IGNOU Question Paper Solutions/MCA/Semester 5/MCSE-011 Parallel Computing/june 2010
- MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination
- June, 2010
- Time 3 hours
- Maximum Marks
- weightage 75%
- Note: Question number 1 is compulsory and carries 40 marks. Attempt any three questions from the rest.
- 1.(a) write a program in C to search a record in an existing file and to update it. (10)
- 1.(b) explain the concept of array of pointers using pointers write a program to test whether the given string is a palindrome or not.
- 1(c) Differentiate between:
(i) various storage classes. (ii) structure and union.
- 1(d) Why C is called a middle level language ? Give execution process. explain each step in detail.
- 2.(a) write a program to search an element in a given list of elements using linear search.
- 2 (b) write a recursive program to calculate the factorial of a given number.
- 2(c) Give an example to explain null pointer assignment.
- 3.(a) Write a program in C to find the multiplication of 2 matrices of size (3×3).
- 3(b) Write a macro for the following:
(i) to find largest number among 3 given numbers. (ii) to find cube of a given number.
- 3(c) write a program in C, using structures to generate a report for students which displays Roll No. and Name of Student, total marks obtained by the student. assumptions can be made wherever necessary.
- 4(a) Write a program and flowchart to display the following pattern:
- 4(b). Write a macro to demonstrate :
#define, #if, #else
preprocessor commands.
- 4(c). Write a program in C to find
12 + 32 +52 + 72 + 92 + …….. N2
- 5(a). Write a program to append the contents of second file to the contents of first file.
- 5(b). explain the difference between a top-down approach and a bottom-up approach in programming.
- 5(c). what do you understand by a decision-control statement ? Give an example of each.|