Mirad Lexicon/Mirad-English-G

  • ga- = again, more
  • ga awa = another, one more
  • ga awa jod = again, another occasion, once again, one more time, yet again
  • ga awas = encore
  • ga ay ga = more and more
  • ga = -er, plus
  • ga fi = better, rather
  • ga fi ga fi = better and better
  • ga fi vyel = rather than
  • ga fia = better
  • ga fiay = better
  • ga fu = worse
  • ga fua = downhill, worse
  • ga fuay = downhill, worse
  • ga gwa = rather
  • ga ib = further away
  • ga ika = fuller
  • ga jodi = more often
  • ga jodi vyel et = more often than you, more times than you
  • ga jwa = earlier, sooner
  • ga jway = earlier, formerly
  • ga jwo = later
  • ga jwoa = later
  • ga jwoay = later
  • ga oyeb = further out
  • ga ub = further toward
  • ga vyel eyn bi = more than half of
  • ga vyel = more than
  • ga xagay = more often
  • ga xagay vyel = more often than
  • ga yab = further up, higher up, on up
  • ga yeb = further in
  • ga yib = farther, further, on
  • ga yiba = farther, further
  • ga yob = further down, lower down, on down
  • gaaa = gaaa
  • gab = add-on, addition, affix, in addition to, plus, supplement, surplus
  • gab van = in addition to the fact that
  • gaba = additional, supplemental, supplementary
  • gaba job = again, an additional time
  • Gabam = Gabon
  • Gabama = Gabonese
  • Gabamat = Gabonese, inhabitant of Gabon
  • gabar = abacus, adder
  • gabay = additionally
  • gabbun = lagniappe
  • gabdobnix = supertax, surtax
  • gabdras = annex
  • gabdref = allonge
  • gabdren = codicil
  • gabdyun = agnomen, appellative, nickname
  • gabekea = retreating
  • gaben = addition, adjunction, affixation, relegating, relegation
  • gaber ejna yixlawati = to restaff
  • gaber nadi bu = to reline
  • gaber = to add, to affix, to augment, to eke, to relegate, to sum, to supplement
  • gabgos = extra
  • gabi gobi = pluses and minuses
  • gabir = adding machine
  • gabix = sum
  • gabixer = to outdraw
  • gabnas = gratuity, tip
  • gabnas zyeb = tip jar, tipping jar
  • gabnasuen = tipping
  • gabnasuer = to tip
  • gabnasuut = tipper
  • gabnaz = surplus value
  • gabnix = interest
  • gabnod = advantage, plus point, positive
  • gabnoyx = extra fee, surcharge
  • gabnuxben = taxation
  • gabnuxbwa = taxed
  • gabokigbas = paroxysm
  • gabokigbasa = paroxysmal
  • gabol = condiment
  • gaboluer = to add spice
  • gabolzyeb = cruet
  • gabsinod = crossing
  • gabsinsana = cross-shaped
  • gabsinxen = making a cross

gabsinxer -- gafyinxer

  • gabsinxer = to make a cross
  • gabsiyn = cross, plus sign
  • gabsiyndrer = to cross out
  • gabsiynmep = crossroad
  • gabun = add-on, addition, additive, affix, appurtenance, garnish, supplement
  • gabuna = additional, appurtenant, supplemental
  • gabunen = garnishing
  • gabuner = to garnish
  • gabunuen = supplementation, supplementing
  • gabunuwa = supplemented
  • gabunuyea = supplementary
  • gabunwa = garnished
  • gabus = adder, augend, summand
  • gabuxer = to superinduce
  • gabwa = added, augmented
  • gabwa bu hus = furthermore
  • gabwa naz dotnix = value added tax, value-added tax
  • gabwas = add-on, addend, addendum
  • gabwasi = addenda
  • gabyafwa = addable
  • gabyanmul = admixture
  • gabyanxen = annexation, annexing
  • gabyanxer = to annexe
  • gabyanxwa = annexed
  • gabyux mimpar = cockboat, tender
  • gabyuxea = auxiliary
  • gabzyupa = helical
  • gabzyupea = curling
  • gabzyuper = to curl
  • gabzyupsan = helix
  • gabzyupsana = helical
  • gacaliayt = perchorate
  • gacalilka zil = perchloric acid
  • gadras = addendum
  • gaduzar = triangle
  • gaf = preference
  • gafa = preferential
  • gafay = preferentially
  • gafen = preference, preferment, preferring
  • gafena = preferential
  • gafer = to prefer, to rather, to want more
  • gafias = something better
  • gafiasea = getting better, improving
  • gafiasen = amelioration, getting better
  • gafiaser = to get better, to improve
  • gafiaxam = repair shop
  • gafiaxer = to ameliorate, to improve, to repair
  • gafixea = ameliorating
  • gafixefwa = ratty
  • gafixen = amelioration, betterment, doing better
  • gafixer = to do better, to improve, to outdo, to trump
  • gafixwa = outdone, trumped
  • gafixyafwa = improvable
  • gafixyea = ameliorative
  • gafotaput = mahout
  • gafotbikuut = mahout
  • gafu gafu = worse and worse
  • gafuasea = deteriorating, getting worse, worsening
  • gafuasen = deterioration, getting worse, worsening
  • gafuaser = to become worse, to deteriorate, to worsen
  • gafuaxea = exacerbating, impairing, making worse
  • gafuaxen = exacerbation, impairment, making worse, worsening
  • gafuaxer = to exacerbate, to impair, to make worse, to worsen
  • gafuaxwa = deteriorated, exacerbated, impaired, worsened
  • gafuxea = doing worse
  • gafuxen = doing worse
  • gafuxer = to do worse
  • gafwa = preferred, prevalent
  • gafwas = preference, something preferred
  • gafway = prevalently
  • gafyafwa = preferable
  • gafyiner = to be worth more
  • gafyinien = going up in value
  • gafyinier = to go up in value
  • gafyinsen = going up in value
  • gafyinser = to go up in value
  • gafyinuen = plus-valuation, revaluation
  • gafyinuer = to make go up in value, to revalue
  • gafyinxen = raising the value of
  • gafyinxer = to raise the value up

gafyinxwa -- gapiatud

  • gafyinxwa = raised in value
  • gafyinxyofwa = irreparable
  • gagon = majority
  • gagona = major, majoritarian
  • gagwa = rather
  • gahenak = gigahertz
  • gaif = propensity
  • gaifer = to favor, to prefer
  • gaifin = favoritism
  • gaifra = gaga
  • gaifwa = favorite
  • gaifwas = favorite thing
  • gaifyafwa = preferable
  • gaikna job = pluperfect tense
  • gaikna = pluperfect
  • gaikxyofwa = nonrefillable
  • gaj = anymore, further, more, still, yet
  • gajaga = elder
  • gajagat = elder, the older one
  • gajob = further, longer, more time, still, yet
  • gajod = again, another time
  • gajod ay gajod = over and over, time and time again
  • gajod gajod = again and again
  • gajodi vyel = more often than, more times than
  • gajwa = rather
  • gajwefxea = refreshing
  • gajwefxeay = refreshingly
  • gal = multiple, multiplied by, times
  • gala = multiple
  • galaduzar = wind chime
  • galan = multiplicity
  • galea = multiplying
  • galeduzar = chime bar
  • galen = multiplication, multiplying, reduplication
  • galena = multiplicative
  • galer = to multiply, to reduplicate
  • gal-ewa = times two, twice
  • galiduzar = celeste
  • galijun = reprise
  • galix = product
  • galoduzar = steelpan
  • galon = gallon
  • galsiyn = times sign
  • galuduzar = clapper
  • galus = multiplier
  • galwa = multiplied
  • galwas = multiplicand
  • galyaduzar = bazooka
  • galyoduzar = Jew's harp
  • gamma = gamma
  • gamma naud = gamma ray
  • gammamules = photon particle
  • gan = sum, whole
  • gan vyesag = reflectance
  • gana = entire, integral, whole
  • ganag bi = a slew of
  • ganag = dollop, standard
  • ganan = entirety, integrity, wholeness
  • ganay = entirely, roundly, wholly
  • ganazer = to go up in value
  • ganazyena = bullish
  • ganjob yex = full-time work
  • ganoxuer = to charge more
  • ganuea = reproducing
  • gao = kind of, more or less
  • gao vyaka = more or less correct
  • gaob = give or take, plus or minus
  • gaoduzaruta duz = steel band music
  • gaol = septile
  • gaolkiyd = dioxide
  • gaos = more or less
  • gapaden = bleeping
  • gapader = to bleep
  • gapasyafa = remobilized
  • gapelat = monarch
  • gapiad = honk
  • gapiaden = honking
  • gapiader = to honk
  • gapiat = goose
  • gapiatud = gosling

gapiayt -- Garolider

  • gapiayt = gander
  • gapien = leaving again, parting again, retirement, retiring, withdrawal, withdrawing
  • gapiot = hippopotamus
  • gapoden = trumpeting
  • gapoder = to trumpet
  • gapot = elephant
  • gapoteib = elephant trunk
  • gapoteupib = elephant tusk
  • gapoteupibika = tusked
  • gapoteupibul = ivory
  • gapotud = baby elephant
  • gapotyan = parade of elephants, sloth of bears
  • gapotyena = elephantine
  • gapoyt = elephant cow
  • gapwot = elephant bull
  • gapyod = growl
  • gapyodea = growling
  • gapyoden = growling
  • gapyoder = to growl
  • gapyot = bear
  • gapyot zyobex = bearhug
  • gapyota = ursine
  • gapyotam = bear cave, den
  • gapyotayeb = fuzz
  • gapyotayebyena = fuzzy
  • gapyotayebyenan = fuzziness
  • gapyotayob = bearskin
  • gapyotud = baby bear cub
  • gapyotuka = bearless
  • gapyotuyd = female bear cub
  • gapyotwud = male bear cub
  • gapyotyena = bearish, bearlike
  • gapyotyenan = bearishness
  • gapyotyenay = bearishly
  • gapyoyt = jenny, mama bear, she-bear
  • gar = exponent, raised to the power of, to the power of
  • gara = exponential
  • garale- = tera-
  • garale = trillion
  • garalea = trillionth
  • garaleagbanak = Tb, terabyte
  • garaleon = trillion
  • garalyi- = exa-
  • garalyi = quintillion
  • garalyiagbanak = exabyte
  • garalyigegenak = Eg, exagram
  • garalyion = quintillion
  • garalyo- = peta-
  • garalyo = quadrillion
  • garalyoa = quadrillionth
  • garalyoagbanak = petabyte
  • garalyobanak = petabit
  • garalyoon = quadrillion
  • garalyu- = exa
  • garay = exponentially
  • gare- = hecto-
  • garea = exponentiating
  • garela = sextillion
  • garela- = zetta-
  • garelaa = sextillionth
  • garelaagbanak = zettabyte
  • garelaon = sextillion
  • garelu = septillion
  • garelu- = yotta-
  • garelua = septillionth
  • gareluagbanak = yottabyte
  • gareluon = septillion
  • garen = exponentiating, exponentiation
  • garer = to exponentiate, to raise to the power of
  • gar-ewa = squared
  • garewa = squared, to the power of plus two
  • gargantua = gargantuan
  • gari- = kilo-
  • gari = thousand
  • gar-iwa = cubed, raised to the power of three, raised to the third power, to the power of plus three
  • garix = power
  • Garolid = Greenlandic, Kallallisut
  • Garolidaler = to speak Greenlandic
  • Garolidalut = Greenlandic speaker
  • Garolider = to say in Greenlandic

garowa -- gawas

  • garowa = one
  • garsag = logarithm
  • garsaga = logarithmic
  • garsagay = logarithmically
  • garsagen = logarithmization
  • garsager = to logarithmize
  • garsagsyob = log
  • garsen = exponential growth
  • garser = to increase exponentially
  • garsiyn = exponent sign
  • garsyob = base
  • garus = exponent
  • garwa = exponentiated, raised to the power of
  • garwas = number raised
  • garxer = to increase exponentially
  • garxwa = increased exponentially
  • garya- = mega-, million
  • garyu- = billion, giga-, milliard
  • garyua = billionth
  • garyuagbanak = gigabyte
  • garyubanak = gb, gigabit
  • garyugenak = Gg, gigagram
  • garyuon = billion, milliard
  • gas ay gas = more and more
  • gas = more of it
  • gasea = growing, increasing
  • gaseay = increasingly
  • gasen = growth
  • gaser = to grow, to increase
  • gasi = more of them, more things, some more
  • gasin = cross
  • gasinben = crucifixion
  • gasinber = to crucify
  • gasinbwa = crucified
  • gasindrura = reprographic
  • gasinxen = crossing
  • gasinxer = to cross
  • gastropod = vopyet
  • gatepuxea = intriguing
  • gatepuxeay = intriguingly
  • gatepuxwa = intrigued
  • gati = more of them, more people
  • gaun = complement
  • gauna = complementary
  • gaunxea = complementing
  • gaunxen = complementing
  • gaunxer = to complement
  • gautfrider = to outboast
  • gaveel = navy bean
  • gavelza = pumpkin orange
  • gavob = sunflower
  • gavol = pumpkin
  • gavot daz = gavotte
  • gavyel = sunflower
  • gawaagdrezer = to reheadline
  • gawaakaxer = to rediscover
  • gawaaxer = to reinitiate
  • gawabaer = to recover
  • gawabaler = to reapply
  • gawabdrawa = relabeled, retitled
  • gawabdrer = to relabel
  • gawaber = to reapply, to reimpose, to reset
  • gawafxer = to reauthorize, to reject, to veto
  • gawagaxer = to remagnify
  • gawagxer = to grow back, to regrow
  • gawajod = again, once more, one more time
  • gawakaxer = to reinvent
  • gawaken = regaining, repossession, retrieval, retrieving
  • gawaker = to regain, to retrieve
  • gawakler = to reconquer
  • gawakwa = regained, retrieved
  • gawamsaxer = to reforge
  • gawamxer = to reheat
  • gawamxwa = reheated
  • gawanaxer = to reunify
  • gawanxer = to reunite
  • gawanyafser = to reconnect
  • gawaotyanxer = to regroup
  • gawaper = to remount
  • gawas = another one

gawasanxer -- gawembuer

  • gawasanxer = to remodel, to remold
  • gawat = another person
  • gawaxleaxer = to reactivate
  • gawaxler = to react, to reenact
  • gawaybteaxer = to resurvey
  • gawayixer = to rechristen
  • gawaymxer = to rewarm
  • gawaymxwa = rewarmed, warmed over
  • gawaynxer = to redintegrate, to reintegrate, to repair
  • gawazaxer = to refortify, to reinforce, to restrengthen
  • gawazonikxer = to reenergize
  • gawazonuer = to reenforce
  • gawazuluer = to refuel
  • gawazuluwa = refueled
  • gawbakser = to recover
  • gawbaler = to repress
  • gawbaser = to recoil, to reverse
  • gawbaxer = to reverse
  • gawbelunaber = to reload
  • gawbiafxer = to retrocede
  • gawbien = recantation, recovering, replevin, retaking, retrieval, retrieving, returning, taking back
  • gawbier = to get back, to recover, to retrieve, to take back
  • gawbiwa = recovered, retaken, retrieved, returned, taken back
  • gawbokogrunuer = to reinfect
  • gawbyaler = to lift back up
  • gawbyaxen = restoration
  • gawbyaxwa = restored, set back up
  • gawbyaxwn = setting back upright
  • gawbyuer = to reattain
  • gawbyuxer = to recontact, to retouch
  • gawdabuer = to reinstate
  • gawdaler = to sass, to talk back
  • gawdatuper = to revisit
  • gawdeler = to redeclare, to restate, to retract
  • gawdider = to requestion
  • gawdobuer = to rededicate
  • gawdodrurer = to republish
  • gawdodyunuer = to reappoint, to reappointment
  • gawdokebier = to reelect
  • gawdoparuen = rearmament
  • gawdoparuer = to rearm
  • gawdopoxer = to rearrest
  • gawdopxen = remilitarization
  • gawdopxer = to remilitarize
  • gawdopxwa = remilitarized
  • gawdosyemxer = to reinstitute
  • gawdovyayabxer = to recode
  • gawdrafxer = to remap
  • gawdrasiner = to redraw
  • gawdrasinwa = redrawn
  • gawdrawa = revised, rewritten
  • gawdreder = to respell
  • gawdrer = to recopy, to redraft, to revise, to rewrite
  • gawdresiner = to redesign
  • gawdresinwa = redesigned
  • gawdrevsagben = repagination
  • gawdrevyaker = to reedit
  • gawdrirer = to retype, to type over
  • gawdrirwa = retyped, typed over
  • gawdrurer = to reprint
  • gawdu = ditto
  • gawdurer = to rebid
  • gawdyeer = to reread, to run over
  • gawdyesanxer = to rebind
  • gawdyudrer = to retitle
  • gawdyunaben = redesignation
  • gawdyunaber = to redesignate
  • gawdyunabwa = redesignated
  • gawdyunder = to recite
  • gawdyunuen = redesignation, renaming
  • gawdyunuer = to rechristen, to redesignate, to rename
  • gawdyunuwa = redesignated
  • gawdyunxer = to renominate
  • gawebtestuer = to reinterpret, to retranslate
  • gawebzyaber = to retransmit
  • gawegxen = renormalization
  • gawejbuer = to resubmit
  • gaweker = to replay
  • gawember = to relocate, to reposition, to reset, to resettle
  • gawembuer = to reassign, to rehouse

gawemiper -- gawnunuer

  • gawemiper = to remigrate
  • gawextuundrer = to reprogram
  • gawfiaxen = fixing, repairing
  • gawfiaxer = to fix, to repair
  • gawfiaxut = fixer, repairman
  • gawfiaxwa = fixed, repaired
  • gawfinagxer = to refit
  • gawfyaaxer = to reconsecrate
  • gawfyabuer = to rededicate
  • gawgasanxer = to redevelop
  • gawgelsanxer = to readapt
  • gawgobler = to resect
  • gawgoler = to redivide
  • gawgonesaxer = to refragment
  • gawgonuer = to reallocate
  • gawgonutxer = to reregister
  • gawgrunarer = to refasten
  • gawifbiteder = to readopt
  • gawigapaxler = to reswipe
  • gawijkaxer = to rediscover
  • gawijsaxer = to recreate
  • gawilier = to reabsorb
  • gawilxer = to remelt
  • gawizonxen = reorientation
  • gawizonxer = to reorient
  • gawizonxwa = refocused
  • gawjeser = to remain
  • gawjogxer = to rejuvenate
  • gawjwexen = refreshing
  • gawjwexer = to refresh
  • gawjwexwa = readied again, refreshed
  • gawkajer = to reopen
  • gawkebier = to reselect
  • gawkyaxler = to reconvert
  • gawkyeser = to recur, to reoccur
  • gawkyider = to reemphasize
  • gawkyinxer = to reweigh
  • gawkyisuer = to recharge, to reload
  • gawkyosanxer = to reformat
  • gawmageler = to recook
  • gawmagelwa = recooked
  • gawmagiler = to reboil
  • gawmagxer = to retrofire
  • gawmanser = to reflect, to reverberate
  • gawmanxen = reflection
  • gawmanxer = to reflect, to relight
  • gawmanyibwa = turned back on
  • gawmanyijber = to switch back on, to turn back on
  • gawmegyelber = to repave
  • gawmembien = reoccupation
  • gawmembier = to reoccupy
  • gawmemuben = repatriation
  • gawmepxer = to reroute
  • gawmialber = to respray
  • gawmilzyunuer = to reinstill
  • gawmulvyixer = to recontaminate
  • gawmumber = to rebury
  • gawmusben = re-scaling
  • gawmusber = to re-scale
  • gawmuspea = re-scaling
  • gawnaaber = to reclassify, to refile
  • gawnager = to remeasure
  • gawnapxen = rearrangement
  • gawnapxer = to rearrange, to redress, to rejig
  • gawnapxwa = put back in order, rearranged
  • gawnasbuer = to reallocate
  • gawnasyember = to redeposit
  • gawnazder = to reappraise, to reassess, to revalue
  • gawnedvixer = to refinish
  • gawnixbuen = resale, reselling
  • gawnixbuer = to resell
  • gawnixbuwa = resold
  • gawnofxer = to reweave
  • gawnofyanxer = to resew
  • gawnogxer = to regrade
  • gawnuer = to refurnish, to reproduce
  • gawnuneker = to renegotiate
  • gawnunsiyner = to relabel
  • gawnunuen = reselling
  • gawnunuer = to resell

