Handbook of Management Scales/Score keeping

Score keeping (alpha = 0.90; AVE = 0.71; CR = 0.91) edit

Description edit

The authors measured performance measurement system (PMS) use for attention focusing and score keeping with the scales of Vandenbosch (1999).

Definition edit

Score keeping represents “a diagnostic PMS use (Simons, 1990) for reporting and surveillance (Feldman and March, 1981), where the guiding question is: “How am I doing?” (Simon et al., 1954)”.

Items edit

Please rate the extent to which your upper management currently uses PMS to…

  • …track progress towards goals. (0.67)
  • …review key performance indicators. (0.60)
  • …monitor results. (0.93)
  • …compare outcomes to expectations. (0.91)

Items were measured with a 7-point Likert scales ranging from “1 = not at all” to “7 = to a very great extent”.

Source edit

  • Bühler/Wallenburg/Wieland (2016): Accounting for External Turbulence of Logistics Organizations via Performance Measurement Systems. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 21, No. 6