Japanese/Vocabulary/Family and people

Family and people

Japanese English Reading Notes
家族/(n) family/members of a family/(P)/かぞく
お母さん/母さん/(n) (hon) mother/(P)/おかあさん/かあさん
お父さん/父さん/(n) (hon) father/(P)/おとうさん/とうさん
兄弟/(n) (hum) siblings/(P)/きょうだい
/(n) (hum) older sister/(P)/あね
お姉さん/姉さん/(n) (hon) older sister/(vocative) "Miss?"/(P)/おねえさん/ねえさん
/(n) (hum) older brother/(P)/あに
お兄さん/兄さん/(n) (hon) older brother/(vocative) "Mister?"/(P)/おにいさん/にいさん
/(n) (hum) younger sister/(P)/いもうと
/(n) younger brother/faithful service to those older/brotherly affection/おとうと
お爺さん/おじいさん/(n) grandfather/male senior-citizen/おじいさん
お婆さん/おばあさん/(n) grandmother/female senior-citizen/おじいさん

Japanese English Reading Notes
奥様/奥さん/(n) (hon) wife/your wife/his wife/married lady/madam/(P)/おくさま/おくさん
家内/(n) (hum) wife/(P)/かない
御主人/(n) (hon) your husband/her husband/ごしゅじん

Japanese English Reading Notes
伯母/(n) (hum) aunt (older than one's parent)/おば
叔母/(n) aunt (younger than one's parent)/(P)/おば
伯父/(n) (hum) uncle (older than one's parent)/おじ
叔父/(n) uncle (younger than one's parent)/(P)/おじ

Japanese English Reading Notes
/(n) woman/girl/daughter/おんな
/(n) man/(P)/おとこ
女の子/(n) girl/(P)/おんなのこ
男の子/(n) boy/(P)/おとこのこ


Japanese English Reading Notes
店員shop assistantてんいん
俳優actor, actressはいゆう
教師teacher (academic)きょうし


"For Japanese, family names are the worst growing pains"