Loglan/Using Loglan

A cartoon written in loglan.


  • Hello - loi
  • Good bye - loa
  • How are you? - tu he
  • How do you feel? - ei tu djela
  • What is your name? - hu namci tu
  • My name is <name> - la <name> namci lemi


  • What is the time? - hu jolkeo
  • The time is <time> - le <time> jolkeo
  • When? What interval of time? - nia hu
  • When? At what point in time? - na hu


  • What did you say? Who? Which? - ie
  • Why? What for? - moi hu
  • What is it? - he
  • How? By what means? Using what? - tie hu
  • What is this? - ti ie
  • What is that? - ta ie
  • Is it true that ...? ei, ...
  • Whatever - rabu, rabe, rabo, raba
  • How did that happen? What caused that to happen? - kou hu
  • How many? - ho
  • How's it going? - tu ie nu vetci
  • Why? For who? - dii hu
  • Why? For what motivation? - moi hu
  • Why? For what reason - rau hu?
  • Why? To please whom? - lui hu
  • Why? According to what premise? - soa hu