Mirad Lexicon/Mirad-English-H

ha aa sun ho -- ha

  • ha aa sun ho = the first thing that
  • ha aa sun = the first thing
  • ha aa = the first
  • ha aas ho = the first one that, the first that, the first thing that
  • ha aas = the first, the first one, the first thing
  • ha aasi ho = the first ones that
  • ha aasi = the first, the first ones
  • ha aat = first person, the first, the first one
  • ha aat ho = the first one who
  • ha aati ho = the first ones who
  • ha aati = the first, the first ones, the first persons
  • ha Abefyaxeb bi Canterbury = the Archbishop of Canterbury
  • ha aga kyiseux = the big bang
  • Ha Agala Mas = The Great Wall
  • Ha Agala Ovmas Mimegag = The Great Barrier Reef
  • ha Agta Unkikunidi = the Great Pyramids
  • Ha Alo Duruni = The Ten Commandments
  • ha ana sun ho = the only thing that
  • ha ana sun = the only thing
  • ha ana suni ho = the only things that
  • ha ana suni = the only things
  • ha ana = the only, the sole
  • ha ana tob ho = the only person who
  • ha ana tob = the only person
  • ha ana tobi ho = the only people who
  • ha ana tobi = the only people
  • ha anas ho = the only thing that
  • ha anas = the only thing
  • ha anasi = the only things, the only things that
  • ha anat ho = the only one who, the only person who
  • ha anat = the only one, the only person
  • ha anati ho = the only people who
  • ha anati = the only people
  • ha aona = all the entire, the whole
  • ha aona mir = the whole world
  • ha aonas = the entire thing, the whole thing
  • ha at = the ego
  • ha aybat = the superego
  • ha ayna mir = the whole world
  • ha ayna = the whole
  • ha aynas = all of it, the entire thing, the whole thing
  • ha Baea Zyutom bi Pisa = the Leaning Tower of Pisa
  • ha beuti ay ha obeuti = the haves and have-nots
  • Ha byun yevxe ha zeyen. = The end justifies the means.
  • ha Diyn bi Ewa Domi = The Tale of Two Cities
  • ha Dodrur = the Press
  • ha drodur = the press
  • ha drorur = the media, the press
  • ha ea jona juab = the second Monday from now, two Mondays from now
  • ha Eona Zyutomi = the Twin Towers
  • Ha Friza Mes = The Sublime Porte
  • ha Fyaxel = the Holy Mass, the Mass
  • ha fyob bi hya fyox = the root of all evil
  • ha gagon bi = the majority of
  • ha gronasati = the poor
  • ha gwa aa = the very first
  • ha gwa yuba = the next
  • ha gwa yubas = the next one
  • ha hyua = the other
  • ha hyuas = the other thing
  • ha hyuasi = the other things, the others
  • ha hyuati = the other people, the others
  • ha ikzati = the rich
  • ha it = the id
  • ha jana juab = the previous Monday
  • ha jona juab = the following Monday
  • ha Joub bi Aquarius = the Age of Aquarius
  • ha juab ho = the Monday when...
  • ha Kebiwatyan = The Chosen People
  • ha Maarmaf = the Milky Way
  • Ha mal se oma. = It is cold.
  • ha nasefati = the needy
  • ha nyazayati = the rich, the wealthy, the well-to-do
  • ha nyazikati = the rich, the wealthy, the well-to-do
  • Ha nyuf jay puaye. = The package has already arrived.
  • ha Ojvadwa Mem = the Promised Land
  • ha sasya mir = the developed world
  • ha tayopi = the senses
  • ha tejati ay ha tojyati = the quick and the dead
  • ha = the

ha tob ho -- has

  • ha tob ho = the person who
  • ha Tottwud = the Son of God
  • ha Umer = to the West
  • ha ut = the self
  • ha Uzaybmas bi Akrun = the Arch of Triumph
  • ha uznadxen bi ha imer = to the curvature of the earth
  • ha vitej = cushy existence, the good life
  • ha Vyiden bi Oyuvan = the Declaration of Independence
  • ha Yabtom bi Babel = the Tower of Babel
  • ha Yabtom bi Eiffel = the Eiffel Tower
  • ha Yabtom bi London = the Tower of London
  • Ha Yim bi Noah = Noah's Flood
  • ha yuxun ho = how, the way that, with the means that
  • ha ZAmer = to the North
  • ha ZImer = to the East
  • ha ZOmer = to the South
  • ha zoybesun bi = the rest of
  • haaa = haaa
  • habyen = how, the kind, the manner, the way
  • habyena suni ho = the kind of things that
  • habyena tobi ho = the kind of people that
  • habyenas ho = the kind of thing that
  • habyeni = ho the kinds of, the ways that
  • hagan = as much, the amount
  • hagan ho = as much as, the amount that
  • hagela = the kind of
  • hagla = as many, as much, of the amount, to the degree
  • hagla ho = as much as
  • hagla job ho = as long as
  • hagla job = the amount of time
  • hagla jodi = the number of times
  • haglas ho = as much as
  • haglas = how much, the amount
  • haglasi = how many, the number of things
  • haglati = how many (people), the number of people
  • haglayti = the number of women
  • hahyia = the same
  • hahyij = the same time
  • hahyis = the same thing
  • hahyisi = the same things
  • hahyit = the same person
  • hahyita = the same person's
  • hahyiti = the same people
  • hahyua = the other
  • hahyuas = the other one
  • hahyuat = the other one, the other person
  • hahyuj = the other time
  • hahyum = that other place, the same place
  • hahyus = the other thing
  • hahyusauna = the other kind of, this same kind of
  • hahyut = the other person
  • hahyuyen = the other way, the same way
  • haj = the time
  • hajaga = of the age
  • hajagat = person of the age
  • hajagati = people of what age
  • hajob ho = the time that, the time when
  • hajob = the time
  • hajobi bu = the times when
  • hajobi ho = when
  • hajod ho = on the occasion that, the time that
  • hajod = on the occasion
  • hajodi = at the times, at the times that, on the occasions
  • hajodi ho = on the occasions that, on the occasions when
  • haleluya = halleluiah, hallelujah
  • haler = to haler
  • ham = the place
  • hamburgas = hamburger
  • hamep = the way
  • hami ho = the places where
  • hami = the places
  • hanco = head honcho
  • hanog ho = as much as, inasmuch as, so much that, to the degree that, to the extent that
  • hanog = to the degree
  • hansenbok = leprosy
  • hansenbokat = leper
  • hansompur = hansom, hanson
  • harlekwin = harlequin
  • hartleynak = hartley
  • has = it, the thing, what

hasa -- hayden

  • hasa = its, the thing's
  • hasag = as many, how many, the number of...that
  • hasag ho = as many as, the number that
  • hasauna ho = the kind that
  • hasauna = the kind of
  • hasaunas ho = the kind of thing that
  • hasaunas = the kind of thing
  • hasaunasi = the kinds of things
  • hasaunat ho = the kind of person who
  • hasaunat = the kind of person
  • hasaunati ho = the kind of people who
  • hasaunati = the kind of people
  • hasaunayti ho = the kind of women who
  • hasaunayti = the kind of women
  • hasaunwat ho = the kind of man who
  • hasaunwat = the kind of man
  • hasaunwati ho = the kind of men who
  • hasaunwati = the kind of men
  • hasav bi = because of
  • hasav = for the reason, the reason
  • hasav ho = because, for the reason that
  • hasav van = because
  • hash tag = nyedsiun
  • hasi ho = the thing that, what
  • hasi = the things, them, they, what (things)
  • hason = the matter, the thing
  • hasoni = the matters, the things, them, they
  • hasun = the thing
  • hasuni ho = the things that
  • hasuni = the things, them, they
  • hat = he, him, the person, who(m)/who
  • hata = his, the person's
  • hatas = his, the person's, the person's thing, whose
  • hatasi = his, the person's things, whose (things)
  • hati = the ones, the people, them, they, who, whom
  • Haud = Hausa
  • Haudaler = to speak Hausa
  • Haudalut = Hausa speaker
  • Hauder = to say in Hausa
  • havolza ho = of the color that
  • hawa = the one, the only, the single
  • hawajod ho = the only time that
  • hawajod = the only time
  • hawam ho = the only place that
  • hawam = the only place
  • hawas ho = the only one that, the only thing that
  • hawas = the only one, the only thing
  • hawasi ho = the only ones that, the only things that
  • hawasi = the only ones, the only things
  • hawat ho = the only one who, the only person who
  • hawat = the only one, the only person
  • hawatas ho = the only one's which
  • hawatas = the only one's, the only one's thing
  • hawatasi ho = the only one's which
  • hawatasi = the only one's, the only one's things
  • hawati ho = the only ones who, the only people who
  • hawati = the only ones, the only people
  • haway gwe = barely, only just, scarcely
  • Haway = Hawaii
  • haway hij = just, only now
  • haway = only
  • haway updiwati = by invitation only
  • Hawaya abaunwa oyebim = lanai
  • Hawaya ivtyal = luau
  • Hawaya vosuz = lei
  • hawayen ho = the only way that
  • hawayen = the only way
  • hawayt ho = the only female who, the only girl who, the only one, the only woman who
  • hawayt = the only female person
  • hawayti ho = the only women who
  • hawayti = that only females, the only ones
  • Hawud = Hawaiian language
  • Hawuda = Hawaiian
  • Hawudaler = to speak Hawaiian
  • Hawudalut = speaker of Hawaiian
  • haxag = the frequency
  • haxaga = of the frequency
  • Hay! = Greetings!, Hello!, Hi!
  • hayd = a hello, greeting, salutation, salvo
  • hayden = greeting, greetings, salutation, saluting, saying hello, saying hi

