Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular modernized/Household Furniture &c

Lesson XIV. Household furniture &c.

Pêng'im TL Characters English
gê1si1 ke-si 家私 Furnitures.
cng5 tshn̂g A table
doh4 toh A table.
gao1in2 kau-ínn 校椅 A chair.
kim5 khîm An organ or piano.
ka1dah8(4)in2 kha-táh-ínn 脚踏椅 A foot-stool.
ang1gian2 ang-kiánn 人仔 Pictures.
dêng1 teng A lamp.
huê1gang1 hue-kan 花干 A flower vase.
ki5(7)ka2(6)muêh8 khî-khá-muêh 奇物 Curiosities.
tig4(8)to5(7)muêh8 thit-thô-muêh 戲弄物 Fancy articles.
tih4(8)gin1 thih-kinn 鐵鉗 Tongs.
tih4(8)si5 thih-sî 鐵匙 A fire shovel.
zin1 tsinn A rug, a carpet.
san1ka1ing2(6)cng5 sann-kha înn-tshn̂g 三脚員床 A tripod round table.
si3(2)bang1-cng5 sì-pang tshn̂g 四方床 A square table.
dê5(7)gi1 tê-kí 茶𣏌 A small tea-table.
cng5(7)loh8(4)dang3(2)ziêh8 tshn̂g lóh tàng-chiêh 床落凍石 Tables with marble-top.
cêh4(8)gê3 tsheh-kè 册架 A book-stand.
cêh4(8)du5 tsheh-tû 册橱 A book-case.
sia2(6)ri7cng5 kêg4-gai5 siá-jī-tshn̂g khek--kâi 寫字床刻個 A carved writing desk.
cng5(7)guin7 tshn̂g-kūinn 床櫃 A Chinese writing desk.
ing5(7)big4 în-pit 鉛筆 Pencil (lead.)
tih4(8)big4 thih-pit 鐵筆 Steel-pen.
big4(8)gê3 pit-kè 筆架 A pen-stand.
do1gian2 to-kiánn 刀仔 A pen-knife.
bhag8 bâk Ink (Chinese.)
bhag8(4)zui2 bâk-tsúi 墨水 Ink (foreign.)
bhag8(4)in3 bâk-ìnn 墨硯 Ink-stone.
bhag8(4)zui2(6)guang3 bâk-tsúi-kuàn 墨水礶 Ink-stand.
bêh8(4)dêg4(8)zua2 pêh-tek-tsúa 白竹紙 Chinese note paper.
sai1gog4(8)zua2 sai-kok-tsúa 西國紙 Foreign paper.
sing3(2)puê5 siǹ-phûe 信皮
poi1puê5 pho-phûe 批皮 Envelopes.
cao3(2)ciêh8 tsháu-tshiéh 草蓆 Mats.
cig4(8)ka1-gai5(7) sui1 tshit-kha kâi sui 拭脚個蓑 Door-mat.
tng7zi2 thn̄g-tsí 撞枳 Billiards, (to play.)
liam5 liâm Blinds.
Pêng'im TL Characters English
i1gai5(7) lai6 bho5(7)mih4(8) gê1si1 i kâi lăi bô-mih ke-si 伊個內無乜家私 There is not much furniture in his house.
i1 si6(7) sing1gao3-gai5(7) nang5 i sĭ sin-kàu--kâi-nâng 伊是初到個人 He is a new comer.
dan1 zêg8(4)ziah4(8) gao1in2(6) lai5 tann tsêk-tsiah kau-ínn lâi 擔壹張校椅來 Get me a chair.
lao5(7)dêng2-gai5(7) zin1, ce1 lâu-téng kâi tsinn, tshur 樓頂個氈。舖 Spread the carpet up-stairs.
le2 hiou2(6) duan7 kim5 a1m7hiou2? lúr hióu tūann-khîm a m̄-hióu? 爾曉彈琴或不曉 Do you know how to play the piano?
ua2 hiou2 uá hióu 我曉 I know.
zi2(6)gai5(7) ang1gian2(6) ngia2(6)zai7 tsí-kâi ang-kiánn ngiá-tsăi 此個人仔雅在 This picture is very beautiful.
dêng1 cig4(8) m7cêng1kih4 teng tshit m̄-tsheng-khi 燈拭不清潔 The lamps are not wiped clean.
