Meitei Culture/Mythology/Goddesses/Phouoibi

Goddess Phouoibi, also known as Phouleima, is a divine female personification of the paddy plant, growing in the agricultural lands. She is one of the noble princesses of the Celestial Realm. She is one of the favorite daughters of Heavenly Father, Salailen, the Sky God. She was sent by her father down to earth to prosper the human civilization. She, along with her other sisters, descended from the heavenly realm to the earthly realm, obeying the divine orders of their Supreme Father. On her way, she used to face multiple adventures. She even fell in love with Akongjamba, a mortal handsome noble man of Kege Moirang (Keke Moilang) kingdom. But fate did not permit them to unite. So, she and her mortal lover reincarnated six further rebirths, thereby enacting the divine seven epic cycles of rebirths (incarnations). Goddess Phouoibi (as Phouleima) and her husband God Phouningthou are worshipped as deities of agricultural fertility and harvesting, by the ancient Meitei people.

Phouoibi (alias Phouleima) — Primordial Meitei mother goddess & divine female personification of agricultural crop plants (especially paddy)