gawnyafxer -- gawtyodxer

  • gawnyafxer = to refasten
  • gawnyixer = to reorder
  • gawnyufxer = to repack, to repackage
  • gawnyuxen = reshipment, reshipping, resupplying
  • gawnyuxer = to redeliver, to reship, to resupply
  • gawobkofxer = to reline
  • gawofyujber = to refold
  • gawoybdrer = to resubscribe
  • gawoyebder = to reword
  • gawoyebuer = to reissue
  • gawpixen = recapturing
  • gawpixer = to recapture
  • gawpixwa = recaptured
  • gawpooxen = reconciliation, reconciling
  • gawpooxer = to reconcile
  • gawpooxwa = reconciled
  • gawpyexer = to strike back
  • gawpyoxer = to rehang
  • gawpyoxwa = subsided
  • gawsandrer = to reformulate
  • gawsansea = developing, reforming, reshaping, shaping up
  • gawsansea pyaon = reform wave
  • gawsansen = development, mutation, reforming
  • gawsanser = to change shape, to develop, to get into shape up, to morph, to mutate, to reform, to regress, to take on a new shape
  • gawsanxea = modifying, transfiguring
  • gawsanxen = built, development, modification, modifying, morphing, reformation, reforming, transfiguration
  • gawsanxena = developmental, reformational, transformational
  • gawsanxenay = developmentally
  • gawsanxer = to develop, to modify, to morph, to reform, to reformat, to transform
  • gawsanxus = modifier, transformer
  • gawsanxut = reformer
  • gawsanyanxer = to reconfigure
  • gawsaryanuer = to reequip
  • gawsaunxer = to reclassify
  • gawsaxen = recreating, recreation, remaking
  • gawsaxer = to recreate, to remake
  • gawsaxun = remake
  • gawsaxwa = remade
  • gawseuser = to reverberate
  • gawseuxer = to echo
  • gawseuzaxen = retuning
  • gawseuzaxer = to retune
  • gawseuzaxwa = retuned
  • gawsexer = to reconstruct, to retool
  • gawsexyenxer = to restructure
  • gawsinuer = to redisplay
  • gawsizer = to repaint
  • gawsuemxer = to reupholster
  • gawsyaager = to recalculate, to recompute
  • gawsyager = to recount
  • gawsyemxer = to reestablish, to restore
  • gawsyenxer = to restyle
  • gawtaduwa = remarried
  • gawtambuer = to resettle
  • gawtapuer = to reembody
  • gawtaxdrer = to rerecord
  • gawtayoxer = to touch up
  • gawteasea = reappearing
  • gawteasen = reappearance
  • gawteaser = to reappear
  • gawteater = to see again
  • gawteatuer = to reshow
  • gawteaxuer = to reshow
  • gawteazexer = to refocus
  • gawtejaxer = to revitalize, to revivify
  • gawtejuer = to reanimate
  • gawtesder = to redefine, to reexplain
  • gawteubier = to regorge
  • gawtexer = to reflect on, to rethink, to think back
  • gawtijber = to reawaken
  • gawtiser = to relearn
  • gawtixer = to restudy
  • gawtofuer = to reclothe
  • gawtomxer = to rebuild, to reconstruct
  • gawtruer = to reintroduce
  • gawtudxer = to regenerate
  • gawtuxer = to reteach
  • gawtyenier = to reskill, to retrain
  • gawtyenuer = to rehabilitate, to reskill, to retrain
  • gawtyodxer = to repopulate

gawubduer -- gaxuna

  • gawubduer = to recurse
  • gawuber = to remand, to retransmit, to return, to send back
  • gawujnadrer = to redefine
  • gawuksanxer = to remold
  • gawuzber = to revert, to turn back
  • gawuzper = to revert, to turn back
  • gawuzyuber = to rewind
  • gawvabijuer = to reseed
  • gawvadier = to reclaim
  • gawvakuer = to reassure
  • gawvakxer = to salvage
  • gawvakyujber = to reseal
  • gawveeber = to resow
  • gawveyovder = to recriminate
  • gawviber = to redecorate
  • gawvlader = to reassert
  • gawvlakaxer = to redetermine
  • gawvober = to replant
  • gawvyabeaxer = to reinspect
  • gawvyakyoxer = to redefine
  • gawvyanabxen = readjustment, recalibrating, tune-up, tuneup
  • gawvyanabxwa = readjusted, recalibrated
  • gawvyaoyeker = to retest
  • gawvyatxer = to readjust, to retool
  • gawvyavyeker = to reverify
  • gawvyayeker = to recheck
  • gawvyegonuer = to reapportion
  • gawvyilxer = to rewash
  • gawxoler = to undergo again
  • gawxwa = redone, repeated
  • gawxwea = recurring
  • gawxwen = recurrence
  • gawxwer = to recur
  • gawyanben = reassembling, reassembly, rejoining
  • gawyanifxer = to reattach, to restitch, to retie
  • gawyanlaxer = to recombine
  • gawyanlexea = recombinant
  • gawyanmulxer = to reblend
  • gawyannasbuer = to refund
  • gawyantabxer = to reincorporate
  • gawyanunxer = to recompile
  • gawyanxer = to rejoin
  • gawyaovyeker = to retry
  • gawyaper = to remount, to resurge
  • gawyebafxer = to readmit
  • gawyeber = to reinsert, to reintroduce
  • gawyefdyuer = to reassign
  • gawyekbier = to reacquire
  • gawyeker = to reattempt, to retry, to try again
  • gawyemayber = to reconsign
  • gawyember = to replace
  • gawyembuer = to reappoint
  • gawyepuxer = to throw back in
  • gawyevanyeker = to rehear
  • gawyexazonuer = to reenergize
  • gawyijber = to reopen
  • gawyivxer = to set free again
  • gawyix = reuse
  • gawyixer = to reuse
  • gawyixler = to reemploy, to rehire
  • gawyixwa = reused
  • gawyogden = recap, recapitulation, summing up
  • gawyogder = to recapitulate, to sum up
  • gawyonmulxer = to redissolve
  • gawyubteaxer = to reexamine
  • gawyujlarer = to relock
  • gawyujlarwa = relocked
  • gawyuvlaxer = to reengage
  • gawyuzber = to recirculate
  • gawyuzper = to recirculate
  • gawzegxer = to renormalize
  • gax = augment, buildup, increase
  • gaxag = more often
  • gaxaga = frequent
  • gaxagay = prevalently
  • gaxea = augmentative, incrementing
  • gaxen = augmentation, buildup, increase, increasing, incrementing, reduplication, repeating, repetition
  • gaxer = to augment, to increase, to redo, to reduplicate, to repeat, to uplift
  • gaxun = increment
  • gaxuna = incremental

gaxunay -- Gebaroma Dobmemyan

  • gaxunay = incrementally
  • gaxus = repeater
  • gaxwa = augmented, increased, incremented
  • gaxwea = yex hackwork
  • gaxyofwa = irreducible
  • gaxyofway = irreducibly
  • gay = also, any longer, moreover
  • gay ga = still more, yet more
  • gay go = still less
  • gay hij = still now
  • gay him = still here
  • gay huj = still then
  • gay hum = still there
  • gay tyawa gel = aka, also known as
  • gayaba = higher, superior
  • gayaban = superiority
  • gayaben = heightening, raising
  • gayaber = to heighten, to raise
  • gayabwa = heightened, raised
  • gayalevabil = mousse
  • gayepet = nordic sledge dog
  • gayoba = inferior, lower
  • gayoban = inferiority
  • gayoban tipyen = inferiority complex
  • gayoben = decreasing
  • gayober = to decrease
  • gayobwa = decreased
  • gayubjo = sooner
  • gazeber = to outbalance
  • gazpaco = gazpacho
  • ge ... vyel = as ... as ... as
  • ge = equal, g, the letter g
  • ge- = equal to, equi-, even-
  • ge fi van ot yafe = as well as one can
  • ge fi vyel = as well as
  • ge fia vyel yafwa = as good as possible
  • ge jaba vyel yafwa = as high as possible
  • ge jodi ho et fu = as frequently as you would like
  • ge jodi = the same number of times
  • ge jodi vyel = as often as
  • ge molza vyel moj = as black as night
  • ge x vyel y = as x as y
  • ge xagay = as often
  • ge xagay vyel = as often as
  • ge yib hoo yafwe = as far away as possible
  • ge yib vyel = as far as
  • ge yijar = treble clef
  • ge yoba vyel yafwa = as low as possible
  • gea doyiv = equal right
  • gea = equal, even, same
  • gealk = Ga, gallium
  • geam = isotherm
  • gean = equality
  • geanin = egalitarianism
  • geanina = egalitarian
  • geaninut = egalitarian
  • geaxea = equalizing
  • geaxen = equalization
  • geaxer = to equalize
  • geaxwa = equalized
  • geaxwar = equalizer
  • geay = equally
  • geazona = idempotent
  • geazonan = idempotence, idempotency
  • Geba-Eniged = British English
  • Geba-Enigem = England
  • Geba-Enigema = English
  • Geba-Enigemat = Englishman
  • gebalnad = isobar
  • gebalnada = isobaric
  • Geba-Nirom = Northern Ireland
  • Geba-Niroma = Northern Irish
  • Geba-Niromat = Northern Irish, Northern Irishman
  • Gebarom = Britain, Great Britain, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, UK, United Kingdom
  • Gebaroma amayepet = greyhound
  • Gebaroma- = Anglo-
  • Gebaroma awahiyepet = basset hound
  • Gebaroma = British, UK
  • Gebaroma deuzun = glee
  • Gebaroma Dobmemyan = British Commonwealth

Gebaroma ebeyepet -- gejoeba

  • Gebaroma ebeyepet = Welsh corgi
  • Gebaroma ehayepet = harrier
  • Gebaroma emayepet = whippet
  • Gebaroma ewihayepet = beagle
  • Gebaroma ideyepet = Staffordshire bull terrier
  • Gebaroma Yonmeyli = British Isles
  • Gebaromat = Briton
  • Geba-Socatom = Scotland
  • Geba-Socatoma = Scottish
  • Geba-Socatomat = Scot, Scotsman, inhabitant of Scotland
  • Geba-Wulisom = Wales
  • Geba-Wulisoma = Welsh
  • Geba-Wulisomat = Welsh, Welshman, inhabitant of Wales
  • gebaxer = to balance
  • gebe = equals
  • gebek = equal treatment, equity, fair treatment
  • gebekea = equitable
  • gebeken = equal treatment
  • gebeker = to treat equally
  • gebekun = equity
  • gebekwa = treated equally, treated fairly
  • gebekyea = equitable
  • geber = to equal
  • gebun = equation
  • gebyen = equally, in the same way
  • ged = quotation, quote
  • gedalk = Gd, gadolinium
  • geden = quoting
  • geder = to quote
  • gedetser = to compeer
  • Gedolim = Greenland
  • Gedolima = from Greenland
  • Gedolimat = inhabitant of Greenland
  • gedrar = copier
  • gedrasi = addendi
  • gedsiyn = quotation mark, quote mark
  • geduzar = gong
  • geduzarut = melodica player
  • gedwa = quoted
  • gedyafwa = quotable
  • gedyafwan = quotability
  • gedyunat = namesake
  • geeksag = even score, tie
  • geeksag loxer = to tiebreaker
  • geeksaga = even, tied up
  • geeksager = to even the score, to tie
  • geeksagloxea ifek = playoff
  • geeksagwa = tied
  • geelk = Ge, germanium
  • Geema mark = deutschemark
  • Geemida = Germanic
  • gefyaxinut = co-religionist, coreligionist, fellow practitioner
  • gefyinea = equal in value
  • gefyiner = to be worth the same
  • Gegeyum = Guernsey
  • Gegeyuma = Guernseyman
  • Gegeyumat = inhabitant of Guernsey
  • geglana = quantile
  • gegon = equal share, equity, fair share, isomer, parity
  • gegona = isomeric
  • gegonay = pro rata
  • gegonbuen = equal distribution, repartition, sharing equally
  • gegonbuer = to share equally
  • gegonbuwa = equally-distributed, shared equally
  • gegonin = isomerism
  • gegonxen = prorating
  • gegonxer = to prorate
  • gegonxwa = prorated
  • geguna = equiangular
  • Geham = Ghana
  • Gehama = Ghanan
  • Gehamat = Ghanian, inhabitant of Ghana
  • Geiger sagdar = to Geiger counter
  • geixa = geisha
  • geizon = parallel
  • geizona = going in the same direction, parallel
  • geizonay = in parallel
  • gejaga = same-aged
  • gejodi vyel = as many times as
  • gejoeba = contemporaneous

gejoeban -- geldyunbelut

  • gejoeban = contemporaneity, contemporaneously
  • gejoyoba = coeval
  • gejoyobay = coevally
  • gekuna = equilateral
  • gekuna ingun = equilateral triangle
  • gekunay = equilaterally
  • gekunnid = cube
  • gekyaslanan = homeomorphism
  • gekyin = equilibrium, equipoise
  • gekyinxwa = poised
  • gel aon = as a whole
  • gel = as, like
  • gel awat = as one, in unison
  • gel bun = as a gift, for free, pro bono
  • gel dodinuwa = reportedly
  • gel duznodyan = chorded
  • gel hiis = scilicet
  • gel- = homo-, like-, same-, semel-, simul-
  • gel hus = also, likewise, that way
  • gel ixun bi = as a result of
  • gel joix = consequently
  • gel joixun = as a consequence
  • gel joixun bi = as a consequence of
  • gel ov van = even though
  • gel saungon = as an example
  • gel van et te = as you know
  • gel ven = as if
  • gel vyab = as a standard
  • gel vyanson = as a matter of fact
  • gel yaynav = en bloc
  • gel yuxun bi = as a means of
  • gel yuxun ub = as a means toward
  • gel zeyen bi = as a means of
  • gel zeyen ub = as a means toward
  • gela = like, same
  • gelalxyofwa = inimitable
  • gelalxyofwan = inimitability
  • gelan = likeness, sameness, semblance
  • gelatukat = nonesuch
  • gelauna = homogeneous
  • gelaunan = homogeneity, homogeneousness
  • gelaxar = simulator
  • gelaxea = simulating
  • gelaxen = simulation
  • gelaxer = to simulate
  • gelaxlea = emulating
  • gelaxlen = aping, emulating, emulation, imitation, simulation
  • gelaxler = to emulate, to imitate, to simulate
  • gelaxlut = emulator, imitator, simulator
  • gelaxlwa = emulated, simulated
  • gelaxlyea = emulative, imitative, simulative
  • gelaxus = simulant, simulator
  • gelaxwa = simulated
  • gelaxyea = simulative
  • gelay = also, likewise
  • gelbesea = consistent, constant, invariable, steady
  • gelbesen = consistence, constancy, staying the same, steadiness
  • gelbeser = to be consistent, to stay the same
  • gelbyen = likewise
  • gelbyena = like-mannered
  • geldin = analogy
  • geldina = analogous
  • geldinan = analogousness
  • geldinay = analogously
  • geldrar = copier
  • geldras = apograph, copying
  • geldrawa = copied
  • geldredun = homograph
  • geldreduna = homographic
  • geldrefunyan = quart
  • geldrer = to copy
  • geldrun = copy
  • geldrur = mimeograph
  • geldrura = mimeographic
  • geldrurer = to mimeograph
  • geldrut = copyist
  • gelduna = literal
  • geldunan = literalness
  • geldunay = literally, verbatim
  • geldyunbelut = namesake

gelenxer -- gelteasea

  • gelenxer = to imitate
  • gelfinsea = matching
  • gelfinser = to match
  • gelfinwa = matched
  • gelfinxen = matching
  • gelfinxer = to match
  • gelfinxyafwa = matchable
  • gelfinxyofwa = matchless
  • Gelid = Scottish Gaelic
  • Gelida = in Scottish Gaelic
  • Gelidaler = to speak Scottish Gaelic
  • Gelidalut = speaker of Scottish Gaelic
  • Gelider = to say in Scottish Gaelic
  • Geliged = Galician
  • Geligedaler = to speak Galician
  • Geligeder = to say in Galician
  • Gelima tif = anorak
  • Gelipom = Guadeloupe
  • Gelipoma = of Guadeloupe
  • Gelipomat = inhabitant of Guadeloupe
  • Gelivud = Manx
  • Gelivudaler = to speak Manx
  • Gelivudalut = Manx speaker
  • Gelivuder = to say in Manx
  • gelix = equation result
  • geljaga = homochronous
  • geljoba = simultaneous
  • geljoban = simultaneity
  • geljobay = simultaneously
  • gelkyosa = homeostatic
  • gelmola = connate, connatural
  • gelnaziea = countervailing
  • gelnazier = to countervail
  • gelnema = homotopic
  • gelnog = as
  • gelsan = replica
  • gelsana = homomorphic
  • gelsanin = homomorphism
  • gelsansea = acclimating, conforming, consistent
  • gelsansean = consistency
  • gelsanseay = consistently
  • gelsansen = conformance, conformation, conformity
  • gelsanser = to acclimate, to conform
  • gelsanxen = acclimation, conforming, replicating
  • gelsanxer = to acclimate, to make conform, to replicate
  • gelsanxwa = acclimated, made to conform, replicated
  • gelsanxyoftwa = impossible to adapt
  • gelsanxyofwa = unadaptable
  • gelsaun = copy, counterpart, duplicate
  • gelsaunas = copy
  • gelsaunay = homogeneously
  • gelsaunser = to be alike, to be congruent
  • gelsaunxar = duplicator
  • gelsaunxen = copying, duplicating, duplication, homogenization
  • gelsaunxer = to copy, to duplicate, to homogenize
  • gelsaunxwa = copied, duplicated, homogenized
  • gelsaunyafwa = copiable, duplicable
  • gelsaunyofwa = uncopiable, unduplicable
  • gelsea = alike, resembling
  • gelsean = resemblance
  • gelsen = resembling
  • gelser = to resemble
  • gelseux = rhyme
  • gelseuxdun = homonym
  • gelseuxduna = homonymous
  • gelseuxdunan = homonymity, homonymy
  • gelseuxea = rhyming
  • gelseuxer = to rhyme
  • gelseuxut = rhymer, rhymester
  • gelseuxwa = rhymed
  • gelsin = facsimile, fax
  • gelsinar = facsimile, fax
  • gelsinxen = facsimile
  • gelsinxer = to facsimile, to fax
  • gelsunxen = doing the same thing
  • gelsunxer = to do the same thing
  • gelsunxun = knockoff
  • gelteas = resemblance
  • gelteasat = lookalike
  • gelteasea = resembling, ressembling

gelteasen -- gelzena

  • gelteasen = resembling
  • gelteaser = to look alike, to look like, to look similar, to resemble, to ressemble
  • gelteesa = homophonous, sound-alike
  • gelteeser = to sound alike
  • gelteesun = homophone
  • geltepa = like-minded
  • geltepan = like-mindedness
  • geltesa = synonymous
  • geltesan = synonymy
  • geltesay = synonymously
  • geltesdun = synonym
  • geltesduna = synonymic, synonymous
  • geltesdunan = synonymy
  • geltesdunay = synonymously
  • geltesdunxer = to synonymize
  • geltesdunxwa = synonymized
  • geltesea = synonymous
  • geltesean = synonymity
  • gelteseay = synonymously
  • geltex = agreement
  • geltexden = agreement, concurrence, concurring, voicing agreement
  • geltexder = to agree, to concur, to express agreement, to voice agreement
  • geltexdraf = agreement, compact, treaty
  • geltexdwa = agreed, concurred
  • geltexea = congruent, in agreement
  • geltexean = congruence
  • geltexeay = congruently
  • geltexen = concurring, congruence
  • geltexer = to agree, to concur, to think alike
  • geltexyean = congruity
  • geltexyena = like-minded, of a similar opinion
  • geltexyenan = like-mindedness
  • geltexyener = to be of a similar opinion, to think alike
  • geltoda = connate
  • geltoobifa = homophile, homosexual
  • geltoobifan = homophily, homosexuality
  • geltoobifanufa = homophobic
  • geltoobifanufan = homophobia
  • geltoobifanufat = homophobe
  • geltoobifin = homophilism
  • geltoobifina = homophilic
  • geltoobifinut = homophile
  • geltoobifut = homosexual
  • geltos = feeling of shared identity
  • geltosden = expressing empathy
  • geltosder = to express empathy
  • geltosea = feeling connected, feeling one-and-the-same
  • geltoser bay = to identify with
  • geltoser = to feel connected, to feel one-and-the-same
  • geltudxeyna = co-generational, of the same generation
  • gelulbek = homeopathy
  • gelulbeka = homeopathic
  • gelulbekut = homeopath
  • gelus = equator
  • gelvolza = homochromatic, homochromous
  • gelvyena = homologous
  • gelvyenxen = homologization
  • gelvyenxer = to homologize
  • gelvyenxwa = homologized
  • gelwas = thing being equated
  • gelxag = at the same frequency
  • gelxen = copying, doing the same, likening, mimesis, mimicking, mimicry, mirroring
  • gelxer ay yaniler = to copy and paste
  • gelxer = to copy, to do the same, to liken, to mimic, to mirror
  • gelxus = mimetic
  • gelxut = copy-cat, copycat
  • gelxwa = copied, done the same way, ersatz, likened, mirrored, mock
  • gelxwa yaovyek = mock trial
  • gelxyofwa = disparate, inimitable
  • gelxyofwan = disparity, iniquity
  • gelxyofway = disparately, inimitably, iniquitously
  • gelyen ho = as, in the same way as
  • gelyen = in the same way
  • gelyena = the same kind of, the same way of
  • gelyenxen = imitating, imitation
  • gelyenxut = imitator
  • gelyenxwa = imitated
  • gelyenxyafwa = imitable
  • gelyenxyea = imitative
  • gelzena = homocentric

gem -- Gerocadaler

  • gem = isotope
  • Gemibam = Gambia
  • Gemibama = Gambian
  • Gemibamat = inhabitant of Gambia
  • gemoj = equinox
  • gemoja = equinoctial
  • gemules = gluon
  • genaba = coequal, equal in rank
  • genabat = coequal
  • genag = equal measure
  • genaga = equal in measure, equal in size, isometric
  • genagay = isometrically
  • genak = gram
  • genaz = par
  • genaza = equivalent
  • genazan = equivalence
  • genazer = to be equivalent
  • geneazay = equivalently
  • geneda = even, level, smooth
  • genedan = evenness, levelness, smoothness
  • geneda-niga = even-spaced
  • geneda-tipa = even-tempered
  • genedxen = evening out, leveling, smoothing
  • genedxer = to even out, to level out, to smooth out, to smooth over
  • genedxwa = evened out, leveled, smoothed over
  • genega = coplanar, even, level, levigate, smooth
  • genegat = peer
  • genegatan = peerage
  • genegatdyes = peerage
  • genegatoya = peerless
  • genegatuka = peerless
  • genegatyan = peerage
  • genegtadiwayt = peeress
  • genegxer = to levigate
  • genegxwa = levigate
  • Genibam = Guinea-Bissau
  • Genibama = from Guinea-Bissau
  • Genibamat = inhabitant of Guinea-Bissau
  • geniga = coextensive
  • Geniqom = Equatorial Guinea
  • Geniqoma = Equatorial Guinean
  • Geniqomat = inhabitant of Equatorial Guinea
  • genog ho = just as
  • genog molza ho yafwe = as black as can be
  • genoga = equal in degree
  • genogay = equally
  • Geod = Georgian
  • Geoda = in Georgian
  • Geodaler = to speak Georgian
  • Geodalut = Georgian speaker of Georgian
  • Geoder = to say in Georgian
  • Geodreyen = Georgian script, Georgian writing system
  • Geom = Georgia
  • Geoma = Georgian
  • Geomat = inhabitant of Georgia
  • Geotodreyen = Gothic script
  • gepelat = swallowtail
  • gepelat-ilza = bumblebee yellow
  • gepiaden = crying
  • gepiader = to cry
  • gepiat = swan
  • gepiatayeb = swansdown
  • gepiatem = swannery
  • gepiatud = cygnet
  • gepiatyan = bevy of swans
  • gepiatyena = swanlike
  • gepiayt = pen
  • gepot = rhinoceros
  • gepot-maolza = rhino gray
  • gepwiat = cob
  • Gered = Greek language
  • Gereda = Greek
  • Geredalut = Greek speaker
  • Geredreyen = Greek script
  • Germana asokyik = centner
  • Germana depur = panzer
  • germana evobovol = pumpernickel
  • Geroca- = Greco-, Hellenic
  • Gerocada = in Greek
  • Gerocadaler = to speak Greek