gah4 si3(2)zoin2(6) dan3, ham3(2) i1 lêng5(7)ngua7 cig4 kah sì-tsóinn tànn, hàm i lêng-ngūa tshit 共四指呾,呌伊叧外拭 Tell the boy to wipe the lamps again.
le2 zi2(6)lai7 u6(7) zêg8(4)coh4(8) ki5(7)ka2(6)muêh8 lúr tsí-lăi ŭ tsêk-tsoh khî-khá-muéh 爾此內有許多奇巧物 You have a quantity of curiosities in your house.
si6 cu3(2)bhi7 zai6 sĭ tshù-bi̍ tsăi 是趣味在 They are very funny indeed.
huê2(6)lou5 u6(7) ki2(6)huê2 a1bhuê7? húe-lôu ŭ khí-húe a-būe? 火爐有起火或未 Have you made a fire in the grate?
bhuê7, ua2 zi2(6)zung5 zian3(2)ain3(2) lai5(7)ki2 būe, uá tsí-tsûn tsiànn-àinn lâi-khí 未。我此時正要來起 Not yet, I am just going to make one.
mên2(6)mên2 cing3(2)zai6, huê2 ki2(6) riêg8(4)riêg8 ménn ménn tshìn-tsăi, húe-khí ziét-ziét 猛猛冷在。火起𤍠𤍠 Look sharp, it is very cold, and make the fire very fierce.
tou5(7)tuan3 loh8(4) zoi7zoi7 thôu-thùann lóh tsōi-tsōi 塗炭落多多 Put plenty of coals on.
zi2(6)nian2(6) zin1 kiêh8(4)ke3(2) buan6(7)diou3(2) tou5(7)hung2 tsí-niánn tsinn khiéh khùr pŭann-tiòu thôu-hún 此領氈携去伯丢塗粉 Take this rug and beat off the dust.
do6(7)ziê2 ho2(6)sai7 zêg8(4)diên1 si3(2)bang1cng5 tŏ-tsié hó-sāi tsêk-tienn sì-pang tshn̂g 在此好放壹張四方床 Here can be put a square table.
zi2(6)diên1 in5(7)cng5 lai5(7) suan2(6) bang3(2) bag8(4)go3 tsí-tienn înn-tshn̂g lâi suá pàng pât-kò 此張員床來徙放別處 Let us remove this round table to some other place.
ain3(2)sua2 bang3(2) di5(7)go3? àinn-súa pàng tî-kò? 要徙放何處 Where shall we remove it to?
zi2(6)diên1 cêh4(8)gê3 lai5(7) suan2(6) bang3(2)ziê2 tsí-tienn tsheh-kè lài súa pàng tsié; 此張册架來徙放此 Let us remove the book-stand here;
in5(7)cng5 lai5(7)sai7 bang3(2)hiê2 înn-tshn̂g lâi-sāi pàng-hié… 員床來放彼 And place the round table there.
le2 ke3(2) ua2 sia2(6)ri7cng5 kiêh8(4) zêg8(4)gi1 ing5(7)big4 lai5 lúr khùr uá siá-zī-tshn̂g khiêh tsêk-ki în-pit lâi, 爾去我寫字床携壹枝鉛筆來 You go to my writing desk and get me a pencil,
gah4 kiêh8(4) zêg8(4)diên1 zua2 kah khiêh tsêk-tienn tsúa 共携壹張紙 And a sheet of paper.
si6(7)mih4(8) zua2, bêh8(4)dêg4(8)zua2 a1si6(7) sai1gog4(8)zua2? sĭ-mih tsúa, péh-tek-tsúa a-sĭ sai-kok-tsúa 是可紙。白竹紙或是西國紙 What sort of paper, Chinese or foreign?
ruang6 dou1ho2 zuăn tou-hó 隨便都好 Either will do.
sing1sêng1 ain3(2) sia2(6)ri7 le2 lai5(7) bhua5(7)bhag8 sin-senn àinn siá-zī lúr lâi bûa-bák 先生要寫字爾來磨墨 The teacher is going to write, you come and rub the ink-stick.
sing1puê5 ain3 mê7? sìn-phûe àinn mē? 信皮要否 Do you want an envelope?
ain3 a1, kiêh8(4) diên1 lai5 àinn a, khiêh tienn lâi 要也。携張來 Yes, get me one.
