujea = hibernating, in hibernation, torpid
- jeubtujean = torpidity
- jeubtujeay = torpidly
- jeubtujen = hibernation
- jeubtujer = to hibernate
- jeubtujut = hibernator
- jeubxen = winterization
- jeubxer = to winterize
- jeubxwa eopetyan = stocker
- jeubxwa = winterized
- jeubyena = hibernal, wintery, wintry
- jeubyenan = wintriness
- jeubyifa = winterhardy
- jexdras = continuance
- jexea = continual, continuing, resuming
- jexean = continuity
- jexeay = continually
- jexen = continuance, continuation, continuing, maintenance, resuming, resumption
- jexer daler = to continue to talk, to go on speaking, to run on
- jexer = to continue, to keep going, to keep on, to let continue, to maintain, to resume
- jexrawa = perpetuated
- jexrea = perpetual, perpetuating
- jexrean = perpetuity
- jexren = perpetuating, perpetuation
- jexrer = to perpetuate
- jexwa = perpetuated
- jexwoa = to be continued
- jexyafwa = resumable
- jexyea = continual
- jexyeay = continually
- jey = in the meantime, meanwhile, still
- Jeyum = Jersey
- Jeyuma = from Jersey
- Jeyumat = inhabitant of Jersey
- ji duhogla job = for how long
- ji duhoj = how long ago, since when
- ji gloj = since not long ago
- ji ha jobij = forever, since the beginning of time
- ji hij = from here on, from now on, henceforth, since now, starting now
- ji his = from now on, since this
- ji huj = ever after, from then on, from there on, since that time, since then, starting then, thenceforth
- ji hujab = since that year
- ji hujub = from that day on, since that day
- ji hus = since then
- ji ij = since the start
- ji = j, the letter j
- ji joabi = for eons
- ji jobij = forever, since the beginning of time
- ji joobi = eons ago
- ji juab = since Monday
- ji morij = since the beginning of the universe
- ji van = since
- jiab = January
- jiaozi = wonton
- jib = month
- jiba = mensual, monthly
- jibdren = monthly magazine
- jibdrurun = monthly review
- jibex = layaway
- jibilen = menstruation
- jibilena = menstrual
- jibiler = to menstruate
- jibjesea = month-long
- Jibod = Lojban language
- Jibodalut = Lojban speaker
- jieb = February
- jiga = vibrant, vigorous, vital
jigan -- jobgonbexwas
- jigan = stamina, vibrancy, vigor, vitality
- jigser = to become invigorated
- jigxer = to invigorate, to revitalize
- jigxwa = invigorated, revitalized
- jihad = jihad
- jiib = March
- jilab = November
- jileb = December
- jilob = October
- jimol = origin
- jin = jinn, jinni
- jip = jeep
- Jipiyun = Japanese yen
- jipodrezun = haiku
- Jipofyofyet = oni
- Jiponid = Japanese
- Jiponidaler = to speak Japanese
- Jiponidalut = Japanese speaker
- Jiponider = to say in Japanese
- Jiponidreyen = Japanese writing system
- Jiponim = Japan
- Jiponima = Japanesse
- Jiponimat = inhabitant of Japan
- Jiporoda = Juedo-Persian
- jipotaf = kimono
- Jirobada = Judeo-Arab
- jitaja = congenital
- jitajay = congenitally
- jiub = April
- jiujitsu = jiujitsu
- jivdaz = jive
- jiyab = June
- jiyeb = July
- jiyib = August
- jiyob = May
- jiyub = September
- jo- = after-, meta-, post-
- jo gloj = after a short while
- jo his = after this, afterward, from now on, henceforth, hereafter, then
- jo hus = after that, afterward, from then on, then, thenceforth, thereafter, whereupon
- jo hyas = afterall
- jo van = after
- jo yeb hiis = hereinafter
- jo zemaj = PM, p.m., post meridiem
- joa = posterior, ulterior
- joab = aeon, eon
- joagseata = post-adolescent
- joam = after-heat
- joan = posteriority, posterity
- joaotyan = posterity
- joaxlun = follow-up, followup
- joay = posteriorly
- job bi poos = peacetime
- job gonem = time zone
- job ob yex = off-work time
- job ogelan = lag
- job = time
- job yixwa = time spent
- joba = temporal
- joba zyub = temporal lobe
- jobaxen = temporization
- jobaxer = to temporize
- jobaxut = temporizer
- jobdet = contemporary
- jobdraf = schedule, timetable
- jobdrafxen = scheduling
- jobdrafxer = to schedule
- jobdrafxut = scheduler
- jobdrafxwa = scheduled
- jobdrafxyafwa = schedulable
- jobdrar = chronograph
- jobdras = chronogram
- jobdren = chronography
- jobeax = wake
- jobek = after-care, after-treatment, aftercare
- jobesun = residuum
- jobesuna = residuary
- jobesuni = residua
- jobgon = period
- jobgonbexwas = time-share
- jobij = beginning of time
- jobija = primordial
- jobija tiyub = clitoris, genital tubercle, primordial phallus
- jobijay = primordially
- jobikbar = pastime
- jobil = whey
- jobjwox = timelag
- jobnad = timeline
- jobnagar = chronometer, metronome, timer
- jobnixendraf = lease
