Introduction to Information Literacy in the K12 Classroom/Chapter 4.1

Introduction to Information Literacy in the K12 Classroom/Table of Contents

Introduction to Information Literacy in the K12 Classroom
 ← Chapter 4 Chapter 4.1 Chapter 5 → 

Informational Literacy With ELL Learners


Informational literacy is important to all learners but has special importance for the job of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and ELLs (English Language Learners). This type of learner is not only learning the academic aspects of the content material, but also learning linguistic proficiency of another language.



ELL learner's perception of literacy.

Types of ELL literacy learners.

Key characteristics of effective instructional techniques for ELL learners.

Use of technology within the classroom with the ELL learner.

ELL Learner's Perception of Literacy


With the ELL learner information must be presented in a way to scaffold the process of academic inquiry. "To be most effective, students will also need understandings of traditional information structures as well as understandings of the shifts in the way knowledge is built and organized." (Valenza, 2007) If we as the teacher can present the material in a way which is easily understood and accessible to the ELL learner then we can help them communicate more effectively and succeed in learning any subject presented to them. Scaffolding should be part of the instruction with the ELL learner and scaffolding with the ELL learner (PDF) is a comprehensive site to examine this type of instruction. A valuable resource for information literacy and instruction with an ELL is everythingESL. Both of these online resources have good informational materials to help the educator in the classroom and win the confidence of the ELL with instruction.

Types of ELL Literacy Learners


There are three types of ELL that have been identified by researchers Olsen and Jaramillo (1999) and Ruiz de Velasco et al. (2000) The types of learners include:long term English learners;recent arrivals with limited schooling;and English learners with interrupted formal schooling.

Long term English learners are successful with conversational English with peers, teachers and others. Many have not had a consistent program for English language learning and content academic subject areas. Content knowledge is limited due to constraints of academic knowledge in math, science or social studies. There is a positive perception that they are doing well because they receive B's and C's on their report card, but scores poorly on state mandated tests.

Recent arrivals with limited formal schooling speak limited English or are not able to function with conversational English in social settings. They have limited formal schooling for English and other content academic subject areas. They have limited or no knowledge of academic English and subject matter to succeed in school. Poor perception of school and score poorly on state mandated tests due to lack of content knowledge. (Freeman & Freeman, 2004)

Key Characteristics of Effective Instructional Techniques for ELL Learners


There are some key instructional strategies that can be used with the ELL learner in the classroom to make them successful with their academic learning. Based on research some effective techniques have been found to include some common strategies to include: collaboration, include background experiences of the student and the use of scaffolding for example using graphic organizers has proven to be an effective method to organize information. (Freeman & Freeman, 2004)

Use of Technology Within the Classroom With the ELL Learner and All Learners


View the video from different schools around the country this can easily fit in with the ELL learner from




( Good report to read on ELL learners and NCLB)



Valenza, J. (2007). Web 2.0 Meets Information Literacy. IFLA Newsletter

Hayes, Judi (2008). Everything Retrieved July 15, 2008 at

Freeman, D. and Freeman, Y (2004). The Challenge of Many Languages in Our Classrooms. Retrieved July 2, 2008 at

Fagan, B. (2003). Scaffolds to Help ELL Readers. Voices From The Middle, Vol. 11, N.1. Retrieved July 2, 2008, from National Council of Teachers of English.