cao2(6)ciêh8 gah4 cig4(8)ka1-gai5(7) sui1, kiêh8(4) ke3(2) pag8 tsháu-tshiêh kah tshit-kha kâi sui, khiêh khùr phâk 草蓆共拭脚個蓑携去晒 Take the matting and the door-mat and air them in the sun.
buan6 cêng1kih4, liou2(6) zian3(2)ke3(2) pag8 pŭann tsheng-khih, lióu tsiànn-khùr phâk 拍清潔。了正去晒 Beat them clean before putting them in the sun.
zao2(6)bhê2(6)lao5-gai7 liam5(7) bang3-loh8(4)lai5 tsáu-bé-lâu kâi liâm pàng--lôh-lâi 走馬樓個簾放落來 Let go the blinds of the verandah.
le2 hiou2(6) tng7zi2 mê7? lúr hióu thn̄g-tsí mē? 爾曉撞枳否 Can you play billiards?
hiou2 a1, le2 ain3(2) gah4 ua2 su1ian5? hióu a, lúr àinn kah uá su-iânn? 曉也。爾要共我輸贏 Yes, do you wish to have a match with me?
nang2 lai5(7) tng7 tig4(8)to5(7) ziu6(7)ho2 nán lâi thn̄g thit-thô tsiŭ-hó 咱來撞戲耍就好 Let us simply play (a game) for pleasure.
ming2(6)êng7 siê1su1, ua2 m7siang7 buah8(4)zin5 mín-ēng sie-su, uá m̄-siăng puáh-tsînn 免用相輸。我不上賭賻 We needn't have a match, as I don't like to gamble.
buah8(4)zin5 si6(7) m7mon2(6) se7 puáh-tsînn sĭ m̄-mónn sūr 賭賻是不好事 Gambling is a bad thing.

Bed Room

Pêng'im TL Characters English
ming5(7)cng5 mîn-tshn̂g 眠床 A bedstead.
kang3(2)cng5 khàng-tshn̂g 抗床 A Chinese couch.
pou1 phou A bed formed of two benches with boards laid across.
rog8 zôk Mattress.
zim2(6)tao5 tsím-thâu 枕頭 A pillow.
nam2-gai5(7) zim2(6)tao5 nám--kâi tsím-thâu 欖個枕頭 A bolster.
mang2(6)dian3 máng-tiànn 蚊帳 Mosquito curtain.
ming5(7)cng5 bêh8(4)bou3 mîn-tshn̂g pêh-pòu 眠床白布 Bed-sheet.
zim2(6)tao5(7)long5 tsím-thâu-lông 枕頭囊 Pillow-case.
puê6 phŭe Bed clothes (cotton.)
tang2 tháng Do. (woollen.)
mang2(6)dian3(2)gao1 máng-tiànn-kau 蚊帳鈎 A hook for mosquito net.
gian3 kiànn A looking glass.
siu1 siu A comb.
sag4(8)bin3 sat-pìn 虱箆 A Chinese small-tooth comb.
coin2 tshóinn X
suêh4 sueh A brush.
ki2(6)ciu3 khí-tshiù 齒刷 A tooth-brush.
ti3(2)do1 thì-to 剃刀 A razor.
san1diou3 sann-tiòu 衫吊 A clothes-horse.
bho7diou3 bō-tiòu 帽吊 A hat-stand.
siên1 sienn A box.
du5 A wardrobe, a press.
guin7 kūinn A chest of drawers.
gêh4 keh A drawer, or a shelf, as of a book-stand.
si5(7)zêng1 sî-tseng 時鐘 A clock.
sin3 sìnn A fan.
zêg4 tsek Candles.
zêg4(8)dai5 tsek-tâi 燭檯 A candle-stick.
co7 san1kou3-gai5(7) kêng1 tshō sann-khòu kâi kheng 放衫褲個筐 A clothes basket.
soi2(6)ming7-gai5(7) cng5 sói-mīn kâi tshn̂g 洗面個床 A toilet table.
ming7pung5 mīn-phûn 面盆 A wash basin.
ming7tang2 mīn-tháng 面桶 A wash basin (wooden.)
ming7tang2(6)gê1 mīn-tháng-kè 面桶架 A wash basin stand.
zui2(6)guang3 tsúi-kuàn 水礶 A jug.
ming7bou3 mīn-pòu 面布 A towel for the face.
