History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australian Radio History/WA AM Stations

WA AM Stations


West Australian A.M. Radio Stations

Part of the most comprehensive list ever compiled of Australian A.M. broadcasting stations.

1923 - 6AG - Perth


Broadcast station owned by Walter Coxon. Transmitter at Highgate. Originally licensed as Morse code station XYK at Darlington. Walter was the first person in Western Australia to communicate with South Africa, Java, Holland, England, and America. In October 1918 Walter was the first in Australia to demonstrate music and speech broadcasts, from one side of the Perth Agricultural Show to the other. He often broadcast concerts from his lounge room. Appointed President of the Wireless Institute of Australia (W.A. Division). He was the first person in Australia to use a water-cooled transmitter valve, and was described as "The Father of Radio in Western Australia". He was the first Chief Engineer of 6WF, and later designed and equipped commercial stations 6ML, 6BY, and 6AM. Walter also pioneered the technical work for the Royal Flying Doctor Radio Service throughout Western Australia.

1923 - 6AB - Kalgoorlie


Broadcast station owned by Clyde Cecil who was the grandfather of John Cecil; current manager (2007) of 6AL. Clyde was a School of Mines teacher and built the first aeroplane in Kalgoorlie.

5 Dec 1923 - 6BN - Perth


Broadcast station owned by A. Stevens with weekly broadcasts until 6WF opened. Transmitter at South Perth. Heard over 600 kilometres away while using only one watt.

6AM - Perth


Broadcast station owned by Peter Kennedy. Transmitter at Mt Lawley. He relayed a message to King George V from the Wireless Institute of Australia on 7 Aug 1925. This callsign was reissued on 1 Jun 1934 as a commercial licence at Northam.

4 Jun 1924 - 6WF - Perth


Started by Westralian Farmers. Designed by Chief Engineer and manager, Walter Coxon (6AG), and equipped by A.W.A. Officially opened by the Premier, Phillip Collier. Started on longwave 240 kHz using 100 watts, believing that all of Western Australia would be covered. A "sealed set" station. Moved to medium wave on 1 Sep 1929 using 650 watts. Before moving, they conducted Australia's first stereo broadcast; a concert with separate microphones connected to each of their transmitters. Listeners needed two radios to hear stereo. Specialised in news for 'the man on the land'. All records played were from Nicholsons music store. They sold their own receiver called a Mulgaphone, designed by Walter Coxon. 1,200 receivers were sold, with 10 different models built by 6WF costing £50 each (about 10 weeks wages). First radio station to broadcast from a moving car (Walter Coxon in 1926). He broadcast the arrival of Charles Kingsford Smith and Chas Ulm being driven from the airport into Perth, after their record breaking flight from the East. Taken over by the W.A. Government in November 1928 to avoid closure, and then handed over to the P.M.G. (the only station ever operated directly by the Federal Government). Their studios were in the Wesfarmers building, (now heritage listed) with the wiring still in place until 1959. Programs came from the privately owned Australian Broadcasting Company in the E.S. & A. bank building from 1 Sep 1929, with 60 minutes of advertisements per day on 2,750 watts. On air 0730-0830, 1100–1400, 1500–1630, and 1800-2300. Taken over by the A.B.C. on 1 Jul 1932, with 5,000 watts. Moved into a WW1 military hospital in 1937, and then into purpose built studios in Adelaide Terrace in 1960. The replaced equipment was then used in 1961 to start 6BS (also see 6WN). In 2005 they moved to East Perth. (Photo Caption: Transmitter hut and technicians house in 1933.) (Photo Caption: Walter Coxon) (Photo Caption: 6WF transmitter in 1933. (Photo Caption: MULGAPHONE receivers were designed and built by Walter Coxon and sold by 6WF while he was their Manager and Chief Engineer.)

1927 - 6XY - Perth


Projected commercial station which never went to air.

1928 - 6SR - Perth


Broadcast station operated by the Subiaco Radio Society. Didn't last long.

1929 - 6AO - Perth


Broadcast station. Owner unknown. Newspaper reports mentioned Chinese announcements and Chinese records. Heard several times in Sydney.

