Internal Improvements of the State of Ohio/Printable version

Internal Improvements of the State of Ohio

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General Assembly Acts


This is a list of acts of a local nature of the General Assembly of Ohio with regard to internal improvements, sorted by year.

Acts of a Local Nature of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, for the session of 1829-1830, pertaining to internal improvements.

An ACT to authorize and empower the Commissioners of Muskingum county to build a Bridge over Wakatomica creek, in said county, at a place therein named.


Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the Commissioners of Muskingum county be, and they are hereby authorized, if they deem it expedient, to contract for the erection of a Bridge across the Wakatomica creek, on the road leading from Frazeysburgh, in Jackson township, Muskingum county, to Zanesville, at a point where the said State road crosses the same: Provided, That the Commissioners contracting for the erection of said Bridge, shall be governed in all respects by the provisions of the fourth and fifth sections of the act, entitled “An act providing for the erection of public buildings,” passed on the tenth-day of February, eighteen hundred and twenty-four.

Sec. 2. That the Commissioners of said county, if they deem the erection of said Bridge expedient, are hereby authorized to appropriate, for the purposes aforesaid, out of the road tax of said county, or out of any other money in the Treasury of said county, not otherwise appropriated, any sum not exceeding four hundred dollars; or if they deem it expedient, may levy a tax for the purpose of raising the said sum of four hundred dollars; which tax shall be levied at the same time, and collected in the same manner, that county taxes are levied and collected.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

December 31st, 1829.

An ACT to repeal an act therein named.


Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the act passed January twenty-first, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, entitled “An act to authorize the Commissioners of the county of Fayette, to permit gates to be put across the public roads", be, and the same is hereby repealed.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

December 24th, 1829.

An ACT authorizing the Commissioners of certain counties, to cause the plat and survey of the State road, from Bellefontaine to Dayton, to be recorded, and for other purposes.


Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the county Commissioners of the counties of Logan, Champaign, Miami, Clark and Montgomery, be, and they are hereby authorized and required, (where the same has not been done), to accept, and cause to be recorded, the survey, plat and report of John Newell, William G. Serviss and N.Z. M'Colloch, Commissioners, and Walter Clement, surveyor; and to audit and pay the expense of the location and survey of the State road, from Bellefontaine to Dayton, in the same manner they would have been required to record, audit, and pay, if the survey had been made by the said Samuel Lafferty.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

January 18th, 1830.

AN ACT to provide for the laying out and constructing a road, from Hardestey’s mill to Harrisburgh, in Stark county.


Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That William Hodge be, and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner, for the purpose of locating and constructing a road beginning at Hardestey's mill; thence the nearest and best rout, to intersect Sandy street, in the town of Harrisburgh, in Stark county; thence to intersect the Richmond road, near said town of Harrisburgh; according to the provisions herein contained, and the provisions of an act entitled “An act defining the mode of laying out and establishing State roads.”

Sec. 2. That said Commissioner, and his successor in office, shall be invested with the same power and privileges, in entering upon land near said road, for the purpose of procuring the necessary materials therefor, and draining water therefrom, with which supervisors are invested by the “Act for opening and regulating roads and highways;” and any person aggrieved, may obtain redress in the manner pointed out by said act.

Sec. 3. That the said Commissioner may take any subscriptions or donations for the use of said road; and may receive, collect, and apply the same, for the purpose of constructing said road, as he shall think best; and may contract for making said road, or any part thereof; and may maintain suits for the nonperformance of any contract, or for any injury done to, or concerning said road; and when said Commissioner shall think it expedient, he may cause any part, not exceeding one half of the tax assessed for road purposes, in any road district through which said road shall be laid out and established, to be expended thereon, by making out his order to the trustees of the proper township, and the supervisor of such district, which order, such trustees and supervisors are hereby required to obey: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed, as to prevent such trustees from causing the residue of the road tax in any such district, to be expended on said road, should they think it expedient.

Sec. 4. That the ascents and descents of said road, when completed, shall in no place exceed an angle of five degrees with the horizon, unless the Commissioner shall consider it impracticable to construct it at that grade.

Sec. 5. That in case the Commissioner aforesaid should die, refuse to perform the duties of his appointment, or remove out of the county of Stark, the County Commissioners thereof shall, as soon as convenience will permit, proceed to appoint a suitable person to fill such vacancy, occasioned by such death, refusal, or removal; and so continue to fill such vacancy as often as the same shall happen, until said road shall be completed.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

January 25th, 1830.

An ACT to incorporate the Hamilton, Rossville and Richmond Turnpike Company.


An ACT to authorize the Commissioners of Muskingum County, to cause to be erected certain bridges therein mentioned, and for other purposes.


An ACT to provide for laying and establishing certain State Roads therein named.


An ACT to amend the act, entitled "An act for laying out and constructing certain roads therein named," passed January the twenty-fourth, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven; and also the act, entitled "An act to provide for the laying out and constructing a State road from Unionville," &c. passed January twenty-ninth, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven.


An ACT to amend the act, entitled "An act to authorize Josiah Hedges to build a toll bridge across the Sandusky river, in the county of Seneca," passed January 13th, 1829.


An ACT to authorize the laying out and establishing a certain State road therein named.


An ACT supplementary to an act, to incorporate the Cincinnati, Lebanon and Springfield Turnpike Company.


An ACT to repeal part of an act, entitled "An act to provide for laying out and constructing certain State roads therein named."

