Handbook of Management Scales/Disruption impact

Disruption impact (alpha = 0.75) edit

Description edit

A scale to measure disruption impact was adapted from Bode et al. (2011).

Definition edit

Disruption impact refers to both high impact and low impact disruptions.

Items edit

In the following section, please indicate how did the reported disruption negatively affect (directly or indirectly) your business unit on the following dimensions in the short-run? (1 = not at all, 5 = a great deal)

  • Overall efficiency of operations. (0.54)
  • Lead time for delivery (delivery reliability). (0.80)
  • Purchasing costs for supplies. (0.79)

Source edit

  • Ambulkar/Blackhurst/Grawe (2015): Firm’s resilience to supply chain disruptions: Scale development and empirical examination. Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 33–34, pp. 111–122

Comments edit

The three items might measure the construct in a formative rather than reflective way. This might also be the reason for the very low standardized factor loading of the first item.