Mirad Lexicon/Mirad-English-B

b. -- bakbik

  • b. = b.
  • ba = B, b, the letter b
  • baaa = baaa
  • baak = sanitation
  • baaka = sanitarian, sanitary
  • baakam = sanitarium
  • baakan = sanitariness
  • baaktyen = sanitizing engineer
  • baakxar = sanitizer
  • baakxen = sanitization
  • baakxer = to sanitize
  • baakxil = sanitizing liquid
  • baakxwa = sanitized
  • baalk = Ba, barium
  • baaxer = to rile
  • baayka = salubrious
  • baaykan = salubriousness
  • baaykay = salubriously
  • babuxka = babushka
  • badawin = bedouin
  • Badim = Burundi
  • Badima = Burundian
  • Badimat = Burundian, inhabitant of Burundi
  • baea = leaning, tending, tilting
  • bael solkayt = beryllium sulfate
  • baelk = Be, beryllium
  • baen = inclination, leaning, tendency
  • baer = to incline, to lean, to tend, to tilt
  • Baeroda = Berber
  • bafab = palm tree, plantain
  • bafaba = palmy
  • bafabaya = palmy
  • bafabika = palmy
  • bafabyel = sago
  • Bafam = Burkina Faso
  • Bafama = Burkina Fasoan
  • Bafamat = inhabitant of Burkina Faso
  • bafayeb = palm leaf
  • bafeb = plantain
  • Bagedid = Bangla, Bengali
  • Bagedidaler = to speak Bengali
  • Bagedidalut = Bengali speaker
  • Bagedider = to say in Bengali
  • Bagedim = Bangladesh
  • Bagemima = Bangladeshi
  • Bagemimat = Bangal, Bangladeshi
  • Bagerod = Bulgarian
  • Bagerodaler = to speak Bulgarian
  • Bagerodalut = Bulgarian speaker
  • Bageroder = to say in Bulgarian
  • Bagerom = Bulgaria
  • Bageroma = Bulgarian
  • Bageromat = Bulgarian, inhabitant of Bulgaria
  • bahelk = Bh, bohrium
  • Baherom = Bahrain
  • Baheroma = Bahraini
  • Baheromat = inhabitant of Bahrain
  • Bahesom = Bahamas, The Bahamas
  • Bahesoma = Bahamasan
  • Bahesomat = Bahamian, inhabitant of the Bahamas
  • bailk = Bi, bismuth
  • bainhelkayn = borane
  • Bajider = to say in Bashkir
  • bak dub = health minister, health secretrary
  • bak dubam = health department, health ministry
  • Bak! = Gesundheit!
  • bak = hale, health, wellness
  • bak zetif = medical belt
  • baka = hale, health-related, healthy, sound
  • bakam = health facility, wellness center
  • bakamut = health facility employee
  • bakan = healthiness, soundness, well-being
  • bakarat = baccarat
  • bakat = healthy person, well person
  • bakay = healthily, soundly
  • bakaza = hardy, robust
  • bakazan = hardiness, robustness
  • bakbesen = keeping healthy, staying healthy
  • bakbeser = to keep healthy, to stay healthy
  • bakbik = healthcare

bakbuk -- baloduzar

  • bakbuk = health damage
  • bakdib = health administration
  • bakdibut = health administrator
  • bakgamon = backgammon
  • Bakid = Bashkir
  • Bakidaler = to speak Bashkir
  • Bakidalut = Bashkir speaker
  • bakilk = Bk, berkelium
  • bakla = salubrious
  • baklan = salubrity
  • baklava = baklava
  • bakna = sound, wholesome
  • baknan = soundness, wholesomeness
  • baknaxen = decontamination
  • baknaxer = to decontaminate
  • baknaxwa = decontaminated
  • baknay = soundly, wholesomely
  • baknea = health conscious, health-aware
  • baknean = health awareness, health consciousness
  • baksea = getting well, healing
  • baksen = convalescence, healing
  • bakser = to convalesce, to get well, to heal
  • baksim = convalescence ward
  • baktel = health food
  • baktun = health science, medicine
  • baktuna = health science-related
  • baktut = doc, health scientist, medical scientist
  • baktyenartun = health technology
  • baktyenartut = health technologist
  • bakvok = health hazard
  • bakvyaleax = workup
  • bakxea = healthful, sanatory
  • bakxean = healthfulness
  • bakxeay = healthfully
  • bakxen = healing
  • bakxer = to heal, to make well
  • bakxetyen = health practice, medicine, practice of medicine
  • bakxetyenut = health practitioner
  • bakxut = doctor, healer
  • bakxwa = healed
  • bal = pressure
  • bala = boronic
  • balaklava tef = balaclava
  • baldras = barogram
  • baldresar = typehead
  • balea = importunate
  • balebea = stifling
  • baleben = slifling
  • baleber = to stifle
  • balebwa = stifled
  • balen = pressing
  • baler = to press
  • Baliad = Blackfoot
  • Balid = Baluchi
  • Balimim = Saint Barthélemy
  • Balimima = from Saint Barthélemy
  • Balimimat = inhabitant of Saint Barthélemy
  • Balirod = Belarusian
  • Balirodaler = to speak Belarusian
  • Balirodalut = Belarusian speaker
  • Baliroder = to say in Belarusian
  • Balirom = Belarus
  • Baliroma = Belarusan
  • Baliromat = Belarusian, inhabitant of Belarus
  • Balizum = Belize
  • Balizuma = Belizean
  • Balizumat = inhabitant of Belize
  • balk = B, boron
  • balk infelkiyd = boron trifluoride
  • balkanxer = to balkanize
  • balkanxwa = balkanized
  • balmagelar = pressure cooker
  • balmagelwa = broasted, pressure cooked
  • balmak = piezoelectricity
  • balmaka = piezoelectric
  • balnagar = barometer
  • balnagara = barometric, barometrical
  • balnagaray = barometrically
  • balnuf = press stud
  • baloduzar = sitar

baloduzarut -- baoser

  • baloduzarut = sitar player, sitarist
  • balok = burp
  • baloken = belching, burping, eructation
  • baloker = to belch, to burp, to eruct, to eructate
  • balokxer tudet = to burp a baby
  • baloya = breathless, pursy
  • baloyan = breathlessness, pursiness
  • baloyser = to suffocate
  • baloyxea = suffocating
  • baloyxen = suffocating, suffocation
  • baloyxer = to suffocate
  • baloyxwa = suffocated
  • balsiyn ijsaunar = stamper
  • balsiyn = impression, stamp
  • balsiyn nyenun = stamp collection
  • balsiyn nyenxen = stamp collecting
  • balsiyn nyenxut = stamp collector
  • balsiyn yaniblen = stamp collecting
  • balsiyn yaniblun = stamp collection
  • balsiyn yaniblut = philatelist, stamp collector
  • balsiynar = stamper
  • balsiynen = stamping
  • balsiyner dresin abu mug = to stamp a design onto metal
  • balsiyner ha jud = to stamp the date
  • balsiyner = to stamp
  • balsiynif = philately
  • balsiynifa = philatelic
  • balsiynifut = philatelist
  • balsiynir = stamp machine
  • balsiynut = stamper
  • balsiynwa = stamped
  • balsur = press, pressure device
  • baluar = aspirator, pressurizer
  • baluea = breathing out, expiring
  • baluen = aspiration, breathing out, exhalation, exhaling, expiration, pressurization
  • baluer = to aspirate, to breathe out, to exhale, to expire, to pressurize, to respirate, to suspire
  • baluiar = breathing device, respirator
  • baluiea = breathing
  • baluien = breathing, respiration, respiring
  • baluien muyfyeg = breathing tube
  • baluien vyesag = breathing rate
  • baluiena = respiratory
  • baluier = to breathe, to respire
  • baluir = breathing machine, lung machine
  • baluka = breathless, pursy
  • balukan = breathlessness, pursiness
  • balukay = breathlessly
  • balukxwa = winded
  • balur = press, wine press
  • balutyan = throng
  • balutyanxen = thronging
  • balutyanxer = to throng
  • baluun = exhaled breath
  • baluur = pressurizer
  • baluwa = aspirated, breathed out, exhaled, pressurized, respirated
  • balwa = pressed
  • balwul = pesto
  • balyontixar = breathalyser
  • balzeyen = leverage
  • Bamid = Bambara
  • Bamidaler = to speak Bambara
  • Bamidalut = Bambara speaker
  • Bamider = to say in Bambara
  • Bamum = Bermuda
  • Bamuma = Bermudan
  • Bamumat = inhabitant of Bermuda
  • ban = motion
  • banak = bit
  • banakyena = bitwise
  • Banid = Balinese
  • Banitoda = Bantu
  • banxea = motioning
  • banxen = motioning
  • bao- = with-and-without
  • baoi = borate
  • baos = quake, shake
  • baosea = fidgeting, jittering, oscillating, quaking, rustling, shaking, vibrating, wiggling
  • baosea mim = rough sea
  • baosen = fidgeting, jittering, jitters, oscillation, quaking, rustling, stirring, vibration, wiggling
  • baoser = to fidget, to jitter, to oscillate, to quake, to shake, to vibrate, to wiggle

baoslen -- baslen

  • baoslen = rattling
  • baosler = to rattle
  • baosleusar = rattler
  • baoslyea = rattly
  • baosmakxar = pickup
  • baosrea = quivering, shuddering, trembling
  • baosrer = to quiver, to shudder, to tremble
  • baosteuz = twang
  • baosteuzyena = twangy
  • baosun = shake
  • baosut = quaker, wiggler
  • baosuxer = to make tremble, to make vibrate, to make wiggle
  • baosyea = fidgety, jittery, quaky, rustling, vibrato, wiggly
  • baoxar = oscillator, shaker, vibrator
  • baoxea = agitating, shaking
  • baoxean = shakiness
  • baoxeay = shakily
  • baoxen = agitating, agitation, flustering, oscillation, rousing, shagging, shaking back-and-forth
  • baoxena = oscillatory, vibratory
  • baoxer = to agitate, to fluster, to roil, to rouse, to rustle, to shake back-and-forth, to shimmy
  • baoxer tuyabi = to shake hands
  • baoxlar = rattle, vibrator
  • baoxlen = rattling
  • baoxler = to rattle
  • baoxut = agitator, rustler
  • baoxwa = agitated, flustered, roused, rustled, shaken
  • baoxyafwa = shakable
  • baoxyafway = shakably
  • baoxyea = shaky
  • baoxyofwa = unshakable
  • baoxyofway = unshakably
  • bapat = thrush
  • bapeit mimpar = whaleboat
  • bapeita = cetacean
  • bapeitaib = whalebone
  • bapeitayob abtyoyaf = mukluk
  • bapeitkexen = whaling
  • bapeitkexer = to wgapyohale
  • bapeittoda = cetacean
  • bapeityan = pod of whales
  • bapeityel = spermaceti
  • baposonak = bawd
  • Baqod = Basque
  • Baqodaler = to speak Basque
  • Baqodalut = Basque speaker
  • Baqoder = to say in Basque
  • Baqom = Basque Country
  • Baqoma = Basque
  • Baqomat = Basque
  • Baram = Brazil
  • Barama = Brazilian
  • Baramat = Brazilian, inhabitant of Brazil
  • barar = crusher
  • barea = crushing, squashing, squishy
  • Bared = Breton
  • Baredaler = to speak Breton
  • Baredalut = Breton speaker
  • Bareder = to say in Breton
  • baren = crushing, squashing
  • barer = to crush, to squash, to squish
  • barmuf = pestle
  • Barobam = Barbados
  • Barobama = from Barbados
  • Barobamat = inhabitant of Barbados
  • Baroka = Baroque
  • barokan = baroqueness
  • barolk = Br, bromine
  • barolka = bromic
  • Baronim = Bruneia
  • Baronima = Bruneian
  • Baronimat = inhabitant of Brunei
  • barwa = crushed, squashed, squished
  • baryukwa = squashy
  • bas = act, action, body motion
  • basbas = ado, brouhaha, commotion, hubbub, kerfuffle
  • basen = body movement
  • basena = gestural
  • baser = to act, to make a motion, to stir
  • baset = basset
  • baslen = budging, bustling

basler -- bay taobil

  • basler = to budge, to bustle
  • bastirma = pastrami
  • basyen = body language, gestural manner, way of moving
  • basyfan = envy
  • basyser = to have, to own, to possess
  • batik = batik
  • Batod = Baltic language
  • Batonim = Bhutanese
  • Batonima = Bhutan
  • Batonimat = inhabitant of Bhutan
  • baulkyanilwa = brazed
  • baun = lean-to, support
  • bavalza = tomato red
  • Bavaryat = Bavarian
  • baveil = tomato soup
  • bavel = tomato juice
  • bavol = tomato
  • bavolog = cherry tomato
  • bavoyel = catsup, ketchup
  • bavuil = tomato sauce
  • Bavutom = Bouvet Island
  • Bavutoma = from Bouvet Island
  • Bavutomat = inhabitant of Bouvet Island
  • bavyel = marinara
  • bawa = bent, bowed, leaning
  • Bawam = Botswana
  • Bawama = Botswanan
  • Bawamat = inhabitant of Botswana
  • bawas = lean-to, prop
  • bax = gesture
  • baxea = gesturing, prompting, stirring
  • baxen = gesturing, prompting, stirring up
  • baxer = to gesture, to prompt, to stir to motion
  • baxlaren = whisking
  • baxlarer = to whisk
  • baxlarwa = whisked
  • baxlawa = budged
  • baxlen = budging
  • baxler = to budge
  • baxrawa = agitated, shaken, stirred
  • baxren = agitating, agitation, agitprop, shaking, stirring
  • baxrer = to agitate, to shake, to stir
  • baxrut = agitator, shaker, stirrer
  • baxrut-tizyadut = agitpropist
  • baxwa mil = popple
  • baxwa = prompted, stirred up
  • bay awa yoba tyoab = hipshot
  • bay azon = forcefully, forcibly, with force
  • bay biel = with cream
  • bay bik = carefully
  • bay byun bi = with the aim of
  • bay byuntex = intentionally, with intent
  • bay duhoa yekun? = with what goal?
  • bay duhobyun? = with what aim?
  • bay duhot? = with whom?
  • bay fika vyaban = like clockwork, with perfect regularity
  • bay fitex = gratefully
  • bay fliz av = with respect for
  • bay gla bik = thoroughgoing
  • bay gla tepzexen bu vyavun = painstakingly
  • bay ha teswas bi = with the intention of
  • bay his = herewith
  • bay hoa byun = aimlessly, with no purpose
  • bay hoa tesden = with no explanation
  • bay hoa tesdud = with no reason
  • bay hobyun = for what purpose
  • bay hus = therewith
  • bay hya his = therm
  • bay hya hus = therm
  • bay hya yeyfwa fliz = with all due respect
  • bay ika azon = amain
  • bay ika zamanari = on full headlights, on high beams, with full beam, with headlights full on
  • bay level = with sugar
  • bay lifel = with lemon
  • bay map = downwind
  • bay neaxun bi = with the aim of
  • bay nyedwul bilyig = au gratin
  • bay ojesea fin = spottily
  • bay oyebzyabwa tupi = spread-eagle, spreadeagled
  • bay taobil = au jus, with gravy