19 Mar 1930 - 6ML - Perth


On air 0700-0830, 1100–1230, and 1730-2230 with 300 watts. The equipment was all designed, built, and installed by Walter Coxon (see 6AG and 6WF). Member of the Federal Radio Network, with 2UW, 3DB, 4BC, 5AD. Often relayed programs from 2UW via A.W.A. short wave station 2ME, due to high P.M.G. landline costs from Sydney. Owned by Musgroves Ltd. Music Store, with the studios upstairs (Musgroves also owned 6IX from 1933). Their manager, Beyn Samuels, also sang on air, and did the commentary for live boxing and wrestling. Started a FOX-Hoyts-6ML Radio Club in 1931 which organised activities for listeners including dances, sports events, picnics, bridge nights, movie previews, and 6ML tours. Increased on-air hours to 55 per week from November 1931. Started a "Malvern Star Radio Club" in April 1936 with monthly member trips. Closed on 30 May 1943 due to a lack of suitable staff during WWII. (Photo Caption: First 6ML studio in 1930.)

16 Sep 1931 - 6KG - Kalgoorlie


Started by local tradesmen in the Methodist church hall, three hours each evening using 100 watts. Known as "The Heart of the State". Broadcast gold market prices three times daily. Closed for two days by vandals in April 1934. The Royal Flying Doctor Service Radio Base was operated by 6KG announcers from its start in 1937 until 1939. Installed a new 500 watt transmitter in 1938. Broadcast Communist Party campaigns and speeches in 1939. Hicks Department Store loaned them records, and later bought the station, with F. Hicks as Managing Director. They then increased power to 500 watts, on air daily 0800-1300, and 1700-2230. Had many listeners on their third harmonic frequency via a Perth pirate radio station. Also had their own small studio orchestra. Bought by Whitfords in 1940 to save it from bankruptcy. Whitfords immediately ordered all 6KG neon signs to be removed from outside the station (also see 6GE). Relayed to all A.B.C. stations during the Duke of Gloucester's visit, and was a relay station for Sir Charles Kingsford Smith's solo flight over Australia. Often received at the Casey Australian Antarctic base. Destroyed by fire on 27 Sep 1948. Broadcast weekly Town Hall concerts in the 1950s. Sold to Consolidated Broadcasting Systems (Frank Packer) in July 1969. Their transmitter hut was destroyed by a 1997 tornado with the transmitter being found 500 metres away.

14 Oct 1931 - 6PR - Perth


Perth Radio. Owned by Nicholsons Electrical, located in their music store. Started on 200 watts with four staff. After six months, they had over 6,000 members in their "Children's" club. Their slogan was "At Your Service". Relayed several programs from the A.W.A. installed 9MI, broadcasting from the M.V. Kanimbla, the worlds' only floating radio station, between 1936 and 1939. Started 6TZ in Bunbury on 11 Oct 1939. Installed the original 6CI transmitter in 1949 (later moved to 6TZ as a standby in 1975). Started their popular children's program "The Tail Wagers" club in the 1950s. Became a Macquarie Network (2GB) station, then changed to the Major (2UE) Network (6IX did the reverse), and was later with Southern Cross Broadcasting. Experimented with stereo in 1958 (see 6PM for details). Sold to the Victorian Broadcasting Network in 1963. Changed to a "News-Sport" format in 1977. Sold to the T.A.B. in 1987. Started an additional "Racing Radio" service in 1994 on the old 6KY A.M. frequency. (Photo Caption: Gary Meadows) (Photo Caption: Keith McGowan with Dinah Lee)

16 Apr 1933 - 6BY - Bunbury


Their first manager was Rex Saunders from 5CL and 6KG. Owned by Bunbury Broadcasters, in the Bedford Hall opposite the railway station, with all equipment designed, built, and installed by Walter Coxon (6AG, 6AM, 6ML, and 6WF). Broadcast many dances live from the hall. First station to use a Western Australian built transmitter. The 50 watt transmitter, installed in a back room, was built by local technician Clarrie Searle, with an 80 feet high directional antenna incorrectly installed, sending a strong signal to Mauritius, but no signal to Perth. Closed on 31 Jul 1935 due to the Great Depression. This callsign was reissued at Bridgetown on 24 Jan 1953.