- jobnixer = to let
- jobnixut = lease-holder, leaseholder, lessee
- jobnixuta yantexdras = lease
- jobnixutuka = untenanted
- jobnod = point in time
- jobnoda = punctual
- jobnodan = punctuality
- jobnoday = punctually
- jobnux = credit, loan, rent, rental
- jobnux yantexdras = rental agreement
- jobnuxen = paying in installments, payment over time, rental, renting, tenancy
- jobnuxer = to lease, to pay in installments, to pay over time, to rent
- jobnuxer tomaun = to rent an apartment
- jobnuxuen = renting out
- jobnuxuer = to rent out
- jobnuxut = creditor, lessor, loan officer, renter, tenant
- jobnuxutan = tenantry
- jobnuxutyan = tenantry
- jobnuxwa = leased, paid over time, payed in installments, rented
- jobnuxwa tomaun = rental apartment
- jobnuxwat = lessee
- jobnuxyafwa = for rent, now leasing, rentable, to let
- jobnyoxea = dallying, idling, loafing, wasting time
- jobnyoxen = dallying, idling, loafing, wasting time
- jobnyoxer = to dally, to dilly-dally, to dillydally, to footle, to idle, to laze, to loaf, to waste time
- jobnyoxut = dallier, doodlebug, idler, loafer, time-waster, wastrel
- jobog = awhile
- jobok = loss of time loss
- joboya = timeless
- joboyan = timelessness
- jobsiyn = time mark
- jobtop = zeitgeist
- jobtun = chronology
- jobtuna = chronological
- jobtunay = chronologically
- jobtut = chronologist
- jobuj = end of time
- jobuja = end-of-time
- jobujnad = deadline, time limit
- jobuk = eschar
- jobuka = timeless
- jobukan = timelessness
- jobukay = timelessly
- jobukser = to get scarred, to scar
- jobuksiyn = cicatrice, cicatrix
- jobuksiynser = to cicatrize, to scar
- jobuksiynxen = cicatrization, scarring
- jobuksiynxer = to cicatrize, to scar
- jobukun = scar
- jobukxen = scarring
- jobukxer = to scar
- jobukxwa = scarred
- jobuun = loan
- jobuwa = lent
- jobuxen = hastening
- jobuxer = to expedite, to hasten, to make haste
- jobuxwa = hastened
- jobuxwa nyux = special delivery
- jobuzbun = time warp
- jobyag = length of time span
- jobyanbexen = timesharing
- jobyenen = conjugation
- jobyener = to conjugate
- jobyenwa = conjugated
- jobyexen = temping
- jobyexer = to temp
- jobyexut = temper
- jobyigxer = to inure
- jobyix = rental, time-use
- jobyixdras = lease, rent agreement
jobyixen -- jogtobet
- jobyixen = rental, renting
- jobyixer pur = to rent a car
- jobyixer = to lease, to rent
- jobyixpur = rental car
- jobyixpuram = rental car agency
- jobyixut = lessee, renter
- jobyixwa = rental, rented
- jobyixyafwa = rentable
- jobyok = after-pain
- jobyuj = time-out
- jobzyeg = time slot
- jobzyus = cycle of time, temporal cycle, time wheel
- jobzyusa = cyclic, cyclical
- jobzyusay = cyclically
- jobzyuser = to cycle
- jod = instance, occasion, occurrence, point in time
- joda = occasional
- joday = occasionally
- joDekarta = post-cartesian
- joder = to post-comment, to react
- jodezun = after-piece
- jodiden = debriefing
- jodider = to debrief
- jodin = sequel
- jodras = p.s., post-scriptum, postscript
- jodren = postscript
- jodropeka = post bellum, post-bellum, postwar
- jodsag = frequency
- joduzkyib = after-beat
- joeb = era
- joebpoys = caesura
- joebtabifa = post-coital
- joebuien = after-market
- joejyena = postmodern
- joejyenin = postmodernism
- joejyenina = postmodernist
- joek = postlude
- joexena = postoperative
- joexlar = postprocessor
- joexlen = postprocessing
- joexler = to postprocess
- joga glaujakut = whiz kid
- joga = new, young
- joga tob = old person, young man
- joga toyb = young woman
- joga uopet = hogget
- joga yuvobikeat = juvenile delinquent
- joga yuxlut = footboy
- jogan = newness, youth
- joganaya = youthful
- joganayan = youthfulness
- joganika = youthful
- joganikan = youthfulness
- joganoker = to lose ones youth
- jogas = novelty, something new, youngling
- jogat datibam = youth hostel
- jogat = juvenile, neophyte, newbie, rookie, young man, young person, youngling, youngster, youth
- jogatan = juvenility, youth
- jogatan tuzuni = juvenilia
- jogatbikam = convalescence home, elder care facility, nursing home
- jogatvyakxam = borstal
- jogatyan = community of young, youth
- jogayt = female juvenile, female youth, girl, young lady, youngster
- jogaytan = girlhood, young ladyhood
- jogfeelkkexut = junkman
- jogjesea = brief, temporary
- jognyaza = newly-rich
- jograilpa = post-diluvial
- jogsanxwa = newly-shaped
- jogser = to become new, to become young
- jogsizwa = newly-painted
- jogtad = newly-wed, newlywed
- jogtaduwa = newly-married, newly-wed
- jogtaduwat = newly-wed groom