bay taol -- bayswer

  • bay taol = con carne, with meat
  • bay testen van = with the understanding that
  • bay tos = feelingly
  • bay tupi oyebzyagbwa = akimbo
  • bay twoobi ay tooybi = co-ed, coed
  • bay tyopi be hyaewa kumi = astraddle
  • bay vaf = with intent
  • bay votex = without a doubt
  • bay = with
  • bay xin van = with the effect that
  • bay yekun bi = aimed at, for the purpose of, with the goal of
  • bay yom = on the rocks, with ice
  • bay yombiel = à la mode
  • bay zyabwa tupi = sprawl
  • bayafwa = inclinable
  • baybier = to take along
  • baylea = leaning
  • baylen = leaning
  • baypea = accompanying, concomitant, going along
  • baypea mimpur = consort
  • baypeay = concomitantly
  • baypen = accompaniment, accompanying, going along
  • bayper = to accompany, to go along, to go with
  • bayput = accompanist
  • baypya = accompanied
  • baysa = proper
  • baysan = property
  • baysdir = claim
  • baysdiren = claiming
  • baysdirer = to claim
  • baysdirut = claimant
  • baysdirwa = claimed
  • baysea = having
  • baysen = having, owning
  • bayser ambok = to run a fever
  • bayser amnag = to run a temperature
  • bayser oyebuzbwa tyoyabi = to be splay-footed
  • bayser = to have
  • bayser yebuzbwa tyoyabi = to be pigeon-toed
  • baysfea = coveting, envious
  • baysfean = enviousness
  • baysfeay = enviously, envyingly
  • baysfen = coveting, envying
  • baysfer = to covet
  • baysfut = coveter
  • baysfwa = coveted, envied
  • baysfyea = covetous, covetously
  • baysfyean = covetousness
  • baysipea = taking along
  • baysipen = taking along
  • baysiper = to take
  • baysipya = taken along
  • bayslea = fidgeting, twitching
  • bayslen = fidget, fidgeting, shifting, twitch, twitching
  • baysler = to fidget, to shift, to twitch
  • bayslyea = fidgety, shifty, twitchy
  • bayspea = carrying
  • bayspen = carrying
  • baysper = to carry
  • bayspya = carried
  • baysun = belonging, belongings, possession
  • baysuna = possessional
  • baysuni = belongings, possessions
  • baysunyan = belongings, possessions
  • baysupea = bringing along
  • baysupen = bringing along
  • baysuper = to bring along
  • baysupler = to pick up
  • baysupya = brought along
  • baysut = owner, possessor, proprietor
  • baysuta = proprietary
  • baysutan = ownership, proprietorship
  • baysutana = proprietorial
  • baysuwaxen = making available
  • baysuwaxer = to make available
  • baysuwaxwa = made available
  • baysuyt = proprietress
  • bayswa = had, own, owned, possessed
  • bayswas = property
  • bayswer = to be possessed, to belong

baysyafwa -- be hajub bi

  • baysyafwa = available
  • baysyafwaxen = making available
  • baysyafwaxer = to make available
  • baysyafwaxwa = made available
  • baysyea = possessive
  • baysyean = possessiveness
  • baysyeay = possessively
  • bayxlawa = stirred
  • bayxlen = stirring, twitching
  • bayxler = to stir
  • bayxwea = belonging
  • be aa nab = in the first row
  • be aaj = in olden days, in times past
  • be aan bay = in unison with
  • be aan = in unison
  • be abem = atop
  • be abem bi = at the top of, atop, on the surface of, on top of
  • be abgin bi = at the peak of, on the tip of
  • be abkun bi = on the surface of, on the upper side of, on top of
  • be agdresiyni = in uppercase
  • be agglani = wholesale
  • be aj = ago, in the past, once
  • be alpi = on the airwaves
  • be anod bi = north of
  • be aonadi ay uinadi = in rows and columns
  • be = at
  • be avdal bi = in defense of
  • be avon bi = on behalf of
  • be awa ga jod = at one more point in time
  • be awa jod = at one time
  • be awan = in unison
  • be aza teuz = aloud
  • be azan bi = on the strength of
  • be bik bi = in the care of
  • be byus bay = in contact with
  • be dalbyen = in a manner of speaking
  • be deban bi = in command of
  • be dropek bay = at war with
  • be duhoa izon = in which direction
  • be duhojag = at what age
  • be duni bi = according to
  • be dyun bi = in the name of
  • be ea tam bi him yez ha domep = two doors down the street
  • be ebjomir = in limbo
  • be ebkyax av = in exchange for
  • be ebvayben bay = in accordance with
  • be ej = at present, nowadays
  • be ejna = currently
  • be ewa jodi = on two occasions
  • be fiojfan van = in the hope that
  • be fitex bi = in deference to, out of respect for
  • be fiyak bi = the hopes of
  • be fiyuf bi = in awe of
  • be fiz bi = in honor of
  • be fliz bi = out of respect for
  • be fyin bi = in the interest of
  • be fyun bi = at the expense of
  • be gab bu = as well as, in addition to, over and above
  • be geizon bay = on a parallel with
  • be glailpen = galore
  • be glal syeen = in batch mode
  • be glojob = in a short while
  • be gonem bi = in the zone of
  • be gran bi = in excess of
  • be gun bi = at an angle to
  • be gunnod bi = on the cusp of
  • be gunod bi = on the verge of
  • be ha Anxwa Doebi = stateside
  • be ha domep = on the street
  • be ha ejsyen = in fashion, à la mode
  • be ha syob bi = at the base of, at the root of
  • be ha tuldras = on the menu
  • be ha zanad = on the front lines
  • be ha zea dezexgon = in the limelight
  • be ha zejob = in the meantime
  • be haj = at the time
  • be haj van = at the time that
  • be hajab bi = in the year of
  • be hajab van = in the year that
  • be hajub bi = on the day of

be hajub van -- be kunig bi

  • be hajub van = on the day that
  • be ham = at the place
  • be ham van = at the place where
  • be hami van = at places where
  • be hayen van = in the manner that, in the way that
  • be hea jodi = at certain times, at times, on occasion
  • be hia jod = on this occasion
  • be hia kyes = on this occasion
  • be hia noog = at this stage
  • be hijwap = at this moment
  • be hikum bi = on this side of
  • be him = here
  • be himi = at these places
  • be hinod = at this juncture, at this point
  • be hojod = on no occasion
  • be huj = at that time
  • be hujub = on that day
  • be hujwap = at that moment
  • be hukum bi = on that side of
  • be hum = there
  • be huujwap = at such a moment
  • be hya ea yejub = fortnightly
  • be hyaewa kumi bi = astride, on both sides of
  • be hyajod = at every occasion
  • be hyakumi bi = on all sides of
  • be hyea maalkyox = in any weather, rain or shine
  • be hyeawa kum bi = on either side of
  • be hyejod = at any point in time
  • be hyij = at the same time
  • be hyikum bi = on the same side of
  • be hyiyen bi = such as
  • be hyiyen van = in the same way that
  • be hyiyen vyel = in the same manner as
  • be hyua duni = i.e., id est, in other words, that is
  • Be hyua duni... = In other words..., That is to say...
  • be hyukum bi = across, on the other side of, opposite
  • be hyukum bi ha domep = across the street
  • be ibmapkun = leeward
  • be iga pyen = at a face pace
  • be ijduzneg bi = in the key of
  • be ijem bi = at the beginning of, at the start of
  • be ijna igteat = at first blush, at first glance
  • be ijna teat = at first sight
  • be ika igon = amain
  • be iksag = in toto
  • be ivtax bi = in fond memory of, in gratitude for, out of appreciation for, out of thanks for
  • be izmeyp bu = on a direct path to, on a straight path to
  • be iznad bu = in a straight line to, in the direction of, on a vector to, straight to
  • be iznad = in a straight line
  • be izon bi = en route, en route from, headed to, in a heading toward, in the direction of
  • be izon bu = en route to
  • be izon ub = en route toward
  • be izyuba tam = next-door
  • be jab aro yiso yalyo = in the year 1865
  • be jab emlo = in 2000
  • be jab yuso ilo yu = in 1939
  • be jabi ulo = in the forties
  • be jag bi = at the age of
  • be jakyes bi = in the lead-up to
  • be jej bi = in the course of
  • be jekyes bi = in the process of
  • be jes bi = in the course of
  • be jexrean = in perpetuity
  • be job bi = at the time of, in the time of
  • be jobi bi = in times of
  • be jodi = at times
  • be joigpen bi = in pursuit of
  • be jos bi = in consequence of, in the wake of
  • be jotex bi = pursuant to
  • be juab = on Monday
  • be juyeb = on Sunday
  • be jwep = in an instant
  • be kex bi = in pursuit of
  • be kinad bi = on a slope with
  • be kotesyob van = on the pretext that
  • be kum bi = alongside, at the side of, beside, next to
  • be kum bi hyuit = abreast
  • be kunad bi = bordering on the edge of
  • be kunadi bi = on the fringes of
  • be kunig bi = on the margins of

be kyebuk av -- be ujponem

  • be kyebuk av = pose a risk to
  • be kyebuk = in harm's way
  • be kyemep = in a random direction, in any which direction
  • be kyeon bi = in case of, in the event of
  • be kyeon van = in case, in the event that
  • be malpyaoni = on the air, on the airwaves
  • be mam = aloft, in the sky
  • be meel bi = on the grounds of
  • be mep bi = en route from, in the way of
  • be mep bu = en route, en route to, on the way to
  • be mep = en route, on the way
  • be mep ub = en route toward
  • be mesmep bi = on the threshold of
  • be meyp bi = on the path of
  • be mikum = ashore
  • be nad bay = in line with
  • be nad bi yef = in the line of duty
  • be nad = tandem
  • be nap bi = in order of
  • be nayx bi = at the cost of
  • be nazten bi = in recognition of
  • be nead bi = in the course of
  • be neg bi ha domep = at street level
  • be nem bi hus = instead of that
  • be nem bi = in lieu of, in place of, instead of
  • be nig bi = in the space of
  • be nod bi = on the point of
  • be nod bi tuj = at point of death
  • be nyex = in store
  • be obem bi = on the bottom of
  • be obkum bi = beneath, on the bottom of, on the underside of
  • be obkun bi = on the bottom of
  • be oejan bi = in the absence of
  • be oejesen bi = in the absence of
  • be ogdresiyni = in lowercase
  • be ogela pyaonyagan = on a different wavelength
  • be oj = hence
  • be ojnux = on credit
  • be ojveon van = in the likelihood that, on the contingency that
  • be omep = at a dead end, at an impasse
  • be ota yabnod = in one's prime
  • be ova kum bi hus = on the contrary
  • be ovden bu = in opposition to
  • be ovgela kum = on the opposite side
  • be ovkum bi = on the opposite side of
  • be ovtex bi = in opposition to
  • be oyeba izon = outward
  • be oyebem = alfresco, on the outside, out of doors, outdoors
  • be oyebmem = abroad
  • be oyva kum bi ha domep = on the opposite side of the street
  • be oyva kum = on the opposite side, on the reverse side
  • be oyvkum = across
  • be oyvkum bi = on the opposite side of
  • be pan = astir, underway
  • be pesnad = in a queue, in line
  • be ponjob = on leave
  • be pop = underway
  • be poys = in a recess, in abeyance
  • be pyan bi = at the crest of
  • be pyaxizon = downrange
  • be pyuxem bi = in reaching distance of, within range of
  • be syagnas = in cash
  • be syen bi = in the style of, à la
  • be syin bi = about, concerning, on the subject of, pertaining to, re, regarding
  • be tabmeluk = graveside
  • be tam = home
  • be tax bi = in memory of
  • be Tayad = in Thai
  • be teabned = at eye level
  • be teaxuyea if = in flagrante delicto
  • be tepien van.... = in consideration of the fact that....
  • be testen van = on the understanding that
  • be tesyob bi = by reason of
  • be tesyob van = on the basis that, on the rationale that
  • be tex bi = at the thought of
  • be tijbes bi = on the lookout for
  • be tyoyab = on foot, standing
  • be ujem bi = at the end of
  • be ujgin bi = on the tip of
  • be ujponem = graveside