haydena -- hehyusauna

  • haydena = salutatory
  • hayder nuxpur = to call a cab, flag down a taxi
  • hayder = to greet, to salute, to say hello, to say hi
  • haydraf = greeting card
  • haydrawa = logged in
  • haydren dyun = login name
  • haydren kodun = login password
  • haydrer = to log in, to log on, to login, to logon
  • haydrun = login, logon
  • haydut = greeter
  • haydwa = greeted, saluted
  • hayen = the kind, the manner, the way
  • hayena = how, the kind of, the manner of, the way of the kind
  • hayenas = the kind of thing
  • hayenasi = the kind of things
  • hayenat = the kind of person, what kind of person
  • hayenati = the kind of people, what kind of people
  • hayenayt = the kind of woman
  • hayenayti = the kind of women
  • hayeni = in ways that, the kinds that
  • hayenwat = the kind of guy
  • hayenwati = the kind of men
  • hayt = her, she, the girl
  • hayta = her, the girl's
  • haytas = hers, the girl's
  • haytasi = her things, hers, the girl's
  • hayti = the girls, them, they
  • haytuyaxer = to wave hi
  • haytuyxer = to wave hello
  • he Baea Yabtom bi Pias = the Leaning Tower of Pisa
  • he = the letter h
  • he tojya Dut Dobbs = the late Mr. Dobbs
  • hea = a certain, an, some
  • hea joa juab = some future Monday
  • hea suni ho = some things that
  • heanak = ha, hectare
  • heawa = a certain
  • heawa sun = a certain thing
  • heawa tob = a certain person, someone
  • heawas = a certain thing
  • heawas ho = a certain thing that
  • heawat = a certain person, someone
  • heawat ho = a certain person who, a certain person whom
  • Hebad = Hebrew language
  • Hebada = Hebraic
  • Hebada Tot = Hebrew God
  • Hebadaler = to speak Hebrew
  • Hebadalut = speaker of Hebrew
  • Hebadat = Hebrew
  • Hebader = to say in Hebrew
  • Hebadrawa = written in Hebrew
  • Hebadrer = to write in Hebrew
  • Hebadreyen = Hebrew script
  • hecal = hydrocarbon
  • hecalilka = hydrochloric
  • hecalilka zil = hydrochloric acid
  • heelk = He, helium
  • heelk malzyun = helium balloon
  • hefelk = Hf, hafnium
  • hegan = a certain amount, some
  • hegan job = a certain amount of time, for some time, some time
  • hegelk amnagar = mercury thermometer
  • hegelk = Hg, mercury, quicksilver, somehow
  • hegelka = mercurial
  • hegenak = hg, nectogram
  • heges = cinnabar
  • hegla = how much/many, somewhat, to a certain extent, to some degree, to what extent
  • hegla job = a certain amount of time, for some time, some time
  • hegla jodi = on some occasions, some number of times, sometimes
  • hegla tobi = a certain number of people
  • heglas = a certain amount, some (amount), some of it
  • heglasi = certain things, some things
  • heglati = certain people, some people
  • heglati ho = some people who, some who
  • hehyua = some other
  • hehyuas = some other one
  • hehyuj = some other time
  • hehyum = somewhere else
  • hehyus = some other thing
  • hehyusauna = some other kind of

hehyut -- hesana

  • hehyut = some other person, someone else
  • hehyuyen = somehow other
  • hei = iota
  • hej = at a certain time, sometime, when
  • hej ho = at a certain time when, sometime when
  • hejaga = how old
  • hejagat = person of some age
  • hejagati = people of the following age, people of this age
  • heji = at certain times, at times, sometimes
  • hejob = at a certain time, sometime
  • hejob ho = at a certain time when, sometime when
  • hejod = at a certain time, at some point, on some occasion, sometime
  • hejod ho = at a certain point when
  • hejoday = occasionally
  • hejodi = at some points, at times, on occasion, on some occasions
  • hejodi ho = at times when
  • hejuab = some Monday
  • hejub ho = on some day that, some day when
  • hejub = some day, someday
  • hejwapi = at certain moments
  • Hekigem = Hong Kong
  • Hekigema = Hong Kongese
  • Hekigemat = inhabitant of Hong Kong
  • helk calkayt = hydrogen carbonate
  • helk = H, hydrogen
  • helk ilbien = hydrogen absorption
  • helk polkayt = hydrogen phosphate
  • helk pyuxrar = hydrogen bomb
  • helk solkayt = bisulfate, hydrogen sulfate
  • helk zaybux = hydrogen propulsion
  • helka zil = acetic acid
  • helkiso = ksi
  • helkxen = hydrogenation
  • helkxwa = hydrogenated
  • helkxwa yel = hydrogenated oil
  • helxer = to hydrogenate
  • hem ho = somewhere where
  • hem = somewhere, where
  • hemi ho = some places where
  • hemi = some places
  • Hemid = Hiri Motu
  • Hemidaler = to speak Hiri Motu
  • Hemidalut = Hiri Motu speaker
  • Hemidam = Heard Island and McDonald Islands
  • Hemidama = from Heard Island and McDonald Islands
  • Hemidamat = inhabitant of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
  • Hemider = to say in Hiri Motu
  • hemules = higgs particle
  • Henid = Hindi
  • Henidaler = to speak Hindi
  • Henidalut = Hindi speaker
  • Henidam = Honduras
  • Henidama = Honduran
  • Henidamat = Honduran, inhabitant of Honduras
  • Henider = to say in Hindi
  • henog = somewhat, to a certain extent, to some degree
  • heoja = eventual
  • heojan = eventuality
  • heojay = eventually
  • heolk = Ho, holmium
  • heolkiyd = hydroxide
  • hermitia = hermitian
  • Herod = Herero, Herod
  • Herodaler = to speak Herero
  • Herodalut = Herero speaker
  • Heroder = to say in Herero
  • Herovud = Croatian
  • Herovudaler = to speak Croatian
  • Herovudalut = Croatian speaker
  • Herovuder = to say in Croatian
  • Herovukin = Croatian kuna
  • Herovum = Croatia
  • Herovuma = Croatian
  • Herovumat = Croatian, inhabitant of Croatia
  • hes ho = something that, something which
  • hes = something
  • hesag = a certain number, some
  • hesag jodi = on some occasions, some number of times, sometimes
  • hesag tobi = a certain number of people, certain people, some people
  • hesana = a certain form of, some form of

hesauna -- hi-

  • hesauna = a certain kind of, some kind of, some type of
  • hesav = for some reason
  • hesi = certain things, some things
  • hesi ho = certain things which, some things that
  • hesolk = Hs, hassium
  • hesolka zil = hydrosulfuric acid
  • hesun ho = something which
  • hesun = something
  • hesuni = some things
  • het = a certain person, somebody, someone
  • het ho = a certain person who, somebody who, someone who
  • Het pyosa bu ha mim! = Man overboard!
  • heta = a certain person's, somebody's, someone's, whose
  • hetas = some person's, somebody's, someone's thing
  • hetasi = someboyd's, someone's (things), someone's thing
  • heti = certain people, some people
  • heti ho = certain people who, some people who, some who
  • Hetid = Haitian Creole
  • Hetida = in Haitian Creole
  • Hetidaler = to speak Haitian Creole
  • Hetidalut = speak Haitian Creole
  • Hetim = Haiti
  • Hetima = Haitian
  • Hetimat = Haitian, inhabitant of Haiti
  • hetob = a certain person, somebody, someone
  • hetoba = a certain person's, somebody's, someone's
  • hetobas = somebody's thing, someone's
  • hetobasi = somebody's things, someone's
  • hetobi = some people
  • hetoyb = some woman
  • hetoyba = some woman's
  • hetoybas = some woman's
  • hetoybasi = some woman's things
  • hetoybi = some women
  • hetwob = some guy, some man
  • hetwoba = some man's
  • hetwobas = some man's
  • hetwobasi = some man's things
  • hetwobi = some men
  • hevolza = of some color
  • hexag = how often, sometimes, with some frequency
  • hexaga = how frequent
  • hexu = chi
  • hey = ahem, ahoy, hey, o, oh
  • Hey! = Hey there!, Hey!, O!, Oh!, Yahoo!
  • Hey ifwa X = Dear X
  • heyd = call, evocation, shout-out
  • heydea = addressing, beckoning, calling, evoking, hailing
  • heyden = addressing, beckoning, calling, evocation, hailing
  • heydena = vocative
  • heyder noxpur = to hail a cab
  • heyder nuxpur = to call a taxi, hail a taxi
  • heyder = to address, to beckon, to call, to evoke, to hail, to shout out
  • heydraf = calling card
  • heydut = caller, hailer, one beckoning
  • heydwa = addressed, beckoned, called, evoked
  • heyen = how, in some fashion, in some way, somehow, someway
  • heyena = a certain kind of, some kind of, what kind of
  • heyenas = some kind of thing
  • heyenasi = some kind of things, some kinds of things
  • heyenat = some kind of person
  • heyenata = some kind of person's
  • heyenati = some kind of people, some kinds of people
  • heyenayt = some kind of girl
  • heyenayta = some kind of girl's
  • heyenayti = some kinds of girls
  • heyeni = in certain ways, in some ways
  • heyenwat = some kind of guy
  • heyenwata = some kind of guy's
  • heyenwati = some kinds of guys
  • heyt = a certain female, some girl, someone
  • heyta = a certain female's, some girl's, someone's
  • heytas = some girl's, someone's thing
  • heytasi = some girl's, someone's someone's thing
  • heyti = some females, some girls
  • heytia = some females
  • heytias = some female's thing
  • heytiasi = some female's things
  • heytuyaxer nuxpur = to wave down a taxi
  • hi- = hither, these, this

