MediaWiki User Guide/Text Formatting

The following is an overview of text formatting available in Mediawiki:

Basic text formatting
Formatting Markup Note
Boldface '''text'''
Italics ''text''
Boldface and italics '''''text'''''
Boldface combined with wikilink '''[[text]]''' The reverse order of ticks and brackets does not work: [['''text''']]

Other text formatting such as underline or blockquote needs to be done using HTML tags, including U for underline, TT for typewriter text, S for strikethrough, SUB for lower index and SUP for upper index.

HTML edit

Text formatting can also be done using HTML and CSS. Some of the most useful HTML elements are:

Most needed HTML markup
Task Markup Note
Preformatted text
The effect in wiki differs from the one in HTML; in wiki, the text within the PRE element is treated as within NOWIKI element, leaving all the HTML and wiki markup uninterpreted.
<blockquote>Longer passage.</blockquote>
<!-- comment -->
Avoid nesting, such as
<!-- <!-- comment --> -->
Generic inline element
<span style="TODO"></span>
Can be styled arbitrarily using cascading style sheets - CSS.
Generic block element
<div style="TODO"></div>
Can be styled arbitrarily using cascading style sheets - CSS.

Some HTML elements are not allowed, such as A and IMG.

Source code edit

Source code of various programming and markup languages can be formatted using <syntaxhighlight> element, which leads to colored syntax of the code.

An example of wiki markup:

<syntaxhighlight lang="html4strict">
    <p>Hello <span style="font-weight: bold;">world</span>!

The rendering of that markup:

    <p>Hello <span style="font-weight: bold;">world</span>!

Bibliography edit