27 Nov 1933 - 6IX - Perth


Owned by West Australian Newspapers and Musgroves (6ML) with a 180 feet tower on their building. A request for callsign 6IXL was denied. On air 0830-1100 and 1800-2300 with 500 watts, relaying to 6WB and 6MD. Became a Major (2UE) Network station, then changed to the Macquarie (2GB) Network in 1950 (6PR did the reverse). The station was evacuated on 6 Oct 1952 when the Musgroves building caught fire. Criticised in 1955 for looking interstate for announcers, stating that local candidates didn't meet the required standards. On 27 Nov 1958 they moved to new riverside studios called Radio House in Mounts Bay road. In the early 1960's their "Australian Golden Microphone Award" program included winners Johnny O'Keefe, Lonnie Lee, and Rob E.G. A Melbourne listener won a car, being the only correct entrant in a competition. In November 1964 they introduced 24 hour broadcasting. First in Perth to try 'Talkback' ("Can We Assist You?") in 1965; first in Perth with a Top 40 Hit Parade, plus News, Sport, and Racing. Known as "Happy Days Radio" in the 1970s. 6IX was sold to TVW-7 TV on 16 Jul 1970. They moved into a new building next to TVW-7 in 1971 and won the Perth ratings. Their 1980s slogan was "Greatest Memories-Latest Hits". Changed their callsign to 6GL in July 1988 (Eagle Radio) then changed back to 6IX in 1992. (Photo Caption: John Cranfield) (Photo Caption: Peter Dean) (Photo Caption: John Fryer) (Photo Caption: Rick Rodgers) (Photo Caption: Peter Barlow) (Photo Caption: Ric Stone)

1 Jun 1934 - 6AM - Northam


First Whitfords station. Designed, built, and installed by Chief Engineer and Manager, Walter Coxon (see 6AG, 6WF, 6BY, and 6ML). "The Happy Station". Most programs were from a Perth studio. Couldn't be heard in Perth so the technician telephoned the studio daily to confirm that they were on air. (They originally believed they would cover Perth). On air 0630-0830, 1200–1400, and 1800-2230 daily. Started with home built equipment and wooden towers with a 500 watt transmitter (900 watts on 1 Sep 1935). Relayed 6PM from 22 Apr 1937 using 2,000 watts. Installed a 500 feet high tower in 1957. Sold to Consolidated Broadcasting Systems (Frank Packer) in 1969. Now has a relay transmitter at Wongan Hills. This callsign was previously used by a Perth experimental broadcast station owned by Peter Kennedy in the 1920s. The callsign came from Peter, designating Amplitude Modulation as a new transmission technique in the early 1920s.

26 Sep 1936 - 6WB - Katanning


Owned by W.A. Broadcasters Ltd., next to the 6ML/6IX studios. Installed a generator to power the transmitter. Their aerial was between two wooden posts 130 feet high. Mainly relayed 6IX programs using 2,000 watts, but closed 1300-1700. A 6ML studio was used to relay 'local' programs to Katanning. Bought by TVW-7 TV on 16 Jul 1970, and then bought by 6IX on 9 Nov 1972. Their manager and Chief Engineer in 1958, Harry Atkinson (see 6VA) was Editor of Wireless News in 1932, Wireless Weekly in 1933, and wrote for the Broadcaster magazine. Opened a separate F.M. service in 1997.

7 Dec 1936 - 6WA - Wagin


A.B.C., relaying 6WF with some local programs. Opened by the Post Master General, The Hon. Alexander McLachlan, on relay from Canberra. Their opening concert featured the Perth Symphony Orchestra and the Ron Moyles Perth Dance Band in the local Town Hall. A bus load of musicians crashed near their transmitter building, which became a first aid post. Listeners learnt to dance on Saturdays with live broadcasts and instructions from the Government House Ballroom. Used a 10,000 watt transmitter (then the most powerful in Australia; later 50,000 watts in 1957), bought from Radio Luxembourg, with a 700 feet high tower (the highest in Australia). The tower collapsed on 25 Aug 1936 and was rebuilt with a tennis court sized top. Their five technicians were given rifles by the Army in WWII to defend the transmitter in case of attack. Now has a studio in Albany.