hia jubi -- hihisinxer

  • hia jubi = nowadays, these days
  • Hia sim se embiwa. = This seat is occupied.
  • hia = these, this
  • hias = this one
  • hiat = the one over here, this one, this person
  • hiati = the people over here, these
  • hiawa = this one, this particular
  • hiawas = this one, this one thing
  • hiawat = this particular person
  • hiayt = this female
  • hiayta = this female's
  • hiayti = these females
  • hibaci = hibachi
  • hiewa = these two
  • hiewasi = these two things
  • hiewati = these two people
  • higel = like this way
  • higela = this kind of
  • higla job = this long, this much time
  • higla jodi = so many times, this many times, this often
  • higla = so many, so much, this many, this much, to this degree
  • higla xagay = this often
  • higlas = this much
  • higlasi = this many
  • higlati = this many people
  • hihi = haha, teehee
  • hihid = laugh
  • hihiden = laughing, laughter, ridiculing, teeheeing
  • hihider = to laugh, to ridicule, to teehee
  • hihidez = comedy
  • hihidezen = doing comedy, performing comedy
  • hihidezer = to do comedy, to perform comedy
  • hihidezun = comedy act
  • hihidezut = comedian
  • hihidier = to amuse oneself
  • hihidin = farce, joke
  • hihidin yekun = butt of a joke
  • hihidina = farcical, jocular
  • hihidinay = farcically, jocularly
  • hihidinen = joke-telling, joking
  • hihidiner = to joke
  • hihidinut = comedian, comic, joke-teller, joker, jokester
  • hihidinyea = joky
  • hihidinyeay = jokingly
  • hihidog = giggle
  • hihidrasin = cartoon
  • hihidrasin drev = cartoon page
  • hihidrasinut = cartoonist
  • hihidrasinyena = cartoonish
  • hihidudueay = tauntingly
  • hihiduduen = taunting
  • hihiduduer = to taunt
  • hihiduduun = taunt
  • hihiduduut = taunter
  • hihiduduwa = taunted
  • hihiduea = laugh-provoking, teasy
  • hihiduen = amusement, hilarity, making laugh, teasing, tickling
  • hihiduer = to amuse, to make laugh, to tease, to tickle
  • hihiduus = teaser
  • hihiduut = entertainer, joker, tease, teaser
  • hihiduwa = amused, teased, tickled
  • hihiduyea = amusing, funny, hilarious, teasing
  • hihiduyean = hilariousness
  • hihiduyeay = amusingly, hilariously
  • hihidwa = ridiculed
  • hihidwat = bozo, laughingstock
  • hihidxeay = teasingly, ticklingly
  • hihidxen = teasing, tickling
  • hihidxer = to tease, to tickle
  • hihidxut = teaser, tickler
  • hihidxwa = teased, tickled
  • hihidyeay = laughingly
  • hihidyefwa = funny, laughable, ridiculous, risible
  • hihidyefwan = funniness, ridiculousness, risibility
  • hihidyefway = funnily, laughably, ridiculously
  • hihidyezun = cartoon, flicker
  • hihisin = caricature, cartoon, comic
  • hihisinut = caricaturist, cartoonist
  • hihisinxen = caricaturing
  • hihisinxer = to caricature

hihisinxwa -- Hinduina fam

  • hihisinxwa = caricatured
  • hihyia = this same
  • hihyij = this same time
  • hihyis = this same thing
  • hihyisi = this same things
  • hihyit = this same person
  • hihyita = this same person's
  • hihyiti = this same people
  • hihyua = this other, this other person
  • hihyuj = this other time
  • hihyum = this other place, this same place
  • hihyus = this other thing
  • hihyusauna = that other kind of, this same kind of
  • hihyusav = for this other reason
  • hihyusi = these other things
  • hihyuti = these other people
  • hihyuyen = this other way, this same way
  • hiia = foregoing, forthcoming, the following
  • hiigela = the following kind of
  • hiigla = to the following degree, to this degree
  • hiiglas = the following amount
  • hiiglasi = the following number of things
  • hiiglati = the following number of people
  • hiij = now
  • hiijaga = of the following age
  • hiijagat = person of the following age
  • hiim = here
  • hiimep = the following way
  • hiis = the following
  • hiisav = for the following reason, for this reason
  • hiisi = the following (things)
  • hiit = the following person
  • hiita = the follow person's, the following person's
  • hiitas = the following person's
  • hiitasi = the following person's, the following person's things
  • hiiti = the following people
  • hiixag = this often
  • hiixaga = of the following frequency
  • hiiyen = as follows, in the following way, like the following, the following way
  • hiiyena = the following kind of
  • hiiyenas = the following kind of thing
  • hiiyenasi = the following kinds of things
  • hiiyenat = the following kind of person
  • hiiyenati = the following kind of people
  • hiiyt = the following girl
  • hiiyta = the following girl's
  • hiiytas = the following girl's
  • hiiytasi = the following girl's
  • hiiyti = the following guys
  • hiizon = this direction, this way
  • hij = at this time, now, presently
  • hij ho = now that, now when
  • hijab = this year
  • hijaga = this old
  • hijagat = person of this age
  • hiji = nowadays
  • hijob = at this time, now
  • hijob ho = at this time when, now that, now when
  • hijoba = current
  • hijobi = nowadays, these days
  • hijod = this time
  • hijodi = at these times, on these occasions
  • hijuab = this Monday
  • hijub = today
  • hijuba = today's
  • hijuba tul = blue plate special, dish of the day, today's special dish
  • hik = hiccough, hiccup
  • hikxer = to hiccough, to hiccup
  • him = here, hither, this place
  • him ho = here where
  • him yeznase... = here lies...
  • himem = the homeland, this country
  • himep = this way
  • himi = hereabouts, these parts, these places
  • himi ho = hereabouts where
  • himirat = worldling
  • himoj = tonight
  • hinda tam = bungalow
  • Hinduin = Hinduism
  • Hinduina fam = Hindu temple

Hinduina toptuxut -- hoglati

  • Hinduina toptuxut = guru
  • Hinduinut = Hindu
  • hinog = so, this, to this degree, to this extent
  • hip-hop duz = hip-hop music
  • hip-hop = hip-hop
  • hipi = hippie, hippy
  • His bayswe at. = This belongs to me.
  • his = it, this thing
  • His tesage av at. = This means a lot to me.
  • His voy vyexe et. = This does not concern you., This is none of your business.
  • hisa = its
  • hisauanasi = such things, these kind of things
  • hisaun = this kind
  • hisauna = such, this kind of
  • hisaunas = such a thing, this kind of thing
  • hisaunat = such a person, this kind of person
  • hisaunati = such people, these kind of people
  • hisaunayt = this kind of girl
  • hisaunayti = these kinds of girls
  • hisaunwat = this kind of guy
  • hisaunwati = these kinds of guys
  • hisav = for this reason, therefore
  • his-av-hus = quid pro quo
  • hisi = them, these (things), these things, they
  • histidiyn = histidine
  • hisun = this thing
  • hisuni = these things
  • hit = he, him, this person
  • hita = his, this person's
  • hitas = his, this person's
  • hitasi = his, this person's things
  • hiti = them, these people, they
  • hitia = their
  • hitlerin = fascism
  • hitlerina = fascist, fascistic
  • hitlerinut = fascist
  • hitob = this person
  • hitoba = this person's
  • hitobi = these people
  • Hitod = Hittite
  • Hitodresyen = Hittite writing system
  • hitooba = this gender
  • hitoyb = this woman
  • hitoyba = this woman's
  • hitoybi = these women
  • hitwob = this man
  • hitwoba = this man's
  • hitwobi = these men
  • hiusauna = this or that kind of, various kinds of
  • hivolza = of this color, this color of
  • hixag = this often
  • hixaga = this often
  • hiy = ecce, here is, see here, voici
  • hiyen = herewith, like this, so, this way, thus
  • hiyena = like this, such, this kind of
  • hiyenas = such a thing, this kind of thing
  • hiyenasi = these kinds of things
  • hiyenat = such a person, this kind of person
  • hiyenati = such people, these kind of people, these kinds of people
  • hiyenayt = this kind of woman
  • hiyenayta = this kind of woman's
  • hiyenayti = these kinds of women
  • hiyenwat = this kind of man
  • hiyenwata = this kind of man's
  • hiyenwati = these kinds of men
  • hiyt = her, she, this girl
  • hiyta = her, this girl's
  • hiytas = her thing, hers, this girl's
  • hiytasi = her things, hers, this girl's
  • hiyti = them, these girls, they
  • hiyuxun = this way, with this means
  • ho = that, who, whom
  • ho- = which
  • hoa = which
  • hogi = hoagie, hoagy
  • hogla = how much, how much/many
  • hogla jodi et fu = as many times as you'd like
  • hoglas = how much
  • hoglasi = how many
  • hoglati = how many (people)

