Learn Assamese/Family relations
Family relation names in Assamese are very specific to the speaker. For example, your father's brother and your mother's brother are not both just "uncle"; you would differentiate and address them using specific terms to indicate the precise relationship. These terms can vary a bit from place to place. The following are some standard examples.
The polite word "Deu" is often added as a suffix to names of elder relations to denote respect. The terms are also written here.
Immediate Family
edit- Father — Deuta (দেউতা) or Pitai (পিতাই) or Bupaai (বোপাই) or Baba (বাবা) or Pita (পিতা) or Pitri (পিতৃ)
- Mother — Maa (মা) or Aai (আই) or Maatri (মাতৃ)
- Elder Brother — Kokai (ককাই) or Dada (দাদা)
- Younger Brother — Bhaiti (ভাইটি)
- Elder Sister — Baideu (বাইদেউ) or Baiti (বাইতি) or Baa (বা)
- Younger Sister — Bhonti (ভণ্টী) or Bhoni (ভনী)
- Husband — Poti (পতি) or Giriyek (গিৰিয়েক) or Swami (স্বামী)
- Wife - Potni (পত্নী) or Ghoiniyek (ঘৈণীয়েক) or Ghoini (ঘৈণী) or Stree (স্ত্ৰী)
- Step Mother — Maahi Maa (মাহী মা) or Maahi Aai (মাহী আই)
Children and Grandchildren
edit- Son — Pu (পো) or Putek (পুতেক) or Putra (পুত্ৰ) or Lora (ল’ৰা)
- Son's wife (daughter-in-law) — Buwari (বোৱাৰী)
- Daughter — Jii (জী) or Jiyek (জীয়েক) or Sowali (ছোৱালী) (কন্যা) or Putri (পুত্ৰী)
- Daughter's husband (son-in-law) — Juwaai (জোঁৱাই)
- Adopted daughter - Tuloniya Suwali (তোলনীয়া ছোৱালী)
- Adopted Son - Tuloniya Lora (তোলনীয়া ল'ৰা)
- Grandson — Naati (নাতি)
- Granddaughter — Natini (নাতিনী)
- Great Grandson — AjuNaati (আজো নাতি)
- Great Granddaughter — AjuNatini (আজো নাতিনী)
edit- Grand Father — Aata (আতা) or Kokadeuta (ককাদেউতা) or Koka (ককা)
- Grand Mother — Aaita (আইতা) or Aabu (আবু)
- Great Grandfather — Aajuaata (আজো আতা) or Aajukoka (আজো ককা) or Aajuputha (আজো পুথা)
- Great Grandmother — Aaju-aaita (আজো আইতা) or Aaju-Enaaideu (আজো এনাই) or Aaju-Aabu (আজো আবু)
Paternal relations
edit- Father's Elder Brother — Bordeuta (বৰদেউতা) or Borta (বৰ্ত্তা)
- Father's Elder Brother's Wife — Bormaa (বৰমা)
- Father's Younger Brother — Dodaaideu (দদাইদেউ) or Daaiti (দাইতি) or Khura (খুড়া)
- Father's Younger Brother's Wife — Khuri (খুড়ী)
- Father's Elder Sister — Apadeu (আপাদেউ) or Apa (আপা) or Jethai (জেঠাই)
- Father's Elder Sister's husband — Nisadeu (নিচাদেউ) or Nisa (নিচা) or Jethu (জেঠু)
- Father's Younger Sister — Pehi (পেহী)
- Father's Younger Sister's husband — Peha (পেহা)
Maternal relations
edit- Mother's Elder Brother — Nisadeu (নিচাদেউ) or Nisa (নিচা) or Mama (মামা)
- Mother's Elder Brother's Wife — Aapadeu (আপাদেউ) or Aapa (আপা) or Maami (মামী)
- Mother's Younger Brother — Mumaaideu (মোমাইদেউ) or Mama (মামা)
- Mother's Younger Brother's Wife — Mamideu (মামীদেউ) or Maami (মামী)
- Mother's Elder Sister — Aapadeu (আপাদেউ) or Aapa (আপা) or Jethai (জেঠাই)
- Mother's Elder Sister's husband — Nisadeu (নিচাদেউ) or Nisa (নিচা) or Jethu (জেঠু)
- Mother's Younger Sister — Mahideu (মাহীদেউ) or Maahi (মাহী)
- Mother's Younger Sister's husband — Mohadeu (মহাদেউ) or Moha (মহাদেউ)
Nephews and Nieces
edit- Brother's son (nephew) — Bhotija (ভতিজা)
- Brother's daughter (niece) — Bhotiji (ভতিজী)
- Sister's son (nephew) — Bhagin (ভাগিন)
- Sister's daughter (niece) — Bhagini (ভাগিনী)
edit- Mother-in-law — Xahu (শাহু) or Xahu-Aai (শাহুআই)
- Father-in-law — Xohur (শহুৰ) or Xohur Deuta (শহুৰ দেউতা)
- Elder Sister's Husband (brother-in-law) — Bhinideu (ভিনদেউ) or Bhini (ভিনী)
- Younger Sister's Husband (brother-in-law) — Boiniyai (বৈনাই) or Bhoni Juwaai (ভনীজোঁৱাই)
- Elder Brother's Wife (Sister-in-law) — Nobou (নবৌ) or Bou (বৌ)
- Younger Brother's Wife (Sister-in-law) — Bhai Buwari (ভাই বোৱাৰী)
- Husband's elder brother (brother-in-law) — Borjona (বৰজনা) or Jethal (জেঠাল)
- Husband's younger brother (brother-in-law) — Dewor (দেওৰ)
- Husband's brother's wife (sister-in-law) — Jaa (জা-জোৱালী)
- Husband's elder sister (sister-in-law) — Je-xahu (জেশাহু) or Baaisao (বাইচাও)
- Husband's younger sister (sister-in-law) — Nonod (ননদ) or Nonond (ননন্দ) or Nondek (নন্দেক)
- Wife's elder brother (brother-in-law) — Jetheri (জেঠেৰি) or Borgiri (বৰগিৰী)
- Wife's younger brother (brother-in-law) — Khulxali (খুলশালি)or saala (চালা)
- Wife's elder sister (sister-in-law) — Je-xahu (জেশাহু) or Baaisao (বাইচাও)
- Wife's younger sister (sister-in-law) — Khulxali (খুলশালী) or saali (চালী)
- Wife's sister's husband (brother-in-law) — Xaalpoti (শাল-পতি)
- Child's Father-in-law - Biyoi (বিয়ৈ)
- Child's Mother-in-law - Biyoini (বিয়নী)
Family lineage
edit- Family - Poriyal (পৰিয়াল)
- Extended Family - Bongxo (বংশ)
- Descendant - Bongxodhor (বংশধৰ)
- Ancestor - Purbo-purukh (পূৰ্বপুৰুষ)
edit- Maheswar Neog, Rajanikanta Dev Sarma, Navakanta Barua, Adhunik Asamiya Abhidhan , 2004
- Jyotiprakash Tamuli, Mouchumi Handique, Oxford Compact English-English-Assamese Dictionary, Oxford university press.