Islamic Studies Grade 1/Lesson1.1
editCleanliness is part of my faith. I’m clean because I’m a Muslim.
I wash my hands before and after eating and also after using the bathroom.
I do my best to keep my clothes clean and neat.
I clip my nails once a week and keep them clean at all times.
I often change and wash my socks.
I clean my room. I help in cleaning up my home. I keep my school clean.
I use nice and clean words in my talk. Nasty words make me and my friends feel bad.
I take a bath at least twice a week. I make sure that my mouth or body never smells bad.
I have my own towel, comb, and toothbrush. I never share these with anybody.
I brush or floss my teeth after each meal.
I usually have a pack of tissue on me. I use it when I sneeze or want to clean my nose.
My teacher has taught me that as a Muslim, I should be clean in my body, clothing and spirit. Cleanliness in body and clothing is to stay away from dirt. Cleanliness in spirit is to avoid sin.