hoj -- huglati

  • hoj = the time that, the time when
  • hojaga = how old, of the age that
  • hojagat = person of what age
  • hojagati = people of what age
  • holandez = hollandaise
  • hom = the place that, the place where
  • homep = the way that
  • honki-tonki = honky-tonky
  • honog = to the degree that
  • Hooa yov! = It is a such a pity!, What a shame!
  • Hoogla uva! = How sad!, How very sad!
  • Hos at gwaufe se... = What I hate the worst is...
  • hos = that which, the thing that, what
  • hosana = hosanna
  • hosav = because, why
  • hosi = what things
  • hot = he who, the person who, whom
  • hota = whose
  • hotas = whose
  • hotasi = whose things
  • hoti = who, whom
  • hoxag et fu = as often as you'd like
  • hoxag = how often
  • hoxaga = how frequent
  • hoy = bye, ciao, farewell, goodbye, so long, tallyho
  • hoyd = a goodbye, adieu, farewell greeting
  • hoydal = valediction
  • hoydala = valedictory
  • hoydalut = valedictorian
  • hoyden = farewell greeting, saying goodbye, taking leave
  • hoyder = to bid adieu, to bid farewell, to say bye, to say goodbye, to take leave of
  • hoydi = adieux
  • hoydrawa = logged out
  • hoydrer = to log off, to logoff
  • hoydrun = logoff
  • hoydyaniv = farewell party, sendoff
  • hoyen et te = as you know
  • hoyen = how, in the manner that, in the way that, the kind that, the way that
  • hoyen van = as
  • hoyen ven = as if
  • hoyena = of the kind that, what kind of
  • hoyenas = the kind of thing that, what kind of thing
  • hoyenasi ho = the kind of things that
  • hoyenasi = what kind of things
  • hoyenat = the kind of person who, what kind of person
  • hoyenati = the kind of people who, what kind of people
  • hoyenayt = the kind of woman who
  • hoyenayti = the kind of women who
  • hoyeni = how, the kinds of, the ways, the ways that
  • hoyenwat = the kind of guy that
  • hoyenwati = the kind of guys that
  • hoyepet = scent hound
  • hoyt = her whom, she who
  • hoyti = the woman whom, the women who
  • hoytuyaxer = to wave goodbye
  • hoyuxun = how
  • hua = that, yon, yonder
  • huati = those people
  • huawa = that one, that particular
  • huawas = that one, that one thing
  • huawat = that particular person
  • huawayt = that particular girl
  • huc = hooch, hootch
  • hududen = whining
  • huewa = those two
  • huewasi = those two things
  • huewati = those two people
  • huewayti = those two girls
  • Hufen = Hungarian forint, fonrint
  • hugel = like that way
  • hugela = that kind of
  • hugla job = that long, that much time
  • hugla jodi = so many times, that many times, that often
  • hugla = that many, that much, that much/many, to that extent
  • hugla xag = that often
  • hugla yab ho = so far up that
  • hugla yob ho = so far down that
  • huglas = how much, that much, that much of it
  • huglasi = how many, that many, that many things
  • huglati = that many, that many people

huglayti -- Hus byoke.

  • huglayti = that many girls
  • huhiden = mockery, mocking, teasing
  • huhider = to mock, to tease
  • huhidut = mocker, teaser
  • huhidwa = mocked, teased
  • huhud = boo hoo, booboo, boohoo, cry, whimper, whine
  • huhudea = boo-hooing, crying
  • huhuden = boo-hooing, whimpering
  • huhuder = to booboo, to boohoo, to cry, to whimper, to whine
  • huhudut = booer, cry-baby, crybaby, whimperer, whiner
  • huhyia = that same
  • huhyij = that same time
  • huhyis = that same thing
  • huhyisi = that same things
  • huhyit = that same person
  • huhyita = that same person's
  • huhyiti = that same people
  • huhyiyen = that same way
  • huhyua = that other
  • huhyuj = that other time
  • huhyum = that other place, that same place
  • huhyus = that other thing
  • huhyusauna = that other kind of, that same kind of
  • huhyusi = those other things
  • huhyut = that other person
  • huhyuta = that other person's
  • huhyuti = those other people
  • huhyuyen = that other way
  • huij = now and then
  • huijoda = sporadic
  • huijoday = sporadically
  • huim = here and there, passim
  • huim- = here-and-there, here-and-yon
  • huimigper = to run about, to run here and there
  • huimkexer = to search high and low
  • huimpaper = to fly here and there
  • huimpea = going here-and-there, rambling, wandering
  • huimpen = going here-and-there, rambling, wandering
  • huimper = to go here-and-there, to ramble, to wander
  • huimpoper av ukxen ay soxen = to maraud
  • huimpoper = to travel about, to travel here-and-yon
  • huimput = gadabout, rambler, wanderer
  • huimtud = orphan moved from place to place
  • huimtyopea = ambulant
  • huimtyopen = ambulation
  • huimtyoper = to ambulate
  • huis = this-and-that, whatnot
  • huisder = to mutter something, to say this-and-that
  • huisyexer = to do odd jobs, to work this-and-that job
  • huittojben = murder-suicide
  • huix = this and that
  • huizon = that direction, that way
  • huj = then
  • huja = quondam
  • hujab = that year
  • hujaga = of that age, that old
  • hujagat = person of that age
  • hujagati = people of that age
  • hujob = at that time, then
  • hujobi = in those days, in those times
  • hujod = on that occasion, that time
  • hujodi = at those times, on those occasions
  • hujuab = that Monday
  • hujub = that day
  • hula daz = hula
  • hulazyukxut = hooper
  • hum = at that place, yonder
  • humep = that way
  • humi = those places
  • Hunid = Hungarian language, Magyar
  • Hunidaler = to speak Hungarian
  • Hunidalut = Hungarian speaker
  • Hunider = to say in Hungarian
  • Hunim = Hungary
  • Hunima = Hungarian, Magyar
  • Hunimat = Hungarian, Magyar
  • hunog = so, that, to that degree, to that extent
  • Hupod = Hupa language, Hupo
  • huri = houri
  • Hus byoke. = That hurts!

Hus glotese.

  • Hus glotese. = That doesn't matter.
  • hus = it, that thing
  • husa = its
  • husaun = that kind
  • husauna = such, that kind of
  • husaunas = such a thing, that kind of thing
  • husaunasi = such things, those kinds of things
  • husaunat = such a person, that kind of person
  • husaunati = those kind of people
  • husav = for that reason, thence, therefore, thus
  • husi = those (things), those things
  • hut = he, him, that person
  • huta = his, that person's
  • hutas = his, that person's
  • hutasi = that person's
  • huti = them, they, those people
  • hutia = their, those people's
  • hutias = theirs
  • hutiasi = their things, theirs
  • hutooba = that gender
  • hutzpa = chutzpa, chutzpah
  • huu- = so, such
  • huua = above-mentioned, such a, the foregoing, the latter
  • huudjub = day of mourning
  • huugel = in such a way, like so
  • huugela = such a
  • huugla = so many, so much, so much/many, so very, to such an extent/so
  • huuglas = so much
  • huuglasi = so many, so many (things)
  • huuglati = so many, so many (people), so many people
  • huuj = at such a time, such a time
  • huujab = such a year
  • huujag = at such an age
  • huujaga = of such an age
  • huujagat = person of such an age
  • huujagati = people of such an age
  • huujob = at such a time
  • huujod = at such a time
  • huujodi = at such times
  • huujub = such a day
  • huujubi = in such days
  • huum = at such a place, such a place
  • huumep = such a way
  • huumi = at such places
  • huunog = so, to such a degree, to such an extent
  • huus = such (a thing), such a thing, the former
  • huusauna = such a, such a kind of
  • huusav = for such a reason, for the former reason
  • huusi = such things, the former things
  • huut = such a person, the former, the former person
  • huuta = such a person's, the former's
  • huutas = such a person's
  • huutasi = such a person's
  • huuti = such a people, such people, the former
  • huuvolza = of such a color
  • huuxag = so often
  • huuxaga = so often
  • huuyen = in such a manner, in such a way, like so, such a way, thus, thusly
  • huuyena = like so, such a, such a kind of, such kind of
  • huuyenas = such kind of thing
  • huuyenasi = such kinds of things
  • huuyenat = such a person
  • huuyenati = such kinds of people
  • huuyenjo = et cetera, etc.
  • huuyensu = amen
  • huuyt = such a girl
  • huuyta = such a girl's
  • huuytas = such a girl's
  • huuytasi = such a girl's
  • huuyti = such a guys
  • huvolza = of that color
  • huxag = that frequently, that often
  • huxaga = that often
  • huy = ecce, presto, see there is, voila
  • huyen = in that manner, like that, so, that way, thus
  • huyena jodi = at such times
  • huyena = like that, such, that kind of
  • huyenam = such a place
  • huyenami = in such places
  • huyenas = such a thing, that kind of thing

huyenasi -- hwoyd

  • huyenasi = those kinds of things
  • huyenat = such a person, that kind of person
  • huyenati = such people, those kind of people, those kinds of people
  • huyengla jodi = so many times, so often
  • huyengla = so many, so much
  • huyenglas = so much
  • huyenglasi = so many
  • huyenglati = so many people
  • huyeni = in such ways, in those ways
  • huyenjo = etc.
  • huyenjob = at a time like that, at such a time
  • huyenjobi = at such times, at times like those
  • huyenjod = at such a time, on such an occasion
  • huyenjodi = at such times, on such occasions
  • huyennog = so, to a degree like that
  • huyenxag = so often
  • huyt = her, she, that female person, that girl
  • huyta = her, that female person's, that female's, that girl's
  • huytas = her thing, hers, that female person's, that girl's
  • huytasi = her things, hers, that girl's
  • huyti = they, those girls
  • huytia' = their, those females
  • huytias' = their thing, theirs, those females
  • huytiasi' = their things, theirs, those females
  • huyuxun = that way, with that means
  • hwat = he, him, the guy
  • hwat ho = the guy who, the guy whom
  • hwata = his, some guy's, the guy's
  • hwatas = his things, some guy's, the guy's
  • hwatasi = some guy's, some guy's things
  • hwati = the guys
  • hway! = alleluia!, bravo!, cheerio!, cheers!, congratulations!, goodie!, great!, hooray!, hurrah!, kudo!, rah!, right on!, skoal!, way to go!, whoopee!
  • Hway = Bravo!
  • Hway! = Congratulations!, Good job!, Success!
  • hwayd = kudo, toast
  • hwayden = cheering, congratulation, thanking, toasting
  • hwayder = to cheer on, to congratulate, to express kudos, to root for, to say bravo, to toast
  • hwaydeux = applause, cheer
  • hwaydeuxen = applauding, applause, cheering, ovation
  • hwaydeuxer = to applaud, to cheer
  • hwaydeuxut = applauder, cheerer
  • hwaydeuxwa = applauded, cheerer
  • hwaydraf = congratulations card
  • hwaydut = cheerleader, fan, rooter, whooper
  • hwaydutyan = cheering squad, cheerleading team, fan base
  • hwaydwa = cheered on, congratulated, toasted
  • hwaydyefwa = applause-worthy of congratulations, toast-worthy
  • hwaydyefwan = applause-worthiness, toast-worthiness
  • hwaysiyn = high-five
  • hwayteaxer = to look up to respect
  • hwet = some guy
  • hweta = some guy's
  • hwetas = some guy's
  • hwetasi = some guy's, some guy's things
  • hweti = some guys
  • Hwey! = Good luck!, You're welcome!
  • hweyd = acknowledgment
  • hweyder = to express best wishes, to wish luck
  • hweydraf = best wishes card
  • hweydsiyn = good luck sign
  • hwiit = the following guys
  • hwiita' = the following guys
  • hwiitas' = the following guys
  • hwiitasi = the following guy's
  • hwiiti = the following guys
  • hwit = he, him, this guy
  • hwita = his, this guy's
  • hwiti = them, these guys, they
  • Hwiy! = That was fun!, Whee!
  • hwot? = which guy?
  • hwot = who
  • hwota? = which guys'?
  • hwotas? = which guy's thing?
  • hwotasi? = which guy's things?
  • hwoti = which guys', who?
  • Hwoy at! = Alas!, Woe is me!
  • Hwoy! = Bah!, Boo!, Bummer!, Down with...!, For shame!, How sad!, How very sad!, It is a shame!, It is a such a pity!, Too bad!, What a pity!, Yuck!
  • hwoy = bah, boo, bummer, down with, too bad, what a pity
  • Hwoy ha Dob! = Down with the State!
  • hwoyd = boo, expression of shame, heckle

