HSK Guide/HSK 3 Grammar

Parts of Speech


These following grammar points fit pretty neatly into one part of speech category.


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Adjectives with "-ji le" Adj. + 极了 这个 主意 好 极了 。

This is a very good idea.

Reduplication of adjectives Adj. + Adj. 你 应该 慢慢 地 走。

You should walk slowly.

Turning adjectives into adverbs Adj. + 地 + Verb 你 要 认真 地 学习。

You should study seriously.


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "again" in the past with "you" 又 + Verb + 了 你 又 迟到

You are late again.

Expressing "all along" with "yizhi" Subj. + 一直 + Predicate 我 一直 在 现在 的 公司 工作。

I'm still working at my current company all along.

Expressing "always" with "zongshi" 总是 + Verb 他 总是 迟到。

He is always late.

Expressing duration of inaction Duration + 没 + Verb + 了 已经 一 个 星期 没 洗澡

It's been 1 week and he still hasn't bathed yet.

Expressing "finally" with "zhongyu" Subj. + 终于 + Predicate + 了 你 终于 到

You are finally here.

Expressing lateness with "cai" Subj. + Time + 才 + Verb 他 二十五 岁 才 上 大学 。

He only entered university at 25 years old.

Expressing "nearly" with "jihu" Subj. + 几乎 + Verb 他 的 头发 几乎 全 白 了 。

His hair is almost all white.

Expressing "only" with "zhi" 只 + Verb 我 只 有 一个 妹妹。

I only have a younger sister.

Sequencing with "xian" and "zai" 先⋯⋯ ,再⋯⋯ 先 洗 手 ,再 吃饭 。

Wash hands first before eating.

Simultaneous tasks with "yibian" 一边 + Verb 1 (,) 一边 + Verb 2 不要 一边 说话 ,一边 吃 东西。

Don't talk while you're eating.

Using "always" as a complaint with "laoshi" Subj. + 老 (是 ) + Verb 你 怎么 老是 加班 ?

How are you always still working overtime?

Using "cai" for small numbers 才 + Number + Measure Word + Noun 这 个 班 才 两 个 学生 。

There are only 2 students in this class.

Adverbs with Adjectives

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Adjectives with "name" and "zheme" 那么 / 这么 + Adj. 你 怎么 那么 忙 ?

Why are you always this busy?

Basic comparisons with "yiyang" Noun 1 + 跟 / 和 + Noun 2 + 一样 + Adj. 你 跟 他 一样 高 。

You are as tall as him.

Expressing "both A and B" with "you" 又⋯⋯ 又⋯⋯ 他 又 高 又 帅。

He is both tall and handsome.

Expressing "rather" with "bijiao" Subj. + 比较 + Adj. 这个 问题 比较 简单 。

This question is more simpler.

Intensifying with "duo" Subj. + 多 + Adj. 多 好!外面 多 舒服!

So good! It's so comfortable outside!

Modifying nouns with adjective + "de" Adj. + 的 + Noun 好喝 的 啤酒 / 可爱 的 宝宝

Yummy beer / Cute baby


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "or" in statements ⋯⋯或者⋯⋯ 我 想 去 青岛 或者 南京。

I want to go to Qingdao or Nanking.

Expressing "then…" with "name" 那么⋯⋯ 他 不 听 ,那 我 应该 怎么办 ?

He doesn't listen, so what should I do?

Expressing "with" with "gen" 跟⋯⋯ + Verb 你 要 跟 我 一起 去 吗?

Do you want to go with me?

Offering choices with "haishi" A + 还是 + B ? 你 要 喝 茶 还是 咖啡 ?

Do you want to drink tea or coffee?


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Before a specific time with "yiqian" Time / Verb + 以前 十 点 以前,我 在 家。

I'm at home before 10.

Expressing "before" in general with "yiqian" 以前,⋯⋯ 以前,我 不 会 说 中文。

I didn't know how to speak Chinese in the past.

Expressing "just now" with "gangcai" 刚才 + Verb 你 刚才 什么 了?

What did you just say?

Expressing "when" with "shi" Time + 时 考试 时 不要 说话 。

Don't talk during the exam.

In the future in general with "yihou" 以后,⋯⋯ 以后,你 不要 问 我。

Don't ask me next time.

Sequencing past events with "houlai" ⋯⋯ ,后来 ⋯⋯ 开始 他 不 同意, 但 后来 同意了。

At first he didn't agree, but later he agreed.


