Linux Applications Debugging Techniques/The call stack
editSometimes we need the call stack at a certain point in the program. These are the API functions to get basic stack information:
#include <execinfo.h>
int backtrace(void **buffer, int size);
char **backtrace_symbols(void *const *buffer, int size);
void backtrace_symbols_fd(void *const *buffer, int size, int fd);
#include <cxxabi.h>
char* __cxa_demangle(const char* __mangled_name, char* __output_buffer, size_t* __length, int* __status);
#include <dlfcn.h>
int dladdr(void *addr, Dl_info *info);
- C++ symbols are still mangled. Use abi::__cxa_demangle() or something similar.
- Some of the these functions do allocate memory - either temporarily either explicitly - and this might be a problem if the program is unstable already.
- Some of the these functions do acquire locks (e.g. dladdr()).
- backtrace* are expensive calls on some platforms (x86_64 for instance), the deeper the call stack is the more expensive the call is.
- dladdr will fail to rsolve any symbol that is not exported. Hence, to get the most out of it:
- Link with -rdynamic and -ldl
To extract more information (file, line number), use libbfd. Possible alternatives: libbacktrace;
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <bfd.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* globals retained across calls to resolve. */
static bfd* abfd = 0;
static asymbol **syms = 0;
static asection *text = 0;
static void resolve(char *address) {
if (!abfd) {
char ename[1024];
int l = readlink("/proc/self/exe",ename,sizeof(ename));
if (l == -1) {
perror("failed to find executable\n");
ename[l] = 0;
abfd = bfd_openr(ename, 0);
if (!abfd) {
perror("bfd_openr failed: ");
/* oddly, this is required for it to work... */
unsigned storage_needed = bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound(abfd);
syms = (asymbol **) malloc(storage_needed);
unsigned cSymbols = bfd_canonicalize_symtab(abfd, syms);
text = bfd_get_section_by_name(abfd, ".text");
long offset = ((long)address) - text->vma;
if (offset > 0) {
const char *file;
const char *func;
unsigned line;
if (bfd_find_nearest_line(abfd, text, syms, offset, &file, &func, &line) && file)
printf("file: %s, line: %u, func %s\n",file,line,func);
A C++ wrapper
editWith this simple class, getting the stack is one line away:
class call_stack
static const int depth = 40;
typedef std::array<void *, depth> stack_t;
class const_iterator;
class frame
frame(void *addr = 0)
: _addr(0)
, _dladdr_ret(false)
, _binary_name(0)
, _func_name(0)
, _demangled_func_name(0)
, _delta_sign('+')
, _delta(0L)
, _source_file_name(0)
, _line_number(0)
// frame(stack_t::iterator& it) : frame(*it) {} //C++0x
frame(stack_t::const_iterator const& it)
: _addr(0)
, _dladdr_ret(false)
, _binary_name(0)
, _func_name(0)
, _demangled_func_name(0)
, _delta_sign('+')
, _delta(0L)
, _source_file_name(0)
, _line_number(0)
frame(frame const& other)
frame& operator=(frame const& other)
if (this != &other) {
return *this;
std::string as_string() const
std::ostringstream s;
s << "[" << std::hex << _addr << "] "
<< demangled_function()
<< " (" << binary_file() << _delta_sign << "0x" << std::hex << _delta << ")"
<< " in " << source_file() << ":" << line_number()
return s.str();
const void* addr() const { return _addr; }
const char* binary_file() const { return safe(_binary_name); }
const char* function() const { return safe(_func_name); }
const char* demangled_function() const { return safe(_demangled_func_name); }
char delta_sign() const { return _delta_sign; }
long delta() const { return _delta; }
const char* source_file() const { return safe(_source_file_name); }
int line_number() const { return _line_number; }
const char* safe(const char* p) const { return p ? p : "??"; }
friend class const_iterator; // To call resolve()
void resolve(const void * addr)
if (_addr == addr)
_addr = addr;
_dladdr_ret = false;
_binary_name = 0;
_func_name = 0;
if (_demangled_func_name) {
_demangled_func_name = 0;
_delta_sign = '+';
_delta = 0L;
_source_file_name = 0;
_line_number = 0;
