Handbook of Management Scales/Internal task routines

Internal task routines (alpha = 0.76; 0.81) edit

Description edit

To measure the construct, the authors relied on scale items previously used by Cameron & Quinn (1999), Cartwright & Cooper (1993), Datta (1991), Hofstede et al. (1990), O’Reilly et al. (1991), and Rodriguez (2005).

Items edit

  • The firm/partner has goal focused and achievement oriented employees. (0.76; 0.82)
  • The firm/partner has employees with a strong work ethic (e.g., defy the 9-to-5 attitude, work overtime to get tasks done, willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done). (0.77; 0.84)
  • The firm/partner gives autonomy and discretion to employees for making decisions. (0.76; 0.73)
  • The firm/partner emphasizes teamwork and cooperation (e.g., collaboration among individuals from different business units, overcoming silo effects and pocket vetoes). (0.76; 0.80)

Source edit

Comments edit

The items are employee-oriented.