Gerocader -- geveel

  • Gerocader = to say in Greek
  • Gerocam = Greece
  • Gerocama = Greek
  • Gerocamat = Greek, inhabitant of Greece
  • Gerocatin = Hellenism
  • Gerocatina = Hellenistic
  • Gerocatinut = Hellenist
  • Gerodam = Grenada
  • Gerodama = Grenadan
  • Gerodamat = Grenadian, inhabitant of Grenada
  • Geronid = Guarani
  • Geronidaler = to speak Guarani
  • Geronider = to say in Guarani
  • ges = a match, as much
  • ges vyel = as much as
  • ges vyel et fe = qv
  • gesag ho = as many as
  • gesan = clone
  • gesana = isomorphic
  • gesanay = isomorphically
  • gesanin = isomorphism
  • gesanxen = cloning
  • gesanxer = to clone
  • gesanxun = clone
  • gesanxwa = cloned
  • gesaun = the same kind
  • gesauna = the same kind of the same kind
  • gesaunxer = to copy, to inosculate, to reproduce
  • gesaunxyafwa = copyiable, reproducible
  • gesaunxyafwan = copiability, reproducibility
  • gesaunxyofwa = irreproducible, uncopiable
  • gesaunxyofwan = irreproducibility, uncopiability
  • gesea = equaling, equating, matching
  • geser = to equal, to match
  • gesi = as many, as many things
  • gesi vyel = as many as
  • gesiyn = equal sign
  • geta = identical
  • getan = i.d., identity
  • getan igef = identity crisis
  • getandraf = i.d. badg, i.d. card, identification badge, identification card, identity card
  • getay = identically
  • getesa bu = tantamount to
  • getesa = synonymous, tantamount
  • getesdun = synonym
  • getesea = equal in meaning the same
  • geteser = to be identical, to be synonymous, to mean the same
  • getesus = synonym
  • geteypan = equanimity, even temper
  • geti = as many, as many people
  • getip = equanimity
  • getoda = cognate
  • getodas = cognate
  • Getomim = Guatemala
  • Getomima = Guatemalan
  • Getomimat = Guatemalan, inhabitant of Guatemala
  • getoobifa = gay, homosexual
  • getoobifan = gayness, homosexuality
  • getoobifut = gay person, homosexual
  • getoobifuyt = female homosexual, lesbian
  • getoobifwut = gay male homosexual
  • getoobiyfa = female homosexual, lesbian
  • getoobwifa = gay male homosexual
  • getooda = ethnically similar, of like race, of the same race
  • getopa = equanimous
  • getxea = identifying
  • getxen = identification, identifying
  • getxer = to identify
  • getxus = identifier
  • getxwa = identified
  • getxyafwa = identifiable
  • getxyafwan = identifiability
  • getxyafway = identifiably
  • getxyofwa = unidentifiable
  • getxyofwan = unidentifiability
  • getyofwa = unidentifiable
  • geuja = equifinal
  • geujan = equifinality
  • geveb = corncob
  • geveel = pinto bean

gevib -- Geyudan

  • gevib = cornstalk
  • gevil = whiskey
  • gevil yeb be lifel = whiskey sour
  • gevilza = corn yellow
  • gevilzayna = bright corn yellow
  • gevilzoyna = dark corn yellow
  • geviylza = light corn yellow
  • gevob ab ha veb = corn on the cob
  • gevob = corn, maize
  • gevob mekil = cornmeal
  • gevob myek = cornflour
  • gevob nofyigxul = cornstarch
  • gevob ovol = cornbread
  • gevob vabem = cornfield
  • gevobovol = hoecake
  • gevobzyun = cornball
  • gevol = melon
  • gevoyb = hominy
  • gevoyb myek = hominy grits
  • gevyel = corn oil
  • gexag = as often
  • gexag ho et fu = as frequently as you would like
  • gexag ho yafwe = as frequently as possible
  • gexag vyel = as often as often as
  • gexaga = as frequent, of the same frequency
  • gexea = equating
  • gexen = equaling, equating, equation, evening out
  • gexer ha eksag = to even the score
  • gexer = to equal, to equate, to even out
  • gexun = equation
  • gexwa = equaled, equated, evened out
  • gexyafwa = equatable
  • gey bay = even with
  • gey bay hus = even so, even with that, nevertheless, still, yet
  • gey bay van = nevertheless, still, yet
  • gey boy = despite
  • gey boy van = despite the fact that, even though
  • gey = even
  • gey ga = even more
  • gey gas = even more
  • gey go = even less
  • gey gos = even less
  • gey hij = even now
  • gey huj = even then
  • gey huyen = even so
  • gey ja = even before
  • gey jo = even after
  • gey ov hus = even so, however, nevertheless, yet
  • gey ov van = even though
  • gey van = even though
  • gey ven = albeit, even if
  • geyafwa = equipollent
  • geyafwan = equipollence
  • geyayfwa = equipotential
  • geybayhus = nonetheless
  • geyemsuan = isotope
  • geyemsuana = isotopic
  • geyen = in the same way
  • geyen van = as, in the same way that
  • geyepet = nordic hunting dog
  • geyiba = equidistant
  • geyiban = equidistance
  • geyibana = equidistant
  • geyibanay = equidistantly
  • geyl hus = similarly
  • geyl- = simul-
  • geyla = alike, similar, such
  • geylan = similarity, similitude
  • geylay = similarly
  • geylbyen = also, in a similar fashion
  • geyldyan = simile
  • geylser = to assimilate, to become similar, to grow alike
  • geylteasea = similar in appearance
  • geylxdin = similitude
  • geylxea = assimilating
  • geylxen = assimilating, assimilation
  • geylxer = to assimilate, to make similar
  • geylxwa = assimilated, copied
  • geylyen = similarly, similitude
  • Geyudan = Guyanese dollar

Geyuma nasmug -- gikunad

  • Geyuma nasmug = guinea
  • gezebxea = compensating
  • gezebxen = compensating, compensation
  • gezebxer = to compensate
  • gezebxwa = compensated
  • gezebxyea = compensatory
  • Gezud = Geez
  • gezyabuer = to distribute equally
  • gezyemufa = co-axial, coaxial
  • g.i. = ASAP
  • gia = acute, keen, sharp
  • gia gun = acute angle
  • gia kyidsiyn = acute accent, acute stress mark
  • gia uj = tip
  • gia zyiun tuundyear = cd drive
  • gian = acuity, acuteness, keenness, sharpness
  • giar = awl, broach, sharp instrument
  • giay = acutely, cuttingly, keenly, sharply
  • gib = poker, spike, stinger
  • gibaen = jabbing, poking, pricking
  • gibaer = to jab, to poke, to prick, to stick in
  • Gibam = Gibraltar
  • Gibama = of Gibraltar
  • Gibamat = inhabitant of Gibraltar
  • gibar = dagger, jabber, poker, stoker
  • gibarer be ha zotib = to backstab
  • gibaun = jab, pinprick, shot
  • gibawa = jabbed, poked, pricked, stuck
  • gibea = jabbing
  • giben = injection, jabbing, shot, sticking, stinging
  • giber = to inject, to inoculate, to jab, to pierce, to poke, to punch, to stick, to sting, to stoke
  • gibog = spikelet
  • gibun = injection, inoculation, jab, piercing, sting
  • gibut = picador
  • gibwa = injected, inoculated, jabbed, pierced, poked, pricked, stoked, stung
  • gibyea = piercing
  • gibyeay = piercingly
  • gibyex = jar
  • gibyexea = jarring
  • gibyexeay = jarringly
  • gibyexen = knapping
  • gibyexer = to jar, to knap
  • gibyexwa = jarred, knapped
  • gid = snark
  • gidal = wit
  • gidala = wittily, witty
  • gidalea = sharp-tongued
  • gidaleay = with a sharp tongue
  • gidalun = witticism
  • gidalut = wit
  • gidalyea = snarky
  • gidid = snipe
  • gidider = to snipe
  • gidud = quip
  • gidudut = quipster
  • giduzar = castanet, woodblock
  • gifa = trenchant
  • gifan = trenchancy
  • gifay = trenchantly
  • gifea = eager
  • gifean = eagerness
  • gifeay = eagerly
  • gigoblar = dagger, stabbing knife
  • gigoblawa = cut sharp, stabbed
  • gigoblawat = stabbing victim
  • gigoblen = stabbing
  • gigobler bey yogyonar = to stab with a dagger
  • gigobler bey zyigiar = to stab with a sword
  • gigobler = to cut sharp, to stab
  • gigoblut = stabber
  • gigrun = crotchet
  • gigua = acute, sharply-angled
  • gikiema = sharply sloping
  • gikima = sheer, steep
  • gikiman = sheerness, steepness
  • gikimay = steeply
  • gikimxen = steepening, steeping
  • gikimxer = to steepen
  • gikimxwa = steepened
  • gikunad = rim, sharp edge

gikunada -- gintomsana

  • gikunada = sharp-edged
  • gikunadoya = rimless
  • gikunaduka = rimless
  • gilder = to guilder
  • gilmelpen = mountaineering
  • gim = end, extremity, tip
  • gimel abnod = mountain summit, mountaintop
  • gimel = mountain
  • gimel naap = mountain system
  • gimelaya = mountainous
  • gimelbok = mountain sickness
  • gimeles = hillock
  • gimelika = mountainous
  • gimelkim = mountain slope
  • gimelkum = mountainside
  • gimelkun = mountainside
  • gimelmep = mountain road
  • gimelnab = mountain chain, mountain range, sierra
  • gimelnyad = mountain range
  • gimelog = hill, knob
  • gimelper = to mountaineer
  • gimelput = mountaineer
  • gimelsyob = foot of the mountain base
  • gimelut = mountain man
  • gimelyapren = mountain climbing, mountain-climbing
  • gimelyaprut = mountain climber, mountain-climber
  • gimeyl = hmount
  • gimuf = arrow, shaft, shish, skewer
  • gimuf taol = shish kabab
  • gimufseb = arrowhead
  • gimufuen = goading, prodding, stimulating, stimulation
  • gimufuer = to goad, to prod, to stimulate
  • gimufuwa = goaded, prodded, stimulated
  • gimufwa taol be gimuf = skewered meat
  • gimufxen = skewering
  • gimufxer = to skewer
  • gimufxwa = skewered
  • gimufyeg = cone
  • gimufyeg tef = cone hat, dunce cap
  • gimufyega = conical
  • gimufyegnid = cone
  • gimufyegnida = conical
  • gimufyegnidsana = cone-shaped
  • gimuvaben = tacking
  • gimuvober = to untack
  • gimuyf = pick
  • gimuyv = tack
  • gimuyvaber = to tack
  • gimuyvabut = tacker
  • gimuyvabwa = tacked
  • gimuyvoben = tack removal
  • gin = butt, end, extremity, peak, point, sharp end, tip
  • gineaxer = to hone in on
  • gines yavil = guinness
  • ginfua = abysmal
  • ginfuay = abysmally
  • gingan favof = gingham
  • gingoblawa = crenelated, notched
  • gingoblen = crenelation, notching
  • gingobler = to crenelate, to cut at an angle, to notch
  • gingoblun = notch
  • gingol = notch
  • ginid = cone
  • ginizben = aiming
  • ginizber = to aim
  • ginizbwa = aimed
  • ginkyo = gingko, ginkgo
  • ginnida = conical
  • ginnidsan = cone shape
  • ginnidsana = cone-shaped
  • ginnidtam = teepee
  • ginod = acme, apex, peak, point, sharp point, summit, tip, vertex
  • ginod jwob = peak hour, rush hour
  • ginoda = apical, peak
  • ginoda jwob = peak hour, rush hour
  • ginoday = apically
  • ginogser = to get steeper
  • gintom = pyramid
  • gintoma = pyramidal
  • gintomsana = pyramid-shaped

gintoym -- givobil

  • gintoym = spire, steeple
  • gintoymyena = spiry
  • ginuv = ogive
  • ginxen = puncturing
  • ginxer = to puncture
  • ginxun = puncture
  • ginxwa = punctate, punctured
  • ginyena = pointy
  • ginyenan = pointiness
  • ginzyuk = rowel
  • gipelat = blue butterfly
  • gipiad = quack
  • gipiaden = quacking
  • gipiader = to quack
  • gipiat = mallard, wild drake
  • gipot = camel
  • gipotayeb = camel hair, camelhair
  • gipotyan = caravan
  • gipotyoyub = camel toe
  • gipoyaz = camel hump, camelback, hump
  • gipuxren = sharpshooting
  • gipuxrer = to sharpshoot
  • gipuxrut = sharpshooter, sniper
  • gis = burr, extremity, tip
  • gisa = extreme
  • gisan = extremity
  • giseux = creak, piercing sound, ping, shriek
  • giseuxea = creaking, ear-piercing, shrieking
  • giseuxean = creakiness
  • giseuxeay = creakily
  • giseuxen = creaking, making a piercing sound, shrieking, whistle-blowing
  • giseuxer = to creak, to make a piercing sound, to shriek, to whistle
  • giseuxut = whistle-blower, whistler
  • giseuxyea = creaky
  • giteaba = eagle-eyed, hawk-eyed, keen-eyed, sharp-eyed
  • giteat = keen sight
  • giteata = keen-sighted, sharp-sighted
  • giteatan = keenness
  • giteatiyea = perspicacious
  • giteatiyean = perspicacity
  • giteatiyeay = perspicaciously
  • giteeba = sharp-eared
  • giteiba = sharp-nosed
  • gitep = acumen, perspicacity, sharp mind, wit
  • gitepa = astute, keen, mentally sharp-witted, shrewd, witty
  • gitepan = acuity, astuteness, keenness, mental sharpness, sharp-wittedness, shrewdness, wittiness
  • gitepat = keen person, sharp wit
  • gitepay = astutely, keenly, sharp-wittedly, shrewdly, wittily
  • gitepden = wisecracking
  • gitepdun = wisecrack
  • giteubaba = sharp-tongued
  • giteud = screak, scream, screech
  • giteudea = screaming, screeching, shrieking, squealing
  • giteuden = screaming, screeching, shrieking, squealing
  • giteuder = to screak, to scream, to screech, to shriek, to squeal
  • giteudut = screamer, squealer
  • giteudwa = screamed
  • giteudyea = screechy
  • giteus = tang, zest
  • giteusa = tangy, zestful
  • giteusan = zestfulness
  • giteusay = zestfully
  • giteusaya = zesty
  • giteusika = zesty
  • giuj = pointed end
  • givob = baccy, tobacco
  • givob iblen = tobacco harvesting
  • givob iblut = tobacco harvester
  • givob melyexem = tobacco farm
  • givob melyexen = tobacco farming
  • givob melyexut = tobacco farmer
  • givob mov = tobacco smoke
  • givobel = chewing tobacco
  • givobelen = chewing tobacco
  • givobeler = to chew tobacco
  • givobelut = tobacco chewer
  • givobem = tobacco plantation
  • givoben = planting tobacco planting
  • givober = to plant tobacco
  • givobil = nicotine

givobila -- gla jodi hyajub

  • givobila = nicotinic
  • givobiofwa = nonsmoking
  • givobnam = tobacco store, tobacconist
  • givobnamut = tobacconist
  • givobteixut = snuffer
  • givobut = tobacco planter, tobacconist
  • givobyexer = to farm tobacco
  • givofayeb = tobacco leaf
  • givol = watermelon
  • givoleeb = watermelon seed
  • givomuf belar = cigar case
  • givomuf = cigar, stogie, stogy
  • givomuf goblar = cigar cutter
  • givomuf mov = cigar smoke
  • givomufog = cigarillo
  • givomufyeg = smoking pipe, tobacco pipe
  • givomuv belar = cigarette case
  • givomuv bexar = cigarette holder
  • givomuv = cigarette
  • givomuv mov = cigarette smoke
  • givomuv moviut = cigarette smoker
  • givomuv mugnyem = cigarette case
  • givomuv nyem = cigarette case
  • givomuvuj = cigarette butt, fag
  • givosyufyag = panatella
  • gixar = grinder, grindstone, hone, honer, sharpener
  • gixaren = honing
  • gixarer = to hone
  • gixarut = honer
  • gixarwa = honed
  • gixea meg = whetstone
  • gixen = grinding, honing, sharpening
  • gixenof = strop
  • gixer = to grind, to sharpen, to whet
  • gixeuxen = peeping, tooting, whistling
  • gixeuxer = to blow a whistle, to peep
  • gixwa = ground, pointed, sharpened
  • gixwa ujnod = pointed end
  • gixwan = pointedness
  • gixway = pointedly
  • giyab = spike, spindle
  • giyabaya = spiky
  • giyabika = spiky
  • giyabwa = spiked
  • giyeped = yap, yip
  • giymel = mount
  • giyoba = precipitous, sharply down
  • giyobay = precipitously, sharply down
  • giyobkin = escarp, escarpment
  • giyobkinuer = to escarp
  • giyonar = shish, skewer
  • giyonaren = skewering
  • giyonarer = to skewer
  • giyonarwa = skewered
  • giyopea = descending sharply
  • giyopen = sharp descent
  • giyoper = to descend sharply
  • giyufteud = screak
  • giyufteuder = to screak
  • giza = sharp to the taste
  • gizan = sharpness
  • gizyuber = to slue
  • gizyuyv = brochette
  • gla = a lot, majorly, many, much, numerous, roundly, super, very
  • gla aga ilpan = screamer
  • gla anxwa = close-knit
  • gla azay = fortissimo
  • gla azlay = overwhelmingly
  • gla fia = peachy
  • gla fua = shitty, stinking
  • gla fua vyos = lulu
  • gla fyaa = sacrosanct
  • gla fyaan = sacrosanctness
  • gla gasi = many more things
  • gla gati = many more people
  • gla ig = presto
  • gla jo his = a long time from now, a long time hence, a long time hereafter
  • gla jo hus = a long time from then, a long time thence, a long time thereafter
  • gla jodi = frequently, many times, oft, often, on many occasions
  • gla jodi hyajub = many times a day

gla jwa -- gladuyna

  • gla jwa = very early, very soon
  • gla- = many-, multi-, poly-
  • Gla naztwe! = Much appreciated!, Thank-you very much!
  • gla oega = outre
  • gla oga = bitty, diminutive
  • gla oyeb = a long way out
  • gla telefa = ravenous
  • gla telefay = ravenously
  • gla teser = to matter a lot
  • gla uga duzigan = largo
  • gla vlea = very likely, very probably
  • gla vleay = very likely, very probably
  • gla vyesyina = gonzo
  • gla yab = a long way up, far up, way up
  • gla yeb = a long way in
  • Gla yefxwa! = Much obliged!, Thank-you very much!
  • gla yigna = draconian
  • gla yob = a long way down, far down, way down
  • gla yobyaga = fathomless
  • gla yubay = almost, very nearly
  • gla yuga duzigan siyn = lento
  • gla yuga = lento
  • gla yugay = lento, pianissimo
  • gla zay = a long way ahead
  • gla zey = a long way across
  • gla zoy = a long way back
  • gla zye = a long way through
  • glaa = several
  • glaagbanaka = multibyte
  • glaagxyea = exuberant
  • glaagxyean = exuberance
  • glaagxyeay = exuberantly
  • glaalonsuna = polydecimal
  • glaamlot = multimillionaire
  • glaasi = several things
  • glaati = several people
  • glabanaka = multibit
  • glabaxen = gesticulation
  • glabaxer = to gesticulate
  • glabikwa = thoroughgoing
  • glabuer = to lave, to lavish
  • glabuyea = lavish, openhanded
  • glabuyean = lavishness, openhandedness
  • glabuyeay = lavishly
  • glabuyluna = multiattribute
  • glabyexwa ro = trilled r
  • glabyumuben = multicasting
  • glabyumubun = multicast
  • glabyuona = multipurpose
  • glacal = polycarbonate
  • gladabmusa = polyhierarchical
  • gladalen = dilatation
  • gladaler = to run one's mouth
  • gladaligut = motormouth
  • gladalut = chatterbox
  • gladalyea = loquacious
  • gladalyean = loquaciousness, loquacity
  • gladalyeay = loquaciously
  • gladalzeyna = multilingual, polyglot
  • gladalzeynan = multilingualism
  • gladalzeynat = polyglot
  • gladezmosa = multistage
  • gladinwa = storied
  • gladoeba = multistate
  • gladooba = multinational
  • gladoobay = multinationally
  • gladoobin = multi-nationalism
  • gladoobina = multi-nationalist
  • gladoobinut = multi-nationalist
  • gladrayefa = multipage
  • gladresiynyan = polyalphabetic
  • gladreva = many-paged, thick
  • gladrur = polygraph
  • gladrura = polygraphic
  • gladrursiynyana = multifont
  • gladrurtyen = polygraphy
  • gladuna = multi-word
  • gladungon = polysyllable
  • gladungona = polysyllabic
  • gladuyna = multiterm

