Gyakuten Kenji 2/Episode 4: The Forgotten Turnabout/End, Part 1

Edgeworth finds himself locked up in the detention center again. All his evidence has been taken away, and he's been left with just Kay's Yatagarasu's Badge. He wonders about how Kay is. After a little while, he's called out to meet a visitor - Detective Gumshoe. When he reaches the visitor's room, though, he is greeted instead by Judge Courtney. What does she want? Talk to her:

  • The visit (面会 Menkai): Even Edgeworth's visitation rights are being restricted. Ray and Ema weren't arrested for helping you, luckily. Currently, Franziska is continuing her investigation.
  • Judge Courtney’s goal (水鏡の目的 Mikagami no mokuteki): She says she cannot understand why Edgeworth continues to oppose the P.I.C., even now when he has no chance of winning.
File:GK2 Yatagarasu's Badge.png

She leaves after informing Edgeworth that his P.I.C. hearing has been scheduled for today. Edgeworth is then brought back to his cell. There's not much to do here. Examine the objects in the cell: the toilet, the desk, the bed, and the bars. After examining these, you get another visitor: Kay, accompanied by Blaise Debeste. Edgeworth tells Kay to believe in herself and her own innocence, before she is taken away again. Edgeworth wonders why Debeste is so insistent on having Kay arrested, and challenges him.

Logic Chess: Blaise Debeste / ロジックチェス ~一柳 万才~

Logic Chess
Logic Chess
Blaise Debeste
Blaise Debeste
Logic Chess: Blaise Debeste / ロジックチェス ~一柳 万才
4 Piece(s) / 4目の駒

There's a lot you need to ask this guy, but he doesn't want to waste his time with you. First, you need to find out why he rushed the arrest. You have two options:

  • Why did you rush her arrest...? (逮捕を急ぐ理由は・・・・? Taiho o isogu riyū wa....?)
  • Kay is not the culprit! (ミクモくんは犯人ではない! Mikumo-kun wa han'nin dewa nai!)

You don't have any information yet with which to insist on Kay's innocence, so choose Why did you rush her arrest...?. He tries to get you riled up, and asks you if you know the "position" you're in.

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) He says that if he's seen to let a criminal go free, he'd be the one held responsible.

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) He tells you to give up, since things were "finally going well".

Choose Things were... going well? (うまくいっている・・・・とは? Umaku itte iru.... to wa?) It sounds like he wants Kay to be arrested, for some reason, but Debeste manages to dodge the question.

Knight defeated

Next, you need to find out if his investigation was sufficient. You have three options:

  • How long did you investigate? (捜査に費やした時間は? Sōsa ni tsuiyashita jikan wa?)
  • Was it under your authority? (アナタの独断では? Anata no dokudan dewa?)
  • Kay is not the culprit! (ミクモくんは犯人ではない! Mikumo-kun wa han'nin dewa nai!)

It's still too early to press on Kay's innocence. Instead, start with Was it under your authority? He says that if you keep this up, you'll never get your badge back.

Choose I don’t need my badge! (検事バッジなど必要ない! Kenji bajji nado hitsuyō nai!) He doesn't seem to like your attitude.

Choose How long did you investigate? (捜査に費やした時間は?) He's getting annoyed with you, and says you'll come to regret this.

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) He says your fate is in his hands.

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) He says Kay's guilt has been decided already, and tells you to give up.

Choose Decided...? (決まっている・・・・? Kimatte iru....?) He asks you to come out and say it.

Choose Her arrest was planned! (逮捕は仕組まれていた! Taiho wa shikumareteita!) It all seems too convenient - as if Kay was determined to be guilty before the investigation even began. Debeste doesn't respond well to this, and tries to break off the conversation.

Knight defeated

This isn't good - he's trying to get away, but you're not finished with him yet. You still need to figure out if Kay's arrest was lawful. You have two choices:

  • I still have more to ask you! (まだ聞きたいことがある! Mada kikitai koto ga aru!)
  • Kay is not the culprit! (ミクモくんは犯人ではない! Mikumo-kun wa han'nin dewa nai!)

