Irish |
abair |
to say
achainigh |
to entreat (to request earnestly)
achoimrigh |
to recap/recapitulate/summarise
adhair |
to adore/worship
adharcáil |
to gore
adhlaic |
to bury
admhaigh |
to admit
aeráil |
to air (as in to air a room)
agair |
to beg/sue
aibigh |
to ripen
aicmigh |
to classify
aifir |
to rebuke
aimridigh |
to sterilise
aimsigh |
to hit/locate
ainmnigh |
to assign/name
airigh |
to receive/calculate
aisghair |
to repeal
aisig |
to restore
aistarraing |
to retract
aistrigh |
to change
aisíoc |
to refund/reimburse/repay
aithin |
to recognise
áitigh |
to argue
áitrigh |
to inhabit
aithris |
to recite
allmhairigh |
to import
alp |
to devour/gobble/scoff
anailísigh |
to analyze
anluchtaigh |
to overload
análaigh |
to respire/aspirate/breathe
aontaigh |
to concour/agree
ardaigh |
to ascend/elevate/heighten/hoist/lift
aslonnaigh |
to evacuate
athaimsigh |
to relocate
athaontaigh |
to reunite
athbheoigh |
to resuscitate/revive
athbhreithnigh |
to review
athbhunaigh |
to re-establish, reconstitute
athchas |
to rewind (as in a tape)
athcheartaigh |
to revise
athchomhairligh |
to discourage
athchóirigh |
to alter/recondition/refurbish/renovate/restore(building)/revamp/upgrade (house)
athchúrsáil |
to recycle
athdhearbhaigh |
to reassure
athdheisigh |
to refurbish
athdhéan |
to redo
atheagraigh |
to redeploy (resources)
athghair |
to recall
athghnóthaigh |
to regain
athlonnaigh |
to relocate
athlíon |
to refill/replenish (glass)
athnuaigh |
to rejuvenate/renew
athobair |
to repeat work
athoil |
to retrain (worker)
athphlandáil |
to transplant
athraigh |
to alter/change/vary
athroinn |
to redeploy
athscag |
to refine
athsheol |
to redirect (mail)
athsholáthair |
to replace
athshreangaigh |
to rewire
atosaigh |
to renew/resume
atreoraigh |
to divert
atáirg |
to reproduce
atóg |
to reconstruct (building)
babhtáil |
to barter
bac |
to hinder/impede/thwart
bagair |
to threaten
bailigh |
to assemble/collect/gather
bain |
to harvest/mow/reap/dig up (potatoes)
baist |
to baptise/christen
barrloisc |
to singe
basc |
to mangle/maul
batráil |
to batter
bealaigh |
to grease/lubricate
beannaigh |
to bless
bearnaigh |
to breach
bearr |
to prune/shave
beartaigh |
to contrive/scheme/wield (sword)
beir |
to grab
beirigh |
to boil
beoigh |
to liven-up
bioraigh |
to sharpen
bladair |
to cajole
bodhraigh |
to deafen
bog |
to budge/maneuver/relax(muscle)/soften
bolg |
to distend(physiology)/bloat(agriculture)
borr |
to surge
braith |
to betray/notice/perceive/detect/size-up/sound-out
breithnigh |
to evaluate(factor)
breoigh |
to glow
bris |
to break/fail(candidate)/overthrow/bring-down(government)/shatter - more
broid |
to goad/nudge/prod
bronn |
to donate
brostaigh |
to hasten/precipitate
bruith |
to bake
bréag |
to lie/delude
bréagnaigh |
to belie/contradict/disprove/rebut
bróidnigh |
to embroider
brúigh |
to hustle/mash/shove
buaigh |
to win
buail |
to flap/hit/knock/lick/thresh(agriculture)/toll(bell)
buain |
to reap
buair |
to annoy
bunaigh |
to establish/found/institute