10 Dec 1936 - 6GF - Kalgoorlie


A.B.C., relaying 6WF with some local programs. Gold-fields Service. Their official opening was a concert in the local Town Hall, with a speech by the Post Master General Senator A. McLachlan. Started above the Post Office using 2,000 watts. Launched a weekly one hour local program from July 1937. Moved into abandoned R.A.A.F. buildings after WWII, then temporarily into the Salvation Army church until new studios were built in Hannan Street in 1991. Now has a relay studio and transmitter at Esperance.

22 Apr 1937 - 6PM - Perth


Owned by Whitfords. Known as the "Cheery Station". First licensed only for Fremantle using 100 watts. Sometimes used the 6AM Perth studios, and also relayed some programs to 6AM. Started the "Top 8" hit parade in 1938 (the first Australian music chart). Increased hours 0600-0000 on 22 Apr 1937. Moved to Perth on 21 Aug 1941, with a transmitter at Coffee Point in Applecross. In 1944 a weekly program called "50 and Over" paid one guinea to any listener willing to reminisce about pre WWII life. The popular "6PM Coca Cola Hi Fi Club" Embassy Ballroom dances were broadcast live each Saturday. Started their popular children's program "The Happy Hour Club" in the 1950s. First to broadcast stereo in Perth (with 6PR) for five months of testing during 1958. Both stations broadcast the same program at the same time, with the left and right channels on separate stations. Listeners needed two radios to hear stereo. Known as "The Home of the Happy Hearts" in the 1960s. Featured the popular "Top 40" during the 1960s-1980s, known as "Peppermint Radio" ("The Pleasure Machine" from 1971). Sold to Consolidated Broadcasting Systems (Frank Packer) in July 1969. Launched the successful "Rocktober" promotion in 1974. In 1988, Alan Bond planned to sell the station to John Laws. Sacked their marketing manager in 1989 for giving out too much cash in a competition. Breakfast announcer John Burgess flew to Adelaide every Friday afternoon to record five episodes of the television program "Wheel of Fortune" that night. Became PMFM on 31 Dec 1990. Their 990 kHz frequency was then used by 6RPH for a Radio for the Print Handicapped service. (Photo Caption: Lionel Yorke on 6PM in 1972.) (Photo Caption: 6PM "Housewives Choice" radio club broadcast in the early 1950s.) (Photo Caption: The 6PM O.B. Super Bus in 1971.)

6 Oct 1937 - 6GE - Geraldton


First planned to open as 6GT. Operated with a D.C. electricity supply, and two windmills supporting their antenna. Their opening celebration was a ball broadcast live from the Town Hall with the Nutters Dance Band. Known as "The Feature Station". Enjoyed good reception in Sydney and Brisbane. Off the air for three weeks when their transmitter's electricity generator was destroyed by fire one month after opening. Closed 1300-1800 during WWII. Relayed the B.B.C. news via a shortwave receiver. Often broadcast local balls during WWII, raising funds for charity. Their tower fell down during an earthquake in 1941. Purchased by Whitfords in 1940, which immediately ordered all the 6GE neon signs to be removed from outside the station's building (also see 6KG). Produced numerous wartime programs via landline, using an acetate disc recorder at 6IX, for replay on Eastern States stations. Launched their popular children's "Cheerio" club and women's "Joy" club in the 1950s. In 1954 over 100 men turned out following a broadcast appeal for people to assist in a search for a missing boy. They broadcast from their transmitter hut on 21 Jan 1955 due to a studio power failure. The announcer sat on the control panel as snakes slid across the floor. First station to install a wire recorder in a car for recording news items. Sold to Consolidated Broadcasting Systems (Frank Packer) in July 1969. Announcers were banned from accepting extra work at the local TV station. Moved to F.M. in 1991, selling their A.M. transmitter to 3YB. Their A.M. frequency became a HPON racing service on 13 May 2003.