Again, it's too early to demand Kay's release. Choose I still have more to ask you! He wants you to "keep it short".

Here, you have two options:

  • Who made the decision...? (判断を下したのはダレ・・・・? Handan o kudashita no wa dare....?)
  • What’s the basis for your arrest? (根拠を提示したまえ! Konkyo o teiji shita mae!)

First, choose What’s the basis for your arrest? He says the basis is irrelevant, and gets angry again.

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) He says he's a busy man, but is that really the case, or is he just trying to avoid you?

Choose You don’t want to talk about it, do you? (事件のことを話してくないのだろう? Jiken no koto o hanashite ku nai no darō?) He says there was plenty of evidence of Kay's guilt, and asks if you have "any objections".

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) He seems to know a lot about the evidence. Remember this clue for later.

Choose I still have more to ask you! (まだ聞きたいことがある!), followed by Who made the decision...? (判断を下したのはダレ・・・・?) He says he doesn't remember who ordered the arrest. That sounds odd... Time for that clue.

Choose You remembered all the evidence! (証拠品は覚えていたではないか! Shōko-hin wa oboete ita dewa nai ka!) He says that since you're so clever, you must have worked out the answer by now.

Choose Obviously, it was you! (もちろんアナタだ! Mochiron anata da!) He agrees to indulge you for a while longer.

Rook defeated

You're getting closer to the truth. Next, you have to work out exactly how much Debeste knows about the case. You have three options:

  • About Kay... (ミクモくんについて・・・・ Mikumo-kun ni tsuite....)
  • You seem to know quite a bit. (やけに詳しくないだろうか? Yake ni kuwashikunai darō ka?)
  • Kay is not the culprit! (ミクモくんは犯人ではない! Mikumo-kun wa han'nin dewa nai!)

Choose You seem to know quite a bit. He says he's a very busy man.

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) You ask him again. He said he had some spare time, so he read the case files then.

Choose You just said you were busy... (さっきは忙しいと言っていたが・・・・ Sakki wa isogashī to itteita ga....) He says all your work will come to nothing, since they found Kay unconscious near the crime scene.

Choose You found her unconscious? (気絶している所を見たのか? Kizetsu shite iru tokoro o mita no ka?) This is the first you've heard of this... What else is he keeping from you? Remember this for later.

Choose About Kay... (ミクモくんについて・・・・) He says all he knows about her is that she's the suspect. But you just heard otherwise...

Choose Don’t you know the whole story? (事件の全貌を知っているのでは? Jiken no zenbō o shitte iru no de wa?) He gets angry once again.

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) He says Kay was given more than enough evidence to make her appear to be responsible. What!?

Choose She was given evidence? (持たされていた、だと? Motasarete ita, da to?) He realises you already have the answer you're looking for, and invites you to go ahead and say it.

Finally, you can choose Kay is not the culprit! (ミクモくんは犯人ではない!) You've finally got enough information to drive this point home.

Choose The true culprit was someone else! (真犯人は別に存在する! Shinhan'nin wa betsu ni sonzai suru!) The truth is clear - Kay was framed by the true culprit. He admits that this is what's happening, but says "it will all work out" if Kay is found guilty.

Queen defeated

Checkmate / チェックメイト

He says that, being in his position, he can "create his own truths". He decided Kay was to be the culprit, and that was that. And now that you're locked up, there is nothing you can do about it. Your truth means nothing to him, as yet another person "disappears" by his hand. He leaves you to await the P.I.C. hearing - your last chance to prove Kay's innocence.

Grand Tower - P.I.C. Meeting Room / 検事審査会・審議室


The meeting begins with Courtney's report on Edgeworth's illegal investigation of the storeroom. She also talks about the investigation into Jill Crane's murder, claiming that Edgeworth disrupted it. Sebastian Debeste reports on the murder case. The murder occurred during the black market auction, in which Crane was participating. She was found wearing the Conductor's clothes, but could not have been the Conductor, as the auction had continued after her death. He says Kay was arrested based on her "confession". Edgeworth objects. Blaise tries to bribe Edgeworth into cooperating, but Edgeworth refuses, and demands an explanation of how the P.I.C. sees the case. Blaise agrees. He has the case evidence returned to you, and asks Courtney to give the testimony.