bácáil |
to bake
báigh |
to drench/drown/plunge/sink(ship)/soak/swamp
bánaigh |
to bleach(linen)/evacuate(place)
bí |
to be
cabhraigh |
to assist
cailg |
to bite
caill |
to forfeit(lose)/miss/shed
cairt |
to peel/tan/encrust
cairtfhostaigh |
to charter(plane)
caith |
to cast(throw)/check(throw)/expend/fling/flip/hurl/toss/throw/wear
can / labhair |
to speak
canbhasáil |
to canvass
caoch |
to daze/overwhelming(victory vi)/resounding(victory vi)
caoin |
to cry (vi)/mourne (vi)/weep(vi)
caolaigh |
to dilute/constrict
caomhnaigh |
to conserve/preserve (keep safe)
carn |
to accumulate
cas |
to twirl
ceadaigh |
to allow/approve/let(practise/claim/goal)
cealaigh |
to annul/cancel/delete
cealg |
to deceive
ceangail |
to bind/fasten/hitch/teather
ceannaigh |
to buy/purchase
ceap |
to appoint/designate(to office)/devise
ceartaigh |
to adjust(clock/scales/compass)/rectify(error)/rebuke/redress
ceiliúir |
to celebrate(vi)/vanish
ceistigh |
to interrogate/query/question/quiz
ciallaigh |
to interpret
ciap |
to annoy/besiege/harass/hound/plague/tease
ciceáil |
to kick
cigil |
to tickle
cinntigh |
to assure/confirm/ensure
cionroinn |
to allocate/distribute
ciorclaigh |
to encircle
ciorraigh |
to hack/maim/mangle
ciúnaigh |
to becalm/hush/quell/sooth
clamhair |
to maul
claochlaigh |
to transform
claon |
to incline/perverse/tilt/veer
cleacht |
to ply(a trade)/rehearse
clip |
to prick/tease/torment/wear out
clis |
to conk-out
clois |
to hear/overhear
cloígh |
to overpower/digest/overwhelm(enemy)/repress/subdue/sap
cluimhrigh |
to preen
cluin |
to hear/overhear
clutharaigh |
to muffle
cláraigh |
to enroll
clóigh |
to overpower/digest/overwhelm(enemy)/repress/subdue/sap
clúdaigh |
to cover
cnag |
to bash/crunch/knock/snap(sound)
cnaígh |
to gnaw
cneasaigh |
to heal
cniotáil |
to knit
codail |
to sleep(vi)
cogain |
to chew(vi)
coigeartaigh |
to update
coigil |
to economise/save
coigistigh |
to confiscate
coill |
to castrate/geld/spay
coilínigh |
to colonize
coimeád |
to hold/keep/maintain
coimhéad |
to observe
coimrigh |
to sum-up
cóineartaigh |
to strengthen, confirm
coinnigh |
to hold/retain/preserve/detain/keep
coinsínigh |
to consign
coip |
to ferment/whisk
coir |
to tire, exhaust
coisc |
to deter/obstruct(block)/preclude/prevent/prohibit/stave-off(attack)
coisric |
to bless
comhaill |
to fulfil
comhair |
to count/reckon
comhairligh |
to advise
comharthaigh |
to denote/suggest
comhbhailigh |
to aggregate
comhbhrúigh |
to compress
comhdhearbhaigh |
to corroborate
comhdhlúthaigh |
to condense
comhfhadaigh |
to justify(computing)
comhfhortaigh |
to console, comfort
comhfhreagair |
to correspond
comhlíon |
to discharge/fulfil/observe/perform(duties)/serve
comhordaigh |
to coordinate
comhréitigh |
to conciliate/harmonise (of texts)
comhtharlaigh |
to coincide
comhtháthaigh |
to integrate
conlaigh |
to glean
corn |
to bale/wrap-up
corpraigh |
to incorporate
corraigh |
to agitate/affect/budge/disturb/excite/stir(vi)
cosain |
to defend/protect/safeguard
coscair |
to hack/thaw