be uvnad bi -- be yuzmep bi

  • be uvnad bi = on a curve with
  • be ux bi = because of
  • be ux van = because
  • be uzmep = astray
  • be uzmep bu = on a detour to
  • be uzmeyp bu = on an indirect path to
  • be vatex van = in the belief that
  • be vefyun bi = at the risk of
  • be venson bi = in the event of, on condition that
  • be venson van = contingent on the fact that, contingent that, on the condition that, provided that
  • be vensonxwa van = conditioned on the fact that
  • be visyen = in fashion
  • be vok bi = in danger of
  • be vok = in danger, in jeopardy
  • be vyaba mep = routinely
  • be vyamep = the right way
  • be vyameyp bu = on the right path to
  • be vyatex bi = because of, by reason of, on the rationale of
  • be vyegon bi = in proportion to, in proportion with
  • be vyen bi = about, concerning, in connection with, in relation to, relative to
  • be vyesag bi = in proportion to, in proportion with
  • be vyeson bi = about, concerning, on the subject of, re
  • be vyobyen = in the wrong way, wrongly
  • be vyomep = the wrong way
  • be xeoj bi = in case of
  • be xeoj van = in case, in the case that
  • be yabem = on high, up above, upstairs
  • be yabnod bi = at the peak of
  • be yagmeyp bu = on the long path to
  • be yak bi = in anticipation of, in the anticipation that
  • be yakkyos = in abeyance
  • be yanbun bay = in connection with
  • be yanbyen bay = in harmony with
  • be yanjob = in sync
  • be yansansen bay = in conformance with
  • be yanseux bay = in tune with
  • be yantex bay = in agreement with, in concert with, in concordance with
  • be yanuvtax bay = in sympathy with
  • be yanx bay = in conjunction with
  • be yanyex bay = in collaboration with, in league with
  • be yanyexutyan = in cahoots
  • be yebem bi = inside of
  • be yebem = indoors, inside, on the inside
  • be yek bi = in an attempt to, in an effort to
  • be yem bi = vice-
  • be yevan bu = in fairness to
  • be yibaj = in the distant past, once upon a time
  • be yibem = in the distance
  • be yibkum bi = on the far side of
  • be yiboj = in the distant future, not too soon from now
  • be yiboyebem bi = at the outer depths of
  • be yibuj bi = at the far end of
  • be yibujem bi = at the far ends of
  • be yibyabem bi = at the far reaches of
  • be yibyebem bi = at the inner depths of
  • be yibyobem bi = at the lower depths of
  • be yibyuzem bi = on the outer fringes of
  • be yibzim bi = at the far right of
  • be yibzum bi = at the far left of
  • be yigkunad bi = on the brink of
  • be yigrem = in the wild
  • be yija mal = alfresco
  • be yijem = in the open
  • be yobem = down below, downstairs
  • be yogmep bu = on a shortcut to
  • be yogteasi = snatchy
  • be yokraxwan = in a state of shock, in shock
  • be yokxea nog = staggeringly
  • be yonkum bi = separate from
  • be yonkunadi bi = on the fringes of
  • be yontex bay = at odds with
  • be yubaj = in the recent past, not long ago, recently
  • be yubem = in the vicinity
  • be yubkum bi = on the close side of, on the near side of
  • be yuboj = in the near future, soon
  • be yuf bi = in fear of
  • be yuflan bi = in horror of
  • be yuga deuz = sotto voce
  • be yuvlasen bay = in compliance with
  • be yuzmep bi = on the periphery of

be yuznad bi -- bekilien

  • be yuznad bi = con the periphery of, on the border of, on the periphery of
  • be zakum bi = on the front side of
  • be zakumnad bi = on the front edge of
  • be zam bi = at the front of, in front of, on the front of
  • be zam bi ha domep = in front of the street
  • be zames bi = on the threshold of
  • be zaym bi = at the forefront of, in the forefront of
  • be zem bi = amid, at the middle of, in the middle of
  • be zem bi ha domep = in the middle of the street
  • be zen bi = at the center of
  • be zenag = on average
  • be zikum bi ha domep = on the right side of the street
  • be zikum bi = on the right side of
  • be zim bi = on the right side of
  • be zimer bi = to east of
  • be zokum bi = on the back side of
  • be zom = astern, in the back
  • be zom bi = at the back of, behind, in the rear of, on the back of
  • be zom bi ha domep = in back of the street
  • be zomer bi = to south of
  • be zomoj bi = on the eve of
  • be zoym bi = on the back of
  • be zoym = on the back, on the reverse side
  • be zukum bi ha domep = on the left side of the street
  • be zukum bi = on the left side of
  • be zum bi = on the left side of
  • be zumera bi = west of
  • be zyan bi = in the span of
  • be zyokunad bi = on the brink of, on the verge of
  • bea = putting
  • bea tobyena teptijan = sentient
  • beatnik = beatnik
  • beax = guard, lookout, protection, tutelage, ward, watch
  • beax yabtom = watch tower
  • beaxa = tutelary
  • beaxab = ward
  • beaxam = ward
  • beaxar = guard, protective device, protector, sentinel, shield
  • beaxdun = watchword
  • beaxea = protective
  • beaxeb = head watchman, master sentinel, warden
  • beaxeban = wardenship
  • beaxen = guarding, monitoring, protection, watching over
  • beaxer = to guard, to keep watch, to monitor, to protect, to ward off, to watch over
  • beaxim = recovery room, ward
  • beaxnyem = phylactery
  • beaxtoyb = duenna
  • beaxum = watchbox
  • beaxut = guard, guarder, guardian, monitor, protector, sentinel, sentry, sitter, tutor, warden, warder, watchman
  • beaxuta = tutelary
  • beaxutam = guard post, guardhouse, watch post
  • beaxutan = guardianship, protectorate, ward
  • beaxutim = guardroom
  • beaxutum = sentry box
  • beaxuyt = wardress
  • beaxwa = guarded, monitored, protected, unguarded, watched over
  • beaxwam = protectorate
  • beaxwat = wardship
  • beaxway = guardedly
  • beaxyabtom = watchtower
  • beaxyea = protective
  • beaxyean = protectiveness
  • beaxyepet = watchdog
  • bebopduz = bebop
  • beduzar = guitar
  • beduzarut = guitarist
  • befab = date tree
  • befeb = date
  • befyela = terebinthine
  • begindaz = beguine
  • Beijing dalyen = Pekinese
  • Beijingut = Pekinese
  • bek = therapy, treatment
  • beka = clinical, therapeutic
  • bekam = hospice, sanatorium, therapy center, treatment center
  • bekay = clinically, therapeutically
  • beken = therapy, treating, treatment
  • beker kyituyabay = to treat heavy-handedly
  • beker = to treat
  • bekilien = doping

bekiliut -- beler hes bu het

  • bekiliut = doper
  • bekiluwa = doped
  • bekim = hospital room, treatment room
  • bekteap = checkup
  • bektun = medical science, medicine
  • bektun tixut = medical student
  • bektuna = medical
  • bektunay = medically
  • bektut = doctor, medical scientist, physician
  • bektyenut = medic
  • bekul = drug, medicament, medicine, pharmaceutical, potion
  • bekul duldras = drug prescription
  • bekul nid = drug dose, drug volume
  • bekul syebog = capsule, medicine capsule
  • bekul zyeb = ampoule, ampul, ampule, medicine bottle, vial of medicine
  • bekul zyunog = capsule, pill, tablet
  • bekula = medicinal, pharmaceutic, pharmaceutical
  • bekulam = apothecary
  • bekulay = medicinally, pharmaceutically
  • bekuldras = script
  • bekuldyes = pharmacopeia, pharmacopoeia
  • bekulefkyoxer = to addict to drugs
  • bekulefkyoxwa = addicted to drugs
  • bekulgibar = syringe
  • bekulgrafsen = becoming drug-addicted
  • bekulgrafser = to become drug-addicted
  • bekulien = taking a drug, taking medicine
  • bekulier = to medicate oneself, to take a drug, to take medicine
  • bekulnam = druggist, drugstore, pharmacy
  • bekulnama = pharmaceutical
  • bekulnamut = druggist, pharmacist
  • bekulnunuiut = pusher
  • bekulnyadrun = dispensatory
  • bekulsam = medicine cabinet
  • bekulsaxam = pharmaceutical plant
  • bekulsaxen = drug manufacturing
  • bekulsaxut = drug manufacturer
  • bekultun = pharmacology
  • bekultuna = pharmacological
  • bekultunay = pharmacologically
  • bekultut = pharmacologist
  • bekuluen = injecting, medicating, medication
  • bekuluer = to drug, to inject, to medicate
  • bekuluun = drug dose, injection
  • bekuluwa = injected, medicated
  • bekulyan = pharmacopeia, pharmacopoeia
  • bekulyeber = to give a shot to
  • bekulyebun = shot
  • bekun = treatment
  • bekut = therapist
  • bekuyt = female nurse
  • bekwa kyituyabay = treated heavy-handedly
  • bekwa = treated
  • bekwat = patient
  • bekxwa kyazyef = coated lens
  • bekxyafwa = curable
  • bekyafwa = treatable
  • bekyafwan = treatability
  • bekyel = salve, unguent
  • bekyeluut = salver
  • bekyofwa = untreatable
  • bekyofwan = incurability
  • bekzyunog = lozenge, pill
  • belar = barrow, carrier, cart, tray, tumbril, wagon
  • belarapet = carthorse
  • belaren = carting, ferrying
  • belarer = to cart, to ferry
  • belarexut = wagoner
  • belarik = cartload
  • belarkyis = cartload
  • belarog = cart, wagon
  • belarut = carter
  • belarwa = carted, ferried
  • belbuxaren = bulldozing
  • belea = carrying, hauling, wearing
  • belen bey zyiobem mimpar = scowing
  • belen = carrying, ferrying, hauling, wearing
  • beler adopar = to carry a gun, pack a gun
  • beler bey zyiobem mimpar = to scow
  • beler hes bu het = to take something to someone

beler tef -- ber

  • beler tef = to wear a hat
  • beler = to bear, to carry, to convey, to ferry, to haul, to lug, to take, to tote, to wear
  • Belim = Belgium
  • Belima bayepet = Belgian shepherd dog
  • Belima = Belgian
  • Belimagyeler = to French-fry
  • Belimagyelwa = French-fried
  • Belimagyelwa lavoli = French fries
  • Belimat = Belgian, inhabitant of Belgium
  • belir = carriage, wagon
  • belnof = sling
  • belnux = portage
  • belnyif = lanyard
  • belpet = pack animal
  • belsum = litter
  • belun bixpur = freight train
  • belun = cargo, freight, haul, load
  • belun mampur = cargo plane, freight plane
  • belun mempur = freight truck
  • belun mimpur = cargo ship, cargo vessel
  • belunaben = loading
  • belunaber = to load
  • belunabwa = loaded
  • belunien = off-loading
  • belunim = cargo bay
  • beluniwa = off-loaded
  • belunkaxen = transloading
  • belunmimpur = freighter
  • belunoben = off-loading, offloading, unloading
  • belunober = to disburden, to off-load, to offload, to unload
  • belunobwa = off-loaded, offloaded, unloaded
  • belur = ferry, truck, van
  • beluranyan = caravan
  • beluren = trucking
  • belurer = to truck
  • belurik = truckload
  • belurog = mini-van, minivan, small truck
  • belurut = trucker
  • belurwa = trucked
  • belus pyaon = carrier wave
  • belut = bearer, carrier, hauler, porter
  • -belwa = -borne
  • belwa = borne, carried, conveyed, hauled, taken
  • belwa sum = palanquin, stretcher
  • belwas = cargo, freight, luggage
  • belyafwa fyasem = viaticum
  • belyafwa maegyelman = cresset
  • belyafwa = portable
  • belyafwa tudetsum = carrycot
  • belyafwan = portability
  • belyikwa = unwieldy
  • belyikwan = unwieldiness
  • belyofwa = nonportable
  • belzyin = pallet
  • bem = locale, location, locus, post, seat, site, stead
  • bema = locational, positional
  • bemben = locating, location
  • bember = to locate
  • bembwa = located
  • bemper = to locate oneself, to settle
  • bemyiv = tenure
  • bemyivuer = to tenure
  • bemyivuwa = tenured
  • ben = laying, layout, placement, pose, posing, putting, setting
  • benapxen = interspersion
  • Benim = Benin
  • Benima = from Benin
  • Benimat = inhabitant of Benin
  • bepad = warble
  • bepaden = warbling
  • bepader = to warble
  • bepat = warbler
  • ber balsiyn ab bu ebdras = to put a stamp onto a letter
  • ber did = to ask a question, pose a question
  • ber het did = to ask someone a question
  • ber iza mep = to take a direct route
  • ber jwobir = to set a clock
  • ber kyebuk av = to pose a danger for, pose a threat for
  • ber pexar = to set a trap
  • ber = to lay, to place, to pose, to put, to set

ber yebbu zyus -- bexlut

  • ber yebbu zyus = to surround
  • ber yikson av = to pose a problem for
  • ber yikson = to pose a problem
  • ber zo yuzmeys = to fence out, put behind a fence
  • Berlin Mas = Berlin Wall
  • Berod = Berber language
  • bes = stay
  • besafdren = visa
  • besafdrenaya = visaed
  • besafdrenika = visaed
  • besam = abode, dwelling, place to stay
  • besea = dwelling, living, remaining, residing, residual, standing by, staying
  • besem = board, lodging
  • besemier = to accept lodging
  • besemiut = boarder
  • besemuen = room and board
  • besen = dwelling, inhabiting, living, remaining, residing, staying
  • beser teypbona = to keep calm, keep cool, stay calm
  • beser = to belive, to dwell, to live, to remain, to reside in, to stay, to tarry
  • besiyofwan = unavailability
  • beslea = lingering
  • beslen = lingering
  • besler = to linger
  • beslut = lingerer
  • beson = stance, state
  • besu = stet
  • besun = remainder, residue
  • besus = remainder
  • besut = dweller, resident
  • besutnyan = cluster of residents
  • besutsag = number of inhabitants
  • besutyan = inhabitancy
  • besyea = static
  • beta = beta
  • beta ebus = beta blocker
  • beut = owner, possessor, proprietor
  • beuta = proprietorial
  • beutan = ownership, proprietorship
  • beuwaxen = making available, provision
  • beuwaxer = to make available, to provide
  • beuwe = there are, there is
  • beuwer = to be available, to there to be
  • beuyt = proprietress
  • bevol = aubergine, eggplant
  • bevol-yalza = eggplant violet
  • bewe = there are, there is available
  • bewem = grounds
  • bewembeaxut = groundsman
  • bewer = to appertain, to be available, to belong to exist
  • bexar = handle, holder, railing
  • bexea = harboring, having, holding
  • bexen = harboring, having, holding, owernership, owning, possession
  • bexena avdyun = possessive pronoun
  • bexena = possessive
  • bexena zodungab = possessive suffix
  • bexer dabexgon = to hold office
  • bexer fua tosi ub = to harbor ill feelings toward
  • bexer ha akea taxdin = to hold the record
  • bexer ha tepulxen van = to have the impression that
  • bexer jesea ix = to reverberate
  • bexer mulikxwa teib = to have a stuffed-up nose
  • bexer nasgon = to have a share, hold a share, own a share, possess a share
  • bexer ofiava texyen bi = to discountenance
  • bexer = to harbor, to have, to hold, to own, to possess
  • bexer vyotex = to be in error, be wrong
  • bexer yuxrut = to own a slave
  • bexfaof = batten
  • bexier = to avail oneself of, to come into possession of, to get a hold of, to take possession of
  • bexiyafwa = available
  • bexiyafwan = availability
  • bexiyofwa = unavailable
  • bexlam = hold, keep
  • bexlawa = kept up, maintained, preserved
  • bexlen = keeping, maintenance, preservation, upkeep
  • bexlenin = conservationism
  • bexlenina = conservationist
  • bexleninut = conservationist
  • bexler ojvad = to keep a promise
  • bexler = to conserve, to keep up, to maintain
  • bexlut = conserver, keeper, maintainer

