History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1940 01

P.02 - Editorial Notes


Editorial Notes . . .


P.02 - Contents Banner


The Australasian Radio World

Incorporating the

All-Wave All-World DX News

Managing Editor - A. Earl Read, B.Sc.

Vol. 4. - JANUARY, 1940 - No. 8.

P.02 - Contents



The Daventry Dual-Waver . . . . 3

The Story Of R.C.S. Radio (2) . . . . 6

Five-Band Communications Superhet . . . . 8

Service Equipment (3) . . . . 10

Vulcan Pre-Selector Unit . . . . 13

Choosing A Microphone . . . . 15

"Radio World" All-Wave Oscillator . . . . 17

Waverley Radio Club Notes . . . . 25

What's New In Radio . . . . 26

New Headquarters For Marconi School . . . . 28

"Communications Eight" A Fine Performer . . . . 30

Shortwave Review . . . . 31

Broadcast Band DX Notes . . . . 37

P.02 - Publication Notes


The "Australasian Radio World" is published monthly by Read Publications. Editorial offices, 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Telephone FL2842. Cable address: "Repress," Sydney. Advertisers please note that copy should reach office of publication by 14th of month preceding that specified for insertion.

Subscription rates: 1/- per copy, 10/6 per year (12 issues) post free to Australia and New Zealand.

Printed by Bridge Printery, 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietors of the "Australasian Radio World," 117 Reservoir St., Sydney (Footnote P.40)

P.03 - The Daventry Dual-Waver


P.06 - The Story Of R.C.S. Radio (2)


P.08 - Five-Band Communications Superhet


P.10 - Service Equipment (3)


P.13 - Vulcan Pre-Selector Unit


P.15 - Choosing A Microphone


P.17 - "Radio World" All-Wave Oscillator


P.25 - Waverley Radio Club Notes


P.26 - What's New In Radio


P.28 - New Headquarters For Marconi School


P.30 - "Communications Eight" A Fine Performer


P.31 - Shortwave Review


Shortwave Review CONDUCTED BY ALAN H. GRAHAM. Summer Conditions: Night Reception IBest * Many New Stations Reported * Latest News of Projected Stations and Schedule Changes * Amateur Bands and UHF Notes * Full List of the Month's Loggings. Random Jottings. Review Of C<>nditions. With the close of the year, summer conditions become more and more evident, with a definite falling off in morning reception; with conditions during the forenoon and early afternoon very poor; with an ever-increasing noise-level making things difficult on the lower frequencies; and, finally, with evening reception splendid. From about 8.30 p.m. conditions on all bands between 13 and ·31 metres are really excellent. Signals on 13 and 16 metres are worth some attention, their clarity being a convincing proof that it is possible to find real entertainment on the shortwave bands. New Stations Listed. Included in the list of the month's loggings readers will find many new stations. Located in every quarter of the globe, many of these new stations are of outstanding interest to keen dx-ers. Fears expressed in some quarters that the outbreak of war would result in drastic curtailment of shortwave transmissions are now shown to have been quite groundless. As a matter of fact, the tendency is definitely in the other direction. Each month readers of these columns will have noted details of projected transmitters, and many of these will take the air early this year. With the development of shortwave broadcasting as a means of spreading -propaganda, few countries can afford to remain silent, and governments throughout the world are hastening to ensure that their views will be aired to the world at large. An interesting development in this direction is the inauguration of an Australian short- wave service, full details of which are given elsewhere in these columns. Overcrowding On The Shortwave Channels. This considerable increase in the number of shortwave transmitters now on the air, whilst providing SWL's with much interesting DX, also has very obvious drawbacks. For some time past listeners have been concerned at the overcrowding on some of the shortwave broadcast bands. At the present time, the 30-31 metre band is most adversely affected, as there are many more stations operating on these frequencies than can be comfortably accommodated. Moreover, there has been a veritable stampede to acquire frequencies on the newly-announced .J.1-metre broadcast band, on which over 30 station:; have already made reservations, despite the fact that the band only covers lOOkc. At present the higher frequency bands are not crowded, but ., definite tendency by many European and American stations to utilise allocations on 13, 16 .and 19 metres will soon alter that. Amateurs Still Interest. Despite the number of amateur stations compulsorily off the air because of the war, interesting 20-metre DX is still reported by many readers who are mainly concerned with amateur band loggings. A full list of countries in which amateur transmitters are still permitted to operate is given in the Amateur Review section.

News (?) Broadcasts. Since the first novelty of the war has worn off, and the full weight of the censorship regulations have been felt, the majority of the news broadcasts lack interest. At times they are merely boring, consisting chiefly of futile and inevitably incorrect speculation, endless repetition of the same items, and fantastic propaganda. Even the American sessions lack spice. Details of news broadcasts and weekly war talks from Daventry are worth noting. Full news bulletins are given at the following times (the transmitters shown are beamed towards Australia) :-At 2 a.m. (GSJ, GSF, GSG);

&t 3.30 a.m. (GSD); at 7.45 a.m. (GSD); at 10.30 a.m. (GSC); at 4.15 p.m. (GSD, GSB); at 7 p.m. (GSD); at 9.30 p.m. (GSJ, GSF, GSG) and at ll.15 p.m. (GSJ, GSF, GSG). Interesting programmes heard regularly from Daventry include "London Log," with the well-known B.B.C. personality, Howard Marshall, at 5.30 p.m. on Saturdays and at 1.1·5 and 8.45 a.m. on Sundays; "Back- ·ground to the News" on Tuesdays and Fridays at 1.15 and 10.15 a .m. and 4.45 p.m.; "In England Now," on Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 1.15 and 8.45 a.m. and 6.15 p.m.; "Matters of Moment," on Thursdays, at 1.15 a.m. and 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Official Observers. A word of very heartfelt praise to · the Official Observers who contribute so much to the success of this short- wave section of the "Radio World." We regret to record the resignation of two of our West Australian Observers, Messrs. George La Roche and Cyril Anderson. Our best wishes to both, especially to 0.M . .Cyril, who is now serving with the 2nd A.I.F. Readers Repor>ts Requested. Readers are requested to write the Shortwave Editor on any matters concerning these columns. Reports of reception conditions are especially appreciated; all such reports will be acknowledged. Enquiries on any matters relating to shortwave reception will be answered by mail. Addres~ all letters to Alan H. Graham, 258 Lower Plenty Rd., Rosanna, N22, Victoria.