cothromaigh |
to balance/equalize (sport)
crap |
to crumple/shrink(vi)
creach |
to loot/pillage/plunder/ransack/rifle
creid |
to believe
creim |
to corrode/erode/thaw
creimseáil |
to nibble
criathraigh |
to riddle/sift
croch |
to hang/suspend
croith |
to shake/sprinkle/wag/waggle
crom |
to crouch/droop/stoop
cros |
to ban/prohibit/veto
croscheistigh |
to cross-examine(law)
cruaigh |
to hardened/toughened
cruinnigh |
to gather
cruthaigh |
to create/establish/prove
cráigh |
to bother/harass/pester/annoy
créam |
to cremate
críochnaigh |
to accomplish/conclude/finish-off
cuardaigh |
to frisk/prospect/search
cuidigh |
to help
cuimhnigh |
to remember
cuimil |
to fondle/rub/stroke/wipe
cuimsigh |
to comprehend/include
cuir |
to put
cum |
to compose/form/invent/limit
cumaisc |
to merge/mix
cumhdaigh |
to protect/uphold(law)
cuntais |
to count/reckon
cáiligh |
to qualify
cáin |
to condemn/criticize/fine/levy/penalize/slam/tax
céas |
to crucify/hound/persecute/torture
cíor |
to comb/scour(search)
cócaráil |
to cook
cóimeáil |
to assemble
cóineartaigh |
to strengthen, confirm
cóirigh |
to mend/overhaul/rig/straighten
cónaigh |
to dwell, reside
cúbláil |
to defraud/misappropriate
cúigleáil |
to embezzle
cúisigh |
to accuse
cúitigh |
to compensate
cúngaigh |
to narrow
cúrsáil |
to cruise
daingnigh |
to fortify/strengthen
dall |
to blind/darken/dazzle/mesmerize
dallraigh |
to dazzle
damnaigh |
to damn
dathaigh |
to paint
deachtaigh |
to dictate
dealaigh |
to part/separate/subtract (maths)
dearbhaigh |
to assert/assure/declare
dearc |
to consider/look
dearg |
to blush/kindle/redden
deifrigh |
to hasten/hurry
deighil |
to divide
deimhnigh |
to check/verify
deisigh |
to fix
deonaigh |
to accord/condescend/grant
dianscaoil |
to break/decompose
diasraigh |
to glean
diomail |
to dissipate/squander
diúraic |
to brandish/cast/project/shoot
doimhnigh |
to deepen
dorchaigh |
to darken
dramhail |
to trample
dreasaigh |
to incite
driog |
to distil
droimscríobh |
to endorse
druid |
to shut
dubhaigh |
to blacken
dáil |
to distribute
déan |
to do, to make
dí-armáil |
to disarm
dí-oighrigh |
to de-ice
díbholg |
to deflate
díbir |
to banish
dícheangail |
to detach
dícheann |
to behead
díchoimisiúnaigh |
to decommission
díchorn |
to unwind
díchreid |
to disbelieve
díchum |
to distort
dícháiligh |
to disqualify
díchóimeáil |
to dismantle
dífhabhtaigh |
to debug
díghalraigh |
to disinfect
díleáigh |
to digest
díluacháil |
to devalue
díluchtaigh |
to unload
dílódáil |
to unload
dínáisiúnaigh |
to denationalize
díol |
to sell
díothaigh |
to abolish/annihilate/eradicate
díphacáil |
to unpack
díreoigh |
to defrost
dírigh |
to straighten/unbend
díscaoil |
to disintegrate/dissolve
díshealbhaigh |
to evict
díshioc |
to defrost
díthruailligh |
to decontaminate
diúraic |
to brandish/cast/project/shoot
dóigh |
to burn
dúisigh |
to wake up
dul |
to go
dún |
to close
eadóirsigh |
to naturalize
éadromaigh |
to lighten/make less heavy
eagraigh |
to organize
easpórtáil |
to export
éalaigh |
to escape
