Human Physiology/Assignments
Group Assignments
editThis page is simply to help us keep track of which pages we are editing. Please enter your login id. If you switch groups then let me know and I will update the table. Provophys 17:49, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
First Name | Login id | Group | Phase 1 | Phase 2 | Phase 3 |
Kevin | Phrovophys | none | homeostasis | not sure | not sure |
Jodie | Jcran69 | A1 | cell physiology | endocrine | blood |
Laurie | LAURIELL | A1 | cell physiology | endocrine | blood |
Leili | Leilijohnson | A1 | cell physiology | endocrine | blood |
Julie | juliedulany | A4 | integumentary | male reproductive | cardiovascular |
Michael | Scout21972 | A4 | integumentary | male reproductive | cardiovascular |
Clarece | ? | A2 | nervous | female reproductive | renal |
Jamie | JamBam | A2 | nervous | female reproductive | renal |
Shantel | ? | A2 | nervous | female reproductive | renal |
Brittine | Brittine Krmpotich | A3 | nervous | pregnancy/birth | respiratory |
Jennifer | ? | A3 | nervous | pregnancy/birth | respiratory |
Melissa | Msol | A3 | nervous | pregnancy/birth | respiratory |
Scott | scottholmes | A5 | senses | genetics | gastrointestinal |
Valerie | VWilkes | A5 | senses | genetics | gastrointestinal |
Krystle | kmarv84 | A6 | muscular | development | nutrition |
Linsey | ? | A6 | muscular | development | nutrition |
Trisha | trisha83 | A6 | muscular | development | nutrition |
Jami | ? | B1 | Blood | homeostasis | endocrine |
Rianne | ? | B1 | Blood | homeostasis | endocrine |
Cody | ? | B2 | Cardiovascular | cells | male reproductive |
Keith | ? | B2 | Cardiovascular | cells | male reproductive |
Brenda | BrendaJohnson | B3 | Renal | Integumentary | Female reproductive |
Jennifer | jen A | B3 | Renal | Integumentary | Female reproductive |
Jody | jtervortn | B3 | Renal | Integumentary | Female reproductive |
Natalie | Nataliehaveron | B4 | Respiratory | Nervous | Pregnancy & birth |
Paige | PWoodson | B4 | Respiratory | Nervous | Pregnancy & birth |
Jacquel | Jacquel | B5 | Gastrointestinal | Senses | Genetics |
Danyell | Danyellmarie | B5 | Gastrointestinal | Senses | Genetics |
Garth | gartoly | B6 | Nutrition | Muscular | Development |
Kyle | Fransanfan | B6 | Nutrition | Muscular | Development |
Brandon | bigsmoot | C1 | endocrine | Blood | Homeostasis |
Scott | ? | C1 | endocrine | Blood | Homeostasis |
Sean | smootswiki | C1 | endocrine | Blood | Homeostasis |
Brindy | kaye | C2 | male reproductive | Cardiovascular | cells |
Jesse | Jessewin | C2 | male reproductive | Cardiovascular | cells |
Melannie | Melaniep | C2 | male reproductive | Cardiovascular | cells |
Ashley | Coronagirl | C3 | female reproductive | Renal | Integumentary |
Jennifer | Jennifermorley | C3 | female reproductive | Renal | Integumentary |
Andrea | Jandreakeller | C4 | Pregnancy & birth | Respiratory | Nervous |
Dorothy | DorothyD | C4 | Pregnancy & birth | Respiratory | Nervous |
Anthony | Anthonymitchell | C5 | Development | Nutrition | Muscular |
Brent | & Brentwaldrop | C5 | Development | Nutrition | Muscular |
Angie | Angie atkin | C6 | Genetics | Gastrointestinal | Senses |
Melissa | Melissasmith | C6 | Genetics | Gastrointestinal | Senses |
Tori | Toriloveless | C6 | Genetics | Gastrointestinal | Senses |