Mirad Lexicon/English-Mirad-A
a. -- a short way through
- a. = a.
- a = a, awa
- A = aga, aganak
- a bit = glanes, glos
- a bit of food = glanes bi tel, glos bi tel
- a certain amount = hegan, heglas
- a certain amount of time = hegan job, hegla job
- a certain female = heyt
- a certain female's = heyta
- a certain form of = hesana
- a certain = hea, heawa
- a certain kind of = hesauna, heyena
- a certain number = hesag
- a certain number of people = hegla tobi, hesag tobi
- a certain person = heawa tob, heawat, het, hetob
- a certain person who = heawat ho, het ho
- a certain person whom = heawat ho
- a certain person's = heta, hetoba
- a certain thing = heawa sun, heawas
- a certain thing that = heawas ho
- a cubic meter per kilogram = minak-gar-iwa-gol-kinak-ge
- a different amount = hyuglas
- a different amount of = hyugla
- a different direction = hyuizon
- a different kind of = hyugela, hyusauna
- a different number = hyuglasi
- a different number of = hyugla
- a different number of people = hyuglati
- a different number of times = hyugla jodi
- a different sort of = hyuyena
- a different sort of person = hyuyenat
- a different sort of thing = hyuyenas
- a different way = hyumep
- a few things = glosi
- a find = kaxwas
- a goodbye = hoyd
- a great deal = glas
- a great deal of = glas bi
- a hello = hayd
- a hundred years old = asonjaga
- a la-di-da = vit
- a little bit = glos
- a little = glos
- a long time after that = yag jo hus
- a long time ago = glajay, ja gla job, ja glaj, yagajay, yibajay, yibja
- a long time from now = gla jo his, yag jo his, yibjo
- a long time from then = gla jo hus, yibjo huj
- a long time hence = gla jo his
- a long time hereafter = gla jo his
- a long time thence = gla jo hus
- a long time thereafter = gla jo hus, yag jo hus
- a long time = yagjob
- a long way across = gla zey
- a long way ahead = gla zay, yibzay
- a long way around = yuzyiba
- a long way back = gla zoy
- a long way down = gla yob
- a long way in = gla yeb, yagyeb
- a long way out = gla oyeb, yagoyeb
- a long way through = gla zye, yagzye, yibzye, zyeyiba
- a long way up = gla yab, yagyab, yibyab
- a lot = gla, glas
- a lot of = glas bi
- a lot of time = glajob
- a match = ges
- a matter of necessity = efson
- a move down = yopas
- a move up = yapas
- a- = -oya, -uka, o-
- a please = hyed
- a posteriori = bi joesun
- a second time = ea jod
- a seventh = yeyon
- a short way across = glo zey, yogzey, yubzey
- a short way ahead = glo zay, yogzay, yubzay
- a short way back = glo zoy, yogzoy, yubzoy
- a short way down = glo yob, yogyob, yubyob
- a short way in = glo yeb, yogyeb, yubyeb
- a short way out = glo oyeb, yogoyeb, yuboyeb
- a short way through = glo zye, yogzye, yubzey
a short way up -- ability to smell
- a short way up = glo yab, yogyab, yubyab
- a short while ago = ja glo job, ja gloj, ja yogjob, yubja
- a slew of = ganag bi, glas bi
- a strange thing = hyuyenas
- a sufficient number of people = greti
- a tad bit = gos
- a thank-you = hyayd
- a while = joyb
- a word of thanks = hyayd
- aardvark = nyopot
- abacus = gabar
- abandoned = anlafxwa, lobexlawa, zopiwa
- abandoned item = lobexlawas, lobexlun
- abandoned person = lobexlawat
- abandoner = lobexlut, lobexut, zopiut
- abandoning = lobexlea, lobexlen, zopien
- abandonment = anlafxen, lobexlen
- abased = yobnabxwa
- abasement = yobnabxen
- abashed = yovaxwa
- abashedly = yovaxway
- abashment = yovaxen
- abated = obnogxwa
- abatement = obnogxen
- abating = obnogxea
- abattoir = pottojbam
- abbacy = fyaantineban
- abbess = fyaantineyb
- abbey = fyaantinab, fyaantinam
- abbot = fyaantineb
- abbreviated name = yogdyun
- abbreviated = yogdrawa, yogxwa
- abbreviating = yogdrea, yogxea
- abbreviation = yogdren, yogdrun, yogxen
- abdicated = dabobiwa, tebuzobiwa
- abdication = dabobien, debsimopen, simopen, tebuzobien
- abdomen = tiuyb
- abdominal = tiuyba
- abducted = apuxwa, azbirwa, kopixlawa, yipixrawa
- abducting = apuxen, kopixlen, yipixren
- abduction = apuxen, kopixlen, yipixren
- abductor = azbirut
- abecedarian = ijtisut
- aberrant = loizpea, odofiza, oega, vyopea
- aberration = loizpen, odofizan, oegan, vyopen
- aberrational = loizpyea, vyopyea
- abetment = yovyux
- abetted = yovyuxwa
- abetter = yovyuxut
- abetting = yovyuxen
- abettor = yovyuxut
- abeyance = poys, yakkyos
- abhored = uflawa
- abhorred = uflawa
- abhorrence = uflawan, uflen
- abhorrent = uflawa
- abhorrently = uflaway
- abidance = yuvlasen
- abiding = kyojesea, kyojesen, yuvlasea, yuvlasyea
- abidingly = kyojeseay, ovbexeay
- ability to accept = vabiyaf
- ability to adapt = nabsyaf
- ability to be smelled = teityafwan
- ability to discern = yoneatyaf
- ability to feel = tayotyaf, tosyaf
- ability to get in = yepyaf
- ability to go = pyafan
- ability to hear = teetyaf
- ability to impress = dretxyaf, tepuxlyaf
- ability to know = tyaf
- ability to last = jesyaf
- ability to learn = tisyaf
- ability to make things out = yoneatyaf
- ability to reason = vyatexyaf
- ability to recall = taxyaf
- ability to recognize = triyaf
- ability to remember = taxyaf
- ability to see = teatyaf
- ability to sleep = tujyaf
- ability to smell = teityaf
ability to speak -- about to erupt
- ability to speak = dalyaf
- ability to taste = teutyaf
- ability to understand = testyaf
- ability = yaf, yafan
- abject = hyafua
- abject poverty = nasuklan
- abjectly = hyafuay
- abjuration = fyavyoden, lofen
- abjuratory = fyavyodena, lofena
- abjured = fyavyodwa, lofwa
- abjurer = fyavyodut, lofut
- abjuring = fyavyoden, lofen
- Abkhazian = Abakid
- Abkhazian speaker = Abakidalut
- ablated = ibabaxra
- ablating = ibabaxrea
- ablation = ibabaxren
- ablative = biduna, bikyeona, bisana
- ablative case = bikyeon
- ablaze = magsea
- able to accept = vabiyafa
- able to be smelled = teityafwa
- able to comprehend = testyafa
- able to feel = tayotyafa
- able to go = pyafa
- able to hear = teetyafa
- able to last = jesyafa
- able to learn = tisyafa
- able to make things out = yoneatyafa
- able to move = kyapyafa, pasyafa
- able to read Arabic = Aradyeyafa
- able to read = dyeyafa
- able to see = teatyafa
- able to serve = yuxlyafa
- able to smell = teityafa
- able to speak = dalyafa
- able to understand = testyafa
- able to vote = dokebidyafa
- able to walk = tyopyafa
- -able to = -yafa
- able = yafa
- -able = -yafwa
- abloom = vosea
- abluted = ibvyilxwa
- ablution = fyavyixlen, ibvyilxen
- ably = yafay
- abnegated = lobiwa, vobiwa
- abnegation = lobien, vobien
- abnormal = oega, oegsauna, ozeta
- abnormality = oegan, oegsaunan, oegun, ozetan
- abnormally = oegay, oegsaunay, ozegay
- aboard = ab, abwa
- abode = besam, embesam, tam, tejam
- abolished = losyemxwa, onxwa
- abolisher = losyemxut, onxut
- abolishing = losyemxen, onxen
- abolishment = losyemxen, onxen
- abolition = losyemxen
- abolitionism = losyemxin
- abolitionist = loxyemxinut
- abominable = ufryafwa
- abomination = ufran
- aboriginal = tajmema
- aborigine = tajmemat
- aborted = jwaujbwa, lotijbwa
- aborting = jwaujbea, jwaujben, lotajbea, lotajben
- abortion clinic = jwaujbam, lotajbam
- abortion = jwaujben, lotajben
- abortionist = jwaujbut, lotajbut
- abortive = jwaujbyea, lotajbyea, oiksanxwa, oujaka, yogxea
- abortively = jwaujbyeay, lotajbyeay, oujakay
- abounded = iklaxwa
- abounding = iklasea
- about = ayv, be syin bi, be vyen bi, be vyeson bi, vyel, vyelea, yuz bi
- about to assume power = doyafioa
- about to become a citizen = ditsoa
- about to blow up = yonpapoa
- about to die = tojoa
- about to end = ujpoa
- about to erupt = oyepusloa
about to explode -- abstemious
- about to explode = yonpapoa, yonpyexroa
- about to go extinct = lojesoa, magujoa, tejipoa
- about to pass out = teptujpoa
- about to rain = mamiloa
- about to sneeze = teipyuxloa
- about to take office = doyafioa
- above all = ayb hyas
- above average = ayb zenag, yabzesaga
- above = ayb
- above the city = ayb ha dom
- above the ground = ayb ha mem
- above the street = ayb ha domep
- aboveboard = yija
- above-ground = aybmela
- above-mentioned = huua, jwakudwa
- above-the-line mark = aybsiyn
- abraded = bukesuwa, ibabaxrawa
- abrading = bukesuen, ibabaxren
- abrasion = bukes, bukesuen, ibabaxren, ibabaxrun
- abrasive = abaxryea, bukesuyea, ibabaxryea
- abrasively = abaxryeay, bukesuyeay, ibabaxryeay
- abrasiveness = bukesuyean, ibabaxryean
- abreast = be kum bi hyuit, yez
- abridged = yogxwa
- abridgement = yogxen
- abridging = yogxea
- abroad = be oyebmem, oyebmema
- abrogated = doonxwa
- abrogating = doonxea, doonxen
- abrogation = doonxen
- abrogator = doonxut
- abrupt = yogja
- abruptly = yogjay
- abruptness = yogjan
- abscess = bokogrunyaz
- abscessed = bokogrunyaza
- abscinded = obgoflawa
- abscinding = obgoflen
- absconded = yovpiya
- absconder = yovpiut
- absconding = yovpien
- absence = boys, oejan, oejen, oteepen, yibesen
- absence of fat = tayabukan
- absence of merit = fyinoyan, fyinukan
- absent = oeja, oejasea, oteepea
- absentee = oejasut, oteeput
- absenteeism = oejasutan, oteeputyen
- absentia = oejasen
- absenting = oejasea
- absently = oejay
- absent-minded = otepejea
- absentmindedly = otepejeay
- absentmindedness = otepejean
- absinthe = ulzfil
- absolute = ayna, fika, ofinuwa, oneada, oujnadxwa, ovensona, vyira
- absolute certainty = vratan, vratwan
- absolutely = aynay, fikay, ofinuway, oneaday, oujnadxway, ovensonay, vlay
- absolutely certain = vrata, vratwan
- absolutely no = vlo
- absolutely not = vloy
- absolutely yes = vla
- absoluteness = aynan, fikan, ofinuwa, oneadan, oujnadxwan, ovensonan, vlaan
- absolution = loyovdelen
- absolutism = oneadin
- absolutist = oneadina, oneadinut
- absolved = loyovdelwa
- absolving = loyovdelea, loyovdelen
- absorbed = iliwa, yebiliwa, yebniwa
- absorbency = iliyafwan, iliyean, yebiliyafwan, yebiliyean, yebniyafwan, yebniyean
- absorbent = iliyea, yebiliyea, yebniyea
- absorber = iliar, yebiliar, yebniar
- absorbing cloth = ilbiov
- absorbing energy = azulien
- absorbing = ilbien, ilbilea, yebiliea, yebilien, yebniea, yebnien
- absorbingly = ilbileay, yebileay, yebnieay
- absorption = ilbien, yebilien, yebnien
- absorptive = ilbiyea, yebiliyea, yebniyea
- abstainer = ibsut, oejesut, oxut
- abstaining = ibsea, oejesea, oejesen, oxea, oxen
- abstemious = ogratilea
abstemiously -- accentuation
- abstemiously = ogratileay
- abstemiousness = ogratilean, ogratilen
- abstention = oejasen, ox, oxean, oxen
- abstergent = vyixea
- abstinence = ibsean
- abstinent = ibsea
- abstract = ovyasma, yontyuna
- abstracted = otepzexwa, yontyunxwa
- abstractedly = otepzexway, ovyasmay
- abstractedness = otepzexwan, ovyasman
- abstracting = yontyunxen
- abstraction = ovyasmul, yontyun, yontyunxen
- abstractionism = ovyasmin
- abstractionist = ovyasmina
- abstractly = ovyasmay, yontyunay
- abstractness = ovyasman, yontyunan
- abstruse = testyofwa
- abstrusely = testyofway
- abstruseness = testyofwan
- absurd = tesuzra
- absurdism = tesuzrun
- absurdity = tesuzran
- absurdly = tesuzray
- absurdness = tesuzran
- abundance = glagan
- abundant = glaga
- abundantly = glagay
- abuse = fubek, fuyix, vyobeken, vyoyix
- abused = fubekwa, fuyixwa, vyobekwa, vyoyixwa
- abused person = fubekwat
- abuser = fubekut, fuyixut, vyobekut, vyoyixut
- abusing = fubeken, fuyixen, vyobeken
- abusing public trust = doyaffuyixen
- abusive comment = apyexlea kud
- abusive = fubekyea, fuyixyea
- abusively = fubekyeay, fuyixyeay
- abusiveness = fubekyean, fuyixyean
- abutment = kubol
- abutted = kubolwa
- abutting = kubolea, kunadsea
- abuzz = apeladea
- abysm = yozmel
- abysmal = ginfua, yozmela
- abysmally = ginfuay, yozmelay
- abyss = gumel, yozmel
- abyssal = gumela, yozmela
- Ac = acalk
- a.c. = z.m., zaokyasea makilp
- acacia tree = rufab, ryefab
- academe = tutmirat
- academia = tutaman, tutmir, tutyan
- academian = tutmirat
- academic = tutama
- academical = tutamyena
- academically = tutamyenay
- academician = tutamat, tutmirat
- academy of arts = tutam bi tuzi
- academy of sciences = tutam bi multuni
- academy = tutam
- acanthus = yolavos
- accede = yepuer5
- acceded to = vabuwa
- acceded = yempuwa, yepuwa
- accelerant = igraxul
- accelerated = igraxwa, igxwa
- accelerating = igraxen, igsea, igxen
- acceleration = igraxen, igsen, igxen
- accelerator = igar
- accelerometer = igraxnagar
- accent = deus, kyib, kyid, seuxdyen
- accent mark above = aybdresiyn
- accent mark below = oybdresiyn
- accent mark = kyidsiyn
- accented = aybdresiynbwa, deusbwa, deusika, kyidsiynbwa
- accent-free = deusoya, deusuka, kyidsiynuka
- accenting = abdresiynben, deusben, kyidsiynben
- accentual = kyiba
- accentuated = deusbwa, kyidwa
- accentuating = kyidea
- accentuation = deusben, kyiden
acceptability -- accurate
- acceptability = vabiyafan, vabiyafwan
- acceptable = vabiyafwa
- acceptableness = vabiyafwan
- acceptably = vabiyafway
- acceptance = vabien
- acceptation = vabien
- accepted = vabiwa
- accepter = vabiut
- accepting = vabiea
- acceptor = vabiut
- access point = yempuem nod
- access = yempuen, yepaf, yepyaf
- accessary = yansunes, yuxun
- accessibility = yempuyafwan, yepyafwan
- accessible = yempuyafwa, yepyafwa
- accession = vabuen, yempuen, yepuen
- accessorized = yansunesuwa
- accessorizing = yansunesuen
- accessory = yandoyovxut, yansunes
- accidence = dunujuni, sankyaxen
- accident = fukyes, fuxaj, kyeux
- accidental discovery = kyekax
- accidental = fukyesa, fuxaja, kyeuxea
- accidentally = fukyesay, fuxajay, kyeuxeay
- acclaimed = fiteudwa
- acclaiming = fiteudea
- acclamation = fiteud, fiteuden
- acclimated = gelsanxwa
- acclimating = gelsansea
- acclimation = gelsanxen
- acclimatization = jebmaalyenxen, jebmanyenxen
- acclimatized = jebmaalyenxwa, jebmanyenxwa
- acclivity = yabkin
- accolade = fizden
- accommodated = datibwa, embuwa, nigafxwa, yukomxwa
- accommodating = datibea, embuea, nigafxea, yukomxea
- accommodation = datiben, embuen, nigafxen, yukomxen
- accompanied = baypya, detxwa, yanpya
- accompaniment = baypen, detxenm yanpen
- accompanist = bayput, detxut, yanput
- accompanying = baypea, baypen, detxea, detxen, yanpea, yanpen
- accomplice = ujlut, xaldet, xalut
- accomplished = tyea, ujakwa, ujlawa, xalika, xalwa
- accomplishing = ujakea, ujaken, ujlea, ujlen, xalea, xalen
- accomplishment = ujak, ujlen, ujlun, uljawas, xal, xalun
- accord = ebvayb, yantex, yantexdraf
- accordance = bulen, ebvayben, yantex
- accorded = bulwa, vaybuwa
- according = bulea, bulen, vaybuen
- according to = be duni bi, dwa bey, jopea, yantexea bu
- accordingly = vaybuea hus
- accordion = ryoduzar
- accordionist = ryoduzarut
- accosted = kunyupya
- account = diin, syagdrav, xwad
- account sheet = syagdrayef
- accountability = dudyef, dudyefan
- accountable = dudyefa
- accountancy = syagdravtyen, syagdravutan
- accountant = nassyagdravut, syagdravut
- accounted for = savuwa, syagdwa
- accounting = syagdravtyen
- accounts = syagdravyan
- accreditation = nazvyaben
- accredited = nazvyabwa
- accretion = yangaxen, yangaxun
- accrual = akgaxen
- accrued = akgaxwa
- accruing = akgasea, akgaxea
- acculturated = tezuwa
- acculturating = teziea
- acculturation = tezien, tezuen
- accumulated = byebwa, nyaxwa
- accumulating = byebea, nyasea, nyaxen
- accumulation = byeb, byeben, nyaxen, nyaxun
- accumulation of wealth = nyazbyeben
- accumulative = byebea, nyaxea
- accumulator = byebar, nyaxar
- accuracy = vyavan
- accurate = vyava
accurately -- acreage
- accurately = vyavay
- accurateness = vyavan
- accursed = fyodwa
- accursedness = fyodwan