  • Latest Station Changes And Schedules

Andorra. Another new country for the keen dx-er. Reports from overseas indicate that "Radio Andorra" has been testing on .the 2·5-metre band. Exact frequency is a bit obscure, being given variously as 11850kc. and 11835 kc. For those readers whose geography is a little rusty, we might mention that Andorra is in the Eastern Pyrenees, being a small, semiindependent State of 190 square miles, which pays a small tribute to France and Spain as joint suzerairn;. 'I'he chief industry is smuggling. Hi. Australia. The new Australian station in Perth, VL W, has been reported testing on both 48 and 25 metres. VL W is one of the stations to be used In the Australian shortwave service, which will have come on the air by the time these notes appear in print, the opening date being December 22. Full schedule for these transmissions are:- For Europe, through VLQ, 9615kc.,

31.2m.: In German, Dutch, French and English. From 5 to 7 p.m. For Southern Europe, through VLQ2, 11870kc., 25.25m. In Turkish, Italian, Spanish, English and Arabic. From 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. For North America, through VLQ. In English. From 7 to 8 a.m. For North America and the Pacific, through VLQ. In English. From 7.·30 to 8.30 a .m. For India, through VLQ. In English. From 11.15 to 11.45 p.m. For South America, through VLQ. In English and Spanish. From 9.30 to 10 p.m. For Africa, through VLW3, 11830 kc., 25.36m. In Engl.ish and Afrikaans. From 3.30 to 4.30 p.m. For the East, through VLR, 958CJ kc., 31.32m. In English and Dutch. From midnight to 12.30 a.m. Through VLR3, 11880kc., 25.23m. In Engfo,h. From 9.30 to 10 a.m. Algeria. Plans for a powerful shortwave transmitter are now being considered. It is hoped to start transmissions at the end of this year. Belgian Congo, The new 250-watt .3tatio!l at Leor,ddville operates under the call, OQ· 2AA, on either 9525 or .l5170k.?., :n.49 or 19.77m. However, its present schedule, 10.25 a.m. till noon, make~ n :ception in this country rather improbable for the present, ar, !e:ist. China. No appearance of the "Shortwave P.eview" seems complete these days without news of additional Chinese stations. The latest transmitter i~; reported as being on 7970kc., 38.3m. Located in Shanghai, the call of this station, already reported in New Zealand, is thought to be XHHB. Some details re XPSA recently received may be of interest. Located at Kweiyang, XPSA operates on 7010kc., 42.2m. (official frequency is given as 6.970kc., but that is definitely wrong). Power is lOkw.; and the station ir;; on the air from 6-9 a.m., and from 8.30 p.m.-1.·30 a.m. News in English is ·broadcast at 11.30 p.m. Reports are greatly appreciated. Cuba. Further information regarding the new station at Santa Clara, COHI, indicates that it will also transmit 011 the 25-metre band, on approx. 11800 kc. (Radex). Latest alterations in frequencies of Cuban stations are as follow:-COCE, on 12230kc., 24.53m.; COCX, on 117.53 kc., 25.52m.; COCA, on 9700kc., 30.93 m.; and COBC, on 9350kc., 32.08m. France. The new lOOkw. stations are gradually coming on the air. At present two of these are operating on 9680kc., 30.99m., and 11843kc., 25.35m. No calls have yet been assigned, the stations merely being in the experimental stage as yet. Latest official schedules from Paris show a change in call-sign for the 11885kc., 25.23m., transmitter; it now operates with the calls TPB-11 and TPB-12 (not TPA-3 and TPB-7, as before). French lndo-China. Apart from "Radio Saigon. there has been considerable activity by . other stations in F.J..C. "Radio Vol· onte," in Saigon, is reported as operating regularly on 7100kc., 42.25m., commencing a recorded programme at 11.30 p.m. with the "Marseillaise." In addition, "Radio Boy-Landry" is transmitting on three frequencies, namely, 6215kc., 967.Gkc., and 11685 kc., or 48.27m., 31.0lm. and 25.68m. Hawaii!. It is reported that the '·Voice of Hawaii" programmes are being re- layed through KHB, Kahuku, on 17120kc., 17.5m., from 10-10.30 a.m. on Sundays (QSA-5). Eire. The latest available schedule for the Irish station at Athlone is:-On 17840kc., 16.82m.: Daily 3.30-5 a.m.; odd days of the month, 7.30-11.30a.m.; even days of the month, 7.30- 8.30 a.m. On 9595kc., 31.27m.: Eve;-, days of the month, 9.30-11.30 a .m. and 12.30-1 p.m. Luxembourg. "Radio Luxembourg," recently heard on 25 metres, have been testing on 6090kc., 9527.5kc., 11782 .. 5kc. and 15330kc. ( 49.26m., 31.49m., 25.46 m. and 19.56m.). Whether these experimental transmissions are still being carried on is obscure, as "Radio Luxembourg" has not been reported in this country for some weeks now. QRA for reports is Wireless Publicity Ltd., Electra House, Victoria Embankment, London, WC2. (Tune-In). Mauritius. VQSJM, Port Louis, is reported from several sources as broadcasting irregularly on 7190kc., 41.7m. (Radex, Tune-In). Paraguay, ZP-8, Asuncion, to operate Ol• 11850kc., 25.32m., with a power of 500 watts, is a new station (Universalite). Switzerland. The Swiss transmitters of the League of Nations are again on the air. HBO, HBL and HBP are all operating for North America around 10 a.m., whilst HBF, 18450kc., 16.2m., transmits a programme for the Orient on Saturdays from 4.45 to 6.45 p.m. Syria.

It is understood that a new station at Damascus is now transmitting on 12295kc., 24.4m. U.S.S.R. A feature of the past few weeks has been the number of new Russian stations heard. No calls are available for these stations, but full details of frequencies and times of tranmission are given in the list of the month's loggings. Yugo-Sl'avia. Full details of the Belgrade stations are now available. YUB (this is understood to be new call for station previously listed as YUA) on 6100kc., 49.18m.; YUC, on 9505kc., 31.57m.; YUE, on ll 735kc., 25.57m.; and YUF-YUG, on 15240kc., 19.6.Sm. (Universalite).