gladuznada -- glakunid

  • gladuznada = polyphonic
  • gladuznadan = polyphony
  • gladwa = oft-said, oft-told
  • gladwas = oft-told thing, refrain
  • gladyeut = avid reader
  • gladyeya = well-read
  • glaebdalwa = much-discussed
  • glaebnoda = multinode
  • glaexa = multifunction
  • glaexlen = multiprocessing
  • glaexlena = multiprocess
  • glaexlus = multiprocessor
  • glaextuen = multiprogramming
  • glaextuunyan = multiprogram
  • glaextuwa = multiprogrammed
  • glafa = avid
  • glafan = avidity
  • glafay = avidly
  • glafer = to desire greatly, to want a lot
  • glafila = high octane, strong
  • glafisun = screamer
  • glafrawa = much longed for
  • glafwa = much-desired
  • glafyinder = to value highly
  • glafyindwa = highly-esteemed
  • glafyinea = worth a lot
  • glafyiner = to be worth a lot
  • glafyinuwa = highly-rated, highly-valued
  • glaga = abundant
  • glagan = abundance
  • glagan bi = an abundance of
  • glagay = abundantly
  • glagetanbok = schizophrenia
  • glagetanboka = schizoid
  • glagetanbokat = schizophrenic
  • glagola = multifid
  • glagon = plurality
  • glagona = multifarious, multipart, multiplex, plural, polynomial
  • glagonan = multifariousness
  • glagonay = multifariously
  • glagonayxen = elaboration
  • glagonayxer = to elaborate
  • glagonayxwa = elaborated
  • glagonayxwan = elaborateness
  • glagonayxway = elaborately
  • glagonbar = multiplexer
  • glagonben = multiplexing
  • glagonbwa = multiplexed
  • glagonika = elaborate
  • glagonin = pluralism
  • glagonina = pluralistic
  • glagoninut = pluralist
  • glagonuta = multi-member
  • glagonxen = pluralization
  • glagonxer = to pluralize
  • glagonxwa = pluralized
  • glagoyan = multiplex
  • glagun = polygon
  • glaguna = polygonal
  • glagwomula = polyatomic
  • glahihiduyea = sidesplitting
  • glaifon = polyamory
  • glaifrawa = much-adored, much-revered
  • glaizona = multi-directional
  • glaizonay = multi-directionally
  • glajay = a long time ago
  • glajob = a lot of time, long time, much time
  • glajoba = long-time, longtime
  • glajobnuxwam = tenement
  • glajodi hyajub = many times a day
  • glajodi = many times, on many occasions
  • glajosiyna = multitrace
  • glajuba = many-day
  • glajwoxwa = much-delayed
  • glakexuna = multigoal
  • glakexwa = much-sought-after
  • glakofaysya = much coveted
  • glakuna = multi-sided, multilateral
  • glakunay = multilaterally
  • glakunid = polyhedron

glakunida -- glanigan

  • glakunida = polyhedral
  • glakuyna = multifaceted
  • glakyasiuna = multivariate
  • glakyaxwa = much-changed
  • glal = batch, bunch, clump, cluster, lump, mass, pile
  • glal bil = yaourt
  • glala = massive
  • glalaya = lumpish, lumpy
  • glalayan = lumpiness
  • glalevafila = high octane, highly alcoholic, strong
  • glalevelid = glycogen
  • glalgoblar = dicer, grater
  • glalgoblawa = diced, grated
  • glalgoblen = dicing, grating
  • glalgobler = to cut into a pile, to dice, to grate
  • glalika = lumpish, lumpy
  • glalikan = lumpiness
  • glalser = to cluster
  • glalxer = to batch, to cluster, to lump
  • glalxwa = batched, clustered, lumped
  • glalyena = lumpish
  • glamagelwa = well-cooked, well-done
  • glamakmul = multiion, polyion
  • glamansin = photomontage
  • glamansinxen = photomontage
  • glamepa = multi-path, multichannel
  • glamepnig = concourse
  • glameysa = multiport
  • glamosa = hi-rise, multi-floor, multi-story, multistory
  • glamoysa = multi-coated, multi-layer, multi-layered, multilayer, multilayered
  • glamoysben = multi-layering
  • glamoysbwa = multilayered
  • glamugyebag mimpur = supertanker
  • glan = amount, lot, quantity, quantum, scad, sum
  • glana = quantitative
  • glanaaba = multifile
  • glanaapa = multisystem
  • glanabyana = multirange
  • glanad = polyline
  • glanaeda = multi-laned, multi-track
  • glanaedxer = to multi-track
  • glanaga = multidimensional
  • glananxen = melding
  • glananxer = to meld
  • glanasa = moneyed, rich, wealthy
  • glanasasea = getting rich
  • glanasaser = to get rich
  • glanasaxer = to make rich
  • glanasaxwa = enriched
  • glanax = expense, high price
  • glanaxa = expensive, pricey
  • glanaxan = expensiveness, priceyness
  • glanaxtrawa = highly-prized
  • glanay = quantitatively
  • glanaza = multivalent, multivalued, plurivalent, polyvalent, precious
  • glanazan = preciosity
  • glanazer = to treasure
  • glanazten = appreciating, highly prizing, treasuring
  • glanazter = to appreciate, to prize highly
  • glanaztwa = appreciated, much-prized
  • glanazuer = to put a high price on, to value highly
  • glanazuwa = highly-valued, much-prized, precious
  • glanazwa = treasured
  • glandar = quantifier
  • glanden = counting, quantification, quantifying
  • glander = to quantify, to tell how much
  • glandut = quantifier
  • glandwa = quantified
  • glandyafwa = quantifiable
  • glandyafway = quantifiably
  • glandyofwa = unquantifiable
  • glandyofwan = unquantifiability
  • glandyofway = unquantifiably
  • glaneda = multi-layered, multi-level, multi-planar
  • glanedesa = multifaceted
  • glanega = multi-level, multilevel
  • glanes = a bit
  • glanes bi tel = a bit of food
  • glaniga = palatial, roomy, spacious
  • glanigan = roominess, spaciousness

glanigay -- glasinuara

  • glanigay = palatially
  • glanixea = high-earning, high-income
  • glanixer = to earn a lot, to get paid a lot
  • glanixut = high-earner
  • glanoda = multipoint
  • glanooga = multi-staged, poly-phase
  • glanoxen = big spending a lot, splurging
  • glanoxer = to spend a lot, to splurge
  • glanoxuea = charging a lot, very expensive
  • glanoxuen = charging a lot, gouging, price gouging
  • glanoxuer = to charge a lot, to gouge
  • glanoxut = big spender, big-spender
  • glanoxuut = big charger, gouger, swindler
  • glansea = amounting
  • glansea bu = amounting to
  • glanser = to amount to come to
  • glantuin = quantum theory
  • glanuma = multicellular
  • glanuxea = high-paying
  • glanuxwa = high salaried, well-paid
  • glanuyea = prolific
  • glanuyeay = prolifically
  • glanxea = quantizing
  • glanxen = quantification, quantifying, quantization, quantizing, sum, summing
  • glanxer = to quantify, to quantize, to sum up
  • glanxwa = quantified, quantized, summed up
  • glanxyafwa = quantifiable, summable
  • glanxyafwan = quantifiability, summability
  • glanxyafway = quantifiably
  • glanxyofwa = unsummable
  • glanyuxea = fertile
  • glanyuxean = fertility
  • glanyuxeay = fertilely
  • glanyuxen = fertilization
  • glanyuxer = to fertilize
  • glanyuxwa = fertilized
  • glanzyafwan = quantifiability
  • glaofyuga = multifold
  • glaokvakuuta ekien = coinsurance
  • glaomxen = surfusion
  • glaoyanulikxwa = polyunsaturated
  • glapen = frequenting
  • glaper = to frequent
  • glapituba = finny
  • glaput = frequenter
  • glapya = frequented
  • glapyuxrun = volley
  • glas = a great deal, a lot, much of it, slew
  • glas bi = a great deal of, a lot of, a slew of
  • glasaga = plural
  • glasagan = plurality
  • glasaguna = multidigit
  • glasagxen = pluralization
  • glasagxer = to pluralize
  • glasagxwa = pluralized
  • glasana = diverse, multiform, polymorphic, varied
  • glasanan = diverseness, diversity, variety
  • glasanay = diversely, polymorphously
  • glasanaya = polymorphous
  • glasanika = polymorphous
  • glasanikay = polymorphously
  • glasankyaxyafa = protean
  • glasansea = diversifying
  • glasanser = to diversity
  • glasanxen = diversification
  • glasanxer = to diversify
  • glasanxwa = diversified
  • glasanyafwa = diversifiable
  • glasarafdras = multilicence
  • glasauna = diverse, heterogeneous, multitype, of many types, various
  • glasaunan = diversity, heterogeneity, heterogeneousness, variety
  • glasaunay = diversely, heterogeneously, variously
  • glasaunser = to diversify, to vary
  • glasaunxen = diversification, variation, varying
  • glasaunxer = to diversify, to vary
  • glasaunxwa = diversified, varied
  • glasaunyafwa = diversifiable
  • glaseuza = poly-tonic
  • glasi = many things
  • glasinuara = multi-screen, multiscreen

glasnost -- glatipika

  • glasnost = glasnost
  • glasteat = cognoscente
  • glastixut = polymath
  • glasuexnega = multi-volume
  • glasumtim = dormitory
  • glasumtimdet = dormitory mate
  • glasuna = manifold, plural
  • glasunan = plurality
  • glasunaxen = pluralization
  • glasunaxer = to pluralize
  • glasunxen = pluralization
  • glasunxer = to pluralize
  • glasunxwa = pluralized
  • glasyaagira = multi-computer
  • glata ebtuien = mass communication
  • glata gratipan = mass hysteria
  • glata = mass
  • glata meluk = mass grave
  • glata oyixlawan = mass unemployment
  • glata sag = mass number
  • glata tobtojben = mass murder
  • glata toj = mass death
  • glata tojben = mass killing
  • glata yexukan = mass unemployment
  • glata zeyni = mass media
  • glatada = polygamous
  • glatadan = polygamy
  • glatadin = polygamy
  • glatadina = polygamist
  • glatadinut = polygamist
  • glataolyan = gallimaufry
  • glatea = knowledgeable, savvy
  • glatean = knowledgeableness
  • glateapen = frequenting
  • glateaper = to frequent
  • glateaput = frequenter
  • glateapya = frequented
  • glateasgona = multi-aspect
  • glatebfyet = hydra
  • glatebyex = brawl
  • glateetwa = much-heard, oft-heard, often-heard
  • glatejbekul = multivitamin
  • glatelefer = to be famished
  • glater = to know a lot
  • glates = great meaning, importance
  • glatesa = important, major, multivalent, polyvalent, significant, solemn
  • glatesan = importance, polysemy, significance
  • glatesat = dignitary
  • glatesaxen = making a big deal, solemnification
  • glatesaxer = to make a big deal out of, to solemnify
  • glatesaxwa = made important, solemnified
  • glatesay = pointedly, significantly, solemnly
  • glatesaya = significant, very meaningful, very significant
  • glatesea = crucial, meaning a lot, significant, very meaningful
  • glatesean = great significance, importance
  • glateseay = crucially, importantly
  • glateser = to be critical, to be significant, to matter greatly, to mean a lot
  • glatesier = to become critical, to take on great meaning
  • glatesika = critical, significant, very meaningful, very significant
  • glatesikan = importance, significance
  • glatesoya = devoid of meaning, insignificant, pointless
  • glatesoyan = insignificance, pointlessness, unimportance
  • glatesuer = to attribute importance to imbue with great meaning
  • glatesuka = devoid of meaning, insignificant, pointless
  • glatesukan = insignificance, pointlessness, unimportance
  • glatexpyexen = brawling
  • glatexpyexut = brawler
  • glateza = multicultural
  • glatezin = multiculturalism
  • glatezina = multiculturalistic
  • glatezinut = multiculturalist
  • glati = many people
  • glatida = blessed with many siblings
  • glatilien = eating a lot, quaffing
  • glatilier = to eat a lot, to quaff
  • glatiliyea = voraciously
  • glatiliyean = voraciousness, voracity
  • glatima dyezam = multiplex cinema
  • glatima = multiplex
  • glatipika = exuberant

glatipikan -- glayixuta

  • glatipikan = exuberance
  • glatipikay = exuberantly
  • glatoda = multifamily
  • glatoda tam = multifamily dwelling
  • glatoda ujponam = mausoleum
  • glatolgabwa = much-seasoned
  • glatoluyea = nutritious
  • glatomyan = multiplex
  • glatooba = multi-gendered
  • glatooda = multiracial, of mixed ethnicity, racially mixed
  • glatotin = polytheism
  • glatotina = polytheistic
  • glatotinut = polytheist
  • glatrawa = famed, famous, illustrious, renown, renowned, well-known
  • glatrawan = fame, illustriousness, renown, reputation
  • glatrawat = celebrity, famous person
  • glatrawaxen = making famous
  • glatrawaxer = to make famous
  • glatrawaxwa = made famous
  • glatraway = famously, illustriously
  • glatuda = blessed with many children
  • glatudxeyna = multi-generational
  • glatujat = dormouse
  • glatujut = sleepyhead
  • glatuunnabyana = multi-database
  • glatuzyafa = multi-talented
  • glatwa = famous
  • glatwada = polyandrous
  • glatwadan = polyandry
  • glatyan = crush, drove, horde, mass, multitude, pack, swarm, throng
  • glatyena = polytechnic
  • glatyenika = multi-skilled
  • glatyenuwat = whiz, whizkid, whizzbang
  • glatyoyaba = multipede
  • glaufwa = much-hated, odious
  • glaufwan = odiousness
  • glaujakut = high-achiever, much-accomplished individual
  • glaujnoda = multipolar, multiterminal
  • glaujoona = multipurpose
  • glaun = quantum
  • glaun sirtyen = quantum mechanics
  • glauntuin = quantum theory
  • glausaunan = diverseness
  • glavafilut = winer
  • glavamakmul = polycation
  • glaviat = dreamboat, looker
  • glaviayt = bombshell
  • glavolza = iridescent, many-colored, many-hued, multicolored, polychromatic, ticked
  • glavolzan = iridescence, polychromaticity, polychromy
  • glavolzay = iridescently
  • glavolzdrurtyen = stenochromy
  • glavolzgona = particolored
  • glavyaotosaya = hyperconscientious
  • glavyaotosayan = hyperconscientiousness
  • glavyaotosika = hyperconscientious
  • glavyaotosikan = hyperconscientiousness
  • glavyaotosikay = hyperconscientiously
  • glavyayaba = multisystem
  • glaxag = frequently, oft, often, passim, very often, with great frequency
  • glaxaga = frequent
  • glaxaga namput = frequent shopper
  • glaxagay = often
  • glaxalika = very accomplished, very gifted
  • glaxen = propagating, propagation
  • glaxer = to propagate, to scale up
  • glaxwa = propagated, scaled up
  • glay = considerably, so many, so much
  • glayafa = superstrong
  • glayanava = multipartite, multiparty
  • glayanivput = big party-goer
  • glayanka = multiconnection, multilink
  • glayankika = multilinked
  • glayexkyas = multishift
  • glayexnada = multi-track, multidisciplinary
  • glayexut = workhorse
  • glayeyxen = multitasking
  • glayeyxer = to multitask
  • glayijlara = multikey
  • glayijlardrir = keyset
  • glayixuta = multiuser

glayixwa -- glonaxa tosaga yagdin

  • glayixwa = much-used
  • glays = quite a lot
  • glaysi = quite a few things
  • glayufwa = much-feared
  • glayuxnasuut = big tipper
  • glazesona = polytopical
  • glazeyni = multimedia
  • glazeynyan = hypermedia
  • glazeynzyaubun = simulcast
  • glazoydwa = much-repeated
  • glazyan zeymep = viaduct
  • glazyina = multi-level
  • glazyisa = multi-layered
  • glazyusa = multicycle
  • gle aga glan = passel
  • gle ayma = warmish
  • gle = fairly, rather, some, somewhat
  • gle jodi = now and then, on some occasions, rather often
  • gle jwo = latish
  • gle levelika = sweetish
  • gle yuga = softish
  • gle yugza = sweetish
  • glefila = tiddly
  • glejoda = severalfold
  • glejodi = now and then, on some occasions
  • glenyaza = substantial
  • glenyazan = substantiality
  • gletiler = to drink moderately
  • gletilut = moderate drinker
  • glexag = fairly often, rather often, somewhat often
  • glikiyn = glycine
  • glo = few, hardly, little, measly, not much, not very, scarcely, slightly
  • glo jo his = soon hereafter
  • glo jo hus = soon thereafter
  • glo jodi = on few occasions, rarely, seldom
  • glo ojay = very soon
  • glo oyeb = a short way out
  • glo teser = to matter little
  • glo xagay = not so often, seldom
  • glo yab = a short way up
  • glo yeb = a short way in
  • glo yob = a short way down
  • glo zay = a short way ahead
  • glo zey = a short way across
  • glo zoy = a short way back
  • glo zye = a short way through
  • gloa = meager, scarce, spare
  • gloamona = low calory, low-cal
  • gloan = exiguity, fewness, meagerness, paucity, scarceness, scarcity, slightness, spareness
  • gloay = meagerly, scarcely, sparely
  • glodalyea = laconic
  • glodalyean = laconicity
  • gloduna = brief, cursory, sententious, succinct, summary
  • glodunan = brevity, cursoriness, succinctness
  • glodunay = briefly, cursorily, sententiously, succinctly, summarily
  • glodyeea = illiterate, unread
  • glofila = lite, low-alcohol
  • glofyinder = to rate poorly
  • glofyinea = worth little
  • glofyiner = to be worth little
  • gloj = short while
  • glojatexwa = perfunctory
  • glojo = in a short while, not long after, presently
  • glojob = little time, short while
  • glojoda = infrequent, rare
  • glojodan = infrequence, infrequency
  • glojodas = rare thing, rarity
  • glojoday = infrequently, rarely, seldom
  • glojodi = on few occasions, seldom
  • glolevafila = lite, low-alcohol
  • glomagelwa = cooked only slightly, rare
  • glon = bit, scarcity, smattering, tenuity, toothful
  • glonasa = poor
  • glonasan = pauperism
  • glonasaser = to become poor
  • glonasat = pauper
  • glonasaxer = to pauperize
  • glonasaxwa = pauperized
  • glonaxa = cheap, inexpensive, low-priced
  • glonaxa tosaga yagdin = yellowback

glonaxan -- glutamiyn

  • glonaxan = cheapness
  • glonaxay = cheaply
  • glonaz = disesteem
  • glonaza = sixpenny
  • glonazder = to under-appreciate, to under-evaluate
  • glonaznunut = duffer
  • glonazter = to disesteem
  • glonazun = trifle
  • gloniga = cramped, poky
  • glonigxen = cramping
  • glonigxer = to cramp
  • glonigxwa = cramped
  • glonixea = low-earning, low-income
  • glonixer = to earn little, to make little
  • glonixut = low earner
  • glonox = avarice
  • glonoxea = avaricious, closefisted, niggard, sparing, stingy, thrifty
  • glonoxean = niggardliness, stinginess
  • glonoxeay = niggardly, sparingly, stingily
  • glonoxen = cheeseparing, spending little
  • glonoxer = to be stingy, to be thrifty, to spare, to spend little
  • glonoxut = niggard, spendthrift
  • glonoxwa = spared
  • glonoxyean = cheesiness, thriftiness
  • glonoxyeay = thriftily
  • glonoyga = slightly graded
  • glonuxea = low-paying
  • glonuxwa = little-paid, low-paid
  • glos = a bit, a little, a little bit, not much, smidgen, trifle
  • glos bi tel = a bit of food
  • glosauna = rare
  • glosaunan = rarity
  • glosaunas = rare item
  • glosaunsea = becoming rare
  • glosaunser = to become rare
  • glosaunxen = rarefication
  • glosaunxwa = rarefied
  • glosea = diminishing, dwindling, running down, running out
  • glosen = diminishing, diminishment, dwindling
  • gloser = to diminish, to dwindle, to run down, to run out
  • glosi = a few things
  • glotadab = oligarchy
  • glotadaba = oligarchic, oligarchical
  • glotadeb = oligarch
  • gloteatwa = little-seen, not-often-seen
  • gloteetwa = rarely-heard, seldom-heard
  • glotesa = insignificant, of little import, slight, trivial, unimportant
  • glotesan = insignificance, unimportance
  • glotesaxer = to downplay the importance of, to slight
  • glotesaxwa = slighted
  • glotesay = insignificantly
  • glotesaya = not very meaningful, of little important
  • Glotese! = It doesn't much matter!, No problem!
  • glotesea = meaning little, not very meaningful, of little important
  • glotesen = mattering little, meaning little
  • gloteser = to be trivial, to be unimportant, to mean little
  • glotesika = not very meaningful, of little important
  • glotesoni = flubdub
  • gloti = few people, not many
  • glotuxwa = little-taught
  • glotwa = recondite
  • glotwan = reconditeness
  • glotyena ifekut = duffer
  • gloxag = rarely, seldom
  • gloxaga = rare
  • gloxagan = rareness, rarity
  • gloxagay = seldom
  • gloxem = cubbyhole
  • gloxen = diminishment, diminution, dwindling
  • gloxer = to cause to dwindle, to diminish, to dwindle, to exhaust, to scale down
  • gloxun = scale-down
  • gloxwa = diminished, dwindled, run out, scaled down
  • gloy = slightly, somewhat
  • gloyixwa = little-used
  • gloyixwas = dust catcher
  • gloymagxer = to char
  • gloymagxwa = charred
  • gloyuxnasbuut = stingy tipper
  • glozeusa = low-noise
  • glutamiyn = glutamine