- jogtaduwayt = newly-wed bride
- jogtayd = bride, newly-wed wife, young wife
- jogtayd bunyan = trousseau
- jogtayda = bridal
- jogtob = young man
- jogtobet = younker
- jogtoyb = young lady, young woman
- jogtudet = new-born baby, newborn baby
- jogtwad = newly-wed husband
- jogvolzilbwa = newly-painted
- jogwat = boy, male youth, youngster
- jogwomula = post-atomic
- jogxen = refreshment, rejuvenation, renewal, renovation
- jogxer = to refresh, to rejuvenate, to renew, to renovate
- jogxwa = refreshed, rejuvenated, renewed, renovated
- jogyaprut = yuppie, yuppy
- jogyen = youthful manner
- jogyena = juvenile, youngish, youthful
- jogyenay = youthfully
- johus = after that, next, then
- joib bi teloxen = fasting period
- joib = period, stint
- joiba = periodic
- joiba pyaon = periodic wave
- joiban nabyansan = periodic table
- joiban = periodicity
- joibaun = gene
- joibauna = genetic
- joibaunay = genetically
- joibauntun = genetics
- joibauntuna = genetics-related
- joibauntunay = genetically
- joibauntut = geneticist
- joibay = periodically
- joibdrafayat = testator
- joibdrafayayt = testatrix
- joibdrafika = testate
- joibdrurun = periodical
- joiben = heredity, inheritance, inheriting
- joiben nuxgab = inheritance tax
- joibena = hereditary
- joibendraf = testament
- joibendrafa = testamentary
- joiber = to inherit
- joibman = strobe
- joibmaniger = to strobe
- joibmanigir = stroboscope
- joibmanigira = stroboscopic
- joibmanigsin = stroboscope
- joibmanigwa = strobed
- joibnad = line of inheritance, lineage
- joibnada = lineal
- joibnaday = lineally
- joibun = inheritance, succession
- joibunyan = heritage
- joibut = heir, inheritor, legatee
- joibutan = heirdom, heirship
- joibuyt = dowager, heiress, inheritrix
- joibwa = inherited
- joibwas = heirloom, inheritance
- joibyafwa = hereditable, heritable, inheritable
- joibyiv = prerogative
- joifek = post-game
- joifeka = post-game
- joigpen = chase, prosecuting, prosecution, stalking
- joigper = to chase after, to go run after, to prosecute, to rush after, to stalk
- joigput = chaser, prosecutor, stalker
- joigpya = chased, prosecuted, stalked
- joigpyat = person being pursued, stalked person
- joiguper = to chase after, to come running after
- joix = after-effect, aftereffect, aftermath, consequence, outgrowth, repercussion
- joixa = consequent
- joixea = consequential
- joixean = consequentiality
- joixeay = consequentially
- jojabi = afteryears
- jojuden = prorogation
- jojuder = to postdate, to prorogue
- jojudrawa = post-dated, postponed
- jojudren = post-dating, postponement, postponing
- jojudrer = to post-date, to postpone
- jojudwa = prorogued
- jojweta = postpubescent
- jojwetana = post-puberty
- jojwobi = after-hours
- jokyes = aftermath, backwash
- jokyesa = eventual
- jokyeser = to happen next
- jomaal = exhaust, fume
- jomaal mapxar = exhaust fan
- jomaaluen vyayek = exhaust emissions test
- jomaen = afterglow
- jomagmal = afterdamp
- jomagxar = afterburner
- joman = after-light
- jomaz = afterglow
- jomilyaoz = wake
- jomir = after-world, here-after, meta-world, metasphere
- jomira = metaspheric, metaspherical
- jomirat = creature of the here-after, ghost, metaspherical being, spirit
- jona = following, next, posterior
- jonan = posteriority
- jonap = sequence
- jonapa dyuen = roll call
- jonapa = following, next, post-order, sequential, subsequent, successive
- jonapan = sequentiality
- jonapas = next one
- jonapat = next one
- jonapaxen = sequentializing
- jonapaxer = to sequentialize
- jonapaxwa = sequentialized
- jonapen = succession
- jonaper = to follow, to succeed
- jonaput = successor
- jonapxen = sequencing, sequentialization
- jonapxwa = sequenced
- jonasdref dyundrut = comaker
- jonay = posteriorly
- joniiean = indebtedness
- jonix = debit, debt, hock
- jonix draf = debit card
- jonix syagdrav = debit account
- jonixdraf = debit card
- jonixiea = in debt, indebted
- jonixien = becoming indebted, debiting, getting into debt
- jonixier = to become indebted, to debit, to get into debt
- jonixika = debt-ridden, in debt, in hock, indebted
- jonixiut = indebted person, lessee
- jonixiwa = indebted
- jonixuer = to debit, to lease, to put a lean on
- jonixut = debtor
- jonixuut = debitor, debtor
- jonixuwa = debited
- jonuxwa = postpaid
- joobdomema = postcolonial
- jooma = postglacial
- joomxar = after-cooler
- jop bi kyesi = sequence of events
- jop = follow-on, sequence, succession, suite
- jopas = follow-up, followup
- jopay = sequentially