Ultra-High-Frequency Notes. Conditions Disappoint. The promise of some good U.H.F. reception during December was not fulfilled. After a good period at the end -of November, the unsettled weather in our locality resulted in almost a complete "black-out" during December. The police bunds were most affected, and, at the time of writing, no signals have been heard on 8 and 9 metres for the past fortnight. Conditions on 10 and 11 metres are very little better. Police Bands. Towards the end of November conditions were quite good, and one or two additional loggings were made. Police stations definitely identified this year are:- WPDS, St. Paul, 33800kc., 8.9 m. KQCI, Glendale, 33800kc., 8.9 m. KQBH, Kansas City, Kansas, 3-3100 kc., 9.06m. KQAN, Fort Worth, 33100kc., 9.06m. WRBH, Cleveland, 33100kc., 9.06m. KQAO, Long Beach, 33100kc., 9.06m. KQ-, National City, 33100kc., 9.06m. KQBV, Los Angeles, approx. 9.4m. WQIE, Newark, 30700kc., 9.7m. KQBR, Alameda, 30700kc., 9.7m. WQKB, Evansville, 30700kc., 9.7m. 11-M'etre Band Loggings. Only WSXNU remains a regular on 11 metres, and signals from this station are now very poor. The other stations listed below were heard in the last week of November. W4XA, 26150kc., ll.47m., Nashville: Only very occasionally now; usually with football descriptions on Sunday mornings. WSXNU, 25950kc., ll.56m., Cincinnati: Very good at end of November;

heard regularly still, but signais weak and hard to copy. W9XA, 26100kc., ll.49m., Kansas City: Frequency altered again from 26000kc. Seldom heard. W9XH, 26050kc., 1L51m., South Bend: Heard once at end of November; closes 9.30 a.m. W9XJL, 26100kc., ll.49m., Superior: Heard, with bad QRM from W9XA, late in November. Signals weak. W9XPD, 25900kc., ll.58m., St. Louis: Very weak, but heard at times just above WSXNU. 9-Metre Band Notes. No sign yet of the 31600kc. broad- cast stations. Even if this band does open up, it will probably be of little value, as the latest information available shows over 30 American stations licensed to use this frequency. The harmonic of KGEI on 9.78m. has been heard very well indeed in New Zealand, though it seldom exceeded R4 in our locality. Amateur Bands * Review. The following list -of countries in which amateur stations are still permitted to transmit is as accurate as is possible under the circumstances. Incidentally, readers will have noted that Cuban amateurs are no longer on the air. The war is not the reason for this ban imposed by the Director -of Radio.

Countries in Which Amateurs Still Operate: South America: Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela. Central America: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Canal Zone. West Indies: Puerto Rica, Dominican Republic, Haiti. Europe: Belgium, Holland, Portugal, Spain. Africa: Belgian Congo, Tangier International Zone. Oceania: Hawaii, Philippines, Dutch East Indies, American islands. Asia: Japan, China. North America: United States, Mexico, Alaska

Calls * Heard. (Reports for 20 metres from Messrs. Bantow, Hastings, Cushen; Taylor and Chapman. For 10 metres, from Mr. Taylor and the S.W. Ed.) 10 Metres. South America: CE3AC (Chile). Oceania: KA- lER, lGX, lME, lLZ, (Philippines); K6- BAZ, GQF, MVV, OJI, PIT, PLZ, QLB, QRD, QXU, QXY, ROJ, RRM, PIR (iHawaii). United States: W- lCND, lBBX, lHDQ, lLMB, 2LIR, 2FXB, 2CJ A, 2CQX, 2AIH, 2KAX, 3BBA, 3GNA, 3A WX, 3GRO, 4FUM, 4MV, 4EDD, 5IJM, 6FFN, 6FZD, 6IEF, 6IMI,

6KYL, 6MIW, 6NWG, 6P Ai, 6PMJ, 6QHE, 6QPH, 6DUC, 6RCT, 60XV, 6QUZ, 6CDO, 6HGN, 6AWV, 6QMJ, 6NKF, 60AK, 6FVM, 6RRU, 7FVO, 7GFK, 7GMV, 7GUI, 7HCD, 7HCS, SSOE, 9BRZ, 9JUI, 9KDA, 9RGT, 9ZIX, 9DLC, 9EW, 9ZN A, 9LMX, 9YZK, 9ARK, · 9NWN, 9CXV. 20 Metres. South America. Venezuela: YV5AK. Ecuador: HClFG. Argentina: LU4DM. Peru: OA- 4L, 4C, 4AI, 4R. Chile: CE- lAR, lAO, 3EW, 3CZ, 3CG, 3AC, 3BK, 3CE, 3AG, 4AC. Brazil:. PY- 2AR, 2SN. Central America. Costa Rica: TI2RC. Africa. Tangier International Zone: EKlAF. Belgian Congo: OQ5AB. Pacific. Guam: KB6- OCL, ILT. Canton Is.: KF6- JEG. Baker Is.: K6- LEJ, NYD, OJI, OQE, MVA, QHU, CGK, MZQ, ILW, OCM, BNR. The East. China: XU- lA, lB, 5W, 6PL, 7HV, SAM, SRB, SZA, SRJ, SRP, SMY, OA. Japan: J- 2CS, 2NG, 2KN, 2NQ, 2XA, 7CB. D.E.I.: PK- lDM, lMF, lOG, 2LZ, 3GD, 3MP, 3RP, 4KS. Philippines: KA- lFG, lCS, lCM, lCW, lAC, lAG, lAP, lJP, lGC, lGX, lDL, lAF, lLZ, lGS, lME, lKF, lOZ, lJG, lBB, lBH, lER, lGE, ISM, 3BW, 3KK, 3RA, 4RF, 4LH, 7EF, 7FV, 7RF. Reports Acknowledged. * Mr. W. M. Chapman (Kensington, N.S.W.): Many thanks for very comprehensive report. Yes, that reference in the last issue to South African amateurs remaining on the air after November 1 was wrong. The new Russian stations are certainly difficult to follow. Will see what can be done about those mystery stations you mention. Mr. A. · T. Cushen (lnvercargill, N.Z.): Report to hand. Will look forward to some real DX loggings from you in the new year when you instal that new receiver. Mr. W. E. Bantow (Edithvale, Vic.): Pleased to receive such an interesting report. Would be pleased if you will check up on station on 6110kc., listed as VUC, Calcutta, as we believe this transmitter is not in use at present. Mr. 0. G. Washfold (Camberwell, Vic.): Your report was most certainly Page 34 of some use, and we hope to hear from you regularly. M.r. !D. J. Hastings (Brisbane, Ql'd.): Despite that QRM you seem to have little difficulty in logging some very fine DX on 2-0 metres. OQ5AB, PY2AR and PY2SN are certainly real catches. Mr. J. C. Taylor (Hurstville, N.S.W.): Many thanks for list of 10 and 20 metre loggings. Your Sunday morning sessions on 10 are getting .results, CE2AC being a fine logging. Mr. J. Ferrier (Coleraine, Vie.): Many thanks for photo. of shack. U.H.F. conditions have certainly been most disappointing. Mr. H. I. Johns (Nelson, N.Z.): Thanks for yet another fine report. Conditions in N.Z. seem a good deal better than they are in our locality, especially on 49 metres in the afternoon. The Month's * Loggings. In future, stations not listed in this section in the previous issue will be indicated by an asteri;;k (*). South America. Peru.