- accusal = veyovden
- accusation = veyovden
- accusative = izsyuna
- accusatory = veyovdea
- accused = veyovdwa, veyovdwat
- accuser = veyovdut
- accusingly = veyovdeay
- accustomed = jubyenuwa, tezyenuwa, tyodbyenuwa
- accustomization = jubyenuwa, tyodbyenuen
- ace = az
- ace of clubs = az bi infayebi
- ace of diamonds = az bi amezi
- ace of hearts = az bi tiibi
- ace of spades = az bi melukari
- acerbic = tepyenyiga, teusyiga
- acerbically = tepyenyigay
- acerbity = tepyenyigan, teusyigan
- acetaminophen = cayinheyunnioelk
- acetate = encainheenolayt, yifvafilat
- acetic acid = helka zil
- acetic = yigvafila
- acetone = incaheyaolk, incayanheolk, ketonmul
- acetonic = incayanheolka, ketonmula
- acetylene = ahelkeyn, encaenhel, mugyexal
- acetylsalicylic = aspirin
- ache = byoyk
- achievability = ujakyafwan
- achievable = ujakyafwa
- achieved = ujakwa, ujlawa
- achievement = ujak, ujaken, ujakun, ujakwas, ujlen, ujlun, uljawas
- achiever = ujakut, ujlut
- achieving = ujakea, ujaken, ujlea, ujlen
- aching = byoykea, byoyken
- achoo = acu, teipyeux
- achromatic = ovolza, volzoya, volzuka
- achy = byoykaya, byoykika
- acid = yigzil, zil
- acidic = yigza, yigzila, yigzilyena, zila, zilyena
- acidification = yigzasen, yigzilxen, zilxen
- acidified = yigzaxwa, yigzilxwa, zilxwa
- acidity = yigzan, yigzilan, zilan
- acknowledged = ebvabiwa, twasdwa
- acknowledging = ebvabiea, ebvabien, twasden
- acknowledgment = ebvabien, hweyd, twasden, twasdeyn
- acknowledgments = ebvabieni, twasdeyni
- acme = ginod, yabnod
- acne = tayaltayubbok
- acolyte = ifyaxeb yuxut, ufyaxat
- acoustic airwave = seux malpyaon
- acoustic = seuxa, seuxtuna
- acoustic wave = seux pyaon
- acoustically = seuxay, seuxtunay
- acoustician = seuxtut
- acoustics expert = seuxtut
- acoustics = seuxtun, seuxyan
- acquaintance = trien, truen, truwat
- acquaintanceship = truwan, truwatan
- acquainted = truwa
- acquiesced = vaybuwa
- acquiescence = dolvaden, iblen, vaybuen, yekbien
- acquiescent = dolvadea, vaybuea
- acquiescently = dolvadeay
- acquired = iblawa, yekbiwa
- acquired knowledge = iblawa tun, yekbiwa tun
- acquiring = iblen, yekbien
- acquisition = iblen, iblun, yekbiun
- acquisitive = ibiyea, yekbiyea
- acquisitively = ibiyeay, yekbiyeay
- acquisitiveness = ibiyean, yekbiyean
- acquittal = loyovden, nuxlun, vayavden, yavdel, yavdelun, yefoben, yefobun, yivaden, zoyovden
- acquittance = nuxlen, vayavden, yefoben, yivaden, zoyovden
- acquitted = loyovdwa, nuxlawa, vayavdwa, yavdelwa, yefobwa, yivadwa, zoyovdwa
- acquitter = nuxlut, yefobut, yivadut, zoyovdut
- acquitting = loyovden, nuxlen, vayavden, yavdelen
- acre = melnak
- acreage = melnakyan
acrid -- acute angle
- acrid = dalyigza, yigza
- acridity = yigzan
- acridly = yigzay
- acridness = yigzan
- acrimonious = tipyigza
- acrimoniously = tipyigzay
- acrimoniousness = tipyigzan
- acrimony = dalyigzan, tipyigzan
- acrobat = yabdezut
- acrobatic = yabdeza
- acrobatically = yabdezay
- acrobatics = yabdez
- acronym = ijdresiynyan
- acrophobia = yabanyuf
- acrophobic = yabanyufa
- across = be hyukum bi, be oyvkum, zey
- across from = zey bi
- across the street = be hyukum bi ha domep, zey bi ha domep
- across to the other side = bu hyukum bi ha domep, bu oyvkum, zey bu hyua kum
- across to = zey bu hyukum bi
- acrylic = yisazul
- act = axlun, bas, dezgon, xeyn
- act of brutality = azrun, xeyn bi azran
- act of compassion = xeyn bi yanuvtos
- act of Congress = dovyabdras
- act of cruelty = fruxeyn
- act of heroism = yifraxeyn
- act of kindness = xeyn bi fitip
- act of valor = xeyn bi yiftan
- act of violence = azras, azrun
- act of war = axlun bi dop
- act of wickedness = frus
- acted = axlawa, dezwa
- acting appropriately = vyaaxlen
- acting = axlen, dezeken, dezen
- acting like a kid = tudetaxlen
- acting wild = yigraxlen
- actinium = acalk
- action = axlen, axleyn, axlun, bas, xen, xeyn
- actionable = axlyafwa
- action-related = axlena
- activated = axleaxwa, xenaxwa
- activating = axleaxea, axleaxen, xenaxea, xenaxen
- activation = axleaxen, xenaxen
- activator = axleaxar
- active = axlea, xea, xena
- active voice = axlea teuz
- active volcano = axlea magimel, axlea magyazmel
- actively = axleay, xeay, xenay
- activeness = axlean
- active/transitive/factive/inchoative verb formant = -x-
- active/transitive/gestural verb formant = -b-
- activism = axlin
- activist = axlina, axlinut
- activity = axlean, axlen, xean, xenan
- activity room = axlim
- actor = axlut, dezekut, dezut, dyezut, vyamdezut, xut
- actor-oriented = axlut-izonbwa
- actress = dezuyt
- actual = eja, vyaa, vyama, vyateja, xuna, xwasa
- actual life = vyatej
- actual name = vyadyun
- actualities = vyamasyan
- actuality = ejan, vyaman, vyamas, xunan
- actualizable = vyamxyafwa
- actualization = vyamsen, vyamxen, xunxen
- actualized = vyamxwa, xunxwa
- actually = ejay, vay, vray, vyamay, xunay
- actuarial science = veksagtun
- actuarial scientist = veksagtut
- actuarial = veksaga, veksagtuna
- actuaries = veksagtun
- actuary = veksagdut, veksagtut, veksyagut
- acuity = gian, gitepan, zyoginan
- acumen = gitep, tyaf, vyaotean, yigteat
- acupressure = nifarbal
- acupuncture = nifarbek
- acupuncturist = nifarbekut
- acute accent = gia kyidsiyn, zukina aybsiyn
- acute angle = gia gun, zyogina gun, zyogun
- acute = gia, gigua, zyogina, zyogua, zyoguna
- acute stress mark = gia kyidsiyn, zikina aybsiyn
- acutely = giay, zyoginay
- acuteness = gian, zyoginan
- acyclic = ojobzyusa
- acyclically = ojobzyusay
- ad- = ab-
- ad = deldras, deldrof, nundel, tyodel
- ad infinitum = bu ha oyujan
- ad lib = ad lib, boy jatex, boy jwaben
- ad nauseum = ju bokan
- ad valorem tax = nazyef
- adage = ajdun, ajutvyandun
- adagio = ugay
- adamance = azfon
- adamancy = teypyaf
- adamant = azfea, fonaza, teypyafa
- adamantly = azfeay
- adaptability = nabxyafan, nabxyafwan, sangelxyafwan
- adaptable = nabxyafa, nabxyafwa, sangelxyafwa
- adaptation = finagxen, nabxen, sangelxen
- adapted = finagxwa, nabxwa, sangelxwa
- adapter = nabxar, sangelxar
- adapting = finagsea, finagxen, nabsea, nabsen, sangelxen
- adaption = finagxen, nabxen, sangelxen
- adaptive = finagsyea, nabsyea, sangelsyea
- adaptively = finagsyeay, nabsyeaym, sangelsyeay
- adblocker = nundelebar
- ADD = TGB, tepkez gron boksiunyan
- addable = gabyafwa
- added = gabwa
- addend = gabwas
- addenda = gabwasi
- addendi = gedrasi
- addendum = gabwas, gadras
- adder = gabar, gabus, usipyet
- addict = efkyoxwat, grayixut
- addicted = efkyoxwa, grafxwa
- addicted to drugs = bekulefkyoxwa
- addicted to lying = vyodefkyoxwa
- addicted to sex = eotifkyoxwa
- addicting = efkyoxea, grafxea
- addiction = efkyox, efkyoxen, efkyoxwan, graf
- addictive = efkyoxyea, grafxyea, grayixuyea
- addictively = efkyoxyeay, grafxyeay, kyoyixyeay
- addictiveness = efkyoxyean, grafxyean
- adding machine = gabir
- adding merit = fyinuen
- adding sauce = tuilben
- adding vinegar = yigvafilben
- addition = gab, gaben, gabun
- additional = gaba, gabuna
- additionally = gabay
- additive = gabun
- addled = lovyizaxwa, tepovyida, tepovyidxwa
- add-on = gab, gabun, gabwas
- address book = draves bi emtuuni, emtuun dyes
- address = emtuun
- addressed = dyundwa, emtuundrawa, heydwa
- addressee = ebdrasibut, emtuundrawat
- addressing = dyunden, emtuundren, heydea, heyden
- adduced = avdwa
- adducing = avden
- adducted = ubixwa
- adducting = ubixea
- adduction = ubixen
- adductor = ubixar
- adenoid = teitayub
- adenoidal = teitayuba
- adept = tuzaya, tuzika
- adeptly = tuzikay
- adeptness = tuzayan, tuzikan
- adequacy = grean
- adequate = grea
- adequately = gre, greay
- adequately-nourished = gretoluwa
- adequateness = grean
- adhan = fyadildyuun
- adhered = kyobexwa, yanbexwa, yankyoxwa, yuvxwa
- adherence = kyobesen, kyosen, yanbesen, yanbexen, yankyoxen, yuvsean
adherent -- admittedly
- adherent = kyobesea, kyobesut, kyobexea, kyosa, kyosea, yanbesea, yanbesut, yanbesyea, yanbexea, yanbexut, yuvsea, yuvsut
- adherer = kyobesut, yuvsut
- adhering = kyobesea, kyobesen, yuvsea, yuvsen
- adhesion = kyobexen, kyobexyafwan, kyoyuvan, yankyosen, yuvsen
- adhesive = kyobexul, kyobexyafwa, yanof, yanul, yanulbyea
- adhesive tape = kyobexea bikof
- adhesiveness = kyobexyafwan
- adiabatic = olomokea
- adiabatically = olomokeay
- adieu = hoyd
- adieux = hoydi
- adjacency = yanbyuxean, yuban
- adjacent angle = kugun
- adjacent = izjaa, yuba
- adjacent to = yanbyuxea, yub bi
- adjacently = yanbyuxeay, yubay
- adjectival = aduna
- adjectivally = adunay
- adjective = adun
- adjective suffix denoting filled with = -ika
- adjectivization = adunxen
- adjectivized = adunxwa
- adjectivizing = adunxea
- adjoined = yanbyuxwa
- adjoining room = kutim
- adjoining = yanbyuxea
- adjourned = jubyujbwa, yujbwa
- adjourning = yujben, yujpea
- adjournment = jubyujben, yujben
- adjudged = vadelwa
- adjudging = vadelea
- adjudicated = yaovdwa
- adjudication = yaovden
- adjudicative = yaovdena
- adjudicator = yaovdut
- adjudicatory = yaovdena
- adjunct = yuyxea
- adjunction = gaben
- adjuration = azdur
- adjured = azdurwa
- adjuring = azdurea
- adjustable = finagxyafwa, vyanapxyafwa, vyatsanxyafwa
- adjusted = finagxwa, vyanapxwa, vyatsanxwa, vyatxwa
- adjuster = finagxut, vyanapxut, vyatsanxut
- adjusting = finagxen, vyanapxen, vyatsanxen, vyatxen
- adjustment = finagxeyn, vyanapxeyn, vyatsanxeyn, vyatxeyn
- adjustor = finagxut, vyanapxut, vyatsanxut, vyatxut
- adjutant = kuyuxut
- admin = dibzem
- administer = izdibwa
- administered = dibwa, izdibwa
- administering = diben, izdiben
- administrable = dibyafwa, izdibyafwa
- administrating = diben, izdiben
- administration = dib, diben, dibutyan, izdiben
- administrative center = dibzem
- administrative = diba
- administrative office = dibim
- administrative position = diba byem
- administratively = dibay
- administrator = dibut, izdibut
- Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency = Dibut bi ha Yuzmira Obyexen Yuxlam
- admirable = vikaxyefwa
- admirableness = vikaxyefwan
- admirably = vikaxyefway
- admiral = diprat
- admiralty = dipratan
- admiration = vikaxen
- admired = vikaxwa
- admirer = vikaxut
- admiring = vikaea
- admiringly = vikaeay
- admissible = yebafxyafwa, yebiyafwa
- admission = ebvabien, kad, yebafen, yebafxen, yebien
- admission of defeat = okkaden
- admission of fault = vyonkaden
- admission of guilt = yovkad
- admittance = yebaf, yebafxen, yebien
- admitted = ebvabiwa, kadwa, yebafxwa, yebiwa
- admittedly = ebvabiway
admitter -- advantageously
- admitter = yebafxut, yebiut
- admitting = ebvabien, kaden, yebafxen, yebien
- admitting error = vyokkaden
- admitting guilt = yovkaden
- admixture = gabyanmul
- admonished = fuktuwa, jwafyundwa
- admonishing = fuktuen, jwafyunden
- admonishment = fuktuen, jwafyunden
- admonition = fuktuen, jwafyunden
- ado = basbas
- adobe = melag, melaga
- adolescence = agseatan, eynjwotan, grejagseatan
- adolescent = agseat, eyjnwota, eynjwot, grejagsea, grejagseat, jwet
- adolescent boy = agsewat
- adolescent girl = agseayt
- adoptable = ifbiyafa, tudifbiyafwa
- adopted child = ifbiwa tud, otajtud
- adopted daughter = ifbiwa tuyd, otajtuyd
- adopted = ifbiwa, otajtedwa, tudifbiwa
- adopted son = ifbiwa twud, otajtud
- adopter = ifbiut, tudifbiut
- adopting parent = ifbiea ted, otajted
- adoption = ifbien, tudifbien
- adorable = ifruyafwa, ifruyefwa
- adorableness = ifruyafwan
- adorably = ifruyafway
- adoration = fyaifren, ifren, ifron
- adored = fyaifrawa, ifrawa
- adorer = fyaifrut, ifrut
- adoring = ifrea
- adoringly = ifreay
- adorned = vibwa, viunxwa
- adorning = viben, viunxen
- adornment = viben, vibun, viun, viunxen
- adrenal = abtiyotayuba
- adrenal gland = yotayub
- adrenalin = abtiyotayubul
- adrift = yivkyupea
- adroit = zita
- adroitly = zitay
- adroitness = zitan
- adsorbed = abilbwa
- adsorbent = abilbyea
- adsorbing = abilbea
- adsorption = abilben
- adulated = fidalwa
- adulating = fidalea
- adulation = fidal, fidalen
- adulator = fidalut
- adulatory = fidalena
- adult = agjagat, agsya, agsyat, egjaga, grejaga, grejagat, jwot, jwota
- adult male = grejagwat
- adulterant = lovyizaxea
- adulterated = lovyizaxwa, tadyovxwa
- adulterating = lovyizaxen
- adulteration = lovyizaxen
- adulterer = tadyovxut
- adulteress = tadyovxuyt
- adulterous = tadyovxea
- adulterously = tadyovxeay
- adultery = tadyovxen
- adulthood = agjagan, agsyatan, grejagan, grejagatan, jwotan
- adumbrated = eynmonxwa
- adumbration = eynmonxen
- advance checkup = javyayek
- advance indication = jwaizden
- advance = jwanux, zayb, zayp
- advance knowledge = jwatuun, ojtuun
- advance notice = jwatuun
- advance notification = jwatuen
- advance test = javyayek
- advance tip = jwatuun
- advanced age = grajagan
- advanced = zabwa, zaybwa, zaypaxwa, zaypya
- advancement = zaben, zanogen, zayben, zaybuxen, zaypaxen, zaypen, zaypus, zaypusen
- advancing = abnabiea, abnabien, zaybuxen, zaypaxen, zaypea, zaypusea
- advantage = abfin, gabnod
- advantaged = abfinuwa
- advantageous = abfinaya, abfinika
- advantageously = abfinikay
advantageousness -- aerotrain
- advantageousness = abfinayan, abfinikan
- advent = puen
- Advent season = Puenjib
- adventure = kap, kyexaj, yifpop
- adventurer = kyexajput, yifpoput
- adventuresome = kyexajpyea, yifpopeya
- adventuring = kapen, kyexajpen, yifpopen
- adventurous = kapyea, kyexajaya, kyexajika, vekiyifa, yifpopa, yifpopyea
- adventurously = kapyea, kyexajikay, yifpopyeay
- adventurousness = kapyean, kyexajayan, kyexajikan, yifpopyean
- adverb = aydun
- adverbial = ayduna
- adverbially = aydunay
- adversarial = oyvla
- adversary = ovlut, oyvlat
- adverse judgment = fuyevden
- adverse = ovana, oyvla
- adversely judgmental = fuyevdyea
- adversely = ovanay
- adverseness = ovanan
- adversity = fuyesan, oyvlan
- adverted = dalizbwa
- advertised = deldrawa, nundelwa, tyodelwa
- advertisement = deldras, deldren, doden, nundel, tyodel
- advertiser = nundelut
- advertising = nundelen, tyodelen
- advertorial = deldrena, nundelena
- advice = fyiden
- advice-seeker = fyidiut
- advisability = fyidyafwan
- advisable = fyidyafwa
- advisably = fyiduway
- advised = fyiduwa, tunduwa
- advisedly = fyiduway
- advisee = fyiduwat
- advisement = fyiduen, tunduen
- adviser = fyiduut
- advising = fyiduen, tunduen
- advisor = fyiduut, tunduut
- advisory = fyidena
- advocacy = avan, avdalen, avdalutan, aveken
- advocate = avdalut, avdut, avekut, avtosut, avufekut
- advocated = avdwa, avekwa, avufekwa
- advocating = avden, aveken, avufeken
- advocation = aveken
- adz = faogoblar
- adze = faogoblar
- aeolian wind = aeolimap
- aeon = joab
- aerated = aluwa, maluwa, malxwa
- aerating = aluea, maluea, malxea
- aeration = aluen, maluen, malxen
- aerator = aluar, maluar, malxar
- aerial = mala
- aerial photograph = mama mansin
- aerial reconnaissance = mama jatrien
- aerial warfare = mamdropek
- aerialist = maldezut
- aerially = malay
- aerie = yabom, yabpatam
- aeroacoustic = malseuxa
- aerobic = maltapa
- aerobically = maltapay
- aerodrome = mampurem
- aerodynamic = malazona
- aerodynamically = malazonay
- aerodynamics = malazontun, malptun
- aerolite = marmeg
- aerolith = marmeg
- aeronaut = mamput
- aeronautic = mampena
- aeronautical = mampena, paptyena
- aeronautics industry = paptyenyan
- aeronautics = paptyen
- aerophotography = mammansinen
- aeroplane = mampur
- aerosol = puxramal
- aerosolized = puxramalxwa
- aerospace = malnig
- aerotrain = aybmema bixpur
- aery = malyena
- aesthete = vitostut
- aesthetic = vitosa, vitostuna
