Linear Algebra/Notation

Linear Algebra
 ← Cover Notation Introduction → 


 ,  ,   real numbers, reals greater than  , ordered  -tuples of reals


natural numbers:  


complex numbers


set of . . . such that . . .


interval (open or closed) of reals between   and  


sequence; like a set but order matters


vector spaces




zero vector, zero vector of  




standard basis for  


basis vectors


matrix representing the vector


set of  -th degree polynomials


set of   matrices


span of the set  


direct sum of subspaces


isomorphic spaces


homomorphisms, linear maps




transformations; maps from a space to itself


square matrices


matrix representing the map  


matrix entry from row  , column  


determinant of the matrix  


rangespace and nullspace of the map  


generalized rangespace and nullspace

Lower case Greek alphabet


About the Cover. This is Cramer's Rule for the system  ,  . The size of the first box is the determinant shown (the absolute value of the size is the area). The size of the second box is   times that, and equals the size of the final box. Hence,   is the final determinant divided by the first determinant.

Linear Algebra
 ← Cover Notation Introduction →