Courtney's Argument: Summary of the Case / 水鏡の推理 ~事件のあらまし~

Courtney's Argument
- Summary of the Case -

  1. Ms. Crane went to the black market auction as a customer.
  2. The red raincoat was one of the items up for auction...
  3. We believe that she left her seat after winning the bid for it.
  4. The only exit from the storeroom is the hatch that leads to the viewing platform.
  5. Ms. Crane went out to the viewing platform, where she was attacked by Kay Faraday.
  6. That was how she met her end. And that concludes my summary of the case.

  1. カゴメさんは、闇オークションの客でいらっしゃいました。
  2. 赤いレインコートが商品の1つであったことから・・・・
  3. 彼女はそれを落札後、席を立ったものと思われます。
  4. 倉庫からの出口は、展望台に通じるハッチのみ。
  5. 展望台へ出たカゴメさまは、そこで一条 美雲におさわれた。
  6. はかなくなっておしまいに。これが、事件のあらましですわ。

Rebuttal: Summary of the Case / 追求 ~事件のあらまし~

File:GK2 4-5 Present bloodied hand.png

Present Lotta's Photo (ナツミの写真) on the fifth statement. It appears that Lotta hasn't shown Courtney the photo yet, or told her about how she witnessed the murder taking place in the storeroom. Courtney says that what Lotta heard may not be relevant to the case. Edgeworth, however, says that either way, they don't change the fact that the murder occurred in the storeroom, owing to something shown in the photograph. Present the person's bloodied hand. Since the person has blood on their hand, this must have been taken after the attack. And if this person is the victim, that can only mean that the victim was still alive after the attack (事件直後は息があった Jiken chokugo wa iki ga atta). The blood was probably from her own wound. And if the victim was still alive after the attack, then it's likely Kay just found her as the last of her strength expired. Unfortunately, according to Debeste, you've forgotten some details - something especially crucial.

Courtney's Argument: Edgeworth's Contradiction / 水鏡の推理 ~御剣のムジュン~

Courtney's Argument
- Edgeworth's Contradiction -

  1. When the body was found, there were three wounds in Ms. Crane's chest.
  2. I'm sure you're well aware what kind of wounds these were, right?
  3. Yes, she was stabbed in the heart with the three-pronged candelabra.
  4. Is there any person who could survive such an injury?
  5. Please take a close look at the autopsy report. Can you still say the same thing after reading it?

  1. 死体発見時、カゴメさんの胸には、3つのキズがございました。
  2. なんのキズか、もちろんおわかりですわね?
  3. そう、三またのしょく台で、”胸を”刺されていたのです。
  4. そんな状態で生きていられる人間がいるでしょうか?
  5. 検死結果をよくご覧ください。その上で、同じことが言えますか?

Rebuttal: Edgeworth's Contradiction / 追求 ~御剣のムジュン~


Present the Red Raincoat (赤いレインコート) on the third statement. The raincoat had a bloodstain on the hood... but not on the chest. This would mean that the victim suffered the head wound first, and then the stab wound. This creates a contradiction with a certain piece of evidence, though... Present the Autopsy Report (検死結果). Courtney orders the bailiff to bring Dr. Young to the stand at once.

It will take some time for the doctor to arrive, so Courtney raises another unanswered question - the identity of the Conductor. Edgeworth has his suspicions about who this person is, and demands Blaise Debeste's testimony. He challenges you with confidence, since you don't have any evidence to prove his involvement.

Blaise's Testimony: 'Cause I'm Gonna Bully You / 万才の証言 ~いじめるからね~

Blaise's Testimony
- 'Cause I'm Gonna Bully You -

  1. You've been rambling on for quite a while about the most trivial details, y'know?
  2. Like the location of the murder, the order of the wounds and... Hrmm, what else was there?
  3. It just doesn't matter, y'know. 'Cause y'see, none of that means anything, y'know.
  4. Think about it. We've got the suspect herself saying she killed the victim.
  5. That's all that matters, y'see. She'll even get a lighter sentence with her confession, y'know.