éiligh |
to claim/demand/request
éirigh |
to rise
eiseachaid |
to extradite
éist |
to listen
eitil |
to fly
fadaigh |
to kindle/lengthen/prolong
faigh |
to get
fair |
to watch
fairsingigh |
to broaden/expand/widen
fan |
to wait
faobhraigh |
to sharpen/whet
feabhsaigh |
to improve/recuperate
feall |
to betray/fail
feic |
to see
feidhmigh |
to enforce
feistigh |
to tie up (boat)/trim (with)
feoigh |
to decay
fiach |
to chase/hunt
fiafraigh |
to ask
fiar |
to slant/swerve/tilt/veer
figh |
to weave
fill |
to bend/fold/return
fionn |
to ascertain/discover/invent
fiosraigh |
to inquire/investigate
fiuch |
to boil
fliuch |
to drench/moisten/wet
foghlaim |
to learn/
foilsigh |
to disclose/publish/reveal
folaigh |
to conceal
folc |
to bathe
folig |
to sublet
folmhaigh |
to discharge/unpack
forbair |
to develope/expand (maths)
formhéadaigh |
to magnify
forshuigh |
to superimpose
fortaigh |
to relieve
fostaigh |
to employ/engage/hire
freagair |
to answer
freastail |
to attend
frithchaith |
to reflect
fuadaigh |
to hijack/kidnap/snatch
fuaigh |
to sew
fuaimnigh |
to pronounce
fuascail |
to release/deliver (from danger)
fuathaigh |
to hate
fuin |
to cook/roast/knead
fulaing |
to suffer
fág |
to leave
fáiltigh |
to receive/rejoice
fáisc |
to tighten/wring
fálaigh |
to enclose
fás |
to grow
féach |
to look
fíoraigh |
to verify
fógair |
to announce
fóir |
to watch
gabh |
to take
gaibhnigh |
to preen
gair |
to acclaim/exclaim/roar
galraigh |
to infect
galstobh |
to braise
geal |
to brighten
geall |
to bet/promise
gearr |
to cut/shorten/snip
gin |
to conceive/generate
giorraigh |
to curtail/shorten
giortaigh |
to shrink
glac |
to take
glan |
to clean
glaoigh |
to call
gloinigh |
to glaze
glám |
to clutch/grab
gléas |
to adjust
glónraigh |
to glaze
gnáthaigh |
to haunt
gníomhachtaigh |
to activate
gníomhaigh |
to activate/perform/act
gnóthaigh |
to earn
gob |
to peck
goid |
to steal
goil |
to weep
gor |
to hatch
gortaigh |
to hurt
gread |
to batter/swish/wallop
greamaigh |
to fasten
grean |
to engrave/grit
greasáil |
to beat/drub/trounce
grinnléigh |
to peruse
griog |
to annoy/excite/incite/irritate/rile/tease
griosaigh |
to fire/incite/stimulate/inspire
gráinigh |
to hate
gráinseáil |
to nibble
gríosc |
to broil
grúdaigh |
to brew
guailleáil |
to jostle/shoulder
gualaigh |
to char (burn)
géaraigh |
to sharpen/aggravate
géill |
to capitulate/give/submit/surrender
hiopnóisigh |
to hypnotize
iarr |
to ask
imigh |
to go
imir |
to play
impigh |
to beg
imscaoil |
to decipher
imtheorannaigh |
to intern
inbhéartaigh |
to invert
infheistigh |
to invest
inis |
to tell
iniúch |
to audit/inspect
insealbhaigh |
to install
insligh |
to insulate
insteall |
to inject
íoc |
to contribute/remit (money)
iolraigh |
to multiply
iomlánaigh |
to integrate
iompaigh |
to turn
iompair |
to carry
iompórtáil |
to import
ionchorpraigh |
to incorporate
ionchúisigh |
to prosecute
ionfhabhtaigh |
to infect
ionramháil |
to maneuver/manipulate
ionsaigh |
to attack
ionsúigh |
to absorb
íoslaghdaigh |
to minimise