- jopea = according to, following, subsequent, succeeding
- jopeay = subsequently
- jopen = subsequence
- jopensiyn = track, trail
- jopensiynen = tracking
- jopensiyner = to track
- jopensiynwa = tracked
- jopensiynxen = trailing
- jopensiynxer = to trail
- jopensiynxwa = trailed
- joper hasa jes = to run its course
- joper = to follow, to go after, to succeed
- jopnad = line of succession, lineup, sequence
- jopuea = ensuing, sequential, successive
- jopueay = in sequence, successively
- jopuen = coming in behind, ensuing, following
- jopuer = to come in behind, to ensue, to follow
- jopuxrun = aftershock
- jopya = follow-on, followed, sequent, sequential, steady, successive
- jopyea = successive
- jopyexrun = aftershock
- Jorom = Jordan
- Joroma = Jordanian
- Joromat = inhabitant of Jordan
- jos = aftermath
- josea = following
- joser = to follow
- joseux = after-sound
- josin = afterimage
- josiyn = trace, track
- josiyner = to post-mark
- josiynoya = trackless
- josiynuka = trackless
- josiynxar = tracer, tracker
- josiynxen = tracing, tracking
- josiynxer = to trace, to track
- josiynxwa = traced, tracked
- josiynxyafwa = traceable
- josiynxyofwa = untraceable
- josun = aftermath, followup, sequel, succession, suite
- jotadiena = postmarital, postnuptial
- jotaj = afterbirth
- jotaja = postnatal
- jotajbena = postpartum, puerperal
- jotajna bik = post-natal care
- jotajna = post-natal, postnatal
- jotaxdrawa = post-recorded
- jotaxdren = post-recording
- jotaxdrer = to post-record
- jotazoyoblen yuglyel = aftershave lotion
- joteat = hindsight
- joteax = post-review
- joteaxen = reviewing
- joteaxer = to review
- joteaxut = reviewer
- joteaxwa = reviewed
- jotej = after-life, afterlife
- joteus = after-taste, aftertaste
- joteuzben = dubbing
- joteuzber = to dub
- joteuzbut = dubber
- joteuzbwa = dubbed
- jotex = afterthought, recollection, review
- jotexer = to ponder the aftermath of, to review
- jotil = after-dinner drink
- jotoja = after-death, post obitum, posthumous, postmortem
- jotoja vyavyek = autopsy
- jotoja vyavyekut = autopsist
- jotojay = posthumously
- jotojut = successor, survivor
- jotojutyan = successors
- jotos = aftersensation
- jotujbena = posthypnotic
- jotul = dessert
- jotul fil = after-dinner drink, cordial, liqueur
- jotul tilar = dessert spoon
- jotula = postprandial
- jotuldras = dessert menu
- jotut = postdoc
- jotutan = postdoctorate
- jotutana = postdoc, postdoctoral
- jotyenyana = post-industrial, postindustrial
- joub = epoch
- jouba = epochal
- joup bi kyesi = sequence of events
- joup = sequence
- joupea = coming after, consecutive, following, next, sequent, sequential, succeeding, successive
- joupean = consecutiveness, sequentiality
- joupeay = consecutively, sequentially
- joupen = consecution, following, succeeding, succession
- jouper = to come after, to follow, to succeed
- joupnad = sequence
- joupus = sequel
- jouput = follower, successor
- jout = descendant
- joutan = posterity
- joutistam = post-graduate school
- joutistamut = post-graduate student, postgraduate
- joutyan = descendants, lineage, offspring
- jouvden = mourning
- jouvder = to mourn
- jouvdut = mourner
- jouvdyea = mournful
- jouyt = female descendant
- jovabib = aftergrowth
jovenson -- jubdinaya
- jovenson = postcondition
- jovisauna = postclassical
- jowut = male descendant
- joxena = after the fact, post factum
- joxeyn = follow-up, followup
- joxtexen = deducing, deduction
- joxtexer = to deduce
- joxtexwa = deduced
- joxtexyafwa = deducible
- joxuna = post factum
- joxwas = aftermath
- joxwer = to follow, to happen next
- joy = afterward, hence, next, then
- joya = ulterior
- joyab = chron
- joyanexen = postcoordination
- joyaniv = afterparty
- joyay = ulteriorly
- joyb = a while
- joyeb bi xab = term of office
- joyeb = term
- joyexa = afterwork
- joyga = youngish
- joygan = youngishness
- joygxen = refreshment
- joygxer = to refresh
- joygxwa = refreshed
- joyima = post-diluvial
- joyob = age, chron
- Joyob bi Manuen = Age of Enlightenment
- joyovtos = apology
- joyovtosden = apology
- joyovtosder = to apologize
- joyovtosdres = apology note
- joyovtosdyea = apologetic
- joyovtosdyeay = apologetically
- joyujteuzuna = postconsonantal
- JoZ. = p.m.
- joZ = PM, p.m., post meridiem
- jozajub = the day after tomorrow
- jozemaj = afternoon, p.m., post-meridian
- jozemaja = postmeridian
- jozemoj = after midnight
- jozoykyes = afterclap
- ju hij = heretofore, up to now
- ju bokan = ad nauseum
- ju ej = until now
- Ju gawteat! = Au revoir!