êg8(4)bou3 êk-pòu 浴布 A towel for bath.
huang1gang2 huan-káng 畨港 Soap (foreign.)
bian2(6)iêh8 piánn-iêh 丙藥 Soap (Chinese.)
dê1zi2(6)kou1 tê-tsí-khou 茶枳枯 A kind of Chinese washing stuff.
hai2(6)rong5 hái-zông 海茸 Sponge.
hung2 hún Powder.
pang1zui2 phang-tsúi 香水 Perfume.
huê1lou7zui2 hue-lōu-tsúi 花露水 Lavender water.
riê7hu5 ziē-hû 尿壺 A chamber utensil.
sai2(6)buah4 sái-puah 屎鉢 Do.

Pêng'im TL Characters English
ming7cng5 bai5(7)mêng5(7)ki2 diêh8(4) muêh8(4)ho2 mīn-tshn̂g pâi-mêng-khí tiêh muêh-hó 眠床每明早着修好 Every morning the bed must be put right.
rog8 kiêh8(4)ke3(2) pag8 zôk khiêh khùr phâk 褥携去晒 Take the mattress and put it in the sun.
zim2(6)tao5 ia7 diêh8(4) pag8 tsím-thâu iā tiêh phâk 枕頭亦着晒 The pillows must be aired too.
mang2(6)dian3 nah4(8)sab4-lo7, diêh8(4) koih4(8) soi2(6)san1-gai5(7) soi2 máng-tiànn nah-sap--lō, tiêh khoih sói-sann--kâi sói 蚊帳汚穢了。着乞洗衫個洗 The mosquito curtain is dirty, it must be given to the washerman to wash.
ming5(7)cng5 bêh8(4)bou3 zêg8(4)gai5(7) loi2(6)bai3 diêh8(4) uan7 zêg8(4)ê7 mîn-tshn̂g péh-pòu tsêk-kâi lói-pài tiêh uānn tsêk-ē 眠床白布每個禮拜着換壹次 The bed-sheet must be changed once a week.
zim2(6)tao5(7)long5 ia7 diêh8(4) bai5(7)gai5(7) loi2(6)bai3 uan7 tsím-thâu-lông iā tiêh pâi-kâi lói-pài uānn 枕頭囊亦着每個禮拜換 The pillow cases must also be changed every week.
puê6 m7mon2(6) soin2(6) kah4(8)giab8 phŭe m̄-mónn sói khah-giâp 被不可洗多次 Bed-clothes shouldn't be washed too often.
soi2(6) kah4(8) giab8 bhoi6(7)siê1 sói khah-giâp bŏi-sie 洗多次袂暖 (If) washed too often they will not be warm.
ming5(7)cng5 buan6(7)mang2, liou2 mang2(6)dian3 bang3(2)ho2 mîn-tshn̂g pŭann-máng, lióu máng-tìann pàng-hó 眠床拔蚊。了蚊帳放好 Drive out the mosquitoes in the bed, and then let down the curtain properly.
i1 haon3(2) iam2(6)gian3 i hàunn-iám-kìann 伊好觀鏡 He is fond of looking in the looking-glass.
kiêh8(4) ua2-gai5(7) siu1 gah4 sag4(8)bing3 lai5 khiêh uá kâi siu kah sat-pìn lâi 携我個梳共虱箆來 Get me my comb and my small-tooth comb.
le2 gah8(4) ua2 siu1, liou2 gah4 ua2 bing3 lúr kâh uá siu, lióu kah uá pìn 爾共我梳。了共我箆 You comb my hair, then use the small-tooth comb.
ti3(2)do1 m7lai7, m7mon2(6) ti3(2)tao5 thì-to m̄-lāi, m̄-mónn thì-thâu 剃刀不利。不好剃頭 The razor is not sharp, I can't shave (with it.)
ua2-gai5(7) tao5(7)coin2 do6(7) di5(7)go3? uá kâi thâu-tshóinn tŏ tî-kò? 我個頭筅在何處 Where is my hair-brush?
diou3 bang3(2) di5(7)go3? tiòu-pàng tî-kò? 吊放何處 Where shall I hang it?
diou3 bang3(2) san1diou3 tiòu-pàng sann-tiòu 吊放衫吊 Hang it on the clothes-horse.