  • OAX4T, 9556kc., 3.i..38m., Lima:

This station is heard occasionally opening at 11 p.m., but, more often than not, it is inaudible on account of Q.RM. OAX5C, 9·350kc., 31.95m., lea: Now heard only on Sundays; better signal in N.Z. OAX4J, 9340kc., 32.12m., Lima: Heard fairly regularly still; early mornings around 7 a.m., and on Sunday afternoons till closing at 4 p.m. OAX4Z, 6.077kc., 49.3'/m., Lima: Heard in the late afternoons in N.Z.; also believed to have been testing around 9 p.m. Ecuador. HCJB, 12460kc., 24.08m., Quito: This well-known station has had a fresh lease of life and is again putting in a very fine signal around 10 p.m. (Chapman).

  • HC2('W, 9135kc., 32.84m., Guayaquil: This unusual station is being

heard in N.Z., closing after 3 p.m. Colombian Republic. "HJFK, 9740kc., 30.8111., Pereira: New South American station heard with good signal from 10 p.m. As is usual with these stations, the first half-hour's transmission is mainly news in Spanish. Chile. CB-960, 9600kc., 31.25m., Santiago: Heard quite well from 10 p.m. nightly. Brazil.

  • PRA-8, 6015kc., 49.87m., Pernambuco: Although this station has not

been heard here lately, it is reported from N.Z., opening at 7 a.m. with a fair signal. Argentine.

  • LRA-1, 9690kc., 3o.96m., Buenos

Aires: Still heard weakly on some mornings; best when it opens earlier at 7 a.m. on Saturdays. Uruguay. CXA-8, 9640kc., 31.12111., Colonia: Only Uruguayan station reported this month. ;Heard weakly on Sundays both afternoon and evening. Central America And West Indies. Guatemala. TGW A, 15170kc., 19.78m., Guatemala City: Now being heard at good strength in the early mornings-best around 7 a.m. on Mondays (Washfold). TGW A, 9685kc., 30.96m., Guatemala City: Best during special DX programmes on Sunday afternoons. Also on weekdays, closing between 2.30 and 3 n.m. (Washfold, Johns).

  • TGWB, 6486kc., 46.25m., Guatemala Gitv: Now harder to log on Sunday afternoons on account of high noise-level.
  • TG-2, 6195kc., 48.4m., Guatemala

City: Another Sunday afternoon station; best around 5.15 p.m. Costa Rica. TIPG, 96I.5kc., 31.21m., San Jose: Still very strong from 10 p.m. TIL8, 6.165kc., 48.66m., San Jose : Also opens at 10 p.m., but not nearly as good as a few weeks ago. Panama. HP5A, 11700kc., 25.64m., Panama City: Still very erratic, nut sometimes at good strength after 10 p.m. (Chapman). HP5J, 9590kc., 31.28m., Panama City: Fair signal from 10 p.m.

  • HP5K, 6005kc., 49.96111., Panama City: Good old regular, opening with waltz.

Cuba. (Once again we would remind you that the following frequencies were correct at time of writing, hut will probably be out of date by the time they appear in print).

  • COGF, 11800kc., 25.42m., Matanzas: Heard weakly from 11 p.111. and sometimes in the early morning.

COCM, 9850kc., 30.46m., Habana: Heard irregularly from l1 p.m. COCH, 9437kc., 31.Sm., Habana: Weakly at nights,. but spoilt by morse QRM. COBC, 9·350kc., 32.08m., Habana: As is mentioned elsewhere, this station has changed its frequency. Back to old channel from 99S.5kc. Opens with fair signal at 9.55 p.m. COBZ, 9030kc., 33.32m., Habana: Irregular; a weak signal on occasions around 11 p.m. OOCQ, 8850kc., 33.9m., Habana: Perhaps the best of the Cubans at present; from around 9.50 p.m . .

  • COJK, 8685kc., 34.54m., Camaguey: Heard once or twice of late, opening just before 10 p.m.

Dominican Republic.

  • HllN, 12486kc., 24.03m., Trujillo

City: Heard just below HCJB, but not nearly as loud as that station. Scheduled to open at 9.40 p.m. North America. Mexico.

  • XEWW, 15160kc., 19.79m., Mexico City: Heard with a fair signal on Sunday afternoons. (Chapman).

XEWW, 9503kc., 31.57m., Mexico City: Very reliable station. Heard daily till around 4 p.m. with fairly strong signal.

  • XEBT, 6000kc., 50m., Mexico City: Reported at good strength in N.Z.; Sundays, till closing at 4.30 p.m. (Johns).

United States. WCBX, 21570kc., 13.9lm., New York: Fairly strong signal on some nights around midnight. (Chapman). WPIT, 21540kc., 13.93m., Pittsburgh: Heard occasionally at night around 10 p.m., though GSJ and GST tend to blot it out. WNBI, 17780kc., 16.87m., Bound Brook: Very nice signal in the early morning, best between 7 and 8 a.m. Also heard during forenoon, but hard to follow because of bad fading. (Bantow, Johns).

  • WRCA, 17780kc., 16.87m., Bound

Brook: Not heard in our locality but reported from Sydney with weak signal from 11 p.m. (.Chapman). WGEA, 15330kc., 19.56m., Schenectady: Good early morning station, with steady signal till 8 a.m. (Chapman, Bantow). KGEI, 153·30kc., 19.56m., San Francisco: Very weak now and erratic; around noon.