GND -- goflarog

  • GND = VAT
  • go ay go go = less and less
  • go bey mampur = by by plane
  • go bey mempur = go by car
  • go = fewer, less, short
  • go go = little by little
  • go jodi = less often
  • go jodi vyel = less often than
  • go xagay = less often
  • go xagay vyel = less often than
  • goa = lesser
  • goas = lesser
  • gob = bar, deduction, except, less, markdown, minus, offset, subtracted by, subtraction
  • gob van = unless
  • gobdrar = etch
  • gobdrawa = etched
  • gobdrun = etching
  • gobea = subtracting
  • goben = decrementing, deducting, deduction, diminution, offsetting, subtracting, subtraction
  • gober = to deduct, to diminish, to dock, to lessen, to subtract
  • gobix = difference
  • goblar bolar = knife holder
  • goblar = cutter, knife
  • goblarer = to cut, to knife
  • goblarog = penknife
  • goblaruxer ota tayeb = to get one's hair cut
  • goblaryan = cutlery
  • goblaryeb = knife holder
  • goblawa = cut, hewn, sectioned
  • goblawa meup = swath
  • goblawa ozyifay = scraggy
  • goblawa pavol = slaw
  • goblen faof = chop block, cutting board
  • goblen = cutting, hewing, retrenchment, sectioning
  • gobler ay yaniler = to cut and paste
  • gobler = to cut, to hew, to retrench
  • gobluj = nubbin, stub, stump
  • goblujaya = nubby
  • goblujika = nubby
  • goblujyena = stumpy
  • goblun = cut, piece, segment
  • gobluna = segmental
  • gobluner = to cut
  • goblunmagyelwa = fricassee
  • goblunog = cutlet
  • goblunxen = segmentation, segmenting
  • goblunxer = to segment
  • goblunxwa = segmented
  • goblut = cutter, hewer
  • gobnax = cut-rate
  • gobnod = disadvantage, minus point, negative
  • gobrar = chopper, hacksaw
  • gobraren = axing, chopping
  • gobrarer = to chop
  • gobrarwa = chopped
  • gobrawa = chopped, hacked
  • gobrawa vab = haying
  • gobrea = choppy
  • gobrean = choppiness
  • gobreay = choppily
  • gobren = hacking
  • gobrer = to chop, to hack
  • gobrun = chop, hack
  • gobsiyn = dash, minus sign
  • gobun = decrement, deduction
  • gobus = minuend
  • gobwa bey = minus
  • gobwa = deduced, diminished, docked, lessened, subtracted
  • gobwas = deduction, subtrahend
  • gobyea = diminutive, subtractive
  • gobyofwa = nondeductible
  • gobyoig = stubble
  • gobyoigyena = stubbly
  • gocalilkiyd = hypochlorite
  • godaler = to pipe down, to speak less
  • goflar = ripping device, scissor, shears
  • goflaren = scissoring, shearing
  • goflarer = to scissor, to shear
  • goflari = scissors
  • goflarog = nippers, small scissors

goflarut -- golyofwan

  • goflarut = shearer
  • goflarwa = scissored, sheared
  • goflawa = raggedy, ragtag, ripped, sheared, torn
  • goflawer = to be ripped, to run
  • goflen = ripping, scission, shearing, tearing
  • gofler = to rip, to shear, to tear
  • gofluj = stub
  • goflun = rag, rip, scissure, scrap, tear
  • goflunaya = ragged, raggedy
  • goflunen = cutting to pieces, cutting to shreds
  • gofluner = to cut to pieces, to cut to shreds, to rip to pieces
  • goflunika = ragged, raggedy
  • goflunikan = raggedness
  • goflunikay = raggedly
  • goflunut = ragman
  • goflunwa = cut to pieces, cut to shreds, torn up
  • goflunyan = scrapheap
  • goflunyena = scrappy
  • goflut = shearer
  • goflyafwa = scissible
  • gofrawa = riven
  • gofrun = rive
  • gofrunaya = scroungy
  • gofrunika = scroungy
  • gofyiner = to be worth less
  • gofyinier = to go down in value
  • gofyinsen = go down in value
  • gofyinser = to go down in value
  • gofyinuen = devaluation
  • gofyinuer = to devalue
  • gofyinuwa = devalued
  • gogon = minority
  • gogona = minor, minority
  • gogonay = minorly
  • goj = no longer
  • gojaga = younger
  • gojagat = cadet
  • gojagayt = younger girl
  • gojagwat = younger boy
  • gojob = less time
  • gojoday = rarely
  • gojodi = less often
  • gol = cut, divided by, division, per
  • gol sonak = per minute
  • golar = divider
  • golea = dividing, secant
  • golem = golem
  • golen = dividing, division, meiosis, partitioning
  • golena = divisional, meiotic
  • goler bu zyomoysi = to laminate
  • goler ha naxdras = to split the bill
  • goler = to cut, to divide, to divvy up, to part
  • goles = nick, notch
  • golesben = nicking, notching
  • golesber = to nick, to notch
  • golesbwa = nicked, notched
  • gol-ewa = divided by two, halved
  • golix = quotient
  • golixaynsag = quotient
  • golmas = partition, room divider
  • golmasben = partitioning
  • golmasbwa = partitioned
  • golmep = channel, groove, track
  • golnad = dividing line, sagittal
  • goloben = cutting off
  • golober = to cut and remove
  • golsag = fraction
  • golsiyn = division sign
  • golun = cut, division
  • golus = denominator, divisor
  • golwa = cut, divided, divvied up, partitioned
  • golwa mays = split screen
  • golwas = dividend
  • golyafwa = dividable, divisible
  • golyafwan = divisibility
  • golyea = divisive
  • golyean = divisiveness
  • golyeay = divisively
  • golyofwa = indivisible
  • golyofwan = indivisibility

golyofway -- gonnuxwa

  • golyofway = indivisibly
  • gommelaben = glaciation
  • gon bi = part of
  • gon = part, portion, share
  • gona = partial, partitive
  • gonag = major part
  • gonasdren = bond
  • gonasdrenbexut = bondholder
  • gonasdrut = bondman, bondsman
  • gonasdruyt = bondwoman
  • gonay = almost, partially, partly, partway
  • gonay neunxwa = partially stocked
  • gonazer = to go down in value
  • gonber = to part
  • gonbeut = shareholder
  • gonbexen = shareholding, sharing
  • gonbexer = to have a part, to share
  • gonbexunyan = shareware
  • gonbexwa tomaun = coop, cooperative apartment
  • gonbexwam = coop
  • gonbiea = participating
  • gonbien = partaking, participating, participation, sharing, taking part
  • gonbiena = participatory
  • gonbier dopekyan = to tourney
  • gonbier ekyan = to tourney
  • gonbier ifekyan = to tourney
  • gonbier = to partake, to participate, to share in, to take part
  • gonbiut = partaker, participant, participator, partner, sharetaker
  • gonbiwa bexwam = timeshare
  • gonbiwa = partaken, participated
  • gonbiyea = participative
  • gonbuea = contributing, sharing
  • gonbuen = contributing, contribution, sharing
  • gonbuer = to contribute, to divvy up, to share
  • gonbun = contribution
  • gonbunog = pittance, small contribution
  • gonbuun = contribution, divvy, share
  • gonbuut = contributor, sharegiver, sharer
  • gonbuwa = contributed, shared
  • gonbuwa dokebidutyan = electoral college
  • gonbuwa tyal = potluck meal, shared meal
  • gonbuyafwa = sharable, shareable
  • gonbwa = parted
  • gonek = part to play, role
  • gonekea = playing a part
  • goneken = playing a part, role-playing
  • goneker = to play a part, to play a role
  • gonekut = member
  • gonekutsen = becoming a member
  • gonekutser = to become a member, to join
  • gonekutxen drayef = enrollment sheet
  • gonekutxen = enrollment
  • gonekutxer = to enroll
  • gonekutxwa = enrolled
  • gonem sag = area code
  • gonem = zone
  • gonema = zonal
  • gonemay = zonally
  • gonemgolen = gerrymandering
  • gonemgoler = to gerrymander
  • gonemxen = zoning
  • gonemxer = to zone
  • gonemxwa = zoned
  • gones = crumb, mote, particle, portion
  • gonesa = particulate
  • gonesasea = crumbling
  • gonesaser = to crumble
  • gonesaxea = crumbling
  • gonesaxen = crumbling
  • gonesaxer = to crumble
  • gonesaxwa = crumbled
  • gonjoba = part-time
  • gonjoba yex = part-time work
  • gonjobat = part-timer
  • gonjobyexut = stringer
  • gonmep = partway
  • gonnapyanx = scheme
  • gonnuxen = paying in part
  • gonnuxer = to pay in part
  • gonnuxwa = payed in part

gonoben -- goon

  • gonoben = clipping, lopping off, removing a part, truncation
  • gonober = to clip, to lop off, to remove a part, to truncate
  • gonobun = clip, lop, trunk
  • gonobwa = clipped, lopped off, truncated
  • gonog = driblet, small part
  • gonogsea = digressing
  • gonogsen = degradation, digression
  • gonogser = to degrade, to digress
  • gonogsyea = digressive
  • gonogxea = degrading, digressive
  • gonogxen = degradation, digression
  • gonogxer = to degrade
  • gonogxus = sliding scale
  • gonoken = calving
  • gonoker = to calve
  • gonokya = calved
  • gonoxuen = charging less
  • gonoxuer = to charge less
  • gonpea = parting
  • gonpen = parting
  • gonper = to part
  • gonpya = parted
  • gonsea = inherent
  • gonsean = inherence, inherency
  • gonseay = inherently
  • gonser = to inhere
  • gonuen = allocation
  • gonuer dotnux = to allocate welfare
  • gonuer = to allocate
  • gonut dyunnyad = roster
  • gonut = member, participator
  • gonut nyad = roster
  • gonutan draf = membership card
  • gonutan = membership
  • gonutsea = participating
  • gonutsen = participation
  • gonutsena = participative, participatory
  • gonutser = to become a member, to enlist, to enroll in, to join up, to participate
  • gonutxea = inducting
  • gonutxen = enlistment, enrolling, enrollment, inductance, inducting, induction
  • gonutxen taxdren = enrollment log
  • gonutxer ha dovyabtyen = to admit to the bar
  • gonutxer = to enlist, to enroll in, to induct, to make a member
  • gonutxut = inductor
  • gonutxwa = enrolled, inducted
  • gonutxwat = enlistee, enrollee, inductee
  • gonutxyea = inductive
  • gonutxyeay = inductively
  • gonuun = portion
  • gonuwa = allocated
  • gonvob = sharecrop
  • gonvoben = sharecropping
  • gonvobut = sharecropper
  • gonx = division, partition
  • gonxar = divider, partition
  • gonxen = breaking, division, partitioning
  • gonxer = to divide, to partition
  • gonxun = division, partition
  • gonxunyena = scrappy
  • gonxwa = divided, partitioned
  • gonxyea = partitive
  • gonxyofwa = unbreakable
  • gonxyofwan = unbreakability
  • gonyan = organization
  • gonyana = organic, organizational
  • gonyanay = organizationally
  • gonyanes = organ
  • gonyanesa = organic
  • gonyanesay = organically
  • gonyanser = to organize
  • gonyanxea = organizing
  • gonyanxen = organization
  • gonyanxena = curatorial, organizational
  • gonyanxer = to curate, to organize
  • gonyanxer yaxutyan = to organize a union
  • gonyanxut = curator, organizer
  • gonyanxwa = organized
  • gonyanxyafwa = organizable
  • gonzyup = partial turn
  • goon = sector

gopelapen -- goryutyenartun

  • gopelapen = fluttering
  • gopelaper = to flutter
  • gopelapyea = fluttery
  • gopelat = butterfly
  • gopelatetabij = caterpillar
  • gopelatij = caterpillar
  • gopelatuj = imago
  • goplun = hunk, nugget
  • gopyeslun = chip, flake
  • gopyexlawa = hacked
  • gopyexlen = hacking
  • gopyexler = to hack
  • gor = negative exponent, raised to the negative power of, to the negative power of
  • gora- = deci-
  • gorale- = pico-
  • gorale = trillionth
  • goraleagfenak = picofarad
  • goraleon = trillionth
  • goralesonak = picosecond
  • goralyi- = atto
  • goralyi = quintillionth
  • goralyigenak = ag, attogram
  • goralyion = quintillionth
  • goralyo- = femto-
  • goralyo = quadrillionth
  • goralyoon = quadrillionth
  • goralyu- = atto
  • goralyu = quintillionth
  • goralyujweb = attosecond
  • goralyuon = quintillionth
  • goralyusonak = attosecond
  • gorawa jweb = jiffy
  • gorbrarun = chop
  • gorbrarunes = cutlet
  • gore- = centi-
  • gorela = sextillionth
  • gorela- = zepto-
  • gorelaa = sextillionth
  • gorelaon = sextillionth
  • gorelasonak = zeptosecond
  • gorelu = septillionth
  • gorelu- = yocto-
  • gorelugenak = yg, yoctogram
  • goreluon = septillionth
  • gorelusonak = yoctosecond
  • gorer = to derive the root of
  • gorewa = squared
  • gorewaxer = to square
  • gorfwa fub = scrag
  • gori- = milli-
  • goriwa = cubed
  • goriwaxer = to cube
  • gorix = root
  • gorsbuen = contribution
  • gorsbuer = to contribute
  • gorsbuut = contributor
  • gorsbuwa = contributed
  • gorsiyn = radical sign
  • gorus = degree
  • gorwas = radicand
  • gorxyem = compartment
  • gorxyema = compartmental
  • gorxyemxen = compartmentalizing
  • gorxyemxwa = compartmented
  • gorya- = micro-
  • goryaon = millionth
  • goryu = billion, billionth
  • goryu- = nano-
  • goryuexlar = nanoprocessor
  • goryuextuun = nanoprogram
  • goryuextuunxen = nanoprogramming
  • goryuextuunxer = to nanoprogram
  • goryujweb = nanosecond
  • goryuminak = nanometer
  • goryumules = nanoparticle
  • goryuon = billionth
  • goryusonak = nanosecond
  • goryusyaagir = nanocomputer
  • goryutuyxun = nanoinstruction
  • goryutyenartun = nanotechnology

gos -- goxen

  • gos = a tad bit, chip, less of it, piece, tad, tidbit
  • gos ay gos = less and less
  • gosansea = degenerating
  • gosansen = devolution
  • gosanser = to degenerate, to devolve
  • gosanxen = degeneration
  • gosanxer = to degenerate
  • gosanxwa = degenerate, degenerated
  • gosaunan = rarity
  • gosaxen = chopping in pieces
  • gosaxer = to chop into pieces
  • gosaxwa = chopped into pieces
  • gosay = piecemeal
  • gosbuen = allotment, allotting
  • gosbuer = to allot
  • gosbuun = allotment
  • gosbuwa = allotted
  • gosdilen = beggary, begging, panhandling
  • gosdiler = to beg, to panhandle
  • gosdilut = beggar, panhandler
  • gosea = decreasing, decrementing, diminishing
  • goseay = decreasingly
  • gosen = diminution
  • goser = to decrease, to diminish
  • goses = bit, little piece, tiny morsel
  • gosexena = catabolic
  • gosi ay gouni = bits and pieces
  • gosi = fewer things
  • gosog = crumb, particle, speck
  • gosogika = specked
  • gosogsea = crumbling
  • gosogser = to crumble
  • gosogxen = crumbling
  • gosogxer = to crumble
  • gosogxwa = crumbled
  • gosogyena = crumbly, particulate
  • gosyovbien = pilfering
  • gosyovbier = to pilfer
  • gosyovbiut = pilferer
  • gotepa = fatheaded
  • gotesaxen = slighting
  • goti = fewer people
  • gotixen = minoring
  • gotixer = to minor, to minoring
  • Gotod = Gothic
  • Gotoda = Gothic
  • gouf = patch
  • goufben = patching
  • goufber = to patch up
  • goufbwa = patched
  • goufbwasyan = patchery, patchwork
  • goun bi eopetyan = head of cattle
  • goun bi faob = piece of wood
  • goun bi mel = patch of land
  • goun bi taol = side of meat
  • goun goun = piecemeal
  • goun jo goun = piece by piece, piecewise
  • goun = piece
  • gouna = piecemeal
  • gounay = in pieces, piecemeal
  • gounbyexrawa lavoli = mashed potatoes
  • gounbyexrawa = mashed, smashed to pieces
  • gounbyexrer = to mash, to smash to pieces
  • gouner = to cut into pieces
  • gounog = tiny piece
  • gounser = to crumble, to fall to pieces
  • gounxar = dicer
  • gounxen = crumbling, cutting into pieces, dicing
  • gounxer = to crumble, to cut into pieces, to dice
  • gounxwa = crumbled, cut into pieces, diced
  • gounxwa syefeb = diced pineapple
  • gounxyafwa = crimp
  • gounybyexren = mashing, smashing to pieces
  • gox = cutback, drop-off, falloff, reduction
  • goxag = less often
  • goxag vyel = less often than, not as often as
  • goxea = decrementing, mitigating, reducing
  • goxen bi agan = reduction in size
  • goxen bi ha yexutyan = downsizing
  • goxen = commutation, commuting, decreasing, decrementing, diminishing, diminution, lessening, mitigating, mitigation, reducing, reduction

goxena -- gra gyua

  • goxena = reductive
  • goxer ha yazen = to reduce the swelling
  • goxer ha yexutyan = to downsize
  • goxer = to commute, to cut, to diminish, to lessen, to mitigate, to reduce
  • goxun = decrement, reduction
  • goxus = reducer
  • goxut = reducer
  • goxwa = belittled, commuted, cut, decreased, decremented, diminished, lessened, mitigated, reduced
  • goxyafwa = commutable, mitigable, reducible
  • goxyafwan = reducibility
  • goxyafway = reducibly
  • goxyea = mitigative
  • goy = bar, except, minus
  • goy hos = bar none
  • goyben = curbing, doping, limiting, restriction
  • goyber = to curb, to limit, to restrict
  • goybeya = reductionist
  • goyblar = clipper
  • goyblawa = excerpted
  • goyblen = clipping
  • goybler = to clip, to excerpt, to snick
  • goyblun = clip, excerpt
  • goybun = curb, limitation, restriction
  • goybwa = curbed, doped, limited, restricted
  • goybyea = restrictive
  • goybyean = restrictiveness
  • goybyeay = restrictively
  • goyflar = nippers
  • goyflawa = nipped
  • goyflen = nipping
  • goyfler = to nip
  • goyl = fraction
  • goyla = fractional
  • goylay = fractionally
  • goyn = section
  • goyna = sectional
  • goynay = sectionally
  • goynben = sectioning
  • goynber = to section
  • goynblawa = clipped
  • goynbuen = attributing, attribution, doling out
  • goynbuer = to attribute, to dole
  • goynbuwa = attributed, doled
  • goynbuyea = attributive
  • goynbuyeay = attributively
  • goynbwa = sectioned
  • goynem = sector
  • goynema = sectoral
  • goynes = fragment
  • goynesaxen = fragmentation
  • goynesaxer = to fragment
  • goynesaxwa = fragmented
  • goynin = sectionalism
  • goynsea = crumbling, dilapidated, falling to pieces
  • goynser = to crumble, to dilapidate, to go to pieces
  • goynsinuen = tomography
  • goynsinuena = tomographic
  • goynsyea = crumbly
  • goynxar = smasher
  • goynxen = crumbling, sectioning, smashing
  • goynxer = to crumble, to section, to smash
  • goynxwa = crumbled, dilapidated, sectioned, smashed
  • goynxwa peyet = annelid
  • goypar yaoz ebyag = kerf
  • goyparun = kerf
  • goypir = power saw
  • goypiren = sawing
  • goypirer = to saw
  • goypirwa = sawed
  • goysea = dipping
  • goyx be ha donex = dip in the economy
  • goyx = dip
  • goyxen = attrition, deducting, deduction, whittling
  • goyxer = to deduct, to dip, to whittle
  • goyxwa = deducted, dipped, whittled
  • goyxyafwa = deductible
  • gra aga = over-sized, overlarge
  • gra agvunaki = over-voltage
  • gra- = extra-, hyper-, over-, ultra-
  • gra gyua = oversubtle