le2 gai5(7) siên1 u6(7) so2-dian7 a1bho5? lúr kâi sienn ŭ só-tiānn a-bô? 爾個箱有鎖定或無 Is your box locked?
bho5(7)so2, ua2 m7zai1 so2(6)dian7 bô--só, uá m̄-tsai só--tiānn 無鎖。我不知鎖定 No. I have forgotten to lock it.
kng3 bang3(2) guin7doin2 khǹg-pàng kūinn-tói 藏放櫃裡 Keep it in the chest of drawers.
huang1gang2 do6(7) soi2(6)ming7 gai5(7) cng5(7)gêh4-doin2 huan-káng tŏ sói-mīn kâi tshn̂g-keh-tói 畨港在洗面個床隔裡 The soap is in the drawer of the toilet table.
kiêh8(4) zêg8(4)go3 ziu6(7)ho2, pang1-gai5 khiêh tsêk-kò tsĭu-hó, phang--kâi 携壹塊就好。香個 Get one piece, a fragrant one.
zui2-guang3 u6(7) zui2 a1bho5? tsúi-kuàn ŭ tsúi a-bô? 水礶有水或無 Is there any water in the jug?
zui2 liou2-lo7, ua2 lai5(7) ke3(2)kiêh8 tsúi lióu--lō, uá lâi khùr-khiêh 水完了。我來去携 The water is finished, I will go and get (some.)
kiêh8(4) zêg8(4)diou5(7) cêng1kih4 gai5(7) êg8(4)bou3 lai5 khiêh tsêk-tióu tsheng-khih kâi êk-pòu lâi 携壹条清潔個浴布來 Get me a clean bath-towel.
ua2 ain3(2) soi2(6)êg8 uá àinn sói-êk 我要沐浴 I want to bathe.
u6(7) siê1zui2 a1bho5? ŭ sie-tsúi a-bô? 有温水或無 Is there hot water?
bho5, ua2 lai5(7) ke3(2)hian5 bô, uá lâi khùr-hiânn 無。我來去煖 No, I will go and boil (some.)
le2 gai5(7) ming7 u6(7) bhuah4(8)hung2 a1bho5? lúr kâi mīn ŭ buah-hún a-bô? 爾個面有抹粉或無 Do you put powder on your face?
bho5, ua2 rig8(4)rig8 êng7 huê1lou7zui2 bô, uá zít-zít ēng hue-lōu-tsúi 無。我每日用花露水 No, I use lavender water every day.

Dining Room.

Pêng'im TL Characters English
ziah8(4)cng5 tsiâh-tshn̂g 食床 A dining table.
cng5(7)bou3 tshn̂g-pòu 床布 Table cloth.
ciu2(6)geng1 tshiú-kurn 手巾 Napkins.
do1 to Knives.
cê1 tshe Forks.
si5 Spoons.
tng1si5 thng-sî 湯匙 Gravy spoons.
si7iu5(7)gê3 sī-iû-kè 豉油架 A cruet-stand.
do1gê3 to-kè 刀架 A knife rest.
soi2(6)ciu2(6)buê1 sói-tshiú-pue 洗手杯 Finger bowl.
ziu2(6)buê1 tsiú-pue 酒杯 Liquor glasses.
ziu2(6)zêng1 tsiú-tseng 酒鍾 Chinese liquor cups.
bo1li5(7)buê1 po-lî-pue 玻璃杯 Tumblers.
iê5(7) goi1tng1-gai5(7) si5 ié koi-thng kâi sî 調雞湯個匙 A soup ladle.
co7 goi1tng1 gai5(7) ao1 tshō koi-thng kâi au 貯雞湯個甌 A soup tureen.
buan5 pûann Plates.
uan2 uánn Bowls.
uan2(6)gong1 uánn-kong 碗公 Large bowls.
buan5(7)gian2 pûann-kiánn 盤仔 Dessert plates, saucers.
dê6(7)zêng1 tĕ-tseng 茶鍾 Tea-cups.
dê5(7)si5 tê-sî 茶匙 Tea spoons.
dê5(7)guang3 tê-kuàn 茶礶 A tea-pot.
tng5(7)guang3 thn̂g-kuàn 糖礶 A sugar basin.
ghu5(7)nin6(7)guang3 gû-nĭnn-kùan 牛乳礶 A milk jug.
go1bi5(7)guang3 ko-pî-kuàn 羔丕礶 A coffee pot.
