Hungarian/Common phrases

Hungarian (Finno-Ugric)


Note: gy (ɟ) is pronounced like in would you; ny (ɲ) like in can you; ö and ő (ø) like in fur; a (ɒ) like in hot; s (ʃ) like in ship; sz (s) like in sun; j (j) like in yes; cs (ʧ) like in chip; é (e) like in eight. The stress is always on the first syllable of the word, although secondary stressing is possible in compound words

Translation Phrase IPA Pronunciation Remarks
Hungarian magyar /ˈmɒɟɒr/ ('MA-dyar)
hello Jó napot kívánok /ˈjoː nɒpot ˈkivaːnok/ ('JOH nup-ot 'KEEH-vaa-nock) literally "I wish you a good day"
szia /ˈsiɒ/ ('SEE-ya) common amongst friends (not deriving from the English “Seeya”, but from latin "servus")
good-bye viszontlátásra /ˈvisontˌlaːtaːʃrɒ/ ('VE-sont-LAAH-taash-ro) literally "to see you again"
please legyen szíves /ˈlɛɟɛn ˈsivɛʃ/ ('LEH-dyen 'SEE-vesh) literally “Be hearty” (only used for asking small favours e.g. from strangers on bus/train)
please kérem... /ˈkeːrɛk/ (KAY-rhem) it can be used everytime in English you use "please"
I’d like... kérek... /ˈkeːrɛk/ (KAY-reck)
thank you köszönöm /ˈkøsønøm/ ('KEHR-ser-nerm)
that one az /ɒz/ (OZ)
how much? mennyi? /ˈmɛɲːi/ ('MEh-nyi)
How much does it cost? Mennyibe kerül? /?/ ('MEh-nyibhe kheruyl)
yes igen /ˈigɛn/ ('EE-ghen)
no nem /nɛm/ (NEM)
sorry bocsánat /ˈboʧaːnɒt/ ('BOH-chaa-not)
I don’t understand nem értem /ˈnɛm eːr'tɛm/ (NEM ayr-tem)
I don’t remember nem emlékszem (NEM EM-lake-sem)
where's the bathroom? Hol van a mosdó? /ˈhol vɒn ɒ 'moʃdoː/ ('HOLE von o MOSH-doh)
generic toast egészségedre /ˈɛgeːʃːeːgɛdrɛ/ ('EH-gay-shay-ged-re) literally “to your health” (also used as "bless you"/"Gesundheit" after sneezing)
Do you speak English? Beszél angolul? /ˈbɛseːl ˈɒŋgolul/ ('BEH-sayl 'ON-goh-lool)