  • WCAB, 15270kc., 19.65m., Philadelphia: Another early morning station, heard best around 8 a.m. (Chapman).
  • WRUL, 15250kc., 19.67m., Boston:

Heard on some mornings around 7 a.m.; used alternatively with WRUW, 15130kc. WCBX, 15270kc., 19.65m., New York: Still another early morning American station, closing M 6.30 a.m. Erratic, but signals very strong on some mornings. WPIT· 15210kc., 19.72m., Pitts- burgh: Fairly strong signal around midnight. "'WRUW, 15130kc., 19.83m., Boston: Nice strong signal on some mornings, with same programme as WRUL on 25 metres. Closes at 8 a.m. (Chapman). KKZ, 13690kc., 21.91m., Bolinas: Used for special relays to Hawaii on Sunday afternoons. KKQ, 11950kc., 25.lm.,Bolinas: Also

used for special relays on Sundays, and sometimes on week days around 3 p.m. (Chapman). WPIT, 11870kc., 25.?6m., burgh: Regular mormng around 7 a.m., with good (Bantow). P1UFstation signal WCBX, 11830kc., 23.36m., New York: Very strong signal from 7-9 a.m.; news in severni languages. WRUL, 11790kc., 23.43m., Boston:

Good signal till closing at 8 a.m. (Chapman). WRUW, 11730kc., 25 58rn., Boston: Used on some :nr,rning-,;; opening with a fairly strong signal :it 8.30 a.rn. (.Cushen). WRCA, 9670kc., ~~ l 0 3m , Hound Brook: Heard with weak signal in the afternoons, closing· a.; 4 p.m. (Chapman). WCAB, ;:)590ke, 31.2>\m., Philadelphia: Fair signal t1!l closing '~ .5 p.m.; news just before signing off. (Chapman, Washfold). WBOS, 9570kc., 31.35m., Boston: Strong afternoon station; closes at 5 p.m. WGEA, 9550kc., 3l.41m., Schenectady: Barely audible in the mornings from 8.15 a.m. WGEO, 95·30kc., 31.48m., Schenectady: Opens at 6 a.m. with strong signal. (Chapman, Bantow, Johns). KGEI, 9530kc., 31.48m., San Francisco: Heard from 4 p.m.; and also from 10 p.m. when QRM from JZI is bad. (Chapman).

  • WPIT,__ 6140kc., 48.86m., Pittsburgh: Reported with excellent signal from 3-4 p.m. Sundays in N .Z. Very weak in our locality. (Johns).

WCBX, 6120kc., 49m., New York: Weakish signal till 5 p.m. WLWO, 6060kc., 49.5m., Cincinnati: Heard fairly well on some afternoons; best on Sundays when on till .5.30 p.m. Also at night around 10 p.m.

  • WBKM (ex-W4XB), 6040kc.,

•:19.65m., Miami Beach: Reported from N.Z. with strong signal on Sundays at 3.30 p.m. (Johns).

  • WRUL, 6040kc., 49.65m., Boston:

Reported from N.Z. on special test with TG-2, Guatemala. (Cushen). AFRICA. Kenya Colony. VQ7LO, 6083kc., 49.31m., Nairobi: Consistent early morning station; heard best towards close after 5 a.m. (.Chapman). Ethiopia. 12AA, 9650kc., 31.09m., Ababa: Good signal around call was previously IABA. Canary Is. Addis 2 a.m EAJ-43, 10360kc., 28.96m., Teneriffe : Hard to log now; at times just audible around 6 a.m. Algeria. TPZ-3, 8960kc., 33.48m., Algiers: Quite a good signal until closing at 7 a.m. Mozambique.

  • CR7BH, 11718kc., 25 6m., Lourenco Marques: Reported at good strength from N.Z.; from 8 p.m. on Sundays, with religious service.

(Johns). Madagascar.

  • Radio Tananarive, 9695kc., 30.95

m., Tananarive : Quite good on 1-2 a.m. transmission, opening, of course, with the "Marseillaise."

  • Radio Tananarive, 6060kc., 49.5m.,

Tananarive : Same time and same programme as the 9695kc., transmitter. South Africa.

  • ZRO, 9752kc., 30.77m., Durban:

Have found this station difficult to log after midnight. *ZRL, 96.06kc., ·31.23m., Klipheuval: Also heard only once or twice, around 2 a.m.

  • ZRK, 6097kc., 49.2m., Klipheuval:

Fairly good signal from 3 a.m.; closes at 7 a.m. on week-days.

  • ZRH, 6007kc., 49.94m., Roberts

Heights: Just fair till closing at 6.30 a.m.

' *ZNB, .5900kc., 50.85m., Mafeking, British Bechuanaland: May be heard daily except Mondays, 4-5.30 a.m. OCEANIA. New Caledonia. FK8AA, 6122kc., 49m., Noumea: Still heard at good strength in the late afternoons. AUSTRALIA. YLR-3, 11880kc., 25.z:>m., Lyndhurst: Used in - the mornings and afternoons. (Washfold).

  • VLW, 11830kc., 25.36m., Perth:

New station heard testing at good strength; to be used in new overseas service. (Washfold). VLR, 9580kc., 31.32m., Lyndhurst: Replaces VLR-3 for night session. (Washfold, Johns).

  • VLW, 6130kc., 48.94m., Perth:

Tests heard on this frequency. (Washfold). THE EAST. Philippine Is.

  • KZRH, 9660kc., 31.06m., Manila:

New frequency for KZRH; heard at good strength; scheduled from 7 p.m.- 1 a.m. (Bantow, Washfold). KZRM, 9570kc., 31.35m., Manila: Good night station; very reliable and excellent signal. (Chapman, Washfold, Bantow). KZIB, 9500kc., 31.58m., Manila: Also a good signal from 8 p.m.; widely reported at good strength. (Washfold, Bantow, Chapman). I\ZRM/KZEG,/KZRF, 6140kc., 48.86m., Manila: Still heard well; this transmitter uses all of the calls mentioned. (Chapman, Bantow, Washfold). KZRH, 6110kc., 49.lm., Manila: Also heard at night. (Chapman). KZIB,.. 6040kc., 49.6.7m., Manila: Not as loud as other P.L stations on this band. (Chapman). Mafaya. ZHP, 9690kc., 30.96m., Singapore: One of the most reliable signals to be heard; best between 10 and 11 p.m. (Bantow, Chapman, Washfold) . . · ZHJ, 6080kc., 49.3m., Penang: Hard to hear now; but from N.Z. it is re- ported at good strength. Announces in English from 9.-30-11.30 p.m.; power increased to lkw. (Johns). India. VUD-3, 15290kc., 19.62m., Delhi: Heard on occasions after mid-day and in late afternoon. (Bantow). VUD-18, 4960kc., 60.48m., Delhi: Very good indeed at present. from 10.30 p.m.; maintains strength till close at 3.30 a.m. (Bantow, Chapman). VUD18, 4960kc., 60.48m., Delhi: Note new call. News at 10.30 (Chapman). VUM-2, 4920kc., 60.98m., Madras: Just fair .. (Chapman). VUB-2, 4880kc., 61.48m., Bombay: Jm;t audible. (Chapman). VUC-2, 4840kc., 61.98m., Calcutta: Fairly strong. (Chapman). Page 36 Burma. XYZ, 6007kc., 49.94m., Rangoon: Not very strong now, best in the early a.m. (Chapman). French Indo-China. Radio Saigon, .. 11780kc., 25.47m., Saigon: Exceptionally strong signal from 9 p.m. Replaces the 49m. transmi.tter as regular evening station. Power increase to 12kw. re- ported. (.Chapman, Bantow, Washfold, Johns).

  • Radio Boy-Landry, 9680kc., 30.99

m., Saigon: Testing on new frequency. Heard nightly till after midnight.

  • RadiO Volonte, 7100kc., 42.25m.,

Saigon: Reported weakly in N.Z. from 11.30 p.m., opening with the "Marseillaise." Radio Saigon,.. 6.116kc., 49.05m., Saigon: Believed .to have gone off the air on December 10; replaced by 25- metre station. (Bantow, Johns). Hong Kong. ZBW-3, 9525kc., 31.49m., Hong Kong: Regular strong signal at night. (Chapman, Bantow, Washfold). China. XGOX, 15190kc., 19.75m., Chungking ( ? ) : Excellent signal at night. XGOY, 11900kc., 25.21m., Chunking (?) : Very reliable station; heard early morning and at night. (Cushen, Chapman, Bantow, Washfold). XMHA, 11850kc., 2.5 .32m., Shanghai: Quite good at night. XGOK, 11820kc., 25.38m., Canton: Fairly regular at night. XP.SA, 7000kc., · 42.Sm., Kweiyang: Good signal nightly. (Bantow). XO.TD, 6880kc., 43.6m., Hankow: Still some doubt as to call, but majori.ty of overseas sources favour XO.TD and not XJOD.

  • XHHB, 7970kc., 88.5m., Shanghai:

Call doubtful; heard in N.Z. Mnm~hukuo. MTCY, 11775kc., 25.48m., Hsinking: Good morning session from 7 a.m. (.Chapman). MTCY, 6125kc., 48.98m., Hsinking: Used at night. (Bantow). Thailand. HSSPJ, 9510kc., 31.55m., Bangkok: Not on the air every night, but always good signal when logged.

  • HS6PJ, 19020kc., 1·5.77m., Bangkok: Used on Mondays from 11 p.m.;

heard weakly on occasions. Taiwan. · JIE-2, 9695kc., 30.95m., Tyureki: Same programme as JFO, relaying JF AK. Hard to hear. JFO, 9635kc., -31.13m., Taihoku: Never very loud, but usually audible at night. · · .TIE, 7295kc., 41.13m., Tyureki: Fair signal around midnight. (Chapman). Japan. JZK· 15160kc., 19.79m., Tokyo: Good strong signal; best at night. (Chapman). JZI, 11800kc., 25.42m., Tokyo: Best from 10 p.m. at night. (Chapm<:c Johns). JVW-3, 11720kc., 25.6m., Tokyo: Fair from 8 p.m. (Chapman, Bantow, Washfold). JLG-3, 11705kc., 25.63m., Tokyo: Also heard at night. JZI, 953.5kc., 31.47m., Tokyo: At night from 10 p.m.; but makes a good job of interfering with KGEI. JVW, 7258kc., 41.3,1m., Tokyo: This new station is still heard well fron: 6-7 a .m. (Chapman). !Dutch East lndi'es. YDC, 15150kc., 19.Sm., Bandoeng: This station puts on a really entertaining programme at night. (Chapman, Cushen, W ashfold). PLP, llOOOkc., 27.27m., Bandoeng: Relays YDC; fair. (Chapman, Washfold). PMN, 10260kc., 29.24m., Bandoeng: As PLP; fair. (Washfold). YDB, 9550kc., 3l.41m., Bandoeng: Quite good at midnight. YDX, 7220kc., 41.55m., Medan: Strong, native programme. PMH, 6720kc., 44.64m., Bandoeng: Very loud, native programme. (Chapman). YDD, 6.045kc., 49.63m., Bandoeng: Fair some nights. EUROPE. Sweden. SBP, 11705kc., 2.5.63m., Motala: Heard some mornings; and reported from N.Z. as heard at 8 p.m. on Sundays. (Johns). SBT, 15155kc., 19.79m., Motala: Reported with good signal around 7 a.m. in South Australia. Yugo-Sfavia.

  • YUG, 15240kc., 19.68m., Belgrade:

New frequency for Belgrade; reported from N.S.W. and Qld. in early morning. YUC, 9505kc. ,3L56m., Belgrade: Not as loud as formerly in early mornings. (Chapman). Turkey. TAP, 9465kc., 31.7m., Ankara: Heard well every morning; also now on the air from 10 p.m. on weekcrn'ls. (Bantow). Portugal. CSW-6, 11040kc., 27.17m., Lisbon: Good signal till 6 a.m. or 7 a.m. (Chapman). · CSW-7, 9740kc., 30.0Sm., Lisbon: Seems to be opening at either 6 or 7 a.m., with nice, clear signal. Belgium. ORK, 10330kc., 29.04m., Ruysselede: Regular signal in early morning till 6 a.m. (Chapman). Holland . PCJ-2, 15220kc., 19.71m,, Huizen: Best in special session for Australasia, Tuesdays, 6 p.m. · PC.J, 9.590kc., ·3l.28m., Huizen: Fair ~ignal at 6 a .JY.. (.Chapman). ·PHI-2, 17770kc., 16.88m., Hu1zen: Fair signal some nights. Spain. . EAQ, 9860kc., 30.43m., Madrid: Only weak in early morning. The Australasian Radio World, January 1, 1940.