bexlutyan -- bey tyoyab

  • bexlutyan = maintenance crew
  • bexlyafwa = maintainable
  • bexlyea = conservative
  • bexlyean = conservativeness
  • bexlyeay = conservatively
  • bexlyofwa = unmaintainable
  • bexrar = grip, gripper
  • bexrawa = gripped, held tight, preserved
  • bexrazon = strain, stress
  • bexrazonaya = intense, stressful
  • bexrazonika = intense, stressful
  • bexrazonser = to strain
  • bexrazonuer = to apply stress to strain, to stress
  • bexrazonuka = limp, stress-free
  • bexrazonuwa = strained, stressed
  • bexren = holding tight, preservation, preserving
  • bexrer = to have a grip on, to hold tight, to preserve
  • bexrun = grip, preserve
  • bexrut = preserver
  • bextim = holding cell
  • bexun = belonging, belongings, held item, holding, possession, property
  • bexuna = possessional
  • bexunier = to avail oneself of
  • bexunyan = belongings, holdings, possessions, property, things
  • bexut = holder, keeper, owner, possesser
  • bexutan = ownership
  • bexwa = existent, had, harbored, held, own, owned, possessed, proper, proprietary
  • bexwaex = eigenfunction
  • bexwaiznad = eigenvector
  • bexwakwos = eigenstate
  • bexwam dotnix = property tax
  • bexwam = estate, premises, property
  • bexwamaya = propertied
  • bexwameb = lord, property manager, proprietor
  • bexwamika = propertied
  • bexwamoya = propertiless
  • bexwamuka = propertiless
  • bexwan = ownership
  • bexwanaz = eigenvalue
  • bexwas = own thing, possession, property
  • bexwasojvad = mortgage
  • bexwasojvaduut = mortgager
  • bexwasojvaduwat = mortgagee
  • bexwasyan = chattel, property, realty
  • bexwaxer = to take ownership of
  • bexway = properly
  • bexwea = belonging
  • bexwer = to be owned, to be possessed, to belong, to belong to
  • bexyafwa = available
  • bexyafwan = availability
  • bexyofwa = unavailable
  • bexyofwan = unavailability
  • bey asoyn = per cent
  • bey azon bi adopar = at gunpoint
  • bey azon bi = by dint of, by force of
  • bey azon = by force
  • bey = by, on the part of, through
  • bey dovyab = by law
  • bey fikyes = by happenstance
  • bey hos = whereby
  • bey huus = hereby
  • bey hya yafwa zeyen = by every means possible
  • bey hya zeyeni = by all means
  • bey iztes = through intuition
  • bey kum bi = by the side of
  • bey malpyaoni = by air waves
  • bey mem = overland
  • bey mep bi = by way of, via
  • bey mim = oversea
  • bey mol = by nature
  • bey molbuxus = by instinct
  • bey nofkunviben = purlwise
  • bey otut = by oneself
  • bey saungon = by example
  • bey tadien = by marriage
  • bey tax = by heart
  • bey teb = per capita
  • bey tesdud bi = by dint of, by reason of
  • bey tuyab = by hand
  • bey tyoyab = on foot

bey ux bi -- bi vetexuyea afuen

  • bey ux bi = because of, on account of
  • bey xuun bi = because of, on account of
  • bey xuun van = because
  • bey yafon bi = by dint of, by the power of, by virtue of
  • bey yuxun bi = by means of
  • bey zeyen bi = by means of
  • bey zoybwa ebdrasyan = by return mail
  • beyafwa = available
  • beyafwa sim = available chair
  • beyafwan = availability
  • beyafwaser = to become available
  • beyafwe = is available
  • beyea = possessive
  • beyean = possessiveness
  • beyeay = possessively
  • beyebukay = brainlessly
  • beyhus = thereby, thus
  • beyofwa = out of order, unavailable
  • beyofwa sim = unavailable chair
  • beyofwan = nonavailability, unavailability
  • beysana = instrumental
  • bi abem bu obem = from top to bottom
  • bi aga zaypan = breakthrough
  • bi dotom vyixut = janitorial
  • bi duhoati = of which one's
  • bi duhom? = from where?, whence?, where from?
  • bi duhot = from whom?
  • bi duhot? = whose?
  • bi duhoti? = belonging to what people?, whose?
  • bi duhotob? = whose?
  • bi duhotobi? = whose?
  • bi duhwati? = whose?
  • bi fria fin = super
  • bi = fro, from, of
  • bi ha domep = from the street
  • bi ha texgun bi = from the viewpoint of
  • bi ha tuldras = à la carte
  • bi heti = some people's
  • bi hetobi = some people's
  • bi hiis = hereof
  • bi hij = from now, from now on
  • bi him = from here, hence
  • bi hisaun = of this sort
  • bi hisauni = of these types
  • bi hitobi = of these people, these people's
  • bi hom = from nowhere, from the place where
  • bi hot = from whom
  • bi huj joy = thenceforward
  • bi hum = from there, hence, thence
  • bi hus = therefrom, thereof
  • bi husaun = of that sort
  • bi husauni = of those types
  • bi huti = belonging to those people, their
  • bi hwati = of whom
  • bi hyaewati = both people's
  • bi hyasauni = of all types
  • bi hyeewati = of any two people
  • bi hyem = from anywhere, from wherever
  • bi hyem ho = from wherever
  • bi hyeowat = neither one's, neither person's, of neither person
  • bi hyikum bi = from the same side of
  • bi hyim = from the same place
  • bi hyua teasgun = from another perspective, on the other hand
  • bi hyukum bi = from the other side of
  • bi hyum = from elsewhere
  • bi hyusauni = of different types, of various kinds
  • bi ilyujar = on tap
  • bi job bu job = from time to time
  • bi joesun = a posteriori
  • bi kum bu kum = from side to side
  • bi mes-bu-mes = door-to-door
  • bi mestob = janitorial
  • bi ojesea fin = spotty
  • bi oujyena teatyen = imperfective
  • bi oyebem = from outside
  • bi oyva kum bi ha domep = from the opposite side of the street
  • bi oyvkum bi = from the opposite side of
  • bi ozwayena job = imperfect
  • bi tax = from memory
  • bi vetexuyea afuen = apocryphal

bi vetexwa fin -- bifeb ditdab

  • bi vetexwa fin = sketchy
  • bi yabem = from up above
  • bi yebem = from inside
  • bi yibayb = from far above
  • bi yibem = from afar
  • bi yibkum bi = from the far side of
  • bi yibmem = from abroad
  • bi yiboyb = from far below
  • bi yiboyebem bi = from the outer depths of
  • bi yibuj bi = to the far end of
  • bi yibujem bi = from the far ends of
  • bi yibyambem bi = from the far reaches of
  • bi yibyeb = from deep inside
  • bi yibyebem bi = from the inner depths of
  • bi yibyobem bi = from the lower depths of
  • bi yibyuzem bi = from the outer fringes of
  • bi yibzim bi = to the far right of
  • bi yibzum bi = from the far left of
  • bi yobem = from down below
  • bi yubem = from the vicinity
  • bi yubkum bi = from the near side of
  • bi zajib = proximo
  • bi zam bi = from the front of
  • bi zam bi ha domep = from the front of the street
  • bi zem bi = from the center of
  • bi zim bi = from the right side of
  • bi zom bi = from the rear of
  • bi zom bi ha domep = from the back of the street
  • bi zum bi = from the left side of
  • biafxea = yielding
  • biafxen = yielding
  • biafxer = to yield
  • biafxwa = yielded
  • biduna = ablative
  • biduzar = lute
  • biduzarut = lutanist, lutenist, lutist
  • bie vyoa dyun = take a fake name
  • biel ableovol = creme pie
  • biel bi melzlevyel = crème de caramel
  • biel = cream, creme, crème
  • bielam = creamery
  • bielayan = creaminess
  • bielikan = creaminess
  • bielikxwas = creampuff
  • bielnam = creamery
  • bielpea = exuberant
  • bielpean = exuberance
  • bielpeay = exuberantly
  • bielper = to overbrim
  • bielteil = bisque
  • bielxen = creaming
  • bielxer = to cream
  • bielxwa = creamed
  • bielyeb = creamer
  • biel-yelza = creamy pink
  • bielyena = creamy
  • bielyenan = creaminess
  • bielyenay = creamily
  • bier afdras = to get a license, get a permit
  • bier aga pyeni = to take great strides
  • bier anpopur = to take a cab
  • bier bekul = to take a drug
  • bier bekzyunog = to take a pill
  • bier bixpur = to take a train
  • bier did bi x = to take a question from x
  • bier ha iza mep = to go straight
  • bier ha yijmes = to take the opportunity
  • bier milpyox = to take a shower
  • bier nuxpur = to take a taxi
  • bier ota nayb = to take one's turn
  • bier saungoyn = to take a sample
  • bier = to get, to take
  • bier vyosa mep = to get lost, go astray
  • bier vyosa meyp = to take the wrong path
  • bier yaoblir = to take a lift, take an elevator
  • bier yuzpur = to take a bus
  • bifab = banana tree
  • bifayob = banana peel
  • bifeb = banana
  • bifeb ditdab = banana republic

bifeb yombiel yansaxun -- bikser

  • bifeb yombiel yansaxun = banana split
  • bifel = banana juice
  • bifilza = banana yellow
  • bifilzayna = bright banana yellow
  • bifilzoyna = dark banana yellow
  • Bihed = Bosnian
  • Bihedaler = to speak Bosnian
  • Bihedalut = Bosnian speaker
  • Biheder = to say in Bosnian
  • Bihem = Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Bihema = Bosnian
  • Bihemat = Bosnian, inhabitant of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • biil = juice
  • biilar = juicer
  • biilaya = juicy, lush, succulent
  • biilbwa = bedewed
  • biiliblar = vampire
  • biilika = juicy, lush, succulent
  • biilikan = juiciness, lushness, succulence, succulency
  • biilikay = lushly
  • biilmufyega = vascular
  • biilmufyegyen = venation
  • biilmufyegzyaana = vasomotor
  • biiluen = dripping, juicing
  • biiluer = to drip with juice
  • biiluyea = drippy, juicy
  • biilxar = juicer
  • biilxen = juicing
  • biilxer = to juice
  • biilxwa = juiced
  • biilzyiun = platelet
  • bijien = conceiving, conception
  • bijier = to conceive
  • bijiwa = conceived
  • bijuen = insemination
  • bijuer = to inseminate
  • bik = care, caution, concern, custody, heed, vigilance
  • bika = careful, cautious, custodial, heedful, vigilant
  • bikam = care facility, clinic
  • bikames = dispensary
  • bikamut = clinician
  • bikay = carefully, cautiously, heedfully, vigilantly
  • bikay kebiwa = hand-picked, handpicked
  • bikden = cautioning
  • bikdun = caveat
  • bikefa = dependent, high-maintenance, needing care
  • biken = care-taking, custody
  • biker = to care
  • bikiefwa = touchy
  • bikiefwan = touchiness
  • bikiefway = touchily, touchingly
  • bikien = being careful, being cautious, being wary, heeding, taking care
  • bikier = to be aware, to be careful, to be cautious, to beware, to heed, to look out for, to take care, to watch out
  • bikim = clinic
  • Bikiu! = Be careful!, Take care!, Watch out!
  • Bikiu ha Yepet! = Beware of the dog!
  • bikiwa = heeded
  • bikiyea = cagey, careful, cautious, gingerly, heedful, prudent, vigilant, wary, watchful
  • bikiyean = caginess, carefulness, cautiousness, prudence, vigilance, wariness, watchfulness
  • bikiyeay = cagey, cagily, carefully, cautiously, gingerly, heedfully, prudently, vigilantly, warily, watchfully
  • bikiyeay tepzexea = painstaking
  • bikof = band aid, bandage, patch
  • bikofaben = bandaging, patching
  • bikofaber buk = to dress a wound
  • bikofaber = to apply a band-aid, to bandage up, to patch up
  • bikofabwa = bandaged, patched up
  • bikofabyafwa = patchable
  • bikofaya = patchily, patchy
  • bikofika = patchy
  • bikofikay = patchiness
  • bikofoben = bandage removal
  • bikofober = to remove a bandage
  • bikoya = careless, heedless
  • bikoyan = carelessness, heedlessness
  • bikoyat = gunslinger
  • Bikoyngoryuon = satoshi
  • biksea = being concerned, caring, mindful
  • biksean = mindfulness
  • biksen = being concerned, caring
  • bikser = to be concerned, to be mindful, to care, to mind