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Approximating with sequential numbers Number 1 + Number 2 三 四个 人。一 两 天。

3 or 4 people. 1 or 2 days.

Big numbers in Chinese Number + 万 / 亿 五 万

50, 000

Structure of times (advanced) Number 1 + 点(钟) + Number 2 + 分 现在 十一点十八分 。

It's now 11:18.

Structure of times (basic) Number + 点(钟) 现在 十一点 。

It's now 11 o' clock.


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Aspect particle "zhe" Verb + 着 我 读 ,你 听 着 。

I read, you listen.

Change of state with "le" ⋯⋯了 我 25 岁 了。

I'm 25 years old already.

Questions with "ne" ⋯⋯呢 ? 我 很 好。你 呢 ?

I'm fine. And you?

Structural particle "de" 的 / 得 / 地 红色的车,跑得很快,慢慢地走

A red car, runs very fast, walks slowly


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "about" with "guanyu" 关于 + Obj. ,⋯⋯ 关于 中国 历史 ,我 知道 的 不 多 。

I don't know much about Chinese history.

Expressing "all the way until" with "zhidao" 直到 + Time / Event ,Subj. + 才 ⋯⋯ 直到 十二 点 半 ,我 才 做 完 作业 。

I only completed my homework until 12:30.

Expressing "towards" with "xiang" 向 + Direction / Person + Verb 你 必须 向 他 道歉!

You must apologize to him!


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Appearance with "kanqilai" 看起来⋯⋯ 这 家 餐厅 看起来 不错 。

This restaurant looks good.

Basic comparisons with "meiyou" Noun 1 + 没(有) + Noun 2 + Adj. 你 没有 我 胖 。

You aren't as fat as me.

Causative verbs Subj. + 让 / 叫 / 请 / 使 + Person + Predicate 你 为什么 不 让 我 去 ?

Why won't you let me go?

Expressing "through" with "jingguo" 经过 + Event / Time ,⋯⋯ 经过 自己 的 努力 ,她 考上 了 北京 大学 。

She got into Beijing University thanks to her own efforts.

Auxiliary verbs

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "should" with "yinggai" 应该 / 该 + Verb 你 应该 工作。

You should work.

Verb phrases

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "difficult" with "nan" 难 + Verb 难 做。难 买。

Tough to do. Hard to buy.

Expressing duration with "le" Verb + 了 + Duration 他 在 北京 住 了 两 年。

He lived in Beijing for 2 years.

Expressing ongoing duration with double "le" Verb + 了 + Duration + 了 他 在 北京 住 了 两 年 了。

It's been 2 years that he lives in Beijing.

Inability with "mei banfa" 没办法 + Verb 我 没 办法 帮 你。

I can't help you.

Reduplication of verbs Verb + Verb 你 看看。

You look at this.

Special verbs with "hen" 很 + Verb 我 很 喜欢 他。

I like him very much.

Grammatical Structures


These are grammatical structures that do not correspond to one particular part of speech.


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Direction complement Verb (+ Direction) + 来 / 去 我们 走 过去 吧 。

Let's walk over there.

Potential complement Verb + 得 / 不 + Complement 做 得 完 / 做 不 完

Can finish / cannot finish

Result complements Verb + 好 / 完 / 错 我们 吃 好 了 。

We're finished eating.

Result complement "-xiaqu" Verb + 下去 这个 故事 太 无聊 了 ,我 听 不 下去

This story is too boring, I can't keep on listening to it.

Conditional Statements

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "as long as" with "zhiyao" 只要⋯⋯,就⋯⋯ 只要 你 过来 , 我们 就 很 开心 。

We will be happy as long as you come over here.

Expressing "only after" with "cai" ⋯⋯,才⋯⋯ 那 本 书 我 看 了 两 遍 才 看 懂。

I only read that book 2 times to understand it.

Expressing "only if" with "zhiyou" 只有⋯⋯,才⋯⋯ 只有 你 帮忙 , 我 才 能 完成 任务 。

I can only finish the task if you help.

Noun Phrases

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Using "youde" to mean "some" 有的 + Noun 派对的时候,有的人在喝酒,有的人在跳舞,还有的人在聊天。

During parties, some people are drinking booze, some people are dancing, and even some people are chatting.

Numbers and Measure Words

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "half" with "ban" Number + Measure Word + 半 + Noun 三 个 半 小时

3 and a half hour

Sentence Patterns

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "not even one" 一 + Measure Word + (Noun) + 也 / 都 + 不 / 没 + Verb 一 句 中文 都 不 会 说 。

Can't even speak 1 Chinese sentence.

