Internet over GPRS on BSNL South India Prepaid Connection and Nokia 3650 Phone

Connecting to the Internet using BSNL Prepaid GPRS


BSNL has come out with the option of GPRS over the prepaid connection. But difficulties were faced by many to connect to the Internet. Even the settings that were downloaded from BSNL site failed the phone to connect to the Internet. The following is the actual working settings on a Nokia3650 phone so that it would connect through GPRS.

Steps to be followed to browse Internet over GPRS using a BSNL South India Prepaid Connection:

  • Message “GPRSPRE” (SMS) <without quotes> to 53733.
  • After sometime (may take up to 48 hrs) a message would be received saying that GPRS has been activated for the phone.
  • Press the menu button of your phone; go to Tools -> Settings -> Connection -> Access Points.
  • Click on Options. Select New Access Point -> Use Default Settings
  • Give the following values:
  - Connection Name               -> BSNL GPRS 
  - Data Bearer                   -> GPRS 
  - Access Point Name             -> bsnlnet 
  - User Name                     -> 
  - Prompt Password               -> No 
  - Password                      -> 
  - Authentication                -> Normal 
  - Gateway IP Address            -> 
  - Homepage                      -> 
  - Connection Security           -> On 
  - Session Mode                  -> Permanent 

  • Press Back. A new access point is created now.
  • Now using the default browser that came with the phone or with the custom browser installed later Internet could be accessed over the GPRS.
  • If the default browser is used, open it and click on Options, go to settings and select the default access point as BSNL GPRS. Modify the remaining options if needed.
  • Now this browser can be used to browse the Internet.

Using a phone with in built modem one can browse the Internet using their computer.

The following steps should be followed to use a computer and connect to the Internet using the BSNL GPRS connection on the phone. The following settings are for a Windows XP computer.

  • Connect the bluetooth dongle to a USB port of the computer and install any drivers if required.
  • Pair your phone and the PC over bluetooth. (For exact details of how to pair the PC and your phone, please refer to the user manual that came with the PC and the phone.)
  • Once pairing is over the computer would recognize the phone as a modem over bluetooth connection also and will start the services required for it over a particular COM port.
  • Now Open System Properties (Win Key + Pause/Break is the easiest way to do this). Click on Hardware tab and then on Device Manager button.
  • This will open a window where all the hardware on your PC is listed. Click the ‘+’ to expand the Modems and select the “Standard Modem over Bluetooth link #x
  • Double click on it. The Properties window for this modem willopen. Click on Advanced tab. In the Extra Initialization Commands textbox fill – “AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","bsnlsouth"” <without quotes>.Without this string the computer will not connect to the Internet, but it will throw a PPP Link error. Please note that the “bsnlsouth” mentioned above is the access point name in your GPRS connection settings of your phone. (or
  • Click OK, close the Device Manager. * Go to Control Panel -> Network Connections. Click File -> New Connection. In the New Connection Wizard that comes up, follow these steps:
  - Click Next  
  - Select Connect to the Internet and click Next. 
  - Select Set up my connection manually and click Next. 
  - Select Connect using a dial-up modem and click Next.  
  - Enter “BSNL GPRS” in the ISP Name text box and click Next.  
  - Enter “*99#” in the Phone Number text box and click Next.  
  - Chose the connection availability as per your discretion and click Next.  
  - Leave User name and password blank. Uncheck the check boxes if needed and click Next.  
  - Tick the check box to have a short cut on your desktop and click Finish.  

  • Switch on the bluetooth radio of the phone.
  • Now double click on this connection’s icon and click on dial. It will dial and connect the computer to the internet!!!

These procedures and settings help the BSNL subscriber to connect to the Internet over GPRS using a BSNL South India prepaid account. The above procedure works equally well for Post paid subscribers and for connection to PC/ laptop with USB cable.Specially useful for heavy users who have subscribed to BSNL post paid unlimited GPRS usage.

I used the same settings on a Sony Ericsson Z550i and it gets connected without much difficulty.

Also works with Samsung E-840 using the access point ''.


Another easier way of setting up your mobile for BSNL GPRS connection is given below

1. Goto the link

2. Click on the Automatic GPRS/WAP/MMS Mobile Handset configuration

3. Enter your phone number

4. You will get a sms on the mobile with a password

5. Now enter the system message on the web

6. Select the phone and model

Settings will be made automatically done on your mobile.

this works fine with GPRS south

This works with BSNL New Anant Plan in Kerala Sount with Nokia N70