Information Technology and Ethics/Software Development of Biometrics

Ease of use has become the priority for many people launching a surge into the study and use of biometrics within everyday software. Biometrics are the use of patterns for authorization. They can be developed in everything from our phones to our smart fridges, allowing the user to easily unlock their possessions without even needing to lift a finger.

What are Software Biometrics


Software biometrics allows for us to use different parts of our body as a form of identification. We can use our fingers, eyes, face and even voice patterns to login into our bank accounts, unlock our homes, make purchases, and control everything within our lives. Instead of using a password that is tied to some discrete numbers, software biometrics are far more preferred because they are independently tied to each individual and are harder to duplicate and fake.[1] Software biometrics are also used within the cases of companies and governments since they allow for the user to be identified and kept on record. Police forces uses this software as a means of analyzing and comparing fingerprints and face shapes as a method of attempting to identify a culprit.

Different Types of Biometrics in Software

  • Voice Recognition – Software recognizing voice patterns and matching them to database for use in password, speaking to AI, and speech to text.
  • Face Recognition – Software matching an inputted face to a database of faces for authentication.
  • Fingerprint Scan – Scanning the print on a finger as means of verification.
  • Retina Scan – Scanning the eye up close for identification.

Ethical Usage of Biometrics in Software


Reaching the software development phase of biometrics means that the company has already decided on going forward with the plan, but an influence of ethical practice lies in the hands of the software engineer. Though development of biometrics in software, like fingerprint scanners may seem beneficial in the event of a crime and identifying a culprit, the ethical issues of privacy and data hording without our consent arise. With the case of email and passwords our digital identity used to be stored in the hands of the software engineer, now our physical identity is being handed over as well. As such, when developing biometric software, there is a need to make sure that the data handled is not being unethically used as means of selling, leasing, profiting, or exploiting a user.


  1. Sutrop, & Laas-Mikko, K. (2012). Ethical Implications of Second-Generation Biometrics.

Ethical Implications of Second-Generation Biometrics

  1. Sutrop, & Laas-Mikko, K. (2012). Ethical Implications of Second-Generation Biometrics.