Meitei Culture/Non-Meiteis

The concept of someone being a non-Meitei (alias non-Meetei) is very complex if they are indigenous to Kangleipak, because the Meitei language term "Meitei" (or "Meetei") means "an amalgamation of people". However, the group of people who are identified as "Meitei people" in today's world, are based on their mother language, being the so called Meitei language, in most cases.

However, anyone who follows the traditional Meitei religion (known as "Sanamahism" or "Lainingthouism" in present times), irrespective of their mother language, may also be identified as a Meitei.

Irrespective of their mother language and religion, any person who has a Meitei family name (or surname) or ancestral roots, may also be identified as a Meitei.

Therefore, any person who isn't fitted in any of the above mentioned conditions are classified as a non-Meitei.