bikua -- bilyigyena

  • bikua = cautioned
  • bikuam = care facility, nursery, nursing home
  • bikuea = cautionary, taking care of
  • bikuen = care-giving, cautioning, custodianship, custody, nursing, taking care of
  • bikuer = to care for, to caution, to give care, to nurse, to provide care, to take care of, to tend
  • bikuka = careless, heedless
  • bikuka twobet = scapegrace
  • bikukan = carelessness, heedlessness
  • bikukay = carelessly, heedlessly
  • bikut = custodian, monitor, warden
  • bikuut = caregiver, caretaker, nurse, nurser, nurseryman
  • bikuwa = cared for, monitored, nursed, taken care of, tended, watched over
  • bikuwat = nurseling, nursling, patient under care
  • bikwan = thoroughness
  • bikwat = wardship
  • bikway = thoroughly
  • bikxea = concerning
  • bikxen = concerning, giving concern
  • bikxer = to concern, to give concern
  • bikxwa = concerned
  • bikxwer = to be concerned, to mind
  • bikyea = caring
  • bikyel = ointment
  • bikyeon = ablative case
  • bikyeona = ablative
  • bil = milk, stub for tilabil
  • bila = lactic
  • bilen = fetching, obtaining, prehension
  • biler = to fetch, to get, to obtain
  • bilfebyel = milkshake
  • bilgyaul = butterfat
  • bilien = milking
  • bilien muyfyeg = suction tube
  • bilienpot = mammal
  • bilienpota = mammalian
  • bilienyeb = suction cup
  • bilier = to draw milk, to suck, to suckle
  • biliir = milking machine
  • biliut = milker, suckling
  • biliuyt = milkmaid
  • biliwa = milked
  • bilnun = milk product
  • bilnyuxut = milkman
  • bilopot = baboon
  • bilos = lactose
  • bilosofa = lactose intolerant
  • bilosofan = lactose intolerance
  • bilovol = milksop
  • biluen = nursing, suckling
  • biluenbiel = lactation
  • biluer = to give milk, to lactate, to nurse
  • bilul = casein
  • bilun = dairy product
  • bilunxam = dairy farm
  • bilunxen = dairy production, dairying
  • bilunxut = dairyman
  • bilunxuyt = dairymaid, dairywoman, diary maid
  • biluwa = lactated, nursed
  • biluwat = suckling
  • biluyafa = milch
  • biluyofwa epeyt = duffer
  • bilwa = fetched, gotten, obtained
  • bilyafa = prehensile
  • bilyafwa = obtainable
  • bilyeb = milkpan
  • bilyelxus = rennin
  • bilyena = lacteal, milky, murky
  • bilyenan = milkiness, murkiness
  • bilyenser = to cloud up, to get murky
  • bilyig = cheese
  • bilyig faof = cheeseboard
  • bilyig favol = cheese souffle
  • bilyig leovol = cheesecake
  • bilyig myekxar = cheese grater
  • bilyigaya = cheese-filled, cheesy
  • bilyigika = cheese-filled, cheesy
  • bilyignamut = cheese store clerk, cheese-monger
  • bilyigsanxwas = ramekin
  • bilyigser = to curdle
  • bilyigyena = cheesy

bilyigz -- bixlawa

  • bilyigz = whig
  • bilyivob = rice pudding
  • bilyofwa = unobtainable
  • bilyug = butter
  • bilyug goblar = butter knife
  • bilyug leovol = pound cake
  • bilyug yonar = butter knife
  • bilyuga = butyric
  • bilyugaya = buttery
  • bilyugayan = butteriness
  • bilyugben = buttering
  • bilyugber = to apply butter
  • bilyugbwa = buttered
  • bilyugika = butter-filled, buttery
  • bilyugikan = butteriness
  • bilyuglal = curdled milk, yogurt
  • bilyuglevelyig = butterscotch
  • bilyugum = spence
  • bilyugupatsem = smorgasbord
  • bilyugyena = butter-like, buttery
  • bilyugzyun = butterball
  • bim = origin, provenance
  • bingo = bingo
  • bipat = sparrow
  • bir = grab, nab, seizure, snatch
  • birar = crampon, grasper, mandrel, mandril
  • birartyoper = to crampon
  • biraryaprer = to crampon
  • biren = grabbing, nabbing, seizing, snatching
  • birer ha yijmes = to seize the opportunity
  • birer = to grab, to latch onto, to nab, to seize, to snatch, to wrest
  • birer yafon = to take power
  • birodrar = biro
  • birut = grabber, nabber, seizer, snatcher
  • birwa = grabbed, nabbed, seized, snatched
  • biryeken = grabbling
  • biryeker = to grabble
  • bisana = ablative
  • bisea = withdrawing
  • bisen = withdrawal, withdrawing
  • biser = to back off, to pull back, to retire, to withdraw
  • bisler = to be dragged, to be grabbed, to be snatched, to be yanked
  • Bisomid = Bislama
  • Bisomidalut = Bislama speaker
  • Bisomider = to say in Bislama
  • Bisomudaler = to speak Bislama
  • Bitkoyn = bitcoin
  • Bitkoynamroyn = satoshi
  • Biu ha zanapa bixpur. = Take the next train.
  • biut = taker
  • bivol = avocado
  • biwa sim = occupied chair, occupied seat, taken chair
  • biwa yem = taken seat, taken spot
  • biwer bey yuf = to be stricken by fear
  • bix grun = kedge
  • bix mimpar = tugboat
  • bix = pull, traction, tug
  • bixar = pulley
  • bixbelar = wagon
  • bixen = drawing, pulling, traction, tugging
  • bixen mil = drawing water
  • bixena = tractive
  • bixer kyayxar = to pull a switch
  • bixer mil = to draw water
  • bixer tepzex bi = to upstage
  • bixer = to draw, to pull, to tug
  • bixfeelk = magnet
  • bixfeelka exnig = magnetic field
  • bixfeelka = ferromagnetic, magnetic
  • bixfeelkakir = magneto
  • bixfeelkan = magnetism
  • bixfeelkay = magnetically
  • bixfeelkeg = lodestone
  • bixfeelkmeg = lodestone
  • bixfeelknagar = magnetometer
  • bixfeelkxen = magnetization, mesmerizing
  • bixfeelkxer = to magnetize, to mesmerize
  • bixfeelkxwa = magnetized, mesmerized
  • bixfeelkxyafwa = magnetizable
  • bixlawa = dragged, grabbed, snatched, yanked

bixlen -- blokuwat

  • bixlen = dragging, grabbing, snatching, yanking
  • bixler = to drag, to grab, to snatch, to yank
  • bixlevel = taffy
  • bixluyt = harpy
  • bixmufyeg = drawbore
  • bixnyiv = drawstring
  • bixpar = jinrikisha, jinriksha, wagon, wain
  • bixpek = tug-of-war
  • bixpir = tractor, tug
  • bixpur drurunes = train ticket
  • bixpur elyanad = train track
  • bixpur exut = train conductor
  • bixpur gixeus = train whistle
  • bixpur jobdraf = train schedule
  • bixpur = locomotive, train
  • bixpur meys = train gate
  • bixpur mup = train tunnel
  • bixpur nad = train line
  • bixpur nax = train fare
  • bixpur pestem = train station
  • bixpur pop = train travel
  • bixpur posem = train station, train stop
  • bixpur sur = train engine
  • bixpur ujgon = caboose
  • bixpur yanpyexrun = train crash
  • bixpur zyined = train platform
  • bixpurbikuut = hostler
  • bixpures = car, carriage, coach, railroad car, train car
  • bixpuresum = compartment, train compartment
  • bixpurexut = motorman
  • bixpurteaxut = anorak
  • bixrawa = ravaged, ripped, torn up, uprooted
  • bixrea = raving
  • bixren = ravaging, uprooting
  • bixrer = to ravage, to rip, to tear, to uproot
  • bixryea = ravenous
  • bixryeay = ravenously
  • bixus = puller
  • bixut = puller
  • bixwa = drawn, pulled
  • bixyaf = traction
  • bixyfeelkeg = magnetite
  • biyxen = pestering, towing, tugging
  • biyxer = to pester, to tow, to tug
  • biyxmep = towpath
  • biyxnux = towage
  • biyxnyif = towline, towrope
  • biyxpur = tow truck
  • biyxwa = towed, tugged
  • blakjak = blackjack
  • blintz = blintz
  • blok = affliction, misery, pathos, suffering, torment
  • -blok = -pathy
  • blokaya = full of suffering, miserable
  • blokayan = dolorousness, misery
  • blokea = miserable, suffering
  • blokean = miserableness
  • blokeay = miserably
  • bloken = suffering, tolerating
  • bloker = to suffer, to thole, to tolerate
  • blokiea = tolerant
  • blokien = taking on suffering, toleration, undergoing suffering
  • blokier taebzyobix = to cramp
  • blokier = to take on suffering, to tolerate, to undergo suffering
  • blokika = full of suffering, miserable
  • blokikan = dolorousness, misery
  • blokiut = sufferer
  • blokiyofwa = insupportable
  • bloktip = compassion, mercy, pity
  • bloktipa = compassionate, merciful, pitiful
  • bloktipuer = to have pity on, to show mercy toward
  • blokuea = afflicting, inflicting, racking
  • blokuen = affliction, inflicting suffering, infliction, tormenting, victimization, victimizing
  • blokuer = to afflict, to inflict suffering on, to make suffer, to rack, to torment, to victimize
  • blokut = sufferer
  • blokuun = cruel act
  • blokuut = tormenter, tormentor, victimizer
  • blokuuut = cruel person
  • blokuwa = afflicted, made to suffer, racked, tormented, victimized
  • blokuwat = afflicted person, victim

blokuwat bi doyov -- bokogruntuna

  • blokuwat bi doyov = victim of crime
  • blokuwat bi fuyix = victim of abuse
  • blokuwatxen = victimization, victimizing
  • blokuwatxer = to victimize
  • blokuwatxut = victimizer
  • blokuwatxwa = victimized
  • blokuyea = afflictive, cruel, inflictive, tormenting
  • blokuyean = cruelness, cruelty
  • blokuyeat = cruel person
  • blokuyeay = cruelly, tormentingly
  • blokwa = suffered, tolerated
  • blokyaf = thole
  • blokyofwa = insufferable, intolerable
  • blokyofwan = intolerability
  • blokyofway = insufferably, intolerably
  • bluen = conferment, conferral, conferring
  • bluesyena = bluesy
  • bluut = conferrer
  • bluwa = conferred
  • blyolul = suppressant
  • boar = prop, support
  • boaslun = rattle
  • bobyebar = sucker, suction device
  • bobyeber = to suck
  • bocce = bocce
  • bogi = bogy
  • bohemdaz = polka
  • bok = condition, disease, illness, malady, sickness
  • -bok = -itis, -pathy
  • boka be ujna joyeb = terminally ill
  • boka = crappy, diseased, ill, infirm, sick
  • bokam bekwat = hospital patient
  • bokam = hospital, infirmary
  • bokam sum = hospital bed
  • bokamben = hospitalization
  • bokamber = to hospitalize
  • bokambesut = inpatient
  • bokambwa = hospitalized
  • bokambwat = hospital patient
  • bokampen = going to a hospital
  • bokamper = to go to a hospital
  • bokamput = hospital visitor
  • bokamtaf = hospital gown
  • bokan = frailness, frailty, illness, infirmity, sickness, unwellness
  • bokat = ill person, sick person
  • bokatim = sickbay, sickroom
  • bokatsim = sickbed
  • bokbier = to bock
  • bokhara naf = buckram
  • bokkyotepa = valetudinarian
  • bokkyotepan = valetudinarianism
  • bokkyotexean = hypochondria
  • bokkyotexeat = hypochondriac
  • bokmul = bacterium, contaminant, germ, infection, pus
  • bokmula = bacterial
  • bokmulaya = germ-ridden
  • bokmulbea = contaminating
  • bokmulben = contamination, infecting, infection, tainting
  • bokmulber = to contaminate, to infect, to taint
  • bokmulbus = contaminator
  • bokmulbwa buyk = furuncle
  • bokmulbwa = contaminated, infected, tainted
  • bokmulika = germ-ridden
  • bokmuluen = suppuration
  • bokmuluer = to suppurate
  • bokmuluka = germ-free
  • bokmululp = pyorrhea
  • bokmululuen = purulence
  • bokmululuyea = purulent
  • bokogrun = bacterium, germ, microbe, pathogen, virus
  • bokogruna = bacterial, microbial, pathogenic, viral
  • bokogrunay = bacterially, microbially, pathogenically, virally
  • bokogrunaya = bacteria-laded, germ-ridden, microbe-laden, virus-filled
  • bokogruni = bacteria
  • bokogrunier = to catch a virus, to get infected
  • bokogrunika = bacteria-laded, germ-ridden, microbe-laden, virus-filled
  • bokogruntojbea = bactericidal, germicidal
  • bokogruntojbul = bactericide, germicide
  • bokogruntun = bacteriology, virology
  • bokogruntuna = bacteriologic, bacteriological

bokogruntut -- bokxwa

  • bokogruntut = bacteriologist, virologist
  • bokogrunuen = infecting, infection
  • bokogrunuer = to infect
  • bokogrunuka = aseptic, bacteria-free, germ-free, microbe-free, virus-free
  • bokogrunukay = aseptically
  • bokogrunukser = to become bacteria-free, to become germ-free, to become virus-free
  • bokogrunuwa = infected
  • bokogrunuyafa = infective
  • bokogrunuyafwa = infectious, possible to catch, viral
  • bokogrunuyafwan = infectiousness, possibility of being caught
  • bokogrunuyea = infectious, virulent
  • bokogrunuyean = infectiousness, virulence
  • bokogrunuyeay = infectiously, virulently
  • bokogrunuyofwa = impossible to catch, non-infectious, non-viral
  • bokogrunvaka = immune
  • bokogrunvakan = immunity
  • bokogrunvaktun = immunology
  • bokogrunvaktuna = immunologic, immunological
  • bokogrunvaktut = immunologist
  • bokogrunvakuen = immunization
  • bokogrunvakuer = to immunize
  • bokogrunvakuwa = immunized
  • bokogrunyaz = abscess
  • bokogrunyaza = abscessed
  • bokogrunyuf = germophobia
  • bokogrunyufa = germophobic
  • bokogrunyufat = germophobe
  • bokova = prophylactic
  • bokovan = prophylaxis
  • bokovar = prophylactic
  • boksea = getting sick, growing ill, growing infirm
  • bokser = to get ill, to get sick, to grow ill, to grow infirm
  • boksiun = symptom
  • boksiuna = symptomatic
  • boksiunay = symptomatically
  • boksiuntun = symptomatology
  • boksiuntuna = symptomatological
  • boksiuntunay = symptomatologically
  • boksiuntut = symptomatologist
  • boksiunyan = syndrome
  • boksiyn = stigma
  • boktosea = liverish
  • boktun = pathology
  • boktuna = pathological
  • boktunay = pathologically
  • boktut = pathologist
  • bokuen = bribing
  • bokul apyex = poison attack
  • bokul = poison, potion, toxin, venin, venom
  • bokula = toxic, venomous
  • bokulan = toxicity
  • bokulay = venomously
  • bokulaya = toxin-filled, venomous
  • bokulien = drinking a potion, taking poison
  • bokulier = to ingest poison oneself, to take poison
  • bokulika = toxin-filled, venomous
  • bokultun = toxicology
  • bokultuna = toxicological
  • bokultut = toxicologist
  • bokuluen = intoxication, poisoning
  • bokuluer = to envenom, to intoxicate, to poison
  • bokulus = intoxicant
  • bokuluut = poisoner
  • bokuluwa = intoxicated, poisoned
  • bokuluyea ayl = poison gas
  • bokuluyea = heady, intoxicant, intoxicating, poisonous
  • bokuluyea sopyet = venomous snake
  • bokuluyea teupixun = poisonous bite
  • bokuluyea vulobun = poisonous sting
  • bokuluyean = headiness, poisonousness
  • bokuluyeay = headily, poisonously
  • bokvyoeker = to malinger
  • bokvyoekut = malingerer
  • bokxag = morbidity
  • bokxea = loathsome, noisome, taxing
  • bokxean = loathsomeness
  • bokxeay = loathsomely
  • bokxer = to make ill, to sicken
  • bokxus = sickener
  • bokxwa = sickened

