Korean/Lesson III2

Learn Korean (Introduction)Reading and writing
Conversation1단계: Beginner2단계: High beginner
3급: Low intermediate1. The human body2. Religion3. Nature4. The universe5. Reading a book6:어느 정도로 나를 사랑해?7. Using computers8. At the restaurant910
4단계: High intermediate5단계: Low advanced6단계: Advanced



This section covers the terms related to religion and encourage the student to speak about his/her religious beliefs using the Korean language. When learning about religion in the Korean language, there are some important factors to consider. First of all, there are 7 different speech levels in the Korean language accompanied by a set of honorific forms for each speech level. In the Korean Bible, the translators use the Hasoseoche (하소서체) form for many of the verses. For daily speech, the reader should use one of the lower speech forms instead.

The second thing that the reader needs to do is be prepared to learn the hanja for many of the words used in religious texts. If the reader learns a few hanja every week, that reader will be able to be able to learn the vocabulary more quickly. The hanja are used in the mixed script Korean Bible, 백팔대참회문, as well as some other Korean religious texts.



종교(宗教) - Religion

하나님/하느님 - God (하나님 used in Protestants, 하느님 used in Roman Catholic)

하늘 - Heaven

악마/마귀(惡魔/魔鬼) - The devil(사탄-satan)

지옥(地獄) - Hell

성신/성령(聖神/聖靈) - Holy spirit/Holy Ghost

영적인 - spiritual

교회(教會) - Church

성경(聖經) - The Bible

절 - (Buddhist) Temple

무교(無教) - no religion

불교(佛教) - Buddhism

불경(佛經) - Buddhist scriptures

부처님(菩薩님) - Buddha

교파 - sect

영원히(永遠히) - eternally, forever

천국(天國) - paradise

화신(化身) - reincarnation

부활(復活) - resurrection

예수 그리스도 - Jesus Christ

사도(使徒) - apostle

기도하다(祈禱하다) - to pray

응답(應答) - an answer(spiritual)

믿다 - to believe

이해하다(理解하다) - to understand

오해(誤會) - misunderstanding

헷갈리다 - to be confused(혼란스럽다 too)

경전(經典) - scriptures

성전(聖殿) - Temple

인자(人子) - Son of Man

구원(救援) - salvation

표적(表迹) - miracle

Learn Korean (Introduction)Reading and writing
Conversation1단계: Beginner2단계: High beginner
3급: Low intermediate1. The human body2. Religion3. Nature4. The universe5. Reading a book6:어느 정도로 나를 사랑해?7. Using computers8. At the restaurant910
4단계: High intermediate5단계: Low advanced6단계: Advanced