5 Oct 1938 - 6WN - Perth


A.B.C. First planned to operate as 6PH. Some radio dials had this callsign, even though it was changed before opening. Do any radio collectors have a dial with 6PH on it? Relayed news daily from the B.B.C. via a shortwave receiver. Started the popular children's program "Kindergarten of the Air", which was broadcast nationally from 3 May 1943 until 1971. Moved into new studios in Field Street, East Perth, in 1960. The old equipment was then used to start 6BS (also see 6WF). Changed to 6RN in October 1990. Busselton, Wagin, Dalwallinu, Manjimup, and Christmas Island are their major relays. The photo is Godfrey Carter in their original studio.

11 Oct 1939 - 6TZ - Bunbury


Owned by Nicholsons Electrical with a 100 watt transmitter at Waterloo which was installed in a tent. Soon increased their power to 500 watts at Dardenup, then 1,000 (2,000 in 1945). Mainly a relay station of 6PR with a studio above Nicholsons in Perth. Generated their own electricity for the first 10 years to power their transmitter, as there was no local power supply. Michael Charlton (brother of Tony Charlton) started his career here (their father, Con, was a well-known Sydney and Melbourne broadcaster, and became the Victorian manager for the A.B.C.). Their "Women's Radio" club raised several thousand pounds for a local children's mental hospital during the 1950s and 1960s. Installed local studios in 1960 behind Nicholsons in Bunbury, with local programming starting on 13 Jun 1960. Once broadcast live from inside the Ashton's Circus lion cage. Spent £50,000 on a newly equipped building in April 1965. Bought by South Western Telecasters (BTW-3) in 1974, then purchased 6NA in 1975. Now the main station in the Radio West network, with relay transmitters at, Bridgetown, Albany, Margaret River, Esperance, Kalgoorlie, Merredin, Narrogin, Northam, and Collie (originally 6CI).

1940 - ? - Perth


Secret underground station to be used if invaded by Japanese forces during WWII. The studio was hidden under a house on the corner of Merriwa and Karella Streets, Nedlands. The transmitter was hidden in another house nearby. Announcers from all the Perth stations were on a standby roster (without knowing it). Never went to air apart from testing.

5 Jul 1941 - 6MD - Merredin


Opened with a live broadcast by local artists from the Town Hall at 2000. Equipment was supplied by A.W.A. and installed by Malcolm Urquhart (VK6MU). Started as a relay of 6ML using 500 watts. Closed 0930-1700. 6ML staff communicated with 6MD via Morse code down the program line. Switched to relaying 6IX on 31 May 1943 when 6ML closed. Power increased to 2,000 watts in 1951 with ten miles of copper earthing attached to their tower. This transmitter was often received in South Africa. Bought by TVW-7 TV on 16 Jul 1970, then sold to 6IX on 9 Nov 1972. Installed a standby transmitter from 6WB in 1988. A tornado collapsed their tower in 1997. Before 6MD opened, Merredin residents heard the news daily from outdoor speakers at the Merredin Hotel connected to a radio tuned to 6WF.

23 Oct 1941 - 6KY - Perth


First planned to open as 6LP. A Labor Party station, with manager L. Wilkinson (previously manager at 2BH). Their children's host in 1942, 'Uncle Willie' (William Brown) and 1950 announcer Ron Gledhill, both collapsed on air and passed away. Their 1945 weekly amateur programs "Footlight Parade" and "Juvenile Parade" were very popular. Launched 6NA on 20 Jan 1951. Launched a Jazz Club in their theatrette in 1950 and regular square dancing events at Fremantle in 1951. A sex program called "Topless Radio" was banned by the censors. Often heard at Australian Antarctica bases, plus Cocos Island and New Zealand. First Perth station to broadcast 24 hours daily (1961) and to use an aeroplane to report sporting events. Launched their "Top Popper Survey" (top 40) on 11 Oct 1965. Bought by STW-9 TV on 7 Mar 1973. Started a "Nice 'n' Easy" format in 1984. (Photo Caption: 6KY Beach Patrol) (Photo Caption: Johnny Young 9 Jan 1965.) (Photo Caption: "Sunday Times" 5 Apr 1942) Bought by A.W.A. in December 1984 for $7.5 million. Became MIX FM 94.5 on 1 Jun 1991. Their 1206 kHz AM frequency was then used by 6PR for a separate racing service. Moved into new premises with PMFM (originally 6PM) in 2007.

