Ict@innovation: Free your IT Business in Africa/3-Test

Test Module 3


Question 1 : Why is it advisable that when embarking on any advocacy campaign you recognize and take into account government interest?

  1. Because government is generally against all forms of advocacy
  2. Because government has larger public interest to protect
  3. Because government takes delight in being consulted
  4. To avoid being seen as partisan

Question 2 : Why would a FOSS business want to brand its products or services?

  1. In order to compete favorably with proprietary software
  2. To be uniquely identified
  3. To increase FOSS visibility
  4. In order to demystify the notion that FOSS is often of poor

Question 3 : Which one of the following points within the executive level of Government is last point of intervention for advocacy mattes relating to halting the enactment of unwanted legislation?

  1. President
  2. Governors
  3. Cabinet
  4. Mayor

Question 4 : What is the most important lesson from the Mozilla brand protection case study discussed in the manual?

  1. Brand protection is costly
  2. Branding is for big business
  3. Branding keeps others out of business
  4. Protecting brands through trademarks protects you from fake or inferior imitations

Question 5 : Which of the following possible FOSS advocacy issues presents a good argument and has a potential of attracting larger public interest and why?

  1. Compulsory FOSS applications in all public schools because it lowers costs of managing school IT by simply installing cost free software
  2. Compulsory FOSS applications in all public schools because FOSS is freely and readily available for download from the net
  3. Compulsory FOSS applications in all public schools because universal education for all depends on access to affordable learning opportunities
  4. Compulsory FOSS applications in all public schools because global trends suggest a movement towards FOSS use in public school.

Question 6 : Which of the following represents a major difference between community media and public broadcaster?

  1. Unlike Public Broadcaster, community media doesn’t charge or levy local people wishing to promote their services
  2. Unlike public broadcaster, community media is managed by people who are ill qualified
  3. Community media uses local language in a community led programming while public broadcaster uses official language in a centrally controlled programming
  4. Community media’s is more commitment to local development than public broadcaster

Question 7 : What is meant by Critical Mass?

Question 8 : Why is it so important to choose an individual or organization of good repute to lead an advocacy campaign?

  1. To give your cause more credibility
  2. To justify your actions
  3. To fend off opposing views
  4. To show you serious about your campaign

Question 9 : What is Branding?

Question 10 : If your advocacy strategy is to send a letter to a partner asking them to sign it along with you, why would you possibly do that?

  1. To see if they support your position
  2. To receive guarantees they will take account of their actions
  3. To promote transparency during campaign
  4. To improve information flow

Question 11 : What is attribution with regard to individual branding?

  1. The act of obtaining written permission by the trademark owner
  2. The requirement by copyright law to share proceeding with the developer of software
  3. The surrender of commercial rights by the developer of software
  4. A term in copyright law requiring one to acknowledge or credit the author of a work which is used or appears in another work

Question 12 : How is FOSS brand names protected?

  1. Through licenses such as GPL3
  2. By an online community surveillance scheme
  3. By placing product keys on application
  4. FOSS brands are never protected and are open for use by anyone

Question 13 : Why is creating Critical Mass seen as a particularly good strategy in creating FLOSS market?

  1. Because of the need to sustain and grow the FLOSS business
  2. To stem any attempts to isolate your business by rivals
  3. When you have a critical mass it means your business eventually stops advertising
  4. To force reluctant users to switch to your services/products

Question 14 : When building a network of partners for advocacy work it is advisable to first think about Internal Networking. Why is that important for small businesses?

  1. Internal networking always leads to credible contacts
  2. Internal networking depends on resource readily available to you to get information you need
  3. Because internal contacts are more royal and dependable
  4. Small business networks are restricted to people you already know

Question 15 : Internet based advocacy is becoming more and more popular, why?

  1. Communicating online is always cheaper than face to face communication or other forms of communication
  2. Important and educated audiences needed for advocacy has moved online
  3. Its more credible and fashionable
  4. Because of the availability of wide array of technology tools suited for advocacy work

Question 16 : Which one of the following reasons makes government a less likely target for FLOSS marketers

  1. Because Governments are less accountable
  2. Because of Governments struggle for transparency and wider access to services
  3. Because of governments sensitivity to piracy
  4. Because Governments are often the biggest ICT consumers

Question 17 : One way to create FLOSS market is by persuading existing ICT users. Which one of the following statements misrepresents the act of persuasion?

  1. Showing what others are doing
  2. Showing user generated views
  3. Showing frightening accounts of users of rival products, services
  4. Showing scarcity of goods or services

Question 18 : What do legislative advocacy initiatives ultimately try to achieve?

  1. Agitate public resentment against government
  2. Influence customer choices
  3. Resolve political differences
  4. Public policy change

Question 19 : What important function will a database serve in an online based advocacy campaign?