bokxyea -- bookay

  • bokxyea = sickening
  • bokxyeay = sickeningly
  • bokyexpox = sickout
  • bokzyab = epidemic, pestilence, pestilent, plague
  • bokzyaba = pestilential
  • bokzyabea = bedeviling
  • bokzyaben = infestation, infesting, plaguing
  • bokzyaber = to bedevil, to infest, to plague
  • bokzyabtun = epidemiology
  • bokzyabtuna = epidemiological
  • bokzyabtut = epidemiologist
  • bokzyabus = pest
  • bokzyabwa = bedeviled, infested, metastasized, plagued
  • bokzyap = metastasis
  • bokzyapa = metastatic
  • bokzyaper = to metastasize
  • bol = backing, support
  • bol sexyen = support structure
  • bol zetif = truss
  • bolar = prop, support
  • bolaryan = support structure, system of support
  • bolea = bolstering, supporting, sustaining
  • bolen = bearing, endurance, enduring, holding up, propping up, standing, supporting, sustaining, upholding
  • boler = to bear, to bolster, to endure, to hold up, to prop up, to stanch, to stand, to support, to sustain, to underset, to uphold
  • bolero daz = bolero
  • bolfaib = scaffold
  • bolfaibyan = scaffolding
  • Bolim = Bolivia
  • Bolima = Bolivian
  • Bolimat = Bolivian, inhabitant of Bolivia
  • bolkexen = wooing
  • bolkexer = to woo
  • bolkexut = wooer
  • bolkexwa = wooed
  • Bolliwud = Bollywood
  • bolmuf = column, prop, strut, support
  • bolmufyag = support beam
  • bolmyuf = pillar
  • bolmyufwa = pillared
  • bolonya taofuyf = baloney
  • bolonya taolufyeg = bologna
  • bolsyob = pedestal
  • boluen = sustentation
  • bolukat = waif
  • bolun = prop, support
  • bolut = supporter
  • boluus = sustenance
  • bolwa = bolstered, borne, propped up, supported, sustained, upheld
  • Bolxevin = Bolshevism
  • Bolxevina = Bolshevist
  • Bolxevinut = Boslhevist
  • bolyaf = tolerance
  • bolyafa = tolerant
  • bolyafan = tolerance
  • bolyafay = tolerantly
  • bolyafwa = bearable, endurable, supportable, sustainable, tolerable
  • bolyafwan = bearability, endurability, supportability, tolerability
  • bolyafway = bearably, endurably
  • bolyafyea = enduring, tolerant
  • bolyafyean = tolerance
  • bolyea = bolstering, supportive
  • bolyean = supportiveness
  • bolyeay = supportingly, supportively
  • bolyofa = intolerant
  • bolyofan = intolerance
  • bolyofay = intolerantly
  • bolyofwa = intolerable, unbearable, unendurable, unsupportable, unsustainable
  • bolyofwan = interolerability, intolerability, unbearability
  • bolyofway = intolerably, unbearably
  • bolyofyea = intolerant
  • bolyofyean = intolerance
  • bon = still
  • bonsay = bonsai
  • bonxea = becalming
  • bonxer = to becalm
  • bonxwa = becalmed
  • book = fatigue, weariness
  • booka = fatigued, languid, pooped, tired, weary, worn out
  • bookan = fatigue, languidness, lassitude, tiredness, weariness
  • bookay = languidly, tiredly

bookoya -- boy jwox

  • bookoya = tireless
  • bookoyan = tirelessness
  • bookser = to be weary, to fag, to get tired, to grow fatigued, to poop out
  • bookteasa = haggard
  • bookteasan = haggardness
  • bookteasay = haggardly
  • booktipiva = slaphappy
  • bookuka = tireless
  • bookukan = tirelessness
  • bookukay = tirelessly
  • bookxea = grueling, gruelling, tiring, wearying
  • bookxea mul = pabulum
  • bookxen = tiring
  • bookxer = to beleaguer, to fatigue, to tax, to tire, to tucker, to wear out
  • bookxus = pablum
  • bookxwa = beleaguered, careworn, fatigued, jaded, tired, tuckered out, wearied, worn out
  • bookxwan = jadedness
  • bookxway = jadedly, wearily
  • bookxyofwa = indefatigable
  • bookxyofway = indefatigably
  • boos = tranquility
  • boosa = tranquil
  • boosan = tranquility
  • booser = to be tranquil
  • booxar = tranquilizer
  • booxen = tranquilization
  • booxer = to tranquilize
  • booxul = tranquilizer
  • booxulen = tranquilization
  • booxuluer = to tranquilize
  • booxuluwa = tranquilized
  • booxwa = tranquilized
  • bos = calm, lull, quiet, respite, still
  • bosa = calm, lithe, quiet, sedate, still, stilly
  • bosa mil = still water
  • bosan = calmness, litheness, quiescence, quiet, quietness, quietude, stillness
  • bosay = calmly, lithely, quietly
  • bosea = calming down, quiescent, quieting
  • boseay = quiescently
  • bosen = being calm, being still, quieting
  • boser = to be calm, to be still, to calm down, to quiesce, to quieten
  • bosin = quietism
  • bossa nova = bossa nova
  • bostepa = calm
  • bostepan = calm, calmness of mind
  • bostepay = calmly
  • bostepxea = calming, placatory
  • bostepxen = calming down, humoring, placating
  • bostepxer = to calm down, to humor, to placate
  • bostepxwa = calmed, humored, placated
  • bowa = held up, supported, sustained
  • bowie goblar = bowie knife
  • boxduzun = lullaby
  • boxea = allaying, calming, quelling, quieting, stilling
  • boxen = calming down, quelling, quieting, stilling
  • boxer = to allay, to calm down, to lull, to quell, to quiet, to quieten, to still
  • boxon = lull
  • boxwa = allayed, calmed down, lulled, quelled, quieted, quietened, stilled
  • boxwan = stillness
  • boxyea = quietening
  • boy afdras = without a permit
  • boy apetsim = bareback, barebacked
  • boy = bar, but, except, minus, without
  • boy biel = black, without cream
  • boy byun = with no purpose, without a goal
  • boy byuntex = unintentionally, without intent
  • boy byux = contactless
  • boy drefgos = chadless
  • boy fyaz = charmlessly
  • boy fyin = in vain, uselessly
  • boy hoa vyates = for no rhyme or reason
  • boy ika azon = tentative, tentatively
  • boy jaben = spontaneously
  • boy jatex = ad lib
  • boy jatix = impromptu
  • boy jaxen = ex tempore
  • boy jwaben = ad lib
  • boy jwad = without warning
  • boy jwed = impromptu, without prompting
  • boy jwox = as soon as possible, forthwith, immediately, stat, without delay

boy level -- brokuyeay

  • boy level = unsweetened, without sugar
  • boy noyx = gratuitously
  • boy opyex = defenselessly
  • boy pas = still
  • boy pox = ceaselessly
  • boy syob = without basis
  • boy tef = bareheaded
  • boy tepobosen av = despite, in spite of
  • boy tesden = without explanation
  • boy tuyafi = barehanded
  • boy tyobi oabofwa = barelegged
  • boy tyoyafi = barefoot, barefooted
  • boy uj = eternally, evermore, infinitely, without end
  • boy uja fondras = intestate
  • boy uzpen = straightly
  • boy vensoni = outright, unconditionally, without conditions
  • boy vetex = undoubtedly, without a doubt
  • boy vlotex = doubtless, doubtlessly
  • boy votex = indubitably, no doubt, without a doubt
  • boy vyons = without fail
  • boy yaga vibi = long-stemmed
  • boy yantipuv = without pity
  • boy yek = effortlessly
  • boy yekun = aimlessly, without purpose
  • boy yikson = swimmingly
  • boy yom = neat, no ice, straight up
  • boy yov = shamelessly
  • boyafwa = sustainable
  • boyar = boyar
  • boygos = almost
  • boyk = ailment, bug, complaint, indisposition
  • boyka = ailing, icky, mawkish, moony, out of sorts, peaky, queasy, sickish, sickly, unwell, woozy
  • boykan = mawkishness, queasiness, wooziness
  • boykay = mawkishly, queasily, woozily
  • boykea = ailing
  • boyker = to ail
  • boykser = to be ailing, to be out of sorts, to have a bug
  • boykuer = to ail
  • boykxer = to indispose
  • boykxwa = indisposed
  • boyn = lull, respite
  • boypen = going without
  • boyper = to go without
  • boypiea = forgoing
  • boypier = to forgo
  • boypiut = forgoer
  • boys = absence, lack
  • boysafxer = to let rest
  • boysan = dearth, penuriousness, penury, wantage
  • boysay = penuriously
  • boysea = lacking, missing, wanting
  • boysen = deprivation, lacking, privation
  • boysen uja fondras = intestacy
  • boysena = privative
  • boyser = to be deprived of, to be lacking, to be without, to lack, to miss
  • boystoser = to feel the lack of
  • boysun = lack, lacuna, something missing
  • boysuni = lacunae
  • boyuvsea = grieving the absense of
  • boyuvsen = missing
  • boyxen = deprivation, dispossession, robbery
  • boyxer = to deprive, to dispossess, to take away
  • boyxwa = deprived, dispossessed, robbed
  • bozyaben = bedevilment
  • Brahman = Brahman
  • brakaben = overexposure
  • bratwurst = bratwurst
  • Broadway duez = Broadway musical
  • brok = agony, torture
  • broksen = agonizing, writhing
  • brokser = to agonize
  • brokuen = torturing
  • brokuer = to torture
  • brokuim = torture chamber
  • brokuut = torturer
  • brokuwa = tortured
  • brokuwat = torture victim
  • brokuyea = tortuous
  • brokuyean = tortuosity, tortuousness
  • brokuyeay = tortuously

brokxen -- budatom

  • brokxen = excruciation
  • brokxer = to excruciate
  • brokxyea = agonizing, excruciating
  • brokxyeay = agonizingly, excruciatingly
  • broughampur = brougham
  • brukea = maiming, mutilating
  • bruken = maiming, mangling, mutilating, mutilation
  • bruker = to maim, to mangle, to mutilate
  • brukgoblawa = mangled, mutilated
  • brukgoblen = mangling, mutilation
  • brukgobler = to mangle, to mutilate
  • brukut = mangler, mutilator
  • brukwa = maimed, mangled, mutilated
  • bu abem bi = to the top of
  • bu duhom? = where to?, whereto?
  • bu duhom = whither
  • bu duhot = to whom
  • Bu eta bak! = To your health!
  • bu fyis bi = to the benefit of
  • bu ha oyujan = ad infinitum
  • bu hem = hither, to here
  • bu hiis = hereto
  • bu hom = to nowhere
  • bu hum = hither, thither, thitherto, to there
  • bu hus = thereto
  • bu hya tebikeati = to all whom it may concern
  • bu hyem = to anywhere, to wherever
  • bu hyikum bi = to the same side of
  • bu hyukum bi ha domep = across to the other side
  • bu hyukum bi = to the other side of
  • bu hyum = to somewhere else
  • bu ijem bi = to the start of
  • bu kum = aside, askance
  • bu kum bi = aside
  • bu kun bi = to the side of
  • bu mam = aloft, to the sky
  • bu mikum = ashore
  • bu nod bi = to the point of
  • bu obem bi = to the bottom of
  • bu oyebem = outdoors, to the outside
  • bu oyva kum bi ha domep = to the opposite side of the street
  • bu oyvkum = across to the other side
  • bu oyvkum bi = to the opposite side of
  • bu = to, unto
  • bu ujem bi = to the end of
  • bu yabem = to the upstairs
  • bu yebem = indoors, to the inside
  • bu yibayb = to far above
  • bu yibem = far away, to a distant place
  • bu yibkum bi = to the far side of
  • bu yiboyb = to far below
  • bu yiboyebem bi = to the outer depths of
  • bu yibuj bi = to the far end of
  • bu yibujem bi = to the far ends of
  • bu yibyabem bi = to the far reaches of
  • bu yibyeb = to deep inside
  • bu yibyebem bi = to the inner depths of
  • bu yibyobem bi = to the lower depths of
  • bu yibyuzem bi = to the outer fringes of
  • bu yibzim bi = to the far right of
  • bu yibzum bi = to the far left of
  • bu yobem = downstairs, to the downstairs
  • bu yubem bi = to the vicinity of
  • bu yubkum bi = to the close side of
  • bu zam bi ha domep = to the front of the street
  • bu zam bi = to the front of
  • bu zem bi ha domep = to the middle of the street
  • bu zem bi = to the middle of
  • bu zen bi = the the center of
  • bu zim bi = to the right side of
  • bu zom = astern
  • bu zom bi ha domep = to the back of the street
  • bu zom bi = to the back of
  • bu zum bi = to the left side of
  • buafxen = allocation, allotment, allotting, earmarking
  • buafxer = to allocate, to allot, to earmark
  • buafxun = allocation, allotment
  • buafxwa = allocated, allotted, earmarked
  • Bud = Buddha
  • budatom = pagoda

