Meitei Culture/Mythology/Goddesses/Helloi

A Helloi, also known as Heloi, is a divine female figure, who is attractive, beautiful, charming and seductive to wandering menfolk, frequently depicted as roaming in forests, grasslands, mountainsides, lonely places or sparsely human populated areas. According to classical Meitei tradition, there are seven helloi ladies who are considered to be the noble princesses of the celestial realm and the favorite daughters of Heavenly King Salailen, the Father Sky. Many legends often praise that the youngest of all the helloi sisters is the most beautiful, the most gentle, the most innocent, the most lovable, etc. There are numerous ancient Meitei folktales of the youngest helloi sister falling in love with a mortal man. These ancient Meitei mythological seven divine sisters are considered to be the paragon of beauties and the epitome of charms, giving fascination and inspiration to numerous cultures across South Asia and Southeast Asia in modern times.

Helloi Taret — Lamleima Taret — 7 Divine Ladies — 7 Celestial Princesses — 7 Daughters of Heavenly Father Salailen