- ju gloj = for a short while
- ju ha jobuj = forever, until the end of time
- ju haj van = until such time as, until the time that, until when
- ju hij = heretofore, hitherto, until now, up to now
- ju his = heretofore, until this
- ju hoj = until such time that
- ju huj = hitherto, theretofore, until that time, until then, up to then, up until then
- ju hujab = until that year
- ju hujub = until that day
- ju hus = theretofore, until that, until then
- ju hyaj = forever
- ju jobuj = forever, forevermore, until the end of time
- ju juab = until Monday
- ju moruj = eternally, forever, until the end of time
- ju = til
- ju uj = until the end
- ju van = till, until
- Ju van yat hyuitzoyteatwo! = Until we see one another again!
- Ju yata zoyteat! = Until we see one another again!
- ju zoyteat = au revoir
- juab jozemaj = Monday afternoon
- juab jwamaj = Monday morning
- juab jwamoj = Monday evening
- juab moj = Monday night
- juab = Monday
- Jub bi ha Tojati = Day of the Dead, Dia de los Muertos
- jub = day
- juba = daily, diurnal
- jubay = daily, diurnally
- jubdin = news account, news item, news story
- jubdinam = news station
- jubdinaya = newsy
jubdindodras -- Judinab
- jubdindodras = news bulletin
- jubdindref = journal, newspaper
- jubdindref nixbuut = newsdealer
- jubdindrefbelut = newsboy
- jubdindrefbeluyt = newsgirl
- jubdindrefnamut = newsvendor
- jubdindrefnum = newsstand
- jubdindrefsyen = journalese
- jubdindreftyen = journalism
- jubdindrefut = paperboy
- jubdindrefuyt = papergirl
- jubdindrenes = news article
- jubdindreyf = tabloid
- jubdindrurun = newsprint
- jubdindyezun = newsreel
- jubdini = news
- jubdinig = newsflash
- jubdinika = newsy
- jubdinim = newsroom
- jubdintyena = journalistic
- jubdinubun = newscast
- jubdinubut = newscaster
- jubdinut = journalist, news reporter, newsagent, newsman, newspaperman, reporter
- jubdinutyan = journalist pool
- jubdinuyt = newspaperwoman, newswoman
- jubdinyan = current events, daily news of the day
- jubdinyeyfwa = newsworthy
- jubdinyeyfwan = newsworthiness
- jubdrurun = daily press
- jubdyes = diary, journal
- jubdyesdrawa = journalized
- jubdyesdren = journaling, journalizing
- jubdyesdrer = to journalize
- jubesea = waiting
- jubesen = waiting
- jubeser = to wait
- jubkyesyan = current events, news, the day's happenings
- jubtaxdyes = diary
- jubtaxdyesut = diarist
- jubtwasyan = daily news
- jubyen = daily routine, habit
- jubyena = habitual, run of the mill, usual
- jubyenan = habitualness
- jubyenay = habitually, usually
- jubyenier = to accustom oneself, to get used to grow accustomed
- jubyenser = to get used to habituate oneself
- jubyenuer = to accustom, to accustomize
- jubyenuwa = accustomed, accustomization, used to
- jubyenxer = to habituate, to train
- jubyenxwa = habituated
- jubyujben = adjournment
- jubyujber = to adjourn
- jubyujbwa = adjourned
- jud = date
- Juda = Jewish, Judaic
- Juda- = Judaeo-
- Juda tef = yarmulke
- Juda Yejub = Sabbath
- Juda Yejuba = sabbatical
- judar = calendar
- judaren = scheduling
- judarer = to put on the calendar, to schedule
- judaroben = calling off, canceling, cancellation
- judarober = to call off, to cancel
- judarobwa = called off, canceled, cancelled
- judarobyafwa = cancelable
- judarobyofwa = non-cancelable
- judarut = scheduler
- judarwa = scheduled
- judaryafwa = schedulable
- Judat = Jew
- Judatan = Jewishness
- Judatyan = Jewry
- Judifyaxeb = rabbi
- Judin = Judaism
- Judina fyaxam = Jewish temple
- Judina fyaxelam = Jewish temple
- Judina = Jewish, Judaic
- Judina Tot = God of the Jews, Yahweh
- Judinab = rabbinate
- Judinat = Jew
- Judinayt = Jewess, female Jew
- Judineb = rabbi
- Judineba = rabbinic, rabbinical
- Judinebyan = rabbinate
- Judinut = Jew, Judaist, practicing Jew
- judnabyan = date range
- judnad = dateline
- judo = judo
- judraf = calendar, date chart
- judraroben = cancelation
- judrawa = dated, postmarked
- judren = dating, postmarking
- judrer = to date, to postmark
- judsiyn = postmark
- judsiynber = to postmark
- Judtotifram = synagog, synagogue
- Judtotiframa = synagogal
- Judtuunyan = talmud
- Judtuunyana = talmudic
- Judwat = Jewish man, male Jew
- jueb = Tuesday
- juga = jaded, stagnant, tired, wilted, worn out
- jugan = fatigue, jadedness, stagnancy
- jugay = jadedly, stagnantly
- jugser = to become jaded, to fade, to stagnate, to tire, to wear out
- jugxer = to stagnate, to wear out