hwoyden -- hyaha pati

  • hwoyden = booing, heckling, shaming
  • hwoyder = to boo, to heckle, to shame
  • hwoydeux = heckle, hiss
  • hwoydeuxen = heckling, hissing
  • hwoydeuxer = to heckle, to hiss
  • hwoydeuxut = heckler, hisser
  • hwoydeuxwa = heckled, hissed
  • hwoydut = booer, detractor, heckler
  • hwoydwa = booed
  • hwoyteaxer = to look at with pity, to look down on, to regard with shame
  • hwut = he, him, that guy
  • hwuta = his, that guy's
  • hwutas = that guy's
  • hwutasi = that guy's, that guy's things
  • hwuut = such a guys
  • hwuuta = such a guy's
  • hwuutas' = such a guys
  • hwuutasi = such a guy's
  • hwuuti = such a guys
  • Hwuy! = Oh, Ouch!, Ow!, That hurts!, Woe is me!, veh!
  • hya = all, every
  • hya- = all-, holo-, omni-, pan-, tot-
  • hya ea = every other, every second
  • hya ea juab = every other Monday, every second Monday
  • hya elu jwobi = around the clock
  • hya juyeb = every Sunday
  • hya oy = all but, almost
  • hya yea jab = septennial
  • hya zyag = all along
  • hyaa = livelong, total
  • HyaAoyanmela = Panamerican
  • hyabelus = holdall
  • hyad = cheer, kudo
  • hyaden = thanking
  • hyader = to cheer, to express kudos
  • hyadoiba = countywide
  • hyadoma = citywide
  • hyadooba = pan-national
  • hyadoobay = pan-nationally
  • hyadoobin = pan-nationalism
  • hyadoobina = pan-nationalist
  • hyadoobinut = pan-nationalist
  • hyadoya = thankless
  • hyaekundrawa = opisthographic
  • hyaesea = omnipresent
  • hyaesen = omnipresence
  • hyaewa- = ambi-
  • hyaewa = both
  • hyaewa jodi = all two times, both times, on both instances
  • hyaewa...ay = both...and
  • hyaewasi = both of them, both things
  • hyaewatesa = ambiguous
  • hyaewatesan = ambiguity
  • hyaewatesay = ambiguously
  • hyaewati = both of them, both people, both persons
  • hyaewatooba = ambigendered
  • hyaewatoobifa = ambi-sexual
  • hyaewayafwan = toss-up, tossup
  • hyaewayti = both girls, both of them
  • hyafua = abject
  • hyafuay = abjectly
  • hyagekunsan = rhomboid, rhombus
  • hyagekunsana = rhomboidal
  • hyagel = in every way
  • hyagela = every kind of
  • hyagla = all of, totally, wholly
  • hyagla job = all the time
  • hyagla jodi = all the time, always, at all times
  • hyaglan = totality
  • hyaglas = all of it, the whole thing
  • hyaglasi = all of them, every one of them
  • hyaglati = all of them
  • hyaglayti = all of the women, all of them
  • hyagona = comprehensive, overall
  • hyagonuta yanup = plenum
  • hyaha = all the, all the entire, the whole
  • hyaha jub = all day, all the day, the entire day, the whole day
  • hyaha mep = all the way, the entire way, the whole way
  • hyaha mir = all the world, the entire world, the whole world
  • hyaha pati = all the birds

hyahyua -- hyamzyaper

  • hyahyua = all other, every other
  • hyahyuj = every other time
  • hyahyum = every over place
  • hyahyus = everything else
  • hyahyut = everybody else
  • hyaika = integral, whole
  • hyaikan = integrality, integrity, wholeness
  • hyaikay = integrally, wholly
  • hyaikser = to integrate
  • hyaikxen = integration
  • hyaikxer = to integrate
  • hyaikxwa = integrated
  • hyaiwa = all three
  • hyaiwasi = all three of them, all three things
  • hyaiwati = all three of them, all three people
  • hyaiwayti = all these women, all three of them
  • hyaizon = in every direction
  • hyaizona = omnidirectional
  • hyaj = all the time, always, evermore
  • hyaj vyayuva = semper fi
  • hyaja taxrunloxus = all-time record, all-time record-breaker
  • hyajab = every year
  • hyajaba = perennial
  • hyajabay = perennially
  • hyajaga = of every age
  • hyajagat = person of every age
  • hyajagati = people of every age
  • hyaje = all during, all through, throughout
  • hyaje ho = as long as
  • hyajesea = everlasting, permanent, sempiternal
  • hyajesea okon = headcrash
  • hyajeseaa = lasting
  • hyajesean = permanence, permanency
  • hyajeseay = everlastingly, permanently
  • hyajeyay = forever
  • hyaji = always, at all times
  • hyajib = monthly
  • hyajob = all the time, always, eternity, forever
  • hyajoba = eternal
  • hyajoban = eternalness
  • hyajobay = eternally
  • hyajobi = always, at all times, forever
  • hyajod = always, at every instance, each time, every time
  • hyajodi = all the time, always, at all times, in all cases, on all occasions
  • hyajpopea = peripatetic
  • hyajuab = Mondays, every Monday
  • hyajub = every day
  • hyajuba = daily, everyday, mundane, quotidian
  • hyajubay = daily
  • hyajubyena = workaday
  • hyam = allover, everyplace, everywhere
  • hyama = rife
  • hyaman = rifeness, ubiquity
  • hyamay = ubiquitously
  • hyamema = country-wide, countrywide
  • hyamep = all along, every way, everyway, the whole way
  • hyamep ho = everywhere that
  • hyamerbok = pandemic
  • hyamesea = prevailing, prevalent
  • hyameseay = prevalently
  • hyamesen = prevalence
  • hyameser = to prevail
  • hyami = all over, everywhere, in all places
  • hyamira bokzyab = pandemic
  • hyamira = ecumenical, global, world-wide, worldwide
  • hyamiray = ecumenically
  • hyamirin = ecumenicism, ecumenism
  • hyamkexer = to ransack, to scour, to search high and low
  • hyamojdaz = rave
  • hyamojdazer = to rave
  • hyamojdazut = raver
  • hyamtayopelper = to itch all over
  • hyamtujan = whoring
  • hyamtujer = to whore
  • hyamtujut = whore
  • hyamtujuyt = whore
  • hyamtujyea = whoreish, whorish
  • hyamzyapea = pervading
  • hyamzyapen = pervading, pervasion
  • hyamzyaper = to pervade

hyamzyapya -- hyattojben

  • hyamzyapya = pervaded
  • hyamzyapyea = pervasive
  • hyamzyapyean = pervasiveness
  • hyanaxgob = closeout
  • hyanog = completely, totally
  • hyanuxwa = all expenses paid
  • hyaoyutyan = claque
  • hyas- = all-, omni-, pan-, panto-
  • hyas = everything
  • hyas oy = everything except
  • hyasauna = every kind of, generic
  • hyasav = for every reason
  • hyasbelar = carryall, catch-all, catchall, hodgepodge
  • hyasbiut = gadfly
  • hyasbyekul = elixir, nostrum
  • hyasi = all things
  • hyaskader = to reveal everything, to tell all
  • hyasnyef = ragbag
  • hyaSoliada = pan-Slavic
  • hyastea = all-knowing, omniscient
  • hyastean = omniscience
  • hyasteat = omniscient person
  • hyasteaxuea = hardcore
  • hyasteay = omnisciently
  • hyastelea = omnivore
  • hyastelean = omnivorousness
  • hyasteleay = omnivorously
  • hyaster = to be omniscient, to know everything
  • hyastoxut = scatterbrain
  • hyastoxyea = scatter-brained, scatterbrained
  • hyastundyes = encyclopedia
  • hyastundyesa = encyclopedic
  • hyastut = wiseacre
  • hyasufa = splenetic
  • hyasun = everything
  • hyasuni = all things
  • hyasunxut = factotum
  • hyasyafla = almighty
  • hyasyebexea = comprehensive
  • hyasyebexean = comprehensiveness
  • hyasyebexeay = comprehensively
  • hyat = everyone
  • hyat goy et = everyone except you
  • hyat ho = everyone that, everyone who
  • hyat ovabiwa et = everyone except you
  • Hyat oy et... = Everyone but you...
  • hyat oy et = everyone except you
  • Hyat yebiyea et... = including you...
  • hyata = everybody's, everyone's
  • hyata- = panto-
  • hyataabifa = pansexual
  • hyataabifan = pansexuality
  • hyataabifat = pansexual
  • hyatama = door-to-door
  • hyatama nunuut = door-to-door salesman, doorstep salesman
  • hyatas = everyboyd's
  • hyatasi = everybody's
  • hyatayovollzati = people of all
  • hyatebyex = free-for-all
  • hyateja dat = life-long friend
  • hyateja = life-long, lifelong
  • hyati! = All aboard!
  • hyati = all (people), all of them, all people
  • hyatob = every man, every person, everybody
  • hyatobi = all men, all people
  • hyatooba = omni-sexual, pan-sexual
  • hyatoobifa = pan-sexual
  • hyatoobifan = pan-sexuality
  • hyatoobifut = pan-sexual
  • hyatotin = pantheism
  • hyatotina = pantheistic
  • hyatotinut = pantheist
  • hyatotyan = pantheon
  • hyatoyb = every woman
  • hyatoyba = every woman's
  • hyatoybas = every woman's
  • hyatoybasi = every woman's things
  • hyatoybi = all women
  • hyatrawadut = name-dropper
  • hyattojben = holocaust

