LMIs in Control/Click here to continue/Time-Delay Systems/LMI for L2-Optimal State-Feedback Control under Time-Varying Input Delay

LMIs in Control/Click here to continue/Time-Delay Systems/LMI for L2-Optimal State-Feedback Control under Time-Varying Input Delay

This page describes a method for constructing a full-state-feedback controller for a continuous-time system with a time-varying input delay. In particular, a condition is provided to obtain a bound on the -gain of closed-loop system under time-varying delay through feasibility of an LMI. The system under consideration pertains a single discrete delay in the actuator input, with the extent of the delay at any time bounded by some known value. Moreover, the delay is assumed to vary only slowly in time, with a temporal derivative bounded by a value less than one, although results may also be attained if no bound is known. Solving the LMI for a particular value of the bound, while minimizing a scalar variable, an upper limit on the -gain of the system can be shown for any time-delay satisfying this bound.

The System


The system under consideration is one of the form:


In this description,   and   are constant matrices in  . In addition,   is a constant matrix in  , and   is a constant matrix in  , where   denote the number of exogenous and actuator inputs respectively. Finally,   and   are constant matrices in   and   respectively, where   denotes the number of regulated outputs. The variable   denotes a delay in the actuator input at time  , assuming a value no greater than some  . Moreover, we assume that the function   is differentiable at any time, with the derivative bounded by some value  , assuring the delay to be slowly-varying in time.

The Data


To construct an  -optimal controller of the system, the following parameters must be known:


In addition to these parameters, a tuning scalar   is also implemented in the LMI.

The Optimization Problem


Based on the provided data, we can construct an  -optimal full-state-feedback controller of the system by testing feasibility of an LMI. In particular, we note that if the LMI presented below is feasible for some   and matrices   and  , implementing the state-feedback   with  , the  -gain of the closed-loop system will be less than or equal to  . To attain a bound that is as small as possible, we minimize the value of   while solving the LMI:

The LMI: L2-Optimal Full-State-Feedback for TDS with Slowly-Varying Input Delay


In this notation, the symbols   are used to indicate appropriate matrices to assure the overall matrix is symmetric.



If the presented LMI is feasible for some  , implementing the full-state-feedback controller  , the closed-loop system will be asymptotically stable, and will have an  -gain less than  . That is, independent of the values of the delays  , the system:




will satisfy:


Here we note that   is guaranteed to exist as   is positive definite, and thus nonsingular.

It should be noted that the obtained result is conservative. That is, even when minimizing the value of  , there is no guarantee that the bound obtained on the  -gain is sharp, meaning that the actual  -gain of the closed-loop can be (significantly) smaller than  .

In a scenario where no bound   on the change in the delay is known, or this bound is greater than one, the above LMI may still be used to construct a controller. In particular, if the presented LMI is feasible with  , the closed-loop system imposing   will be internally exponentially stable with an  -gain less than   independent of the value of  .



An example of the implementation of this LMI in Matlab is provided on the following site:

Note that this implementation requires packages for YALMIP with solver mosek, though a different solver can also be implemented.

  • [1] - Bounded real lemma for continuous-time system with slowly-varying delay
  • [2] - LMI for Hinf-optimal full-state-feedback control in a non-delayed continuous-time system
  • [3] - LMI for Hinf-optimal output-feedback control in a non-delayed continuous-time system

The presented results have been obtained from:

  • Fridman E. 2014. Introduction to Time-Delay Systems, Analysis and Control. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-09392-5.

Additional information on LMI's in control theory can be obtained from the following resources:

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