Norway. LKV, 15170kc., 19.78m., Osio: Still heard . from about 2 a.m.; weakens a good deal by 6 a.m. (Chapman). Switzerland. ¥HBO, 1l402kc., 26.32111., Geneva: Th~s League station is again on the air; heard one Sunday at 7 p.m. (Chapman). Vatican City.

  • HVJ, 15120kc., 19.84m., Vatican

City: May be heard at times just before midnight. U.S.S.R. · .*New station, call and location un- known, on 9680kc., 30.97m. Scheduled from midnight-6.20 a.m.; very loud on opening. (Chapman).

  • New station on 11640kc .. 25.77m.

Used irregularly; very loud. (Chapman).

  • New station on approx. 5710kc.,

52.4m. .Heard nightly at good strength.

  • RKI, 7520kc., 39.89m., Moscow: Not used regularly; heard sometimes

at midnight. Also logged: RV-96, on 19.47, 19.75, 31.51 and 49.75m.; RAN, RNE and RKI, 19.95m. France.

  • Paris · Mondial. 11843kc., 25.35m.,
Paris: New lOOkw. station; strong

signal in early morning. (Bantow). Paris Mondial, 9680kc., 30.99m., Paris: Much weaker now in afternoons. (Bantow).

  • TYA-2, 9040kc., 33.19m., Paris:

Now heard again in late afternoons. Also logged: TPA-2, TPB-3, TPB-6, TPA-4, TPB-11 (41.21 and 25.23m.) and TPB-12. Italy.

  • 2R0-15, 11760kc., 25.5m., Rome:

New station, heard testing at 1 a.m.; very strong.

  • 2R0-5, 15170kc., 19.78m., Rome:

Also a new station, testing around midnight. Also logged: 2R0-3, 2R0-4, 2R0-9, 2R0-6, 2R0-8, 2R0-12, IRF, IQY, IQA. England. The best stations on the Daventry transmissions are set out below:- Transmission 1: Early, GSD; after 6 p.m., GSF and GSD. Transmission 2: Before midnight, GSJ; after midnight, GSF. Transmission 4a: GS.O. Transmission 4b: GSB and GSD. Transmission 5: Signals from all ~tations poor. ,,rans mission 6: Very poor

Letter~Box Sectiort. Joseph A. Bull, Caron, W.A.: Thank you for interesting letter and kind offer of assistance. Have written you re latter matter. H. Whyte-Meach, Sydney, N.S.W.: Pleased to hear your views on con- test. Am writing you further re matters mentioned. Tom Cowls, Timaru, N.Z.: Received your cheery note. Am forwarding information required. Eric W. Watson, Christchurch N.Z.: Pleased to get your views o~ club management. Sorry I could not ~ssist with publicity. Will write you m near future. R. A. KeUy, .. Wellington, .. N.Z.: Thank you for notes. Have sent you information by separate letter. M. E. Tribe, Inglewood, N.Z.: Sorry to hear about your set. Write again. G. E, Notley, Moonah, Tas.: That is the sort of letter I want. Send me a monthly list of loggings. Merv. A. Branks, Invercargill', N.Z.: Merv. is B.C. Editor of the N.Z. "DXtra." Thanks for letter, Merv. Not€d source of QRM. Especially bad at nights, they tell me. Hi! Hi! Ray Simpson, Concord, N.S.W.: Can't agree B.C. DX is difficult. Write again.

  • Inter-Club Notes.

N.Z. DX 9lub: We are much indebted to this club for its kind offer of assistance from time to time and all members of this cluub are eligible to compete .f ?r the Pacific Trophy. Persons reqmrmg further information should write to Merv. A. Brank>; 5 Dublin Street, Invercargill, N.Z. '

  • Best Stations Of The Month.

Owing to the poor reception from Asia at the moment, it is proposed to publish a European list in three parts. Anyone desiring information should write to me C/- 188 Chapel Street, Prahran, Victoria. Return postage is unnecessary. ,. Here is Part I. of the European 11st:- 536kc., lOkw., Bolzano,. litaI•y: Identifies with whistle or song of a nightingale. 536kc., 50kw., Wilno, Poland: Signal was call of cuckoo and, if relaying from Warsaw, they superimposed the letter "W" over the programme being relayed. Signal now, if still on air, would probably be same as German stations. 546kc., 120kw., Budapest, Hungary: Interval during programmes; a phase of nine notes in two-part harmony, four notes repeated, followed by

initial notes, thus: G sharp, BABG sharp, BABG sharp. Call, "Hallo. Itt Radio Budapest," followed by "Hallo! Hier Budapest" and "Voici le poste radiophonique, Budapest, Hongrie." 556kc., lOOkw., Beromunster, Switzerland: Interval signal: Cl·ock ticking. Male announcer. "Hallo, hier Schweizerischer Landessender, Beromunster." Relays to other Swiss stations. 565kc., lOOkw., Athlone, Eire: Dual announcements in Gaelic and English. Identification signal not known. 565kc., 3kw., Catania, Italy: See Bolzano, 536kc. 565kc., lOkw., Klaipeda, Lithunia: Not known to make English announcements. Identification signal unknown. 565kc., 3kw., Palermo, litaly: See Bolzano, 536kc. 574kc., lOOkw., Stuttgart, Germany: Uses a metronome (ticking 200 times per minute) during intervals in programme. Signs with "Heil Hitler." 583kc., 20kw., Alpes-Grenoble, France: Announces only in French. ldentification signal unknown. 583kc., 50kw., Madona, Latvia: No information available. Should be loggable in Australia. 592kc., lOOkw., Vienna, Germany: Same as Stuttgart, 574kc. 60lkc., 15kw., Athens, Greece: No particulars available. 601kc., lOkw., Sunsdvall, Sweden: See Stockholm, 704kc. 610kc., 20kw., Florence, Italy: See Bolzano, 536kc. 620kc., 15kw., Brussells, Belgium: All announcements in French. Gall "Ice, Bruxelles, emissions d'essais," repeated between sessions and most items. 625kc., lOkw., Kourbyshev, U.S.S.R.: Does not feature English ses~io11. Closes with "Internationale." 629kc., 20kw., Christiansand, Norway: No information available. 629kc., 20kw., Lisbon, Portugal: English sessions unlikely. 629kc., 20kw ., Trondelag, Nor way: No information available. 638kc., 120kw., Prague, Germany: Announcer mys, "Halo! Radio Praha Vygila" in Czech, German, French and English. 648kc., lOkw., Petrozavodsk, U.S.S.R.: See 625kc. 658kc., lOOkw., Cologne, Germany: See Stuttgart, 574kc. 668kc., 70kw., North Regional, Gt. Britain. 677kc., lOOkw., Sottens, Switzerland: Male and female announcers. "Allo ! Allo ! lei Radio Suisse Roman de Sottens". ("Geneve," "Lausanne"). Page 38. 686kc., 20kw., Belgrade, Yugo8lavia: Announces in German and in Italian, as well as in Croat. G95kc., 120kw., Paris, France: Identification signal unknown but announces frequently as "Radio Mondiale." 704kc., 55kw .. , Stockholm, Sweden: Call, "Stockholm Rundradio," or "Stockholm Motala," if Motala i3 relaying. Call is repeated. Relays to r.everal stations throughout Sweden. 713l;:c., 120kw., Rome, Italy: Signal, belis[check spelling] of Rome and whistle of birds. Announcer says, "Radio Roma," or "Radio Roma-Napoli." 722kc., lkw., Frederikstad, N orwa·y : No information available. 722kc., 17kw., Hilversum 2, Hol-

