Exercises |
Write a variation of our program so that it first asks whether the user wants to read from a file, write to a file, or quit. If the user responds with "quit", the program should exit. If they respond with "read", the program should ask them for a file name and then print that file to the screen (if the file doesn't exist, the program may crash). If they respond with "write", it should ask them for a file name and then ask them for text to write to the file, with "." signaling completion. All but the "." should be written to the file. For example, running this program might produce: Do you want to [read] a file, [write] a file, or [quit]?
Enter a file name to read:
...contents of foo...
Do you want to [read] a file, [write] a file, or [quit]?
Enter a file name to write:
Enter text (dot on a line by itself to end):
this is some
text for
Do you want to [read] a file, [write] a file, or [quit]?
Enter a file name to read:
this is some
text for
Do you want to [read] a file, [write] a file, or [quit]?
I don't understand the command blech.
Do you want to [read] a file, [write] a file, or [quit]?
module Main
import System.IO
import Control.Exception
main = doLoop
doLoop = do
putStrLn "Do you want to [read] a file, [write] a file, or [quit]?"
command <- getLine
if command == "quit"
then return()
else if command == "read" || command == "write"
then do putStrLn ("Enter a file name to " ++ command)
filename <- getLine
if command == "read"
then do doRead filename
else do doWrite filename
else doLoop
doRead filename = do
bracket (openFile filename ReadMode) hClose
(\h -> do contents <- hGetContents h
putStrLn contents)
doWriteChars handle = do
char <- getChar
if not (char == '.')
then do hPutChar handle char
doWriteChars handle
else return ()
doWrite filename = do
bracket (openFile filename WriteMode) hClose
(\h -> doWriteChars h)