if (!_addr)
_dladdr_ret = (::dladdr(_addr, &_info) != 0);
if (_dladdr_ret)
_binary_name = safe(_info.dli_fname);
_func_name = safe(_info.dli_sname);
_delta_sign = (_addr >= _info.dli_saddr) ? '+' : '-';
_delta = ::labs(static_cast<const char *>(_addr) - static_cast<const char *>(_info.dli_saddr));
int status = 0;
_demangled_func_name = abi::__cxa_demangle(_func_name, 0, 0, &status);
const void* _addr;
const char* _binary_name;
const char* _func_name;
const char* _demangled_func_name;
char _delta_sign;
long _delta;
const char* _source_file_name; //TODO: libbfd
int _line_number;
Dl_info _info;
bool _dladdr_ret;
}; //frame
class const_iterator
: public std::iterator< std::bidirectional_iterator_tag
, ptrdiff_t
const_iterator(stack_t::const_iterator const& it)
: _it(it)
, _frame(it)
bool operator==(const const_iterator& other) const
return _frame.addr() == other._frame.addr();
bool operator!=(const const_iterator& x) const
return !(*this == x);
const frame& operator*() const
return _frame;
const frame* operator->() const
return &_frame;
const_iterator& operator++()
return *this;
const_iterator operator++(int)
const_iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
const_iterator& operator--()
return *this;
const_iterator operator--(int)
const_iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
frame _frame;
stack_t::const_iterator _it;
}; //const_iterator
call_stack() : _num_frames(0)
_num_frames = ::backtrace(, depth);
assert(_num_frames >= 0 && _num_frames <= depth);
std::string as_string()
std::string s;
const_iterator itEnd = end();
for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
s += it->as_string();
s += "\n";
return std::move(s);
virtual ~call_stack()
const_iterator begin() const { return _stack.cbegin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return stack_t::const_iterator(&_stack[_num_frames]); }
stack_t _stack;
int _num_frames;
This class can be used with assertions, logging or exceptions.
The full code can be found at the LPT site and it offers three symbol resolver varieties. This code will require a C++11 compiler.
- A "basic" address-only resolver, without memory side-effects
- A libc resolver
- A libbfd resolver
A boost-based version of the call stack utilities collection can be found at
A stack resolved with the libc resolver, embedded in an exception, with debug-compiled code would look like:
Exception PAPI_add_event: Event exists, but cannot be counted due to hardware resource limits
0x41e11f ??+0x41e11f
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
0x421ae0 lpt::stack::call_stack<40ul>::call_stack(bool)+0x52
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
0x420653 lpt::papi::papi_error::papi_error(std::string const&, int)+0x6f
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
0x426ffe lpt::papi::library<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none>::init()+0x722
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
0x426815 lpt::papi::library<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none>::library()+0x5b
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
0x4265d4 lpt::singleton<lpt::papi::library<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none> >::singleton()+0x18
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
0x42624e lpt::singleton<lpt::papi::library<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none> >::instance()+0x42
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
0x425b47 lpt::papi::thread<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none>::init()+0x25
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
0x425502 lpt::papi::thread<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none>::thread()+0x2e
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
0x424554 lpt::singleton<lpt::papi::thread<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none> >::singleton()+0x18
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
0x4230a5 lpt::singleton<lpt::papi::thread<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none> >::instance()+0x42
