How to Ace FYLSE
FYLSE or First Year Law Student Exam (colloquially known as the "Baby Bar" exam) is a regulatory exam for non ABA law school students.
Question FormatseditBlack Letter Law OutlineeditEssay WritingeditPractice Multiple Choice Questionsedit
ContractseditTortseditCriminal LaweditGeneral Introduction of the Examedit
Baby Bar Review ProgramseditFeesedit
Grading PolicyeditThe passing score for the First-Year Law Students' Examination is a total score of 560 or higher. An applicant's multiple-choice score will be the number of items answered correctly. Multiple-choice raw scores will be converted to a 400-point scale. This process adjusts for the possible differences between administrations of the examination in the average difficulty of their multiple-choice items. Test centersedit
After Passing the ExameditCriminal ProcedureeditReal PropertyeditAgencyedit/Agency and Partnership Essay Attack Plan PartnershipeditRemedieseditCivil ProcedureeditConstitutional LaweditCorporationseditEvidenceeditAdministrative LaweditCommunity PropertyeditProfessional ResponsibilityeditTrustseditWillseditPast Questions and Sample Answersedit
Past Multiple Choice Questionsedit |
Analysis of Each Administrationedit
Analysis of FYLSE Subject Questions from the Bar ExaminationeditCriminal Lawedit