gra ifxyikwa -- gradilut

  • gra ifxyikwa = overparticular
  • gra jodi = on too many occasions, too often
  • gra oga = negligible
  • gra ogay = negligibly
  • gra = overly, overmuch, too many, too much, unduly
  • gra teatyikwa = oversubtle
  • gra testyikwa = oversubtle
  • gra xagay = too often
  • gra yag = overlong
  • gra yaga = overlength, overlong
  • gra yigay nifxwa = overstrung
  • gra yigna = overstrung
  • gra zaa = headmost
  • graa = deathly, hyper, overmuch, overweening, undue
  • graabyexyea = overaggressive
  • graagsea = overgrowing
  • graagser = to overgrow
  • graagxen = overgrowing
  • graagxer = to overgrow
  • graagxwa = overgrown
  • graagxwas = overgrowth
  • graamxer = to overheat
  • graan = excessiveness
  • graansuna = oversimple
  • graansunxea = oversimplifying
  • graansunxen = oversimplification
  • graansunxer = to oversimplify
  • graansunxwa = oversimplified
  • graaxlea = counteractive, overactive
  • graaxlen = fuss
  • graaxler = to overact, to overplay
  • graaya = overflowing, overfull, overly full, redundant, superabundant
  • graayma = frowsty
  • graayman = frowst
  • graaynmulxwa = overrefined
  • graazbuxen = overexertion
  • graazbuxer = to overexert
  • grabal = overpressure
  • grabaler = to overpress
  • grabekuldren = over-prescription
  • grabekuldrer = to over-prescribe
  • grabekuliea = over-medicating, taking too many drugs
  • grabekulien = over-medicating oneself
  • grabekulier = to over-dose, to over-medicate oneself, to overdose, to overmedicate
  • grabekuluen = over-medication
  • grabekuluer = to over-medicate, to overmedicate
  • grabekuluwa = excessively drugged, over-medicated
  • grabeser = to overstay
  • grabien = hogging, overindulgence
  • grabier = to hog, to overindulge
  • grabikea = extra-cautious, hyper-cautious
  • grabikiyea = overcareful
  • grabikuen = dotage
  • grabikuer = to mollycoddle, to overcare
  • grabikuwat = mollycoddle
  • grabiyea = hoggish, overindulgent
  • grabiyeay = hoggishly
  • grabookser = to overtire
  • grabookxer = to overtire, to overtoil
  • grabyena = outrageous
  • grabyenay = outrageously
  • gradaler = to harangue, to talk too much, to yammer
  • gradalut = bigmouth, gasholder, windbag, yammerer
  • gradalyea = mouthy, overly talkative
  • gradalyean = mouthiness, talkativeness
  • gradatxen = smothering
  • gradatxer = to smother
  • gradatxwa = smothered
  • gradea = hyperbolic
  • gradel = overstatement
  • gradelea = overstating
  • gradelen = overstating
  • gradeler = to overstate
  • gradelwa = overstated
  • graden = exaggeration, hyperbole
  • grader = to exaggerate
  • gradezen = histrionics
  • gradilen = groveling
  • gradiler = to grovel
  • gradilut = groveler

gradilyea -- grafut

  • gradilyea = fastidious
  • gradilyean = fastidiousness
  • gradilyeay = fastidiously
  • gradiryea = overbearing
  • gradiryeay = overbearingly
  • gradiwa = puffed up
  • gradoabifin = chauvinism, jingoism, super-nationalism
  • gradoabifina = chauvinistic, jingoistic, super-nationalistic
  • gradoabifinay = chauvinistically
  • gradoabifinut = chauvinist, jingoist, super-nationalist
  • gradobnixuer = to overtax
  • gradobnixuwa = over-taxed
  • gradofid = puffery
  • gradrawa = overwritten
  • gradren = overwriting
  • gradrer = to overwrite
  • gradriluer = to overink
  • gradruren = overprinting
  • gradrurer = to overprint
  • gradrurwa = overprinted
  • gradulyea = garrulity
  • gradulyean = garrulousness
  • gradulyeay = garrulously
  • graduna = pleonastic, wordy
  • gradunan = pleonasm
  • gradunay = pleonastically
  • gradurer = to overbid
  • gradwa = exaggerated, hyped, threadbare
  • gradwas = hype
  • gradyofyelut = chocoholic
  • graebtabifa = oversexed
  • graegdwas = chestnut, cliche, familiar tune, something said over and over
  • graegla = blah
  • graeker = to overplay
  • graf = addiction, craving, inordinate desire
  • graf bi yafon = greed for power
  • grafa = agog, overly desirous
  • grafabika = overgrown
  • grafea = coveting, fulsome
  • grafean = fulsomeness
  • grafeay = fulsomely
  • grafen = coveting, craving, desiring too much
  • grafer = to be addicted to covet, to crave, to desire too much
  • grafiden = fawning
  • grafider = to fawn over, to overpraise, to oversell, to puff up
  • grafidut = fawner
  • grafidwa = oversold
  • grafidyea = fawning
  • grafier = to become addicted
  • grafila = squiffy
  • grafilaya = muzzy
  • grafilen = alcoholism
  • grafiler = to carouser
  • grafilian = ebriety
  • grafiliat = inebriated person
  • grafilien = boozing, getting drunk, inebriation, surfeit
  • grafilier = to get drunk, to get inebriated, to have too much to drink, to tipple, to tope
  • grafilifran = dipsomania
  • grafilifrut = dipsomaniac
  • grafilika = muzzy
  • grafilikxa = woozy
  • grafilikxwan = wooziness
  • grafilikxwat = sot, sottish
  • grafilikxway = woozily
  • grafiliut = alcoholic, boozehound, boozer, rumpot, tippler, toper
  • grafiliyea = sottish
  • grafiluer = to get drunk, to inebriate
  • grafilut = alcoholic, stinko
  • grafiluwa = drunk, inebriated, soused, sozzled
  • grafiluwan = drunkenness, inebriety
  • grafinuwa = overqualified
  • grafinyevdea = hypercritical
  • grafinyevdean = hypercritically
  • grafiza = quixotic
  • grafizay = quixotically
  • grafondinxwa = overly romanticized, sappy
  • grafondinxwan = sappiness
  • grafrider = to beslaver
  • grafuer = to cause to be addicted
  • grafut = coveter, craver

grafwa -- grailuyeay

  • grafwa = coveted, craved
  • grafxea = addicting
  • grafxwa = addicted
  • grafxyea = addictive
  • grafxyean = addictiveness
  • grafxyeay = addictively
  • grafyatez = religious fanaticism, religious zealotry, super piety
  • grafyateza = religiously fanatic, religiously zealous, super pious
  • grafyatezat = religious fanatic, religious zealot, super pious person
  • grafyatezin = religious fanaticism, religious zealotry
  • grafyea = covetous, craven
  • grafyean = covetousness, cravenness
  • grafyeay = covetously, cravenly
  • grafyinden = overvaluation
  • grafyinder = to overvalue
  • grafyindwa = overvalued
  • graga = exorbitanant, exorbitant, extravagant
  • gragadwas = platitude
  • gragan = exorbitance, exorbitancy, extravagance, extravagancy
  • gragasanxer = to overdevelop
  • gragay = exorbitantly, extravagantly
  • gragojayt = female minor
  • gragojwat = male minor
  • gragonutxer = to oversubscribe
  • gragonutxwa = oversubscribed
  • gragyaa = lardy
  • gragyaat = lardy
  • gragyoxen = emaciation
  • gragyoxer = to emaciate
  • gragyoxwa = emaciated
  • grahihixuyea = hysterical
  • graifa = overeager
  • graifan = overeagerness
  • graifbekuliut = junkie
  • graifbekuluwat = drug overdose victim
  • graifen = doting
  • graifer = to dote on, to dote over
  • graiflea = overfond
  • graifut = doter
  • graifyea = doting
  • graifyeay = dotingly
  • graiga = heady, precipitant, rash
  • graigan = headiness, precipitance, precipitateness, rashness
  • graigay = headily, precipitately, rashly
  • graigla = overhasty
  • graigpen = speeding
  • graigper = to exceed the speed limit, to go over the limit, to speed
  • graigput = speeder
  • graigxalwa = slipshod
  • graika = overflowing, overfull, overly full, redundant, superabundant
  • graikan = redundance, redundancy
  • graikay = redundantly
  • graikla = overabundant
  • graiklan = overabundance
  • graikpen = engorgement
  • graikper = to engorge
  • graiksea = becoming congested, becoming jampacked, maxing out, overfilling, overflowing
  • graikser = to be congested, to become jampacked, to overfill, to overflow
  • graikxea = cloying
  • graikxen = supersaturation
  • graikxer = to cloy, to supersaturate
  • graikxwa = congested, filled to the max, jammed, overfilled, overstuffed, pack, supercharged, supersaturated
  • graikxwa tieb = congested lung
  • grailber = to flood
  • grailbwa = flooded
  • grailnyoxer = to overspill
  • grailp = deluge, flood, gush, overflow
  • grailp mas = flood wall, levee
  • grailpea = deluged, flooding, gushing, overflowing
  • grailpen = flooding, gushing, overflowing
  • grailper bay duni = to overflow with words, run
  • grailper = to flood, to gush, to overflow
  • grailpmufyeg = standpipe
  • grailuen = gushing, over-pouring, suffusion
  • grailuer = to gush, to lavish, to over-pour, to suffuse
  • grailup = inrush
  • grailuwa = gushed, over-poured, suffused
  • grailuyea = gushing, gushy, lavish, suffusive
  • grailuyean = lavishness
  • grailuyeay = gushingly, lavishly

graim -- granikiyea

  • graim = flood
  • graim mepyonx = washout
  • graiv = bacchanalia
  • graiva = bacchanal, bacchanalian
  • graivlaxea = saturating
  • graivlaxen = over-satiation, oversaturation, saturating, saturation
  • graivlaxer = to over-satiate, to saturate
  • graivlaxwa = over-satiated, saturated
  • graivra = overenthusiastic
  • graiza = forward
  • graizan = forwardness
  • graizay = forwardly
  • grajaga = over-aged, too old
  • grajagan = advanced age
  • grajagden = superannuation
  • grajagder = to superannuate
  • grajagdwa = superannuated
  • grajagxen = superannuation
  • grajagxwa = superannuated
  • grajodi = on too many occasions, too often
  • grajwa = earliest
  • grajwatajbwat = preemie
  • grajwega = overripe
  • grakaber = to overexpose
  • grakabwa = overexposed
  • grakyibaler = to overstrain
  • grakyider = to overemphasize
  • grakyidwa = overblown, overemphasized
  • grakyina = overweight
  • grakyisuen = overloading
  • grakyisuer = to overfreight, to overload
  • grakyisuwa = overladen, overloaded
  • gralevelbok = hyperglycemia
  • gramageler = to overcook
  • gramagelwa = over-done, overcooked, overdone
  • gramagxer = to overburn
  • gramalier = to outbreathe
  • gramalnyaxen = emphysema
  • gramelyexer = to overcrop
  • gramilben = flooding
  • gramilber = to flood
  • gramilbwa = flooded
  • gramilbwer = to be flooded, to be inundated
  • gramiloyebixer = to overdraw
  • gramiloyebixwa = overdrawn
  • gramiluen = inundation
  • gramiluer = to inundate
  • gramiluwa = inundated
  • gramimoluer = to oversalt
  • gramimoluwa = oversalted
  • gramukiblawa = over-mined
  • gramukiblen = over-mining
  • gramukibler = to over-mine
  • gran = excess, glut, overage, surfeit, surplus, too much
  • grana = excessive, extraneous
  • grana ponyefyan = excess baggage
  • granabdwa = over-ranked
  • granaga = over-sized, oversize, oversized, undersized
  • granampea = shopaholic
  • granampen = shop-aholism, shopaholism
  • granamput = shop-aholic
  • granan = excessiveness, extraneousness
  • granasyanxer = to overcapitalize
  • granay = excessively, extraneously
  • granayxuer = to overprice
  • granayxuwa = overpriced
  • granazden = overestimating, overestimation
  • granazder = to overestimate, to overrate
  • granazdwa = overestimated, overrated
  • granazuen = underestimation
  • graneler = to overbook
  • granelwa = overbooked
  • granesut = spendthrift
  • granesyea = overly thrifty
  • granex = avarice, stinginess
  • granexa = avaricious, stingy
  • granexut = skinflint
  • granien = over-consumption
  • granier = to over-consume
  • granikiyea = fastidious

granikiyean -- grapaxen

  • granikiyean = chariness, fastidiousness
  • granikiyeay = charily, fastidiously
  • graniut = over-consumer
  • granixakea = profiteering
  • granixaken = profiteering
  • granixaker = to profiteer
  • granixakut = profiteer
  • granixbuer = to oversell
  • granixbuwa = oversold
  • graniyea = consumptive, overly consumptive
  • graniyeay = consumptively
  • granog = excess, extreme
  • granoga = drastic, excessive, exorbitant, extreme
  • granogan = excessiveness, exorbitance, extremeness
  • granogay = drastically, excessively, exorbitantly, extremely
  • granogin = extremism, fanaticism
  • granogina = extremist, fanatical
  • granoginay = fanatically
  • granoginut = extremist, fanatic
  • granola = granola
  • granoxea = extravagant, overly expensive, too expensive, wasteful
  • granoxean = extravagance
  • granoxeay = extravagantly, wastefully
  • granoxen = excess spending, extravagance, overspending, prodigality, spending too much
  • granoxer = to overspend, to spend too much
  • granoxteazun = extravaganza
  • granoxuea = too expensive
  • granoxuen = charging to much, charging too much, price-gouging
  • granoxuer = to bilk, to charge too much, to overcharge, to price-gouge
  • granoxut = overspender, wasteful person
  • granoxuut = price gouger
  • granoxwa = overspent
  • granoxyea = prodigal
  • granoxyean = extravagancy, prodigally
  • granoyxuen = overcharging, price-gouging
  • granoyxuer = to overcharge
  • granoyxuwa = overcharged
  • granuen = overproduction
  • granuer = to overproduce
  • granux = overpayment
  • granuxbier = to overbuy
  • granuxen = overpaying
  • granuxer = to overpay
  • granuxuen = overcharging
  • granuxuer = to overcharge
  • granuxuwa = overcharged
  • granuxwa = overpaid
  • granyanxen = hoarding
  • granyanxut = hoarder
  • granyaunxen = overcrowding
  • granyaunxer = to overcrowd
  • granyaunxwa = overcrowded
  • granyexen = skimping
  • granyexer = to overstock, to skimp
  • granyexut = miser
  • granyexwa = skimped
  • granyexyea = miserly, skimpy
  • granyexyean = miserliness, skimpiness
  • granyexyeay = skimpily
  • granyux = oversupply
  • granyuxer = to oversupply
  • grao = too little too much
  • graogxer = to scrimp
  • graokxer = to overspill
  • graotyan = crowd, mass of people
  • graotyana = mass
  • graotyanser = to crowd together, to get crowded, to mass
  • graotyanxer = to crowd
  • graotyanxwa = crowded
  • graovmasber = to overprotect
  • graovmasbyea = overprotective
  • graovokuen = overcompensation
  • graovokuer = to overcompensate
  • graoyebien = overdraft
  • graoyebiwa = overdrawn
  • graoymxen = overcooling
  • grapaaxer = to overexcite
  • grapaaxwa = overexcited, overwrought
  • grapanser = to get excited
  • grapaxen = overexertion

grapaxer -- gratipazla

  • grapaxer = to overexert
  • grapotkexwa = over-hunted
  • gras = excess, superfluity, too much
  • grasa = excessive, extreme, superfluous
  • grasa nas = money to burn
  • grasan = excessiveness, extremeness, superfluity
  • grasay = excessively, extremely, superfluously
  • grasexer = to overbuild
  • grasi = too many things
  • grataadxyea = promiscious
  • grataadxyean = promiscuity
  • grataadxyeay = promiscuously
  • gratabnyan = bulk
  • grataebxwat = hulk
  • gratafer = to overdress
  • gratafwa = overdressed
  • gratajbuaxen = over-fertilization
  • gratajbuaxer = to over-fertilize
  • gratajbuaxwa = over-fertilized
  • gratalbuaxwa = over-fertilized
  • gratapef = nymphomania
  • gratapefayt = nymphomaniac
  • gratapflanuyea = obscene, obscenely
  • gratapflanuyean = obscenity
  • gratapyex = overexercise
  • gratapyexer = to overexercise
  • gratayos = allergy
  • gratayosa = allergic
  • gratayosay = allergically
  • gratayostut = allergist
  • gratayoxua = allergenic
  • gratayoxul = allergen
  • grateatwas = eyeful
  • grateetwa = shopworn
  • gratelbok = crapulence, surfeit
  • gratelen = eating too much, gluttony, gourmandise, overeating
  • grateler = to eat too much, to gorge, to over-eat, to overeat
  • gratelien = gorging, surfeit
  • gratelier = to binge, to eat too much, to gluttonize, to gorge, to over-drink, to over-eat, to overeat, to pig out
  • grateliut = gorger
  • grateluer = to overfeed
  • gratelut = glutton, gourmand, overeater
  • gratelwa = overeaten
  • gratelyea = gluttonous
  • gratelyeay = gluttonously
  • gratepigat = smart ass, smart-aleck, smarty-pants
  • gratepzexea = overattentive
  • gratesaxen = over-dramatization
  • gratesaxer = to over-dramatize
  • gratesaxwa = over-dramatized
  • gratexen = pettifogging
  • gratexer = to pettifog
  • gratexut = pettifogger
  • grati = too many people
  • gratijtea = hyper-conscious
  • gratijtean = hyper-consciousness
  • gratil = swill
  • gratila = crocked, drunk, loopy
  • gratilan = drunkenness
  • gratilat = drunk
  • gratiler = to drink too much, to get drunk, to over-drink
  • gratilia = drunk
  • gratilian = drunkenness
  • gratilien = over-drinking, overindulgence
  • gratilier = to booze, to drink to excess, to drink too much, to over-drink, to overindulge, to swill
  • gratiliut = over-drinker
  • gratiliyea = drunken, overindulgent
  • gratiljobuk = hangover
  • gratiluer = to pour too much
  • gratilut = drunkard
  • gratina = doctrinaire, dogmatic, overly theoretical
  • gratip = hokum, hysteria, schmaltz, schmalz
  • gratipa = bathetic, hysterical, schmaltzy, sentimental
  • gratipa duz = schmaltz
  • gratipa eyntuj = hysterical trance
  • gratipan = mawkishness
  • gratipat = mawkish, sentimentalist
  • gratipay = hysterically, mawkishly, sentimentally
  • gratipaya = hokey, overemotional, soppy
  • gratipazla = overenthusiastic

gratipdal -- gravyayuvsyeay

  • gratipdal = treacle
  • gratipdalaya = treacly
  • gratipdalika = treacly
  • gratipika = hokey, overemotional, soppy
  • gratippaax = hysterics
  • gratipyen = sentimentalism, sentimentality
  • gratixyea = wonky
  • gratixyeat = wonk
  • gratiyabilef = strangury
  • gratofabwa = over-worn
  • gratolgabwa = overly-seasoned
  • gratolmekbwa = overly-spiced
  • gratosaya = corny, overly sensitive
  • gratosea = hypersensitive
  • gratosean = hypersensitiveness, hypersensitivity, superpassion
  • gratosika = corny, overly emotional
  • gratospanika = corny, overemotional, overly passionate, overwrought
  • gratospanikan = overemotionality corniness
  • gratospanuer = to overexcite, to overstimulate
  • gratospanuwa = overexcited, overwrought
  • gratosyea = oversensitive, touchy
  • gratosyean = oversensitiveness, touchiness
  • gratosyeay = touchily, touchingly
  • gratujef = hypersomnia
  • gratujer = to oversleep, to sleep too much
  • gratulxwa = over-cooked
  • gratuxut = pedant
  • gratuxyea = pedantic
  • gratuxyean = pedantry
  • gratuxyeay = pedantically
  • gratuyefat = hypersomniac
  • gratyodikxen = overpopulation
  • gratyodikxer = to overpopulate
  • gratyodikxwa = overpopulated
  • graujaker = to overachieve
  • graujakut = overachiever
  • graum = drought
  • grautfid = pomposity, self-flattery, vainglory, vanity
  • grautfiday utflizay = vaingloriously
  • grautfidea = overweening
  • grautfider = to prink
  • grautfidut = self-flatterer, vainglorious person
  • grautfidyea = pompous, self-flattering, vain
  • grautfidyeay = pompously
  • grautifat = narcissist
  • grautifon = narcissism
  • grautifyean = pompousness
  • grautnazdea = conceited
  • grautnazdean = conceitedness
  • grautnazdeay = conceitedly
  • grautnazden = conceit
  • grautnazdut = conceited person
  • gravaba = overgrown
  • gravabuer = to overgraze
  • gravafiliut = wino
  • gravatexin = overoptimism
  • gravatexina = overoptimistic
  • gravayakea = presumptuous
  • gravayakean = presumptuousness
  • gravayakeay = presumptuously
  • gravefebuwa = ivied
  • graviber = to bedaub, to overdecorate
  • gravibwa = bedaubed, froufrou, garish
  • gravibwan = garishness
  • gravibway = garishly
  • gravifa = effete
  • gravikan = effeteness
  • gravikay = effetely
  • gravlatepa = cocksure, overconfident
  • gravlatepan = overconfidence
  • gravyabyiga = overstrict
  • gravyafa = overprecise
  • gravyaotosaya = overconscientious
  • gravyaotosayan = overconscientiousness
  • gravyaotosika = overconscientious
  • gravyaotosikan = overconscientiousness
  • gravyaotosikay = overconscientiously
  • gravyayuvsyea = obsequious
  • gravyayuvsyean = obsequiousness
  • gravyayuvsyeay = obsequiously