íoslódáil |
to download
íosmhéadaigh |
to minimise (reduce)
ith |
to eat
lagaigh |
to dilute/weaken
laghdhdaigh |
to decrease/diminish/dwindle/lessen/lighten/reduce
lamháil |
to allow
lansaigh |
to lance
las |
to light
lasc |
to flog/lash/whip
leachtaigh |
to liquify
leadair |
to whack
leag |
to knock down
lean |
to follow
leasaigh |
to amend/reform/season/undo/update
leath |
to diminish/divide
leathnaigh |
to broaden/expand/extend/widen
leigheas |
to cure/heal/remedy/undo
leithlisigh |
to isolate
leomh |
to allow/dare
leáigh |
to melt
lig |
to allow/release
ligh |
to lick
liostaigh |
to itemize/list
liostáil |
to enlist
lobh |
to decay/decompose/fester/rot
loc |
to enclose/pluck
lochtaigh |
to criticize/fault
loit |
to hurt/injure/damage
lom |
to mow/scuff/shear
lonnaigh |
to settle
lorg |
to trace
luacháil |
to evaluate
luaigh |
to mention
luathaigh |
to accelerate
luchtaigh |
to charge/fill/load/fill
luigh |
to lie (rest)/settle (dust)/to comply with (with le)
láidrigh |
to toughen
láimhsigh |
to manipulate
láraigh |
to centralize
léas |
to flog/trash
léigh |
to read
léim |
to jump
léirigh |
to demonstrate/depict/elucidate/illustrate/indicate/portray
léirsigh |
to demonstrate
líomhain |
to allege
líon |
to fill
lódáil |
to load
lúb |
to loop
machnaigh |
to meditate/muse
maidhm |
to burst/detonate
mair |
to live/remain/survive
maisigh |
to decorate
maistrigh |
to churn (agriculture)
maith |
to forgive/pardon
malartaigh |
to barter/
mallaigh |
to damn
maolaigh |
to abate/allay/alleviate/deaden/modify/qualify/reduce/relieve/slacken/soothe
maothaigh |
to moisten/soak/soften
maraigh |
to kill/slay
maslaigh |
to blaspheme/snub
maígh |
to boast
meabhraigh |
to meditate/memorize/ponder
meall |
to coax/deceive/delude/disappoint/entice/tempt/woo
mearaigh |
to baffle/confound/mystify/perplex
meas |
to consider
measc |
to mix
meidhrigh |
to elate/make merry/confuse/frisk
meil |
to squander/grind (corn)
meáigh |
to weigh
mill |
to blight/destroy/devastate/mar/spoil
milsigh |
to sweeten
mionaigh |
to crumble/mince
mionbhrúigh |
to crush/crumble
mionscrúdaigh |
to scan/sift/scan
modhnaigh |
to modify
moilligh |
to delay/linger
mol |
to praise
monaraigh |
to manufacture
morg |
to decompose
muirnigh |
to cherish/cuddle/fondle
mungail |
to munch
méadaigh |
to increase
méaraigh |
to baffle/confound/mystify/perplex
mínigh |
to smooth/make gentle/explain
múch |
to asphyxiate/extinguish/muffle/smother/stifle/suffocate
múin |
to teach
múscail |
to awaken
nasc |
to bind/connect/link
neadaigh |
to embed/nest/nestle
neartaigh |
to strengthen
neodraigh |
to neutralize
nigh |
to wash
nuachóirigh |
to modernize
náisiúnaigh |
to nationalize
nódaigh |
to transplant
obair |
to work
oighrigh |
to congeal/freeze
oil |
to educate
oirnigh |
to cut in bits/crush/fragment
ól |
to drink
ollchóirigh |
to overhaul
onnmhairigh |
to export
onóraigh |
to honor
ordaigh |
to order
ornáidigh |
to ornament/embellish
oscail |
to open
pacáil |
to pack
pearsanaigh |
to impersonate
pioc |
to pluck/preen
