Handbook of Management Scales/Measurement system

Measurement system (composite reliability = 0.82) edit

Description edit

The authors follow a two-phased approach to develop multi-item scales that measure dimensions of service orientation in the context of business-to-business e-commerce. Service orientation was conceptualized as a third-order construct comprised of five combinative service competency bundles: service climate; market focus; process management; human resource policy; and metrics and standards.

One of these five second-order dimensions, metrics and standards, consists of two first-order dimensions: measurement system and service standards.

Definition edit

The extent to which a company measures how well service standards are met, as well as the level of employee and customer satisfaction.

Items edit

  • Our metrics capture what is strategically important for measuring customer satisfaction. (0.89)
  • We measure value by tracking the behavior of customers, employees and investors, and quantifying its economic consequences. (0.60)
  • Non-financial performance measures such as employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction are routinely used to evaluate success. (0.81)

Source edit

Comments edit

The second item was dropped due to low regression weight (or lower than remaining items).

Related Scales edit