3 Feb 1945 - 6GN - Geraldton


A.B.C., relaying 6WF, with some local programs. Geraldton National service. Relayed to 6CA from February 1964.

1948 - 6MA - Moora


Projected station which never went to air. This area was eventually covered by 6DL.

29 May 1948 - 6CI - Collie


Owned by Nicholsons. Originally a relay of 6PR. Used the first broadcast transmitter made by A.W.A. since WWII. Increased power from 500 watts to 2,000 in December 1948. Their original transmitter is now in the Collie Museum, after use at 6PR and 6TZ. First country station to operate their transmitter by remote control. Their technicians presented their own local country music program at midday (1958–1959). Their "Radio Roundup" country program rated very well. Used a radio tuned to 6TZ during landline failures from 6PR. Bought by South Western Telecasters (BTW-3) in 1974. A relay of 6TZ, 6CI was downgraded to translator status and is officially 6TZ-T. Photo is their A.W.A. 2,000 watt transmitter installed in December 1948.

20 Jun 1951 - 6NA - Narrogin


Owned by 6KY as a relay using 2,000 watts, with a one hour daily local breakfast program. Their official opening was broadcast from the Council Chambers. The local newspaper refused to cover their first birthday celebrations. Bought by News Ltd. on 23 May 1968. Sold to 6IX on 9 Nov 1972, then STW-9 TV on 17 Mar 1973, and 6TZ in 1976. In 1977 a fire destroyed their studio and transmitter, but they returned to air within 24 hours. The cause of the fire was a computer monitor overheating. They opened another service in 1997; this time on F.M.

24 Jan 1953 - 6BY - Bridgetown


This callsign was first used at Bunbury from 16 Apr 1933. Bridgetown/Yornup. Opened mainly as a relay of 6IX with a 456 feet high tower. This was one of many towers erected by Gordon Thompson without using a safety harness. Officially opened by W.A. Broadcasters Chairman Sir Ross McDonald. Their opening ceremony was a concert and dance in their Town Hall, with ticket sales being donated to the R.S.L. Their celebrations were backed by "The Rhythm Spinners" band (later backing Rolf Harris on his "Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport" record). Sold to TVW-7 TV on 16 Jul 1970.

Jul 1955 - 6NM - Northam


A.B.C. Relay of 6WF using a 400 watt transmitter which was later used for the launch of 6DL.

10 Mar 1956 - 6VA - Albany


Built by Gerry Wild, managed by Harry Atkinson (VK6WZ); and owned by the Albany Advertiser. Harry earlier managed 6KG and 6GE. Planned to open on 25 Dec 1955, (delayed when two trucks and a crane were bogged while delivering the transmitter). Known as "The Voice of Albany". Harry was dismissed in 1958, without a reason. As a protest, no one in Western Australia applied for the position. Harry established a Sound and Radio shop, and produced several programs for the A.B.C. He later moved to 6WB as their manager. Pictured is the early 1960s 6VA studio.

23 Apr 1956 - 6AL - Albany


A.B.C., relaying 6WF with some local programs using the original 6NM 400 watt transmitter (now 5,000 watts). Allocated a budget of £15 to spend on their opening ceremony from the Town Hall. Harry Atkinson (6VA, 6WB, 6KG, and 6GE), produced numerous programs for the A.B.C. using the Albany studios in 1976. Moved from York Street to new studios in St. Emilie Way, in 1996. Current manager, (2007), John Cecil, is the grandson of Clyde Cecil from 6AB.

Nov 1963 - 6DL - Dalwallinu


A.B.C. Launched using the original 400 watt 6NM transmitter. Relay of 6WF.