píolótaigh |
to navigate
plac |
to bang/eat/gobble/slam
pléadáil |
to plead
pléasc |
to bang/burst/erupt/explode
plúch |
to asphyxiate/smother/stifle/suffocate
poibligh |
to make public/publish
poll |
to bore/penetrate/perforate/pierce/puncture
poncloisc |
to cauterize
potbhiathaigh |
to spoon-feed
prioc |
to pluck/preen
promh |
to prove
pábháil |
to pave
póraigh |
to grow from seed/breed
pós |
to marry/wed
radaigh |
to radiate
ramhraigh |
to fatten/thicken
rangaigh |
to classify
ransaigh |
to forage/ransack
reoigh |
to freeze
riar |
to administer/dispense/distribute/manage/mete/provide
righ |
to control/stretch
rith |
to run
robáil |
to rob
roghnaigh |
to pick/select
roinn |
to divide
rois |
to unravel
rop |
to dash/stab
rothlaigh |
to rotate/slew/slue/twirl
ruadhóigh |
to scorch
ruaig |
to drive out/ to chase away
ruathair |
to raid/foray/scramble (rush)/swoop (by police)
rácáil |
to rake (as in leaves)
réal |
to make clear/develop (photography)
réamhaithris |
to foretell/predict
réamhcheannaigh |
to pre-empt
réamhdhátaigh |
to backdate
réasúnaigh |
to rationalize
réitigh |
to adjust/arrange/clear/elucidate/level/smooth/solve
ríomh |
to calculate/count/reckon
ríomhairigh |
to computerize
rómhair |
to dig
rúisc |
to strip/shell/poke/trounce
sábh |
to saw
sábháil |
to save
sádráil |
to exceed/violate (as in history)/outclass (as in sport)
sáigh |
to stab
sáinnigh |
to beset/hem
sáraigh |
to violate (law)/get beyond/harass/weary
sásaigh |
to satisfy
sac |
to tuck
saibhrigh |
to enrich
saibhseáil |
to sweep bottom of water/to rummage about
saighid |
to incite/provoke
sainaithin |
to identify
sainigh |
to state expressly/specify/define
sainmhínigh |
to define
samhlaigh |
to envisage/imagine/suppose/visualize
sann |
to assign
santaigh |
to covet
saobh |
to distort/pervert/warp
saor |
to emancipate/free
saothraigh |
to cultivate/farm/make/till
scag |
to filter/refine/sift
scaip |
to scatter
scaird |
to gush/jet/pour/splatter/spray/spurt
scairt |
to shout
scall |
to poach/scald
scan |
to scan
scanraigh |
to appal/frighten/overawe/scare/terrify
scaoil |
to release
scar |
to detach/diverge/unfold
sceimhligh |
to terrify
sceith |
to divulge/overflow/spawn/spew/vomit
scil |
to divulge/shell
scimeáil |
to skim
sciob |
to snatch
scioll |
to scold
sciorr |
to skid
scoir |
to adjourn/detach/disband/disconnect
scoith |
to wean
scor |
to slash
scrabh |
to scrape
scrios |
to destroy/erase
scrábáil |
to scrawl/scribble/squiggle
scréach |
to screech
scríobh |
to write
scrúdaigh |
to examine
seachaid |
to deliver
sealbhaigh |
to possess
séan |
to deny/disown (son)/outgrow (clothes)/repudiate/renounce
séid |
to blow/inflate
searbhaigh |
to embitter
searg |
to shrivel/wilt/wither
seas |
to stand
seiceáil |
to check/test
seiftigh |
to improvise
seilg |
to hunt/prey
seinn |
to sound/perform/play (all of music)
seol |
to dispatch/remit/sail/send
sioc |
to congeal/freeze/frost
siortaigh |
to forage
siúntaigh |
to shunt (as in rail)
slad |
to destroy/devastate/loot/pillage/plunder
