Handbook of Management Scales/Growth

Growth (AVE = 0.517; CR = 0.761) edit

Description edit

The authors test the construct validity of indicators of three dimensions of organizational performance, a fundamental construct in strategic management. Based on an examination of reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity and nomological validity, and on additional analyses, the authors find evidence of four rather than three dimensions of organizational performance: liquidity, profitability, growth, stock market performance.

Items edit

  • Employment growth (0.472)
  • Sales growth (0.440)
  • Assets growth (0.638)

Source edit

Comments edit

The authors did a lot to ensure reliability and validity of their scales. However, the factor loadings are just too low. Also AVE is relatively low. Richard et al. have conduct related research: Richard et al. (2009): Measuring Organizational Performance: Towards Methodological Best Practice. Journal of Management, Vol. 35, Nr. 5, pp. 718-804.

Related Scales edit