- aesthetical = vitostuna
- aesthetically = vitosay, vitostunay
- aestheticism = vitosin
- aesthetics = vitos, vitosin, vitostun
- aetiology = xuuntun
- Afar = Aarod
- Afar speaker = Aarodalut
- afar = yib, yiban
- affability = dalyikwan
- affable = dalyikwa
- affably = dalyikway
- affair = son, xeun
- affairs = sonyan, xeunyan
- affectation = oega byen, vyoteas
- affected = xulwa
- affecting = xulea
- affectingly = xuleay
- affection = iflean, ifoyn
- affectionate = iflea, ifoynika
- affectionately = ifoynikay
- affective = xulyea
- affectiveness = xulyean
- affianced = jatadxwa
- affidavit = sead, vyandwas
- affiliate = oybdoyt, xub
- affiliated = oybdoytxwa
- affiliation = oybdoytxen
- affinity = iyf, tyedan
- affirmation = vad, vaden
- affirmative answer = vadud
- affirmative choice = vadokebid
- affirmative nod = vatebsiun
- affirmative = va, vaa, vadea
- affirmatively = vadeay
- affirmed = vadwa
- affirming = vadea
- affix = abdungab, dungab, gab, gabun
- affixation = abdungaben, dungaben, gaben
- affixed = abdungabwa, abkyobwa, dungabwa
- afflicted = blokuwa, uvluxwa, uvuxwa
- afflicted person = blokuwat
- afflicting = blokuea, uvluxea, uvuxea
- affliction = blok, blokuen, uvlux, uvluxen, uvux, uvuxen
- afflictive = blokuyea
- affluence = nyazan, nyazayan, nyazikan, yuktejen
- affluent = nyaza, nyazaya, nyazika, yuktejea
- afflux = ibilp
- affordable = nigafxyafwa, utafxyafwa
- afforded = embuwa, nigafxwa
- affording = embuen, nigafxen, utafxen
- afforestation = fabyanxen
- affranchised = yivanuwa
- affranchisement = yivanuen
- affray = doebufek
- affricate = eynabaxrea
- affricative consonant = eynabaxrea yujteuzun
- affront = apyexlun
- afghan = Af oybmasoyf
- Afghan = Afegema
- Afghanistan = Afegem
- aficionado = azifrut
- afield = ib
- afire = magsea
- aflame = mavsea
- afloat = kyupea, yivkyupea
- aflutter = patubasea
- afoot = tyopea
- afore = ja, za
- aforementioned = zadwa
- aforesaid = zadwa
- aforethought = zatex
- afoul = nyafxwa, yiklaxwa
- afraid of bugs = peltyufa
- afraid of death = tojyufa
- afraid of snakes = sopyetyufa
- afraid of the dark = monyufa
- afraid = yufa
- A-frame house = a-san tam
- afresh = jwefay
- Africa = Eyanmel
- African = Eyanmela, Eyanmelat
- african violet = zam-yalza
- African-American = Eyanmel-Usoma, Eyanmel-Usomat
- Afrikaans = Aferod
- Afrikaans speaker = Aferodalut
- Afro-American = Eyanmel-Usoma, Eyanmel-Usomat, Zam-Usoma
- aft = mimpur zokun
- after a short while = jo gloj
- after- = jo-
- after = jo van, zo
- after midnight = jozemoj
- after that = jo hus, johus
- after the fact = joxena
- after this = jo his
- afterall = jo hyas
- after-beat = joduzkyib
- afterbirth = jotaj
- afterbody = zosab
- afterbrain = zotebos
- afterburner = jomagxar
- after-care = jobek
- afterclap = jozoykyes
- after-cooler = joomxar
- afterdamp = jomagmal
- after-death = jotoja
- after-dinner drink = jotil, jotul fil
- after-effect = joix
- afterglow = jomaen, jomaz
- aftergrowth = jovabib
- after-heat = joam
- after-hours = jojwobi
- afterimage = josin
- after-life = jotej, ojna tej
- afterlife = jotej, yiztej
- after-light = joman
- after-market = joebuien
- aftermath = joix, jokyes, jos, josun, joxwas
- aftermost = gwazoa
- afternoon = jozemaj, jwomaj, jwomaja
- after-pain = jobyok
- afterparty = joyaniv
- after-piece = jodezun
- aftersensation = jotos
- aftershave lotion = jotazoyoblen yuglyel
- aftershock = jopuxrun, jopyexrun
- after-sound = joseux
- after-taste = joteus
- afterthought = jotex
- after-treatment = jobek
- afterward = jo his, jo hus, joy
- afterwork = joyexa
- after-world = jomir
- afteryears = jojabi
- Ag = agelk
- ag = goralyigenak
- again and again = gajod gajod
- again = ea jod, ejnay, ga awa jod, ga-, gaba job, gajod, gawajod, hyuawa jod, hyujod
- against all odds = ov hya kyensagi
- against one's better judgment = ov ota fia yevden
- against one's will = ov ota fon
- against = ov, ova
- against the flow = ov miap
- against the law = dovyabova, ov ha dovyab
- against the stream = ov miap
- agape = zyayija
- agate = meayg
- age = jag, joyob
- Age of Enlightenment = Joyob bi Manuen
- aged = jaga, jagxwa
- aged person = jagat
- ageing = jagsea, jagsen
- ageism = jagin
- ageist = jagina
- ageless = jagoya, jaguka
- agelessly = jagukay
- agelessness = jagoyan, jagukan
- agency = axlutan, dib, fyisutan, fyitan, xeam, xeem, xeutan, xeutyan, yuxlam
agency head -- agricultural science
- agency head = dibeb, yuxlameb
- agenda = xwosdref
- agent = axlul, axlus, axlut, dibut, fyisut, fyit, xeemut, xeut, yuxlun
- agent noun suffix = -ut
- agent provocateur = xulut
- agentive = axluta
- agglomerated = yanzyunxwa
- agglomeration = yanzyunxen
- agglutinated = yanglalxwa
- agglutinating = yanglalsea
- agglutination = yanglalxen
- agglutinative = yanglalxena, yanulbyea
- aggrandized = agdwa, aglaxwa
- aggrandizement = agden, aglaxen
- aggrandizing = agdea, agden, aglaxea, aglaxen
- aggravated = kyilaxwa, kyisonuwa, kyitesaxwa
- aggravating = kyilaxea, kyisonuea
- aggravatingly = kyilaxeay
- aggravation = kyilaxen, kyisonuen, kyitesaxen
- aggregate = -yan, miekmegyog, nyanag
- aggregated = nyanagxwa
- aggregating = nyanagxea
- aggregation = nyanagxen
- aggressed = abyexwa
- aggression = abyexen
- aggressive = abyexyea
- aggressively = abyexyeay
- aggressiveness = abyexyean
- aggressor = abyexut
- aggrievance = kyisonuen
- aggrieved = kyisonuwa, uvraxwa, uvuxwa, uvxwa
- aggrievement = uvuxen
- aggrieving = kyisonuea, uvxen
- aghast = yokyufa
- agile = tyugsa
- agilely = tyugsay
- agility = tyugsan
- aging = ajsasea, jagsea, jagsen, jagxen, jwosasea, jwosasen, jwosaxen
- agio = ebkyax yabnaz
- agiotage = ebkyaxen
- agitated = baoxwa, baxrawa, oteboxwa, paanaya, paanika, paanxwa
- agitating = baoxea, baoxen, baxren, oteboxen, paanxen
- agitation = baoxen, baxren, oteboxen, paan, paanxen
- agitator = baoxut, baxrut, oteboxut, paanxut
- agitprop = ay tinzyad, baxren
- agitpropist = baxrut-tizyadut
- agleam = manadsea
- aglitter = manegsea
- aglow = maea
- agnail = tulob yivtayobes
- agnate = tooba tiibilnad tyed
- agnomen = gabdyun
- agnostic = otea
- agnosticism = otein
- ago = ajay, be aj, ja hij, ja huj, jay
- agog = grafa
- agonizing = broksen, brokxyea
- agonizingly = brokxyeay
- agony = brok
- agoraphobe = oyepyufat
- agoraphobia = oyepyuf
- agoraphobic = oyepyufa
- agrarian = fobyexuna
- agrarianism = fobyexin
- Ã la = be syen bi
- Ã la carte = bi ha tuldras
- Ã la mode = bay yombiel, be ha ejsyen, visyena
- Ã propos that = vyelea hus
- agreeability = ebvabiyafwan
- agreeable = ebvabiyafwa, iflawa, iyfyafwa, tipava, yantexyafwa, yantipsyea
- agreeable feature = iflawas
- agreeableness = tipavan
- agreeably = yantipsyeay
- agreed = geltexdwa, vaebwa, yantexwa
- agreed on = ebvabiwa
- agreeing on = ebvabien
- agreement = geltex, geltexden, geltexdraf, vaeben, vaebon, yantex, yantexden, yantexen
- agribusiness = melyax
- agricultural = fobyexena, fobyexuna, melyexa, melyextuna
- agricultural science = melyextun
agricultural scientist -- air pressure chamber
- agricultural scientist = melyextut
- agriculturalist = fobyexenut
- agriculturally = melyextunay
- agriculture = fobyexen, fobyexun, melyex
- agriculturist = melyexinut
- agronomical = fobyextuna
- agronomically = fobyextunay
- agronomist = fobyextut
- agronomy = fobyextun
- aground = yeb bu mel
- ague = aombok
- aguish = otepoox
- ah = ah
- aha = aha
- ahead of = za
- ahead to = zay bu
- ahead = zapya, zay
- ahem = hey
- ahoy = hey
- aid = fyias, fyis, fyisut, yixun, yux, yuxar, yuxun, yuxut, yuyx, yuyxut
- aide = fyit, yuxlut
- aided = yuxwa, yuyxwa
- aiding = fyisen, yuxen, yuyxen
- aigrette = patayez
- aileron = patub
- ailing = boyka, boykea
- ailment = boyk
- aim = byun, byunod, byuntex, byuon, byuuj, izembun, iznod, izteaxun, kyoteaxun, neax, neaxun, teazen, yekun, zabun, zaytex, zexun, zexwas
- aimed at = bay yekun bi
- aimed = byumxwa, byunxwa, byuonxwa, ginizbwa, izembwa, izteaxwa, kyoizonxwa, neaxwa, teabyunxwa, teazexwa, zaytexwa, zenodxwa, zexwa
- aimed wrong = vyobyunxwa
- aiming = busea, byunxea, byunxen, byuonxen, ginizben, izteaxen, kyoizonxen, neaxen, teazexen, zaytexen, zenodxen, zexen
- aiming wrong = vyobyunxen
- aimless = byunoya, byunuka, kyea, oizembwa, yekunoya, yekunuka
- aimlessly = bay hoa byun, boy yekun, kyeay
- aimlessness = byunoyan, byunukan, kyean
- aioli = suvolyel
- air = -al, mal, teyp
- air attendant = mamyuxut
- air bubble = malzyuyn
- air crew = mamyuxlutyan, mamyuxutyan
- air current = malp
- air cushion = malsuam
- air cushion train = malsuam bixpur
- air duct = malmufyeg
- air flotation device = malaypar, malkyupar
- air force brigadier general = adaprat
- air force captain = idaplat
- air force colonel = yadaplat
- air force first lieutenant = edaplat
- air force general air force chief of staff = udaprat
- air force general of the air force = yodaprat
- air force lieutenant colonel = yodaplat
- air force lieutenant general = idaprat
- air force major general = edaprat
- air force major = udaplat
- air force second lieutenant = adaplat
- air force blue = dap-yolza
- air force chief master sergeant = obyudapat
- air force chief master sergeant with diamond = abyudapat
- air force commander = dapeb
- air force = dap, dapa
- air force master sergeant with diamond = abyedapat
- air force rank = dapa nab
- air force senior master sergeant = obyidapat
- air force senior master sergeant with diamond = abyidapat
- air force technical sergeant = yadapat
- air force unit = dapatyan
- air funnel = mal ginid
- air guitar = malbeduzar
- air gun = maldopar
- air intake = malyebiar, mapiar
- air jet = malpux
- air kiss = malteubox
- air mattress = malsuem
- air pipe = malmufyeg
- air pocket = malzyeg
- air pollutant = malvyuxus
- air pollution = malvyuxen
- air pressure chamber = malbalum
air pressure -- airwaves
- air pressure = malbal
- air pump = malbuxrar, maluar
- air quality = malfin
- air raid = mamapyex
- air raid warning = mamapyex jwadar
- air rifle = maledopar
- air route = mamep
- air sack = malnyef
- air steward = mamyuxlut
- air stewardess = mamyuxluyt
- air strike = mamapyex
- air suction device = malyebiar
- air suction = mapien
- air suctioning = malyebien
- air traffic control center = mampurilp izbexam, mampurilp vyabam
- air traffic control = mampurilp izbex, mampurilp vyaben
- air traffic controller = mampurilp izbexut, mampurilp vyabut
- air traffic = mampur yuzpasen, mampurilp
- air travel = mampop
- air traveler = mamput
- air tube = mal muyfyeg
- air vacuum = maluk
- air vent = malmepmufyeg, malmis
- air wave = alp
- airbag = malnyef
- airbase = dapzem
- airbed = malsum
- airborne = malbelwa
- airbridge = malzyanmep
- airbrush = maltayefar
- air-conditioner = malomxar
- air-cooled = maloymxwa
- aircraft carrier = adopmimpur, diepur, mampur belur
- aircraft = mampur
- aircraft pilot = mampurizbut
- aircrew = mampur yuxutyan
- airdrome = dam, mampurem
- airdrop = mamnyunpyox
- airduct = malmufyeg
- airfare = mampopnax
- airfield = dam
- air-filled = malikbwa
- airflow = malp
- airfoil = patub
- airframe = mampur oyebabaun
- airfreight = mamkyis
- airhead = logitepat
- air-headed = tepoya, tepuka
- airiness = malayan, malikan
- airing out = maluen
- airless = maloya, maluka
- airlessness = maloyan, malukan
- airlift = mamyabel, mamyabelen
- airline = mampur yuxdib, mampurnad
- airliner = mampur
- airlock = malbalum
- airmail = mambelwa ebdrasyan
- airman basic = adapat
- airman = daput, edapat
- airman first class = idapat
- airmen = adapati
- airplane = mampur
- airplay = alpubun
- airpocket = malzyeg
- airport = dam, mampurem, mampurposam
- airproof = malvaka
- airship = malpur
- airsick = mampurboka
- airsickness = mampurbok
- airspace dominance = mamabdabyean
- airspace = malnig
- airspeed = mamigan
- airstrike = mamdopyex
- air-tight = malvaka
- air-tightness = malvakan
- airtime = alpubun job
- airwar = mamdropek
- airwave detector = malpyaonkaxar
- airwave = malpyaon
- airwaves = malpyaoni
- airway = malmep
- airworthiness = mampyafwan
- airworthy = mampyafwa
- airy = malaya, malika
- aisle = ebmep
- aisle seat = ebmep sim
- ajar = eynyija, eynyuja
- aka = g.t.g., gay tyawa gel
- a.k.a. = hyudyuwa
- Akan = Akad
- Akan speaker = Akadalut
- akimbo = bay tupi oyebzyagbwa
- akin = tyedxwa, vyeta, vyexwa
- Al = alilk
- alabaster = meyig
- alacrity = fitepyen
- alanine = alaniyn
- alarm clock = jwatuar jwobir, tijbea jwobir
- alarm = jwadar, jwatuar, jwatuun, vokjwadar
- alarmed = jwadwa, jwatuwa, oteboxwa
- alarming = jwadxyea, oteboxea
- alarmingly = jwadxyeay, oteboxeay
- alarmism = oteboxin
- alarmist = oteboxina, oteboxinut, yokyufxut
- Alas! = Hwoy at!, Hyoy!
- alas = hyoy
- alb = fyatif
- alba = Trubadurduz
- Albania = Alibam
- Albanian = Alibad, Alibama, Alibamat
- Albanian lek = Alilin
- Albanian speaker = Alibadalut
- albatross = nyepiat, tipkyin
- albeit = gey ven
- albinism = grovolzan
- albino = atoza, atozat, grovolzat, tayebolza
- album = duzir uzyiun, duzirunag, taxdrunyan
- albumen = patijmazul
- albumin = patijmazul
- alchemist = aulktezut
- alchemy = aulktez
- alcohol abuse = filfuyix
- alcohol abuser = fil fuyixut
- alcohol addiction = fil efkyox, levafilgraf
- alcohol dependency = filyuvyean
- alcohol = fil, levafil
- alcohol overconsumer = fil graniut
- alcohol-addicted = fil efkyoxwa
- alcohol-free = filuka, levafiluka
- alcoholic beverage = levafil
- alcoholic drink = filtil, levafil
- alcoholic = fila, filaya, filefkyoxwa, filefkyoxwat, filgrafa, filgrafat, filifra, filifrat, filika, grafiliut, grafilut, levafila, levafilgrafa, levafilgrafat
- alcoholism = filefkyoxwan, filgraf, filifran, grafilen, levafilgraf
- alcove = kutimog
- alderman = doma fyidut
- alderwoman = doma fyiduyt
- ale house = yavilam
- ale joint = yavilamog
- ale = mona yavil
- aleatory = kyeona, kyeveka
- alee = ib map
- alehouse = filtam
- alembic = aynmuxul
- alert = jwadar, jwatuun, kyebuk jwad, kyebuk jwadar, tepiga, teptija, tija, tijbesea, tijtea
- alerted = jwatuwa, tijtuwa
- alerting = jwatuen, tijtuen
- alertness = tepigan, teptijan
- Aleut = Aled, Aleda
- alewife = yavilamuyt
- alfalfa = suvob
- alfresco = be oyebem, be yija mal
- alga = mimvob
- algae = mimvobi
- algal = mimvoba
- algebra expert = isagtut
- algebra = isagtun
- algebraic = isagtuna
- algebraically = isagtunay
- Algeria = Dazam
- Algerian = Dazama
Algerian dinar -- Allah
- Algerian dinar = Dazudan
- algicide = mimvokojbul
- alginate = mimvobsil
- Algonquian = Aligeda
- algorithm = kaxontexnap
- algorithmic = kaxontexnapa
- algorithmically = kaxontexnapay
- algraphy = alilkdruren
- alia = hyusi
- alias = hyudyun
- aliased = hyudyuwa
- aliasing = hyudyuen
- alibi = hyumdin, hyutesyob, vyoux, vyoxwad
- alien = hyumema, hyumemat, hyumera, hyumerat, hyut, hyuta, hyuyena, hyuyenat, oyebimera, oyebimerat, oyebsauna, yonsana
- alien land = hyumem
- alienated = hyuaxwa, hyutosea, hyutosuwa, hyutxwa, yonsanxwa
- alienating = hyutosuyea
- alienation = hyuaxen, hyutos, hyutosuen, hyutxen, yonsanxen
- alienness = hyutan
- aliens = hyuyenati
- aligned = nadxwa, vyanadxwa
- aligning = nadxea, nadxen, vyanadxea, vyanadxen
- alignment = nadxen, vyanadxen
- alike = gelsea, geyla, yangela
- aliment = tol
- alimentary = tola
- alimentation = toluen
- alimony = tadnux
- aliquot = vyava golus
- alive = teja, tejea
- aliveness = tejan
- alkali = memol
- alkaline = memola
- alkalinity = memolan
- alkaloid = memoyl
- alkane = ohelkayn
- All aboard! = Apu!, hyati!