  1. Store partners contact addresses
  2. Store graphic posters of your messages
  3. Budgets of your advocacy campaign
  4. Letters and petitions of your campaign

Question 20 : When is sending letters most effective as a form of conveying your advocacy message

  1. When you want to inform and discuss advocacy issues with community members
  2. Whenever the issue is most sensitive
  3. When informing and inviting local representative or parliamentarians to a meeting
  4. When communicating with people you know very well

Question 21 : Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. Public Relations is the act of managing information flow between an organization and the public
  2. Appreciate the significance of PR in raising public awareness
  3. Learn how to use cost effective media campaigns
  4. Show disapproval for commercial and proprietary software

Question 23 : With regard to Advocacy work, what is external networking?

  1. Networking with partners outside your country for purpose of gaining support for your work
  2. Process of asking people you know outside your organization for information about your target audience
  3. Not involving your own staff in the expensive work of getting information
  4. Asking people you don’t know for information about your target audience

Question 24 : Which of the following statement could be said to be untrue about Public Relations

  1. You have creative control on what goes into the advert in the paper
  2. The PR exposure you receive is only circulated once
  3. An editor won't publish your same press release three or four times in their papers.

Question 25 : What does Trademark in copyright law intended to protect?

  1. Software Piracy
  2. Product Abuse
  3. Rights of Trademark owner
  4. Product consumers/users

Question 26 : Which one of the following is true?

  1. National events such as World Telecommunication day is reserved specifically for ICT Advocacy
  2. For FLOSS Advocacy to succeed it must emphasize the issue of costs
  3. Media Relations is same as Media Advocacy
  4. There is a fairly good level of FLOSS knowledge among ICT techs

Question 27 : What is Advocacy?

Question 28 : In which of the following situation would issuing a Press Statement be most appropriate

  1. When announcing promotion for a staff member
  2. Receiving a prestigious award for your products
  3. When announcing dates for company annual general meeting
  4. When there has been theft in the organization

Question 29 : According to the 5Ps of Branding, People (ie. your own staff) could harm your brand. Mention one way in which they could do so?

Question 30 : As advocacy organizers we are advised to learn more about what our target audiences know about the issue(s). Specifically, why is this so important?

  1. In order to know if they support you
  2. To know what new additional information they may need
  3. In order to segregate the target audience
  4. To establish their capacity to comprehend your issues

Question 31 : What policy vehicle at the discretion of an executive arm of government is used to halt unwanted legislation?

  1. Vetoes
  2. Budgets
  3. Rules
  4. Regulation

Question 32 : FOSS projects aim (at least in theory) to get as many programmers on board as possible, to get the software developed. This being the case, why would a project seek to control usage of the name of the

  1. To protect Interest of the Community of Developers
  2. To avoid abuse of software by users
  3. To protect interest of users
  4. To encourage innovation

Question 33 : Why are special events such as Software Freedom Day an important occasion for small FLOSS business to promote their services, products?

  1. Its when the worlds’ leading companies clinch big software contracts
  2. That is when world and national attention is focused on issues relating to software development
  3. That is when Government feels obliged to support software developers
  4. That is when Government feels obliged to support software developers

Question 34 : Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  1. Legislative advocacy is illegal
  2. Protest is a form of advocacy
  3. Simple and clear advocacy messages render themselves to less misinterpretation
  4. Lobbying as a form of advocacy is usually effective when soliciting individual or a small group influence.

Question 35 : Mention one social factor that could influence Critical Mass positively or negatively

Question 36 : What is product branding?

  1. Garnishing company logo on your products and services
  2. Is the proprietary visual, emotional, rational, and cultural image that you associate with a Company or a product
  3. Constantly displaying and associating your products with other popular products
  4. An appealing slogan often used to accompany your product advertisement

Question 37 : Emails are effective tools in an online advocacy campaign. Which one of the arguments in the context of a typical African society, is of least concern to any one planning to undertake online advocacy.

  1. High levels of computer illiteracy
  2. Postal mail and not email is still by far the most used form of communication by majority of rural poor.
  3. Not many people access email on regular basis
  4. Advocacy emails from unknown senders may be treated as unsolicited mail or spam

Question 38 : External Networking posses a number of challenges for small business, which one of the following is a small FLOSS business likely to face?

  1. Building sufficient confidence among big and existing partners in a network
  2. Keep up with the maintenance of partner database
  3. Printing and distributing enough business cards at meetings
  4. Finding right reasons for joining and remaining in a network

Question 39 : Which is the most important first step in an advocacy campaign?

  1. Good understanding of your issue(s) and its potential benefits to a larger community
  2. Knowledge of the legislative process
  3. Knowledge of your sector
  4. Knowledge of potential advocacy partners

Question 40 : Which one of the following is not a necessary task in a typical media advocacy campaign?

  1. Data gathering
  2. Lobbying
  3. Picketing
  4. Information Sharing