- jugxwa = jaded, stagnated, worn out
- juib = Wednesday
- jujitsu = jujitsu
- juju = juju
- juka = ulterior
- julep = julep
- julien = julienne
- juub = Thursday
- juyab = Saturday
- juyeb = Sunday
- juyob = Friday
- jwa- = early-, eo-, preter-, proto-
- jwa = early, punctually
- jwaa = early, preliminary, premature, punctual, unripe
- jwaa Latod = early Latin
- jwaa tadien = shotgun wedding
- jwaa yembix = early withdrawal
- jwaajdin = protohistory
- jwaajdina = protohistoric
- jwaajdinay = protohistorically
- jwaan = earliness, prematurity, punctuality
- jwaay = early, prematurely, punctually
- jwab = minute
- jwabdar = minute hand
- jwabditdeput = minute man
- jwabea = presetting
- jwaben = preparation, presetting
- jwabena = preliminary
- jwaber ha sem = to set the table
- jwaber ha sum = to make the bed
- jwaber = to cock, to make ready, to preset, to set
- jwabikuen = early warning
- jwabikuer = to give early warning to
- jwabikuun = early warning
- jwabsagen = clocking, counting the minutes
- jwabsager = to clock, to count the minutes, to time
- jwabsagwa = clocked, timed
- jwabwa = cocked, preset, ready
- jwad siun = warning sign
- jwad = warning
- jwadar = alarm, alert, warner, warning device
- jwadaryan = early warning system
- jwadea man = warning light
- jwadea seusar = warning bell
- jwaden = premonition, warning
- jwadena = premonitory
- jwader bi kyebuk = to warn of danger
- jwader = to premonish, to warn
- jwadodin = protohistory
- jwadodina = protohistoric
- jwadodinay = protohistorically
- jwadras = draft, preface, prescription
- jwadrawa = drafted, scripted
- jwadren = scripting
- jwadrer = to draft, to script
- jwadrun = draft, prescript, prescription, script
- jwadrurun = preprint
- jwadseuxar = horn, klaxon
- jwadseuxer = to honk, to hoot
- jwadus = warning mechanism
- jwadut = warner
- jwadwa = alarmed, warned
- jwadxyea = alarming
- jwadxyeay = alarmingly
- jwafa = raw
- jwafan = rawness
- jwafay = rawly
- jwafyateyz = paganism
- jwafyateyza = heathen, pagan, paganistic
- jwafyateyzut = heathen, pagan, paganist
- jwafyunden = admonishing, admonishment, admonition
- jwafyunder = to admonish
- jwafyundwa = admonished
- jwaga = green, premature, unripe
- jwagan = greenness, prematurity
- jwagfaob = greenwood
- jwagsagen = timing to the second
- jwagsager = to time to the second
- jwagsagwa = timed to the second
- jwaizden = advance indication
- jwaj = early days
- jwajag = nonage
- jwajagan = nonagery
- jwajatistam = prekindergarten
- jwajoba = premature
- jwajoban = prematurity
- jwajobay = prematurely
- jwakudwa = above-mentioned
- jwamaj jwob = morning hour
- jwamaj mar = morning star, morningstar
- jwamaj miil = morning dew
- jwamaj = morning
- jwamaj taf = housecoat
- jwamaja = matinal, matutinal, morning
- jwamoj = evening
- jwamoja = evening
- jwamojjob = evening time, soiree
- jwamola = preternatural
- jwanux = advance, early payment, prompt payment
- jwanuxer = to pay early, to pay in advance, to pay promptly
- jwanuxwa = paid early, paid in advance, promptly paid
- jwap = moment
- jwapa ifron = craze
- jwapa = momentary
- jwapan = momentariness
- jwapay = momentarily
- jwapien = early departure
- jwapier = to depart early
- jwapiler = to drop out
- jwapilut = dropout
- jwapot = protozoon
- jwapota = protozoan, protozoic
- jwapoti = protozoa
- jwapotun = protozoology
- jwapotuna = protozoological
- jwapotut = protozoologist
- jwapuen = arriving early arrival
- jwapuer = to arrive early
- jwapuut = early bird, early-bird
- jwapuyea = punctual
- jwapuyean = punctuality
- jwasa = premature
- jwasan = prematurity, proto-form
- jwasaun = early model, mock-up, mockup, prototype
- jwasauna = early model, prototypical
- jwasaunay = prototypically
- jwasaunxen = prototyping
- jwasaunxer = to prototype
- jwasaunxwa = prototyped
- jwasaxun = protoplast
- jwasaxwa tob = protoplast
- jwasay = prematurely
- jwasazul = protoplasm
- jwasazula = protoplasmic
- jwasiun = early sign, knell
- jwat = minor, underaged person
- jwata = callow, immature, premature, underage, underaged
- jwatadier = to marry early
- jwataja = born early, premature
- jwatajer = to be born early, to be premature
- jwatan = callowness, immaturity, minority, precociousness, precocity
- jwatay = immaturely, precociously
- jwatej = early life
- jwateja = cenozoic
- jwatejat = youngster
- jwatijbwa pet = slink