- all about = zya, zyag
- all along = hya zyag, hyamep
- all around = zya yuz, zyag
- all but = hya oy
- all day = hyaha jub
- all during = hyaje
- all expenses paid = hyanuxwa
- all girls = hyayti
- all = hya
- all- = hya-, hyas-
- all kinds of people = hyayenati
- all kinds of things = hyayenasi
- all men = hyatobi, hyatwobi
- all of = hyagla
- all of it = aynas, ha aynas, hyaglas
- all of the women = hyaglayti
- all of them = hyaglasi, hyaglati, hyaglayti, hyati, hyayti
- all other = hyahyua
- all over = hyami, zyag
- all (people) = hyati
- all people = hyati, hyatobi
- all the birds = hyaha pati
- all the day = hyaha jub
- all the entire = ha aona, hyaha
- all the = hyaha
- all the time = hyagla job, hyagla jodi, hyaj, hyajob, hyajodi
- all the way down = gwa yob, ikyoba
- all the way = hyaha mep
- all the way in = ikyeba
- all the way out = ikoyeba
- all the way up = gwa yab, ikyaba
- all the world = hyaha mir
- all these women = hyaiwayti
- all things = hyasi, hyasuni
- all three = hyaiwa
- all three of them = hyaiwasi, hyaiwati, hyaiwayti
- all three people = hyaiwati
- all three things = hyaiwasi
- all through = hyaje
- all two times = hyaewa jodi
- all types of things = hyayenasi
- all women = hyatoybi
- Allah = Allah, Islamina Tot
- allayed = boxwa
- allaying = boxea
- all-consuming = aynniyea, iktelea
- allegation = vekden
- alleged = vekdwa
- allegedly = vekdway
- allegiance = nyafxun, vyayuv, vyayuvan, yuvlan
- allegience = vyayuvsen
- allegoric = hyutesdina
- allegorical = hyutesdina
- allegorically = hyutesdinay
- allegorist = hyutesdinut
- allegory = hyutesdin
- allegretto = kyuiga
- allegro = iga
- alleluia! = hway!
- allemande = allemande
- allergen = gratayoxul
- allergenic = gratayoxua
- allergic = gratayosa
- allergically = gratayosay
- allergist = gratayostut
- allergy = gratayos
- alleviated = kyiabobwa, kyuxwa
- alleviation = kyiaboben, kyuxen
- alley = ebdomep
- alleyway = ebdomep
- alliance = daatan, daatxen
- allied = daatxwa
- alligator = upyet
- alliterate = zoyhyidresiyna
- alliteration = zoyhyidresiynen
- alliterative = zoyhyidresiyna
- alliteratively = zoyhyidresiynay
- all-knowing = hyastea
- allocated = buafxwa, gonuwa, naysbuwa
- allocating welfare = dotnuxuen
- allocation = buafxen, buafxun, gonuen, nasbuen, nasbuun, naysbuen
- allocution = sana dodal
- allodial = yivmema
- allodium = yivmem
- allogenerational = hyutudxeyna, ogeltudxeyna
- allogenic = hyusauna
- allomorph = hyusan
- allomorphic = hyusana
- allonge = gabdref
- allonym = hyudyun
- allonymous = hyudyuna
- allophone = hyuseux
- allophonic = hyuseuxa
- allotment = buafxen, buafxun, gosbuen, gosbuun, nasbuen, nasbuun
- allotted = buafxwa, gosbuwa, nasbuwa
- allotting = buafxen, gosbuen, nasbuen
- allover = hyam
- allowable = afwa, afxyafwa
- allowably = afxyafway
- allowance = af, afden, afen, afxen, yivden
- allowed = afxwa
- allowing = afxea
- alloy = yanmug
- all-powerful = hyayafa
- all-powerfulness = hyayafan
- allspice = dalufebmyek
- all-time record = hyaja taxrunloxus
- all-time record-breaker = hyaja taxrunloxus
- alluded = uzubduwa
- allure = fluen, ifpexyen, peryen, pyen
- allured = fluwa, ifpexwa
- allurement = fluen, ifpexen
- alluring = flueya, ifpexyea, ubixyea
- alluringly = flueyay, ifpexyeay
- allusion = uzubduen
- allusive = uzubduyea
- allusively = uzubduyeay
- alluvial = ilpmeka
- alluvium = ilpmek
- ally = daat
- allying = daatsen
- almanac = jabdyes
- almighty = hyasyafla
almond milk -- altimeter
- almond milk = myofabil
- almond = myofeb
- almond oil = myofyel
- almond tree = myofab
- almoner = fibunut
- almost = boygos, eynay, eynikay, gla yubay, gonay, hya oy, oaynay, oikay, yub, yubay, yubge
- almost not = yubay voy, yubge voy
- alms = efwasi, fibuni
- almshouse = nasefatam
- almsman = fibunuwat
- aloft = be mam, bu mam, ob mem, yab, yaba
- aloha = aloha
- alone = anaota, anla, anota
- aloneness = anaotan, anlan, anotan
- along an east-west line = uinada
- along the side of the street = yez bi kum bi ha domep
- along the street = yez bi ha domep
- along with = yez bi
- along = yez, zyag
- alongshore = yez bi ha mimkum
- alongside = be kum bi, yez bi, yez-, yub bay
- aloof = yiba, yibtosa, yontosa
- aloofly = yibtosay, yontosay
- aloofness = yiban, yibtos, yibtosan, yontos, yontosan
- alopecia = tayebok
- aloud = be aza teuz
- alpaca = awalopot
- Alpha = agalpha
- alpha = alpha
- alphabet = dresiynyan
- alphabet soup = yogdrun gron
- alphabetic = dresiynyana
- alphabetic writing system = alfabeta dreyen
- alphabetical = dresiynyana
- alphabetically = dresiynyanay
- alphabetization = dresiynyanxen
- alphabetized = dresiynyanxwa
- alphabetizer = dresiynyanxar
- alphabetizing = dresiynyanxea
- alphanumeric = dresiynsaga
- alphanumerical = dresiynsaga
- alphanumerically = dresiynsagay
- alpine = mabyaba
- already = ajay, jay, jway
- already married = jay taduwa
- alright = fi, fia
- also = gay, gel hus, gelay, geylbyen
- also known as = g.t.g., gay tyawa gel
- Altaic = Tutod, toutoda
- altar boy = fyasem yuxlut
- altar = fyasem
- altar server = fyasem yuxlut
- altarpiece = fyasem zomays
- alter ego = athyut
- alter- = hyu-
- alter = kyax
- alterability = kyaxyafwan
- alterable = kyaxyafwa
- alterably = kyaxyafway
- alteration = kyaxen
- altercating = ebufeken
- altercation = dopeyk, ebufek
- altered = kyaxwa
- alterer = kyaxut
- altering = kyaxea
- alternate course = hyuizon
- alternate = hyua, hyus, hyusun, hyusuna, hyuta, kya-, kyaxuwas, kyaxwa
- alternate name = hyudyun
- alternated = zaokyaxwa
- alternately = hyusunay
- alternating current = z.m., zaokyasea makilp
- alternating = kyasea, zaopea, zaopen
- alternation = zaokyaxen
- alternative gender = hyutoob
- alternative = hyusuna
- alternatively gendered = hyutooba
- alternatively = hyusunay
- alternator = kyaxar, zaokyaxar
- although = ov van, yan van
- altimeter = yabnagar, yabnaynagar
altitude -- ambrosial
- altitude = yabnag, yabnayn
- alto saxophone = evuduzar
- alto violinist = eduzarut
- alto = yaybdeuzayt, yaybdeuzayta, yobdeuzuyt, yobdeuzuyta
- altocumulus = yemaf
- altogether = hyikan
- altostratus = yimaf
- altruism = hyuitif, hyutifan, hyutifin
- altruist = hyuitifat, hyutifat, hyutifinut
- altruistic = hyutifa, hyutifina
- altruistically = hyutifinay
- aluminum = alilk
- aluminum carbonate = alilk calkayt
- aluminum foil = alilkayeb, alilkdrev
- alumna = ajna tuxuyt
- alumnae = ajna tuxuyti
- alumni = ajna tuxuti
- alumnus = ajna tuxut
- alveolar = abteuba
- alveolar consonant = abteuba yujteuzun
- alveolitis = abteubbok
- alveolus = teibmalyaz
- always = byi ha jobij, hyagla jodi, hyaj, hyaji, hyajob, hyajobi, hyajod, hyajodi, hyaxag, hyaxaga
- Alzheimer's disease = tebos fyusbok
- Am = amilk
- AM = ja zemaj, jaZ
- a.m. = JaZ., ja zemaj, jaZ, jazemaj
- am = se
- amain = bay ika azon, be ika igon
- amalgam = eynmul
- amalgamated = eynmulxwa
- amalgamation = eynmulxen
- amaranth = otujea vos
- amaretto = myofil
- amassed = nyabwa, nyanbwa, nyanxwa, nyaunxwa, yanunxwa
- amassing = nyaben, nyanben, nyanxen, yaniblen, yanunxen
- amateur artist = yogtrea tuzut
- amateur radio = yogtrut alpuibar
- amateur = yogtrea, yogtrut
- amateurish = yogtrutyena
- amateurishly = yogtrutyenay
- amateurishness = yogtrutyenan
- amateurism = yogtrutyenan
- amatory = ifona
- amazed = teaziwa, teazuwa, viruwa, yokla, yoklaxwa
- amazement = teazuen, virien, yoklan, yoklen
- amazing = teazunaya, teazunika, teazuyea, viraya, virika, viruyea, yoklaxea
- amazingly = teazunikay, teazuyeay
- amazingness = viruyean
- Amazon = Amazonam
- Amazonian = Amazona, Amazonat
- ambassador = yibdub
- ambassadorial = yibduba
- ambassadorship = yibduban
- ambassadress = yibduyb
- amber = makyel, yimez
- amber orange = makyel elza
- ambi- = en-, hyaewa-
- ambiance = yuzemtip
- ambidexterity = zuiyafan
- ambidextrous = zuituyaba, zuiyafa
- ambidextrously = zuiyafay
- ambient = yuzema
- ambigendered = hyaewatooba
- ambiguity = entesan, eontesan, hyaewatesan
- ambiguous = entesa, eontesa, hyaewatesa
- ambiguously = entesay, hyaewatesay
- ambi-sexual = hyaewatoobifa
- ambit = yuzujnad
- ambition = fizfon, fizkex, yibyeken, yibyekun
- ambitious = fizfonaya, fizkexea, yibyekyea
- ambitiously = fizfonay, fizkexeay, yibyekyeay
- ambitiousness = fizfonayan, fizkexean, yibyekyeay
- ambivalence = vaotosan
- ambivalent = vaotosa
- ambivalently = vaotosay
- ambler = ugtyoput
- ambling = ugpasea, ugpasen, ugpea, ugpen, ugtyopea, ugtyoyapen
- ambrosia = totol
- ambrosial = totola
ambulance -- amorally
- ambulance = igefpur
- ambulant = huimtyopea
- ambulation = huimtyopen
- ambulatory = tyopea, tyopyafa
- ambuscade = koapyex, yokapyex
- ambush = koapyex, yokapyex
- ambushed = koapyexwa, yokapyexwa
- ameliorating = gafixea
- amelioration = gafiasen, gafixen
- ameliorative = gafixyea
- amen = huuyensu, vla
- amenability = vadudyafan
- amenable = vadudyafa
- amenably = vadudyafay
- amendable = kyayxyafwa
- amended = kyayxwa
- amending = kyayxea
- amendment = kyayx, kyayxen, kyayxun
- amends = zoyaynx
- amenity = iflawas, yukyen, yukyengab
- amenorrhea = ojebilp
- amercement = kyebyukuen
- American cheese = Usoma bilyig
- American English = Usoma Eniged
- American folk music = Usoma tyoyduz
- American foxhound = Usoma awahayepet
- American Samoa = Asomim
- American Samoan = Asomima, Asomimat
- American standard = Usoma egona duz
- American = Usoma, Usomat
- American Virgin Islander = Viroma, Viromat
- Americanization = Usomxen
- Americanized = Usomxwa
- americium = amilk
- Amerindian = Tajna Ayanamelat, Tajna Ayanmela
- amethyst = yemez
- Amharic = Amihed
- Amharic script = Amihedreyen
- Amharic speaker = Amihedalut
- amiability = tipif, tipifan
- amiable = tipifa
- amiably = tipifay
- amicability = datyenan
- amicable = datyena
- amicableness = datyenan
- amicably = datyenay
- amid = be zem bi, eyb, ze
- amidst = eyb
- amigo = amigo, dat
- amino acid = alkiyn zil
- amino = alkiyn
- amiss = oiza, vyomepa
- amity = datan
- ammeter = makilpnagar
- ammo box = dopzyunyan nyem
- ammo = doparzyunyan, dopzyunyan, puxrunyam, pyaxunogyan
- ammonia = niinnhelkiyd
- ammoniac = niinnhelkiyda
- ammoniacal = niinnhelkiyda
- ammonium = niinnhelkiyd
- ammunition = adopar zyunogyan, doparzyunyan, dopzyunyan, puxrunyan
- ammunition factory = puxrun saxam
- amnesia = taxok
- amnesiac = taxokya
- amnesic = taxokya
- amnesty = toxwaxen
- amnion = tobijabnyeb
- amniotic = tobijabnyeba
- amoeba = annumpet
- amoebic = annumpeta
- amok = tojbea tepruzan
- among = eyb
- among other things = eyb hyusi
- among ourselves = eyb yat
- among themselves = eyb yituti
- amongst = eyb
- amoral = evdofina
- amoral person = evdofinat
- amorality = evdofin
- amorally = evdofinay
- amorist = ifondrut
- amorous = ifona, ifonaya, ifonika
- amorously = ifay
- amorousness = ifan
- amorphous = sanoya, sanuka
- amorphously = sanukay
- amorphousness = sanoyan, sanukan
- amortizable = nasyefgoxyafwa
- amortization = nasyefgoxen
- amortized = nasyefgoxwa
- amortizing = nasyefgoxen
- amount = glan
- amounting = glansea
- amounting to = glansea bu
- amour = ifon
- amp = aganak
- amperage = aganak, makilpsag
- ampere = aganak, makilpsag
- ampere per meter = aganak-gol-minak
- ampere per square meter = aganak-gol-minak-gar-ewa
- ampersand = aysiun
- amphetamine = cayunheanlinilk, nienhelkin, yincaalinhenilk
- amphibian = piyet
- amphibiously = piyetyenay
- amphibology = piyettun
- amphitheater = eynzyudezam
- amphitheatre = eynzyudezam
- amphithere = yifyepyet
- amphora = zyebag
- amphorae = zyebagi
- amplification = zyaxen
- amplified = zyaxwa
- amplifier = zyaxar
- amplifying = zyasea
- amplitude modulation = zyaan nagonxen
- amplitude = zyaan
- ampoule = bekul zyeb
- ampul = bekul zyeb
- ampule = bekul zyeb
- amputated = obgoblawa, tupobwa
- amputation = obgoblen, tupoben
- amputee = obgoblawat
- amuck = tojbea tepuzran
- amulet = fyazun
- amused = hihiduwa, ifuwa, ivraxwa, ivteubxwa, ivteuduwa, ivuwa
- amusement = hihiduen, if, ifaxlen, ifek, ifien, ifuen, ifuun, ivien, ivraxen, ivteubxen, ivuen, ivxen
- amusement park = ifek dem, ifekdem, ifiendem
- amusement ride = ifienpep
- amusing = dizeuduea, hihiduyea, ifiyea, ifuea, ifuyea, ivraxea, ivteuduen, ivteudxea, ivuea, ivuyea, ivxea
- amusingly = dizeudueay, hihiduyeay, ifiyeay, ifuyeay, ivraxeay, ivteudxeay
- amyl = yigsula
- amylaceousoid = yigsulyena
- an abundance of = glagan bi
- an additional time = gaba job
- an = awa, hea
- an- = oy-
- Anabaptism = Zoyfyamilbin
- Anabaptist = Zoyfyambilbinut
- anabolic = zoysexena
- anabolism = zoysexen
- Anabraptist = Zoyfyamilbina
- anachronism = hyujoeban
- anachronistic = hyujoeba
- anachronistically = hyujoebay
- anacolouthon = dyanojop
- anacolutha = ojopuni
- anacoluthon = ojopun
- anaconda = asapyet
- anaemia = tiibilozan
- anaemic = tiibiloza
- anaerobe = ololtejsan
- anaerobic = olola
- anaerobically = ololay
- anagram = vyonapdun
- anal = tikyeba
- analgesia = byokotos
- analgesic = byokobena, byokobil, byokobila, byokobul
- analingus = tikyebteubaxen
- anally = tikyebay
- analog = tapnag, tapnaga, vyamgela, vyegesan
analogical -- androgyny
- analogical = tapnaga
- analogically = tapnagay
- analogon = vyegesan
- analogous = geldina, vyegeduna, vyegesana
- analogously = geldinay, vyegesanay
- analogousness = geldinan, vyegesanan
- analogue = tapnag, tapnaga, vyamgela, vyegesan
- analogy = geldin, vyegedun, vyegesen, vyegexun
- analysand = yontixwat
- analysis = suanyonx, suanyonxen, yontix, yontixen
- analyst = suanyonxut, yontixut
- analytic = yonsuana, yontixa
- analytical = suanyonxa, yontixa
- analytically = suanyonxay, yontixay
- analyzable = suanyonxyafwa, yontixyafwa
- analyzed = suanyonxwa, yontixwa
- analyzer = suanyonxar, suanyonxut, yontixar, yontixut
- analyzing = suanyonxen, yontixen
- anapest = yogyogyagdeup
- anapestic = yogyogyagdeupa
- anaphora = zoyizdeas
- anaphoric = zoyizdea
- anaphorically = zoyizdeay
- anaphrodisiac = ifontojbeas
- anarchic = ovyaba
- anarchical = ovyabyena
- anarchically = ovyabyenay
- anarchism = ovyabin
- anarchist = ovyabinut
- anarchistic = ovyabina
- anarchy = ovyab
- anathema = frudun
- anatomic = tabgontuna
- anatomical = tabgontuna
- anatomically = tabgontunay
- anatomist = tabgontut
- anatomy = tabgontun
- ancestor = ajted
- ancestors = ajtedyan
- ancestral = ajtedyana, jatedyana
- ancestress = ajteyd
- ancestry = ajtedyan, jatedyan
- anchor = kyoxar, mimgrun
- anchorage = mimgrunbem, mimgrunben nax
- anchored = kyoxwa, mimgrunbwa
- anchoring = mimgrunben
- anchorite = antinut
- anchorman = agzyaubut
- anchorperson = agzyaubut
- anchorwoman = agzyaubuyt
- anchovy = sipit
- ancient = ajna, ajoba
- ancient artifact = yibajun
- ancient era = yibaja joeb
- Ancient Greek = Ajna Gerocad
- ancient history = yibaja ajdin
- ancient past = yibaj
- ancient times = yibaj
- anciently = yibajay
- ancientness = yibajan
- ancillary = enaba, obnaba, yuxea
- and = ay
- and other things = ay ga hyusi
- and others = a.h., ay ga hyuti, ay hyusi
- and so forth = ay huuyen jo
- and so on = ay huuyen jo
- and the like = ay gelasi
- and thus onward = ay huuyen jo
- and vice versa = ay byem uzbwa, ay ha oyvas, ay vice versa
- andante = yug ay zyin
- Andean bear = alogapyot
- anded = ayxwa
- anding = ayxen
- andiron = faufbelar
- and/or = aey
- Andorra = Anidam
- Andorran = Anidama, Anidamat
- androgen = toopaxul
- androgenic = toopaxula
- androgyny = ebtooban
android -- animal offspring
- android = tobsayna, tobsaynat
- anecdotal = kodinoga
- anecdote = kodinog
- anecdotic = kodinoga
- anechoic = zoyteuzuka
- anemia = grotiibilan
- anemic = grotiibila
- anemically = grotiibilay
- anemometer = mapnagar
- anemometry = mapnagen
- aneroid = iluka
- anesthesia = tosyofxen
- anesthesiologist = tosyofxentut
- anesthesiology = tosyofxentun
- anesthesist = tosyofxut
- anesthetic = tosyofxul, tujaxul
- anesthetist = tosyofxut, tujaxut
- anesthetization = tosyofxen
- anesthetized = tosyofxwa, tujaxwa
- anesthetizing agent = tosyofxul
- anesthetizing = tosyofxea, tujaxen
- aneurism = zyaxun
- aneurysm = zyaxun
- anew = ejnay
- angel = pattob, tat
- angel shark = iwapyit
- angelic = pattobyena, tata, tatyena
- angelica = yolevos
- angelical = tatyena
- angelically = tayenay
- anger = ebyextip, fyuxfan, magtipan, tipufran, uftos
- anger management = fyuxfan diyben
- angered = ebyextipuwa, fyuxfaxwa, magtipxwa, tipufraxwa, uftosuwa
- anger-filled = fyuxfanika
