Meitei Culture/Mythology/Goddesses/Khamnung Kikoi Louonbi

Goddess Khamnung Kikoi Louonbi, also known as Nura Naothem Heibi, is a divine enchantress, associated with death. Her main duty is to collect the souls of the deceased and to bring them to netherworld, the land of death, where God Thongalen ruled supreme. Sometimes, she faces challenges from some souls who are not willing to depart the earthly realm. In such case, she uses to disguise herself as either the mother or the closest and the most trusted person of the very person of that particular troublesome disobedient soul. In most cases, she succeeds in bringing the souls by hook or by crook to the underworld. She is depicted as a very intelligent and smart lady. She is one of the wives of God King Thongalen, the deity of death.

Khamnung Kikoi Louonbi — Spellcaster Goddess of the Souls of the Deads