Gall, "Hier, Hilversum, Holland," coupled with name of broadcasting company providnig the broadcast.

722kc., lOkw., Kharkov, U.S.S.R.: See 625kc. 73lkc., 3kw., Madrid, Spain: No information available. 73lkc., 5kw., Seville, Spain; No information available. 7 40kc., lOOkw., Munich, Germany: See 574kc. H9kc., lOOkw., Marseilles, France: No information available. 7-19kc., lkw., Pori, Finland: See Hel!"inki, 895kc. 758kc., 120kw., Katowice, Poland: Very doubtful if still on air. 767kc., 60kw., Burghead, Great Britain. 776kc., 250kw . ., Sortavala, Finland: See 895kc. 776kc., lOkw., Italino, U.S.S.R.: See 625kc. 776kc., 120kw., Toulouse, France. 785kc, 120kw., Leipzig, Germany: See 574kc. 795kc., 7.5kw., Barcel'ona, Spain: No information available. 79·3kc., 50kw., LwG•W, Poland: Probably off air now. 80,Jkc., 5kw., Penmon, Anglese;;, Great Britain. 804kc., 70kw., Welsh Regional, Great Britain. 814kc., 50kw., Milan, Italy: See Bolzano, 536kc. 823kc., 12kw., Bucharest, Roumania: Uses metronome (160 beats per minL1te ). 832kc., 35kw . ., Kiev 2, U.S.S.R.: See 625kc. 832kc., 400w., Rueil-Malmaison, France. 832kc., lOkw., Stavanger, Norway: H::>.s been verified by Australian dx-ers. 841kc., lOOkw;, Berlin, Germany, See 574kc. 850kc., lkw;, Porsgrund, Norway, 850kc., -, Saragossa, Spain.· 850kc., lOOkw., Sofia, Bulgaria.; 850kc., 3kw., Valencia, Spain. 859kc., lOkw., Simferopol, US.S,R.: See 625kc. 859kc., lOOkw., Strasbourg, France. 868kc., 50kw., Poznan, Poland: Probably off air now. 877kc., 70kw., London Regional, Great Britain. 886kc., 15kw., Graz, Germany: See · Stuttgart, 574kc. 886kc., 15kw., Linz, Germany: As for Graz. 895kc., lOkw., Hel'sinki, Finland: Male and female announcers. All an- nouncements and calls given in Swedish and Finnish. May not be transmitting now. Most Finnish stations relay Helsinki. 895kc . ., 1.5kw., Limoges, France .. Should any reader be able to furnish further information regarding stations listed above, we would be very grateful to receive such information.

  • Review Of Conditions and

Listening Times; The American and Europeans are now booming in. Best times for DX are:-·11 p.m.-1 a.m. (Yanks) and 2.30 to 6. a.m. (Europeans). The changeover to summer conditions has proved rather trying because of the static barrage. DX, however, has been exceptionally good, and many FB catches have been re- ported. DX is better than in January, 1939, and it looks like a bumper year for Europeans between now and early April, because many stations are opening earlier and closing later be- cause -of present European politics. We may yet again hear the broadcast of the bombing of cities by air, such as we experienced during the Spanish conflict in 1936. QSL Exchange Bureau. The following readers would like to exchange QSL cards with members of the All-Wave All-World DX Club:- A. E. Watson, Lloyd St., Murtoa, Victo1fa. John H. Lilburne (AW.541DX), Post Office, M urtoa, Victoria. Percival Roy Horan (AW531DX), George St., Bowen, Nth. Q'land. L. R. J. Knighton (A W298DX), 245 Armagh St., Christchurch, New Zealand

P.37 - Broadcast 'Band DX Notes


Broadcast Band DX Notes

Conducted by Kevin A. Crowley

Station Notes And News. Australia: The P.M.G.'s Department has notified us of the following changes:-2RG, Griffith, to 1070 kc., power increase to 200 w.; 2XL, Cooma, to 920kc.; 3UL, Warragul, to 880kc.; 4VL, Charleville, to 920 kc.; 5MU, Murray Bridge, to 1460kc.; 7DY, Derby, to 1450kc.; 7UV, Ulverstone, to 900kc.; 2BH, Broken Hill, to 570kc.; 4AY, Ayr, to 970kc.; 2DU, Dubbo, power to 150w.; 4RO, Rockhampton, power to 200w.

America: List of new call signs and frequency changes will be published next month.

Specials. American stations are the best midnight scoops at the moment. Listen for them between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. Listen for these. They are very easy loggings at present:- 600kc., KFSD, San Diego. 610kc., KFRC, San Francisco. 640kc., KFI, Los Angeles. 680kc., KPO, San Francisco. 780kc., KEHE, Los Angeles. 790kc., KGO, San Francisco. 900kc., KHJ, Los Angeles. 1010kc., KQW, San Francisco. 1050kc., KNX, Los Angeles. 1300kc., KSL, Salt Lake City.

Contest Notes. The Editor of "Radio World" has kindly donated three twelve-month subscriptions to "R.W. as additional prizes in the Pacific Trophy contest. Dx-ers will best show their thanks by entering wholeheartedly into the contest. Allocations of these prizes is as follows:-(1) Best Australasian log; (2) best Indian log; (3) best Chinese log. Receiver, location and time of reception will all be considered in awarding these prizes.