Jumieka/Level 1/Lesson 4

A ieh


aadiez adj. stubborn

aal 1. adj. total, whole amount; adv. completely; 2. adj. even

aataklaps n. crisis

aatiek n. heartache

abee interj. a taunt

abeng n. Maroon cow-horn instrument

afuu?/auufa? inter. whose is it?

agud interj. serves you right

ahuu? inter. who is it?

ahush? inter. which is it?

ai-an-ai pron. [~Eng. I and I] Rastafarian first person

akwerd adj. awkward, clumsy

anmigl n. palm

ash adj. pungent, harsh

askaadn prep. according to

at 1. adj. hot; v. to heat; 2. v. to hurt, upset; 3. n. hat

atup v. 1.to heat, reheat; 2. to hurt anew, inflame old injury

awa? inter. what is it?

awan pron. each

B bii


baba n. respectful term of address to man

bada v. bother; badarieshan, n. hassle, inconvenience

bafan adj. awkward, clumsy

bagamout n., adj. all talk, no action

bakra n. (white) overseer; adj. relating to supervisory or superior class

bambai n. [~Eng. by and by] left-overs

bangkra n. envelope-type basket

banduulu 1. adj. illegal; 2. n. contraband, unfair dealing; 3. v. to swindle, to evade or circumvent regulations

bangarang n. chaos, disorder

baroz n. loan; gi a baroz to lend

baps adv. suddenly

beli 1. n. belly, pregnancy; 2. adj. pregnant

benop adj. bent

bie adv. only, solely

bied 1. v. to bathe; 2.n. beard; biedop, adj. bearded

biefies adj. bare-faced, blatant

biev v. to behave

bigop v. to greet, praise, commend

biini adj. tiny

bikaaz, kaaz, kaa conj. because

bikl n. [~Eng. victuals] food

bikomps v. to become

bil n. 1. bill; 2. machete with hooked point; v. 1. to charge to account - See chos; 2. to cut bush or grass with machete

bilangx v. to belong to, originate from

biliib v. to believe

blai n. easement, break, opportunity

bodi n. penis

bombo interj. [~Temne a-bombo vagina] expletive, sometimes used with -klaat or -huol

bos n. bus; v. 1. to act or express forcibly

bosop adj. broken

braata n. gratuitous extra, as in baker's dozen

braatopsi n. upbringing

bragadaps adv. abruptly

breda n. brother

brejrin n. friend, associate

bringl adj. agitated

brok adj. 1. broken; 2. penniless; n. worn, broken or discarded person or object; v. to break

bunununus adj. delightful

bups n. sugar-daddy

bupsi n. kept woman

butu 1. adj. uncouth; 2. n. crass person

Ch chii ("c" replaced by "k"; only used with "h" for "ch" sound)


chaa v. to chew; chaa-chaa, v. to chew up; adj. chewed-up

chaka-chaka adj. [~Shwi tsaka scatter, shattered] disordered, untidy

chaklata n. dinner left-overs served for breakfast

chichi n. termite; applied derogatively to gay men

cho! interj. exclamation of impatience, disapproval

chokop adj. crowded, cluttered

chos v. extend credit

chrang adj. strong

chruu adv., prep. through; adj. true

chuocho n. [~Brz. chuchu ] type of squash, Sechium edule known as christophene in the Eastern Caribbean, as chayote in Spanish countries

chups n. kiss on the cheek

D dii


de v. to be in location, state; to exist

dedlef n. inheritance

dege adj. [~Ewe deka] single, sole

diidi 1. n. faeces; 2. v. to defecate

disepshos adj. deceitful

dopi n. ghost

doti 1. adj. [~Shwi dote soil, earth, clay] dirty, soiled; 2. n. ground

du v. to please, satisfy

duudu 1. n. faeces; 2. v. to defecate

duufos n. fool

dundus n. albino

dwii v. to do

E hii


ebi adj. heavy

ebn n. heaven

ed n. head

ei! interj. hey!

