Information Technology and Ethics/Personal Internet Use In The Workplace

Be Respectful While On The Companies Internet and Intranet


While at work, most companies will likely have some type of internet monitoring set up. From the IT perspective, this is to ensure that company resources are not misused. The need to be respectful while on a company's internet and intranet is essential. Some organizations monitor internet use to protect from legal problems while others may be concerned about a decline in productivity.[1]

Prohibited Online Personal Use On Companies Network


A study by Pew Research Center revealed 34 percent of employees surveyed use social media while at work to take a mental break from their job.[2] Social media platforms may still be so new that some companies do not have official policies on workplace access. There should be clear company policies that state what can and cannot be used in the workplace, including social media, internet browsing, personal email checking.

Prohibited Use

  • Online Shopping
  • Checking Social Media
  • Online Gambling
  • Personal E-Mail

According to a report by Conlumino retail research firm, 31.2 percent of consumers ship online during work hours in the holiday season.[3] Many people do it and although it may not be ideal for the employer, as long as the websites are accessible, most people will not see a problem with online shopping while in the workplace. In some environments, certain websites may be barred from access if the company does not want their employees accessing.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)


When bringing your own device to your workplace, you may see a blur between personal and corporate data.[4] Employers should make proper policies and parameters for what the divide is here. Personal email, family photos/videos should belong to the employee while work email and files should be belong to the company. In some companies, you may see that the organization may require access to any personal device that is used in the event that a device is lost/stolen and the device needs to be cleaned.

Important Factors To Consider With BYOD

  • Device May Not Contain Any Viruses
  • Device Must Be Secure and Up to Date
  • Device Must Be Clean From Malware
  • Device Must Respect Companies Internet and Intranet Policies


  1. Francis Burks. "Ethical Issues & Employer Monitoring Internet Usage". Chron. Retrieved 18 April 2021.
  2. "Monitoring Employee Social Media Activity at Work". The Harford. Retrieved 18 April 2021.
  3. Krystina Gustafson (16 October 2015). "Shopping at work? You're not alone". CNBC. Retrieved 18 April 2021.
  4. Jason Moody (27 August 2014). "The Ethics of BYOD". CIO. Retrieved 18 April 2021.