History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Editing/Research

To date all research has been very largely limited to NLA's Trove, and further to Trove, Newspapers & Gazettes

In the National Library of Australia's Trove website, 217 articles (Newspapers & Gazettes) as at 6 April 2021 have been tagged as "4BB - Robert John Beatson" (search publictag:4BB - Robert John Beatson)

The main searches used to identify articles for tagging are as follows:

  • With word "VK4BB" (about 50 hits)
  • With word "Beatson", category "Family Notices" (not yet fully researched)
  • With phrase "Robert John Beatson" and without "Publictag:4BB" (less than 10 hits)
  • With phrase "R. J. Beatson", State "Queensland" (about 100 hits)
  • With phrase "Bob Beatson", State "Queensland", from 1920 (about 80 hits)
  • With words "Beatson" and "Wireless", State "Queensland", from 1920 (about 200 hits)

Key articles relating to Watkins and wireless, also Watkins' family history, have been identified for text correcting and inclusion in Transcriptions and Notes - Robert John Beatson. Articles transcribed for Notes are tagged: "!Wikibooks Beatson" (10+ articles). Articles reviewed and considered either duplicates of other articles or not of sufficient importance for inclusion are tagged: "!Wikibooks Beatson Not" (10+ articles).