- angering = ebyextipuen, fyuxfaxen, tipufraxen, uftosuea, uftosuen
- anger-prone = jakixwa bu fyuxfan
- angina = byok
- angiogram = talobsin
- angiography = talobsinxen
- angioplasty = talobzyaxen
- angle grinder = gunmyekar
- angle = gun, gunnog
- angler = pitgrunut
- Anglicized = Enigedxwa
- angling = gupen, pitgrunen
- Anglo = Enigedut, Enigema
- Anglo- = Enigem-, Gebaroma-
- Anglophone = Enigedalut
- Anglo-Saxon = Aniged, Anigeda
- Angola = Agom
- Angolan = Agoma, Agomat
- Angora goat = yoepet, yoepetayob
- angora = yoepet, yoepetayob
- angrily = ebyextipay, uftosikay
- angriness = ebyextipan, uftosayan, uftosikan
- angry = ebyextipa, fyuxfa, magtipa, tipufra, uftosaya, uftosika
- angry person = uftosikat
- angst = tepobos
- angstrom = aunak
- Anguilla = Aiam
- Anguillan = Aiama, Aiamat
- anguish = tepyopoos, yopoox
- anguished = tepyopooxwa, yopooxwa
- anguishing = tepyopoosen, tepyopooxea, yopoosen, yopooxea
- angular acceleration = ro-gol-sogarenak
- angular frequency = ro-gol-sonak
- angular = guna
- angular velocity = guna igan, ro-gol-sonak
- angularity = gunan
- anhydrous = miluka
- aniline = yancayonheniienhel
- animal cage = pot pexnyem, potnyem
- animal caretaker = potbikuut
- animal circus = podiz
- animal hair = petayeb, potayeb, potayebyan
- animal hide = potayob
- animal husbandry = petagxen
- animal kingdom = potyan
- animal lover = potifat
- animal offspring = potudyan
animal park -- annunciating
- animal park = potdem
- animal = pet, pot, pota
- animal raiser = petagxut
- animal sacrifice = potfyabuun
- animal shelter = petam, pottam
- animal skin = potayob, potayub
- animal slayer = pottojbut
- animal trainer = pottamxut
- animal training = pottamxen
- animalcule = potog
- animalia = potyan
- animalistic = potyena
- animality = potan
- animal-like = potyena
- animate noun suffix denoting person = -t
- animate = tejea
- animated film = tejuwa dyez
- animated = tejaya, tejika, tejikxwa, tejuwa, toopika, topika
- animatedly = tejuway
- animateness = tejuwan
- animation = tejikxen, tejuen
- animator = tejuut
- animism = topin
- animist = topina
- animistic = topina
- animosity = tipovan
- animus = toop, top
- anion = vomakmul, yapeal
- anionic = vomakmula
- aniseikonic = ogesinbok
- anisotropic = izonogela
- anisotropy = izonogelan
- ankh = ankh
- ankle bracelet = tyoyib yuvar
- ankle chain = tyoyib yuvar
- ankle sock = tyoyiv
- ankle = tyoyib
- anklebone = tyoyib taib
- anklet = tyoyiz
- Anlgo-American = Enigem-Usoma
- annal = zyuas
- annelid = goynxwa peyet
- annex = gabdras, kutom
- annexation = gabyanxen
- annexed = gabyanxwa
- annexing = gabyanxen
- annihilated = hyosunxwa, lomulxwa
- annihilation = hyosunxen, lomulxen
- anniversary = jabjud, jabzyus
- annotated = dresuwa, kudreswa
- annotating = dresuen, kudresen
- annotation = dresuen, kudres, kudresen
- annotator = dresuut, kudresut
- announced = dodelwa, zyadwa
- announcement = dodel, zyad
- announcer = dodelut, zyadut
- announcing = dodelen, zyaden
- annoyability = oboxyafwan
- annoyable = oboxyafwa
- annoyance = oboxen, tepvuloxen
- annoyed = oboxwa, tepvuloxwa
- annoying = oboxea, tepvuloxea, tepvuloxyea
- annoying person = fyutob
- annoyingly = oboxeay
- annual budget = jabnuix
- annual cycle = jabzyus
- annual = jaba
- annually = jabay
- annuitant = jabnixut
- annuitization = jabnasaxen
- annuitized = jabnaxaxwa
- annuity = jabnas, jabnix, jabnux
- annular = zyuesa
- annulate = zyuessana
- annulation = zyuesben
- annulled = lonazaxwa, onxwa
- annulment = lonazaxen, onxen
- annum = jab
- annunciated = deylwa
- annunciating = deylea, deylen
annunciation -- ante-meridian
- annunciation = deyl, deylen
- annunciator = deylut
- anode = vamakmis
- anodic = vamakmisa
- anodized = vamakmisaxwa
- anodyne = obyoka
- anointed = fyaxyelwa
- anointing = fyaxyelen
- anointment = fyaxyel, fyaxyelen
- anomalous = ovyaba
- anomalously = ovyabay
- anomaly = ovyab, ovyaban, ovyabas
- anomic = dyuntoxyea
- anomie = dyuntoxen
- anonym = odyun, vyodyun
- anonymity = dyunukan, odyunan
- anonymous = dyunoya, dyunuka, odyuna
- anonymous person = dyunukat, odyunat
- anonymously = dyunukay, odyunay
- anorak = Gelima tif, bixpurteaxut
- anorectic = otelefa
- anorexia = otelefan, telefok
- anorexic = otelefa
- anosmia = teityof
- another = awa hyus, ga awa, hyua, hyuawa, hyut
- another day = hyujub
- another kind = hyusaun, ogesaun
- another kind of = hyusauna, hyuyena
- another kind of person = hyuyenat
- another kind of thing = hyuyenas
- another Monday = hyuawa juab
- another occasion = ga awa jod
- another one = gawas, hyuawas
- another person = gawat, hyuawat
- another person's = hyuawata
- another sort of = hyuyena
- another thing = hyus, hyusun
- another time = awa ga jod, gajod, hyua job, hyuawa job, hyuj, hyujod
- another way = hyumep
- another's = hyuawata, hyuawatas, hyuta
- another's things = hyuawatasi
- anserine = tepoya, tepuka, upatyena
- answer = dud
- answerability = dudyefan
- answerable = dudyefa
- answerably = dudyefay
- answered = dudwa
- answered positively = vadudwa
- answerer = dudut
- answering = duden
- answering no = voduen
- ant colony = napeltyan
- -ant = -ea
- ant = xapelt
- antacid = ovzil, yigzilovul
- antagonism = yontipxen
- antagonist = agfudezut, agfut, frut
- antagonistic = yontipxyea
- antagonized = yontipxwa
- antagonizing = yontipxea
- Antarctic Circle = zomernad
- Antarctic dweller = Yibzomerat
- Antarctic Ocean = Yibzomera Mimag
- Antarctic = Yibzomera
- antarctic = yobzomera
- Antarctica = Akom, Atam
- Antarctican = Atama
- ante- = ja-, za-
- ante meridiem = ja zemaj, jaZ
- anteater = nipot
- antebellum = jadropek, jadropeka
- antecedence = japen
- antecedent = japea
- antechamber = zatim
- ante-dated = jajudrawa
- ante-dating = jajudren
- antediluvian = jayima
- antefix = kunadabmef
- antelope = vyapot
- ante-meridian = jazemaj
antenatal -- antihegemonic
- antenatal = jataja
- antenna = tayotar, tostub, vub
- antennae = tayotari, tostubi, vubi
- anterior = jaa, jana, zakun, zakuna, zana, zaneda
- anterior plane = zaned
- anteriority = jaan, janan, zanan
- anteriorly = janay, zanay
- anteroom = zatim
- anthelmintic = peyetovarea
- anthem = fizdeuzun, tezdeuzun
- anther = veeybyem
- anthill = napeltam
- anthologist = drezyanxut
- anthology = drezyan
- anthracite = amaeg, maameg
- anthropocentric = tobzena
- anthropoid = tobsayna, tobsaynat, tobyena
- anthropological = tobtuna
- anthropologically = tobunay
- anthropologist = tobtut
- anthropology = tobtun
- anthropomorphic = tobsana
- anthropomorphically = tobsanay
- anthropomorphism = tobsanan
- anti = ov, ova
- anti- = -ova, oyv-
- antiabortion = ovlotajbena
- antiabortionist = ovlotajbenina
- anti-aircraft = ovmampura
- Anti-American = OvUsoma, Usomova
- anti-authority = ovvadaba
- anti-bacterial = ovbokogrunul
- antiballistic = ovpuxruna
- antibiotic = ovbokogruna
- antibody = ovtabes
- antic = ifeyk
- anticancer = ovtaobyazboka
- Anti-Christ = Ov-Krist
- anticipated = jayakwa
- anticipating = jayakea, jayaken
- anticipation = jayaken
- anticipatory = jayakena
- anticlerical = ovfyaxaba
- anti-clerical = ovtontindebat
- anticlericalism = ovfyaxabin
- anticlimactic = ovmusabnoda
- anticlimactically = ovmusabnoday
- anticlimax = ovmusabnoda
- anticlinal = ovkina
- anticline = ovkin
- anticlockwise = ovjwobirizona
- anticoagulant = ovyanglalxul
- anticoagulation = ovyanglalxen
- anticommunism = ovyanotin
- anticommunist = ovyanotina, ovyanotinut
- anticompetitive = ovyanekyea
- anti-constitutional = agdovyabova, ovdovyabyana
- anti-constitutionality = agdovyabovan, ovdovyabyanan
- anticorrosive = ibtelovxul
- anticyclone = ovmimuzruna
- anticyclonic = ocmimuzruna
- anti-democrat = tyodabovat
- antidemocratic = ovtyodaba
- anti-democratic = ovtyodaba, tyodabova
- antidepressant = ovuvtipul
- anti-depressant = tipivxul
- antidote = ovbekul, ovbokul, ovbyek
- anti-erotic = ovtaabifa
- antiestablishment = ovvadaba
- antifascist = ovmusoliniina
- antifreeze = ovyoymil, yoymovul
- anti-fundamentalist = ovsyobainut
- anti-gay = ovhyitoobifa
- anti-gayness = ovhyitoobifan
- antigen = ovtabessaxul
- antigenic = ovtabessaxula
- anti-god = ovtota
- anti-government = ovdaba
- Antigua and Barbuda = Atogem
- antihegemonic = ovabyafona
antihero -- anti-social
- antihero = ovyifrat
- antihistamine = ovcayaheyuniia
- antihistorical = ovajdina
- anti-imperialist = ovadabina
- antiinformation = ovtuuna
- antiknock = byexovxul
- antilabor = ovyexlena
- antilogarithm = ovgarsag
- antimasker = ovteuvat
- anti-matter = ovmul
- antimicrobial = ovtejogruna
- antimissile = ovpyaxmufyega
- antimony = sobalk
- antinationalist = ovdoobina
- antinomian = ovdovyabin
- antinomy = ovvyaban
- antinuclear = ovzemula
- antioxidant = ovolkxul
- anti-papism = ovKatolikebin
- anti-papist = ovKatolikebinut
- antiparticle = ovmulona
- antipasto = jatul
- antipathetic = ovtosea, tipova
- antipathy = ovtos, tipova
- antipersonnel = ovaota
- antiperspirant = tayobilovus
- antiphase = ovnoog
- antiphon = duiddeuzun
- antiphonal = duiddeuzuna
- antiphonally = duiddeuzunay
- antiphonary = duiddeuzuna
- antiphony = ovteuz
- antipodal = ovmernoda, ovujnoda
- antipode = ovmernod, ovujnod, oyvnod
- antipodean = ovmerndoa
- antipodes = ovmernodi
- antipollution = ovmulvyuxen
- antipope = ovafyaxeb
- antipoverty = ovnasefa
- anti-progressive = ovzaypasa
- anti-protest = ovazovden
- anti-protester = ovazovdut
- antipyretic = ovamboka
- antiquarian = ajsyunnamut
- antiquarianism = ajsyunamutin
- antiquary = ajsyunnamut
- antiquated = ajnaxwa
- antique = ajna, ajsyun
- antique shop = ajsyunam
- antique store = ajsyunam
- antiquities = ajsyunyan
- antiquity = ajnan, ajoban, ajsyun, yibaj
- anti-racist = ovtoodina
- antireligious = fyaxinova
- anti-religious = ovfyateza, ovfyaxina
- antireligious person = fyaxinovat
- anti-religious person = ovfyatezat
- antireligiousness = fyaxinovan
- anti-republican = ovditdoba
- antiresonance = ovzoyseuxen
- antiresonator = ovzoyseuxar
- anti-rust = ovibteluna
- antisegregationism = ovyonnyanxin
- antisegregationist = ovyonnyanxina, ovyonnyanxinut
- anti-Semite = Semadatufat, Semidatovat
- antisemitic = ovsemita, ovsemitat
- anti-Semitic = Semadatova, Semadatufa
- antisemitism = ovsemitin
- anti-Semitism = Semadatovin
- anti-septic = ovfyumula
- antiseptically = ovfyumulay
- antisera = ovzyobili
- antiserum = ovzyobil
- anti-sexual = ovtaabifa
- anti-skid = ovobmepea
- antislavery = ovyuvrin, ovyuvrina
- anti-slavery = ovyuxrutana
- antislavist = ovyuvrinut
- anti-smoking = ovgivoba
- anti-social = ovdota
antisocial person -- any way
- antisocial person = ovdotat
- antisocialness = ovdotan
- anti-spasmodic = ovigbasa
- antistate = ovdoba
- anti-static = ovmaalmaka
- anti-statutory = ovdotvyaba
- anti-submarine = ovoybdipura
- antisymmetric = ovgenaga
- antisymmetry = ovgenagan
- anti-tank = ovdepura
- anti-terrorism = ovyufina
- anti-terrorist = ovyufraxuta
- anti-theft = ovkobira
- antithesis = ovtix
- antithetic = ovtixa
- antithetical = ovtixa
- antithetically = ovtixay
- anti-tobacco = ovgivoba
- antitoxic = ovbokula
- anti-toxin = ovbokul
- antitrust = ovannuxutyana
- antiunion = ovyexutyana
- antivenin = ovpobokul
- anti-venom = ovbokul
- anti-venomous = ovbokula
- antiviral = ovbokogruna
- antivivisectionist = ovtejgoblina
- anti-war = dopufa, ovdopa
- antiwar = ovdropeka
- anti-war person = ovdopat
- anti-war-hating = dropekufa
- anti-welfare = doyuxova
- anti-wrinkle = ovofyuyja
- antler = vepoteyub
- antlered = vepoteyubobwa
- antonym = ovdyun
- antonymous = ovdyuna
- antonymy = ovdyunan
- antsy = posyofa
- anus = tikyeb
- anvil = feelkmef, megyig
- anxiety = opoos
- anxious = opoosaya, opoosika, pesyaya, pesyika
- anxiously = opoosikay, pesyikay
- anxiousness = opoosayan, opoosikan, pesyayan, pesyikan
- any day = hyejub
- any gender-fluid = hyetooba
- any girl's = hyeyta, hyeytas, hyeytasi
- any girls = hyeyti
- any = hye-, hyea, hyegla, hyes, hyesi, hyesuni
- any kind = hyesaun, hyeyenas
- any kind of = hyegela, hyesauna, hyeyena
- any kind of man = hyesaunwat
- any kind of man's = hyesaunwata
- any kind of people = hyesaunati, hyeyenati
- any kind of person = hyesaunat, hyeyenat
- any kind of thing = hyesaunas, hyeyenas
- any kind of woman = hyesaunayt
- any kind of woman's = hyesaunayta
- any kinds of people = hyeyenati
- any kinds of things = hyeyenasi
- any longer = gay
- any Monday = hyejuab
- any number of times = hyegla jodi
- any of it = hyeglas
- any of them = hyeglasi, hyeglati
- any one = hyeawa, hyeawas
- any other = hyehyua
- any other kind of = hyehyusauna
- any other place = hyehyum
- any other time = hyehyuj
- any other way = hyehyuyen
- any people = hyeti
- any people that = hyeti ho
- any time = hyej, hyejob, hyejod, hyejodi
- any time that = hyejod ho
- any two = hyeewa, hyeewasi, hyeewati
- any two people = hyeewati
- any two things = hyeewasi
- any way = hyeizon, hyemep
any which way -- apogeic
- any which way = hyeizon, hyemep, hyeyen, kyeay
- any woman = hyeyt
- any woman who = hyeyt ho
- anybody = hyet
- anybody that = hyet ho
- anybody who = hyet ho
- anyhow = hyeyen
- anymore = gaj
- anyone = hyet
- anyone that = hyet ho
- anyone who = hyet ho
- anyplace = hyem
- anything else = hyehyus
- anything = hyes, hyesun, hyos
- anything that = hyes ho, hyesun ho
- anytime = hyej, hyejob, hyejod
- anytime that = hyejob ho, hyejod ho
- anyway = hyemep, hyeyen
- anyway that = hyemep ho, hyeyen ho
- anywhere = hyem, hyemi
- anywhere that = hyem ho
- anywise = hyeyen
- aorta = atalob
- aortae = atalobi
- aortic = ataloba
- apace = igay
- Apache = Apod
- Apache script = Apodreyen
- Apache speaker = Apodalut
- Apache-speaking = Apodalea
- apart from that = yon bi hus
- apart from the fact that = yon bi van
- apart from = yon bi
- apart = yon, yona, yonay
- apartheid advocate = yonaninut
- apartheid = yonanin
- apartment building = tomaunyan
- apartment complex = tomaunyan
- apartment mate = tomaundet
- apartment unit = tomaun
- apartness = yonan
- apathetic = evtosea, otosea
- apathetically = evtoseay, otoseay
- apathy = evtos, otos
- apatite = caanfelipolkiyt
- ape = tapotag, tapyot
- apelike = tapotagyena
- ape-like = tapyotyena, topotyena
- aperiodic = ojoiba
- aperiodicity = ojoiban
- aperitif = jatil, jatul fil
- aperture = -yeg, kajun, yij, yijun
- apex = abnod, ginod
- aphasia = dalyof
- aphasic = dalyofa
- aphelia = yibamarnod
- aphelion = yibarmarnod
- apheresis = ujdun
- aphonic = oydeuza
- aphorism = vyandreuzun, vyanegdwas
- aphoristic = vyandreuzuna
- aphoristically = vyandreuzunay
- aphrodisiac = ebtabifuul
- apiary = apelatyanam
- apical = ginoda
- apically = ginoday
- apicultural = apelatyexuna
- apiculture = apelatyexun
- apiece = av aun
- aping = gelaxlen
- aplenty = gre
- aplomb = utvaalan
- apnea = tiexyik, tiexyikan
- apocalypse = ujlokoxen
- apocalyptic = ujlokoxena
- apocrypha = apokrifa
- apocryphal = bi vetexuyea afuen
- apocryphally = vetexuyeay
- apogee = yabnod, yibnod
- apogeic = yibnoda
apograph -- application of oil
- apograph = geldras
- apolitical = odabtuna
- apolitically = odabtunay
- apologetic = ajuvtosdea, hyoydea, hyoydyea, joyovtosdyea, opyexdyea
- apologetically = ajuvtosdeay, hyoydyeay, joyovtosdyeay, opyexdyeay
- apologia = testuen
- apologist = testuut
- apologizing = ajuvtosden, hyoyden, opyexden, vabien yovan
- apology = hyoyd, hyoyden, joyovtos, joyovtosden, opyexden
- apology note = hyoydres, joyovtosdres
- apoplectic = yonpyexa
- apoplexy = yonpyex
- apostasy = lovadelen
- apostate = lovadelut
- apostle = fyaublawat, kristzoput
- apostleship = fyaublawatan, kristzoputan
- apostolic = fyaublawatana, kristzoputa
- apostrophe = oysunsiyn
- apothecary = bekulam
- apothegm = yogvyandun
- appalled = yuflaxwa
- appalling matter = yuflaxyea son
- appalling = yuflaxea, yuflaxyea, yufraxea
- appallingly = yuflaxeay, yuflaxyeay
- appanage = tajnaz
- apparatus = sar, sor
- apparel = tof
- apparent = teasea
- apparently = teaseay
- apparition = teatien
- appeal = dyuun
- appealing = dyuen, teabixea, teabpexea
- appearance = oyebsan, teas, teasien, teatien, zaypuen
- appearing = teasea, teatien
- appeased = poosaxwa
- appeasement = poosaxen
- appeaser = poosaxut
- appelation = dyuen
- appelative = dyuena
- appellant = dyuut
- appellate = dyuunvaodea
- appellation = dyun, dyunen
- appellative = dyuena, dyuuna, gabdyun, sindrea dyun
- appendage = sub, tup, zogab
- appendectomy = zogabgoblun
