Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular modernized/Commercial-Monetary


Pêng'im TL Characters English
ho2tang3 hó-thàn 好贃 Advantageous,
se1niên2sêng5 sṳ-niénn-sêng 思量成 Agree, on a price,
ngeng5hang5 ngûrn-hâng 銀行 Bank, a,
zua2ri7 tsúa-zī 紙字 Banknote, a,
do2diên3 tó-tiènn 倒賬 Bankrupt,
gê3zin5 dan3dian7diêh8 kè-tsînn tànn-tiānn-tiêh 價錢言定着 Bargain, to make a,
ziêh4 tsieh Borrow, to,
bng2zin5 pńg-tsînn 本錢 Capital,
zin5 tsînn Cash,
hiêngzin5 hiēn-tsînn 現錢 Cash, ready,
dao2 táu Change, money,
pin1 phinn Cheap,
tiu1hung3 thiu-hùn 抽分 Commission,
buê5 pûe Compensate,
dag8zin5 tât-tsinn 値錢 Costly,
cia1 tshia Credit, give,
zê3zu2 tsè-tsú 債主 Creditor,
gui3 kùi Dear,
zê3 tsè Debt,
kiam3nang5-gai5 zin5 khiàm-nâng-kâi-tsînn 欠人個錢 Debt, in,
de5 tûr Deduct,
cug4so2hui3 tshut-só-hùi 出使費 Defray,
dah4 tah Deposit, entrust,
tiu1giam2 thiu-kiám 抽減 Discount, to,
ngêng5 ngûrn Dollar, silver,
ngêng5duan1, dui3duan1 ngûrn-tuann, tùi-tuann 銀單  對單 Draft, a,
cui1bêg4 tshui-pek 催迫 Dun, to,
dian7ngêng5 tiānn-ngûrn 定銀 Earnest money,
sai2 sái 使 Expend, to,
so2hui3 só-hùi 使費 Expenditure,
bao1nian2 pau-niánn 包領 Guarantee, to,
hang6, ce3 hăng, tshùr 項 次 Instalments,
bo2gê1 pó-ke 保家 Insure, to,
bo2gê1ri7 pó-ke-zī 保家字 Insurance policy,
bo2gê1guang2 pó-ke-kuán 保家館 Insurance office,
lai7zin5 lāi-tsînn 利錢 Interest,
loh8bng2 lôh-pńg 落本 Invest, to,
ziêh4 tsieh Lend, to,
sih8bng2 síh-pńg 缺本 Loss, in commerce,
zin5, zin5ngeng5 tsinn, tsinn-ngûrn 錢  錢銀 Money,
dao2zin5hang5, dao2doh4guin7 táu-tsinn-hâng, táu-toh-kūinn 找錢行  找棹櫃 Money changer,
bang3sên1ze3, bang3sên1siou3 pàng-senn-tsè, pàng-senn-siòu, 放生債  放生數 Money lender,
dng3, doin2 tǹg, tóinn 當 典 Mortgage, to,
doin2koi3 tóinn-khòi 典契 Mortgage deed,
doin2zu2 tóinn-tsú 典主 Mortgagor,
doi2ze2 tói-tsṳ́ 底子 Mortgagor, original,
dng3zu2 tǹg-tsú 當主 Mortgagee,
kiam3 khiàm Owe,
bho5tua1kiam3 bô-thua-khiàm 無拖欠 Payment, punctual,
guê3hang6 kùe-hăng 過限 Payment non, (at time specified)
ngeng5zui2 ngûrn-tsúi 銀水 Premium,
gê3zin5 kè-tsînn 價錢 Price,
hang5cêng5 hâng-tshêng 行情 Price, current,
pêng5gê3 phèng-kè 平價 Price, fair,
loh8gê3 lôh-kè 落價 Price, fall in,
ho2gê3, ki2gê3 hó-kè, khí-kè 好價  起價 Price, rise in,
nguang5gê3 nguân-kè 原價 Prime cost,
tang3, dig4li6 thàn, tit-lĭ 贃  得利 Profit,
hoin5 hôinn Refund, to,
suê3 sùe Rent,
tih4gab4bhuang7 thih-kap-buān 鐵甲萬 Safe, an iron,
bo2nian2, dam1sêng5 pó-niánn, tam-sêng 保領  担承 Security, to stand,
kou3bang5 khòu-pâng 庫房 Treasury,
dang6lai7, ghuêh8gian2 tăng-lāi, guêh-kiánn 重利  月子 Usury,
gui3ki3, dag8zin5 kùi-khì, tât-tsînn 貴氣  値錢 Valuable,
tag8 tât Worth, to be,