Handbook of Management Scales/The degree of dissatisfaction with the status quo

D - The degree of dissatisfaction with the status quo (α = 0.820) (Tornjanski, 2019)




Cudanov, Tornjanski and Jasko have developed construct based on Beckhard and Harris's model and the subsequent literature with the primary purpose to provide quantitative prediction model in the area of organizational change management. Authors have formalized earlier qualitative assessment into measurement construct aiming at certifying Beckhard and Harris's change model empirically. First component in Beckhard and Harris's change formula, i.e. “D”, refers to the degree of dissatisfaction with the status quo. Accordingly, second-order construct depicted in text below refers to measuring dissatisfaction of actual state within organizations.



Dissatisfaction with the status quo illustrates discontent of employees with the actual situation, noting that employees would not be motivated to change if they are satisfied with the current situation (Beckhard & Harris, 1987). High level of dissatisfaction with the status quo represents a significant factor that contributes to reducing level of resistance to change (Beckhard & Harris, 1987; Cudanov et al., 2019; Tornjanski, 2019).



Construct consists of 5-point scale aiming at measuring the degree of dissatisfaction with the status quo. Component "D" (1 - Completely disagree; 5 - Completely agree):

  • I was completely satisfied with situation before change
  • If I could, I would change organization long before change was initiated
  • I was very satisfied to hear idea about change

