HydroGeoSphere/Surface Runoff

Default surface flow transport values


By default, all surface flow zones (and elements) in the domain will be assigned default transport properties which are listed in Table 5.24:

Table 5.24: Default Values for Surface Flow Transport Properties
Parameter Value Unit
Longitudinal dispersivity   1.0 m
Transverse dispersivity   1.0 m
Coupling dispersivity 0.0 m

The following instructions can be applied to the surface flow domain, as discussed in Section 5.8.1, to modify the default transport parameters. For each instruction we will indicate its scope (i.e. .grok, .oprops). Recall that if an instruction is used in the prefix.grok file, it will affect the current set of chosen zones, while in a properties (e.g. .oprops) file, it will only affect the named material of which it is a part.

Longitudinal dispersivity


Scope: .grok .oprops

  1. val Longitudinal dispersivity [L],  . Analogous to   in Equation 2.97.
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Transverse dispersivity


Scope: .grok .oprops

  1. val Horizontal component of the transverse dispersivity [L],  . Analogous to   in Equation 2.97.
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Coupling dispersivity


Scope: .grok .oprops

  1. val Dispersivity value [L] to be applied during exchange between the overland flow and subsurface domains.

Default value is 0.0.

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Dry albedo


Scope: .grok .oprops

  1. Value Dry albedo for soil type,   in Equation 2.123. Default value is 0.35.
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Saturated albedo


Scope: .grok .oprops

  1. Value Saturated albedo for soil type,   in Equation 2.123. Default value is 0.18
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Heat coupling length


Scope: .grok .oprops

  1. Value The heat coupling length [L], is the depth of the surface/subsurface exchange zone used to compute   in Equation 2.142. Default value is 1.0 × 10−4 m.
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