- appended = zogabwa
- appending = zogaben
- appendix = ujgabun, zogab
- appetite suppressant = telef yobalus
- appetite = telef
- appetizer = jatul, telefxul, tulgab
- appetizer menu = jatuldras
- appetizing = telefxea, telefxen
- appetizingly = telefxeay
- applauded = hwaydeuxwa
- applauder = hwaydeuxut
- applauding = hwaydeuxen
- applause = hwaydeux, hwaydeuxen
- applause-worthiness = hwaydyefwan
- applause-worthy of congratulations = hwaydyefwa
- apple = afeb
- apple core = afebzen
- apple corer = afebzenobar
- apple juice = afel
- apple pie = afeb ableovol
- apple sauce = afebuil
- apple tree = afab
- applesauce = afabtuil
- appleseed = afeeb
- applet = abalog
- appliance = maksom
- applicability = abalyafwan
- applicable = abalyafwa
- applicably = abalyafway
- applicant = abalut
- application = abalen, abaleyn, aben
- application of color = volzaben
- application of foil = fayefaben
- application of force = azonaben
- application of oil = tayalben, yelben
application of salve -- apt to lose
- application of salve = yugyelben
- applicative = abalyea
- applicatively = abalyeay
- applicator = abalar
- applied = abalwa, abwa
- applied with lotion = yugyelbwa
- applier = abalut
- applique = abalwas
- apply lotion = aber yugyel
- apply makeup = aber vixut biel
- applying = abalea, abalen, aben
- applying force = abalen azon, azonben
- applying lotion application = yugyelben
- applying the accelerator = igaren
- appointed = dodyunuwa, xabubwa
- appointee = dodyunuwat, xabubwat, yembuwat
- appointer = dodyunuut, xabubut
- appointing = dodyunuen, xabubea
- appointment = dodyunuen, xabuben, yanupjwob, yembuen
- apportioned = vyegonuwa
- apportioning = vyegonuen
- apportionment = vyegonuen
- apposition = kunyanben
- appositive = kunyanbena
- appraisal = nazden
- appraised = fyindwa, nazdwa
- appraisement = fyinden, nazden
- appraiser = fyindut, nazdut
- appreciable = naxtyafwa, nazyeyfwa
- appreciably = naxtyafway
- appreciated = glanaztwa, naxtwa, naztwa, nazuwa, yabnazaxwa
- Appreciated! = Naxtwe!
- appreciating = glanazten, naztea, nazuea, yabnazasea
- appreciation = nazten, nazuen, yabnazaxen
- appreciative = naztea, naztyea
- appreciatively = naztyeay
- appreciativeness = naztyean
- appreciator = naztut
- apprehended = pixwa, testwa, tiswa
- apprehensible = pixyafwa, testyafwa, tisyafwa
- apprehension = pixen, testen, tien, tisen
- apprehensive = ojyufa
- apprehensively = ojyufay
- apprehensiveness = ojyufan
- apprentice = ijtyeniut, tyeniut
- apprenticeship = ijtyenutan, tyeniun
- apprised = tiwa
- approach = yup, yupem
- approachability = yupyafwan
- approachable = yupyafwa
- approaching = yupea
- approbate = fivadwa
- approbation = doafxen, fivaden
- appropriate = vyaaxlena, vyanapa
- appropriated = lobexwa
- appropriately acting = vyaaxlea
- appropriately = vyaaxleay, vyanapay
- appropriateness = vyaaxlean, vyanapan
- appropriation = lobexen, lobexun
- approval = fidel, fivad, fivaden, vabuen, vaden
- approved = fidelwa, fivadwa
- approving = fidelen, fivadyea
- approvingly = fivadyeay
- approximant = yijenseux
- approximate = yuba, yubgea, yubxea
- approximated = yubgexwa, yubnaxwa, yubxwa
- approximately = yub, yubay, yubge voy, yubgeay
- approximating = yubgesea, yubgexen, yubnaxea, yubxea
- approximation = yubgean, yubgexen, yubnaxen, yubxen
- appurtenance = gabun
- appurtenant = gabuna
- apricot juice = yofal, yofel
- apricot orange = yofelza
- apricot tree = yofab
- apricot = yofeb
- April = jiub
- apron = abtaves, dezyem uzmas, taves, tultav
- apse = uzyaz
- apt to fail = vyonsyakwa
- apt to lose = okyakwa
- apt to = -yakwa
- apt to" = -yea
- apt = xyafa, xyafwa
- aptitude = tisyaf, tisyafan, xyaf, yakwan
- aptly = xyafay
- aptness = xyafan
- aqrabuamelu = fyeipeltob
- aqua- = mil-
- aqua vitae = tejmil
- aquaculture = milyexun
- aqualung = oybmiltieb
- aquamarine = mim-yolz, mim-yolza
- aquanaut = mimput
- aquaplane = miampur
- aquarelle = milvolz siz
- aquaria = milnyemi
- aquarium = milnyem, pit milsyeb
- aquatic bird = piat
- aquatic mammal = piot
- aquatic = mila
- aquatic museum = mila suzyanam
- aquatic plant = milfob, milvab
- aquatically = milay
- aquatint = milgobdrun
- aquatone = mildrurun
- aquavit = akvavit
- aqueduct = milizbar, milmep
- aqueous = milaya, milika
- aquicultural = milyexa
- aquiculturalist = milyexut
- aquiculture = milyex
- aquifer = milbelea mel
- aquiline = apyatyena
- Ar = arolk
- arabesque = aradresin
- Arabia = Aradam
- Arabian = Aradamat
- Arabic language = Arad
- Arabic script = Aradreyen
- Arabic writing system = Aradreyen
- arability = melyexyafwan
- arable = melyexyafwa
- Arab-speaking = Aradalea
- arachnoid = apeltyena
- Aragonese = Aroged
- Aragonese speaker of Aragonese = Arogedalut
- Aramaic = Arad
- Arapaho = Aropod
- arbiter = ebvaodut, zetob
- arbitrage = ebvaoden, zetobdien
- arbitrager = ebvaodut, zetob
- arbitrageur = ebvaodut, zetob
- arbitral = ebvaoda, zetobdiena
- arbitrament = ebvaod, zetobdien
- arbitrarily = kyefonay, kyetipay
- arbitrariness = kyefonan, kyetipan
- arbitrary justice = kyetipa doyevan
- arbitrary = kyefona, kyetipa
- arbitrate = zetobduen
- arbitrated = ebvaodwa, zetobduwa
- arbitrating = ebvaodea, zetobduen
- arbitration = ebvaod, ebvaoden, zetobduen
- arbitrator = ebvaodut, zetob
- arbor = fabdeym
- arboreal = faba
- arboreta = fabtixami
- arboretum = fabtixam
- arboriculture = fabyexun
- arborvitae = arborvitae
- arbritary rule = kyetipdaben
- Arc de Triomphe = Uz bi Akran
- arc of light = manuz
- arc = uz, uznad, uzun
- arcade = makifekam, uzaybmasyan
- arcana = kotuunyan
- arcane = kotuuna
- arcanum = kobyek
- arced = uzaxwa
- arch- = aa-, ab-, agna-, jag-
- arch = agna, dopuz, uz, uzaybmas, uzdopar, zeymepuz
arch enemy -- areola
- arch enemy = agovdat
- arch villain = agfudezut, agfut
- archaeo- = yibaj-
- archaeological find = yibajtuna kaxun
- archaeological search = yibajtuna kex
- archaeological searcher = yibajtuna kexut
- archaeological = yibajtuna
- archaeologically = yibajtunay
- archaeologist = yibajtut
- archaeology = yibajtut
- archaic = yibaja
- archaically = yibajay
- archaism = yibajdun
- archaist = yibajdut
- archaistic = yibajduna
- archangel = aatat, itaet
- archbishop = abefyaxeb
- archbishopric = abefyaxab
- archdiocesan = ukristut
- archdiocese = abefyaxem
- archduchess = agudeyb
- archduchy = agudob
- archduke = agudeb
- arched = uza, uznada, uznadxwa
- archenemy = agyodat
- archeology = yibajtun
- archery = dopuztyen
- archetypal = ijsauna, vyasauna
- archetype = aasaun, ijsaun, vyasaun
- archetypical = aasauna, ijjsauna, vyasauna
- archfiend = agovdat
- archfool = agtepukat
- archiepiscopal = abefyaxeba
- archiepiscopate = abefyaxob
- arching = uznadxea
- archipelago = yonmelyan
- architect = sextuzut
- architected = sextuzwa
- architectural = sextuza
- architecture = sextuz
- architrave = agna myuf
- archival = ajnexunyana, ajunbexlama
- archivation = ajunbexlamben
- archive = ajnexunam, ajnexunyan, ajunbexlam
- archived = ajnexwa, ajunbexlambwa
- archiver = ajunbexlambut
- archiving = ajunbexlamben
- archivist = ajunbexlambut
- archrival = agovekut
- archway = uznadmep
- -archy = -dab
- arcing = uzasea, uzpea
- arclike = uzyena
- arcsine = oyva uznad
- arctangent = oyva byuxnad
- Arctic Circle = Zamernad
- Arctic dweller = Yibzamerat
- arctic fox = awipyot
- Arctic Ocean = Amimag, Yibzamera Mimag
- Arctic = Yibzamera
- ardency = amagan, amagyenan
- ardent = amaga, amagyena, tipama
- ardent believer = azvatexut
- ardently = amagyenay, tipamay
- ardentness = tipaman
- ardor = amag, amagyenan
- arduous = yikra
- arduously = yikray
- arduousness = yikran
- are = se
- Are you faring well? = Duven et fipeye?
- area around = yuzem
- area between = ebem
- area code = gonem sag
- area in between = ebem
- area = neyd, zyaned
- area of operations = exnig
- areal = neyda
- arena = ekam, ifekam, ifekem, ifeknig, teaxem
- areola = tilaybeibyuz
arf -- army private 2
- arf = yeped
- Argentina = Arogem
- Argentinian = Arogema, Arogemat
- argil = melog
- arginine = arginiyn
- argon = arolk
- argonaut = yifpoput
- argosy = nunmimpur
- argot = yondalzeyn
- arguable = apyexdalyafwa
- arguably = apyexdalyafway
- argued = aovdalwa, ebyexdalwa, yondalwa
- arguer = aovdalut, dalebyexut, yondalut
- arguing = aovdalen, dalebyexen, ebyexdalen, yondalen
- argument = aovdal, dalebyex, ebyexdal, nazikxus, yondal
- argumentation = aovdalen, ebyexdalen
- argumentative = dalebyexyea, ebyexdalyea, yondalyea
- argumentativeness = dalebyexyean, ebyexdalyean, yondalyean
- argyle = amezasauna
- aria = awatduz
- arid = mamilgrona, uma
- aridity = uman
- aright = vyakay
- Ã…land = Alam
- Ã…land Islands = Alam, Alama, Alamat
- arisen = yapya
- arising = yapea
- aristocracy = abdoutyan, abtajtyan
- aristocrat = abdout, abtajtyanat
- aristocratic = abdouta, abdoutyana, abtajtyana, visyana
- aristocratically = abdoutyanay
- arithmetic = asagtun, asagtuna
- arithmetical = asagtuna
- arithmetically = agatunay, asagtunay
- arithmetician = asagtut
- aritifice = vyosyen
- ark = zyia mipar
- Arkansas = Arkansah
- arm = dopar, tub
- armada = dopmimpuryan
- armadillo = napot
- armament = apyexarien, doparyan
- armarian = fyaantinam dyesyanamut
- armature = obyextof
- armband = tub yuznof
- armchair = agsim, tubsim, zyasim
- armed = apyexaruwa, doparabwa, doparuwa
- Armenia = Aromim
- Armenian = Aromid, Aromim, Aromima, Aromimat
- Armenian dram = Amihedan
- Armenian speaker = Aromidalut
- armful = tubglan
- armhole = tubzyeg
- arming = apyexaruen, doparaben, doparuen
- armistice = doparkuben, dropekpox
- armlet = tubzyus
- armload = tubkyis
- armoire = sam
- armor = dopabaun, dopayob, doptaf, pyexovar
- armored = dopayobuwa, obyexwa, pyexovarwa
- armored vehicle = dopayobuwa pur
- armoring = dopayobuen
- armory = doparam, doparyanam
- armourer = doparsaxut
- armpit = tubzyeg
- armrest = tubbol
- arms depot = dopar yembam
- arms = dopari
- army army specialist = udepat
- army captain = yideplat
- army chief warrant officer 2 = edeplat
- army chief warrant officer 3 = ideplat
- army chief warrant officer 4 = udeplat
- army chief warrant officer 5 = yodeplat
- army colonel = aladeplat
- army enlisted soldier = yebdyundrawa depat
- army first lieutenant = yedeplat
- army lieutenant colonel = alodeplat
- army major = yudeplat
- army private 2 = edepat
army private -- arriving and leaving
- army private = adepat
- army private first class = idepat
- army second lieutenant = yadeplat
- army warrant officer = adeplat
- army brigadier general = adeprat
- army command sergeant major = ebyudepyat
- army commander = depeb
- army corporal = udepyat
- army = dep, depa, depyan
- army first sergeant = abyidepyat
- army four-star general = udeprat
- army green = dep ulza
- army lieutenant general = ideprat
- army major general = edeprat
- army master sergeant = obyidepyat
- army platoon sergeant first class = yedepyat
- army rabble = fudepyan
- army sergeant major = obyudepyat
- army sergeant major of the army = abyudepyat
- army sergeant = yodepyat
- army staff sergeant = yadepyat
- aroma = fiteis, teis, teiz
- aroma-free = teizuka
- aromantic = hyotaabifat
- aromatherapist = teizbekut
- aromatherapy = teizbek
- aromatic = fiteisa, fiteisea, teisaya, teisika, teizaya, teizika, viteisea
- aromatization = fiteisaxen, teizben
- aromatized = teizbwa
- aromatizer = teizbar
- aromatizing = fiteisaxea
- around here = yub bi him
- around the clock = hya elu jwobi
- around the corner from = yuz bi ha gum bi
- around the edge of = yuz bi ha kunad bi
- around the world = yuz bi ha mir
- around there = yub bi hum
- around = yubge voy, yuz bi
- around-the-house = yuztama
- arousal = byaren, iftayos, iftayoxen, taadifluen
- aroused = byarwa, eotifbyarwa, eotifuwa, iftayoxwa, taadifluwa, tijbwa, xulwa
- arousing = byarea, byaren, iftayoxea, tijbyea, xulen
- arousing pity = tipuvxea
- arpeggio = buduzaren
- arrack = arak
- arraigned = doyevambwa, doyevkexwa
- arraigner = doyevambut
- arraigning = doyevamben
- arraignment = doyevamben, doyevkexen
- arranged in numerical order = sagnapxwa
- arranged = nabxwa, nabyanxwa, xexwa
- arrangement = nabxen, nabyanxen, xexen
- arranger = nabxut, xexut
- arrant = zyapea
- array = nabyan, nabyem, napxwas
- array of colors = volznabyan
- array of services = fyisyan
- arrayed = abunbwa, nabyemxwa, napxwa, uinaba, uinabxwa
- arraying = abunben, napxen
- arrest = dopox, pixlun, vyabpixlun
- arrest warrant = dopox vladref
- arrested = dopoxwa, pixlawa, vyabpixlawa
- arresting = dopoxen, pixlea, pixlen, vyabpixlea, vyabpixlen
- arresting officer = dopoxea dibut, vyabpixlut
- arrestingly = pixleay
- arrhythmia = okyibyan
- arrhythmic = okyibyana
- arrhythmical = okyiba
- arrival inside = yepuen
- arrival point of arrival = puem
- arrival = puen
- arrival terminal = puenam
- arrival time = puen jwob
- arrival zone = puen gonem
- arrivals lounge = puen pontem, puen tem
- arrivals terminal = melpuen ujtom, puen tom
- arrived = puya, upya
- arriving after = zopuen
- arriving ahead of = japuea, japuen
- arriving and leaving = puien
arriving before -- artisanal
- arriving before = zapuen
- arriving early arrival = jwapuen
- arriving home arrival = tampuen
- arriving late = jwopuen
- arriving on time = jwepuen
- arriving = puea, puen
- arriving-and-leaving = pui-
- arriviste = jwoglanasa, jwoglanasat, jwonyazkaxut
- arrogance = yavran
- arrogant = yavra
- arrogantly = yavray
- arrondissement = yuzdomgon
- arrow = gimuf, izmuf
- arrow shape = izmufsan
- arrow sign = izonsiyn
- arrowhead = gimufseb, izmufgin, izmufseb
- arroyo = miip
- arse = zotiub
- arsehole = zotiubzyeg
- arse-kisser = zotiubapaxut
- arsenal = doparam, dopyan, dopyanam
- arsenic = asolk
- arsine = asohei
- arson = doyova magijben
- arsonist = doyova magijbut
- art ability = tuzyaf
- art acquisition = tuzun iblen
- art collection = tuzun yaniblun, tuzunyan
- art collector = tuzun yaniblut
- art critic = tuzyevdrut, tuzyevdut
- art exhibition = tuzem
- art fair = tuzem
- art gallery = drasintem, suzyanem, tuztem
- art lover = tuzifut
- art movie house = tuzdyezam
- art museum curator = tuzyanameb
- art museum of art = tuzunyanam
- art museum = tuzun yanibiam
- art object = tuzun
- art studio = tuzunxam
- art = tuz, vituz, vityen
- arterial sclerosis = taloba yigsenbok
- arterial = taloba
- arteriolar = taloboga
- arteriole = talobog
- artery = talob
- artesian = utyapea
- artful = tuzaya, tuzika, vituzaya, vituzika
- artfully = tuzikay
- artfulness = tuzayan, tuzikan
- arthritic = talabboka
- arthritis = talabbok
- arthropod = talabtupet
- arthroscope = talabteaxar
- arthroscopic = talabteaxa
- artic = yibzameram
- artichoke = byavol, lyavol
- artichoke green = byavulza
- article = drases, drenes, nunes, syunes
- articulate = fidalea
- articulated = fidalwa, seuxdwa, suibwa
- articulated poorly-pronounced = fuseuxdwa
- articulately = fiseuxdway
- articulateness = seuxdwan
- articulation = dreden, fiseuxden, suiben
- articulatory = talaba
- artifact = suz, tuzun
- artifice = ovyam, vyobyen, vyomsun, vyosyen
- artificial = omola, ovyama, suza, tuza, tuzunxwa, vyosa
- artificiality = omolan, vyosan
- artificially = omolay, tuzay
- artificialness = omolan, ovyaman, suzan
- artillery = dopir, dopiryan
- artillery science = dopirtun
- artillery shell = dopirpuxun, dopirzyun
- artillerymen = dopiruti
- artiness = tuzyenan
- artiodaktylos = euntyoyuba
- artisan = tuyzut, tuzut, tyenut
- artisanal = tuyza, tuyzyena, tyenuta
artisanship -- as well as one can
- artisanship = tuyz, tuzyan, tyenutan
- artist = tuzut, vituzut, vityentut
- artiste = tuzut
- artistic talent = tuzyaf
- artistic = tuzika, tuzyena, vituzaya, vituzika, vituzyena, vityentuna
- artistically = tuzikay, tuzyenay
- artistry = tuzyen, vityentunan
- artless = tuzoya, tuzuka
- artlessly = tuzukay
- artlessness = tuzoyan, tuzukan
- art-related = tuza
- arts = tuzyan
- artsy = tuzaya, tuzika, tuzyena
- artwork = vituzun
- arty = tuzaya, tuzika
- Aruba = Abawum
- Aruban = Abawuma, Abawumat
- Aruban florin = Awugen
- -ary = -am, -em, -yem
- as ... as ... as = ge ... vyel
- as a consequence = gel joixun
- as a consequence of = gel joixun bi
- as a gift = gel bun
- as a matter of fact = gel vyanson, vray
- as a means of = gel yuxun bi, gel zeyen bi
- as a means toward = gel yuxun ub, gel zeyen ub
- as a result of = gel ixun bi
- as a standard = gel vyab
- as a whole = gel aon
- as an example = gel saungon