go1bi5(7)bho7 ko-pî-bō 羔丕磨 A coffee mill.
tang2(6)buan5 tháng-pûann 桶盤 A tray.
tang7gê3 tãng-kè 筒架 X
ziah8(4)du5 tsiáh-tû 食橱 A cup-board.
iam5(7)dih8 iâm-tîh 鹽碟 Salt cellar.
dih8(4)gian2 tîh-kiánn 碟仔 Chinese little saucer for holding sauce.
zêng1 tseng A bell.
bo1li5(7)zung1 po-lî-tsun 玻璃樽 Bottles.
ziu2(6)gui2 tsiú-kúi 酒鬼 A cockscrew.
bêh8(4)tih4(8)ab8 pêh-thih-âp 白鐵盒 A small tin box, as a tin for holding sardine.
bêh8(4)tih4(8)go2 péh-thih-kóng 白鐵⿱竹廣 A small tin vessel, as a tin for holding salmon.

Pêng'im TL Characters English
ziah8(4)cng5(7) pi1 cng5(7)bou2 a1bhuê7? tsiâh-tshn̂g phi tshn̂g-pòu a-būe? 食床披床布或未 Has the table cloth been spread on the dining table?
pi1 ho2-lo7, do1cê1 bhuê7bai2 phi hó--lō, to-tshe būe-pái 披好了。刀叉未擺 It has, but the knives and forks haven't been laid.
cng5 bai2(6) bhuê7-ho2 tshn̂g pái būe-hó 床擺未好 The table is not ready.
si7iu5(7)gê3 bang3(2) ding3(2)dang1 sī-iû-kè pàng tìn-tang 豉油架放鎭中 Put the cruet-stand in the middle.
ziah8(4)liou2 kiêh8(4) soi2(6)ciu2(6)buê1 lai5 tsiâh-lióu khiêh sói-tshiú-pue lái 食了携洗手杯來 After dinner get the finger bowls.
buan5 zêg8(4)iên7 ziah8(4)liou2(6) diêh8(4) uan7 pûann tsêk-iēnn tsiâh-lióu tiêh-uānn 盤壹樣食了着換 The plates must be changed after every course.
do1cê1 ia7 si6(7) ziên3(2)sên1 to-tshe iā sĭ tsiènn-senn 刀叉亦是如此 So also the knives and forks.
kiêh8(4) zêg8(4) bo1li5(7)buê1 cing3(2)zui2 koih4(8) ua2 khîeh tsêk po-lî-pue tshìn-tsúi khoih uá 携壹玻璃杯冷水與我 Get me a tumbler of cold water.
ua2 ain3(2) ziah8 uá àinn-tsiâh 我要食 I want to drink.
buan5(7)uan2 ziah8(4)liou2 diêh8(4) soi2 pûann-uánn tsiâh-lióu tiêh-sói 盤碗食了着洗 After dinner you must wash the dishes.
soi2(6)liou2 diêh8(4) cig4(8)da1 sói-lióu tiêh tshit-ta 洗了着拭亁 After washing you must wipe them dry.
cng5(7)bou3 gah4 ciu2(6)geng1 nah4(8)sab4 ho2(6)uan7 tshn̂g-pòu kah tshiú-kurn nah-sap hó-uānn 床布共手巾汚穢好換 The table-cloth and the napkins may be changed, if they are dirty.
iê2(6)goi1tng1 gai5(7)si5 cig4(8) ziu6(7) ho2, m7mon2(6) ciu3 ié-koi-thng kâi-sî tshit tsiŭ-hó, m̄-mónn tshiù 調雞湯個匙。拭就好。不好磨 Just wipe the soup ladle, you must not rub it.
dê5(7)zêng1 u6(7) gui2(6)gai5? tê-tseng ŭ kúi-kâi? 茶鍾有几個 How many tea-cups are there?
u6(7) ngou6(7)gai5 dian7dian7 ŭ ngŏu-kâi tiānn-tiānn 有五個而已 There are only five.
ngou6(7)gai5 dian7dian, gê1 zêg8(4)-gai5 koih4 di5(7)diang5(7) ka3(2)tiou3? ngŏu-kâi tiānn-tiānn, ke tsêk-kâi khoih tî-tiâng khà-tiòu? 五個而已。加壹個與何人扣破 Only five? Who has broken the other five?