sleamhnaigh |
to glide/slide/slither
slog |
to engulf/swallow/swig
slánaigh |
to redeem
slíoc |
to pat/pet
smachtaigh |
to control/dominate/restrain
smaoinigh |
to think
smeadráil |
to smear
smear |
to grease/smear
smiot |
to swat
smol |
to blight
smuigleáil |
to smuggle
smálaigh |
to blot/blur/tarnish
smúr |
to sniff
snaidhm |
to knit/knot
snoigh |
to cut/carve
snámh |
to swim
socraigh |
to settle/calm
soilsigh |
to enlighten/illuminate/shine
soiléirigh |
to elucidate
soláthair |
to gather/procure/provide/supply
sonraigh |
to distinguish/perceive/remark
spall |
to spall (small chip of fragment)
spalp |
to burst forth
spoch |
to castrate
spreag |
to urge/inspire
spáráil |
to spare
spíon |
to exhaust
spól |
to carve (meat)
srac |
to drag/extort/strive
sraon |
to deflect
sreangaigh |
to wire
srian |
to curb/restrain
sroich |
to arrive/reach
sruthlaigh |
to rinse
stad |
to stop
steall |
to dash/spatter/squirt
steiriligh |
to sterilize
stiúir |
to manage/navigate/steer
stoith |
to extract/uproot
streachail |
to pull/drag/struggle
stócáil |
to stoke
suaimhnigh |
to placate/quieten
suaith |
to massage/shuffle
suigh |
to sit
suiteáil |
to install
síl |
to think/intend
síolraigh |
to breed
sóinseáil |
to change
súigh |
to suck/absorb
tabhaigh |
to deserve
tabhair |
to give
tacht |
to choke/strangle/throttle
tairngir |
to foretell/prophesy
taiscéal |
to explore/examine/reconnoiter/reconnoitre
taispeáin |
to show
taithigh |
to haunt
tanaigh |
to dilute
taom |
to teem
tarchuir |
to transmit
tarlaigh |
to happen/occur
tarraing |
to pull
tarrtháil |
to rescue/retrieve/salvage
tarscaoil |
to waive
teagasc |
to instruct/teach
teann |
to tighten
teasc |
to amputate/sever
teasdíon |
to insulate
teilg |
to fling/hurl
teimhligh |
to darken/stain/tarnish
teorannaigh |
to limit/restrict
timpeallaigh |
to surround
tiomnaigh |
to bequeath/dedicate
tiomsaigh |
to compile
tiomáin |
to drive
tionlaic |
to accompany
tionscain |
to begin/institute
tiontaigh |
to capsize/convert/invert/turn
tionóil |
to gather/convene/assemble
tirimghlan |
to dry-clean
tit |
to fall
tiubhaigh |
to thicken
tochail |
to dig
togair |
to choose
togh |
to cull/elect/select
toghair |
to call
toll |
to bore/hollow
tomhais |
to measure/weigh
tosaigh |
to start
traoch |
to exhaust/wear out
trasnaigh |
to heckle/interrupt/intersect
treascair |
to annihilate/flatten/overwhelm/topple
treisigh |
to reinforce
treáigh |
to digest
truailligh |
to contaminate/doctor/pollute
tréig |
to abandon/desert/fade/forsake/jilt
tuairteáil |
to collide/smash
tuar |
to forecast/foresee/foreshadow/predict
tuaslaig |
to dissolve
tuig |
to comprehend/realize/understand
tuill |
to deserve/earn
tuirling |
to descend
tum |
to submerge
táblaigh |
to tabulate
táthaigh |
to bind/solder/unite/weld
téacht |
to come
tóg |
to take
tóraigh |
to pursue
uchtaigh |
to adopt
uimhrigh |
to number
uirísligh |
to humiliate
uiscigh |
to irrigate
ullmhaigh |
to prepare
úraigh |
to freshen/refresh/sweeten
urchoill |
to inhibit
vacsaínigh |
to vaccinate