Feb 1964 - 6CA - Carnarvon


A.B.C. Relay of 6GN, with some local programs. First planned to open as 6CX. Relays to 6XM at Exmouth.

Jun 1966 - 6TTY - Perth


A special event licence for the Technical Training Year exhibition in the Perth Town Hall. Used a 200 watt transmitter on 1130 kHz from 6NM which was later installed as a standby transmitter for 6ED.

3 Jun 1966 - 6ED - Esperance


A.B.C. Esperance District service. Relays 6GF with some local programs.

Oct 1967 - 6BE - Broome


A.B.C. Relay of 6WF, with some local programs from 1990. Their manager, George Manning, retired in 2010 after 45 years with various Western Australian A.B.C. stations.

Nov 1967 - 6DB - Derby


A.B.C. Relay of 6WF. Became a relay of 6BE from 1990.

Feb 1968 - 6PH - Port Hedland


A.B.C. Relay of 6GN. Became a relay of 6KP on 22 Aug 1988.

22 Dec 1969 - 6BS - Bunbury


A.B.C. Started with the decommissioned equipment from 6WF and 6WN. Transmitter at Busselton. Relays to 6MJ at Manjimup and 6BR at Bridgetown.

Apr 1974 - 6XM - Exmouth


A.B.C. Relay of 6CA. Previously, the Australian Government issued a licence for an American Forces Radio Station (A.F.R.S.) at Exmouth, due to the American base situated there. It never went to air.

30 Jun 1974 - 6KW - Kununurra


A.B.C. Relay of 6WF. Now relays 6BE, with some local programs from 1990.

Dec 1974 - 6WH - Wyndham


A.B.C. Relay of 6WF. Became a relay of 6KP on 22 Aug 1988.

Dec 1976 - 6HI - Dampier


Established by the Western Australian Government as an emergency station with 500 watts on 1485 Khz. Activated only to update residents of impending cyclones. The transmitter was tested monthly.

16 Oct 1976 - 6NR - Perth


New Radio. Educational licence. Western Australia's first public broadcaster. Opened by the Western Australian Institute of Technology (now Curtin University) with 37 ethnic programs, 25 religious programs, plus Kouri and Radio for the Print Handicapped programs. Known as "Curtin Radio 927". Their music is mainly country, and top hits from 1950 to 1979. Established "Santa's Workshop" in 1988, with volunteers collecting and repairing toys for distribution to children who had a parent in gaol.

Jun 1977 - 6MN - Mt Newman


A.B.C. Relay of 6WF. Became a relay of 6KP from 22 Aug 1988.

25 Nov 1977 - 6NW - Port Hedland


Classic Hits format. Now part of the Perth Spirit Radio Network, with most programs from Perth, but with some local programs.

8 Nov 1978 - 6KA - Karratha


Classic Hits format, operated by Spirit Radio in Perth, with some local programs. Originally relayed to Tom Price and Paraburdoo (both are now on satellite relay).

29 Dec 1979 - 6SJ - Perth


Scout Jamboree Radio with an ex Cocos Islands airport transmitter on 1610 kHz installed by Vic Kitney (VK6VK). Used by Girl Guides from 0600-0000 until 7 Jan 1980.

Abt Dec 1980 - 6KA - Paraburdoo


Relay of 6KA Karratha

Abt Dec 1980 - 6KA - Mt Tom Price


Relay of 6KA Karratha

1982 - HRBA - Hutt River Province


Projected station with a 200 watt transmitter on 1062 kHz Their application was rejected by the A.B.T. They did go to air from 10 Apr 1982 for a few weeks.

22 Oct 1982 - 6SE - Esperance


South East service. Started by Ralph Bower, who first set out to establish a local television station. His TV venture was stopped only by a lack of sufficient funds.

22 Dec 1982 - 6LN - Carnarvon


Classic Hits format. Had a relay transmitter at Exmouth until it was destroyed by a cyclone on 22 Mar 1999. The Exmouth licence is now fed by Red F.M. via satellite.

16 Mar 1988 - 6MM - Mandurah


Launched with an Easy Listening format but changed shortly afterwards to contemporary. Managers included John Ventris, David Wyatt, Ken Gannaway and Murray Korff (6PM) and Jim Barrett (6PR).

