Meitei Culture/Mythology/Goddesses/Thumleima

Goddess Yoibu Noinu Thumleima, also known as Thumkhong Lairembi, is a goddess of salt and natural salt wells (salt brines). She is one of the noble princesses of the celestial realm. She is one of the daughters of the Sky God Salailen, the Heavenly Father. She was sent down to earth to prosper the human civilization. Obeying her Supreme Father's divine orders, she and her sisters descended from the celestial realm to the earthly realm. On her way, she had a lot of adventures. Afterwards, she used to live in the natural salt brines (salt wells). Since early times, ancient Meitei people used to worship her to get blessings of good salt yield from the brines. Salt was considered as a wealth in ancient Meitei civilization. People were often rewarded for good works in the form of lumps of salt.

Goddess Thumleima, the Giver of salt to the mankind