hyattrawaden -- hyeewa

  • hyattrawaden = name-dropping, namedropping
  • hyattrawader = to name-drop, to namedrop
  • hyatwob = every man
  • hyatwoba = every man's
  • hyatwobas = every man's
  • hyatwobasi = every man's things
  • hyatwobi = all men
  • hyavolza = of every color, panchromatic
  • hyawa = each single, every
  • hyawa jod = each time, every time, on each occasion
  • hyawa jod ho = each time that, every time
  • hyawa jwap = at each moment
  • hyawas = each one, each thing
  • hyawat = each one, each person
  • hyawata = each one's, each person's
  • hyawatas = each one's
  • hyawatasi = each one's things
  • hyawayt = each woman
  • hyawayta = each woman's
  • hyawaytas = each woman's
  • hyawaytasi = each woman's things
  • hyaxag = always
  • hyaxaga = always
  • hyay bu = thanks to
  • hyay hyay! = Thank-you very much!
  • Hyay! = Thank-you!, Thanks!
  • hyayafa = all-powerful, omnipotent
  • Hyayafa Tot = God Almighty
  • hyayafan = all-powerfulness, omnipotence
  • hyayafat = omnipotent one
  • hyayd = a thank-you, a word of thanks
  • hyayden = thanking, thanksgiving
  • Hyaydenjub = Thanksgiving Day
  • hyayder = to express gratitude, to say thank-you, to thank
  • hyaydraf = thank-you card
  • hyaydres = thank-you note
  • hyayduka = thankless
  • hyaydukay = thanklessly
  • hyayduken = thanklessness
  • hyaydwa = thanked
  • hyaydyea = thankful
  • hyaydyean = thankfulness
  • hyaydyeay = thankfully
  • hyayebexea = overall
  • hyayen = completely, everyway, in every way
  • hyayena = every kind of, every kind of every type
  • hyayenas = every kind of thing
  • hyayenasi = all kinds of things, all types of things
  • hyayenat = every kind of person, everybody's
  • hyayenati = all kinds of people
  • hyayeni = in all ways
  • hyayivyenat = everything-goes-person
  • hyayt = every girl
  • hyayta = every girl's everyone's
  • hyaytas = every girl's, everyone's thing
  • hyaytasi = every girl's, everyone's things
  • hyayti = all girls, all of them
  • hyayubay = mundanely
  • hyayzyun = pompom, pompon
  • hyazbyekus = panacea
  • hyazoysaxen = overhauling
  • hyazoysaxer = to overhaul
  • hyazye ota tej = throughout ones life
  • hyazye = throughout
  • hye- = -ever, any, whatever, whichever
  • hyea = any, whatever, whichever/any
  • hyeas = whichsoever
  • hyeawa = any one, either, whichever
  • hyeawa...ey = either...or
  • hyeawas = any one, either one, either thing, whichever one
  • hyeawat = either one, either person, whichever one person
  • hyeawata = either ones, either persons
  • hyeawatas = not a single person's
  • hyeawatasi = not a single person's things
  • hyeawayt = either woman
  • hyeawayta = either woman's
  • hyeawaytas = either woman's
  • hyeawaytasi = either woman's things
  • hyed = a please
  • hyeewa = any two, whichever two

hyeewasi -- hyetooda

  • hyeewasi = any two, any two things, whichever two
  • hyeewati = any two, any two people, whichever two
  • hyeewayti = whichever two women
  • hyegel = however, whatever kind
  • hyegela = any kind of, whatever kind of
  • hyegla = any, however many, however much, however much/many, to whatever extent, umpteen
  • hyegla job = for whatever amount of time, however long
  • hyegla jodi = any number of times, however often, on any number of occasions
  • hyeglas = any of it, however much
  • hyeglasi = any of them, however many
  • hyeglati = any of them, however many, however many (people)
  • hyehyua = any other, whatever other
  • hyehyuj = any other time
  • hyehyum = any other place
  • hyehyus = anything else, whatever else
  • hyehyusauna = any other kind of
  • hyehyuyen = any other way
  • hyeizon = any way, any which way, in any direction, in whatever direction, whatever direction
  • hyej = any time, anytime, ever
  • hyej ho = at whatever time, whenever
  • hyejaga = however old
  • hyejagat = person of whatever age
  • hyejagati = people of whatever age
  • hyejob = any time, anytime, at whatever time
  • hyejob ho = anytime that, whenever
  • hyejod = any time, anytime, at any point, on any occasion, on whatever occasion
  • hyejod ho = any time that, anytime that, on any occasion when, whenever
  • hyejodi = any time, at whatever times, on any occasions, whenever
  • hyejuab = any Monday
  • hyejub = any day, whatever day
  • hyejwap = at any moment
  • hyem = anyplace, anywhere, someplace, wherever'||
  • hyem ho = anywhere that, wherever
  • hyemep = any way, any which way, anyway
  • hyemep ho = anyway that
  • hyemi = anywhere, at whatever places
  • hyempea = erratic
  • hyempeay = erratically
  • hyenapa = umpteenth
  • hyenog ho = to any extent that, to whatever degree
  • hyenog = however, in any degree, to any extent, to whatever extent
  • hyeowa = neither
  • hyeowa...oey = neither...nor
  • hyeowas = neither thing
  • hyeowat = neither one, neither person
  • hyes = any, anything, whatever/anything
  • hyes ho = anything that, whatever
  • hyesaun = any kind, genre, whatever kind
  • hyesauna = any kind of, whatever kind of
  • hyesaunas = any kind of thing, whatever kind of thing
  • hyesaunasi = whatever kinds of things
  • hyesaunat = any kind of person, whatever kind of person
  • hyesaunati = any kind of people, whatever kind of people, whatever kinds of people
  • hyesaunayt = any kind of woman
  • hyesaunayta = any kind of woman's
  • hyesaunayti = whatever kind of women
  • hyesaunwat = any kind of man
  • hyesaunwata = any kind of man's
  • hyesaunwati = whatever kind of men
  • hyesav = for whatever/any reason
  • hyesav ho = for whatever reason that
  • hyesav van = for whatever reason that
  • hyesi = any, whatever (things), whatever things
  • hyesun = anything, whatever
  • hyesun ho = anything that
  • hyesundraf = wildcard
  • hyesuni = any, whatever things
  • hyet = anybody, anyone, whoever/anybody
  • hyet ho = anybody that, anybody who, anyone that, anyone who, whoever, whomever, whomsoever, whosesoever, whosoever
  • hyeta = whoever's, whosever
  • hyetas = whoever's, whosoever's thing
  • hyetasi = whoever's, whosoever's (things), whosoever's things
  • hyetayolza = of any skin-color
  • hyetebtabifayt = demimondaine
  • hyetesa dref = wild card
  • hyeti = any people, whoever (pl.)
  • hyeti ho = any people that, whoever, whomever
  • hyetooba = any gender-fluid, of any gender, of whatever gender, whatever gender
  • hyetoobat = person of whatever gender
  • hyetooda = of any race, of either race, of mixed race, of mixed-race, racially mixed, racially-mixed

hyetoodat -- hyimemut

  • hyetoodat = mulatto, person of mixed-race
  • hyevolza = of any color, of whatever color
  • hyexag ho = however often
  • hyexaga = however frequent
  • Hyey! = Please!
  • hyeyden = saying please
  • hyeyder = to say please
  • hyeyen = any which way, anyhow, anyway, anywise, however, in any manner, in whatever way, like whatever, no matter how, whatever kind
  • hyeyen ho = anyway that
  • hyeyena = any kind of, like whatever kind of, whatever/any kind of
  • hyeyenas = any kind, any kind of thing, whatever kind of thing
  • hyeyenasi = any kinds of things, whatever kinds of things
  • hyeyenat = any kind of person, whatever kind of person
  • hyeyenati = any kind of people, any kinds of people, whatever kind of people, whatever kinds of people
  • hyeyenayti = whatever kind of women
  • hyeyeni ho = in any ways that
  • hyeyeni = however, in whatever ways
  • hyeyenwati = whatever kind of men
  • hyeyt = any woman, whoever, whomever
  • hyeyt ho = any woman who, whichever woman
  • hyeyta = any girl's, whosever
  • hyeytas = any girl's, whosoever's thing
  • hyeytasi = any girl's, whosoever's things
  • hyeyti = any girls, whatever girls, whoever, whomever
  • hyi- = homo-, like-, same-, semel-
  • hyia = selfsame, the same, the very
  • hyias = the same one
  • hyiasi = the same ones
  • hyiat ho = that same one who
  • hyiat = the same one, the same person
  • hyiati ho = that same ones who
  • hyiati = the same ones, the same people
  • hyiawa = the same one
  • hyiawas = the same one
  • hyiawat = the same one
  • hyidyunat = namesake
  • hyiema = endemic
  • hyiemay = endemically
  • hyiewa = the same two
  • hyiewasi = the same two things
  • hyiewati = the same two people
  • hyigel = in the same way as
  • hyigela = the same kind of
  • hyigla = as many, as much, just as, the same amount of, the same number of, to the same extent
  • hyigla jodi = as often, the same number of times
  • hyigla jodi vyel = as many times as
  • hyigla x vyel y = as x as y
  • hyiglas = as much, just as much, the same amount
  • hyiglasi = as many, as many things, the same number of things
  • hyiglasi ho = as many as
  • hyiglati = as many, as many people, just as many people, the same number of people
  • hyiglati ho = as many as
  • hyigloti vyel = as many people as
  • hyihyut = one another
  • hyiizon = the same direction, the same way
  • hyij = at the very time
  • hyij ho = at the same time that
  • hyijaga = chronologically the same, just as old, of the same age
  • hyijagat = person of the same age
  • hyijagati = people of the same age
  • hyijatada = consanguine, consanguineous
  • hyijatadan = consanguinity
  • hyijob = at the same time
  • hyijob ho = at the same time that
  • hyijoba = contemporaneous
  • hyijoban = contemporaneity, contemporaneously
  • hyijod = at the same time, on the same occasion
  • hyijodi = at the same times, on the same occasions
  • hyijuab = the same Monday
  • hyijub = the same day
  • hyikan = altogether
  • hyim = at the same place, ibid, ibidem, the same place
  • hyim ho = at the same place that
  • hyimema = home-grown, internal
  • hyimematser = to get naturalized
  • hyimematxen = naturalization
  • hyimematxer = to naturalize
  • hyimematxwa dit = naturalized citizen
  • hyimematxwa = naturalized
  • hyimemut = countryman