budel -- buixarpexar

  • budel = proposal
  • budelen = proposing, proposition
  • budeler = to propose
  • budelut = proponent
  • budelwa = proposed
  • Budin atet fyaantinam = lamasery
  • Budin = Buddhism
  • Budin fyated = lama
  • Budina = Buddhist
  • Budina fyam = Buddhist temple
  • Budinut = Buddhist
  • buduzar = harp
  • buduzaren = arpeggio
  • buduzarer = to play the harp
  • buduzarut = harper, harpist
  • buer milpyox = to give a shower
  • buer oefwa fyid = to kibitz
  • buer = to give, to grant, to impart, to issue, to present
  • buer yijmes = to give an opportunity
  • buer yikan = to give static, present difficulty
  • buer yoga dodal bu = to give a short address to
  • buer yuzipea dudi = to stonewall
  • bufab = coconut palm, coconut tree
  • bufeb = coconut
  • bufeb umleovol = macaroon
  • bufebumzen = copra
  • bufel = coconut juice
  • bufyel = coconut oil
  • bui = to-and-fro
  • buiam = exchange, trading house, trading post
  • buibelar = shuttle
  • buibelen = shuttling, transportation, transporting
  • buibelen zen = transport hub
  • buibeler = to shuttle, to transport
  • buibelur = transport vehicle, transporter
  • buibelurkyaxen = transshipment
  • buibelurkyaxer = to transship
  • buibelut = transporter
  • buibelwa = shuttled, transported
  • buibelyafwa = transportable
  • buibelyafwan = transportability
  • buidompur = shuttle bus
  • buidren = correspondence, corresponding
  • buidrenyan = correspondence
  • buidrer = to correspond
  • buidrut = correspondent
  • buiem = market, marketplace
  • buien = bandying, exchange, give-and-take, trade, trading, commerce
  • buien sem = trading table
  • buiendet = trading partner
  • buier = to bandy, to exchange, to give and take, to trade
  • buieyn = barter
  • buiigper = to run to and fro
  • buinuner = to trade
  • buinunut = trader
  • buip = coming-and-going, traffic
  • buipaper = to fly to and fro
  • buipen = going to and fro, hustle and bustle
  • buiper = to go to and fro, to shuttle
  • buipop drurunes = round trip ticket, round-trip ticket
  • buipop = round trip, round-trip
  • buipoper = to travel round trip, to travel round-trip, to travel to-and-fro
  • buipur = shuttle
  • buisen = springing
  • buiser = to spring
  • buisyena = springy
  • buisyenan = springiness
  • buiur = exchanger
  • buiut = trader, tradesman
  • buiuti = tradespeople
  • buiuyt = tradeswoman
  • buiwa = exchanged, traded
  • buix = peristalsis, push-and-pull
  • buixa = peristaltic
  • buixar = spring
  • buixar suem = spring mattress
  • buixar yujlar = spring lock
  • buixarfaof = springboard
  • buixari = springs
  • buixarpexar = springle

buixaryena -- bukxea

  • buixaryena = elastic, springlike
  • buixaryenan = elasticity
  • buixaryenay = elastically
  • buixea = springing
  • buixek = tug-o-war
  • buixen = jerking, pushing-and-pulling, springing
  • buixer = to jerk, to push and pull, to spring
  • buixlar = piston
  • buixnyif = bungee cord
  • buixnyif pusen = bungee jumping
  • buixnyif puser = to bungee jump
  • buixnyif pusut = bungee jumper
  • buixufek = tug-o-war
  • buixufeker = to play tug-o-war
  • buixus = springer
  • buixusyenay = springily
  • buixwa = jerked, sprung
  • buixyea = springy
  • buixyeaxer = to elasticize
  • buixyeaxwa = elasticized
  • buixyenan = springiness
  • buk bi doparpuxrun = gunshot wound
  • buk bi gigoblun = stab wound
  • buk bi oyuvan = pain from emotional isolation
  • buk = harm, injury, trauma, wound
  • bukayan = harmfulness
  • bukbyex = bash
  • bukbyexen = bashing, clobbering
  • bukbyexer = to bash, to clobber
  • bukbyexwa = bashed, clobbered
  • bukden = gibe, gybe
  • buken = wounding
  • buker = to wreak havoc
  • bukes = abrasion, minor injury, scratch
  • bukesier = to be grazed, to get a scratch, to get an abrasion
  • bukesuen = abrading, abrasion, grazing, scratching
  • bukesuer = to abrade, to graze, to scratch
  • bukesuwa = abraded, grazed, scratched up
  • bukesuyea = abrasive
  • bukesuyean = abrasiveness
  • bukesuyeay = abrasively
  • bukeyona = dative
  • bukgoblawa = lacerated
  • bukgoblen = laceration
  • bukgobler = to lacerate
  • bukgoblun = laceration
  • bukien = being wounded, getting injured, sustaining trauma
  • bukier = to be wounded, to get injured, to receive a wound, to sustain trauma
  • bukikan = harmfulness
  • bukjoib = bout
  • bukoya = harmless
  • bukoyan = harmlessness
  • bukpilam = asylum, refuge, sanctuary
  • bukpiler = to take asylum
  • bukpilut = refugee
  • bukpoxul = painkiller
  • bukser = to get injured
  • buktulob = hangnail
  • buktun = traumatology
  • buktuna = traumatological
  • buktut = traumatologist
  • buktyolob = hangnail
  • bukuen = wounding, injuring, scathing
  • bukuer = to inflict a wound, to inflict harm, to inflict injury, to scathe, to wound, to injure
  • bukugul = tocolytic
  • bukuka = harmless, woundless
  • bukukan = harmlessness
  • bukukay = harmlessly
  • bukun = harm, injury, lesion, trauma
  • bukuna = traumatic
  • bukuwa bey doparpuxrun = wounded by gunfire
  • bukuwa = inflicted, wounded, injured, scathed, harmed
  • bukuxea = pernicious
  • bukuyea = scathing, injurious, harmful
  • bukuyeay = scathingly
  • bukvek = risk of harm
  • bukwa = threadbare
  • bukwat bi kyeson = victim of circumstance
  • bukwat = victim, casualty, injured party, injured person
  • bukxea = harming, injuring

bukxea maal -- Burgonya

  • bukxea maal = miasma
  • bukxea uxlus = miasma
  • bukxen = harming, injuring, traumatization
  • bukxer = to harm, to inflect a wound, to injure, to nobble, to traumatize
  • bukxut = injurer
  • bukxwa = crocked, damaged, harmed, hurt, injured, traumatized
  • bukxyea = harmful, injurious
  • bukxyeay = harmfully
  • bukyaf = potential for harm
  • bukyafa = in danger, liable to harm
  • bukyafober = to remove the risk
  • bukyafwa = vulnerable
  • bukyafwan = vulnerability
  • bukyafway = vulnerably
  • bukyafxea = imperiling
  • bukyafxen = imperilment
  • bukyafxer = to imperil
  • bukyafxwa = imperiled
  • bukyea = damaging, hurtful, obnoxious, troubling
  • bukyean = hurtfulness, obnoxiousness
  • bukyeay = hurtfully, obnoxiously
  • bukyeon = dative case
  • bukyikwa = vulnerable
  • bukyikwan = vulnerability
  • bukyofwa = inviolable, inviolate, invulnerable, safe
  • bukyofwan = impossibility of being harmed, inviolability, invulnerability, invulnerably
  • bukyofway = inviolably
  • bukyofxen = keeping safe, protection, waranty
  • bukyofxer = to keep safe, to protect, to shield from danger
  • bukyofxut = guard, guardian, protector, warden
  • bukyofxwam = protectorate
  • bukyofxwat = protegé
  • bukyujun = scab
  • bukyujunaya = scabby
  • bukyujunayan = scabbiness
  • bukyujunika = scabby
  • bukyujunikan = scabbiness
  • bukyujunsea = scabbing
  • bukyujunsen = scabbing
  • bukyujunser = to scab
  • bukyujunxer = to scab
  • bukyujunxwa = scabbed
  • bukyuxyea = vulnerary
  • bukzem = trauma center
  • bul = bestowal, endowment, grant
  • bulea = according, bestowing, endowing, granting
  • bulen = accordance, according, bestowing, endowing, granting
  • buler besafdren = to grant a visa
  • buler = to accord, to bestow, to endow, to grant
  • bulun = bestowal, endowment, grant
  • bulunaktyen = grantsmanship
  • bulut = bestower, endower, granter
  • bulwa = accorded, bestowed, endowed, granted
  • bulwat = grantee
  • bulyean = generosity
  • bulyuka = munificence
  • bulyukan = munificent
  • bulyukay = munificently
  • bum = destination, heading
  • bumerang = boomerang
  • bumpea = destined, headed, heading
  • bumper = to head
  • bun = grant, gratuity, present, gift
  • bundiler givomuv = to bum a cigarette
  • bundiler = to bum
  • bundilut = bum
  • buner = to grant
  • bunko ifek = bunko
  • bunkoek = bunco
  • bunnager = to allocate
  • bunun = grant
  • buobsana = dative
  • buonay = purposely
  • bupat = hummingbird
  • bur = grant, yield
  • Burbon gevil = Bourbon whiskey
  • Burbona gevil = bourbon
  • buren = investiture, yielding
  • burer = to grant, to yield
  • Burgonya = Burgundy

Burgonya vafil -- buylenay

  • Burgonya vafil = burgundy
  • burgonya-alza = burgundy red
  • burka = burka
  • burlesk = burlesque
  • burnus = burnoose
  • burun = grant, yield
  • burwa = yielded, granted
  • busana = dative
  • busea = aiming, heading, on the way
  • buser = to aim at, to be headed to be on the way to head for
  • but = poser, setter
  • butan = butane
  • butyl = butyl
  • butyrat = butyrate
  • buun = donation, gift
  • buunyuznovbwa = gift-wrapped
  • buut bi oefwa fyid = kibitzer
  • buut = giver
  • buvol = cucumber
  • buvolbyel = tzatziki
  • buvolyigz = pickle
  • buwa dyun = first name, given name
  • buwa = given, imparted
  • bux = pulse, push
  • buxar = tappet
  • buxbelar = pushcart
  • buxea = impelling, pushing
  • buxel = bushel
  • buxen = impelling, pushing
  • buxer = to impel, to push
  • buxlawa = driven, shoved
  • buxlea azon = driving force
  • buxlea = driving, impelling, shoving
  • buxlen = driving, shoving
  • buxler suv yeb bu = to drive a nail into
  • buxler = to drive, to shove, to impell
  • buxmuf = goad
  • buxmufxer = to goad
  • buxmufxwa = goaded
  • buxnuf = key, pushbutton
  • buxnufsemes = keyboard
  • buxnufseym = keypad
  • buxpar = push cart, scooter
  • buxram = pump station
  • buxrar = pump
  • buxrar ruduzar = pump organ
  • buxrarwa = pumped
  • buxren = pumping
  • buxrer azul = to pump fuel
  • buxrer maegil = to pump gas
  • buxrer mal = to pump air
  • buxrer mil = to pump water
  • buxrer tiibil = to pump blood
  • buxrer = to pump
  • buxrus = pumper
  • buxrut = pumper
  • buxsim = push chair, pushchair
  • buxus = drive, pusher
  • buxut = pusher
  • buxwa = impelled
  • buxwabekul = pushed
  • buxyea = impellent, pushful, pushy
  • buxyean = pushiness
  • buxyeay = pushily
  • buyabes = bouillabaisse
  • buyk = blemish, bruise, sore
  • buyka = sore
  • buykan = soreness
  • buykay = sorely
  • buykaya = full of sores
  • buyken = bruising, grazing
  • buyker = to blemish, to bruise, to graze
  • buykika = full of sores
  • buykun = bruise, slight injury
  • buykwa = blemished, bruised, grazed, hurt slightly
  • buyl = attribution
  • buylawa = attributed
  • buylen = attributing, attribution
  • buylena = attributive
  • buylenay = attributively

buyler -- byeem

  • buyler = to attribute
  • buylun = attribute
  • buylyafwa = attributable
  • buyr = concession
  • buyrawa = conceded, yielded
  • buyren = conceding, concession, yielding
  • buyrer = to concede
  • buyrun = concession
  • buyufat = scrimp
  • buyuka = generous
  • buyukan = generousness
  • buyukay = generously
  • buyxen = jostling, nudging
  • buyxer = to jostle, to nudge
  • buyxwa = jostled, nudged
  • bwa = placed, posed, put, set
  • bwa yebbu zyus = surrounded
  • bwas = placement, set, setting
  • byaduzar = ukelele
  • byafab = fig tree
  • byafar = clasp, metal fastener
  • byafayeb = fig leaf
  • byafeb = fig
  • byafeb gyalevabil = fig pudding, figgy pudding
  • byafwa = settable
  • byak = hygiene
  • byaka = hygienic
  • byaka kyos = hygienic state
  • byakan = hygienic state
  • byakay = hygienically
  • byaktyen = hygienics
  • byaktyenut = hygienist
  • byalar = lift
  • byalea = lifting
  • byalen = lifting
  • byaler = to lift up
  • byalir = lifting machine
  • byalwa = lifted
  • byaosea = shaking, stumbling, teetering
  • byaosen = shaking, stumbling, teetering
  • byaoser = to shake, to stumble, to teeter
  • byaosut = stumbler
  • byapat = titmouse
  • byarea = arousing, kicky
  • byaren = arousal, arousing
  • byarer = to arouse
  • byarwa = aroused
  • byarwan = horniness
  • byas = stance, standing, stature
  • byasea = erect, raring, standing, upright
  • byasean = erectness
  • byasen = raring, standing
  • byaser = to become erect, to become upright, to rare, to stand, to stand erect, to stand up, to stand upright
  • Byasu! = Stand up!
  • byasyefxwat = standee
  • byavol = artichoke
  • byavulza = artichoke green
  • byax = erection
  • byaxar = stand
  • byaxen = erection, pitching, propping up, righting, setting up
  • byaxena = erectile
  • byaxer dezmos = to set up a stage
  • byaxer siundrof = to stick up a sign
  • byaxer tamof = to pitch a tent
  • byaxer = to erect, to pitch, to prop up, to right, to set up, to set upright, to stand upright, to stick up
  • byaxer tom = to erect a building
  • byaxwa = erected, pitched, propped up, righted, set up, set upright
  • byaxwan = erectness
  • byaxwas = erection, prop, setup, stand
  • byeb = accumulation, pile
  • byebar = accumulator
  • byebea = accumulating, accumulative
  • byeben = accumulation, piling
  • byeber = to accumulate, to pile
  • byebwa = accumulated, piled
  • byebwer = to be stacked, to pile up
  • byebyea = cumulative
  • byeduzar = zither
  • byeduzarut = zitherist
  • byeem = situation

