Kdenlive/KDE4 Porting

Installing Kdenlive for KDE4 from SVN


Install KDE4.

You need a recent mlt compilation with qimage for qt4 producer.

Checkout mlt from svn:

./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-gpl --qimage-libdir=/usr/lib/ --qimage-includedir=/usr/include/qt4 --disable-mmx --avformat-swscale
make clean
sudo make install

Checkout mlt++ from svn:

./configure --prefix=/usr
make clean
sudo make install

Checkout kdenlive from svn:

svn co https://kdenlive.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kdenlive/branches/KDE4

Then compile:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr CMakeLists.txt
sudo make install

This is it!

Installing Kdenlive for KDE4 from SVN - the easy way


The Kdenlive Builder Wizard can build the KDE4 (or KDE3) version of Kdenlive from current development sources. It is available from [1] and is suited both for one-shot builds, or automated nightly builds (the later requires obtaining the sources to the Wizard, available from the page).

Possible problems


If your compilation ends with something like:

MakeFiles/kdenlive.dir/projectlist.o: In function `ProjectList::slotAddClip(DocClipBase*, bool)':                                                                                  
/home/jan/src/kdenlive/src/projectlist.cpp:293: undefined reference to `Nepomuk::Resource::Resource(QString const&, QUrl const&)'                                                   
/home/jan/src/kdenlive/src/projectlist.cpp:293: undefined reference to `Nepomuk::Resource::~Resource()'                                                                             
/home/jan/src/kdenlive/src/projectlist.cpp:174: undefined reference to `Nepomuk::Resource::~Resource()'                                                                             
/home/jan/src/kdenlive/src/projectlist.cpp:174: undefined reference to `Nepomuk::Resource::~Resource()'                                                                             
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status                                                                                                                                                 
make[2]: *** [src/cmake_bindir/kdenlive] Error 1                                                                                                                                    
make[1]: *** [src/cmake_bindir/CMakeFiles/kdenlive.dir/all] Error 2                                                                                                                 
make: *** [all] Error 2                                                                                                                                                             

Then you have to install soprano and soprano devel package and rerun cmake or use wizard builder once more time.