  1. さっきから聞いてたけどさ、ずいぶん細かいこと気にするよね。
  2. 殺害場所とか、キズの順序とか。えっと・・・・ほかにもあったっけ?
  3. まあいいよね。だってね、そういうの関係ないんだもんね。
  4. 考えてもごらんよ。本人が”殺した”って言ってるんだ。
  5. それがすべて。それでいいじゃない。自供なら刑は軽くなるし、万々歳。

Rebuttal: 'Cause I'm Gonna Bully You / 追求 ~いじめるからね~


Press on the fourth statement. Debeste says to ask Kay once again if she committed the murder, on the condition that, if she confesses again, she will be found guilty. Edgeworth asks her if she remembers anything more. She struggles, afraid that she may remember something even worse. Edgeworth insists that she cannot be a criminal, and presents evidence to prove it: the Yatagarasu's Badge (ヤタガラスのバッジ). Kay tells Edgeworth again to give up on her, because he has lost so much trying to protect her, but he tells her to believe in herself, and to doubt the memory she has of committing the murder. Suddenly, she remembers something - the victim was carrying the stuffed animal doll with her when she collapsed. Debeste says that her memory cannot be trusted, but Courtney reminds him that Kay's memories are the entire basis of their case.

File:GK2 4-5 Examine stuffed animal.png

The stuffed animal Kay remembers is probably the same one you found in the storeroom. Examine its horn. It seems to be movable. It rotates, and a recording begins to play back.

"I knew who you were right away. You can't hide that burn from me. ... Silence, huh... I've been waiting for my chance to get revenge all this time! ... AAAAAAHHH..."

Was that the moment of the murder? Lotta confirms that the recorded voices were what she heard. Courtney wants more evidence... It's sounding more and more like she's trying to help you. Edgeworth says to compare the recording with a certain other piece of evidence. Present the Autopsy Report (検死結果). Courtney wants you to show which part. Present the phrase "burn mark" (ヤケド Yakedo) (note that, in the fan translation, the accepted area begins at the R in "burn", and presenting the B or U will not work). Both the recording and autopsy report mention the burn mark. Courtney accepts this as proof that the recording is of the murder. One of the voices on the recording is therefore of the culprit. Lotta stated that two people came up to the storeroom on the lift - most likely to settle a deal after a bid had been won. Since the auction continued after the murder, this must mean that the culprit is the Conductor (犯人はマスター Han'nin wa Masutā). Courtney wants to see the evidence that led you to this fact. Present the Meeting Room Blood (審議室の血痕). The blood was probably left there by the Conductor to disguise the existence of the storeroom above.

Since it is now known that the Conductor is the culprit, Courtney asks if Edgeworth has any ideas as to their identity. Edgeworth says he suspects Blaise Debeste. Debeste asks if you have any evidence that proves he is the Conductor. You don't have anything, so choose I don’t have it (提示できない Teiji dekinai). This is why he's acting so confident around you - he knows there's nothing that can pin the crime on him. Lotta butts in at this point. She says that since the murderer was the Conductor, that means the victim was a customer. But when she checked the auction after the murder, all 11 participants were still there. However, after the murder, the sound of the auction gavel stopped.

This suggests that the victim was neither the Conductor or a customer, which would undermine Edgeworth's reasoning completely. Debeste calls for Kay's arrest, but Courtney objects, saying that there are still too many unsolved mysteries. She says that the case cannot be closed until Dr. Young clears up the contradiction in the autopsy report. Just then, the doctor and her granddaughter arrive. Dr. Young says that she did not falsify the report, but if that was the case, then there would not be an error in it. Dr. Young agrees to give her testimony.