gravyia -- grefia

  • gravyia = overnice
  • gravyur = gravure
  • graxag = too frequently, too often
  • graxebyena = overbearing
  • graxebyenay = overbearingly
  • graxen = exaggeration
  • graxer = to exaggerate, to overdo, to overplay
  • graxuler = to overstimulate
  • graxus = incrementer
  • graxwa = campy, exaggerated, over-done, overdone, overwrought
  • gray = overly
  • grayaga = prolix
  • grayagan = prolixity
  • grayagay = prolixly
  • grayagxer = to overextend
  • grayagxwa = over-extended, overextended
  • grayavla = vain
  • grayavlan = vanity
  • grayavlat = vain person
  • grayavlay = vainly
  • grayavra = overweening
  • grayaxuen = swamping
  • grayaxuer = to swamp
  • grayaxuwa = swamped
  • grayeba = inmost, innermost
  • grayevder = to cavil
  • grayevdut = caviler, caviller
  • grayevdyea = overcritical
  • grayexuea = overworking
  • grayexuen = overworking
  • grayexuer = to overtask, to overtoil, to overwork
  • grayexut = workaholic
  • grayexuwa = overworked
  • grayexyea = overly industrious, workaholic
  • grayexyean = workaholism
  • grayifan = chutzpa, chutzpah
  • grayifla = overbold
  • grayix = fatigue, over-use, overuse
  • grayixen = fatiguing, over-using, wearing out
  • grayixer = to be addicted, to fatigue, to over-use, to overuse, to tire out, to wear out
  • grayixlen = featherbedding
  • grayixuer = to addict
  • grayixut = addict, habituate, overuser
  • grayixuwa = habituated
  • grayixuyea = addictive
  • grayixwa = fatigued, hackneyed, over-taxed, over-used, overused, sere, tired, weary, worn out
  • grayixwan = fatigue
  • grayogxer = to scrimp
  • grayovla = overmodest
  • grayubzopurexen = tailgating
  • grayubzopurexer = to tailgate
  • grayubzopurexut = tailgater
  • grayukla = oversimple, simplistic
  • grayuklaxea = oversimplifying
  • grayuklaxen = oversimplification
  • grayuklaxer = to oversimplify
  • grayuklaxwa = oversimplified
  • grayuklay = simplistically
  • grayuvla = overdependent
  • grayuxnasuer = to overtip
  • grazoyaxlen = overreaction
  • grazoyaxler = to overreact
  • grazoyaxlyea = punchy
  • grazoyxwa = hackneyed
  • grazyasaunder = to overgeneralize
  • grazyobix = hypertension
  • grazyobixwa = hypertensive
  • grazyosaunxen = overspecialization
  • grazyosaunxer = to overspecialize
  • gre = adequately, aplenty, enough, plenty, quite a few, quite a lot, satisfactorily, sufficiently
  • gre fia = passable
  • gre fiay = passably
  • gre jodi = often enough, quite a few times, quite often
  • gre yab = quite a ways up, quite far up
  • gre yib = far enough
  • gre yob = quite a ways down, quite far down
  • grea = adequate, enough, plentiful, satisfactory, substantial, sufficient
  • grean = adequacy, adequateness, plentifulness, substantiality, sufficiency
  • greay = adequately, enough, plentifully, substantially, sufficiently
  • grefia = decent

grefian -- grobal

  • grefian = decency, incompetency
  • grefiay = decently
  • Gregoria yagdeuz = Gregorian chant
  • grejaga = adult, mature, old enough
  • grejagan = adulthood, maturity
  • grejagaser = to become an adult, to reach adulthood
  • grejagat = adult
  • grejagatan = adulthood
  • grejagatsea = becoming an adult
  • grejagatser = to become an adult, to reach adulthood
  • grejagatxen = making an adult
  • grejagatxer = to make an adult
  • grejagatxwa = reached adulthood
  • grejagayt = female adult
  • grejagsea = adolescent
  • grejagseat = adolescent
  • grejagseatan = adolescence
  • grejagseayt = female adolescent
  • grejagser = to become an adult, to reach adulthood
  • grejagwat = adult male
  • grejodi = often enough
  • gremagelwa = done just right
  • gren = quorum
  • greneg = break-even
  • grenux = fair pay, fair payment
  • grenuxen = paying fairly
  • grenuxer = to pay fairly, to pay just the right amount
  • grenuxwa = fairly paid just the right amount
  • gres = enough of it, quite a lot
  • gresea = sufficient
  • gresean = sufficiency
  • greseay = sufficiently
  • greser = to be enough, to prove adequate, to suffice
  • gretelier = to eat to satisfaction, to eat up, to get filled up
  • greteliwa = full, sated
  • greteluer = to satiate
  • greti = a sufficient number of people, enough people, quite of few of them
  • gretolgabwa = seasoned just right
  • gretolmekuwa = seasoned just right, spiced just right
  • gretoluwa = adequately-nourished
  • gretuz = potboiler
  • grexag = often enough, quite often
  • grexea = satisfying, sufficient
  • grexean = sufficiency
  • grexeay = sufficiently
  • grexen = satiation, sating, satisfaction, sufficing
  • grexer = to satiate, to satisfy, to suffice
  • grexwa = satiated, satisfied, sufficed
  • grexwan = satiety
  • grexyafwa = satiable, satisfiable
  • grexyafwan = satisfiability
  • grexyea = satisfactory
  • grexyeay = satisfactorily, satisfyingly
  • grexyofwa = insatiable, sateless, unsatisfiable
  • grexyofwan = insatiability, insatiably, unsatisfiability
  • greyuxnasuer = to tip enough, to tip just the right amount
  • gria uz = switchback
  • grin = blade
  • grindrar = scriber
  • grinxen = slashing
  • grinxer = to slash, to stab
  • grinxut = slasher, stabber
  • grinxwa = slashed, stabbed
  • griseuxea = shrill
  • griseuxean = shrillness
  • griseuxen = shrilling
  • griseuxer = to shrill
  • griseuxyea = shrilly
  • grivafeyl = verjuice
  • gro- = hypo-, under-
  • gro jodi = not often enough, on too few occasions, too seldom, two seldom
  • gro = unsatisfactorily
  • groa = deficient, inadequate, insufficient, scarce, scrimp, scrimpy, short, unsatisfactory
  • groaman = hypothermia
  • groan = deficiency, inadequacy, insufficiency, scarcity, shortage
  • groaxler = to underact
  • groaybazon = underpressure
  • groaygaxen = underdevelopment
  • groaygaxwa = underdeveloped
  • grobal = underpressure

grobekuluwa -- gropyuxwa

  • grobekuluwa = under-medicated
  • grobokogrunvoka = immunodeficient
  • grobokogrunvokan = immunodeficiency
  • grobuen = shorting
  • grobuer = to short, to shortchange
  • grobuwa = shorted
  • grod = understatement
  • groden = meiosis, underplaying, understatement
  • groder = to underplay, to understate
  • grodurer = to underbid
  • grodwa = underplayed, understated
  • groebtabifuwa = undersexed
  • groembesutxwa = underpopulated
  • grofia = incompetent
  • grofian = incompetence
  • grofiay = incompetently
  • grofyindea = underestimating
  • grofyinden = underestimating, underestimation, undervaluation
  • grofyinder = to underestimate, to undervalue
  • grofyindwa = underestimated, undervalued
  • grofyixwa = underutilized
  • groifxea = disappointing, frustrating
  • groifxeay = disappointingly, frustratingly
  • groifxen = disappointment, frustration
  • groifxer = to disappoint, to frustrate
  • groifxwa = frustrated
  • groifxwat = disappointed
  • groikser = to be running low on, to run short of
  • grojaga = immature, minor, under-aged, underage
  • grojagan = immaturity, minority status
  • grojagat = minor, under-aged person, underaged person
  • grojagay = immaturely
  • grojagayt = female minor
  • grojagwat = male minor
  • grojogayt = female minor
  • grokaben = underexposure
  • grokaber = to underexpose
  • grokyia = underweight
  • grokyisuen = underloading
  • grokyisuer = to underload
  • grokyisuwa = underloaded
  • grolevelbok = hypoglycemia
  • grolevelboka = hypoglycemic
  • gromageler = to under-cook
  • gromagelwa = under-done, undercooked, underdone
  • gromagilwa = coddled
  • gromimolbwa = undersalted
  • gron = deficiency, deficit, inadequateness, shortage, shortcoming, shortfall
  • gronabdwa = under-ranked
  • gronaga = under-sized, undersize
  • gronasan = misery
  • gronasat = pauper
  • gronaxa = tinhorn
  • gronazden = undervaluation
  • gronazder = to underprize, to underquote, to underrate, to undervalue
  • gronazdwa = underrated, undervalued
  • gronazuea = underestimating
  • gronazuen = disparagement, underestimating
  • gronazuer = to disparage, to under-evaluate, to underestimate
  • gronazuwa = disparaged, underestimated
  • gronazuyea = disparaging
  • gronazuyeay = disparagingly
  • gronixbuer = to undersell
  • gronixbuwa = undersold
  • gronoxer = to scrimp
  • gronoxut = miser, scrimp
  • gronuen = underproduction
  • gronuer = to underfurnish
  • gronux = underpayment
  • gronuxen = underpaying
  • gronuxer = to underpay
  • gronuxuer = to undercharge
  • gronuxwa = underpaid
  • gronuxyea = miserly
  • gronuxyean = miserliness
  • grooymxen = undercooling
  • grooymxer = to undercool
  • grooymxwa = undercooled
  • gropyuxer = to undershoot
  • gropyuxwa = undershot

gros -- gugobler

  • gros = shortfall
  • grosomber = to underfurnish
  • grotedrunuer = to underwhelm
  • groteler = to eat too little
  • grotelier = to under-eat
  • groteluen = underfeeding
  • groteluer = to underfeed
  • groteluwa = underfed
  • grotesaxer = to underplay the importance of
  • groteusa = insipid
  • groteusan = insipidity, insipidness
  • groteusay = insipidly
  • grotiibila = anemic
  • grotiibilan = anemia
  • grotiibilay = anemically
  • grotolgabwa = under-seasoned
  • grotolmekbwa = under-spiced
  • grotoluen = undernourishment
  • grotoluer = to undernourish
  • grotoluwa = malnourished, undernourished
  • grotoluwan = malnutrition
  • grotujea = sleep-deprived
  • grotulxwa = under-cooked
  • grotuuxer = to undereducate
  • grotyenuer = to undertrain
  • grotyodxwa = underpopulated
  • groujaker = to underachieve
  • groujakut = slacker, underachiever
  • groukxen = underdrainage
  • grovolzan = albinism
  • grovolzat = albino
  • grovomulkuen = undervoltage
  • groxag = not often enough, too infrequently, too seldom
  • groxer = to underdo
  • groy = inadequately
  • groyexea = underworking, unindustrious
  • groyexen = underworking
  • groyexuen = underworking
  • groyexuer = to underwork
  • groyexut = underworker
  • groyexutyana = understaffed
  • groyixlawa = underemployed
  • groyixlawan = underemployment
  • groyixwa = under-used, underutilized
  • groyuxnasuen = under-tipping
  • groyuxnasuer = to under-tip, to undertip
  • groyuxnasuwa = under-tipped
  • grozyoyivxwa = underprivileged
  • grun = barb, crook, grapnel, hitch, hook
  • grun siyn = comma
  • grunar = clasp, fastener, hasp
  • grunaren = clasping, clinching, fastening
  • grunarer = to clasp, to clinch, to fasten
  • grunarwa = clasped, clinched, fastened
  • grunben = clinching, fastening, hitching
  • grunber = to clinch, to fasten, to hitch
  • grunbwa = clinched, fastened, hitched
  • grunes = crochet, crook
  • grungoblar = billhook
  • grunmuf = crosier
  • grunoben = unclinching, unfastening, unhitching, unhooking
  • grunober = to unclinch, to unfasten, to unfix, to unhitch, to unhook
  • grunobwa = unclinched, unfastened, unhitched, unhooked
  • grunser = to get hooked
  • grunxen = barbing, crooking, hooking
  • grunxer = to barb, to crook, to hook
  • grunxwa = barbed, crooked, hooked
  • grunxwa nyif = barbed wire, barbwire
  • grunzeys = swastika
  • gruyere = gruyere
  • g.t.g. = aka, also known as
  • guakamole = guacamole
  • guduzar = rattle
  • Gufem = French Guiana
  • Gufema = French Guianan
  • Gufemat = inhabitant of French Guiana
  • gugelhupf = gugelhupf
  • gugoblawa = notched
  • gugoblen = notching
  • gugobler = to notch

gugoblun -- gupoder

  • gugoblun = notch
  • guigper = to run askew
  • Gujid = Gujarati
  • Gujidaler = to speak Gujarati
  • Gujidalut = Gujarati speaker
  • Gujider = to say in Gujarati
  • gulag = gulag
  • gulax = goulash
  • gulden = gulden
  • gum = corner
  • gumben = cornering, jamming, pinning, putting in a corner, wedging
  • gumber = to corner, to jam, to put in a corner, to wedge
  • gumbo = gumbo
  • gumbwa = cornered, jammed, pinned, wedged, wedgie
  • gumel = abyss, canyon, cliff, furrow, gulch, precipice, ravine
  • gumela = abyssal
  • gumeles = ravine
  • gumeleys = gulf
  • gumelog = cavern
  • gumelogrun = ditch
  • gumelogrun zyegxut = ditch-digger
  • gumeloyg = cave
  • gumep = dogleg
  • gumgobler = to chamfer
  • gumgoblun = chamfer
  • Gumim = Guam
  • Gumima = from Guam
  • Gumimat = inhabitant of Guam
  • gumkunad = bevel
  • gumkunadxen = beveling
  • gumkunadxer = to bevel
  • gumkunadxwa = beveled
  • gummeg = cornerstone
  • gumuf = crochet hook, crochet needle, croquet hoop
  • gumufek = croquet
  • gumuv = hook, latch
  • gumuvber = to hook, to latch
  • gumuvbwa = hooked, latched
  • gumuvoben = unhooking, unlatching
  • gumuvober = to unhook, to unlatch
  • gumuvobwa = unhooked, unlatched
  • gumuvxen = hooking up
  • gumuvxer = to hook
  • gumuvxwa = hooked
  • gumuzpen = turning the corner
  • gumuzper = to turn the corner
  • gumzyeg ifek = pool
  • gumzyeg = pocket
  • gumzyegek = billiards, pool
  • gumzyegek mes = billiards table, pool table
  • gumzyegek muf = billiards stick, pool stick
  • gumzyegek zyun = billiard ball, pool ball
  • gumzyegekun = billiards game of pool
  • gumzyegekut = billiards player, pool player
  • gun = angle, crook, fork
  • guna = angular, crooked
  • guna igan = angular velocity
  • gunan = angularity
  • gundrar = protractor
  • gunmeg = quoin
  • gunmugneyef = spline
  • gunmyekar = angle grinder
  • gunnagar = protractor, theodolite
  • gunnid = wedge
  • gunnidxen = wedging
  • gunnidxer = to wedge
  • gunnidxwa = wedged
  • gunnog = angle, degree of angularity
  • gupea = divergent, diverging, turning, veering
  • gupelataya = mothy
  • gupelatika = mothy
  • gupelatyena = mothy
  • gupen = angling, divergence, diverging, turning, veering
  • guper = to diverge, to go off at an angle, to turn the corner, to veer
  • gupiat = loon
  • gupjob = turning point
  • gupnod = cusp, turning point, verge
  • gupod = hum
  • gupoden = humming
  • gupoder = to hum

gupot -- gwafinxer

  • gupot = giraffe
  • guru = guru
  • guveel = cannelloni bean
  • guvob = brome grass
  • guvol = honeydew, muskmelon
  • guym = nook
  • guyn = bight
  • Guyum = Guyana
  • Guyuma = Guyanan
  • Guyumat = inhabitant of Guyana
  • gwa = as many as possible, as much as possible, extreme, extremely, most, the most, utmost
  • gwa ejna = latest
  • gwa fi = best, the best
  • gwa fia = as good as possible, best, top flight
  • gwa fia nisbuwas = best seller
  • gwa fu = the worst
  • gwa fua kyeon dinnad = worst case scenario
  • gwa fuay = the worst
  • gwa ig = ASAP, as fast as possible, as quickly as possible, as soon as possible, posthaste, soonest
  • gwa igay = ASAP, posthaste
  • gwa ikay = overwhelmingly
  • gwa jodi = as frequently as possible, as often as possible, the most times
  • gwa jwa = ASAP, as soon as possible, soonest
  • gwa jwa van = as soon as
  • gwa jwoa = latest
  • gwa- = -most, hyper-, macro-, maxi-, most-, pleisto-, pure, uber-, ultra-
  • gwa nixbuwa = most-sold
  • gwa oga = merest
  • gwa oyba = nethermost
  • gwa vlea = most likely, most probable
  • gwa vley = most likely, most probably
  • gwa vyanaba = fittest
  • gwa vyatsana = fittest
  • gwa xag = as often as possible, most often
  • gwa yab = all the way up, as far up as possible
  • gwa yaba = as high as possible
  • gwa yaba eksag = record
  • gwa yib = as far away as possible, farthermost
  • gwa yiba = distant-most, farthermost, farthest, furthermost, furthest
  • gwa yibay = farthermost
  • gwa yigra = uber-violent, ultra-violent
  • gwa yixwa = most-used
  • gwa yob = all the way down, as far down as possible
  • gwa yoba = as low as possible
  • gwa yub = as near as possible
  • gwa yuba = nearest, next
  • gwa yubjo = soonest
  • gwa zaa = foremost
  • gwa zaay = foremost
  • gwa zamera = northernmost
  • gwa zimera = easternmost
  • gwa zoa = backmost, rearmost
  • gwa zomera = southernmost
  • gwa zumera = westernmost
  • gwaa = maximal
  • gwaalza = pure red
  • gwaaxen = maximization
  • gwaaxer = to maximize
  • gwaaxwa = maximized
  • gwaay = maximally, mostly
  • gwaelza = pure orange
  • gwafer = to prefer, to want most
  • gwafi = best, the best
  • gwafia = best, super
  • Gwafia ojfoni! = Best wishes!
  • gwafia tuzun = masterpiece
  • gwafiaxen = making the best
  • gwafiaxer = to make the best, to retool
  • gwafiaxwa = made the best
  • gwafiay = best
  • gwafiduznega = pitch-perfect
  • gwafijob = heyday
  • gwafin = optimal quality, optimum, top quality
  • gwafina = of optimal quality, optimal, top quality, topnotch
  • gwafinan = optimality
  • gwafinay = optimally
  • gwafinxar = optimizer
  • gwafinxea = optimizing
  • gwafinxen = optimization, optimizing
  • gwafinxer = to optimize

gwafinxus -- gwanogxwa

  • gwafinxus = optimizer
  • gwafinxut = optimizer
  • gwafinxwa = optimized
  • gwafinxyafwa = optimizable
  • gwafinxyofwa = unoptimizable
  • gwafis = the best, the best thing of all, the perfect thing
  • gwafisaun bi finz = paragon of virtue
  • gwafisaun = ideal, model, paragon
  • gwafisauna = ideal
  • gwafisea = becoming the best
  • gwafiser = to become the best
  • gwafistin = optimism
  • gwafistina = optimistic
  • gwafistinay = optimistically
  • gwafistinut = optimist
  • gwafixea = doing as well as possible, doing one's best
  • gwafixen = doing one's best, making the best of it
  • gwafixer = to do as well as possible, to do one's best, to make the best of it
  • gwafixut = top performer
  • gwafixwa = crackerjack
  • gwafu = the worst
  • gwafua = execrable, the worst
  • gwafuay = execrably
  • gwafus = the worst thing of all
  • gwafuser = to become the worst
  • gwafustin = pessimism
  • gwafustina = pessimistic
  • gwafustinay = pessimistically
  • gwafustinut = pessimist
  • gwafuxea = doing the worst
  • gwafuxen = doing the worst
  • gwafuxer = to do the worst
  • gwafwa = most wanted
  • gwafyat = holy of holies, sanctum sanctorum
  • gwaifer = to prefer the most
  • gwaifwa = most preferred, pet, preferable
  • gwaifway = preferably
  • gwaigpen = running as fast as possible
  • gwaigper = to run as fast as possible, to run for one's life, to run like hell
  • gwaikser = to max out
  • gwaikxer = to congest, to fill to the max, to jam, to overfill, to overflow, to pack, to supercharge
  • gwaikxwa = maxed out
  • gwailza = pure yellow
  • gwaiyfa = liking the best
  • gwaiyfen = liking best, liking the best
  • gwaiyfer = to like best, to like the best
  • gwaiyfwa = best liked the best
  • gwaiyfwat = most liked person
  • gwajaga = eldest
  • gwajagat = eldest person, graybeard, greybeard, oldest person, senior-most person
  • gwajoba = lowermost
  • gwajogat = youngest
  • gwajogayt = youngest girl
  • gwajogwat = youngest boy
  • gwajwa = instanter
  • gwajwe = immediately, right away
  • gwakyina = heavyweight
  • gwakyinat = heavyweight
  • gwakyobexlyea = ultraconservative
  • gwamalza = pure white-as-can-be
  • gwamolza = black-as-can-be, pitch black
  • gwanixbuwa = bestselling
  • gwanixbuwas = bestseller
  • gwanixea = top-earning
  • gwanod = maximal point, maximum, peak, summit
  • gwanodi = maxima
  • gwanog = maximum
  • gwanoga = maximal, maximum, superlative
  • gwanogay = maximally, superlatively
  • gwanogi = maxima
  • gwanogin = maximalism
  • gwanogina = maximalist, maximalistic
  • gwanoginut = maximalist
  • gwanogsen = graduation, maxing out
  • gwanogsut = graduate
  • gwanogxea = maximizing
  • gwanogxen = maximization, maximizing
  • gwanogxer = to graduate, to maximize
  • gwanogxus = maximizer
  • gwanogxwa = graduated, maximized