- As = asolk
- as black as can be = genog molza ho yafwe
- as black as night = ge molza vyel moj
- as far as = byu, ge yib vyel
- as far as the street = byu ha domep
- as far away as possible = ge yib hoo yafwe, gwa yib
- as far down as possible = gwa yob
- as far up as possible = gwa yab
- as fast as possible = gwa ig
- as few as possible = gwo
- as follows = hiiyen
- as for = vyel
- as frequent = gexaga
- as frequently as possible = gexag ho yafwe, gwa jodi, gwaxag
- as frequently as you would like = ge jodi ho et fu, gexag ho et fu
- as = gel, gelnog, gelyen ho, geyen van, hoyen van, hyinog, hyiyen
- as good as possible = ge fia vyel yafwa, gwa fia
- as high as possible = ge jaba vyel yafwa, gwa yaba
- as if = gel ven, hoyen ven
- as little as possible = gwo
- as long as = hagla job ho, hyaje ho
- as low as possible = ge yoba vyel yafwa, gwa yoba
- as many as = gesag ho, gesi vyel, hasag ho, hyiglasi ho, hyiglati ho, hyisag ho
- as many as possible = gwa, gwasi, gwati
- as many = gesi, geti, hagla, hasag, hyigla, hyiglasi, hyiglati
- as many people as = hyigloti vyel
- as many people = geti, hyiglati
- as many things = gesi, hyiglasi
- as many times as = gejodi vyel, hyigla jodi vyel, hyixag vyel
- as many times as possible = gwaxag
- as many times as you'd like = hogla jodi et fu
- as much as = ges vyel, hagan ho, hagla ho, haglas ho, hanog ho, hyinog ho
- as much as possible = gwa, gwas
- as much = ges, hagan, hagla, hyigla, hyiglas
- as much time as = duhogla job
- as near as possible = gwa yub, gwayub
- as near as possible to = gwayub
- as often as = ge jodi vyel, ge xagay vyel, hyogla jodi
- as often as often as = gexag vyel
- as often as possible = gwa jodi, gwa xag, gwaxag
- as often as you'd like = hoxag et fu
- as often = ge xagay, gexag, hyigla jodi, hyixag
- as one = gel awat
- as quickly as possible = gwa ig
- as said by = dwa bey
- as seldom as possible = gwo jodi, gwoxag
- as soon as = gwa jwa van, igej van
- as soon as possible = boy jwox, gwa ig, gwa jwa, izay
- as well as = be gab bu, ge fi vyel
- as well as one can = ge fi van ot yafe
as x as y -- aspirant
- as x as y = ge x vyel y, hyigla x vyel y
- as you know = gel van et te, hoyen et te
- ASAP = g.i., gwa ig, gwa igay, gwa jwa
- ascendancy = jautan
- ascendant = ajted, jaut, musyapea, yapea
- ascendency = jautan
- ascendent = izbexea, jauta
- ascending = musyapea, yapea, yapen
- ascension = musyapen, yapen
- ascent = musyap, yap
- ascertainable = vlatiyafwa
- ascertained = vlatiwa
- ascertainment = vlatien
- ascetic = utifebut, utvobiut
- ascetical = utifebea, utvobiina
- asceticism = utifebim, utvobiin
- ascorbic acid = yancayinheyanol
- ascot tie = askot teyof
- ascribed = uxdwa
- ascribing virtue = finzuen
- ascription = uxden
- aseptic = bokogrunuka
- aseptically = bokogrunukay
- asexual = hyotaabifa
- asexuality = hyotaabifan
- asexually = hyotaabifay
- ash cloud = movmaf
- ash gray = mog-maolza
- ash = mog
- ash tray = mog belar, mogyeb
- Ash Wednesday = Mog Juib
- ashamed = fuzuwa, yovla, yovluwa
- ashamedly = fuzuway, yovlay, yovluway
- ashcan = mogyeb
- ash-colored = mog-volza
- ashen = mog-volza
- ashes of the deceased = tojota mogi
- ash-free = moguka
- ashlar = puxmeg
- ashore = be mikum, bu mikum
- ashram = axram
- ashtray = mogyeb
- ashy = mogaya, mogika
- Asia = Iyanmel
- Asian = Iyanmela, Iyanmelat
- Asian spits = gyoyepet
- Asian-American = Iyanmel-Usoma
- aside = bu kum, bu kum bi
- aside from = yon bi
- asinine = ipetyena
- asininely = ipetyenay
- asininity = ipetyenan
- askance = bu kum
- askant = kia, kiay
- asked = diwa
- asker = diut
- askew = kiay, kubawa
- asking = dien
- asking for help = yuxdien
- aslant = kia, kiay
- asleep = tuja, tujea, tujya
- asocial = odota
- asp = esepyet
- asparagus = ravol
- aspartame = omola level
- aspect = oyebsan, teas, teasgun, teasyen
- aspectual = oyebsana, teasa, teasguna, teasyena
- aspen = byifab, yolivos
- asperity = yigfan
- asperse = yigfa
- aspersion = vyofuden
- asphalt = megyel
- asphalt road = megyelbawa mep
- asphalted = megyelbawa
- asphalting = megyelben
- asphyxia = tiexyof
- asphyxiated = alebwa, tiexyofxwa
- asphyxiating = alebea, aleben, tiexyofsea, tiexyofsen
- asphyxiation = aleben, tiexyofsen, tiexyofxen
- aspirant = fiyakeat, fiyakut, ojfeat, ojfut
aspirated -- associative
- aspirated = baluwa
- aspiration = baluen, fiyak, fiyaken, fron, kexun, ojfen, ojfon, veyeken
- aspirational = fiyakena, frona, ojfona, veyekena
- aspirator = baluar
- aspired = fiyakwa, ojfwa, veyekwa
- aspirin = aspirin
- aspiring = fiyakea, fiyaken, ojfea, ojfen, veyekea, veyeken
- ass = ipet, zotiub
- assailable = apyexyafwa
- assailed = apyexlawa
- assailing = apyexlen
- Assamese = Asomid
- Assamese speaker = Asomidalut
- assassin = agalattojbut, koapyextojbut
- assassinated = agalattojbwa, koapyextojbwa, kotojbwa
- assassination = agalattojben, koapyextojben, kotojben
- assault = apyexlun
- assault rifle = apyexlun edopar
- assault troop = apyexlutyan
- assault weapon = apyexlun dopar
- assaulted = apyexlawa
- assaulting = apyexlen
- assay = finyek
- assayed = finyekwa
- assayer = finyekut
- assaying = finyeken
- assemblage = nyanup, yangounxun
- assembled = aotyanxwa, nyanupya, yangounxwa
- assembler = tesiunkyaxus, yangounxut
- assembling = aotyanxea, nyanupea, nyanupen, yangounxen
- assembly = aotyanxen, nyanup, nyanuputyan, yangounxen
- assembly language = tesiunkyaxus dalyen
- assembly point = nyanupem
- assent = vabuen, vad, vaden
- assented = vabuwa, vadwa
- assenting = vabuea, vabuen, vadea, vaden
- asserted = vladwa
- asserting = vladen
- assertion = vladen, vladun
- assertive = vladyea
- assertively = vladyeay
- assertiveness = vladyean
- assessable = nazdyafwa
- assessed = dotnixuwa, finyekwa, fyindwa, naxdwa, nazdwa
- assessing = nazden
- assessment = dotnix, finyek, finyeken, fyinden, naxden, nazden
- assessment of a duty = dotnixuen
- assessor = finyekut, fyindut, nazdut
- asset = akon
- asseveration = vladen
- asshole = zotiubzyeg
- assiduity = jestan, kyotepan
- assiduous = jesta
- assiduously = jestay, kyotepay
- assiduousness = jestan
- assignable = yefdyuyafwa
- assignation = dyunuen, yefdyuen
- assigned a cover name = kodyunuwa
- assigned a fake name = vyodyunuwa
- assigned = dyunuwa, izbuwa, yefdyuwa, yemikbwa, yemikxwa
- assignee = dyunuwat, izbuwat, yembuwat
- assigning a fake name = vyodyunuen
- assigning = dyunuen, yefdyuen
- assigning responsibility = dudyefuen
- assignment = dyunuen, izbuen, yefdyuun, yembuen, yemikben, yemikxen
- assimilated = geylxwa, yangelxwa
- assimilating = geylxea, geylxen
- assimilation = geylxen, yangelxen
- assistance = kuyux, kuyuxen, yux, yuyx, yuyxen
- assistant = fyit, kunexut, kuyuxut, yuxut, yuyxut
- assistantship = kuyuxutan
- assisted = kuyuxwa, yuxwa, yuyxwa
- assisting = kuyuxen, yuxen
- assize = napden bi nagi, yaovden, yevson sumben
- ass-licker = zotiubapaxut
- associate = dat, deta, doyta, doytut, yanat, yanput
- associated = doytxwa, yanxwa
- association = datan, detyan, doyt, doytxen, yanatan, yanatsen, yanatyan, yanben, yanputan, yanxen
- associational = doyta, yanatyana, yanbena
- associative = doyta, yanxena
associatively -- asymmetrically
- associatively = doytay, yanxenay
- associativity = doytxyafwan
- assonance = seuxzoyxen
- assonant = seuzzoyxwa
- assorted = sunyanesbwa, syanesbwa
- assortment = saunesyan, sunyanesben, syanesben, syanesbun
- ass's foal = ipetud
- assuaged = yugraxwa
- assuagement = yugraxen
- assumable = abiyafwa
- assumed = abiwa, javatexwa, vayakwa
- assumed name = abiwa dyun, kebiwa dyun
- assuming a nickname = abien dyunif, dyunifien
- assuming = abiea, abien, javatexea, vayakea
- assuming power = doyafien, yafien
- assuming the burden = kyisien
- assumption = abien, javatexen, vayaken
- assumption of debt = nasyefien
- assumption of power = yafien
- assumption of the throne = debsimbien, fyasimpen
- assurance = vakden, vlaan, vladen
- assured = vakdwa, vlaa
- assuredly = vlaay, vladway
- assuring = vladen, vladyea
- assuringly = vladyeay
- astatine = atulk
- aster = marsan
- asterisk = marsiun, marsiyn
- astern = be zom, bu zom
- asteroid = meryeyn
- asteroidal = meryeyna
- asthma = tiexyik, tiexyikan
- asthmatic = tiexyika
- astigmatic = oteabzena
- astigmatism = oteabzen
- astir = be pan, pasea
- astochastic = akyeveka
- astonished = teaziwa, teazuwa, yokla, yoklaxwa
- astonishing = teazuyea, yoklaxea, yokxea
- astonishingly = teazunikay, teazuyeay
- astonishment = teazuen, yoklan, yoklen, yokxen
- astounded = yoklaxwa
- astounding = yoklaxea
- astoundingly = yoklaxeay
- astraddle = bay tyopi be hyaewa kumi
- astrakhan = astrakhana nof
- astral = mara
- astray = be uzmep
- astride = be hyaewa kumi bi, zyatyobapea
- astringency = teusyigan
- astringent = teusyiga
- astringently = teusyigay
- astrolabe = marnagar
- astrologer = martuyt
- astrological = martuyna
- astrologically = martuynay
- astrologist = martuyt
- astrology = martuyn
- astronaut = marpoput, mompurut, momput
- astronautical = mompa, momputa
- astronomer = momtut
- astronomic = momtuna
- astronomical in size = momtunagra
- astronomical = momtuna
- astronomically = momtunagray, momtunay
- astronomy = momtun
- astrophysical = mommoltuna
- astrophysically = mommoltunay
- astrophysicist = mommoltut
- astrophysics = mommoltun
- Asturian = Asotod
- Asturleonese = Asotod
- astute = gitepa
- astutely = gitepay
- astuteness = gitepan
- asunder = yon, yonay
- asylum = bukpilam, kyebuk yiplam, tepbokam
- asymmetric = ogelnaga
- asymmetrical = ogelnaga
- asymmetrically = ogelnagay
asymmetry -- at the cost of
- asymmetry = ogelnagan
- asymptomatic = oyankyesa
- asymptomatically = oyankyesay
- asymptote = obyuxus
- asymptotic = obyuxea
- asymptotically = obyuxeay
- asynchronism = ogeljwoban
- asynchronous = ogeljwoba
- asynchronously = ogeljwobay
- asyndesis = ovyenxwa dalbyen
- asyndetic = ovyenxwa bi dalbyen, oyanxwa
- asystemic = ovyayaba
- at a certain point when = hejod ho
- at a certain time = hej, hejob, hejod
- at a certain time when = hej ho, hejob ho
- at a dead end = be omep
- at a different time = hyuj
- at a face pace = be iga pyen
- at a loss to understand = testyofa
- at a time like that = huyenjob
- at all times = hyagla jodi, hyaji, hyajobi, hyajodi
- at an angle to = be gun bi
- at an impasse = be omep
- at another time = hyuj
- at any moment = hyejwap
- at any point = hyejod
- at any point in time = be hyejod
- At = atulk
- at = be
- at certain moments = hejwapi
- at certain times = be hea jodi, heji
- at death's door = tojoa, yub bi toj
- at each moment = hyawa jwap
- at every instance = hyajod
- at every occasion = be hyajod
- at eye level = be teabned
- at fault = vyona
- at first blush = be ijna igteat
- at first glance = be ijna igteat
- at first sight = be ijna teat
- at gunpoint = bey azon bi adopar
- at least = gwoay
- at length = yag, yagay
- at liberty = yiva
- at loggerheads = yantexyofa
- at minimum = gwoay
- at no cost = noxukay, oynasay
- at no point in time = hyojod
- at no time = hyoj, hyojob, hyojod, ojod
- at no times = hyojodi
- at odds with = be yontex bay
- at one more point in time = be awa ga jod
- at one time = be awa jod
- at other places = hyumi
- at peace = poosea
- at places where = be hami van
- at point of death = be nod bi tuj
- at present = be ej, ejay
- at rest = pona, ponsea, posa
- at risk = veka
- at some other frequency = hyuxag
- at some point = hejod
- at some points = hejodi
- at stake = veka, vekuwa
- at street level = be neg bi ha domep
- at such a moment = be huujwap
- at such a place = huum
- at such a time = huuj, huujob, huujod, huyenjob, huyenjod
- at such an age = huujag
- at such places = huumi
- at such times = huujodi, huyena jodi, huyenjobi, huyenjodi
- at that moment = be hujwap
- at that place = hum
- at that time = be huj, hujob
- at the age of = be jag bi
- at the back of = be zom bi
- at the base of = be ha syob bi
- at the beginning of = be ijem bi
- at the center of = be zen bi, ze
- at the cost of = be nayx bi
at the crest of -- atmosphere
- at the crest of = be pyan bi
- at the end of = be ujem bi
- at the expense of = be fyun bi
- at the far end of = be yibuj bi
- at the far ends of = be yibujem bi
- at the far left of = be yibzum bi
- at the far reaches of = be yibyabem bi
- at the far right of = be yibzim bi
- at the forefront of = be zaym bi
- at the front of = be zam bi
- at the inner depths of = be yibyebem bi
- at the left = zu
- at the lower depths of = be yibyobem bi
- at the middle of = be zem bi, ze
- at the outer depths of = be yiboyebem bi
- at the peak of = be abgin bi, be yabnod bi
- at the place = be ham
- at the place where = be ham van
- at the right = zi
- at the risk of = be vefyun bi
- at the root of = be ha syob bi
- at the same frequency = gelxag
- at the same place = hyim
- at the same place that = hyim ho
- at the same places = hyimi
- at the same time = be hyij, hyijob, hyijod
- at the same time that = hyij ho, hyijob ho
- at the same times = hyijodi
- at the side of = be kum bi
- at the start of = be ijem bi
- at the thought of = be tex bi
- at the time = be haj
- at the time of = be job bi
- at the time that = be haj van
- at the times = hajodi
- at the times that = hajodi
- at the top of = be abem bi
- at the very time = hyij
- at these places = be himi
- at these times = hijodi
- at this juncture = be hinod
- at this moment = be hijwap
- at this point = be hinod
- at this stage = be hia noog
- at this time = hij, hijob
- at this time when = hijob ho
- at those times = hujodi
- at times = be hea jodi, be jodi, heji, hejodi
- at times like those = huyenjobi
- at times when = hejodi ho
- at war with = be dropek bay
- at what age = be duhojag
- at what moment = duhojwap
- at what places = duhomi
- at what point = duhojod
- at whatever places = hyemi
- at whatever time = hyej ho, hyejob
- at whatever times = hyejodi
- at which times = duhojodi
- atavism = aajzoypin
- atavist = aajzoypinut
- atavistic = aajzoypina
- ataxia = onap
- ataxic = onapa
- atelier = tixim, tuzunxam, xam, xim
- atemporal = ojoba
- atheism = evtotin, ototin
- atheist = evtotina, evtotinut, ototina, ototinut
- atheistic = evtotina, ototina
- athematic = ovyesona
- athletic = tapifekyena
- athletically = tapikefyenay
- athleticism = tapifekyenan
- athwart = zey
- atilt = abaea
- Atlantic Ocean = Umimag
- Atlantic = Umimaga
- atlas bear = aligapyot
- atlas = mersindraf
- atmosphere = amal
atmospheric -- attenuating
- atmospheric = amala
- atmospherical = amala
- atmospherically = amalay
- atmospherics = amalyen
- atoll = mimmayb
- atom = gwomul
- atom smasher = gwomul yonbyexlar
- atomic = gwomula, yonbyofwa
- atomic number = gwomula sag
- atomic weight = gwomula kyin
- atomically = gwomulay
- atomism = gwomulin
- atomist = gwomulinut
- atomistic = gwomulina
- atomization = gwomulxen
- atomized = gwomulxwa
- atomizer = mialbar
- atomizing = mialbaren
- atonal = oyseuza
- atonality = oyseuzan
- atonally = oyseuzay
- atoned = yovyefobwa
- atonement = yovyefoben
- atop = ab, be abem, be abem bi
- -atory = -em
- atria = abyijtimi
- atrial = abyijtima
- atrium = abyijtim
- atrocious = frua
- atrociously = fruay
- atrociousness = fruan
- atrocity = fruas
- atrophic = tabosokya
- atrophied = tabosokya
- atrophy = tabosok
- atrophying = tabosoken
- attachable = nyifxyafwa, yanlyafwa
- attaché = drasbelar
- attached = nyifxwa, yanlawa
- attaching = nyifxea, nyifxen, yanlea, yanlen
- attachment = nyifxun, yanlun
- attack = apyex
- attack force = apyexutyan
- attackable = apyexyafwa
- attacked = apyexwa
- attacked by stealth = koapyexwa
- attacked by surprise = yokapyexwa
- attacked suddenly = igapyexwa
- attacker = apyexut
- attacking = apyexea, apyexen
- attacking by stealth = koapyexen
- attacking force = apyexea doyp
- attacking suddenly = igapyexen
- attainability = byuyafwan
- attainable = byuyafwa
- attained = byuwa
- attaining = byuea
- attainment = byuen
- attar = vosyel
- attempt = yek, yekiun, yekon
- attempted = yekwa
- attempting = yekea, yeken
- attend services = teeper fyaxam
- attendance = ejeasen, ejeasutyan, teepen, teeputyan, yubesen
- attendant symptom = yanpea siunbok
- attendant = yubesut, yuxut
- attendee = ejeasut, teeput, yubeset
- attending = ejeasea, teepea, yubesea
- attention deficit disorder = tepkez gron boksiunyan
- attention = tepbix, tepkyoxen, tepzex, tepzexen
- Attention! = Tepzexu!