Karin and Young's Testimony: Error in the Autopsy Report / 武藤と伊丹の証言 ~検死結果のあやまり~

Karin and Young
Karin and Young
Karin and Young's Testimony
- Error in the Autopsy Report -

  1. There are no mistakes in Granny's autopsy reports!
  2. "I've been working with corpses longer than you've been alive."
  3. "There's no way I'd make a mistake in writing the autopsy report" ...Ouch!
  4. "I got nothing to gain from falsifying the autopsy report."
  5. ...Is what she says. See? There's nothing strange at all!

  1. おばあちゃんの検死結果にムチガイなんてありません!
  2. ”ワシと死体のつきあいは、おめさんの人生よりも長い”
  3. ”検死結果をまちがえて書くわけがない”・・・・アイタッ!
  4. ”検死結果を改ざんしたとして、ワシにゃなんの得もない”
  5. ・・・・ということらしいです。ほら。何もおかしくないですよ!

Rebuttal: Error in the Autopsy Report / 追求 ~検死結果のあやまり~


Press on the third statement. Young says that she told Karin to write down that the head wound was not post-mortem, which is the opposite of what the report says. They add a statement to their testimony:

  • "I relayed everything to Karin. After that, it was none of my beeswax!"
  • ”検死結果は、この子にしっかり伝えた。アトのことは知らん!”

Present the Autopsy Report (検死結果) on this statement. Dr. Young confirms that the information in the report is not what she told Karin to write down. Karin says she "can't say" why she recorded the wrong information. She played an important role in the murder: She was an accomplice (武藤は事件の共犯者 Mutō wa jiken no kyōhan-sha). Debeste asks why you believe this. Choose The number of people wouldn’t match (お客の数があわないから Okyaku no kazu ga awanai kara). If the Conductor murdered one of the customers, then that would leave 10 participants, but Lotta says she counted 11. Therefore, Karin must have disguised herself as Crane, and taken her place in the auction. Karin says she can't tell the truth, as it would get her grandmother in trouble as well. With Dr. Young's approval, though, she agrees to tell the truth.

Karin admits to having been the accomplice. She says the Conductor was expecting Crane to attack him, and roped Karin into his plan. Karin hid in the storeroom during the auction. Lotta says she would have noticed Karin, but there was one place she was unable to check. Present the Costume Trunk (衣装箱). At some point during the auction, Crane won a bid. She came to the storeroom with the Conductor, where she was murdered. Then, her body was placed in the trunk, and Karin took her place in the auction. How did they get away with this? She stole the victim’s clothes (被害者の服を奪ったから Higaisha no fuku o ubatta kara). Karin put the red raincoat on the victim, then put on her clothes and mask, and joined the auction. Karin won the bid for the trunk, but when she returned to the storeroom with the Conductor, the trunk was empty. When she went to look for Crane, she found Kay unconscious at the foot of the ladder. Kay probably tripped and fell down the hatch from shock at seeing someone collapsing in front of her.

File:PWAAJFA Letter of Introduction.png

After Karin found Crane's body, she hid both Kay and the body in the trunk, after putting a spare Conductor's costume on Crane. She also mentions that the Conductor had wigs prepared for her, so she could disguise her hair during the auction - one straight, and one wavy. Karin used the straight one. Unfortunately, she doesn't know who the Conductor is, as she never saw his face. Karin's Testimony (武藤の証言 Mutō no shōgen) is recorded in the Organizer.

Debeste laughs at you, as Karin's testimony isn't enough to pin the crime on him. Just then, Franziska turns up. She says Gumshoe gave her "information" which should help prove Kay's innocence - Jill Crane... suffered the blow to her head first. She isn't pleased to learn that you already know this. However, she does have some other information for you - the murder weapon was a blunt cylindrical object. The Autopsy Report (検死結果) is updated with the correct information. Does this give you any ideas as to what the murder weapon might be? Choose An auction gavel (オークションハンマー Ōkushon hanmā). And you have evidence to prove this - present Lotta's Testimony (ナツミの証言書). If the gavel was the murder weapon, that would explain why Lotta stopped hearing it after the murder.

Courtney calls for a recess, while Franziska searches for the auction gavel. Debeste, however, seems confident that she won't be able to find it.