Introduction to Mathematical Physics/Some mathematical problems and their solution/Linear boundary problems, integral methods

the following problem:


Problem: Problem ) : Find such that:

with .

Let us find the solution using the Green method. Several cases exist:

Nucleus zero, homogeneous problem



Definition: The Green solution\index{Green solution} of problem is the function solution of:


The Green solution of the adjoint problem is the function solution of


where horizontal bar represents complex conjugation.


Theorem: If and exist then


By definition of the adjoint operator of an operator

Using equations eqdefgydy and eqdefgydyc of definition defgreen for and , one achieves the proof of the result.

In particular, if then .


There exists a unique function such that

is solution of Problem and

The proof[1] of this result is not given here but note that if exists then:

Thus, by the definition of the adjoint operator of an operator :

Using equality , we obtain:

and from theorem theogreen we have:

This last equation allows to find the solution of boundary problem, for any function , once Green function is known.

Kernel zero, non homogeneous problem


Solution of problem is derived from previous Green functions:

Using Green's theorem, one has:

Using boundary conditions and theorem theogreen, we get:

This last equation allows to find the solution of problem , for any triplet , once Green function is known.

Non zero kernel, homogeneous problem


Let's recall the result of section secchoixesp :


If has non zero solutions, and if isn't in the orthogonal of , the problem has no solution.


Let such that . Let be a solution of ({\it i.e} a function of ). Then:


However, once is projected onto the orthogonal of , calculations similar to the previous ones can be made: Let us assume that the kernel of is spanned by a function and that the kernel of is spanned by .


Definition: The Green solution of problem is the function solution of

The Green solution of adjoint problem is the function solution of

where horizontal bar represents complex conjugaison.


Theorem: If and exist, then


By definition of the adjoint of an operator

Using definition relations defgreen2 of and , one obtains the result.

In particular, if then .


There exists a unique function such that

is solution of problem in and

Proof[2] of this theorem is not given here. However, let us justify solution definition formula. Assume that exists. Let be the projection of a function onto .

This can also be written:


From theorem theogreen2, we have:

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Once problem's Green function is found, problem's solution is obtained by simple integration. Using of symmetries allows to simplify seeking of Green's functions.

Images method



\index{images method}

Let   be a domain having a symmetry plan:  . Let   be the border of  . Symmetry plane shares   into two subdomains:   and   (voir la figure figsymet).


Domain   is the union of   and   symetrical with respect to plane  .}

Let us seek the solution of the folowing problem:


Problem: Find   such that:




knowing solution of problem


Problem: Find   such that:




Method of solving problem probori by using solution of problem probconnu is called images method ([ma:equad:Dautray1]). Let us set  . Function   verifies




Functions   and   verify the same equation. Green function   is thus simply the restriction of function   to  . Problem probori is thus solved.

Invariance by translation


When problem   is invariant by translation, Green function's definition relation can be simplified. Green function   becomes a function   that depends only on difference   and its definition relation is:


where   is the convolution product (see appendix{appendconvoldist})\index{convolution}. Function   is in this case called elementary solution and noted  . Case where   is translation invariant typically corresponds to infinite boundaries ([ma:distr:Schwartz65]).

Here are some examples of well known elementary solutions:


Laplace f equation in  . Considered operator is:


Elementary solution is:



Helmholtz equation in  . Considered operator is:


Elementary solution is:

  1. In particular, proof of the existence of  .
  2. In particular, the existence of  .