- attention-diverting = tepuzbea, tepuzbyea
- attention-focusing = tepzexea
- attention-getting = tepzexea, tepzexuyea
- attention-grabbing = tepzexea
- attentive = tepkyoa, tepzexwa, tepzexyea
- attentively = tepzexway, tepzexyeay
- attentiveness = tepzexwan, tepzexyean
- attenuated = gyuxwa, ozaxwa, zyoxwa
- attenuating = gyuxea, ozaxea, zyoxea
attenuation -- auditioner
- attenuation = gyuxen, ozaxen, zyoxen
- attestation = vyakaden
- attested = vyakadwa
- attesting = vyakadea, vyakaden
- attic = abtem, abtim
- attic window = abtim mis, misog
- attire = toof
- attired = toofwa, toofxwa
- attitude = tabyen, tapyen, tepyen, tipyen
- attitudinal = tapyena, tepyena, tipyena
- atto = goralyi-, goralyu-
- attogram = goralyigenak
- attorney = dovyabxeut, doyevsonut
- attorney team = dovyabxeutyan, doyevsonutyan
- attosecond = goralyujweb, goralyusonak
- attractable = yubixyafwa
- attractant = yubixus
- attracted = yubixwa
- attracting = yubixea, yubixen
- attraction = teabix, yubix, yubixazon, yubixen
- attractive force = yubixazon
- attractive = teabixea, viya, yubixyea
- attractively = teabixeay, viyay, yubixyeay
- attractiveness = teabixean, viyan, yubixyean
- attractor = teabixus, yubixus, yubixut
- attributable = buylyafwa
- attribute = anyenfin, buylun, utfin
- attributed = buylawa, goynbuwa
- attributing = buylen, goynbuen
- attribution = buyl, buylen, goynbuen
- attributive = buylena, goynbuyea
- attributively = buylenay, goynbuyeay
- attrition = goyxen, ibapaxren
- attuned = vyanabxwa, yanseuzaxwa
- attuning = yanseuzaxea
- atwitter = tipazuwa
- atypical = oegsauna, oyasuna
- atypically = oegsaunay
- Au = aulk
- au gratin = bay nyedwul bilyig
- au jus = bay taobil
- Au revoir! = Ju gawteat!
- au revoir = ju zoyteat
- aubergine = bevol
- auburn female = tayebalzayt
- auburn person = tayebalzat
- auburn = tayebalza
- auction = naxgax
- auctioneer = naxgaxut
- audacious = yifaya, yifga, yifika, yifla
- audaciously = yifgay, yifikay, yiflay
- audaciousness = yifayan, yifikan, yiflan
- audacity = yifayan, yifgan, yifikan, yiflan
- audibility = teetyafwan
- audible = teetyafwa
- audibly = teetyafway
- audience = teeputyan, teexutyan
- audio device = teebar
- audio = seuxyan, seuxyana, tees, teet
- audio- = tees-, teet-, teex-
- audiobook = teexdyes
- audiogram = teexdras
- audiography = teexdren
- audiological = teestuna
- audiologist = teestut
- audiology = teestun
- audiometer = teesnagar
- audiometric = teesnaga
- audiometry = teesnagen
- audiophile = teexifut
- audiorecording = teestaxdren
- audiotape = teesnyov
- audio-visual = teeteata
- audit report = vyayek xwadrun
- audit = yekteexen
- audited = vyavyekwa, yekteexwa
- auditing = teexien, vyavyeken
- audition = teeten, teex, teexuen, yekteexen
- auditioned = teexuwa
- auditioner = teexuut
auditioning -- autism
- auditioning = teexien, yekteexen
- auditive = teeta
- auditor = teexiut, teexut, vyavyekut, yekteexut
- auditorium = deztim, teetem
- auditory = teeta
- augend = gabus
- auger = mumzyegar
- augite = amuk
- augment = gax
- augmentation = aglaxen, gaxen
- augmentative = gaxea
- augmented = aglaxwa, gabwa, gaxwa
- augur = ojdut
- augury = ojden
- august = fizla
- August = jiyib
- augustly = fizlay
- augustness = fizlan
- aunt = tetiyd
- auntie = tetiydif
- aura = amal, toys, yuzazon
- aural = teeba, teeta
- aurally = teebay, teetay
- aureola = yuzman
- aureole = yuzman
- auri- = teeb-
- auricle = teeb, teebaeb
- auricular = teeba
- aurist = teebbekut
- aurora = amalman
- aurora australis = zomera maalman
- aurora borealis = zamera maalman
- auroral = amalmana, majija
- auscultated = yubteexwa
- auscultation = yubteexen
- auspice = fisiun
- auspicious = ojfia
- auspiciously = fisiunay, ojfiay
- auspiciousness = fisiunan, ojfian
- austere = ukna, viunuka, yigna
- austerely = uknay, viunukay, yignay
- austerity = uknan, viunukan, yignan
- austral = zomera
- Austral = Zomergona, Zomergonat
- Australia = Ausom
- Australian = Ausoma
- Austria = Autom
- Austrian = Automa
- autarch = utdeb
- autarchic = utdaba
- autarchical = utdabyena
- autarchy = utdab
- autarkic = utdaba
- autarky = utdab
- authentic = vyabyima, vyala
- authentically = vyabyimay, vyalay
- authenticated = vyabyimxwa, vyalxwa
- authentication = vyabyimxen, vyalxen
- authenticity = vyabyiman, vyalan
- author = asaxut, drut, ijsaxut, xeut
- authored = asaxwa, dresaxwa, xewa
- authoress = asaxuyt, druyt, ijsaxuyt, xeuyt
- authoring = asaxen, dren, ijsaxen, xeen
- authoritarian = afdutyena, vadebyena
- authoritarianism = afdutyenan, vadebyenan
- authoritative = afdyea, vadebyena
- authoritatively = afdyeay, debyenay
- authoritativeness = afdyean, vadebyenan
- authorities = afdutyan, aflutyan, axlafuti, doafdutyan, vadebutyan
- authority = af, afdut, aflut, afuwat, afxeb, afxut, axlaf, axlafut, axlafutyan, debyaf, doafdut, doafuwat, vadeb, yafon dun
- authorization = afden, afdras, aflen, afuen, afxen, axlafxen, debyafxen, doafden, vadeben, yivden
- authorization papers = afdren, axlafdref
- authorized = afa, afdwa, aflawa, afuwa, afxwa, axlafxwa, debyafxwa, doafdwa, vadebwa
- authorized in writing = afdrawa
- authorized to vote = dokebidafxwa
- authorizer = aflut
- authorizing = aflen, doafdea
- authorless = ijsaxutoya, ijsaxutuka
- authorship = drutan, xeutan
- autism = utin
autistic -- average earner
- autistic = utina
- auto = aotmempur, aotpur, mempur, pur
- auto- = ut-
- autobahn = purmep
- autobiographer = uttejdinut
- autobiographic = uttejdina
- autobiographical = uttejdina
- autobiographically = uttejdinay
- autobiography = uttejdin, vyatejdin
- autobus = dompur
- autochthon = ijemat
- autochton = ijemat
- autoclave = ambokmulobyeb, vyumulukxea amyeb
- autocracy = anaotdab, andab, utdab
- autocrat = anaotdeb, andeb, utdeb
- autocratic = anaotdaba, andaba, utdaba
- autocratically = andabay
- autocratic-like = utdabyena
- autodecremented = utgobwa
- auto-dialer = utsagziunar
- autodidact = uttuxwat
- auto-erotic = uttapifla
- auto-eroticism = uttapiflen
- autograph = utdras
- autographed = utdrawa
- autographing = utdren
- autography = utdren
- autoignition = utijben
- autoimmune = utibmasbwa
- autoimmunity = utibmasbwan
- autoincrement = utgaben
- autoincremented = utgabwa
- autoion = utmakmul
- automaker = pursaxut
- automat = telsir
- automated = utpanxwa
- automatic device = utpanar
- automatic rifle = dopures, utexea edopar
- automatic = utizbwa, utpana
- automatically = utpanay
- automating = utpanxea, utpanxen
- automation = utpanxen
- automaton = sirtob, utpanut
- automobile = aotpur, mempur, pur, utmempur, utpur
- automotive = aotpura, mempura, pura
- autonavigator = utizondar
- autonomic = yivta
- autonomous = utizbwa, yivaxlea, yivta
- autonomously = yivaxleay, yivtay
- autonomy = yivaxlen, yivtan
- autopilot = utpaneb
- auto-piloted = utizbwa, utpanebwa
- auto-piloting = utizben
- autopsied = tabteaxwa
- autopsist = jotoja vyavyekut
- autopsy = jotoja vyavyek, tabteax
- autotheism = uttotin
- autotheist = utotinut
- autotransformer = utzeysanxar
- autoworker = puryexut
- autumn = jeib
- autumnal = jeiba
- auxiliary = gabyuxea
- availability = asyafwan, ayxyafwan, bexiyafwan, bexyafwan, beyafwan, esean
- available = ayxyafwa, baysyafwa, bexiyafwa, bexyafwa, beyafwa, esea, yeb bi neun
- available chair = beyafwa sim, uka sim
- avalanche = yokpyos
- Avaric = Avad
- Avaric speaker = Avadalut
- avarice = funex, funexan, glonox, granex, nyazgraf
- avaricious = funexa, glonoxea, granexa, nyazgrafa
- avariciously = nyazgrafay
- avariciousness = nyazgrafan
- avatar = sangunxwaot
- avenged = zoygexwa, zoyyevaniwa
- avenger = zoygexut, zoyyevaniut
- avenging = zoygexea, zoygexen, zoyyevaniea, zoyyevenien
- avenue = domeep
- average distance = yibegan
- average earner = gwenixut
- average = egsauna, eyga, eygon, gwea, zenag, zenaga, zesag, zesaga, zesauna
- average grade = zenaga finsiyn
- average income = gwenix
- averaged = zenagxa, zesagxwa
- averaging = zenagxen, zesagxen
- averment = vyanden
- averred = vyandwa
- averse = yibesea
- aversion = yibexen, yonbesen
- averted = jaovbwa, lokexwa, yibeswa, yibexwa
- averting = yonbesen
- Avestan = Aved
- Avestan speaker = Avedalut
- avian = pata
- aviary = patem, patom, patyanam
- aviation = papen, paptyen
- aviator = mampurexut
- avicultural = patagxena, patyexena
- aviculturalist = patagxenut, patagxut, patyexenut
- aviculture = patagxen, patyexen
- avid = glafa
- avid reader = gladyeut
- avidity = glafan
- avidly = glafay
- avionic = mampurtuna
- avocado = bivol
- avocation = dyuen
- avocational = dyuena
- avoidable = lokexyafwa, pilyafwa, yibesyafwa, yonbesyafwa
- avoidably = lokexyafway, pilyafway, yibesyafway, yonbesyafway
- avoidance = lokexen, yibesen, yonbesen, yonkupen
- avoided = lokexwa, yibeswa, yonbeswa
- avoider = lokexut, yibesut, yonbesut
- avoiding = lokexen, yibesen, yonbesen, yonkupen
- avowal = vyaden, yivden
- avowed = vyadea, vyadwa, yivdwa
- avowedly = vyadeay, yivdeay
- avowing = vadea, vyaden, vyanden, yivdea
- avuncular = tetwida, tetwidyena
- awaited = yakwa
- awaiting = pesea, yakea, yaken
- awake = tija, tijya
- awaken = tijya
- awakened = tijbwa, tijuwa
- awakening = tijben, tijuen
- awaking = tijea
- award competition = nazun yankexek, nazunek
- award = finsiz, nazun
- award presentation = finsizuen, nazunuen
- award recipient = finsizuwat, fyiziut, nazuniut, nazunuwat
- awarded = finsizuwa, nazunuwa
- awardee = finsizuwat, nazunuwat
- awarder = finsizuut
- award-giver = finsizuut, nazunuut
- award-giving = finsizuen, nazunuen
- awarding a medal = sizesuen
- awarding = finsizuen, nazunuen
- award-presenter = nazunuut
- award-winner = finsizakut, fyiziut, nazunakut, nazuniut
- award-winning = finsizakea, nazunakea, nazuniea
- aware = tea, tepeja, teptija, tyafa
- awareness = tean, tepejan, teptijan, tyafan
- awash = abawa
- away from = ib
- away from the middle of the street = ib zem bi ha domep
- away from the side of the street = ib kum bi ha domep
- away = yib
- awe = teaz, virun
- awed = teaziwa, teazuwa, viruwa
- awe-inspiring = viruyea
- awesome = teazunaya, teazunika, teazuyea
- awesomely = teazunikay, teazuyeay
- awesomeness = teazunikay
- awestricken = teazuwa, viruwa
- awestruck = teazuwa, viruwa
- awful = flua, yoboyoxa, yufwa
- awful thing = fluas, yufwas
- awfully = fluay, yoboyoxay, yufway
- awfulness = fluan, yufwan
- awhile = jobog
- awkward = ozita, zuta
- awkward person = zutat
- awkwardly = zutayzuz
- awkwardness = zutan
- awl = giar
- awn = vulob
- awning = mesabof, misabof, zamisabaun, zatomof
- awoken = tijbwa
- awry = kinay
- ax = faogoblar
- axe = faogoblar
- axed = faogoblarwa
- axexual person = hyotaabifat
- axial = yuznaba, zyemufa
- axially = zyemufay
- axing = faogoblaren, faogoblen, gobraren, kyigoblen
- axiological = naztuna
- axiologist = naztut
- axiology = naztun
- axiom = syobvyan
- axiomatic = syobvyana
- axiomatically = syobvyanay
- axiomatization = syobvyanxen
- axiomatized = syobvyanxwa
- axis of evil = yuznab bi fyon
- axis = yuznab, zyemuf
- axle = yuznab, zyemuf
- axletree = zyukmuf
- axon = tayib fub
- ayatollah = ayatollah
- aye = vadud, vateuz
- Aymara = Ayumid
- Aymara speaker = Ayumidalut
- Azerbaijan = Azem
- Azerbaijani = Azed
- Azerbaijani speaker = Azedalut
- Azeri = Azema, Azemat
- azimuth = mamnaduz, uznad
- azimuthal = mamnaduza
- azimuthally = mamnaduzay
- azone = nilk inhelkayn
- azote = nilk
- azure = mam-yolza