el n. hell

elaba adj. [~Am. Eng. helluva] superlative

eng v. to hang; eng-pahn-niel, adj. ready-made; n. ready-made clothing

F hef


faaliitii v. to suffer for transgression. See also fene, tata

faas adj. inquisitive; v. to interfere

fala-fashin adj., n. imitative, copycat

fasi adj. afflicted with sores; n. dermal infection, sore

fene v. to suffer consequence, feel pain. See also faaliitii, tata

fengki-fengki adj. weak, indecisive, insubstantial

fiesi adj. rude, impertinent

fiet n. 1. fate; 2. faith

fiilop v. to handle, to grope

fingl v. to fondle, finger

flim n. film

floxi adj. inferior, unsatisfactory

frenop v. to befriend

fufu n. [~Yoruba] mashed yam

fululups n. nonsense, folly

G jii


gaa v. to go

gaagan n. chief, supreme

gobament n. government

gofi v. to go for, plan, intend

ginigag n. powerful leader

gizaada n. [Puot. guisado] grated coconut pastry

grabalishos adj. grasping, greedy

guzu n. [~Kimbundu, nguzu, power, strength, force] magic, spell

H iech


haalzwie adv. always

haatikal adj. top, leading

hapachuniti n. opportunity

huol whole, entire; n. hole; v. to hold

huola adj. whole

I hai


iel v. to greet

iejobl adj. mature, as in person

ier n. year

ies n. haste, hurry

iez n. ear

iibn adj., adv., v. even

iibnin, iivlin n. evening

iipa pron. many, much; uoliipa very many

J jie


janga n. [~Bakweri] crayfish

jeri v. to taunt, jeer

jesta v. to joke, make fun of

jimskriichi n. underhand deal; v. to finagle

jinal n. con-man, trickster

jonjo n. fungus

jraafut adj. lame

jred 1. adj. of concern; 2. pertaining to Rastafarians; 3. n. Rastaman

jresbak v. to reverse

jresdong v. to shift position

jriepop v. to accost

juk n. [~Fula chuk] jab, stick; v. to jab, stick

K kie


kach n. prop, support, temporary accommodation; v. to prop, lean, support

kaka interj. [Fr., Sp., caca, excrement] expletive

kalaban n. bird trap, in the form of four-sided pyramid of twigs

karuochiz n. [Am. Sp. corotos, playthings, tools, trash] belongings, junk

kaskas n. argument, controversy

kata n. [~Kikongo nkata] coil of cloth or banana leaf to carry burdens on the head

kech v. 1. to catch; 2. to arrive

kiangkro n. turkey vulture, applied in contempt to persons

kin 1. v. to turn (out/over), expose; 2. n. skin

klier adv. all the way; gaan klier, to succeed

kliin-kliin adv. completely, totally

kobich adj. greedy, miserly; kobichuol, n. depression at back of head where skull meets neck

kombolo n. companion

konk v. [~Mandinka] to rap on the head

kot n. cut; v. 1. to cut; 2. to speak fluently

kraa v. to scratch

kraal n. enclosure, animal pen

kraasiz n. [~Eng. crosses] problem, trouble

kraps n. scrap (pl. krapsiz)

kreng-kreng n. [~Fante kereng-kereng basket] basket hung over stove for drying, smoking meat

krips adj. crisp

krumuujin adj. mean-spirited

ku v. look; ku de look there; ku ya look here

kunumunu n. simpleton

kuoko n. 1. [~Shwi kooko] edible aroid root; 2. bump on the head; 3. kuoko bred, flat, folded bread, buttered before baking

L hel


laba-laba adj. garrulous, indiscreet

laiad adj. lying; n. liar

lamps v. to fool, deceive

langilaala adj., n. very tall person

leginz n. [~French legumes, vegetables] bunch of seasonings, viz. escallion, thyme