gwaobna -- gwe za

  • gwaobna = inferior-most
  • gwaoyba = undermost
  • gwaoyeba = outermost, outmost, uttermost
  • gwapyot = boar, papa bear
  • gwas = as much as possible, max, most of it, the most
  • gwaser = to become the maximum
  • gwasi = as many as possible, most things
  • gwasyob = bedrock
  • gwatesika = of utmost important
  • gwatesikan = utmost importance
  • gwati = as many as possible, most people
  • gwatyenikat = prodigy
  • gwaufer = to hate the worst
  • gwaufwa = hated the worst
  • gwaufwas = the most hated thing
  • gwauja = endmost, ultimate
  • gwaujan = ultimacy
  • gwaujay = ultimately
  • gwaulza = pure green
  • gwauyfer = to dislike the most
  • gwauyfwa = disliked the most
  • gwauyfwas = the thing most disliked
  • gwavay = downright
  • gwavria = sublime
  • gwavrian = sublimeness
  • gwavriay = sublimely
  • gwavrixwa = sublimed
  • gwavyava = finical, finicky
  • gwavyavan = finickiness
  • gwaxag = as frequently as possible, as many times as possible, as often as possible, most often, the most often
  • gwaxag teapya = most-visited
  • gwaxea = doing the most
  • gwaxen = doing the most
  • gwaxer = to do the most
  • gwaxut = the one doing the most
  • gwaxwa = most done
  • gway = overwhelmingly
  • gwayaba = highest, paramount, supreme, topmost, uppermost, uttermost
  • gwayaba sut = supreme being
  • gwayaban = paramountcy, supremacy
  • gwayabay = most highly, supremely
  • gwayaf = supremacy
  • gwayafa = supreme, supremely powerful
  • gwayafat = supreme power, top dog
  • gwayaga = highest, supreme
  • gwayagtaf = maxi
  • gwayalza = pure purple
  • gwayelza = pure pink
  • gwayiba = uttermost
  • gwayija = wide-open
  • gwayoba = lowest, lowliest, rock-bottom
  • gwayoba sat = lowliest creature
  • gwayoban = extreme lowliness
  • gwayobdeuzuyt = contralto
  • gwayobuxlut = blackguard
  • gwayolza = pure blue
  • gwayub = as near as possible, as near as possible to, right beside
  • gwayub bi = next to
  • gwayuba = next
  • gwazea = middlemost, midmost
  • gwazia = rightmost
  • gwazoa = aftermost, hindmost, mizzen, sternmost
  • gwazomimuf = mizzenmast
  • gwazu = leftmost
  • gwe ayb = just above, just over
  • gwe gel = just like
  • gwe genog ho = just as much as
  • gwe hayen van = exactly as, just as
  • gwe hij = just now
  • gwe huuyen = just so, just such a way
  • gwe ja hij = just before now
  • gwe ja = just before
  • gwe je = just while
  • gwe je van = just as, just while
  • gwe jo = just after
  • gwe jo van = just after
  • gwe = just the right amount of, just the right number of, mere, merely
  • gwe oyb = just under
  • gwe taduwa = just married
  • gwe za = just in front of

gwe zay -- gwonoga eon

  • gwe zay = just ahead
  • gwe zo = just behind, just in back of
  • gwea = average, goldilocks, just right
  • gwea zeb = mean
  • gwebyen = just the way
  • gwej = just
  • gwej taduwa = just married
  • gwekyin = middleweight
  • gwekyina = welter-weight, welterweight
  • gwekyinekut = middleweight
  • gwen = just the right amount, mean, modicum
  • gwenaga = just the right size
  • gwenager = to fit
  • gwenagwa = fitted
  • gwenix = average income
  • gwenixut = average earner
  • gwes = just the right amount, quorum
  • gwesag = quota
  • gweti = just the right number of people, quorum
  • gwexag = just the right frequency
  • gweyen = just so
  • gwo = as few as possible, as little as possible, fewest, least
  • gwo fi = least well
  • gwo jodi = as seldom as possible, the least number of times
  • gwo- = least-, mini-
  • gwoa = belated, least, micro, minimal
  • gwoa nuyx = cover charge
  • gwoaser = to become minimal
  • gwoaxea = minimizing
  • gwoaxen = minimization, minimizing
  • gwoaxer = to minimize
  • gwoaxwa = minimized
  • gwoay = at least, at minimum, minimally
  • gwodea = minimizing
  • gwoden = minimization, minimizing
  • gwoder = to minimize
  • gwofia = least good, worst
  • gwofis = the worst thing
  • gwofrar = hasher
  • gwofrawa = hashed
  • gwofrel = hash
  • gwofren = hashing
  • gwofrer = to hash
  • gwog moltun = quantum physics
  • gwog nod = quantum dot
  • gwog nyafxen = quantum entanglement
  • gwog = quantum
  • gwog sirtyen = quantum mechanics
  • gwog teabtyen = quantum optics
  • gwogsag = quantum number
  • gwoguin = quantum theory
  • gwoguin syaagir = quantum computer
  • gwoilpanazar = maser
  • gwojagat = least old person
  • gwokina = featherweight
  • gwokinat = featherweight
  • gwokyina = lightweight
  • gwokyinat = lightweight
  • gwomul = atom
  • gwomul yonbyexlar = atom smasher
  • gwomula = atomic
  • gwomula kyin = atomic weight
  • gwomula sag = atomic number
  • gwomulay = atomically
  • gwomulin = atomism
  • gwomulina = atomistic
  • gwomulinut = atomist
  • gwomulxen = atomization
  • gwomulxer = to atomize
  • gwomulxwa = atomized
  • gwomulyan = molecule
  • gwomulyana kyin = molecular weight
  • gwomulyana = molecular
  • gwomulyana tejtun = molecular biology
  • gwomulyanan = molecularity
  • gwonad = minimum
  • gwonayxa gonem = steerage
  • gwonixea = bottom-earning
  • gwonog = minimum
  • gwonoga eon = minimal pair

gwonoga -- gyanafut

  • gwonoga = minimal, minimum
  • gwonogay = minimally
  • gwonogin = minimalism
  • gwonogina = minimalist, minimalistic
  • gwonoginut = minimalist
  • gwonogxea = minimizing
  • gwonogxen = minimization, minimizing
  • gwonogxer = to minimize
  • gwonogxwa = minimized
  • gwopuut = chechako
  • gwosika = specked
  • gwotujut = night owl
  • gwotyoyf = miniskirt
  • gwovolziler = to tinge
  • gwovolzilwa = tinged
  • gwoxag = as seldom as possible, least often, the least often
  • gwoxea = doing the least
  • gwoxer = to do the least
  • gwoxut = one doing the least
  • gwoy = leastwise
  • gyaa = fat, slabby, thick
  • gyaagway = calculatedly
  • gyaan = fatness, girth, obesity, thickness
  • gyaay = thickly
  • gyaduzar = maraca
  • gyafaybespopen = bushwhacking
  • gyafaybespoper = to bushwhack
  • gyafaybespoput = bushwhacker
  • gyafoglunayan = chunkiness
  • gyafoglunikan = chunkiness
  • gyafub = bar, ingot
  • gyagina = blunt
  • gyaginan = bluntness
  • gyaginay = bluntly
  • gyaginxen = blunting
  • gyaginxer = to blunt
  • gyaginxwa = blunted
  • gyaglal = thick mass
  • gyagoblawa = cut thickly, slabbed
  • gyagoblen = slabbing
  • gyagobler = to cut off a hunk, to cut thickly, to slab
  • gyagoblun bi bilyug = slab of butter
  • gyagoblun = slab, thick slice
  • gyagobun bi taol = slab of meat
  • gyagoflawa = chunked, thickly sliced
  • gyagoflen = chunking
  • gyagofler = to chunk
  • gyagoflun = chunk, gobbet, hunk, thick cut, thick slice
  • gyagoflunaya = chunky
  • gyagoflunika = chunky
  • gyagol bi bilyig = hunk of cheese
  • gyagol = hunk, thick cut, thick section
  • gyagyoflen = slicing thickly
  • gyagyofler = to slice thickly
  • gyala = massive, stout, thick
  • gyalan = massiveness, stoutness, thickness
  • gyalaser = to thicken
  • gyalaxen = thickening
  • gyalaxer = to thicken
  • gyalaxwa = thickened
  • gyalay = massively, thickly
  • gyalevabil = custard, pudding
  • gyalevil = syrup
  • gyalevilaya = syrupy
  • gyalevilika = syrupy
  • gyalevilyena = treacly
  • gyamalser = to blow up, to inflate, to swell
  • gyamalxea = inflationary
  • gyamalxen ay yugxen = stagflation
  • gyamalxen = blowing up, inflation, swelling
  • gyamalxer = to blow up, to inflate, to swell
  • gyamalxun = clot, swelling
  • gyamalxwa = blown up, inflated, swollen
  • gyamalxyofwa = noninflationary
  • gyamekxer = to kibble
  • gyamiaf = thick fog
  • gyamuf = beam, girder
  • gyanaf = quilt
  • gyanafen = quilting
  • gyanafut = quilter

gyanafwa -- gyiaxwa

  • gyanafwa = quilted
  • gyanafxwa suemof = coverlet
  • gyaned = bed, layer, stratum
  • gyanedxwa = layered
  • gyanifar = bodkin, botkin
  • gyanod = hump
  • gyanoda = humped
  • gyanodaya = humpy
  • gyanodika = humpy
  • gyanodsana = hump-shaped
  • gyanodzon = humpback
  • gyanodzona = humpbacked
  • gyanoxwul = slurry, spatterdash
  • gyanoxwuluer = to spatterdash
  • gyanyif = cable
  • gyanyif uiben = cablecasting
  • gyanyif uibun = cablecast
  • gyanyif yibsiniar = cable t.v.
  • gyapiat = grebe
  • gyaser = to get fat, to get thick, to swell
  • gyasexwa = stocky
  • gyasexwan = stockiness
  • gyasuaym = squab
  • gyat = fat person, fatty, obese person
  • gyata = obese
  • gyatan = obesity
  • gyataogol = chop
  • gyataolgolam = chophouse
  • gyatapa = thickset
  • gyateebbok = mumps
  • gyatepa = thickheaded
  • gyatiibila = thick-blooded
  • gyatilsyeb = tumbler
  • gyatilyeb = beaker
  • gyatiub = beer-belly
  • gyatiuba = flabby
  • gyatiubat = fat-ass, fatso, fatty
  • gyatsea = getting obese
  • gyatser = to get obese
  • gyatxer = to make obese
  • gyatyoyav = bootee
  • gyaujmuf = bludgeon
  • gyaujmufen = bludgeoning
  • gyaujmufwa = bludgeoned
  • gyaujmufxer = to bludgeon
  • gyaveel = cranberry bean
  • gyavolzben = impasto
  • gyavolzber = to impaste
  • gyaxen = fattening, swelling, thickening
  • gyaxer = to fatten, to swell, to thicken
  • gyaxun = tumor
  • gyaxur = thickener
  • gyaxwa = engrossed, fattened, swollen, thickened
  • gyaxwa pet = fatling
  • gyaxyea = fattening, thickening
  • gyaya = chubby, dense, pudgy
  • gyayan = chubbiness, denseness, density, pudginess
  • gyayanif = rope stitch
  • gyayel = goop
  • gyayela = viscous
  • gyayelan = viscosity
  • gyayoga = squat, stubby
  • gyayogan = squatness, stubbiness
  • gyayogat = squat person
  • gyayogsen = squatting
  • gyayogser = to squat
  • gyazyiovol = hotcake, pancake
  • gyeduzar = cajón
  • gyeveel = mung bean
  • gyevol = crookneck pumpkin, squash
  • gyia calenolkiyd = dry ice
  • gyia = compact, ironclad, solid
  • gyia kyos = solid state
  • gyia zyiun = compact disk
  • gyian = compactness, solidity, solidness
  • gyias = solid
  • gyiavob = hard wheat
  • gyiaxen = firming up, toughening
  • gyiaxer = to firm up, to toughen
  • gyiaxwa = firmed up, toughened

gyiay -- gyogoblerm gyogoblawa

  • gyiay = crassly, solidly, squarely
  • gyiduzar = cymbal
  • gyigounxen = smashing
  • gyika = dense
  • gyika zyiun = cd, compact disc, compact disk
  • gyikan = denseness
  • gyikay = densely
  • gyila = firm
  • gyilan = firmness
  • gyilay = firmly
  • gyilobem = jungle
  • gyilser = to become firm up
  • gyilxen = firming up
  • gyilxer = to firm up, to make firm
  • gyilxwa = firmed up
  • gyimamil = downpour
  • gyimamilen = downpouring
  • gyimamiler = to downpour
  • gyinif = catgut
  • gyinyan = huddle
  • gyinyansea = huddling
  • gyinyanser = to huddle
  • gyinyanxwa = huddled
  • gyinyeb = safe
  • gyinyeb yijbut = peterman
  • gyiser = to solidfy
  • gyita = robust
  • gyitan = robustness
  • gyitay = robustly
  • gyitayal = stearin
  • gyitayala = stearic
  • gyitef = cassette
  • gyitepa = tough-minded, tough-spirited
  • gyitepan = tough-mindedness
  • gyitepay = tough-mindedly
  • gyiveel = black-eyed pea
  • gyivol = gourd, squash
  • gyixea = solidifying
  • gyixen = solidification, solidifying
  • gyixer = to solidfy, to solidify
  • gyixwa = solidified
  • gyoa epeyt = scalawag
  • gyoa = husky, meager, rawboned, scraggy, slender, subtle, thin
  • gyoa tavyul = scutter
  • gyoan = huskiness, meagerness, slenderness, tenuity, thinness
  • gyoapeyef = tiffany
  • gyoasen = thinning down
  • gyoaser = to grow thin down, to thin out
  • gyoaxea = extenuating
  • gyoaxen = extenuating, extenuation, thinning out
  • gyoaxer = to extenuate, to thin out
  • gyoaxwa = extenuated, thinned down, thinned out
  • gyoaxyea = extenuating
  • gyoay = huskily, meagerly
  • gyoblar = mincer
  • gyoblawa = finely shredded, minced, slivered
  • gyoblawa pavol = coleslaw
  • gyoblawa taol = minced meat, mincemeat
  • gyoblen = mincing, slivering
  • gyobler = to mince, to sliver
  • gyoblun = sliver, thin cut
  • gyodraf = paperboard
  • gyodrev = crape
  • gyoduzar = xylophone
  • gyoduzarut = xylophonist
  • gyodyes = brochure
  • gyofavof = muslin
  • gyoflar = shredder, slicer, slicing knife
  • gyoflawa avob = shredded wheat
  • gyoflawa = shredded, sliced
  • gyoflen = shredding, slicing, stripping
  • gyofler bavol = to slice a tomato
  • gyofler = to shred, to slice, to strip
  • gyoflun bi bilyig = slice of cheese
  • gyoflun bi ovol = slice of bread
  • gyoflun bi tej = slice of life
  • gyoflun = filet, fillet, shred, slice, strip, thin slice, thin tear
  • gyoflwa = stripped
  • gyofub = slat
  • gyogoblerm gyogoblawa = cut thinly

gyogoflawa -- gyosuemxwa

  • gyogoflawa = shaved, shaven
  • gyogoflen = shaving
  • gyogofler = to shave
  • gyogoflun = shaving
  • gyogol bi taol = cutlet of meat
  • gyogol = cutlet, thin section
  • gyogon = scrag
  • gyogos = wafer
  • gyoguna = twiggy
  • gyoil = glair
  • gyokoxovwa = thinly veiled
  • gyol = collop
  • gyola = fine, lean, scrawny, sheer, skinny, slank, slight, slim, slink, slinky, spare, thin
  • gyolaba = lank, scrawny
  • gyolaban = lankness, scrawniness
  • gyolan = fineness, leanness, scrawniness, skinniness, slimness, thinness, trimness
  • gyolat = lean person, skinny person, slim person, waif
  • gyolay = finely, slimly, trimly
  • gyolkyab = fine shift, nuance
  • gyolkyaber = to nuance, to shift finely
  • gyolkyabwa = finely shifted, nuanced
  • gyolkyaper = to shift finely
  • gyolof = sheer
  • gyologelan = fine difference, nuance
  • gyologelxer = to nuance
  • gyologelxwa = nuanced
  • gyolsen = getting lean, getting skinny, slimming down
  • gyolser = to get lean, to get skinny, to get thin, to slim down, to thin down, to trim down
  • gyolxen = slimming, thinning out, trimming down
  • gyolxer = to slim down, to thin out, to trim
  • gyolxwa = slimmed, thinned out, trimmed
  • gyom = crawl space, crawlspace
  • gyomagxar = brazer
  • gyomagxen = brazing
  • gyomagxer = to braze
  • gyomagxwa = brazed
  • gyomel = silt
  • gyomelaya = silty
  • gyomelika = silty
  • gyomelikser = to silt
  • gyomelikxen = silting
  • gyomelikxer = to silt
  • gyomelikxwa = silted
  • gyomelukar = spade
  • gyomelukaren = spading
  • gyomelukarer = to spade
  • gyomelukarwa = spaded
  • gyomeyg = shale
  • gyomoys = layer, patina
  • gyomoysben = layering
  • gyomoysber = to layer
  • gyomoysbun = layer
  • gyomoysbwa = layered
  • gyonad = thin line
  • gyonaid = pinstripe
  • gyonaida = pinstriped
  • gyonaidnof = pinstripe
  • gyonaidtaf = pinstripe
  • gyoneyef = thong
  • gyonifxwa = strung up
  • gyonivwa = finespun
  • gyonof = gauze
  • gyonofyena = gauzy
  • gyonofyenan = gauziness
  • gyonyeym = compact
  • gyonyif = cablet, thin wire
  • gyoovol = crepe, pancake
  • gyopiat = cormorant
  • gyora = frail
  • gyoran = frailty
  • gyorser = to become frail
  • gyorxer = to make frail
  • gyorxwa = made frail
  • gyosen = narrowing
  • gyoser = to narrow down
  • gyosuef = duvet
  • gyosuem = pad
  • gyosuemxen = padding
  • gyosuemxer = to pad
  • gyosuemxwa = padded

gyosuemyan -- gyuyay

  • gyosuemyan = padding
  • gyotaogol = cutlet
  • gyotayebika = pilose
  • gyotayfyag = peignoir
  • gyotayob = pellicle
  • gyoteil = broth
  • gyotep = fathead
  • gyotyoyof = patten
  • gyoumvibsum = palliasse
  • gyouzvib = cirrus
  • gyova = tenuous
  • gyovan = tenuousness
  • gyovay = tenuously
  • gyoveel = edamame
  • gyovia = lithe, svelte
  • gyovian = litheness
  • gyoviay = lithely
  • gyovol = cantaloupe
  • gyoxen = slenderizing, streamlining
  • gyoxer = to slenderize, to streamline
  • gyoxwa = slenderized, streamlined
  • gyoy = finely
  • gyoyan = fineness
  • gyoyepet = Asian spits
  • gyoyij = thin opening
  • gyoyobna = reedy
  • gyoyoga = dumpy
  • gyoyogan = dumpiness
  • gyoyongonxen = hairsplitting
  • gyoyongonxut = hairsplitter
  • gyozyaber = to slather
  • gyozyeg = slot
  • gyozyegen = slotting
  • gyozyeger = to slot
  • gyozyegika = slotted
  • gyozyeguka = unslotted
  • gyozyiovol = crepe
  • gyua = delicate, fragile, frail, slight, subtle, svelte
  • gyuan = delicacy, delicateness, fragility, frailty, slightness, subtlety
  • gyuas = delicacy, subtlety
  • gyuat = delicate person, frail person
  • gyuay = delicately, slightly, subtly
  • gyuex = maneuver
  • gyuexen = maneuvering
  • gyuexer = to maneuver
  • gyuexwa = maneuvered
  • gyuexyafwa = maneuverable
  • gyuexyafwan = maneuverability
  • gyufa = flimsy, supple
  • gyufan = flimsiness, suppleness
  • gyufay = flimsily
  • gyufsea = loosening up
  • gyufser = to loosen up
  • gyufxen = loosening up
  • gyufxer = to loosen up
  • gyufxwa = loosed, loosened up
  • gyuka = flimsy, scant, scanty, sparse
  • gyukan = flimsiness, scantness, sparseness
  • gyukay = flimsily, scantily, scantly, sparsely
  • gyukay tyodxwa = sparsely populated
  • gyumeug = magma
  • gyumiparog = cockleshell
  • gyusapet = palfrey
  • gyutelam = deli, delicatessen
  • gyutyal = refection
  • gyuvyanabxer = to fine-tune
  • gyuxea = attenuating
  • gyuxen = attenuation
  • gyuxer = to attenuate
  • gyuxwa = attenuated
  • gyuya = dainty
  • gyuyan = daintiness
  • gyuyay = daintily