ua2 li1 m7zai1 uá li m̄-tsai 我不知 I don't know.
le2 zo3(2)nin5(7) ho2(6) m7zai1, muêh8(4)gian7 si6(7) le2 guang2-gai5(7) lúr tsò-nînn hó m̄-tsai, muêh-kiãnn sĭ lúr kuánn-kâi 爾爲何好不知。物件是爾管個 How is it you don't know, the things are in your charge.
ua2 huang5(7)lo2, ua2 li1 guah4(8) le2-gai5(7) gang1zin5 uá huân-ló, uá li kuah lúr kâi kang-tsinn 我煩惱。我卽割爾個工錢 I don't care, I will cut your wages.
bho5, le2 li1 ke3(2) boi2(6) zêg8(4)gai5 lai5(7) buê5(7) ua2 bô, lúr li khùr-bói tsêk-kâi lâi pûe uá 無。爾來買壹個來賠我 Otherwise, you had better go and buy one to compensate me.
le2 zi2(6)zuan3(2)si5 duan6-zai7, zo3(2)se7 bho5(7) zu2(6)soi3 lúr tsí-tsùann-sî tŭann-tsāi, tsò-sūr bô tsú-sòi 爾此近時惰在。做事無詳細 You have been very idle of late, and do things carelessly.
ua2 ain3(2) sng3(2) le2 hiah4 uá àinn-sǹg lúr hiah 我要𫂁爾歇 I want to discharge you.
ziah8 biêng7, iê6(7) zêng1 tsiâh piēn, iĕ-tseng 食便。搖鐘 Ring the bell, when the dinner is ready.


Pêng'im TL Characters English
zao3 tsàu A furnace.
huang1lou5 huang-lôu 風爐 A stove.
sên1uê1 senn-ue 鍟鍋 A kettle.
dang5(7)uê1 tâng-ue 銅鍋 A Chinese brass kettle.
uê1gian2 ue-kiánn 鍋仔 A Chinese earthen kettle.
dung6(7)buah4 tŭn-puah 燉鉢 A Chinese earthen cooking vessel.
dian2 tiánn A pan.
koin3 khòinn X
kam3 khàm A lid, a cover.
diam1 tiam A chopping block.
bang1do1 pang-to 方刀 A chopper.
de7 dūr Chop-sticks.
ang3 àng A large jar.
bao6 pàu A small jar.
zui2(6)gng1 tsúi-kng 水缸 A water jar.
buah4 puah A pot.
tang2 tháng A tub, a bucket.
soi2(6)êg8(4)tang2 sói-êk-tháng 沐浴桶 X
ka1tang2 kha-tháng 脚桶 A bath-tub.
dêg4(8)in2 tek-ínn 竹椅 A bamboo seat.
in2(6)tao5 ínn-thâu 椅頭 A high stool.
in2(6)gian2 ínn-kiánn 椅仔 A little stool.
ke6 khŭ 𰦹 A mortar.
ke6gian2 khŭ-kiánn 𰦹仔 A little mortar.
bhua5(7)do1ziêh8 bûa-to-tsiêh 磨刀石 Whetstone.
dêng1zuan2 teng-tsuánn 燈盞 A Chinese table lamp.
zua2(6)luang2(6)dêng1 tsúa-luán-teng 紙輦燈 A paper spill.
huê2(6)bai5 húe-pâi 火牌 X
ze6(7)lai5(7)huê2 tsŭr-lâi-húe 自來火 Matches.
dêng1sim1 teng-sim 燈心 Lamp wick.
iu5 Oil.
tou5(7)iu5 thôu-iû 塗油 Paraffin oil.
tou5(7)tuan3 thôu-thùann 塗炭 Coal.
huê2(6)tuan3 húe-thùann 火炭 Charcoal.
huê2(6)ca5 húe-tshâ 火柴 Fire-wood.
huê2(6)hu1 húe-hu 火灰 Ashes.
sao3(2)siu2 sàu-siú 掃箒 A broom.
bung3(2)dao2 pùn-táu 糞斗 A shovel.