Expressing "the more... the more..." with "yue… yue…" Subj.+越+Verb+越 + Adj. / Verb 她 越 想 越 生气 。

The more she thought about it, the more she got angry.

Using "ba" sentences Subj. + 把 + Obj.+ Verb Phrase 我 把 书 看 完 了。

I finished reading the book.

Using "bei" sentences Subj. + 被 + Doer + Verb Phrase 我 被 骗 了 。

I got cheated by him.

Basic/Simple Sentence Patterns

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Alternative existential sentences Place + Verb + 着 + Noun Phrase 桌子 上 放 着 一 本 书 。

There is a book placed on the table.

Expressing "as one likes" with "jiu" 想 + Question Word + 就 + Question Word 想 去 哪儿 就 去 哪儿

Go wherever you want to go.

Expressing "every" with question words Question Word + 都 + Predicate 可以 进 。

Anyone can enter,

Expressing "more and more" with "yuelaiyue" Subj. + 越来越 + Adj. + 了 天气 越来越 冷 了。

The weather is getting cold.

Expressing purpose with "weile" 为了 + Purpose + Verb 为了 钱 ,他 什么 都 愿意 做 。

He is willing to do anything for money.

Expressing "some" with question words 在哪儿 / 谁 / 什么 / 什么时候 这个 人 我 在 哪儿 见 过 。

I think I so this person somewhere.

Comparison Patterns

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing comparable degree with "you" Noun 1 有 Noun 2 + Adj. + 吗? 他 有 我 帅 吗 ?

Is he more handsome than me?

Expressing "compared with" using "gen" 跟 + Noun 1 + 比 (起来) ,Noun 2⋯⋯ 跟 上海 ,北京 的 冬天 比较 干 。

Beijing's winter is dryer compared to Shanghai.

Expressing "even more" with "geng" or "hai" Noun 1 + 比 + Noun 2 + 更 / 还 + Adj. 他 比 姚明 高 。

He is taller than Yaoming.

Expressing "much more" in comparisons Noun 1 + 比 + Noun 2 + Adj. + 多了 拼音 比 汉字 容易 多了 。

Pinyin is easier than Chinese characters.

Complex Sentence Patterns

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "except" and "in addition" with "chule… yiwai" 除了 ⋯⋯ (+ 以外) ,Subj. + 都 / 也 / 还 ⋯⋯ 除了 他 ,我们 去 过 。

We all went there except for him.

Expressing "if... then..." with "ruguo... jiu..." 如果 ⋯⋯ ,就 ⋯⋯ 如果 有 困难 ,就 给 我 打 电话 。

If you have any difficulties, call me.

Expressing "if" with "ruguo... dehua" 如果⋯⋯ (的话) ,(就) ⋯⋯ 如果 明天 下雨 的话 ,我们 就 不 去 了 。

We won't be going if it rains tomorrow.

Expressing "not only... but also" with "budan... erqie..." 不但⋯⋯,而且⋯⋯ 他 不但 聪明,而且 勤劳。

He is not only smart, but also hardworking.

Comparisons of Similar Grammar Points


What's the difference between this grammar point and that grammar point? Check here.


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Comparing "cai" and "jiu" 才 vs 就 我 花 了 两 天 才修 好 ,你 一下子 就 弄 坏 了。

It took me 2 days to fix it and you just broke it immediately.

Comparing "gang" and "gangcai" 刚 vs. 刚才 你 刚才 去 哪儿 了?我 刚 回来 。

Where did you just go? I just returned.

Comparing "youdian" and "yidian" 有点 vs. 一点 这 衣服 有点 贵 ,便宜 一点 吧。

This cloth is so expensive, a cheaper one will do.

Comparing "zai" and "you" 再 vs 又 我不能再喝了,你走后我又喝了两瓶 。

I can't drink some more, but I drank another 2 more after you left.


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Comparing "haishi" and "huozhe" 还是 vs. 或者 我们 明天 见 还是 后天 见 ?明天 或者 后天 都 可以 。

When should we meet, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? Both will do.

Time Words

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Comparing "yihou" "ranhou" "houlai" 以后 vs. 然后 vs. 后来 我 以后 想 开 公司 。/ 后来 他 去 了 美国 ,然后 他 的 父母 也 搬 过去 了 。

I want to start a company in the future. / Later he went to the USA, then his parents also moved over there.