Jul 1988 - 6GL - Perth


(See 6IX 27 Nov 1933). "Eagle Radio". Their callsign was changed back to 6IX in 1992.

22 Aug 1988 - 6KP - Karratha


A.B.C. Relay of 6WF with some local programs and four staff. Now has relay transmitters at Tom Price (6TP), Paraburdoo (6PU), Pannawonica (6PN), Newman (6MN), and Port Hedland (6PH).

1990 - 6PB - Perth


A.B.C. Parliamentary Broadcasting network. Broadcast Muzak style music between daily Parliamentary sittings. Closed on non-sitting days until starting a news service ("A.B.C. News Radio") in August 1994.

25 Oct 1991 - 6RPH - Perth


Radio for the Print Handicapped, using the former 6PM 990 kHz A.M. frequency. Previously, in the 1980s, they presented programs for one hour daily on 6NR. Closed in 2015.

17 Aug 1993 - 6WR - Kununurra


Community licence specialising in Aboriginal programs.

1994 - 6AR - Perth


Community licence with aboriginal programs. Closed by the A.C.M.A. in September 2006.

5 Jul 1996 - 6NR - Christmas Isl and Cocos Isl


A.B.C. Both on relay from 6NR in Perth via a satellite feed. The Christmas Island transmitter was originally used to launch ABC station 4QB in Maryborough.

19 Nov 1998 - 6FX - Fitzroy Crossing


Community licence with Aboriginal programs.

2000 - 6EL - Bunbury


Commercial licence with Easy Listening nostalgia programs. Now part of the Spirit Radio Network in Perth, with most programs from their Perth studio, but with some local programs.

Letters to the Editor


"When the history of wireless and broadcasting in Western Australia is written, no name will stand out more predominately than Walter Coxon". Editorial from the West Australian in 1928.

"One is tempted to think at times that 6WF is not part of the A.B.C. network. I wonder why 6WF – the only 'A' class station in Western Australia, is often left out while excellent programmes are relayed to other A.B.C. stations". Letter to the Editor, 28 Aug 1932.

"Is it not time that the Health Department made an inquiry into the mental suffering and actual illness caused by the unrestrained use of wireless? Thousands of folk who badly need rest, peace, and sleep are tormented by the dreadful scream of the typical radio of our streets and shops". Letter to the Editor, 13 Nov 1942.

"We pay £1 for our listeners licence despite our radios being useless for the past three months owing to electrical motor interference". Letter to the Editor, 11-2 1936.

"It's a pity the recent fire at Kalgoorlie was not at radio station 6GF instead of 6KG. The programmes from 6GF are far from satisfactory". Letter to the Editor, 9 Oct 1948.

"A new wireless set that dispenses with large batteries and accumulators has been developed. Now how about one that dispenses with bad programs?" Letter to the Editor, 28 Oct 1927

"I object to the blaring loud speakers some radio owners are installing. I think these extra loud machines should be limited by permit to special occasions – the less the better. In private houses they are absolutely unnecessary. If some of the artists could once hear their efforts broadcasted, they would never perform again. What with the periodic static and other interruptions, the distortion of sound waves, and the exaggeration of the slightest fault in technique, all magnified in these overloud speakers, one's ears are subjected to a constant assault of jarring discord, and any attempt to go to sleep early is hopeless. I suggest that before the nuisance becomes too widespread, some regulation dealing with speakers should be framed to curb this nuisance". Letter to the Editor, 16 Feb 1926.

"I am protesting vigorously against the increasing number of moaning, whining, groaning and long-drawn-out maudlin American songs that are being broadcast. If nothing is done to remedy the matter it will result in a vast number of listeners switching on only to those stations which cut out the American abominations. It would be very deplorable if our youth with musical talent (of which there are great numbers) should adopt this awful American style". Letter to the Editor, 6 Jul 1935.

"Is there any truth in the belief that radio serials are so bad that they drive some people to suicide? It seems that most radio time is taken up with absolutely rotten radio serials". Letter to the Editor, 1 Feb 1947.