hyimep ho -- hyoawa

  • hyimep ho = the same way that
  • hyimep = the same way
  • hyimer = to our own planet, to this planet
  • hyimera = of our own planet
  • hyimerat = person of our planet
  • hyimi = at the same places
  • hyinema = homotopic
  • hyinog = as, to the same degree, to the same extent
  • hyinog ho = as much as, just as, to the same degree that
  • hyis = idem, itself, the same, the same thing
  • hyisag ho = as many as
  • hyisaun = the same kind
  • hyisauna = homogeneous, the same kind of
  • hyisaunan = homogeneity, homogeneousness
  • hyisaunay = homogeneously
  • hyisaunxen = homogenization
  • hyisaunxer = to homogenize
  • hyisaunxwa = homogenized
  • hyisav = for the same reason
  • hyisav ho = for the same reason that
  • hyisav van = for the same reason that
  • hyisi = the same things
  • hyisun = the same, the same thing
  • hyisuni = the same things
  • hyisunxen = copying
  • hyisunxwa = copied
  • hyit = oneself, self, the same one, the same person, the very same
  • hyita = one's own, the same person's
  • hyitas = one's own, one's own thing, the same person's
  • hyitasi = the same person's
  • hyitbukifa = masochistic
  • hyitbukifan = masochism
  • hyitbukifat = masochist
  • hyitbukifay = masochistically
  • hyitepa = like-minded
  • hyitepan = like-mindedness
  • hyiteser = to mean the same
  • hyiti = selves, the same ones, the same people, the very same ones
  • hyitooba = same gender
  • hyitooba tadien = same-sex marriage
  • hyitoobifa = homophile, homosexual, same-sex
  • hyitoobifan = homosexuality
  • hyitoobifayt = lesbian
  • hyitoobifaytan = lesbianism
  • hyitoobifaytin = lesbianism
  • hyitoobifinut = homophile
  • hyitoobifut = fag, faggot, homosexual
  • hyitooda = co-racial, of the same race
  • hyitoodat = co-racial, person of the same race
  • hyitoodin = co-racialism
  • hyitoodina = co-racialistic
  • hyitoodinut = co-racialist
  • hyitooodat = co-racial
  • hyitos = sense of connectedness
  • hyitudxeyna = co-generational, of the same generation
  • hyivolza = of the same color
  • hyixag = as often, just as often
  • hyixag vyel = as many times as
  • hyixaga = just as often
  • hyiyen = as, in the same way, likewise, so
  • hyiyen ho = in the same way that, just as
  • hyiyena = like-mannered, such, the same kind of
  • hyiyenas = the same kind of thing
  • hyiyenasi = the same kinds of things
  • hyiyenat = the same kind of person
  • hyiyenati = the same kind of people
  • hyiyt = herself, the same girl, the same one, this very person
  • hyiyta = the same girl's, the same one's
  • hyiytas = the same girl's, the same one's things
  • hyiyti = the same girls, the same ones
  • hyizena = homocentric
  • hymiryena = other-worldly
  • hyo ea job = nevermore
  • hyo ea jod = never again
  • hyo- = no-, not
  • hyoa = nary, no, not a, not a single
  • Hyoa yikson! = No problem whatever!, You're welcome!
  • hyoa yovtos vyel = no qualms about
  • hyoawa jod = never, not a single time, not one time, on no occasion
  • hyoawa = not a, not a single

hyoawas -- hyotesea

  • hyoawas = not a single one, not a single thing
  • hyoawat = not a single person
  • hyoawata = not a single person's
  • hyoema = utopian
  • hyoeman = utopia
  • hyogel = how, in no way
  • hyogela = no kind of
  • hyogla = hardly, no amount/number of, not any, not at all
  • hyogla job = never, no amount of time, no time
  • hyogla jodi = as often as, never, zero times
  • hyoglas = none at all, none of it, not any, not any whatever
  • hyoglasi = how many, none
  • hyoglat = nobody at all
  • hyoglati = how many, no people, no people at all, none of them
  • hyoglayafonul = zero-energy
  • hyohyua = no other
  • hyohyuj = no other time
  • hyohyum = nowhere else
  • hyohyus = nothing else
  • hyohyut = nobody else
  • hyohyuyen = no other way
  • hyohyuyena = no other kind of
  • hyoj = at no time, ever, never at all
  • hyojaga = of no age
  • hyojagat = person of no age
  • hyojagati = people of no age
  • hyojebdalwa = never-discussed
  • hyojeser = to last no time
  • hyojkyesya = never-before-happened, unprecedented
  • hyojob = at no time, never
  • hyojod = at no point in time, at no time, never, not once
  • hyojodi = at no times, never, not ever
  • hyojtofbwa = never-worn
  • hyom = nowhere at all
  • hyomep = no way
  • hyomi = in no places
  • hyonixea = zero-earning
  • hyonog = in no way, in no wise, not at all, to no extent
  • hyos = anything, naught, nothing at all, nothing whatsoever, zilch, zip
  • hyosaser = to fizzle
  • hyosaun = no kind
  • hyosauna = no kind of
  • hyosaunas = no kind of thing
  • hyosaunasi = no kind of things
  • hyosav = for no reason, for no reason whatever
  • hyosaxwa = fizzled
  • hyosbaysut = have-not
  • hyosbexea = destitute
  • hyosbexean = destitution
  • hyoshotoser = to experience apathy
  • hyosi = no things, nothing
  • hyoskadea = tight-lipped
  • hyosnazat = good-for-nothing person
  • hyosnazea = worth nothing, worthless
  • hyosnazer = to be worth nothing
  • hyoson = nil, nothing, zilch
  • hyostayotea = feeling nothing, numb
  • hyostea = ignorant
  • hyostean = ignorance
  • hyosteat = ignoramus, nitwit
  • hyosten = ignorance
  • hyosteser = to matter not, to mean nothing
  • hyostosen = experiencing apathy
  • hyosun = nihil, nothing
  • hyosunxen = annihilation
  • hyosunxer = to annihilate, to nix, to raze
  • hyosunxwa = annihilated
  • hyosxea = idle
  • hyosxen = idleness
  • hyosxer = to be idle, to do nothing
  • hyot = nobody at all
  • hyota mem = no man's land
  • hyota = nobody's
  • hyotaabifa = asexual
  • hyotaabifan = asexuality
  • hyotaabifat = aromantic, axexual person
  • hyotaabifay = asexually
  • hyotas = nobody's
  • hyotasi = nobody's
  • hyotesea = meaning nothing