- jwatijen = rising early
- jwatijier = to rise early
- jwatijiut = early-riser
- jwatijpet = slunk
- jwatob = protohuman
- jwatojen = dying early, dying young
- jwatojer = to die early, to die young
- jwatuar = alarm, early warning device, warner, warning device
- jwatuar jwobir = alarm clock
- jwatud = love child, lovechild
- jwatuen = advance notification, alerting, early warning, forewarning, giving early notice, monition, prompting
- jwatuer = to alter, to forewarn, to give early notice, to prompt, to warn
- jwatujer = to sleep early
- jwatujien = getting to bed early
- jwatuun = advance knowledge, advance notice, advance tip, alarm, alert, early notice, early warning, forewarning
- jwatuun apyex = warning strike
- jwatuun doparun = warning shot
- jwatuun siun = warning sign
- jwatuuna = monitory
- jwatuundres = monitory
- jwatuwa = alarmed, alerted, forewarned, given early notice, prompted, warned
- jwaujbam = abortion clinic
- jwaujbea = aborting
- jwaujben = aborting, abortion
- jwaujbenavdea = pro-choice
- jwaujber tabij = to abort an embryo
- jwaujber = to abort
- jwaujber yekunyan = to abort a mission
- jwaujbut = abortionist
- jwaujbwa = aborted
- jwaujbyea = abortive
- jwaujbyeay = abortively
- jwavabiea = presupposing
- jwavabien = presupposition
- jwavabier = to presuppose
- jwavabiwa = presupposed
- jwavebuk = threat
- jwavebukder = to alter to a threat
- jwavebukuwa = imperiled, threatened
- jwavok = threat
- jwavokder = to alert
- jwavokuen = imperiling, threatening
- jwavokuer = to imperil, to threaten
- jwavokuyea = imperiling, threatening
- jwavokuyeay = threateningly
- jwavos = early bloom
- jwavosea = early-blooming
- jway = already
- jwayek = experiment
- jwayeka duz = experimental music
- jwayeka = experimental
- jwayekam = lab, laboratory
- jwayeken = experimentation, experimenting
- jwayeker = to experiment
- jwayekut = experimenter
- jwayekwa = experimented
- jwayivxen = freeing early, paroling
- jwayivxer = to free early, to parole
- jwayivxwa = freed early, paroled
- jwayivxwat = parolee, person freed early
- jwayujben = foreclosure
- jwayujber = to foreclose on
- jwayujbwa = foreclosed
- jwe av = in time for
- jwe = in time, on time, promptly
- jwea = on time, prompt, punctual, ready, timely
- jwean = promptitude, promptness, punctuality, readiness, timeliness
- jweay = in time, on time, promptly, readily
- jweb = second
- jwebdar = second hand
- jwedar = prompter
- jweden = prompting
- jweder = to prompt
- jwedseusar = tocsin
- jwedwa = prompted
- jwefa = fresh
- jwefa mil = freshwater
- jwefan = freshness
- jwefay = afresh, freshly
- jwefser = to become fresh, to freshen up
- jwefsiz = fresco
- jwefsizun = fresco
- jwefxen = freshening up
- jwefxer = to freshen, to refresh
- jwefxil = freshener
- jwefxwa = freshened up
- jwef-yuzbalwa = freshly squeezed
- jwega = ripe
- jwegan = ripeness
- jwegay = ripely
- jwegsea = ripening
- jwegser = to ripen
- jwegxer = to ripen
- jwegxwa = ripened
- jwep = instant, jiff, jiffy
- jwepa ikxen = instant gratification
- jwepa = instant, instantaneous
- jwepa kafeyl = instant coffee
- jwepa ubun = instant message
- jwepa zoyekun = instant replay
- jwepay = instantaneously, instanter, instantly
- jwepuen = arriving on time, on-time arrival
- jwepuer = to arrive in time, to arrive on time
- jwepuyeay = punctually
- jwesa = fresh, new, novel
- jwesafen = mending
- jwesafer = to mend
- jwesafut = mender
- jwesafwa = mended
- jwesafyafwa = mendable
- jwesan = freshness, newness, novelty
- jwesaxen = renewal, repairing
- jwesaxer = to renew, to repair
- jwesaxut = repairman
- jwesaxwa = renewed, repaired
- jwesaxyofwa = irreparable
- jwesaxyofway = irreparably
- jwesay = freshly, newly
- jweser = to be on time, to get ready
- jwesun = novelty
- jwet = adolescent, person at puberty, person of age
- jweta = pubescent
- jwetan = puberty, pubescence
- jwetana = pubertal
- jwetsea = becoming an adolescent
- jwetser = to become an adolescent, to enter puberty
- jwetuen = prompting
- jwetuer = to prompt
- jwetuut = prompter
- jwetuwa = prompted
- jwexen = preparation, readying
- jwexer = to prepare, to ready
- jwexwa = prepared, readied, ready
- jweyt = female adolescent
- jwo- = ceno-, late-, latter-
- jwo = late
- jwoa = dilatory, late, latter, tardy, too late
- jwoa Latod = late Latin
- jwoan = lateness, tardiness
- jwoay = belatedly, late, lately, tardily
- jwob balsiyn = timestamp