Pêng'im TL Characters English
huang1lou5 do6(7) bu5(7) di5(7)gai5? huang-lôu tŏ pû tî-kâi? 風爐在煲何個 What is boiling on the stove?
bu5(7) lang5(7)lo2 siê1zui2 pû lân-ló sie-tsúi 煲零些温水 Some hot water is boiling.
dian2(6) lih8, m7mon2(6) êng7 tiánn lîh, m̄-mónn ēng 鼎裂。不好用 The pan is cracked and cannot be used.
diêh8(4) lêng5(7)ngua7 bhoi2(6) zêg8(4)gai5(7) sing1-gai5 tiêh lêng-ngūa bói tsêk-kâi sin--kâi 着另外買壹個新個 You must buy a new one.
nan7si6(7) ho2(6) bou2 ming2(6)êng7 bhoi2(6) sing1-gai5 nānn-sĩ hó-póu mín-ēng bói sin--kâi 若是好補。免用買新個 If it can be mended you needn't buy a new one.
ain3(2) dog4(8)muêh8 diêh8(4) nan7 diam1dêng2 àinn tok-muêh tiêh nānn tiam-téng 要琢物着在砧頂 If you want to cut things you must cut them on the chopping block.
ua2 m7hiou2(6) kia5(7)de7 uá m̄-hióu khiâ-tūr 我不曉執箸 I don't know how to use chop-sticks.
ung2 kia5(7) do1cê1 ún khiâ to-tshe 阮執刀叉 We use knives and forks.
ang3(2)doi2 co7 di5(7)gai5? àng-tói tshō tî-kâi? 甕裡貯何個 What does the jar contain?
co7 zui2 tshō tsúi 貯水 It contains water.
guan6(7) zêg8(4)tang2(6) zui2 lai5 kŭann tsêk-tháng tsúi lâi 虧壹桶水來 Get me a bucket of water.
ka1tang2(6) co7zui2 kha-tháng tshō-tsúi 脚桶貯水 Put water in the bath-tub.
zui2(6)gng1-gai5(7) zui2 do3(2)diou3 tsúi-kng kâi tsúi tò-tiòu; 水缸個水傾丢 Pour the water out of the jar;
lêng5(7)ngua7 co7 cêng1kih4-gai5 lêng-ngūa tshō tsheng-khih--kâi 叧外貯清潔個 And put clean water in it.
bang1do1 dog4(8)diêh8(4) tih4(8)dêng1 kih4-ke3 pang-to tok--tiéh thih-teng khih-khùr 方刀琢着鐵釘缺去 The chopper struck against a nail and is blunt.
lêng5(7)ngua7 bhua5(7) oi6(7)lai7 lêng-ngūa bûa ŏi-lāi 叧外磨會利 Whet it, and it will be sharp again.
bhua5(7)do1ziêh8 di5(7)go3? bûa-to tsiêh tî-kò? 磨刀石何處 Where is the whet-stone?
kiêh8(4) lai5(7) bhua5 khiêh lâi bûa 携來磨 Bring it here to sharpen.
dan1 zêg8(4)ziah4 dêg4(8)in2 ua2 zo6 tann tsêk-tsiah tek-ínn uá tsŏ 挑壹張竹椅我坐 Get me a bamboo seat to sit on.
lêng1zuan2-gai5(7) huê2 guê3-ke3 leng-tsúann kâi húe kùe--khùr 燈盞個火熄去 The table lamp has gone out.
lêng5(7)ngua7 diam2 lêng-ngūa tiám 叧外㸃 Light it again.
tin1 gê1 lang5(7)lo2(6) iu5 thinn ke lân-ló iû 添加零些油 Add some more oil.
huê2(6)bai5 dam5, uêh8(4) bhoi6(7)doh8 húe-pâi tâm, uéh bŏi-tóh 火牌濕。畫袂焰 The matches are damp, (though) they are struck they will not light.
dêng1sim1 liou2-lo7 teng-sim lióu--lō 燈心盡了 The wick is burnt down.
êng7 huê2(6)tuan3, main3(2)êng7 huê2(6)ca5 ēng húe-thùann, màinn ēng húe-tshâ 用火炭。勿用火柴 Use charcoal, don't use fire-wood.
êng7 ca5 tong1goin1 lai7 hung1 ēng tshâ thong-koinn-lăi hun 用柴通間內烟 If you use wood the whole house will be full of smoke.
zao3(2)kang1 gai5(7) huê2(6)hu1 bug4(8)diou3 tsàu-khang kâi húe-hu put-tiòu 灶空個火灰携去 Remove the ashes in the furnace.