hyoti -- hyuitas

  • hyoti = no people, those who
  • hyotooba = genderless, of no gender, ungendered
  • hyotoobat = person of no gender
  • hyovolza = blank, of no color
  • hyoxag = never
  • hyoxaga = of zero frequency
  • hyoxier = to come to naught
  • Hyoy! = Alas!, Excuse me!, My bad!, Oy veh!, Sorry!, Woops!
  • hyoy = alas, excuse me, sorry, woe is me, woops
  • hyoyd = apology, excuse
  • hyoydea = apologetic
  • hyoyden = apologizing, apology, saying sorry
  • hyoyder = to apologize, to be sorry, to boo, to excuse oneself, to express woe
  • hyoydraf = sympathy card
  • hyoydres = apology note, sympathy note
  • hyoydyea = apologetic
  • hyoydyeay = apologetically
  • hyoyen = in no way whatever, in no wise
  • hyoyena = how, no kind of, no such
  • hyoyenas = no kind of thing, no such thing
  • hyoyenasi = no kind of things, no kinds of things, no such things
  • hyoyenat = no kind of person, no such person
  • hyoyenati = no kind of people, no such people
  • hyoyt = no girl, nobody
  • hyoyta = no girl's, nobody's
  • hyoytas = no girl's, nobody's thing
  • hyoytasi = no girl's, nobody's things
  • hyu- = alter-, hetero-, other-, xeno-
  • hyu vyel = other than
  • hyua = alternate, another, other, the other
  • hyua job = another time, some other time, the other time
  • hyua jodi = on other occasions
  • hyuawa = another
  • hyuawa job = another time, some other time
  • hyuawa jod = again, one more time
  • hyuawa juab = another Monday, some other Monday
  • hyuawas = another one
  • hyuawat = another person, someone else
  • hyuawata = another person's, another's, someone else's
  • hyuawatas = another's
  • hyuawatasi = another's things
  • hyuaxen = alienation
  • hyuaxer = to alienate
  • hyuaxwa = alienated
  • hyuay = differently, otherwise
  • hyudalzeynxen = translating, translation
  • hyudalzeynxer = to translate
  • hyudalzeynxut = translator
  • hyudalzeynxwa = translated
  • hyudyuen = aliasing
  • hyudyun = alias, allonym, alternate name, by-name, handle
  • hyudyuna = allonymous
  • hyudyundrawa = ghostwritten
  • hyudyundrer = to ghostwrite
  • hyudyundrut = ghostwriter
  • hyudyuwa = a.k.a., aliased, otherwise known as
  • hyuewa = the other two
  • hyuewasi = the other two things
  • hyuewati = the other two people
  • hyugel = in a different way than, otherwise
  • hyugela = a different kind of
  • hyugla = a different amount of, a different number of, not as, not as much/many, to another degree
  • hyugla jodi = a different number of times
  • hyuglas = a different amount, not as much, some other amount of
  • hyuglasi = a different number, not as many, some other number of things
  • hyuglati = a different number of people, not as many people, some other number of people
  • hyuhat = the other person
  • hyuhata = the other's
  • hyuhati = the other people, the others
  • hyuhatia' = the other people's, the others
  • hyuis- = cross-, mutual, one thing and another, reciprocal
  • hyuis = each other, one another
  • hyuisa = between one thing and another, mutual, one another's
  • hyuisay = mutually
  • hyuit- = cross-, inter-, mutual, one another, reciprocal
  • hyuit = one to another
  • hyuita = between one person and another, mutual, one another's, reciprocal, respective
  • hyuita oyebyujbean = mutual exclusivity
  • hyuitan = mutuality, reciprocity
  • hyuitas = one another's

hyuitasi -- hyuowas

  • hyuitasi = one another's, one another's things
  • hyuitay = mutually, reciprocally, respectively
  • hyuitay oyebiyea = mutually exclusive
  • hyuitbuina = sadomasochistic
  • hyuitbukuin = sadomasochism
  • hyuitbukuinut = sadomasochist
  • hyuitdal = conversation, dialog, dialogue
  • hyuitdala = conversational
  • hyuitdalay = conversationally
  • hyuitdalen = dialoguing
  • hyuitdaler = to converse, to dialog, to talk to one another
  • hyuitder = to say to one another
  • hyuitfizuen = mutual respect
  • hyuitflizuer = to respect one another
  • hyuitif = altruism, mutual love
  • hyuitifat = altruist
  • hyuitifer = to love one another
  • hyuitteaxer = to look at one another
  • hyuittojber = to kill one another
  • hyuitvekek = parimutuel
  • hyuitvikaxen = mutual admiration
  • hyuitxen = reciprocating, reciprocation
  • hyuitxer = to reciprocate
  • hyuitxwa = reciprocated
  • hyuitzoyteater = to see one another again
  • hyuixen = reciprocating, reciprocation
  • hyuixer = to reciprocate
  • hyuixwa = reciprocated
  • hyuizon = a different direction, alternate course
  • hyuj = another time, at a different time, at another time, some other time
  • hyujaga = of another age, of different ages
  • hyujagat = person of a different age
  • hyujagati = people of a different age
  • hyuji = other times
  • hyujod = again, another time
  • hyujod drurunes = rain check
  • hyujoeba = anachronistic
  • hyujoeban = anachronism
  • hyujoebay = anachronistically
  • hyujub = another day, some other day, the other day
  • hyukum = opposition, other side
  • hyukuma ekutyan = opposite team, opposition team
  • hyukuma = opposite
  • hyukuma yanav = opposition party
  • hyukuman = oppositeness
  • hyukumay = on the other hand, oppositely
  • hyukumpea = opposing
  • hyukumpen = opposing
  • hyukumper = to oppose
  • hyukumxe = opposing
  • hyukumxen = opposing, opposition
  • hyukumxer = to oppose
  • hyukumxwa = opposed
  • hyum = elsewhere, somewhere else
  • hyumat = stranger
  • hyumdin = alibi
  • hyumeg = xenolith
  • hyumem = alien land
  • hyumema = alien
  • hyumemat = alien, person from another country
  • hyumemuben = repatriation, sending abroad
  • hyumemuber = to repatriate, to send abroad
  • hyumemubwa = repatriated, sent abroad
  • hyumemubwat = repatriate
  • hyumep = a different way, another way, runaround
  • hyumer = to alien planet
  • hyumera = alien, extra-terrestrial, from another planet
  • hyumerat = alien, extra-terrestrial, person from another planet
  • hyumertejtun = exobiology
  • hyumi = at other places, elsewhere, other places
  • hyumira = unworldly
  • hyumiran = unworldliness
  • hyumiryena = exotic, otherworldly
  • hyumiryenan = exoticism
  • hyumiryenay = exotically
  • hyumyefdyuen = secondment
  • hyunaga = differently-sized
  • hyunog = to a different degree, to a different extent
  • hyuowa = no other
  • hyuowas = no other's

hyuowat -- hyutoyb

  • hyuowat = nobody else
  • hyuowata = nobody else's
  • hyuowatas = nobody else's
  • hyuowatasi = nobody else's things
  • hyus = alternate, another thing, something else, the other thing
  • hyusan = allomorph
  • hyusana = allomorphic
  • hyusanxer = to estrange
  • hyusanxwa = estranged
  • hyusanxwen = estrangement
  • hyusaun = another kind
  • hyusauna = a different kind of, allogenic, another kind of, heterogeneous, strange
  • hyusaunan = heterogeneity, heterogeneousness, strangeness
  • hyusaunas = strange thing
  • hyusaunat = stranger
  • hyusaunay = curiously, heterogeneously, strangely
  • hyusaunxen = making heterogeneous, variegation
  • hyusaunxer = to make heterogeneous, to variegate
  • hyusaunxwa = made to be heterogeneous, variegated
  • hyusav = for a different reason, for another reason, for some other reason
  • hyuseux = allophone
  • hyuseuxa = allophonic
  • hyusi = alia, cetera, other things, the other things
  • hyusun = alternate, another thing, something else
  • hyusuna = alternate, alternative
  • hyusuna rok = Indi rock
  • hyusunay = alternately, alternatively
  • hyut = alien, another, different person, someone else, stranger, the other, the other person
  • hyuta = alien, alternate, another's, other, some else's, someone else's, the other's
  • hyutafinoxbier = to freeload
  • hyutafinoxbiut = freeloader
  • hyutakovtos = jealousy
  • hyutan = alienness, difference, otherness
  • hyutas = someone else's
  • hyutasbier = to mooch
  • hyutasbiut = moocher
  • hyutasi = someone else's (things)
  • hyutbukuin = sadism
  • hyutbukuina = sadistic
  • hyutbukuinay = sadistically
  • hyutbukuinut = sadist
  • hyuteasea = different-looking
  • hyuteaser = to look different
  • hyutesdin = allegory
  • hyutesdina = allegoric, allegorical
  • hyutesdinay = allegorically
  • hyutesdinut = allegorist
  • hyutesea = meaning something different
  • hyuteser = to mean something different
  • hyutesyob = alibi
  • hyutexea = on a different wavelength
  • hyutexen = thinking differently
  • hyutexer = to think differently
  • hyuti = other people, others, the others
  • hyutibuja = heterocercal
  • hyutif = xenophilia
  • hyutifa = altruistic, xenophile, xenophilic
  • hyutifan = altruism
  • hyutifat = altruist, xenophile
  • hyutifin = altruism
  • hyutifina = altruistic
  • hyutifinay = altruistically
  • hyutifinut = altruist
  • hyutin = heterodoxy
  • hyutina = heterodox
  • hyutoob = alternative gender
  • hyutooba = alternatively gendered, different-gendered
  • hyutoobifa = heterosexual, straight
  • hyutoobifan = heterosexuality, straightness
  • hyutoobifut = heterosexual, straight person
  • hyutooda = of a different race, racially different
  • hyutoodat = person of a different race
  • hyutos = alienation
  • hyutosea = alienated
  • hyutoser = to feel alienated
  • hyutosuen = alienation
  • hyutosuer = to alienate
  • hyutosuwa = alienated
  • hyutosuyea = alienating
  • hyutoyb = minx

hyuttejwa -- hyuytas

  • hyuttejwa = vicarious
  • hyuttejwan = vicariousness
  • hyuttejway = vicariously
  • hyutudxeyna = allogenerational, of a different generation
  • hyutuf = xenophobia
  • hyutufa = xenophobic
  • hyutufat = xenophobe
  • hyutxen = alienation
  • hyutxer = to alienate
  • hyutxwa = alienated
  • hyuvolza = different-colored, of a different color
  • hyuxag = at some other frequency, not as frequently, not as often, not so often
  • hyuxaga = not as often
  • hyuyd = groan, moan
  • hyuyden = complaining, groaning, moaning
  • hyuyder = to complain, to groan, to groan and moan, to moan
  • hyuydut = complainer, groaner, moaner
  • hyuydwa = groaned about, moaned about
  • hyuydyefwa = groan-worthy
  • hyuyen = elsewise, in another manner, otherwise, some other way, somehow other, strangely
  • hyuyena = a different sort of, alien, another kind of, another sort of, different, fey, of another kind, queer, some other kind of, strange
  • hyuyenan = queerness, strangeness
  • hyuyenas = a different sort of thing, a strange thing, another kind of thing, some other kind of thing
  • hyuyenasi = other kinds of things
  • hyuyenat = a different sort of person, alien, another kind of person, some other kind of person, stranger
  • hyuyenati = aliens, other kinds of people
  • hyuyenay = queerly, strangely
  • hyuyeni = in alternate ways, in other ways
  • hyuyt = some other female
  • hyuyta = some other female's
  • hyuytas = some other female's thing