byeema -- byexrer

  • byeema = situational
  • byeemben = situation
  • byeember = to situate
  • byeembwa = situated
  • byeen = mode
  • byeena = modal
  • byeenan = modality
  • byeenay = modally
  • byefab = olive tree
  • byefabmuf = rattan
  • byefabmufxer = to rattan
  • byefeb fub = olive branch
  • byefeb meg = olive pit, olive stone
  • byefeb = olive
  • byefeb yanfabog = olive grove
  • byefmagelar = grill
  • byefmagelwa = grilled
  • byefulza = olive green
  • byefyel = olive oil
  • byek = cure, remedy, sanative
  • byekoya = remediless
  • byeksam = convalescence home
  • byeksea = convalescent, recovering
  • byeksen = convalescence, recovering, recovery, recuperation
  • byeksena = recuperative
  • byekser = to convalesce, to cure, to heal, to recover, to recuperate
  • byeksim = convalescence ward, recovery room
  • byektun = healing science, medicine
  • byektuna = medical
  • byektut = doctor, medic, physician
  • byekuka = remediless
  • byekxea = curing, healing, recovering, remedying
  • byekxen = curing, healing, remedying
  • byekxer = to cure, to heal, to remedy
  • byekxut = doctor, healer
  • byekxwa = cured, healed, recovered, remedied
  • byekxyafwa = curable, remediable
  • byekxyafwan = curability, remediability
  • byekxyafwat = curable patient
  • byekxyea = curative, healing, remedial, restorative
  • byekxyeay = remedially
  • byekxyofwa = incurable, irremediable
  • byekxyofwan = irremediability, untreatability
  • byekxyofway = incurably, irremediably
  • byekyxofwat = incurable patient
  • byem = position
  • byema = positional
  • byembar = positioner
  • byemben = positioning
  • byember = to position
  • byembwa = positioned
  • byempen = positioning oneself
  • byemper = to position oneself
  • byemser = to be positioned, to be situated
  • byemsiyn = cursor
  • byemxen = positioning
  • byemxer = to position
  • byemxwa = positioned
  • byen = manner, style, way
  • byeun = keepsake
  • byevol = chili pepper
  • byex = bat, beat, knock, rap, tap
  • byexar = bat, knocker
  • byexarer = to bat
  • byexegeay = pit-a-pat, pitapat
  • byexen = knocking, rapping, tapping
  • byexer = to knock, to rap, to tap
  • byexerer = to pit-a-pat, to pitapat
  • byexes igan = pulse rate
  • byexes nagar = pulse-meter
  • byexes = pulse
  • byexesaya = pulsatory
  • byexesea = pulsatile, pulsating, pulsing
  • byexesen = battering, pulsation, pulsing, saltation
  • byexeser = to batter, to pulsate
  • byexesika = pulsatory
  • byexesmar = pulsar
  • byexeswa = battered
  • byexovxul = antiknock
  • byexrer = to lam

byexsag -- byokayan

  • byexsag = par
  • byexun = knock
  • byexuzra = slaphappy
  • byexwa bey ha mapil = storm-tossed
  • byexwa = knocked, tapped
  • byexwil = frappé
  • byeyxut = tapper
  • Byi duhogla job et peseye? = How long have you been waiting?
  • byi duhogla job? = for how long?, since how long?
  • Byi duhoj...? = Since when...?
  • Byi duhom et peseye? = How long have you been waiting?
  • byi ej = from here on out, from now on, henceforth, henceforward
  • byi = from the point of, originating with, starting with
  • byi ha jobij = always, forever, since the beginning of time
  • byi hij = from now on, henceforth, hereafter
  • byi hij zay = from now on, from this point forward, henceforth
  • byi him = starting here
  • byi hoj = since the time that
  • byi huj = since then
  • byi hum = from that point on, starting there
  • byi morij = forever, since forever, since the beginning of time, since time immemorial
  • byi van = since
  • -byia = -originating
  • byiduzar = lyre
  • byiduzarut = lyre player
  • byifab = aspen, plum tree, rattan
  • byifeb = plum
  • byifel = plum juice
  • byifyalza = plum violet
  • byifyaylza = mauve
  • byifyel = plum jam
  • byifyeyl = plum jelly
  • byim = origin, provenance, source
  • byima = original
  • byimil = spring water
  • byimilbakam = spa
  • byimip = brook, spring
  • byimol = origin
  • byimola fyox = original sin
  • byimola = original
  • byimolan = originality
  • byimolay = originally
  • byimser = to originate
  • byimxen = origination, sourcing
  • byimxer = to originate, to source
  • byimxwa = originated, sourced
  • byin extuundren = source code
  • byin = origin, source
  • byina = original
  • byinod = point of origin
  • byion = cause
  • byipea = originating
  • byiper = to originate
  • byisea bi = stemming from
  • byisea = deriving, emanating, originating, springing, stemming
  • byisen = derivation, emanating, emanation, origination, springing up, stemming
  • byisena = derivational
  • byisena dunaun = derivational morpheme
  • byiser = to derive from, to emanate, to originate, to spring up, to stem from
  • byiun = stem
  • byiunser bi = to stem from
  • byivol = okra
  • byixea = deriving
  • byixen = derivation, deriving, origination
  • byixena = derivational
  • byixer = to derive, to originate
  • byixun = derivation, derivative
  • byixut = originator
  • byixwa = derivative, derived, emanated, originated, sprung, stemmed
  • -byixwa = -genic
  • byixyafwa = derivable
  • byoduzar = mandolin
  • byofab = pomegranate tree
  • byofeb = pomegranate
  • byofel = grenadine
  • byok = angina, dolor, pain
  • byoka = pain-related
  • byokay = painfully
  • byokaya = dolorous, painful
  • byokayan = painfulness

byokea -- byoxut

  • byokea = hurting, painful, sore
  • byoken = being in pain, hurting, smarting
  • byoker = to be in pain, to be sore, to hurt, to smart
  • byokgoxyafa = lenitive
  • byokgoxyafan = lenity
  • byokien = hurting, smarting, suffering pain
  • byokier = to hurt, to suffer pain
  • byokika = dolorous, painful
  • byokikan = painfulness
  • byokikay = dolorously
  • byoknoxuer = to charge a fine, to charge a penalty
  • byoknoyxier = to pay a fine, to pay a penalty
  • byoknoyxuer = to impose a fine, to levy a fine
  • byokobea = painkilling, paregoric
  • byokobena = analgesic
  • byokober = to relieve pain
  • byokobil = analgesic, pain reliever, painkiller
  • byokobila = analgesic
  • byokobul = analgesic, painkiller, paregoric
  • byokotos = analgesia
  • byokoya = pain-free, painless
  • byokoyan = impunity, painlessness
  • byokpyexegen = flogging
  • byokpyexeger = to flog
  • byokpyexegut = flogger
  • byokser = to be in pain
  • byoktojbul = narcotic
  • byoktojbula = narcotic
  • byoktojbulay = narcotically
  • byoktojbuluen = narcotization
  • byoktojbuluer = to narcotize
  • byokuea = pain-inducing, painful, punishing
  • byokuen = inflicting pain, punishment
  • byokuer = to induce pain, to inflict pain, to punish
  • byokuka = pain-free, painless
  • byokukan = impunity, painlessness
  • byokukay = painlessly, with impunity
  • byokuwa = punished
  • byokuyea = pain-inducing
  • byokuyeay = riotously
  • byokuyofwa = nonpunishable
  • byokxen = making painful, making sore
  • byokxer = to make painful, to make sore
  • byokyagfen = pine, pining
  • byokyagfer = to pine
  • byokyefien = expiation
  • byokyefiena = expiatory
  • byokyefier = to expiate a punishment, to expiate one's punishment, to pay a fine, to pay a penalty
  • byokyefiwa = expiated
  • byokyefiyafwa = expiable
  • byokyefuen = chastisement
  • byokyefuer = to chastise, to impose a punishment
  • byokyefuwa = chastised
  • byolea = suppressing
  • byolen = suppressing, suppression
  • byoler = to suppress
  • byolus = suppressor
  • byolut = suppressor
  • byolwa = suppressed
  • byolyafwa = suppressible
  • byolyea = suppressive
  • byook = throe, throes
  • byopat = wren
  • byosea = hanging
  • byosen = hanging
  • byoser = to hang
  • byoskyin = bob, pendulum, plumb
  • byosmuf = trapeze, trapezium
  • byosun = tailpiece
  • byovol = gherkin
  • byoxar = hanger
  • byoxen = hanging
  • byoxer = to hang
  • byoxgrun = hanger
  • byoxnyif = hangman's rope, noose
  • byoxtojben = execution by hanging
  • byoxtojber = to execute by hanging
  • byoxtojbut = executioner
  • byoxtub = gibbet
  • byoxut = hangman

byoxwa faof -- byunxwa

  • byoxwa faof = scaffold
  • byoxwa faofyan = scaffolding
  • byoxwa = hanged, hung
  • byoxwa sum = hammock
  • byoxwas = uvula
  • byoxwasa ro = uvular r
  • byoxwasa = uvular
  • byoyk = ache, fine, minor pain, pang, penalty
  • byoyk bi teb = headache
  • byoyk bi teeb byoyk = earache
  • byoyk bi tikeb = bellyache, stomachache
  • byoyk bi zotib = backache
  • byoykaya = achy
  • byoykea = aching, hurting slightly
  • byoyken = aching, hurting slightly
  • byoyker = to ache, to hurt slightly
  • byoykika = achy
  • byoykmays = stocks
  • byoykuen = fining, imposing a penalty, penalizing
  • byoykuer = to fine, to impose a penalty, to penalize
  • byoykuwa = fined, penalized
  • byoys = droop, sag, slouch, wilt, wither
  • byoysea = drooping, sagging, wilting, withering
  • byoyseay = witheringly
  • byoysen = drooping, sagging, slouching
  • byoyser = to droop, to fag, to sag, to slouch, to wilt, to wither
  • byoysyea = droopy, saggy, slouchy
  • byoysyean = droopiness
  • byoyx = suspense
  • byoyxar = suspender
  • byoyxen = suspension
  • byoyxer = to suspend
  • byoyxwa = suspended
  • byu = as far as, up to
  • byu duhogla job...? = for how long...?
  • byu duhoj...? = for how long...?
  • byu ej = heretofore, thus far, up to the present
  • byu ha domep = as far as the street, up to the street
  • byu ha jobuj = for eternity, forever, until the end of time
  • byu ha uj = until the end
  • byu hij = heretofore, hereunto, so far, up to now
  • byu him = this far, up to here
  • byu huj = theretofore, until then
  • byu hum = that far, up to there
  • byu hyaj = forever
  • byu jobuj = forever, until the end of time
  • byu van = till, up to the point where
  • byua = bound, destined, headed
  • -byua = -bound, -headed, -ward
  • byuduzar = cithara, kithara
  • byuea = attaining
  • byuen = attainment
  • byuer = to attain
  • byufab = cinnamon
  • byufayol = cinnamon
  • byufel = cola drink
  • byuigper = to run up to
  • byumser = to be bound, to be targeted
  • byumxer = to aim for
  • byumxwa = aimed, bound, destined
  • byumxwer = to be targeted
  • byun = aim, goal, objective, target
  • byun bi fyox = target of evil
  • byunedgoblawa = razed
  • byunedgoblen = razing
  • byunedgobler = to raze
  • byunod = aim, target
  • byunoya = aimless, purposeless
  • byunoyan = aimlessness, purposelessness
  • byuntex = aim, intent, purpose
  • byuntexer = to aim, to aim to intend, to intend to
  • byuntexwa = intended, intentional, intentioned
  • byuntexway = intentionally
  • byunuka = aimless, purposeless
  • byunukan = aimlessness, purposelessness
  • byunx = intention
  • byunxea = aiming, intending, targeting
  • byunxen = aiming, intending, targeting
  • byunxer = to aim, to home in on, to intend, to target
  • byunxwa = aimed, intended, intentional, targeted

byunxwa av -- byuyofwa

  • byunxwa av = targeted for
  • byunxwan = intentionality
  • byunxway = intentionally
  • byunzenod = bull's eye, bullseye
  • byuon = aim, end, purpose
  • byuona = purposive
  • byuonay = expediently, purposely
  • byuonaya = expedient, purposeful
  • byuonika = expedient, purposeful
  • byuonikan = expediency, purposefulness
  • byuonikay = purposefully
  • byuonoya = inexpedient, purposeless
  • byuonser = to be aimed, to be aimed at, to be destined, to be for the purpose of, to be targeted
  • byuontun = teleology
  • byuontuna = teleological
  • byuontunay = teleologically
  • byuontut = teleologist
  • byuonuka = inexpedient, purposeless
  • byuonukan = inexpedience, inexpediency, purposefulness
  • byuonukay = purposelessly
  • byuonxen = aiming
  • byuonxer = to aim, to purpose
  • byuonxwa = aimed, purposed
  • byup = orientation
  • byupea = heading for, oriented
  • byupem = direction
  • byupen = orientation
  • byuper = to be destined for, to be oriented toward, to head for, to orient oneself
  • byus = contact, encounter
  • byusen = encountering
  • byuser = to come into contact with, to contact, to encounter, to meet, to reach
  • byuuj = aim, objective
  • byuujea = ending up
  • byuujen = ending up
  • byuujer = to end up
  • byuun = objective
  • byuwa = attained
  • byux = contact, touch
  • byuxa = tactile
  • byuxan = tactility
  • byuxar = button, feeler, key, touchkey
  • byuxarbyex = keystroke
  • byuxarer = to key
  • byuxarsemes = keyboard
  • byuxarsemesut = keyboarder, keyboardist
  • byuxarseym = keypad
  • byuxarwa = keyed
  • byuxea = reaching
  • byuxen = contacting, reaching, touching
  • byuxer = to contact, to reach out and touch
  • byuxmays = touchscreen
  • byuxnad = touchline
  • byuxrawa = kicked
  • byuxren = kicking
  • byuxrer = to kick
  • byuxrun = kick
  • byuxtup = tentacle
  • byuxtupika = tentacled
  • byuxuka = contact-free
  • byuxvub = tentacle
  • byuxvubika = tentacled
  • byuxwa = contacted, touched
  • byuxyafwa = touchable
  • byuxyofwa = untouchable
  • byuxyofwat = untouchable
  • byuyafwa = attainable, reachable
  • byuyafwan = attainability, reachability
  • byuyofwa = unattainability, unreachable