LMIs in Control/Click here to continue/YALMIP


The tool mainly uses for this book. The chapter will provide some examples for using Yalmip with optimization problem.

YAMLIP's download link: [1]. click "download" in the top and follows the instructions in the file. YALMIP can solve some easy problems without extra software support.

For a optimize problem, we need to define constraints, objective function, variables.

For example, in order to find a straight line to separate the two data in the plot with minimal implementation error.

% It's good practice to start by clearing YALMIPs internal database 
% Every time you call sdpvar etc, an internal database grows larger

% Define variables
x = sdpvar(10,1);

% Define constraints 
Constraints = [sum(x) <= 10, x(1) == 0, 0.5 <= x(2) <= 1.5];
for i = 1 : 7
  Constraints = [Constraints, x(i) + x(i+1) <= x(i+2) + x(i+3)];

% Define an objective
Objective = x'*x+norm(x,1);

% Set some options for YALMIP and solver
options = sdpsettings('verbose',1,'solver','quadprog','quadprog.maxiter',100);

% Solve the problem
sol = optimize(Constraints,Objective,options);

% Analyze error flags
if sol.problem == 0
 % Extract and display value
 solution = value(x)
 display('Hmm, something went wrong!');