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
0x421d33 lpt::papi::counters<lpt::papi::stdout_print, lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none>::counters(std::string const&)+0xc9
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
0x41e206 tests()+0x67
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
0x41edb8 ??+0x11
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
0x2ad66a7b9ead ??+0xfd
At ??:0
In /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x41dea9 ??+0x41dea9
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
Note how dladdr() fails to resolve some of the frames. Whereas a stack resolved with the bfd resolver would show file and line numbers and would resolve all frames:
Exception PAPI_add_event: Event exists, but cannot be counted due to hardware resource limits
[0x41e20f] backtrace+0x41e20f
At /home/amelinte/projects/lpt/lpt/lpt/include/lpt/detail/glibc_call_stack.hpp:61
In binaries/bin/papitest
[0x421c4e] lpt::stack::call_stack<40ul>::call_stack(bool)+0x52
At /home/amelinte/projects/lpt/lpt/lpt/include/lpt/call_stack.hpp:74
In binaries/bin/papitest
[0x4207a1] lpt::papi::papi_error::papi_error(std::string const&, int)+0x6f
At /home/amelinte/projects/lpt/lpt/lpt/include/lpt/papi.hpp:112
In binaries/bin/papitest
[0x42716c] lpt::papi::library<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none>::init()+0x722
At /home/amelinte/projects/lpt/lpt/lpt/include/lpt/papi.hpp:371
In binaries/bin/papitest
[0x426983] lpt::papi::library<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none>::library()+0x5b
At /home/amelinte/projects/lpt/lpt/lpt/include/lpt/papi.hpp:289
In binaries/bin/papitest
[0x426742] lpt::singleton<lpt::papi::library<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none> >::singleton()+0x18
At /home/amelinte/projects/lpt/lpt/lpt/include/lpt/singleton.hpp:19
In binaries/bin/papitest
[0x4263bc] lpt::singleton<lpt::papi::library<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none> >::instance()+0x42
At /home/amelinte/projects/lpt/lpt/lpt/include/lpt/singleton.hpp:28
In binaries/bin/papitest
[0x425cb5] lpt::papi::thread<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none>::init()+0x25
At /home/amelinte/projects/lpt/lpt/lpt/include/lpt/papi.hpp:433
In binaries/bin/papitest
[0x425670] lpt::papi::thread<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none>::thread()+0x2e
At /home/amelinte/projects/lpt/lpt/lpt/include/lpt/papi.hpp:409
In binaries/bin/papitest
[0x4246c2] lpt::singleton<lpt::papi::thread<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none> >::singleton()+0x18
At /home/amelinte/projects/lpt/lpt/lpt/include/lpt/singleton.hpp:19
In binaries/bin/papitest
[0x423213] lpt::singleton<lpt::papi::thread<lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none> >::instance()+0x42
At /home/amelinte/projects/lpt/lpt/lpt/include/lpt/singleton.hpp:28
In binaries/bin/papitest
[0x421ea1] lpt::papi::counters<lpt::papi::stdout_print, lpt::papi::counting_per_thread, lpt::papi::multiplex_none>::counters(std::string const&)+0xc9
At /home/amelinte/projects/lpt/lpt/lpt/include/lpt/papi.hpp:646
In binaries/bin/papitest
[0x41e2f6] tests()+0x67
At /home/amelinte/projects/lpt/lpt/tests/papitest.cpp:51
In binaries/bin/papitest
[0x41eea8] main+0x11
At /home/amelinte/projects/lpt/lpt/tests/papitest.cpp:176
In binaries/bin/papitest
[0x2b5f7aa1bead] __libc_start_main+0xfd
At ??:0
In /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
[0x41df99] _start+0x41df99
At ??:0
In binaries/bin/papitest
edit- Do NOT use in asynchronous interrupts such as signal handlers.
- It might or it might not work when the program is unstable - prefer a core dump if possible. Same for memory issues handlers .
- Performance hit varies greatly with platform and compiler version.
From within gdb
editA canned command to resolve a stack address from within gdb:
define addrtosym
if $argc == 1
printf "[%u]: ", $arg0
#whatis/ptype EXPR
#info frame ADDR
info symbol $arg0
document addrtosym
Resolve the address (e.g. of one stack frame). Usage: addrtosym addr0