- jwob bi taj = hour of birth, time of birth
- jwob bi toj = hour of death, time of death
- jwob = clock time, hour, time of day
- jwoba = hourly
- jwobar neyef = watchband
- jwobar = time piece, timepiece, watch
jwobarsaxen -- jwonuxer
- jwobarsaxen = watchmaking
- jwobarsaxut = watchmaker
- jwobarseux = tick tock, ticktock
- jwobay = hourly
- jwobdar = hour hand
- jwobder = to clock, to tell time
- jwobdir = clock punch
- jwobdir dref = clock card
- jwobdraf = hourly schedule
- jwobir = clock
- jwobir izdar = clock hand
- jwobir kyoteaxut = clock watcher, clock-watcher, clockwatcher
- jwobir sirunyan = clockwork
- jwobir yabtom = clock tower
- jwobir zaned = clock face
- jwobir zyutom = clock tower
- jwobirexen = clockwork
- jwobirizona = clockwise
- jwobirnam = clock shop
- jwobirsaxut = clockmaker
- jwobirtun = horology
- jwobirtuna = horologic, horological
- jwobirtut = horologist
- jwobirut = clockmaker
- jwobiun = hold-up, holdup
- jwobnagen = timekeeping
- jwobnagut = timekeeper
- jwobsagen = timing
- jwobur = grandfather clock
- jwobyex = timework
- jwobyixwa = timeworn
- jwobyuxlus = timeserver
- jwobzyeb = hourglass
- jwofa = stagnant, stale
- jwofan = stagnancy, staleness
- jwofay = stagnantly
- jwofsea = getting stale, growing stale
- jwofsen = getting stale
- jwofser = to get stale, to grow stale
- jwofteisa = fusty, musty
- jwofteisan = fustiness, mustiness
- jwoga = mature
- jwogan = maturity
- jwogay = maturely
- jwoglanasa = arriviste
- jwoglanasat = arriviste, parvenu
- jwogsa = matured
- jwogsea = maturing
- jwogsen = maturing
- jwogser = to mature
- jwogtepa = senile
- jwogtepan = senility
- jwogtepat = senile person
- jwogtepsea = becoming senile
- jwogtepsen = becoming senile
- jwogtepser = to become senile
- jwoj = latter days, modern era
- jwoja = latter-day
- Jwojoba Fyat = Latter Day Saint, Mormon
- Jwojoba fyaxelam = LDS temple, Mormon temple
- Jwojoba = LDS
- Jwojobat = LDS
- Jwojobin = Mormonism
- jwojozemaja = twinight
- Jwokristin = Protestantism
- Jwokristina = Lutheran, Protestant
- Jwokristinayt = female Protestant
- Jwokristinut = Lutheran, Protestant
- Jwokristinwat = male Protestant
- jwomaj = afternoon, late day
- jwomaja = afternoon, late day
- jwomoj = late at night, late night
- jwomoja = late night
- jwon = delay
- jwonux = late payment
- jwonuxea = delinquent
- jwonuxean = delinquency
- jwonuxeay = delinquently
- jwonuxen = defaulting
- jwonuxer = to default, to pay late
- jwonuxwa = overdue, paid late
- jwonyazkaxut = arriviste, parvenu
- jwopea = delayed, running late
- jwoper = to be delayed, to run late
- jwopien = departing late departure, leaving late
- jwopier = to depart late, to leave late
- jwopuen = arriving late, lagging, late arrival
- jwopuer = to arrive late, to lag behind
- jwopuut = late arrival, late-arrival, late-comer, parvenu, upstart
- jwos = delay, lag
- jwosa = old, ripe
- jwosasea = aging, ripening
- jwosasen = aging, ripening
- jwosaser = to ripen
- jwosaun = late model
- jwosauna = late model
- jwosaxen = aging
- jwosea = lagging, tarrying
- jwosen = being delayed, being late, delaying, lagging behind
- jwoser = to be delayed, to be late, to delay, to lag behind, to tarry
- jwot = adult, grownup, person of age
- jwota = adult, grown-up, mature, of-age, ripe
- jwotadier = to marry late
- jwotan = adulthood, majority, maturity
- jwotej = late life, old age
- jwoteja = elderly, late-life, senior
- jwotejan = maturity
- jwotejat = elder, mature person, oldster, senior, veteran
- jwotsen = becoming an adult, growing up, maturation
- jwotser = to become an adult, to grow up, to mature
- jwotujen = sleeping in, sleeping late
- jwotujer = to sleep in, to sleep late
- jwotujut = late sleeper
- jwotxer = to make an adult, to raise
- jwotxwa = matured
- jwoupen = coming late
- jwouper = to come late
- jwouput = johnny-come-lately, latecomer
- jwoupya = obsolete, outmoded
- jwovos = late bloom
- jwovosea = late-blooming
- jwovosen = blooming late
- jwovoser = to bloom late
- jwovosut = late-bloomer
- jwox = delay, hold-up, holdup, lag
- jwoxdal = filibuster
- jwoxdalut = filibusterer
- jwoxea = delaying, dilatory, retardant, retarding
- jwoxen = delaying, retardation, retarding, setting back, temporization
- jwoxer = to delay, to make late, to retard, to set back, to temporize
- jwoxul = retardant
- jwoxus = retarder
- jwoxut = retarder, temporizer