liin adj. inclined, not perpendicular

lou v. to allow, permit

M hem


maaga adj. thin, emaciated

maasa n. master, sir

magij n. maggot, worm

madi-madi adj. slightly mad, eccentric

maki interj. [~Shwi makye] morning greeting

ma(m) n. polite term of address to woman

mampaala n. effeminate man

manazebl adj. polite

mashalaa n. martial law, sanctions

masakraa n. massacre, rout

masi n. mercy

meke-meke adj. sloppy, messy

mongx prep. among

musmus n. mouse

N hen


naat n. 1. north; 2. nought, zero

nenge-nenge v. to nag

niam n. [~Shwi enyam yam] to eat

niaamps n. useless, worthless person

nof adj. many; n.large amount

notn n. nothing

nuoz n. nose; nuoznaat, n. nasal mucus, snot

O uo


okro n. [~Igbo okuro] okra hibiscus esculentus

olo n. fabrication, deception

ongl adj., adv. only

ongri adj. hungry; ongribeli, n. greedy person

orikumop n. parvenu

outa-aada adj. impudent

P pii


paadna n. 1. partner, friend; 2. indigenous savings plan

paan v. to grab, seize

paki n. [~Shwi apakyi] calabash, gourd, bowl made from such

palaava n. [~Puot. palavra word, speech] conversation; v. to converse

paravencha adv. maybe, perhaps

pasiero n. friend

patu n. owl

pempeni adj. plentiful

perpos adj. deliberate, wilfull

piiki-puoki adj. given to speaking Queen's English; n. affected speech

piiniwali n. firefly

pinchikuobi adj. stingy, parsimonious

pitni n. [~Puot. pequeno small] child, young one

poto-poto n. mud

praaps adv. perhaps

preke n. calamity

prips n. tip, preview; prips aaf, v. to tip off, advise

pum n. [~Shwi epim] vagina var. pumpum, pim

pupalik n. somersault; kin pupalik, v. to somersault

puos v. 1. (to get) stood upĀ ; 2. to mail; n. post;

puosn exp. supposing? what if?

putus n. term of endearment applied to females

puusi n. expletive, sometimes used with -klaat or -uol

R haar


raa interj. short form of raatid

raas interj.[~Fula ras, buttocks] expletive, sometimes used with klaat or huol

raatid interj. exclamation of surprise, pleasure; tu raatid for emphasis

ramp v. to play; rampifai, adj. playful; rampin, n. play

redai adj. envious, covetous

rispans adj. responsible

ron dong v. to argue insistently

rondong n., adj. method of cooking with coconut milk, traditionally with pickled mackerel

ruku-ruku adj. shaky, unsteady

ruudnis n. coitus; v. to have sex

S hes


sa n. polite term of address to man

saab v. to serve

sabi v. [~Sp. saber] to know

sadamait n. lesbian

samfai n. swindle, swindler; v. to swindle, hoodwink

sensobl adj. sensible

setaan n. provocateur

sidong v. to sit

simuud adj. smooth

sinting pron. something

sipl adj. slippery

sitieshan n. situation

sitn pron. something

sheda n. shadow

skailaak v. to loaf, goof off

smadi pron. someone, person

sop v. to put up with, tolerate indignity

stuoshos adj. showy, impressive

sumail n., v. smile

suoso adv. only, solely

sus(u) n. gossip

swiit v. to please, amuse; swiitop, v. to flatter, seduce; swiit-mout, v. to flatter; n. glib or persuasive tongue

T tii


taament v. to annoy

taat n. 1. thought; 2. start; 3. tart, usually with plantain filling; v. to start

tab v. to stab

talawa adj. strong, sturdy

tan v. to stay

tanop v. to stand

tantodi v. to settle down, be still

tap n., v. stop

tapanaaris adj. upper class; n. society person

tata n.[~Ewe] father, grandfather; v. to suffer consequence, pay dearly. See also faaliitii, fene

tatu n. shed, makeshift structure

tegereg n. loud, abusive person

tep n., v. step

tong n. 1. tongue; 2. town, usually referring to Kingston

twisop adj. twisted

U yuu


ud n. penis

unu pron. 2nd person plural, collective "you"

uoliip adj., n., pron. very many, plenty

uona adj. own; n. owner

V vii


vailens n. violence

vijan n. vision

W doblyu


wai! interj. expression of amusement or surprise

wala-wala v. to wallow

walef n. remainder

wapn-bapn adj., n. poorly constructed, thrown together

wara int. pron. why, for what

wentaim adv. whenever

wiini adj. small

winji adj. undersized, shrunken

wis n. vine

woi! interj. expression of despair

Y wai


ya adv. here

yaa adv. conclusive indicator, perhaps derived from you hear? or yes?

yaad n. 1. home; 2. yard

yaba n. earthenware pot

yai n. eye

yeri v. to hear, pay attention

yunifaam n. uniform

Z zed


zumbi n. zombie

zutupek n. monster