HydroGeoSphere/Cutoff Walls

Cutoff walls can be used to represent internal impermeable boundaries which could occur, for example, in a funnel-and-gate system.

Cutoff Walls

  1. nwalls Number of impermeable cutoff walls to be defined. Read the following nwalls times:
(a) iorient Wall orientation number.
(b) avalue,afrom,ato,verfrom,verto Position, lateral minimum and maximum extent, vertical minimum and maximum extent.

The orientation parameter iorient should be set to 1 if the cutoff wall is in the xz-plane. In this case avalue is the y-coordinate of the wall and afrom and ato are the x-coordinates of the ends of the wall. If iorient is 2 the cutoff wall is in the yz-plane and avalue is the x-coordinate of the wall and afrom and ato are the y-coordinates of the ends of the wall. In either case verfrom() and verto are the z-coordinates of the bottom and top of the wall respectively.

Only vertical cutoff walls are allowed.

Cutoff walls are restricted to rectangular block element grids.

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